Web Design & Client-side Programming.pdf. Web Design & Client-side Programming.pdf. Open. Extract. Open with. Si
Web Design & Client-side Programming BCA274CO Year: II Teaching Schedule Hours/Week Theory
Semester: III Examination Scheme
Practical 3
Internal Assessment Theory Practical 20 20
Theory 60
Final Practical -
Total 100
Course Objective: After finishing this subject, students will be able to develop web pages using HTML and JavaScript. Course Contents: 1. HTML, XHTML & HTML5
(15 Hrs)
(12 Hrs)
1.1 Introduction 1.2 The elements of HTML 1.2.1 The root element 1.2.2 The html element 1.3
Document metadata
Grouping content
Text-‐level semantics
Embedded content
Tabular data
1.10 Forms 1.11 Interactive elements 1.12 Links 2. Page Designing with CSS
2.1 Introduction to designing approaches 2.1.1 Table-‐based designs 2.1.2 Table-‐less designs 2.2 Basic Structure of table-‐less designs 2.3 Cascading Style Sheet and properties 2.3.1 Introduction 2.3.2 CSS vs CSS3
2.3.3 CSS properties — Text and Fonts, Colors and Backgrounds, The Box Model (dimensions, padding, margin and borders), Positioning and Display, Lists, Tables, Media 3. Client side scripting
(18 Hrs)
3.1 Introduction 3.2 JavaScript 3.2.1 Lexical Structure 3.2.2 Variables, Identifiers, Data Types and Values, Scope, Literals, Reserved Words 3.2.3 Expression and operators, Statements 3.2.4 Arrays, Objects (Math, String, Date) 3.2.5 Functions 3.2.6 Regular Expressions 3.2.7 Garbage Collection 3.3 Objects 3.3.1 Objects and properties 3.3.2 Constructors 3.3.3 Methods 3.3.4 Prototype and Inheritance 3.3.5 Object as associative array 3.4 DOM and Event Handling 3.5 Introduction to J-‐Son, jQuery, jQuery Integration 3.6 Saving State with Cookies. Laboratories: There shall be lab exercises covering all features of above chapters. Reference Books: 1. “HTML, DHTML, JavaScript, PERL, CGI”, Ivan Bayross, BPB Publication 2. “JavaScript -‐ The Definitive Guide”, David Flangan, O’ Reilly, SPD, 3rd Edition 3. “Mastering JavaScript & Jscript”, James Jaworski, BPB Publication