Web Design for ROI The ROI Viewpoint The ROI Viewpoint is a Way ...

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1. Web Builder 2.0. Las Vegas. December 2007. Web Design for ROI. The ROI Viewpoint. The ROI Viewpoint is a Way of Life… Which Label is Most Optimized to.
Web Design for ROI

The ROI Viewpoint Web Builder 2.0 Las Vegas December 2007

The ROI Viewpoint is a Way of Life… Life…

Which Label is Most Optimized to Motivate Customer Contact?

Conversion and ROI


Marketing + Conversion Optimization Direct Traffic Organic Search

Paid Search

Email Campaigns

Banner Ads

Why Conversion Matters


Delivers the biggest bang for your buck

Multiplier effect

You get the benefit… forever

Competitive advantage

Higher conversion equals… Better ROI, higher profitability

More traffic Larger marketing budget

What Conversion Optimization Can Do for Your ROI 

Companies that have engaged in conversion optimization initiatives have seen average increases of 25%-400%

The median conversion increase is 40-60%

From Jakob Nielsen’s report “ROI on Usability”:

This Internet Thing

E-commerce Ecommerce Data for Q4 2006

“We had no idea this would turn into a global and public infrastructure.” ~ Vinton Cerf, a ‘founding father’ of the Internet

E-commerce accounted for 3% of total Retail sales – Still only a fraction, but increasing every quarter – In Q4 1999, e-commerce was 0.6% of total retail sales

E-commerce sales were $29.3 billion, an increase of 24.6% over Q4 2005 – Total retail sales increased 4.6% during same period

* U.S Census Bureau, 4th Quarter 2006 Retail E-Commerce Sales, adjusted for season variations and holiday differences.


Online Shopping & Research

43% of all retail sales are expected to be influenced by or made on the Internet by 2012*.

* Forrester: “The Web’s Impact on In-Store Sales: US Cross-Channel Sales Forecast, 2006 to 20012” and U.S. Dept. of Commerce

The Impact of Design on Credibility 

Vendor Research

75% of web users admit making judgments about the credibility of an organization based on the design of its web site.

83% of businesses use the Internet to research and find potential vendors.

* Enquiro: “Business to Business Survey 2007.”

Professional Appearance and Trust Likelihood that US online shoppers will distrust a Web Site that does not have a professional Appearance, 2006 Strongly Disa gre e , 1% Som e wha t Disa gre e , 7% Strongly Agre e , 25%

Ne ithe r Agre e nor Disa gre e , 24%

Som e wha t Agre e , 43%

* Fogg, B.J., Stanford Guidelines for Web Credibility, Persuasive Technology Lab. Stanford University, 2002 (revised November 2003)

• Almost 70% of U.S. online shoppers agree that they will distrust a site that doesn’t have a professional appearance.

Source: eMarketer, 2006

How Quickly Are You Judged?

First Impressions


Visitor Reactions to Annoyances • Ecommerce and the internet in general are still expanding 100%

• Web sites have a broad and significant influence on consumers

90% 80%







• Design and ease-of-use contribute to this influence 54%



40% 30%




10% 0% They’d never come back to the site.

They'd unsubscribe from promotions and mailings

They'd never purchase from the site

They'd view the company negatively

They'd complain to friends and associates

They wouldn't They'd buy from the complain company's directly to the brick-andcompany mortar

Source: MarketingSherpa

The Right Leverage in the Right Places

The Power of Small Changes

Live Demo!



Areas I’ I’ll Cover • Landing Pages / Landing Experience • Home Pages • Checkout Process

Landing Pages

• Some Important Techniques and Tools

Landing Pages = Visitors’ Visitors’ First Impression of You

Unique Designs, Same Goal

Use Images to Clarify Concepts Quickly


Use Consistent Imagery and Messaging

Omniture banner ad

Provide What You Promised

T-Mobile banner ad

The landing page for the above banner ad

The landing page for the above banner ad – where’s the offer?

Provide Segmenting Options

Case Study #1: Before


Case Study #1: After

Case Study #2: Before

Result: 600% increase in conversion rate

Some Landing Page Design Guidelines

Case Study #2: After

Result: 200% increase in leads, no quality decrease

Separate from site – Focus attention

Extension of ad – Use consistent imagery & messaging

Fewer, more meaningful graphics

Compelling copy

Clear call to action

Fewer form fields (within reason)

Clear, prioritized buttons

Segmentation options

Personalization when possible (use the visitor’s name)

Establish Identity and Credibility

Home Pages


Who are you? What do you do?

“Huh? What does that mean?”

Marketing Slogans vs. Functional Taglines

“Ah-ha! An auto repair shop!”

Provide Multiple Enticing Paths into the Site

Case Study #3: InsWeb – Old Home Page

Tough Love Top 4 Observations 1. Main action area has relatively low visual emphasis 2. Text has no overt benefit to user and is more prominent than action area 3. Prominent navigation items lead to low-importance areas 4. Minimalist wording of left navigation is confusing…


Case Study #3: New Home Page Design

Some Home Page Design Guidelines 

Design appropriate to industry

Clear identity

Clear sense of structure and information hierarchy

Inviting paths to important content, addressing all audiences

Placing Critical Content NEXT to images

Result: 25% increase in clickthrough rate to applications

Shopping Cart Abandonment Pop Quiz 

Shopping Cart / Checkout

What is the average shopping cart abandonment rate across all industries (US)? – A. 28% – B. 59% – C. 46% – D. 34%

Shopping Cart Abandonment

Why Do We Abandon Shopping Carts? 30.1%

I wa s com pa rison shopping



Shoppers who complete the checkout process

Shoppers who Abandon Cart

The shipping cost wa s too high


I didn't ha ve tim e to com ple te the tra nsa ction a t the tim e

27.3% 15.9%

The product wa s out of stock or ba ckorde re d

Shopping ca rt te chnica l proble m s


Othe r

7.2% 7.0%

The price wa s too high


Product wa sn't wha t I wa nte d Pa ym e nt Issue s/ Site did not a cce pt m y ca rd

National average, across all industries


I wa s uncom forta ble with the buying proce ss

2.0% 0.0%








Source: MarketingSherpa E-Commerce study, 2006


The Importance of Buttons

The Importance of Buttons

The Importance of Buttons

Poor Button Prioritization & Differentiation

Good Button Prioritization & Differentiation

Case Study #4: Before


Case Study #4: Before

Case Study #4: Before

Case Study #4: Before

Case Study #4: Before

Case Study #4: Before

Case Study #4: Before/After


Case Study #4: Before/After

Case Study #4: Before/After

Case Study #4: Before/After

Single-Page Checkout

Single-Page Checkout

You Know Single-Page Checkout Works When… When…

Crowne Plaza


Some Shopping Cart / Checkout Process Design Guidelines 

Progress indicator

 

Thumbnail images displayed in cart Automatic formatting of fields

Clear & helpful error messages

Prioritized buttons with clear wording

Providing all info about purchase – shipping, return info, etc.

Single-screen checkout

Conversion Optimization – Tools & Techniques to Get There


Short time-out periods

Requiring ‘registration’ as a separate step


Usability Testing

Analytics Tools: Google Analytics, WebTrends, HitBox, ClickTracks, WebSideStory, CoreMetrics

Expert Usability/Conversion Review

A/B Testing


A/B Testing

Multivariate Testing - Compare multiple images

- Compare multiple headlines

Tools/Vendors: Google Website Optimizer, OptiMost, Offermatica, WideMile, SiteSpect

Multivariate Testing

Multivariate Testing

Multivariate Testing

Some Tool Vendors 

User Testing Software

Analytics Tools:

– Morae - www.techsmith.com/morae.asp – – – – – 

Google Analytics – www.google.com/analytics WebTrends – www.webtrends.com HitBox / WebSideStory – www.websidestory.com ClickTracks – www.clicktracks.com CoreMetrics – www.coremetrics.com

Multivariate Testing Tools: – Google Website Optimizer -


– – – –

OptiMost – www.optimost.com Offermatica – www.offermatica.com WideMile – www.widemile.com SiteSpect – www.sitespect.com


Make your dreams come true!!! When you purchase our book, you get more than a book; you get a dream between two covers. It’s something cool you can hand to your boss, client, colleague, or friend and say, “Hey, don’t you want your dreams for your web site to come true?” Chances are, they’ll say yes. And be sure to buy a copy for yourself, your dreams are just as important as those of your friends and family!! We think you’ll also find humor in the book. We include humorous quotes and what we like to think of as pithy writing that helps get across the points we want to make with you. Humor is a great way to make information memorable, don’t you think? And we include something else important, the business case for conversion optimization on your site. This will help you convince your boss, manager, or client about the importance of this important effort. Not only that, you’ll find motivating case studies that illustrate the success of this type of effort, to use as examples, and scattered artfully throughout the chapters of the book are concrete design guidelines to test on your site, your client’s site, or your organization’s site. It doesn’t matter what kind of site you have, the principles we discuss in this book can be applied successfully to a wide variety of sites, and we provide clear examples with screenshots from a wide variety of sites in the book as well, including nonprofits, lead generation, ecommerce, and vacation sites. You’ll love the clear descriptions of techniques and tools that can help you apply the design guidelines from the book, too!!!!

A Final Example

www.wd4roi.com www.Amazon.com Perceptive booksellers everywhere

Buy our book “Web Design for ROI” ROI” today! You’ll receive: • Something cool you can hand to your boss or client • Humorous quotes and pithy writing • The business case for conversion optimization • Motivating case studies • Concrete design guidelines to test • Clear examples from a wide variety of sites • Clear “how to” technique and tool descriptions “My advice? Read, review, implement and measure. The results will be worthwhile. -- Kelly Goto, Principal and Founder, gotomedia "Most design books are about making your web site pretty. Others are about understanding the technical aspects. Web Design for ROI is the rare book that focuses on your web site doing what you want it to: make you money." -- Bryan Eisenberg, bestselling author of Call to Action "Filled with practical design tips proven to increase conversion rates and improve your online results." -- Jeff Hackett, SVP, Online Sales, Wachovia

Thank You! [email protected]

Buy our book today at: • www.wd4roi.com • www.Amazon.com • Perceptive booksellers everywhere