Web Portal for Benchmarking Explicit Model ... - Semantic Scholar

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Oct 5, 2006 - The address of the web portal is http://anna.fi.muni.cz/models. 1 Introduction. Model checking field underwent a rapid development during last ...
}w !"#$%&'()+,-./012345 i_bus_req { sync bus_0?m; }, i_bus_req -> invalid { guard m == 1 || m == 2; sync bus_0!-1; }, i_bus_req -> invalid { guard m == 3; }, invalid -> i_app_read {sync read_0?m; }, i_app_read -> iv1 { sync bus_0!1; }, iv1 -> iv2 { sync bus_0?value; }, iv2 -> valid { sync answer_0!((value & (1 dirty { sync answer_0!-1; effect value = value - (value & (1 invalid { guard m == 2; sync bus_0!-1; }, valid -> v_app_read { sync read_0?m; }, v_app_read -> valid { sync answer_0!((value & (1 d_bus_req {sync bus_0?m; }, d_bus_req -> valid { guard m == 1; sync bus_0!value; }, d_bus_req -> invalid { guard m == 2; sync bus_0!value; }, d_bus_req -> error_st { guard m == 3; }, dirty -> d_app_read { sync read_0?m; }, d_app_read -> dirty { sync answer_0!((value & (1