wecil listening partnership - Healthwatch Bristol

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Mar 7, 2016 - meetings to find out more about them, tell them about Young ... can be found on the Get Your Rights websit
WECIL LISTENING PARTNERSHIP 7 MARCH 2016 Young Healthwatch visited the WECIL Listening Partnership group at one of their regular meetings to find out more about them, tell them about Young Healthwatch and invite them to work with Young Healthwatch to ensure the voices of disabled young people in Bristol are heard! \\tcffileserver\sharedfolders\PROJECTS\HEALTHWATCH\Healthwatch Bristol\Engagement\engagement reports Bristol\Individual pieces of engagement reports\Young Healthwatch and Parent Feedback\WECIL Listening Partnership March 2016.docx

WECIL LISTENING PARTNERSHIP 7 MARCH 2016 West of England Centre for Independent Living (WECIL) provide a range of groups for young disabled people aged 13-19 and up to 25 for people with learning difficulties. Sessions aim to be inclusive, fun, varied and friendly in accessible buildings. The Listening Partnership is a weekly forum group for people living anywhere in Bristol. WECIL invites organisations to consult with the group; and young people attending can have your say and learn more about their rights! W: http://www.wecil.co.uk/pages/ourservices/services-for-young-people The Healthwatch Bristol Project Coordinator and a Young Healthwatch volunteer visited the Listening Partnership in Bristol to:  learn more about the Listening Partnership;  invite the Listening Partnership members to join Young Healthwatch at our monthly meetings;  share information about other young people’s participation groups including Barnardo’s HYPE project;  facilitate an activity about young people’s rights when using health and social care services.



Click on the links below to find out more about the organisations involved in this engagement summary:

WECIL Listening Partnership Young Healthwatch Get Your Rights

Our Rights activity Young Healthwatch used Get Your Rights resources produced by the Council for Disabled Children (CDC) and the National Children’s Bureau (NCB) to lead an activity exploring the rights that everyone has when accessing and using health and social care services. The Listening Partnership members worked in three groups. Each group was given a ‘Get Your Rights’ flash card with a different scenario on it and asked to discuss what advice they would give to the young person in the scenario. After 10 minutes of discussion, each group presented their ideas to the other two groups and Young Healthwatch noted down their suggestions on speech bubbles.

WECIL Listening Partnership W: http://www.wecil.co.uk/pages/our-services/services-for-youngpeople Young Healthwatch: W: http://healthwatchbristol.co.uk/about-us/young-healthwatch/ Get Your Rights: W: http://www.getyourrights.org/

Scenario one: Meena

The group decided that the advice they would give Meena would be:    

to find a service that can helps her make a complaint; tell Meena she can give her feedback anonymously; find someone she trusts to talks to, for example an adult she trusts; tell her that she will not get into trouble for complaining.

Young Healthwatch told the group that Healthwatch can help people to give their feedback about any service. Healthwatch can also signpost people to NHS Complaints Advocacy which is a free service that supports people to make a complaint. More information about your right to give feedback and/or to make a complaint can be found on the Get Your Rights website in the ‘complaints’ section. W: http://www.getyourrights.org/complaints/ More information about advocacy in Bristol and South Gloucestershire is available via The Care Forum. W: http://www.thecareforum.org/pageadvocacy-services.html T: 0808 808 5252

Scenario two: Harpreet

The group decided that the advice they would give Harpreet would be:  to ask a nurse to explain the complicated words;  to ask someone else to help him read or understand anything he does not understand;  ask the nurse what it is she is saying. The group said that it is very important that health and social care staff explain things properly so that young people can look after themselves and be healthy into the future. They said that staff should explain things in a way that the young person understands. More information about your right to have information provided to you in a way you understand is available on the Get Your Rights website in the ‘Being Treated Well’ section. W: http://www.getyourrights.org/right/being-treatedwell/

Scenario three: Reece

The group decided that the advice they would give Reece would be:  to speak to someone he can trust;  to tell the WECIL Listening Partnership;  to share the feedback with Young Healthwatch and plan next steps. More information about sharing your ideas about how health and social care services could be improved is available on the Get Your Rights website in the ‘Your Local Area’ section. W: http://www.getyourrights.org/right/your-local-area/ In Bristol young people can have their say about health and social care services and get involved in developing services by contacting Young Healthwatch. W: http://healthwatchbristol.co.uk/about-us/young-healthwatch/

Young Healthwatch will:  share this summary with WECIL and Council for Disabled Children/ National Children’s Bureau;  publish this summary on the Healthwatch Bristol website;  continue to work with WECIL Listening Partnership to promote the voices and ideas of its members.

Looking forward: Young Healthwatch welcomes and encourages members of WECIL Listening Partnership to continue to contribute their feedback to us using the communication methods included at the end of this report. Young Healthwatch also invites WECIL Listening Partnership members to attend Young Healthwatch meetings and join us as a Young Healthwatch volunteer. More information and registration forms can be sent to anyone who is interested. Please contact Ellen for more information using the details at the end of this summary or check out the Young Healthwatch section on the Healthwatch Bristol website. W: http://healthwatchbristol.co.uk/about-us/young-healthwatch/

Get in touch! Healthwatch Bristol wants to hear from you about your experiences so that we can tell services your needs to create the best local services. Text us - text bris followed by your message to 07860 021 603 Email us at [email protected] Call us: 0117 2690400 Write to us at: Healthwatch Bristol, The Care Forum, The Vassall Centre, Gill Ave, Fishponds, Bristol, BS16 2QQ Or visit our website to see more at: www.healthwatchbristol.co.uk