Page 2 of 51. How to create the perfect wedding. Weddings are stage-managed. You, as the photographer create everything
How to create the perfect wedding Weddings are stage-managed. You, as the photographer create everything in order to make the wedding look good. A photographer takes an active role to create the dream wedding. Educate your clients on this and ensure that they play along to help
Photographers’ Roles Each wedding will involve two professional photographers & at least two non-shooting assistants. One of whom will be designated as the 1st shooter (Main Photographers) and the other as the 2nd shooter. The 1st shooter’s main job is to coordinate the day’s photography and also take charge of all photo-sessions. He will also assign the 2nd shooter & assistants their respective roles. Dress code a) Male Photographers/Assistants ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨
White shirt Black material trousers (Fitting but not too tight) Black slim tie Black waistcoat/blazer/sweater (If need be) Black or brown official shoes
b) Female Photographers/Assistants OPTION A
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White blouse Black material pants (Fitting but not too tight) Black waistcoat/blazer/sweater (If need be) Black or brown official shoes (Flat)
OPTION B ¨ Black dress (Knee-length or if shorter wear black stockings) ¨ Black waistcoat/blazer/sweater (If need be) ¨ Black or brown official shoes (Flat)
List Of Gear To Carry: ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨
2 Camera bodies Range of lenses (Wide, long & zoom). Primes always better 2 off camera flashes One battery powered strobe or Video Light Light-stand(s) Wireless trigger & receiver set Memory Cards Batteries both AA & camera Camera Bag
Camera Settings
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Always shoot in RAW format Use AWB (Automatic White Balance) Use manual mode or Aperture Priority if you are familiar with it Do not use an aperture less than f/2, for groups at least f/4 Use a single focus point and move it around Use the back focus button Pre- Wedding Preparation
Ensure that you have the following information in regards to the wedding either in soft copy or printed format: (Questionnaire or during meeting) ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨
Bride & Groom’s Full Name Location of the Bride (Directions + Google map PIN) Location of the Groom (Directions + Google map PIN) Time to arrive at Bride’s Location Time to arrive at grooms location Ceremony location Photo-session location Reception location. Evening Party location (If the client has ordered it) Timeline of the wedding program (The wedding planner should provide this) Wedding Photography Shot list & inspirational images Assistant Roles
The roles of the non-shooting assistants will be (and not limited to) the below: ¨ Ensuring that all the gear needed is packed well before the wedding. ¨ Confirm that each component of the gear is in proper working order. ¨ Ensuring that all the memory cards are formatted (Go to SET UP MENU) scroll till you get to ‘Format Memory Card’ and click on OK)
¨ Charging all the batteries to be used during the wedding. (Both AA & camera) ¨ Taking care of all the photography gear used during the wedding ¨ Assist the photographers in holding the strobe and any other photography requirement the shooters may have. ¨ Keeping a list of all the gear used during the wedding. ¨ Getting for the photographers’ meals and any refreshments needed.
WEDDING DAY ¨ Ensure that you arrive at the designated areas at least 30 minutes prior to the time slotted for arrival to give allowance for setting up gear & also finding the exact location. ¨ The 1st shooter will be shooting the bride while the second shooter will shoot the groom. An assistant will accompany each of the shooters. ¨ Once you arrive at the location, identify yourselves and be kind & courteous to your hosts. ¨ As much as possible all through the day use natural lighting and if you have to use a flash on the camera ensure that it is either pointing the ceiling or a wall. This ensures that the light is evenly spread.
GETTING READY a) Bride’s Location ¨ Assemble all needed gear and ensure that all gear is in functioning order. ¨ Ask to be taken to the location of the getting ready. ¨ Ask the maid-of-honor to assemble for you all the details needed for the shoot. i.e. Gown, earrings, necklace, engagement ring & bridal shoes.
¨ Shot of wedding invitation. Shot from the top. If the invite is made up of several cards, separate them and add a touch of a flower or a leaf from outdoor.
¨ A shot of the dress hanging preferably at a window with the curtains drawn. Use a rotating hanger and shoot the dress backlit. Incase there is no perfect window, use their wardrobe door for hanging. As a last resort shoot the dress outdoor, hanging on a branch or ledge but take care not to get the dress dirty.
¨ For jewelry, use a reflective surface e.g. glass table or shiny wooden surface. Shoot horizontally and get the reflection on the surface. Please ensure that the surface is clean before attempting this shot.
¨ For the shoes, position them in the following 3 positions. Use the same reflective surface or shoot them on the floor/carpet
¨ Bride and Bridesmaids getting their hair and makeup done. Preferably shoot once the make-up is done. Have the make-up artist pose for shots mimicking application of make-up. Get these 3 vital shots. a) Application of mascara shot from the an aerial view downwards.
b) Blush brush shot – get the bride smiling, eyes closed then eyes open
c) Lipstick shot
¨ For the bridal Bouquets shoot it propped up on a pillow on the bed or on a chair.
¨ Bride with maids on the bed with matching robes/outfits
Bride with maids standing, if they have champagne, do a champagne shot
¨ Before the bride puts her on dress, ask the bridesmaids to dress up. Get a shot of them helping the bride to tie/zip up the back of her dress and helping her dress. Ensure that they’re all smiling & happy.
¨ Veiling with help from Mother of The Bride
¨ Putting on jewelry
¨ Putting on shoes. Either have maid-of-honor helping or have bride wear the shoes herself
¨ Close up portraits of bride holding bouquet. Ensure that the bride is unveiled and pull the sides of her veil over her shoulders. Take the following portraits a) Frontal half shot of bride holding bouquet, and also focus on the bouquet.
b) Full length frontal shot
¨ Mother/Father and bride portrait
¨ Aerial shot of bride walking down the aisle and looking up towards you & also looking ahead.
¨ Shot of women singing outside ¨ Bride and maid of honor in Wedding Car. Take this photo from the front seat
¨ Shot of bridal car & motorcade. Take it from a low position. Have the bridal car at the front and try including the other vehicles in the shot. Take the shot before the vehicles leaves the preparation venue.
c) Groom’s Location ¨ Assemble all needed gear and ensure that all gear is in functioning order. ¨ Ask to be taken to the location of the getting ready. ¨ Ask the best man or designated grooms man to assemble for you all the details needed for the shoot. i.e. Suit, Shoes, Watches, wedding rings & groom’s shoes. ¨ Ensure that the room where the preparation will take place is neat and all unnecessary clutter has been removed. ¨ Hang the groom’s blazer on a window or wardrobe and get the shot from various angles.
¨ Shoot the other details on a table or surface; individually and then get a picture with all the details together. Shot from the top
¨ Wedding ring shots. Both in ring box & outside use a reflective surface. Make note of any engraving inside the ring
¨ Shot of the groomsmen hanging out having fun or taking breakfast
¨ Have the groom put on his trousers & shirt. Get shots of him putting on his belt.
¨ Best /Grooms man adjusting Groom's tie
¨ Groom portraits a) Groom portraits at the window
b) Groom alone looking outside window
c) Groom with all of the groomsmen
d) Groom with each of the groomsmen (If time permits) e) Groom getting into the car
CEREMONY ¨ Shots of empty venue/church - altar, flowers, interior & exterior details. Take this from the back of the church. Get the whole venue as well as details
¨ Groom and Groomsmen waiting outside venue/church
¨ Guests walking into the church ¨ Ushers handing out program
¨ Wedding Program either on a chair/pew or held by the usher
¨ Bride stepping out of car. Shot from the back of the car to get a good image
¨ Bride and Bridesmaids at back of church
¨ Bridal Party entrance. Put the camera on AFC mode. Focus on the white shirt of the grooms men ¨ Bride walking up the aisle. The 1st shooter to focus on the frontal shot while 2nd shooter can get an aerial shot (Balcony or Tripod) or getting a shot from the back
¨ Groom's reaction
¨ Father/Mother giving bride away
¨ For the ceremony have one photographer positioned on the center aisle while the other moves around to get a different angle ¨ Unveiling of the bride. a) View of the bride’s face during unveiling
b) View from the center of the aisle
¨ Exchanging of vows a) Close up shot
b) Wide shot
¨ Ring bearer shot a) Kid Carrying ring
b) Best man fumbling for the ring
¨ Officiant holding the rings. Get a close up of this.
¨ Exchanging of the rings a) Shot from the aisle
b) Shot from the side focusing on the face of the one placing the ring
¨ Participants such as readers, the officiant, musicians etc. ¨ The first kiss as husband and wife, and the moment after a) From the aisle
b) Over looking the guests (If you can)
¨ Lighting of unity candle/Sand Ceremony. Get their smiley faces
¨ Shot of the wedding guests seated. Make sure you capture everyone who attended the wedding.
¨ Signing marriage certificate. Have the other party stand by their spouse while signing
¨ Receiving the marriage certificate from officiant ¨ Official declaration as husband & wife
¨ The Recessional/Bride and Groom walking back down the aisle with bridal party (AFC)
FAMILY PORTRAITS ¨ Use a wide angled lens with e.g 18, 24 or 35mm ¨ Use an aperture of at least f4 ¨ Shoot in a shaded area at the end of the aisle or at the steps of the church.
¨ If in a church ensure that the main door is closed. ¨ Always have the brides at the grooms left side. ¨ Have the couple face each other (V-formation)and the groom place his left hand around the bride’s waist. ¨ Put the bridal train behind her to avoid guests stepping on it. ¨ Always have the assistant arrange the guests and point their attention to the main photographer. ¨ The guests on either side of the couple should be balanced in number. Have them face the couple with the inward should tucked in and faces looking at the photographer. ¨ The official photographer should count down before taking the shot. i.e. 3,2,1 Smile! ¨ Always alert the MC the image has been taken, in order for them to call out the next group. ¨ Always be courteous and remember to say ‘Thank you’ after every picture is taken. ¨ The assistant should ensure that no one crosses before the official photographer and that also the guests do not obstruct him. ¨ Take at least 3 images of each portrait so that we can have a selection to choose from. Do not burst. Focus and then take a shot every time so that all images can be in focus.
Order of Family Portraits The MC (Master of Ceremonies) will have a similar list. This is just in case he/she does not have it. Memorize this list 1. Bride & groom alone. (Have the couple in the same V formation) with the bride holding her bouquet). Take a full length portrait of this and a half-length picture) 2. B&G with the Officiant & other ministers 3. B&G with both sets of parents. 4. B&G with bride’s parents 5. B&G with groom’s parents
6. B&G with bride’s siblings 7. B&G with groom’s siblings 8. B&G with both sets of siblings 9. B&G with bride’s grandparents 10. B&G with groom’s grandparents 11. B&G with bride’s uncles & aunts 12. B&G with groom’s uncles & aunts 13. B&G with bride’s cousins. 14. B&G with groom’s cousins 15. B&G with bride’s workmates 16. B&G with groom’s workmates 17. B&G with friends. MID DAY PHOTO-SESSION: ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨
Should take 45mins- 1hr Shoot in the shade Ensure that the background is far off; if possible have the background well lit. If you are strobing, have your assistant(s) set up and strobe and do some tests to ensure that the strobe & triggers are functioning as desired. Best if you master the use of natural light. It will save you a lot of time. Have the inspiration shot list at hand Use a long lens to ensure that you blur the background. Communicate with the bridal party to tell them that you need their cooperation in order to pull off the shoot effectively.
Order of Images: a) Entire Bridal Party ¨ Bridal party in one straight line. Have the B&G at the center in the V-formation. Arrange the groomsmen on the groom’s side facing the groom. Have the bridesmaids do the same
¨ In the same formation have the couples mix up themselves in the same order that they walked in, let them interlock arms. If there are any kids have them line up in front of the couple.
¨ Let them interlock arms then turn towards you while smiling
¨ Have them walk towards you laughing while looking at each other
¨ If you can find a flight of stairs, then have them arrange themselves on the stairs with the couple at the front of the flight
¨ Separate the couple a small distance away from the group and have them kiss with the rest of the party watches.
¨ Separate the group, shoot the guys 1st as the ladies wait, the guys tend to be more impatient. ¨ Shoot the guys in a Delta formation with the groom at the apex. Shoot with them clasping their arms in front of them, or arms folded at their chest
¨ Next have them pocket their hands in the pocket same pose
¨ Have the groomsmen walk towards you laughing and talking with the groom at the front
¨ In case they have matching socks or shoes ensure that you get this shot
¨ Next get a chair and have the groom seat on it with the groomsmen all around him. Have the groom lean forward with his elbows resting on his knees
¨ With or without shades, this is still a cool shot to try out
¨ Finally, have each of the groomsmen take a photo with the groom
¨ Next get the bride with the bridesmaids together in a straight line with the bride at the center and the girls all round her. Have them stand facing her with them holding their bouquets at waist level.
Leaning in towards each other
Looking at each other while laughing
Shot from the top while lying on their backs
Shot taking from the bottom with the party looking down towards you
Bride with her bridesmaids Portraits of Bride & Groom Alone
Ambience Shot
Details Shot
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Bride & Groom with Bridal Party & Guests Dancing Toasts and Speeches Cutting the cake The first dance Bride and Groom mingling with guests (Meet & Greet) Guests dancing