Wedding Quilts -

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... credit is given to the designer(s) and McCall's Quilting. ... And Modern Wedding Ring is such a simple pattern that it originally appeared in the pages of ...

Wedding Quilts An ebook publication from McCall’s Quilting and Quick Quilts. For personal use only, not to be sold or reproduced.

3 Reader has permission to photocopy all templates and foundation guides in this e-book for personal use. Reader has permission to make and publicly display a copy of each project in this magazine, as long as publicly-accessible credit is given to the designer(s) and McCall’s Quilting.



Table of Contents Double Wedding Ring


Bridal Garden


Modern Wedding Ring


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Beth Hayes

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quilt is a favorite for this occasion. Its symbolic rings, beautiful in both scrappy and


planned fabric arrangements, speak of love, devotion, and the circle of life. We are

From the Editor

Quilts made as wedding gifts have such special significance. A new couple embarks on their life together, and we want to shower them with lovely things to make their home a rich and welcoming setting. The classic Double Wedding Ring

proud to offer a vintage quilt pattern for this traditional design as part of this book.

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But Double Wedding Ring quilts can be a bit daunting to sew. If you want to make

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a special wedding gift, but don’t feel ready for that kind of quilting adventure, consider either of the other patterns gathered here. Bridal Garden is a unique design, based on a simple block and embellished with just a touch of appliqué. And Modern Wedding Ring is such a simple pattern that it originally appeared in the

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pages of McCall’s Quick Quilts. Designer Gerri Robinson came up with a wedding

ring look using easy strip-piecing and some stitch-and-flip triangles…so clever!

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No matter which wedding quilt you decide to make, make it with love and you can’t go wrong!

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Happy quilting,

Editorial Offices McCall’s Quilting 741 Corporate Circle, Suite A Golden, CO 80401 (303) 215-5600 (303) 215-5601 fax Back issues are available through our secure website: Dealer inquiries welcome McCall’s Quilting is available at a discount to quilt and fabric shops. Call 801-816-8410 or 800-815-3538 ext. 410 and ask for dealer magazine sales (or fax 801-816-8301).

Beth Hayes, Editor-in-Chief

Information You Need To Know

All fabric requirements are based on 40˝/42˝-wide fabric. The yardage given includes an additional amount to account for fabric shrinkage and individual differences in cutting. A G˝ seam allowance is included on pattern pieces when required. All measurements for pieces, sashing, and borders include G˝ seam allowances. The finished quilt size is the size of the quilt before quilting. Because each quiltmaker usually has a personal preference for a particular type of batting, the type of batting to be used for each quilt will not be listed, unless it is necessary to obtain a specific look. Fabric listed for binding includes yardage for straight-grain binding. Due to variations in materials and equipment, McCall’s Quilting disclaims any liability of untoward results in doing the projects presented. Because McCall’s Quilting has no control over your choice of materials or procedures, neither McCall’s Quilting nor the various manufacturers assume any responsibility for the use of this data.

Occasionally, our subscriber list is made available to reputable firms offering goods and services that we believe would be of interest to our readers. If you prefer to be excluded, please send your current address label and note requesting to be excluded from these promotions to Creative Crafts Group, 741 Corporate Circle Suite A, Golden, CO 80401 Attn.: Privacy Coordinator.

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Wedding Quilts

ebook 2011

McCall’s Quilting & Quick Quilts 2

D ouble

W edding R Ring

OWNED BY NANCY FERGUSON FINISHED SIZE 69½˝ x 84¾˝ Note: Templates and foundation-piecing pattern are at end of pattern.

NUMBER OF BLOCKS AND FINISHED SIZE 20 Wedding Rings 23¼˝ x 23¼˝ FABRIC REQUIREMENTS Muslin (background) Assorted prints and solids (blocks) Pink print (binding) Backing (piece widthwise) Batting size Glue stick (optional)

4⅜ yds. 4 yds. total ¾ yd. 4 ⅜ yds. 78˝ x 94˝

PLANNING A REPRODUCTION Using the technique of paper foundation piecing allows accurate assembly of each 11-piece arc, assuring that arcs fit the large muslin pieces. The paper remains intact until the other shapes are sewn to the arcs—only then is the paper gently torn away. Pieces do not have to be cut precisely for foundation piecing but cut large enough to trim seam allowances after seams are sewn. Stitch a practice arc to determine exactly how generous your pieces of fabric must be cut.

Wedding Quilts

ebook 2011

McCall’s Quilting & Quick Quilts


D ouble Wedding Ring CUTTING INSTRUCTIONS Note: See Step 1 for cutting foundation fabrics. Muslin 49 Template A 20 Template B 14 Template C 14 Template C reversed (CR) 4 Template D Assorted prints—cut a total of: 26 pairs of squares 3¼˝ x 3¼˝ 4 squares 3¼˝ x 3¼˝ Assorted solids—cut a total of: 26 pairs of squares 3¼˝ x 3¼˝ 4 squares 3¼˝ x 3¼˝ Pink print 9 strips 2½˝ x width of fabric (binding)

PIECING THE BLOCK 5. Referring to Diagrams IV and V, add 1. Make 98 photocopies of foundation arc, allowing at least ¼˝ excess paper fabric #3 in same manner. Continue beyond the final cutting line on the arc. Cut fabric similar in shape for each area on foundation arc, adding a generous ¼˝ seam allowance on all sides. 2. Place fabric for center area #1 on unprinted side of foundation, directly over center area #1. A dab of glue stick helps hold the first piece in place (see Diagram I).

adding fabrics in numerical order (see Diagram VI). When arc is completely covered, trim arc along outer cutting line (see Diagrams VII-A and VII-B). Make 98 arcs total.

Unprinted Side

Diagram IV

Diagram I

3. Place fabric for area #2 directly over area #2. Check placement of fabric by holding foundation up to a light source, which allows the printed line to shadow through. Carefully flip fabric #2 over fabric #1, right sides together (Diagram II).

Diagram V

Diagram VI

Diagram II

While finger-holding fabric in place, gently turn foundation over and stitch on the line between #1 and #2. Begin and end stitching ¼˝ beyond each end of seam line. 4. Gently fold foundation out of the way and trim seam allowance to ¼˝. Referring to Diagram III, press fabric #2 out, taking care that no pleat is pressed along the seam line. Hold up to light to assure that fabric fully covers area #2, plus provides seam allowance on the unsewn edge.

Diagram VII-A

Make 98 total

Diagram VII-B

Diagram III

Wedding Quilts

ebook 2011

McCall’s Quilting & Quick Quilts


6. Referring to Diagram VIII, stitch 2 QUILT TOP ASSEMBLY arcs to muslin Template A fabric to com- Note: Refer to Assembly Diagram for folplete pieced arc unit. Make 49 arc units lowing steps. total. 8. Sew 6 rows, alternating arc units and pieced squares, positioning assorted solid squares horizontally. Stitch 5 rows, alternating arc units and muslin Template B fabrics. Sew rows together. Add corner units to corners. A 9. Stitch muslin Template C and CR fabrics to sides, top, and bottom. Sew muslin Template D fabrics to corners. Gently tear away paper. C

QUILTING AND FINISHING 10. Layer, baste, and quilt. The original quilt was diagonally cross-hatched in the large open area, creating a diamond pattern. Each muslin melon shape includes 2 arc-shaped quilting lines, and arc segments are each ditch-quilted. Bind quilt with pink print.



B Make 49 total

Diagram VIII

7. Stitch 1 pair of assorted print 3¼˝ squares together with 1 pair of assorted solid 3¼˝ squares (see Diagram IX). Make 26 pieced squares total. Sew 1 assorted print and 1 assorted solid 3¼˝ square together to make corner unit. Make 4 total.


Make 26 total

3¼˝ Make 4 total

Diagram IX

Assembly Diagram

Wedding Quilts

ebook 2011

McCall’s Quilting & Quick Quilts


Double Wedding Ring

Template A Cut 49

¼ Template B Cut 20

Place on double fold

Double Wedding Ring

Place on double fold

Wedding Quilts

ebook 2011

McCall’s Quilting & Quick Quilts


Place on fo


g in gR din D ed te W pla le 4 ub em ut Do ½ T C

g in gR din CR ed C/ h W le ate eac ub pl 4 Do em ut 1 T C Wedding Quilts

ebook 2011

McCall’s Quilting & Quick Quilts


11 9 7 5 3 1

le ub Do


d ed W

ing ng Ri



dat un Fo



6 8 10

Make 98

Wedding Quilts

ebook 2011

McCall’s Quilting & Quick Quilts



Garden Fabric Requirements White-on-white print (blocks, trellis posts, finials, binding) Yellow large floral (blocks, borders) Blue small floral, peach small floral, lavender small floral, yellow small floral, and pink small floral (blocks) Floral stripe (trellis base) Green mottle (stems, leaves) Backing (piece widthwise) Batting size

Photographed at Rusty Bucket Antiques, 2681 W. Alamo, Littleton, CO 80120

Wedding Quilts

ebook 2011

McCall’s Quilting & Quick Quilts


3 yds. 2¼ yds.

½ yd. each 1½ yds. ¾ yd. 4¼ yds. 74˝ x 82˝

D esig ned by JUNE PEASE Machine Quilted by DEB RANDALL Finished Quilt Size 64½˝ x 72½˝ Note: Appliqué template, printed without seam allowance, is at end of pattern.

Numb e r of Blocks and Finished Size 42 Trellis Blocks 8˝ x 8˝

For this quilt, a design wall or other large surface will prove invaluable when planning each block’s corner fabric arrangement and when assembling the blocks. You may choose to plan out all the block fabric arrangements in advance, using swatches of fabrics on a design wall or you may wish to work block by block, making sure to use matching fabric triangles in adjacent blocks. June cut the floral stripe triangles (bottom row blocks) so the stripe runs horizontally. If you wish to do likewise, cut three of the 5⅞˝ squares along 1 diagonal to make the halfsquare triangles, and cut the remainder along the opposite diagonal. Accurate ¼˝ seams are important to make your “lattice” join up correctly. June used raw edge appliqué for the stems and leaves. We instruct you to do likewise. Purchase more fabric if using a traditional method.

Cutting Instructions (cut in order listed) White-on-white print *2 strips 4½˝ x 60½˝, cut on lengthwise grain 5 strips 4½˝ x 60˝, cut on lengthwise grain (binding) 84 strips 2¼˝ x 4˝ 84 strips 2¼˝ x 7½˝ 2 squares 3⅜˝ x 3⅜˝ Wedding Quilts

Yellow large floral **2 strips 4½˝ x 72˝, cut on lengthwise grain **1 strip 8½˝ x 52˝, cut on lengthwise grain 42 squares 4˝ x 4˝ 18 squares 5⅞˝ x 5⅞˝, cut in half diagonally to make 36 half-square triangles 4 squares 2⅞˝ x 2⅞˝, cut in half diagonally to make 8 half-square triangles 2 squares 4½˝ x 4½˝ Blue small floral, peach small floral, lavender small floral, yellow small floral, and pink small floral—cut from each: 12 squares 5⅞˝ x 5⅞˝, cut in half diagonally to make 24 half-square triangles Floral stripe **1 strip 8½˝ x 52˝, cut on lengthwise grain 6 squares 5⅞˝ x 5⅞˝, cut in half diagonally to make 12 half-square triangles (see Planning) 2 rectangles 4½˝ x 8½˝, cut on lengthwise grain Green mottle 18 bias-cut strips ¼˝ x 12˝ 45 Template A *Strips are cut to exact length. **Strips include extra length for trimming. ebook 2011

Piecing the Blocks and Post Finials Sew white-on-white 2¼˝ x 4˝ strips to sides of yellow large floral 4˝ square. Stitch white 2¼˝ x 7½˝ strips to opposite sides as shown in Diagram I-A to make small pieced square. Make 42.


2¼˝ x 4˝ 2¼˝ x 7½˝

Planning, Cutting, and Marking

Make 42

Diagram I-A

Plan fabric arrangement for each block (see Planning). Referring to Diagram I-B, sew assorted small floral or floral stripe (watch orientation) 5⅞˝ half-square triangles to sides of small pieced square to make large pieced square.



Diagram I-B

McCall’s Quilting & Quick Quilts


To trim, position ruler as shown in Diagram I-C, placing 4¼˝ line along center line of block (align with points of center square); cut. Trim each side of large pieced square to make Trellis Block. Block will now measure 8½˝ square. Watching placement of yellow large floral, make and trim 42 total blocks as shown in Diagram I-D.


Referring to Diagram II, sew yellow large floral 2⅞˝ half-square triangles to sides of white 3⅜˝ square to make post finial. Sew yellow large floral 4½˝ square to top. Make 2.



2⅞˝ 3⅜˝


Diagram II


Make 2

Quilt Top Assembly and Adding the Appliqué Note: Refer to Assembly Diagram for following steps. Arrange and sew 7 rows of 6 blocks each. Hint: If using a design wall, replace each block row after sewing blocks together to check corner triangle placement. Sew rows together. Stitch 8½˝ x 52˝ yellow large floral strip to top and 8½˝ x 52˝ floral stripe strip to bottom; trim even with sides.


Diagram I-C

To make left side pieced border, sew finial rectangle (made in Step 4) to short end of white 4½˝ x 60½˝ strip to make trellis post. Stitch yellow large floral 4½˝ x 72˝ strip to left side of trellis post strip; trim even with top/bottom. Sew 4½˝ x 8½˝ floral stripe strip to bottom. Sew to left side of quilt. In same manner, sew right side pieced border, watching orientation. Stitch to right side of quilt. To add the appliqué, position green mottle raw edge ¼˝ x 12˝ stems and Template A leaves (see photo for placement). Note: Stem lengths vary from 11˝-12˝. June machine appliquéd the raw edge stems and leaves using a straight stitch.


Quilting and Finishing Layer, baste, and quilt. Deb machine quilted an allover leaf design meander. Bind quilt with white-on-white print.



Make 2 total top corners

Make 14 total top and sides

Make 2 total bottom corners (watch position of yellow corners)

4½˝ x 60½˝

Make 20 total center

4½˝ x 72˝

8½˝ x 52˝

Make 4 total bottom row

Diagram I-D 8½˝ x 52˝ 4½˝ x 8½˝

Assembly Diagram

Bridal Garden

Template A Cut 45

Wedding Quilts

ebook 2011

McCall’s Quilting & Quick Quilts


modern ­wedding ring Designed by Gerri Robinson Machine Quilted by Rebecca Segura of Zeffie’s Quilts Finished Quilt Size 91H˝ x 91H˝ Number of Blocks and Finished Size 41 Frame Blocks 8˝ x 8˝ 40 Snowball Blocks 8˝ x 8˝

Wedding Quilts

ebook 2011

McCall’s Quilting & Quick Quilts


wedding bells Strip piecing and just 2 blocks make this quilt an easy, quick gift for a wedding couple.


(in order listed) Green dot, coral diagonal print, green large floral, gold print, coral floral dot, green print, pink small floral, pink floral, green floral, coral print, and gold floral dot—cut from each: 6 strips 2H˝ x 20-22˝ Coral large floral *2 strips 10˝ x 96˝, cut on lengthwise grain *2 strips 10˝ x 76˝, cut on lengthwise grain 6 strips 2H˝ x 20-22˝ Cream/pink stripe 40 squares 8H˝ x 8H˝ 41 squares 4H˝ x 4H˝ Dark pink small floral and dark pink large floral—cut from each: 80 squares 2H˝ x 2H˝ Yellow dot 11 strips 2H˝ x width of fabric (binding) *Border strips include extra length for trimming.


shop Green dot, coral diagonal print, green large floral, gold print, coral floral dot, green print, pink small floral, pink floral, green floral, coral print, and gold floral dot (Frame Blocks) Coral large floral (Frame Blocks, border) Cream/pink stripe (blocks)

1 fat quarter* each 2M yds. 3J yds.

Dark pink small floral and dark pink large floral (Snowball Blocks) H yd. each Yellow dot (binding) 1J yds. Backing 8H yds. Batting size 100˝ x 100˝ *A fat quarter is an 18˝ x 20-22˝ cut of fabric.


ebook 2011

McCall’s Quilting & Quick Quilts



1 R eferring to Diagram I-A, sew together 1 3 D  raw diagonal line on wrong side of dark 4 R eferring to Assembly Diagram, sew pink small floral 2H˝ square. Referring to Diagram III, place marked square on cream/pink 8H˝ square, right sides together, aligning raw edges. Stitch on drawn line; trim away and discard excess fabric. Open and press. Repeat on opposite corner. Add dark pink large floral squares to remaining corners to make Snowball Block. Make 40.

each green dot and coral large floral 2H˝ x 20-22˝ strips to make strip set. Make 6. Press in direction of arrow. Cut into 41 A segments 2H˝ wide. In same manner, make B, C, and D strip sets (Diagram I-B) and cut segments in fabrics, widths, and quantities shown. Cut 41

2½˝ 2½˝ x 20-22˝

A Cut 41



8½˝ Make 6 Make 40

Diagram III

2½˝ ½


C Cut 41


2½˝ ½

Cut 41

5 L ayer, baste, and quilt. Rebecca machine quilted an allover feather design. Bind with yellow dot.

Make 6

Diagram I-A

5 rows using 5 Frame Blocks and 4 Snowball Blocks each. Stitch 4 rows using 4 Frame Blocks and 5 Snowball Blocks each. Sew rows together, alternating. Sew coral large floral 76˝ strips to sides; trim even with top and bottom. Stitch remaining coral large floral strips to top/ bottom; trim even with sides.

10˝ x 96˝

Make 6 2½˝ ˝



Make 6

2W  atching orientation, sew 1 each A and


B segments to sides of cream/pink stripe 4H˝ square (Diagram II). Add segment C to top and segment D to bottom to make Frame Block. Make 41.

10˝ x 76˝

Diagram I-B





Diagram II

Make 41

Assembly Diagram

Wedding Quilts

ebook 2011

McCall’s Quilting & Quick Quilts






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Have you always admired the beauty and warmth of handmade quilts, but feel like you don’t have the time, patience or skill to make them yourself? Or perhaps you’re already a quilter, but only have limited time to devote to quilting? McCall’s Quick Quilts, from the editors of McCall’s Quilting, is filled with quick and easy projects, easy-to-follow instructions, and time-saving secrets that make it possible to create beautiful quilts in no time at all!

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