Orange Chicken. Steamed Rice ... >District Board Meeting
Frontier Dispatch March 14, 2017 — mar 20, 2017 Frontier Elementary School * 1854 N. Mustang Drive * 585-2430 Tuesday, March 14
Wednesday, March 15
Thursday, March 16
Friday, March 17
Monday, March 20
Cinnamon Apple Chewie
Cinnamon Roll
Yogurt & Granola
Powdered Mini Donuts
National Potato Chip Day! Hot Dog Potato Chips Ketchup & Mustard Packets
Orange Chicken Steamed Rice Steamed Broccoli Fortune Cookie
Cheese Bread Stix Pasta Sauce
Happy St. Patrick’s Day! Shamrock Nuggets Seasoned Wedges Shamrock Cookie
Mini Corn Dogs Ketchup & Mustard Packets
In accordance with Federal law and U.S. Department of A griculture policy, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age or disability. To file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA – Director, Office of Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington D.C. 20250-9410 or call 800-795-3272 or 202-720-6382 (TTY). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer. Salad Bar & choice of milk available daily. Menu is subject to change without notice.
Meeting Announcements
Student Activities
Special Events
>FEPTC Parent Meeting< Wed * March 15th * 7:00PM Library
>Yearbooks - $18.00< Last pre-sale day March 17! Limited quantities available after pre-sale.
>Habit Dine-Out Fundraiser< Wednesday * March 15th -see flier for details-
>Parent Advisory Council< Tues * March 21st * 6:00PM PLC
>3rd Grade Field Trip< Thursday * March 16 Farm Day
>District Board Meeting< Wed * March 22nd * 5:30PM PLC
Pre-Order Deputy Dorkface Books! Kevin Janison (author of the “Deputy Dorkface” book series) will be visiting Frontier on Monday, March 27th! His books are now available for pre-order (use flyer on the back of the bulletin and return to Frontier Office). Visit the website at to view the books or get more information!
>Mustang Spirit< Hanford Rec Teen Center Wed * March 13th -selected students only-
Family Movie Night! Friday * March 31st * 6PM Stay tuned for more details!
>Jump Rope for Heart< Wednesday * March 22nd
We Care Days March—Sleep Awareness Wear black on Fridays and brainstorm with your family how getting a good night sleep helps your body and supports learning at school!
News & Information
Absences: Please report your child’s absence each day they are not in school by calling the attendance hotline at 585-2430; press 1 to leave a message and let us know the reason they are out of school. If a notification is not received from the parent within three days, absences will always be marked as “unexcused” - thank you for your cooperation! Drop Off Reminders: Please remember to utilize only the designated Drop Off area near the Kindergarten playground, unless you intend to park appropriately in the parking lot and walk your child to the gate. We are still seeing a lot of parents dropping their children off near the office or beside the cafeteria, or sending them across the parking lot without parking. It is imperative that students are not dropped off in this way as there is no supervision to ensure student safety. Additionally, traffic laws must be adhered to (such as not using handicapped parking without appropriate need/sign, not stopping in the middle of the parking lot to let students out of the car, etc.). Please support us with your cooperation in this matter for the safety of your and all other students and staff on campus. Thank you so much. Campus Security: No visitors are allowed on campus without checking in at the office and receiving a visitor’s badge. This policy is in effect from 7:45am -3:30pm and pertains to all points of entry on campus! Parents are not permitted to enter through the Kindergarten gate to escort their child to class. Anyone wishing to do so must first sign in at the office with a picture identification. Thank you. If you would like to receive the Frontier Dispatch by email, please notify Mrs. Bailey by sending an email to:
[email protected].
Parents and families: Now that the weather is getting warmer many of our students have left jackets and sweatshirts on campus and are forgetting to check the lost and found! Please remind your students to check for their lost items, or stop by the campus so you can check before summer is here and they are forgotten about and donated! Mr .Raven
Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.—Nelson Mandela
$18.00 through Mar. 17 - While quantities last! -
Our 2016-17 yearbook is in production now. Don’t wait to reserve your copy before they are sold out! Quantities are limited. The $18.00 price will be good through Mar. 17. If there are any extra copies available* when the books arrive in June, the price will be $20.00. *availability NOT GUARANTEED This year, yearbook payments may be made online at when you log on via a computer (the phone app will not work). Log in to your account using your student's ID number, and select “Frontier Elem Yearbook Purchase for FES Students” to submit payment.
Student Name(s)
Copies requested
x $18 =
To pay via the office rather than online, please remit the bottom portion of this form with cash (exact amount ONLY) or by check made payable to: PUESD-Frontier Yearbook
Frontier Elementary PTC
1731 W. Lacey Blvd. Hanford, CA Wednesday March 15Th 2017 11AM-9PM
Pioneer UESD Is Seeking To Fill A Vacancy On Its Citizens’ Bond Oversight Committee. Pioneer Union Elementary Citizens Bond Oversight Committee is seeking to fill the vacancy of its Committee member representing and currently active in a senior citizens organization. This organization could be any number of organizations including being a member of retirement community, a member of AARP (American Association of Retired Persons, or similar organization representing senior citizens. If you are interested in applying for a position on the Citizens’ Bond Oversight Committee, please see the Pioneer Website at for an application or for more information please contact Debby Sorrick at 585-2400.
Background: In November, 2000, the voters of the State of California approved an amendment to the California Constitution (Proposition 39) which lowered the voter approval requirement from 2/3rds to 55% for school districts that provide voters a specific list of projects, requires a committee of appointed citizens to oversee the expenditure of funds and an annual performance audit and financial audit of the bond funds and bond projects. Proposition 39 provides that the Citizens’ Oversight Committee shall have at least seven (7) members who may serve up to three (3) consecutive terms of two (2) years each. Committee members are governed by the rules and regulations as set forth and contained in the CBOC bylaws. Purpose: To actively review and report on the proper expenditure of taxpayers' money for school renovations.
Ensure Bond funds are used for legally authorized purposes.
Ensure Funds are not used for teacher or administrative salaries.
Receive and review copies of the annual performance and financial audits of Bond projects as required by California State law (Prop 39).
Provide information to the public on the progress of Bond projects and expenditures of Bond funds.