weekly Grade 4 Blue temp.pdf - Google Drive

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Hero of Saratoga. pg. 106-108. H.w. Reading:The Hero of. Saratoga. pg 106-108. Grammar:Grammar. workshop lesson 13: Pres
Future International School Weekly Overview Grade 4

Section: Blue

This Overview is available on: http://fis.fischools.com




English Social Studies



Reading and vocabulary

Reading:The Hero of


Reading and writing:

Review:common core

Saratoga. pg 106-108

workshop lesson 13:

compare and contrast.


Spelling Test 2. Compare and contrast writing.

unit 5: Reading:The

Present Tense verbs

Hero of Saratoga. pg



H.w Grammar workshop pg.67

H.w Spelling Vocabular y


Date:-22-1-2017 to 26-1-2017

cautious, fiery, rash, command, march, foolhardy, venture, prove, electrify, confidence cautious, fiery, rash, command, march, foolhardy, venture, prove, electrify, confidence Unit 3 lesson 3. The Northwest African Countries (History and Economy) pages 52-53.

Continuation of the lesson The Northwest African Countries (History and Economy)

-Homework Answer Workbook pages 30, 31 and 32.

-Short Quiz

4-12 Multiply by TwoDigit Numbers Homework Practice book page 48 will be checked on Monday




4-12 Multiply by Two-Digit Numbers

4-16 Problem Solving Applications Homework Practice book page 52 will be checked on Thursday

4-16 Problem Solving - Applications

Alpha science physical book Chapter 8 lesson 2: “What are potential and kinetic energy?” pages: 524 till 526

Alpha science physical book Chapter 8 lesson 2: “What are potential and kinetic energy?” pages:527 and 528

Alpha science physical book Chapter 8 lesson 2: “What are potential and kinetic energy?” pages: 522 and 523

H.W: page: 525

H.W: page: 527

H.W: page: 532

Practical: Project Theory: Exploring Memory & Storage device


-851 ‫صديقنا الروبوت صفحة‬ 851 Arabic

-Voir une video sur les aliments.

-Lecon 3 : Les pronoms personnels. -Utilise les pronoms personnels pour exprimer de ce qu’on aime manger -J’aime , tu aimes , tu détestes…… -Livre de l'élève page 23 et 24.

‫ دراسة اإلمالء‬: ‫الواجب‬

-Correction d’une feuille du travail n 3 -Le cahier d'activités: pages 17et 18 l’exercice n 1, 2, , 3 et 4.

851 ‫إمالء الفقرة صفحة‬

811-811 ‫صديقنا الروبوت‬

851 ‫ قراءة صفحة‬: ‫الواجب‬

851 ‫ قراءة صفحة‬: ‫الواجب‬

811-815 ‫الفعل المضارع صفحة‬

‫أقرأ وأبدع‬

‫يوم الخميس أقرأ وأبدع والرجاء المحافظة على ملزمة القراءة‬ ‫المشروع‬


‫االثنين الموافق ‪ 7181-8-11‬إمالء الجمل الموجودة صفحة ‪811‬‬

‫درس إنتاج بالدي من صفحة ‪89‬‬ ‫إلى صفحة‬ ‫‪107‬‬ ‫الواجب ‪601 :‬‬ ‫الدرس األول ‪ :‬السنن الرواتب‬ ‫ص ‪ 811 : 811‬ـ والواجب‬ ‫ورقة عمل‬

‫الدرس األول ‪ :‬السنن الرواتب ص‬ ‫‪ 811 : 811‬ـ والواجب حفظ‬ ‫الحديث الشريف ص ‪815‬‬

