Sep 14, 2016 - A calendar of events for this school year (more may be added for the ... Teachers will use technology con
Palmer River Elementary
Weekly Update Back to School Edition September 14, 2016
Dear Parents, We have had an exceptional week of school to begin the year. Routines were smooth, children were safe and happy, and instruction was able to begin almost immediately! This edition will include the following: Our School Improvement Plan Goals Our staff Our new STEAM Program Our PBIS Matrix of Expectations PTSA Meeting dates A calendar of events for this school year (more may be added for the future!) The calendar is also available on our web site. The Mission of Palmer River Elementary School The mission of the Palmer River Elementary School is to create and maintain a dynamic learning environment that cultivates curiosity, creativity, and a high level of academic achievement. Student progress in our rigorous curriculum will be assessed regularly to inform instruction and ensure that students are challenged, supported, and develop a love for learning. Partnering with parents and our larger school community, we look to foster within our students a sense of belonging, leadership, and the confidence to take action, as we recognize that all children can succeed through hard work and responsibility. 1 Our success will result in an exemplary learning community where members promote the value of learning and are driven to fulfill
2016-2017 School Improvement Palmer River has five School Goals, consistent with our Superintendent’s priorities: School Goal #1 PRES students will increase academic performance by meeting benchmarks as measured by local assessments.
Using 2016 Beginning of the year reading/writing data, PRES will improve the achievement of all students (K-4), by increasing the percentage of students at proficiency or at benchmark to at least 83% by the end of the year. Math assessments from Envisions will be defined and used for triangulation to measure student growth.
School Goal #2 Teachers will use technology consistently to monitor student progress, provide challenging centers for independent work and track behavior and interventions. School Goal #3 PRES Curricular Teams will address the needs of a rigorous curriculum in each area through instructional strategies, materials, and professional development.
School Goal #4 By June, 2016, PRES will implement Year 3 of PBIS and make effective use of systems for addressing the behavioral expectations and frequent parent communication. Behavior Interventions and Supports will be implemented throughout PRES to help nurture a positive, respectful and caring educational environment in which students and staff accomplishments are recognized and celebrated. Systems of continuous communication with parents will be designed. School Goal #5 By June, 2017, the infrastructure at PRES will reflect improvements:
The heating system will be replaced and in working order to support learning. The Wifi system will be improved to support additional chrome books for student learning.
These goals (with action plans) were developed by our School Council, which includes 2 parents, 2 teachers, 2 principals and 1 community member. The goals were developed using student achievement data, curricular information with parent and teacher surveys.
Staff List I am happy to announce the staff of 2016-2017 Principal – Mrs. Arlene C. Miguel Assistant Principal – Mrs. Elise DuBois Secretaries - Mrs. Pat Rupp and Mrs. Lisa Machado Special Ed Secretary Mrs. Kerri Delisle KINDERGARTEN
Teacher Rm 54 Mrs. Katie Jefferson
Teacher Rm 8
Teacher Rm K1
Mrs. Christine Wright
Teacher Rm 10 Mrs. Darcey Maguy
Teacher Rm K2
Mrs. Debra Rossi
Teacher Rm 12 Mrs. Melissa Kennon
Ms. Teal Gildea
Teacher Rm K3 Mrs. Sandra Fleet
Teacher Rm 14 Mrs. Nicole Arruda
Teacher Rm K4 Mrs. Erika Augustyn
Teacher Rm 15 Mrs. Victoria Augusta
Teacher Rm K5 Mrs. Rebecca Glynn
Teacher Rm 18
Special Ed Teacher Mrs. Christine Pickett
Special Ed Teacher Mrs. Arielle Trott
Paraprofessional Mrs. Vicki Tetreault
Paraprofessional Mrs. Charlene Watson
Paraprofessional Mrs. Betsy Anderson
Paraprofessional Mrs. Grace Payne
Ms. Giana Solitro
Teacher Rm 27
Ms. Kendra Farrell
Teacher Rm 45
Mrs. Kendra Read
Teacher Rm 28
Mrs. Sam DiPalma
Teacher Rm 47
Mrs. Susan Nokes
Teacher Rm 31
Mrs. Melissa Mello
Teacher Rm 48
Miss Courtney Gaucher
Teacher Rm 32
Mrs. Ashley Carpenter
Teacher Rm 49
Mrs. Karen Salois
Teacher Rm 34
Mrs. Lydia Carswell
Teacher Rm 50
Mrs. Emily Bush
Teacher Rm 35
Ms. Jennifer Ormerod
Special Ed Teacher Ms. Jennifer Larrivee
Teacher Rm 51
Mrs. Lisa Placido
Special Ed Teacher Mrs. Tracie Tavares Special Ed Teacher Mrs. Kimberly Rackliffe
GRADE 4 TLC Teacher Rm 36
Mrs. Sandi Klinkhamer
Teacher Rm 44 Mrs. Louise Lydon
Teacher TLC Rm Mrs. Meaghan Jackson Paraprofessional Mrs. Judy Johnson
Teacher Rm 40 Ms. Cheryl Gridley Teacher Rm 41
Mrs. Taylor Sargent
Teacher Rm 42
Mrs. Paula Janson
Teacher Rm 43 Mrs. Ellen Stebbings
Special Ed Teacher Mrs. Jessica Coirier Special Ed Teacher Mrs. Amy Petronio Paraprofessional
Mrs. Donna Nerney
Mrs. Debra Gareau
Mrs. Tiffany Grant
Mrs. Mary Lou Rose
School Nurse Mrs. Therese Hutson Special Ed Coordinator and School Psychologist Mrs. Teresa Jefferson Student Adjustment Counselor Ms. Andrea Kramer
Literacy Support Reading Specialists Mrs. Kelly Fogel and Mrs. Bethany Palma Reading/Literacy Paraprofessionals Brenda Jenness, Linda Saxon Speech/Language Mrs. Maria Dunn Occupational Therapy Ms. Kim Cabral
SPECIALISTS Art – Mrs. Acacia Beaulieu Library – Ms. Jennifer Cohen Music – Ms. Kristie Arruda Physical Education – Mr. Jared Kepnes Technology – Mr. James Pearse STEAM Teacher—Miss Emily Lyczynski
Attendance Attendance is a major factor in student success in school. When children are not in school, they are missing valuable instruction time. Good attendance also fosters good work ethic and good habits they will need later on in life. Throughout the school year there are several opportunities to plan family vacations. Please do not schedule vacations when students should be at school.
New STEAM Program STEAM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math. This is not a curriculum, but an approach to learning that removes the traditional barriers separating the five disciplines and integrates them into real world, rigorous, and relevant learning experiences for students. This program will give students opportunities to apply the skills and knowledge they have learned. It is problem-based. It will relentlessly cause children to wonder…Why? How did that happen? What if..? All students will have access to this program once per week as a special subject. Our STEAM teacher is Miss Lyczynski. More about this program to come…. 5
PBIS (Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports) We will be continuing to reinforce a positive community throughout the year with PBIS in place. Our three expectations are Respect, Responsibility, and Safety. Over the first few weeks of school, teachers will be reviewing lessons and talking about these three behavior expectations and what they look like throughout the building. Please review and discuss the expectations below with your child. Expectations are posted throughout the building.
Classroom ● Kind words (voice and appropriate language) ● Listen to the speaker ● Allow others to learn (and teach) ● Treat others as you want to be treated ● Personal space
Classroom ● Take care of materials ● Be accountable for your behaviors (Own your actions) ● Take ownership of your learning ● Stay on task ● Be prepared and organized
Classroom ● Hands and feet to self ● Respect others’ space ● Use supplies appropriately ● Indoor voice
Hallway ● Give some space and hands to self. ● In line...Voices off.
Hallway ● Be prompt (quick and quiet).
Hallway ● Walking feet ● Stay to the right
Bathroom ● Respect the Privacy of others ○ knock first ○ no peeking ○ lights on ○ quiet voice
Bathroom ● Two minute limit ● Get in-Get out
Bathroom ● Keep it clean and dry ● FLUSH ● Wash hands
Recess and Playground ● Kind and caring words and actions
Recess and Playground ● Hands to self ● Line up quickly and QUIETLY ● Hip and Lip ● Return (pick up) all equipment
Recess and Playground ● Walk on blacktop and wood chips ● Running on grass only ● Follow equipment rules
Cafeteria ● Use your manners ● Kind words and actions
Cafeteria ● Eat your own lunch ● Clean up after yourself
Cafeteria ● Walk ● Sit safely ● Indoor voices
DEAR Time ● Sit and stay in your space ● Quiet reading
DEAR Time ● Be packed up! ● Have reading materials ready ● READ!
DEAR Time ● Try to use bathroom first ● SILENT during announcements
Bus Areas ● Sit correctly and quietly ● Backpacks zipped/materials stored
Bus Areas ● Listen for your bus to be called ● Eyes on the adults
Bus Areas ● Hands and feet to self ● Respect others’ space ● Walking feet at all times
PTSA Upcoming events September 14th – First meeting in the cafeteria 6:30 PM September 16-23: PTSA Book Fair November 6 – 5K Family Fun Day (Check further dates on the PTSA flyer) We have a phenomenal PTSA that supports us in so many ways. Please support our PTSA by attending meetings, volunteering for events, or providing some time and ideas. When you support them, you support our school!!
PTSA DATES FOR 2016-2017 PTSA MEETINGS: Second Wednesday at 6:30 PM Kick-off Meeting: September 14, 2016 at 6:30 PM (in cafeteria) All meetings after September are held in the PRES library. Everyone is welcome!
October12th, November 9th, December 14th, January 11th, February 8th, March 8th, April 12th, May 10th, June 7 th
DATES TO REMEMBER Report Card Dates Grades K-4 Trimester 1 9/7/16 -12/6/16 Report Cards will go home on 12/16/2016
Trimester 2 12/7/16- 3/17/17 Report Cards go home 3/24/17 Trimester 3 3/20/16-6/21/17 Report Cards go home 6/21/2017 (or last day of school)
Parent Conferences November 30: Evening Kindergarten Conferences by appointment December 1: Afternoon and evening conferences by appointment December 6: Late afternoon conferences by appointment
Pictures October 5th – Lifetouch Picture Day
Open Houses September 15: 6:00 PM Grade 2; 6:45 PM Grade 4 September 22: 5:30 PM Grades K and 1; 6:30 PM Grade 3 Open house consists of a teacher presentation in your child’s classroom. Presentations begin promptly at posted times above. This is an adult event to share information.
MCAS Administration for Grades 3 & 4 (tentative) ELA Grade 3 March 30, 31 Grade 4 March 22, 29, April 1st Math Grade 3 May 18, 19 Grade 4 May 17, 20
CALENDAR OF EVENTS: (Please plan your family vacations during the dates boxed and highlighted in green below) September 14 PTSA Meeting Kickoff: 6:30 PM September 15 PRES Open House: Grades 2 & 4 September 16-23 PTSA Book Fair
September 22 PRES Open House: Grades K, 1 & 3 September 27 School Committee Meeting September 28 School Council 3:45 PM October 5 Picture Day/Grade 3 Banking begins October 7 Teacher Workshops/ NO SCHOOL October 10 No School; Columbus Day October 11 School Committee Meeting October 12 PTSA Meeting at 6:30 PM October 13 Grade 3 Scavenger Hunt Parent Night and Grade 4 STEAM Night October 15 Jack Fest (PTSA) @ 5:00 PM October 19 Grade 3 Banking October 26 School Council 3:45 PM October 25 School Committee Meeting November 2 Grade 3 Banking November 6 Family Fun Run (PTSA) November 8 Teacher Workshops/NO SCHOOL/School Committee Meeting November 9 PTSA Meeting at 6:30 PM November 11 No School; Veterans Day November 16 Grade 3 Banking November 22 School Committee Meeting November 23 - 25 – Thanksgiving Recess/NO SCHOOL November 30 Grade 3 Banking December 1 Early Release for Parent Conferences by appointment December 6 Late afternoon Parent Conferences by appointment December 7 School Council 3:45 PM December 8 Term I Grades Close December 13 School Committee Meeting December 14 PTSA Meeting 6:30 PM/Grade 3 Banking December 16 Term I Report Cards go home December 24 –January 2 – Winter Recess/ January 3: Back to School January 4 Grade 3 Banking January 10 School Committee Meeting January 11 PTSA Meeting: 6:30 PM January 16 NO School; MLK Day January 18 Grade 3 Banking January 24 School Committee Meeting January 25 School Council 3:45 PM February 1 Grade 3 Banking February 8 PTSA Meeting at 6:30 PM February 14 School Committee Meeting February 15 Grade 3 Banking February 20-24 – Winter Recess/NO SCHOOL February 28 School Committee Meeting March 1 Grade 3 Banking March 8 PTSA Meeting at 6:30 PM 9
March 14 School Committee Meeting March 15 Grade 3 Banking/ School Council 3:45 PM March 16 Grade 2 Family Night March 17 Term II Grades Close March 24 Term II Report Cards go home March 28 School Committee Meeting April 11 School Committee Meeting April 12 Grade 3 Banking/ PTSA Meeting, 6:30 PM April 14 No School; Good Friday April 17 - 21 – Spring Recess April 25 School Committee Meeting April 26 Grade 3 Banking/ School Council 3:45 PM May 9 School Committee Meeting May 10 PTSA Meeting at 6:30 PM May 23 School Committee Meeting May 24 School Council 3:45 PM May 29 NO SCHOOL; Memorial Day June 7 PTSA Meeting 6:30 PM June 8 Fourth Grade Concert and Art Show (tentative) June 13 School Committee Meeting June 15 Field Day (June 19 rain date) June 16 Term III Grades Close June 21 Report Cards; Proposed last day of school June 27 School Committee Meeting