Weighted Besov and Triebel spaces: Interpolation by ... - Project Euclid

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from Lemma 2.5, while the first assertion of (v) is derived from Lemma 2.5 and .... by Holder's inequality (^>1), N+ maps L°°(/β) into L^(μ) = Lco. Thus, we con-.
HIROSHIMA MATH. J. 12 (1982), 581-605

Weighted Besov and Triebel spaces: Interpolation by the real method Dedicated to Professor M. Ohtsuka on the occasion of his 60th birthday

Bui HUY Qui (Received April 27, 1982)

Let w be in the class A^ of Muckenhoupt and 00 and a sufficiently large N, where A?N={Φ = {ΦJ} cz