Nov 19, 2016 - Life Application of the SS lesson quarterly ~ Across the hall from the Sanctuary. Discipleship Group ...
Apison Seventh-day Adventist Church
11421 Bates Road, Apison, Tennessee 37302 the little church with a big heart. Our mission is to be a family of believers that Know Jesus, Love People, and Treasure Truth.
Sabbath School Morning Praise Sabbath Praise ~ 9:00-9:30 Sabbath School Superintendent Class Study ~ 9:30-10:45
Jonathan Duman Barbara McCasland
Sabbath, November 19, 2016
Children& Adult Sabbath School Classes Potter's Class ~ Library SS Lesson Study ~ Sanctuary Collegiate / Young Adults ~ Bible Study application discussion/Upstairs to the right Life Application of the SS lesson quarterly ~ Across the hall from the Sanctuary Discipleship Group ~ Kitchen, across from the Sanctuary st SS Lesson Study ~ Down the hall on left, just past the double doors; 1 classroom nd Cradle Roll (ages B-3) ~ Through double doors, follow hallway to right; 2 door on left rd Kindergarten (ages 4-6/grades K-1) ~ Through double doors, follow hallway; 3 door th Primary (ages 7-9/grades 2-4) ~ Through double doors, follow hallway, 4 door on left Juniors (ages 10-12/grades 5-7) ~ Downstairs, follow hallway, last door on left Earliteen (ages 13-15/grades 8-10) ~ Upstairs to the left
Calendar of Events Today:
8:00 am 11:00 am 2:00 pm 4:30 pm Sunday: 8:30 am Monday: 9:00 am 7:00 pm Tuesday: 10:00 am 8:00 pm Wednesday: 7:00 pm Next Sabbath: 8:00 am Speaker
Prayer Group Adventurer Investiture Adventurers Story of the Adventist Church Vespers Prayer Group Kid’s In Stitches Finance Committee “Revelation” Prayer & Praise Group Bulletin Info Deadline Prayer Meeting Prayer Group Samuel and Dorothy Nzoikorea
Church Needs Church Budget thru 11/12/16 LCA Financial Aid for 2016-17 School Year Capital Improvement Phase II
Worship Service
Songs of Praise
Lonny Byrd
Paul Eirich
Call to Worship
Welcome and Invocation
Eric Schoonard
Adventurer Induction Gifts of Worship
Atina Tinkham Local Church Budget
Offering Prayer
Isabella Williams-Marlow Yoel Hutahaean-Jackson
Offertory Children’s Story
Greg Williams
Scripture Reading Invitation to Prayer
1 John 4:12
Ashton Scoggins
Heavenly Father, Hear Our Prayer
Worship in Prayer
No. 658 Keith Peden
Special Music
Isabella Williams-Marlow
Worship in Word
Perfect Love
Hymn of Response
Marty Miller
In Christ There Is No East nor West
No. 587 Marty Miller
$13,000 $12,000 $20,400
$ 3,990.00 $ 5,725.00 $ 27,963.00
Pianist: Nancy Patton
(Sanctuary carpet, pew repair and minor decorating)
Hymnal Replacement
(Additional funds to go to pew Bible replacement)
The celebration of the Sabbath ends tonight at 5:32 pm And begins again next Friday at 5:30 pm
Organist: Jeanie Hair
Media Services Tech: Larry Cowan
HEAVENLY FATHER, HEAR OUR PRAYER Heavenly Father, hear our prayers As we bow before You: Bless us in our worship today, Humbly, we implore You. Be our guide in all endeavors, Be our hope that nothing severs; PLEASE KNEEL Constant source of love divine, Let Your love within us shine.
Here to Serve Pastor ...................................... Brian Burgess .................
[email protected] ...........................................................Or...................................... (423) 637.9412 Head Elder ............................. Eric Schoonard ........................... (423) 504.0661 Head Deacon ............................ Barry Becker ............................. (423) 505.6415 Head Deaconess .......................Shirley Long.............................. (423) 605.1120 Church Clerk ................................................................................ (423) 236.4214 Treasurer .................................... Karla Reel ..........
[email protected] ...........................................................Or...................................... (423) 800.8031 School Principal ................... Nancy Zima-Gentry ........................ (423) 902.3883 School Treasurer .................... Reggie Thomas ........................... (423) 244.7825 Church Office .............................................................................. (423) 236.4214 Church Secretary ......................Lisa Jennings................
[email protected] Church School ............................................................................. (423) 236.4926 Bulletin Editor .......................... Christy Beason .........
[email protected] Bulletin Info Deadline Tuesday 8pm ........................................... (423) 774.4717 Church Website ...............................................................
Apison Church Notices A SPECIAL WELCOME TO OUR VISITORS! We're happy you have chosen to worship with us today. If we can help you in any way, please see Head Elder Eric Schoonard or today’s Resource Elder, Dan Seebeck.
Baby Shower for Sarah and Bill Bosko ~ daughter and son-in-law of Paul and Louise Eirich. See invitation on the bulletin board for more info. RSVP by Nov 20 to 236.4108 or 774.1437.
Today ~ Members, invite guests home for food and fellowship with your family.
Mother’s & Father’s Prayer Group ~meets 1st Sabbath of the month, following the Church Service. See Nancy Patton or June Paynter for more info.
Prayer Requests ~Bereavement / Special Needs / Healing ~ Prison Ministry ~ addresses on the Bulletin Board for fellow members in prison. Encourage them with cards. Would you share your faith with those who are ready and willing to listen? We are looking for committed men and women with a passion for souls who would be trained and mentored to minister to the forgotten ones who are in our local jails. Interested, contact John Holley, 423-316-6722. Apison Hour of Prayer (AHOPe) ~ join us in the Church Library at 8:00 am Sabbath morning and 8:30 am Sunday morning as we seek a worldwide and individual revival, the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, and God’s protection, blessing and salvation for our church and community through United Prayer. Can’t make it in person? You can also call in 712-775-7031w / access code 682-097-212 Thanksgiving Meal Invitation ~ The Apison Baptist Church has invited our church and the residents of Apison to a Thanksgiving meal for Christian fellowship tomorrow, Sunday, November 20th at their church beginning at 5:30 pm. They write: "With the blessings of new families and growth in our area, we see this as an opportunity to be visible and let them know that we are here for their family's spiritual needs. It is our desire to see a spiritual revival come to Apison! We want to join with other Christians as each congregation invites neighbors to come and fellowship together during this Thanksgiving season." Please contact Brian Smith 423.236-4291 or Kathie Whitmire 423.650-8855 ASAP if you plan to attend. Please let Pastor know if you plan to attend and would be willing to help provide some vegetarian dishes. It is an easy, nonthreatening way to get acquainted with some of our neighbors. Kids in Stitches Operation Christmas for Holbrook Indian School ~ meets Monday's, 9 am, at the church. We are asking all families to support HIS by filling a gallon size bag with stocking items. Bags are provided including details for the project. Return the bags to front desk or members of the KISM team by Dec. 5 to make the shipping deadline! Questions, call Penny 423.883-4476.
LCA Christmas Programs ~ come enjoy the LCA Christmas Program on December 15, 7 pm in the Gym, refreshments will be served following the program. For those of who might find it difficult to come in the evening, you are welcome to a dress rehearsal on December 14, at 10 am, also in the Gym. Heaven's Bounty ~ The Southern Singles Ministry is operating Heaven’s Bounty, a food pantry in Apison, right in our back yard. The pantry serves 30-40 families each day that it is open. We are in need of volunteers in the following areas: • Putting food away in bins before the clients arrive. (3-4 hour blocks of time, weekly, monthly or whatever works for you) • Picking up food once a week at Food City. (About 2 hours 1x a week for loading and unloading at the center, any day Sunday – Friday) Southern Singles falls under the Church Ministries Department of the Conference. Please contact Linda Robertson 423/322-7206 to help with this important ministry. Hymnals ~ during our renovation we discovered that 36 Hymnals ($17.50 ea) needed replacing. Thank you for helping us reach our replacement goal. Any extra funds will go toward replacing damaged pew Bible's. Pathfinder Fund Raiser ~ we will have our Aluminum Can Container near the front steps of the church. So, please gather and bring your cans to help us raise funds to cover expenses from the Union Camporee. Thank you! Church Directory ~ We are happy to have the new Church Directory available. Want a hard copy? Place $10 in a tithe envelope, mark it Directory, include your name and phone number. Special thanks to Noelle Holland for her hard work. Calling Posts / Emails ~ if you are not getting calling posts or emails from the church, please contact Lisa Jennings, Church Secretary, at 423/236-4214 or
[email protected] and have your contact information added.
Area Announcements Home School Co-Op ~ at the Ladd Springs SDA Church began meeting August 31, on Wednesdays 1-4 pm. 5860 Bates Pike SE, in Cleveland. Classes offered: Baking, Spanish, Anatomy & Physiology, Sewing, and Gardening. Call or text Mary Fish 423-331-2489or email
[email protected] for more info. Curtis and Paula’s Abundant Living Weekend ~ at New Life SDA Church, Today and Tomorrow, Nov 19th and 20th, an afternoon presentation entitled: "Dissolving Digestive Disorders Naturally”, a Q & A session and on Sunday, from 3-5:30, an action-packed "Cooking on a Budget" cooking class! Recipes handouts, food samples & more! Nominal fee accepted at the door.
Festival of Praise ~ Convocation with South Atlantic Conference and GeorgiaCumberland Conference in Atlanta, December 10, 4 pm, at Greater Travelers Baptist Church, 4650 Flat Shoals Pkwy, Decatur, GA 30034. Key-Note Speaker: Elder Ted N. C. Wilson, President, General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. Come share our love for Jesus as we walk together in ministry and service. SAU’s School of Music Christmas Concert ~ will host a Christmas concert on Dec. 10, 4 pm at the Collegedale Church. The school’s Symphony Orchestra and choral ensembles will perform a selection of inspirational holiday music. This concert can be viewed online Info, 423.236.2880.
Annual Arts, Crafts and Hobbies Show ~ Adventist Retired Workers (ARW) invite you to come, eat, look and buy your holiday gifts for family and friends. Tomorrow, Nov 20, 10 am – 3 pm, at the Collegedale Church Fellowship Hall. We still have a few openings for crafter/artisans. If you wish to reserve a table to show off talents or products, contact Jim Hoffer at 706-965-2425 or 706-301-8897. Cost is $10 for those selling ($5 for ARW members) and free for those just displaying.
Handel's Messiah Sing-Along ~ at the Chattanooga First Church on Sunday, Dec. 11 at 3 pm. Bring your own score or borrow one from the church. We will have our professional soloists and chamber orchestra and the Chattanooga Girls Choir, leading out in this glorious music to start the Christmas season. A cookie reception will follow. For more info, contact Mary Anne Poulson 423-605-2468.
Sunshine Bands ~ of music, ministry and friendship are welcome at The Lantern of Collegedale on the 2nd and 4th Sabbaths of each month at 3pm.
Adelphos ~ a community-based non-denominational Christian vocal group of young men originally founded in Staunton, Virginia, is re-establishing in Chattanooga, Tennessee. Adelphos will consist of 8 to 16 singers and an accompanist. Vocalist positions are open to young men post high school through 20’s. The accompanist position is open to any age, male or female. Apply online at Several staff positions are also available. For more information go to or call 423-443-1233.
Carlot Dorve In Concert~ acclaimed trumpeter from Haiti, Sabbath evening, Nov. 26, 5 pm, as part of the Evening Anthem vespers series at Chattanooga First Church. Come hear his beautiful music and riveting testimony! SAU Christmas Tree Lighting ~ you are invited to usher in the holiday season with a special evening of music and warm, tasty treats. The festivities begin at 6:30 pm, Nov. 29 on Taylor Circle in front of Wright Hall. Adventist Retired Workers (ARW) ~ will enjoy a catered meal with music and fun on Sunday, Dec 4, at 11:30 am in the Fellowship Hall at the Collegedale SDA Church. Attendees may reserve a place by sending $12 per person to ARW, PO Box 1476, Collegedale, TN 37315. Deadline for payment is Nov 27. CAMS 8th Grade Fundraiser ~ order your fresh Frasier Fir Christmas Trees, Wreaths, and Garland now! You can get an order form from an 8th grader, download one from the website or stop by the CAMS office. (Please include payment with your order). Orders will be available for pick up at CAMS on December 4. Trees are cut and wreaths are made one day before delivery!
Resource For Happier Relationships~ Hear Marriage and Parenting experts on “Family Life Today” radio show weekdays at 9 am and 10 pm on 98.5 FM LifeTalk Radio in McDonald/Ooltewah area. Hear other uplifting programs and music 24/7. Can’t tune in on your radio? Listen online or get the FREE app at Enjoy Gardening? ~ the Samaritan Center is seeking volunteers to help develop our winter garden in our Harmony Garden, with the harvest going to feed our neighbors in need. Call Bethany at 238-7777, x22, if you can help. The Samaritan Center ~ needs grocery bags! Our stores use 800 - 1000 plastic bags every day and are always running low. Exec Dir. Tony Dahlberg invites you to make a habit of "giving your baggage to the Lord, and your plastic bags to us!"