Welcome... - Apison Seventh-day Adventist Church

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May 21, 2016 - Cost is $10 per person. Register soon, only ... the media, and branding design. The $100 ... or get the F
And begins again next Friday at 8:45pm


Apison Seventh-day Adventist Church

...to the little church with a big heart.

11421 Bates Road, Apison, Tennessee 37302

Our mission is to be a family of believers that Know Jesus, Love People, and Treasure Truth.

Sabbath School Morning Praise Sabbath Praise ~ 9:00-9:30 Sabbath School Superintendent Class Study ~ 9:30-10:45

Elizabeth Leffew/Jonathan Duman Barbara McCasland

Worship Service Sabbath, May 21, 2016

Children& Adult Sabbath School Classes Potter's Class ~ Library SS Lesson Study ~ Sanctuary Collegiate and Young Adults ~ Bible Study application discussion ~ Upstairs Life Application of the SS lesson quarterly ~ Across the hall from the Sanctuary Discipleship Group ~ Kitchen, across from the Sanctuary SS Lesson Study ~ Down the hall on left, just past the double doors; 1st classroom Cradle Roll (ages B-3) ~ Through double doors, follow hallway to right; 2nd door on left Kindergarten (ages 4-6/grades K-1) ~ Through double doors, follow hallway; 3rd door Primary (ages 7-9/grades 2-4) ~ Through double doors, follow hallway, 4th door on left Juniors (ages 10-12/grades 5-7) ~ Through double doors, Downstairs; 1st door on left Earliteen (ages 13-15/grades 8-10) ~ Downstairs, follow hallway then last door on left

Calendar of Events Today:

8:00 am Prayer Group Following Service Fellowship Lunch Sunday: 8:30 am Prayer Group 1:00 pm Valley View Chapel Funeral / Clarina Oliver 3 - 5 pm LCA School Registration / ’16-‘17 7:00 pm Apison Behavioral Health Men’s Group Monday: 6:00 pm LCA Executive Committee 7:00 pm Church Board Meeting Tuesday: 10:00 am “Revelation” Prayer & Praise Group 8:00 pm Bulletin Info Deadline Wednesday: 7:00 pm Prayer Meeting Thursday: 7:00 pm Elder’s Meeting Next Sabbath: 8:00 am Prayer Group Speaker Pastor Burgess 7:00 pm Vespers

Church Needs Church Budget as of 5/18/16 LCA Financial Aid for 2015-16 School Year



$13,000 $15,000

$ 4,222.26


Lonny Byrd and Jesse Radamacher


Paul Eirich

Call to Worship


Prayer of Invocation

Glen Wintermeyer

Welcome and Call to Worship

Glen Wintermeyer

Out of the Saltshaker

Glen Wintermeyer

Gifts of Worship

Local Church Budget


The celebration of the Sabbath ends tonight at 8:41pm

Faith Laughlin

Offertory Children’s Story

Jeanie Hair

Scripture Reading Invitation to Prayer

Proverbs 3:5-6 and 16:3

Martha Dutterer

Heavenly Father, Hear Our Prayer

Worship in Prayer Special Music Worship in Word

Hymn of Response Benediction

$13,885 Capital Improvement Phase I

Songs of Praise

Postlude Pianist: Wendel Adams

No. 658 Dennis Crane

Becky Cathey and Lonny Byrd God Can Use You Too

Amazing Grace

Frank Barton

No.108 Frank Barton Organ Organist: Jeanie Hair

Media Services Tech: Larry Cowan

HEAVENLY FATHER, HEAR OUR PRAYER Heavenly Father, hear our prayers as we bow before You; Bless us in our worship today, Humbly, we implore You. Be our guide in all endeavors, Be our hope that nothing severs; PLEASE KNEEL Constant source of love divine, Let Your love within us shine.

Here to Serve Pastor........................................Brian [email protected] ............................................................Or......................................(423) 637-9412 Head Elder ..............................Eric Schoonard............................(423) 504-0661 Head Deacon.............................Barry Becker..............................(423) 505-6415 Head Deaconess........................Shirley Long..............................(423) 605-1120 Church Clerk............................Martha Dutterer...........................(423) 503-4498 Treasurer......................................Karla Reel......................................................... ............................................................Or.................apisontreasurer@gmail.com School Principal....................Nancy Zima-Gentry........................(423) 902-3883 School Treasurer.....................Reggie Thomas...........................(423) 244-7825 Church Office ...............................................................................(423) 236-4214 Church Secretary......................Lisa [email protected] Church School..............................................................................(423) 236-4926 Bulletin Editor...........................Christy Beason............................(423) 774.4717 Bulletin Info Deadline Tuesday [email protected] Church Website.................................................................www.apisonchurch.org

help provide sandwiches/finger food, please call Shirley Long, 423/605-1120. The family asks that lieu of flowers, donations be made to the Apison SDA Church.

Apison Church Notices A SPECIAL WELCOME TO OUR VISITORS! We're happy you have chosen to worship with us today. If we can help you in any way, please see Head Elder Eric Schoonard or today’s Resource Elder, Dalton Athey. Today’s Speaker ~ Welcome to Frank Barton, Prison Ministries Director for FL and KY-TN Conferences and his wife, Maxine. Fellowship Meal ~ Everyone is invited to our Church Family Fellowship Meal following the service across the parking lot, at the gym. Prayer Requests ~ Special Needs ~ Clarina Oliver Family ~ Please remember them as they mourn her loss, Clarina was a long time church member. Prison Ministry ~ addresses on the Bulletin Board for fellow members in prison. Encourage them with cards. Would you share your faith with those who are ready and willing to listen? We are looking for committed men and women with a passion for souls who would be trained and mentored to minister to the forgotten ones who are in our local jails. Interested, contact John Holley at 423-316-6722. Church Activities and Reminders ~ Afternoon Seminar ~ this afternoon from 2:00 to 6:00. Frank Barton will share a wealth of information from years of experience in how best to minister to others in every-day life and to the families of inmates and to inmates themselves. Nature Hike ~ the 1st nature hike of the year will be today, following fellowship meal. Let’s get some exercise, fresh air and enjoy some friendship. At a resting spot, we will discuss planning summer activities for our young people. Apison Hour of Prayer (AHOPe) ~ join us in the Church Library at 8:00 am Sabbath morning and/or 8:30 am Sunday morning as we seek a worldwide and individual revival, the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, and God’s protection, blessing and salvation for our church and community through United Prayer. You can also call in 712-775-7031 w/ access code 682-097-212 Clarina Oliver Funeral ~ visitation is today, May 21, from 2 - 4 pm and from 6 - 8 pm and a Funeral Service, Sunday, May 22 at 1 pm at the Chattanooga Funeral Home, Valley View Chapel, 7414 Old Lee Highway. If you are willing

Men ~ Join us in "The War Room". Review battle strategies from God's Word; learn how to fight the enemy and live in victory over sin. Join us and become a fellow soldier on active duty for Christ. Sunday’s, 7 pm, Apison Behavioral Center, 11014 Apison Pike. Women Inspiring Women Project ~ We still need cards with your personal hand written notes of encouragement to be shared with women at a shelter in the area. Drop them off at the Welcome Desk or give them to Noelle or Janice. Pathfinder Fund Raiser ~ Aluminum Can Collection ~ our Aluminum Can Container is to the right of the front doors of the church. Please bring your cans and help us raise funds to attend the So. Union Camporee this fall. Thank you! Summer Work ~ Do you have lawn jobs or summer tasks that a teen could perform for hire? Are you a teen looking for odd jobs? Let Pastor Burgess know and he will try to connect the two. BTW...Teens age 15 and older are able to apply for jobs on the Southern Adventist University Campus for the summer! Child Care Needed ~ the Hubbard family is looking for child care for part of the summer. The care giver would need to know how to use an Epi Pen and have transportation to drive the child to the ER. If you are interested, please contact Melanie, 916-201-8934. CPR and AED Educational Session ~ Would you like to get some "hands on" experience learning basic CPR and getting familiar with our churches AED (Automated External Defibrillator)? Join us for a free educational session on Sunday, June 5 at 2:30 pm for information regarding emergency medical situations and the use of the AED. Practice of adult and infant CPR will be available. This is not a certification but you will be awarded a participation certificate. Please RSVP [email protected] or (423) 322-7473 (leave a message or text) if you wish to attend. Mother’s & Father’s Prayer Group ~ meets the 1 st Sabbath of the month after the service. See Nancy Patton or June Paynter for info. Sunshine Band ~ meets the 1st Sabbath of each month @ 3 pm. See John MacFarlane for details.

Calling Posts / Emails ~ if you are not getting calling posts or emails from the church, please contact Lisa Jennings, Church Secretary, at 423/236-4214 or [email protected] and have your contact information added.

July 1. Spots are limited, so don't wait! Info and registration southern.edu/wellkids.

Area Announcements Healthy Meals ~ Collegedale’s Healthier Tennessee Initiative presents “Delicious, Healthy Meals for a Family of Four (4) for under $10.00 per meal”. Tomorrow, May 22, 3 – 5 pm at the Culinary Kitchen, next to the Collegedale Post Office. Cost is $10 per person. Register soon, only 26 spots available 423.838.1059. There will be a tasting and you will receive many new recipes.

Missions Conference ~ Do you desire greater impacts from your short-term mission and/or community outreach efforts? The Global Community Development graduate program at SAU is hosting a missions conference July 14 - 16. Come be part of the conversation! Email [email protected], registration online or for additional information: facebook.com/mgcdsouthern.

Christian Media Camp ~ SAU invites high school students to spend May 23 25 on campus for Christian Media Camp, sponsored by the School of Journalism and Communication. Explore photography, videography, film editing, writing for the media, and branding design. The $100 registration covers all materials and meals. For more info, visit southern.edu/camps.

The Samaritan Center ~ needs grocery bags! Our stores use 800 - 1000 plastic bags every day and are always running low. Exec Dir. Tony Dahlberg invites you to make a habit of "giving your baggage to the Lord, and your plastic bags to us!"

“Wounded Hearts” Group ~ continues thru May 31st on Tuesday evenings from 7:00 -8:30 pm at Hamilton Community Church. This will be a closed group, separated male and female. This group looks at the heartache of sexual abuse and the hope of transformation, 301-640-6677, [email protected]. nd

Divorce Care ~ Thursday evenings, through June 2 , 7:00 - 8:30 pm @ Hamilton Comm. Church. Programs for kids: The Big D for teens ages 13 - 17, DC4K for kids ages 5-12, and daycare for children 5 and under, $15.00 per participant. Kids can come even if parents have already completed the program. Info, 301-640-6677, [email protected] Sunshine Bands ~ of music, ministry and friendship are welcome at The Lantern of Collegedale on the 2nd and 4th Sabbaths of each month at 3pm. Adventist Retired Workers Fellowship (ARW) ~ will be holding their Spring Picnic from 11am to 2pmon Sunday, May 29, at the Collegedale Community Church pavilion off Swinyar Drive near First Tennessee Bank. Please bring "picnic type food" of your choice. Parking is convenient with restrooms nearby. WELLkids Summer Camp ~ Keep your kids moving and exploring this summer with "WELLkids in the Wild," a summer camp for kids at Southern. Each weeklong session offers adventures facilitated by graduate students in the university's Outdoor Leadership program. Activities include rock climbing, hiking, canoeing, ropes course, caving, rafting and more. Camps are held June 6-10 and June 27-

Wildwood Lifestyle Center ~ is looking for missionary minded physicians, nurse practitioners or physician assistants who have a passion for lifestyle medicine. Medical practitioners need to have a valid USA license; stipend provided. If you sense the Lord may be calling you to full-time or part-time service, please contact the Administrator at 423-315-3737 or [email protected]. Adelphos ~ a community-based non-denominational Christian vocal group of young men originally founded in Staunton, Virginia, is re-establishing in Chattanooga, Tennessee. Adelphos will consist of 8 to 16 singers and an accompanist. Vocalist positions are open to young men post high school through 20’s. The accompanist position is open to any age, male or female. Apply online at adelphosbrothers.org/auditions. Several staff positions are also available. For more information go to adelphosbrothers.org or call 423-443-1233. Resource For Happier Relationships~ Hear Marriage and Parenting experts on “Family Life Today” radio show weekdays at 9:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. on 98.5 FM LifeTalk Radio in McDonald/Ooltewah area. Hear other uplifting programs and music 24/7. Can’t tune in 98.5 FM on your radio? Listen online or get the FREE mobile phone app at www.lifetalk.net