Admissions in an ESF school. Mainstream applications. â« Apply online via the ESF web site usually in the September of
James Harrison
Principal Barbara Woo Office manager Admissions
Belinda McLaughlin Head of Special Educational Needs
Welcome to Beacon Hill School WATCHDOG
Presentation for prospective parents March 2015
Today’s Agenda Admissions
Expression of Interest
of schooling
Levels of Adjustment
provision at BHS
Questions Tour
Admissions in an ESF school
Mainstream applications
Apply online via the ESF web site usually in the September of the year BEFORE the child is due to start school in August.
SEN provision
This is a separate application process. Details on the web site under our schools/SEN
Expressions of Interest welcomed from January 1st in the year the child turns 4.
Online applications:
1st -30th September 2015 for 20162017 admissions
1st -30th September 2016 for 20172018
Involves the Moderation Panel
2009 births – Year One entry 20142015 (Current Year One class)
2010 births –Year One entry 2015 2016 (Next academic Year One)
2011 births – Year One entry 2016 2017
Expression of Interest in ESF
2012 births – Year One entry 2017 2018
Admissions applications are only open for approximately one month
ESF Levels of Adjustment
Model of differentiation
Level 1
All chn
Level 2
Some children
Class Additional On Differentiation going
Level 3
Level 4
Level Level 5 6
A few children
Very few children
Learning Support Differentiation
Special School Differentiation
General Admissions based on the year of birth
Expression of interest for SEN – central admissions Includes the ‘Moderation Panel’
Dimensions of Schooling 1 Thinking and Learning Social and Emotional Wellbeing
Social Communication
Main stream
Motor Coordination/Physical/Sensory
Speech and Language
Medical Needs
Examples of LSC student profiles Autism
Global Delay
Sensory Issues
Learning Disorders
Downs Syndrome
Other Genetic disorders
Spectrum disorder that includes a wide range of cognitive, social and language functioning
Low cognitive ability including moderate to significant language disorders
Sensory modulation, self regulation, behaviour management
Discrepancies between IQ and Academic achievement
Moderate to Significant Learning Difficulties
Cognitive impairment
Health problems,
Health issues Physical disabilities
+ Our Vision
To be a happy, diverse and inclusive community where everybody has confidence to aspire to be the best they can be, now and in the future.
Our Mission
We create a safe, caring and supportive environment enabling purposeful challenge through a dynamic and rigorous curriculum.
We inspire and develop creativity and academic potential.
We encourage global and social responsibility.
We foster independence in thought and action.
+ SEN provision at Beacon Hill School We have provision for 21 students requiring moderate support at Level of Adjustment 3/4 across Years One to Six (3 - 4 students in each year group) Learning Support Class These students are supported by their classroom teacher and classroom educational assistant in addition to a Special Education Teacher and Special Education Educational assistant. Progress is supported with an Individual Education Plan (IEP) We also support up to another 10% of our population (540) who may require additional support from the SEN dept at Level of Adjustment 1/2.
Student progress is supported with an SSP Student Support Plan
+ Beacon Hill – an inclusive school Our aims
To ensure that all children have as full an access to the English Schools Foundation's entitlement curriculum as possible To promote inclusive education where students access the maximum degree of integration as possible To promote student independence
To ensure that students fulfill their potential, both socially and academically When a student joins Beacon Hill School we enter a partnership where parents and teachers work together so the child can achieve his/her full potential
+ Therapy & Programs
Speech and Language Therapist – parent funded
Occupational Therapist - parent funded
In school programs
PMP – perceptual motor program
Social Thinking
Friends for Life
B2 and Ables Assessment and tracking tools
Fine motor
Individualised sensory programs
Lunch Club
MindUp – whole school social/emotional curriculum
Memory programs – software
Bereavement program – based on Winston's Wishes UK
ASD and Sexuality
Ways to prepare your child for BHS Promoting independent self help skills and developing routines
Open school bag
Remove snack box from school bag
Use toilet independently
Wash hands with liquid soap
Open snack box
Dry hands
Eat properly
Take off and put on school coat
Wipe mouth/hands with tissue/napkin
Hang coat on peg
Close snack box
Identify what is in their school bag
Put snack in school bag
All off the above with lunch box
+ you – Thank questions and school tour
[email protected]