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The Life and Art of Mary Filer: The Unheralded Artists of BC #9 Christina Johnson-Dean Mary Filer, RCA (1920–2016), forged an unparalleled path in “cold” glass sculpture, creating stunning murals for new buildings and dazzling small modernist forms. She studied with Arthur Lismer and moved to BC with professor of architecture Harold Spence-Sales in the ’60s. This is the untold story of an important female modernist. $35.95 pb bc Oct.
Bill Reid Collected Martine J. Reid This photo book features the largest chronological collection of Bill Reid’s work to date. With an introductory essay by Dr. Martine J. Reid, this collection pays tribute to one of Canada’s most renowned First Nations artists. $19.95 pb bc 130 colour photos, 168 pp. 978-1-77162-115-1 (Douglas & McIntyre)
130 colour and b&w plates, 156 pp. 978-1-896949-55-0 (Mother Tongue Publishing)
Yakuglas’ Legacy: The Art and Times of Charlie James Ronald W. Hawker
Highlights: Royal British Columbia Museum and Archives Gerald Truscott & Susan Mayse
Charlie James, also known by his ceremonial name Yakuglas, was a premier carver, painter and activist from the Kwakwaka’wakw First Nations of BC. Yakuglas’ Legacy, a beautiful, poignant book filled with colour illustrations, examines the life and art of this significant early 20th-century artist. $85.00 hc; $34.95 pb bc Oct.
A beautiful companion to the Royal British Columbia Museum’s innovative exhibits, Highlights explores BC’s natural and human history through dazzling photographs and interesting stories about the objects and displays in the museum’s collection. Who knows, you may even learn a museum secret or two. $14.95 pb bc
123 colour photos, 224 pp. 978-1-4426-2675-1 hc 978-1-4426-4940-8 pb (University of Toronto Press) CANADIAN AUTHOR | bc BC AUTHOR
Gift Guide b
Enjoy perusing this selection of books written by BC writers and titles published by BC’s many fine publishers. Stop by your independent bookseller to explore the titles featured here—and discover a vast assortment of BC books that will meet your interests and needs.
Colour the British Columbia Coast Yvonne Maximchuk Discover British Columbia’s coast—from the grizzlies of Knight Inlet to the secret beach of Half Moon Bay in Pacific Rim National Park— with hours of colouring fun for all ages. $19.95 pb bc 40 b&w illus. 88 pp. 978-1-55017-773-2 (Harbour Publishing)
92 colour and b&w photos, 64 pp. 978-0-7726-6733-5 (Royal BC Museum)
British Columbia from Scratch: Recipes for Every Season Denise Marchessault; Caroline West, photos A celebration of BC through a cook’s palate and a photographer’s lens, this cookbook highlights the province’s diverse edible landscape, from the Pacific Ocean’s seafood to Okanagan fruit. The seasonal layout pairs an eclectic collection of made-from-scratch recipes with evocative images, paying tribute to wholesome unprocessed foods and the farmers who grow them. $40.00 hc bc
Araxi: Roots to Shoots Farm Fresh Recipes James Walt A farm-to-table cookbook from Whistler’s acclaimed Araxi Restaurant and Oyster Bar, saluting fresh ingredients, simply prepared. $37.95 hc bc 50 colour photos, 232 pp. 978-1-927958-73-5 (Figure 1 Publishing)
colour photos throughout, 312 pp. 978-0-88995-545-5 (Whitecap Books)
CinCin: Wood-Fired Cucina Andrew Richardson; Francis Mallmann, foreword On the occasion of its 25th anniversary comes the long-awaited cookbook from the famed CinCin Ristorante + Bar, featuring traditional Italian dishes married with seasonal West Coast flavours. $37.95 hc bc 50 colour photos, 232 pp. 978-1-927958-74-2 (Figure 1 Publishing)
Les Faux Bourgeois: Bon Vivants on the East Side Andreas Seppelt Les Faux Bourgeois Bistro is an award-winning French bistro situated in Vancouver’s east end. Founded in 2007, Les Faux Bourgeois soon became a beacon of French bistro “amor,” garnering a loyal clientele and critical acclaim to match. The Fauxbo book is designed to bring many things “French” into your home, through recipes and meditations on ingredients, such as cheese, charcuterie and, most importantly, wine. “Vive la fête!” $26.95 pb bc Nov. 50-70 colour photos, 224 pp. 978-1-77214-051-4 (Anvil Press Publishers)
The Farmers Market Cookbook Julia Shanks and Brett Grohsgal Unlock the mysteries of farmers’ market foods and your CSA box. From traditional favourites to innovative creations showcasing heirloom fruits and vegetables, The Farmers Market Cookbook celebrates small farmers and their labours of love. This cookbook contains produce descriptions, storage and preparation techniques and hundreds of simple but mouthwatering recipes $29.95 pb 50 b&w illus. 336 pp. 978-0-86571-822-7 (New Society Publishers)
A Taste of Haida Gwaii: Food Gathering and Feasting at the Edge of the World Susan Musgrave In her first cookbook, the famous poet uses her humour and incisive wit to bring cooking and living on the former Queen Charlotte Islands to life with stories gathered over the decades. With evocative tales and wild cuisine, this book offers a unique take on food that could only be developed living off the coast of British Columbia. $39.95 pb bc
Brewing Revolution: Pioneering the Craft Beer Movement Frank Appleton
Red Robinson: The Last Deejay Robin Brunet
The inspiring story behind today’s craft beer revolution is the subject of this lively memoir by Frank Appleton, the English-trained brewmaster who is considered by many to be the father of Canada’s craft-brewing movement. $24.95 pb bc
This biography details the life and career of Red Robinson, one of Canada’s most celebrated pioneers of rock ’n‘ roll. Robinson began spinning hits while in high school in the early 1950s, laying the foundation for a career that made him a household name west of the Rockies. $29.95 hc bc Oct.
17 b&w photos, 224 pp. 978-1-55017-782-4 (Harbour Publishing)
37 b&w photos, 224 pp. 978-1-55017-769-5 (Harbour Publishing)
colour photos throughout, 374 pp. 978-1-77050-216-1 (Whitecap Books)
Wade Davis: Photographs Wade Davis
None of This Was Planned: The Stories Behind the Stories Mike McCardell
Boats in My Blood: A Life in Boatbuilding Barrie Farrell
A stunning photography collection from celebrated anthropologist Wade Davis, representing the vast diversity of communities and cultural traditions that he has encountered in his career. Each photo captures a rich story about the human condition. $39.95 hc bc Oct.
A new collection of uplifting essays from newscaster and storyteller Mike McCardell, the crafter of human-interest stories that counteract the doom and gloom of conventional news programming. With this collection, McCardell returns to his classic format of the quirky and uplifting short essays that established him as a local legend. $29.95 hc bc Oct.
One of the West Coast’s most prolific boat builders, Barrie Farrell built his first boat in his early teens, and through the 1970s and ’80s his innovative fibreglass designs dominated the West Coast salmon fleet. In this autobiography, he tells of his life and work. $24.95 pb bc
140 colour photos,176 pp. 978-1-77162-124-3 (Douglas & McIntyre) CANADIAN AUTHOR | bc BC AUTHOR
320 pp. 978-1-55017-778-7 (Harbour Publishing)
68 b&w photos, 208 pp. 978-1-55017-755-8 (Harbour Publishing)
The Woods: A Year on Protection Island Amber McMillan
I Am a Métis: The Story of Gerry St. Germain Peter O’Neil
Amber McMillan’s book chronicles her family’s jarring move from Toronto to a small island in the Georgia Strait. The highly personal memoir probes the unique and sometimes unsettling tenor of life on one of BC’s smallest gulf islands. $19.95 pb bc Oct.
The lively biography of Gerry St. Germain, who went from humble beginnings in a tiny Métis community to become one of Canada’s most influential politicians, and who spearheaded Senate reports on key issues like land claims and on-reserve education during the Harper era. $32.95 hc bc Nov.
224 pp. 978-0-88971-329-1 (Nightwood Editions)
b&w photos, 240 pp. 978-1-55017-784-8 (Harbour Publishing)
Crossing Home Ground: A Grassland Odyssey through Southern Interior British Columbia David Pitt-Brooke
The Sustainability Dilemma: Essays on British Columbia Forest and Environmental History Robert Griffin & Richard A. Rajala
Notes from naturalist David Pitt-Brooke’s epic journey of more than 1,000 kilometres on foot through the bunchgrass country of southern interior BC, in search of beauty and lost grace in a landscape that has seen decades of development and upheaval. $32.95 hc bc Nov.
The Sustainability Dilemma opens a window into a time of changing social attitudes often at odds with government agendas and looks at two of the more controversial issues British Columbians have faced over the past 60 years, revealing both the innovations and frustrations of BC’s Forest Service during this period. $34.95 pb bc Oct.
b&w photos and maps, 320 pp. 978-1-55017-774-9 (Harbour Publishing)
119 colour and b&w photos; 1 colour and 3 b&w illus. 448 pp. 978-0-7726-6974-2 (Royal BC Museum)
Gently to Nagasaki Joy Kogawa Poetic and unflinching, this is the longawaited memoir from one of Canada’s most distinguished literary elders, known best for her novel, Obasan. This intimate exploration, both communal and personal, invites us on a spiritual pilgrimage of forgiveness as Kogawa delves beyond false and dangerous distinctions of “us” and “them.” $24.95 pb bc 216 pp. 978-1-987915-15-0 (Caitlin Press)
The Peace in Peril: The Real Cost of the Site C Dam Christopher Pollon; Ben Nelms, photos Christopher Pollon has written an exploration of the Site C dam’s location and the pending destruction of an irreplaceable stretch of river and land between Hudson’s Hope and Fort St. John, BC. Equal parts travel adventure, history and journalistic exploration, with photographs by Ben Nelms. $24.95 pb bc Nov. 60 colour photos, 160 pp. 978-1-55017-780-0 (Harbour Publishing) SHOPPING ORGANIZER
The Last Gang in Town: The Epic Story of the Vancouver Police vs. the Clark Park Gang Aaron Chapman
Scoundrels, Dreamers & Second Sons: British Remittance Men in the Canadian West Mark Zuehlke
The untold story of Vancouver’s infamous Clark Park Gang, who in 1972, became the target of a secret undercover police gang-squad: a compelling portrait of early-’70s Vancouver, and an intriguing, sensational history that puts the spotlight on the after-dark underbelly of the city’s not-so-distant criminal past. $24.95 pb bc Oct.
Beginning in 1880, thousands of young upperclass British men with few prospects were sent to the Canadian West to distance them from British society. Now back in print, this book is an exciting journey through the 34 years of the remittance men’s shenanigans and frivolity in Canada’s fledgling West. $24.95 pb bc
25 b&w photos, 192 pp. 978-1-55152-671-3 (Arsenal Pulp Press)
Capturing Hill 70: Canada’s Forgotten Battle of the First World War Douglas E. Delaney & Serge Marc Durflinger, eds. This multifaceted account of one of the most successful, but overlooked, battles of the First World War tells how, in three harrowing days, the famed Canadians Corps captured Hill 70, vital terrain just north of the French town of Lens. This is a richly illustrated and thoughtprovoking book featuring Canada’s top historians. $34.95 hc Oct. 4 maps, 48 b&w photos, 332 pp. 978-0-7748-3359-2 (UBC Press) CANADIAN AUTHOR | bc BC AUTHOR
b&w photos throughout, 232 pp. 978-1-55017-745-9 (Harbour Publishing)
The Weight of Command: Voices of Canada’s Second World War Generals and Those Who Knew Them J.L. Granatstein Edited and introduced by one of the foremost military historians of our time, these interviews bring to life the generals and their wartime experiences. The content is revealing and the conversations frank. We learn of their failings and successes—and of the heavy weight of command borne by all. $34.95 hc 16 b&w photos, 312 pp. 978-0-7748-3299-1 (UBC Press)
The Queen of the North Disaster: The Captain’s Story Colin Henthorne Few recent events in BC have seized the public mind like the 2006 sinking of BC Ferries’ Queen of the North. Colin Henthorne, who captained the ship on the night of its sinking, reveals a first-hand account of what happened 10 years ago and examines the tragic aftermath. $24.95 pb bc Oct. 232 pp. 978-1-55017-761-9 (Harbour Publishing)
A Perfect Eden: Encounters by Early Explorers of Vancouver Island Michael Layland This book gathers the early recorded histories and personal accounts left by Chinese seafarers, Spanish and British naval officers, traders, soldiers, settlers and others to create a multi-layered tale of discovery and exploration of the island James Douglas described as “a perfect Eden.” $39.95 hc bc Oct. maps & illus. 256 pp. 978-1-77151-177-3 (Touchwood Editions)
Niagara Motel Ashley Little
The Conjoined Jen Sookfong Lee
Fire C.C Humphreys
The latest by Ethel Wilson Fiction Prize winner Ashley Little (Anatomy of a Girl Gang) introduces readers to unforgettable 11-year-old Tucker Malone, the only child of a narcoleptic touring stripper, who embarks on a crosscountry journey to find the man he believes is his father: the bartender Sam Malone from Cheers. $17.95 pb bc Oct.
While sorting through the belongings of her recently deceased mother, social worker Jessica Campbell makes a shocking discovery— two dead girls are curled into the bottoms of her chest freezers. As she delves into her mother’s surprisingly dark past, Jessica unearths truths that force her to examine her own life. $18.95 pb bc
First came Plague, now comes Fire. As the Great Plague loosens its grip, the royal court moves back to London and the theatres reopen. Everyone hopes for a better new year. But the serial killer who stalked hand in hand with the plague appears not to be dead after all. Fire is the epic tale of the hunt for a killer who threatens both the rich and poor during the Great Fire of London of 1666. $17.95 pb bc
256 pp. 978-1-55152-660-7 (Arsenal Pulp Press)
272 pp. 978-1-77041-284-2 (ECW Press)
352 pp. 978-0-385-67989-3 (Doubleday Canada)
Bozuk Linda Rogers
The House of Wives Simon Choa-Johnston
The Heaviness of Things That Float Jennifer Manuel
The once quiet and lonely Madeleine Turka finds herself abroad, a new woman amid a tumultuous mix of pluralism, soul-searching matters of family breakdown, personal fragility and human connection. This is a tale for our times, enveloping the reader in a fictionalized travel memoir that blossoms with vivid language and imagery. $19.95 pb bc Oct.
Two women compete for the affections of their opium merchant husband in late 19thcentury Hong Kong. Inspired by the lives of the author’s ancestors, this is an unforgettable novel about the machinations of the early opium trade and two women determined to secure a dynasty in the tumultuous British Crown colony. $24.95 pb bc
Bernadette is about to retire after 40 years of serving as the nurse for a remote West Coast First Nations reserve, yet living alone on the periphery of the community. When a young man she loves almost like a son goes missing, the community is thrown into upheaval. A compelling, deft exploration of the delicate dynamic between First Nations communities and non-native outsiders. $22.95 pb bc
240 pp. 978-1-55096-597-1 (Exile Editions)
320 pp. 978-0-670-06947-7 (Penguin Canada)
304 pp. 978-1-77162-087-1 (Douglas & McIntyre) SHOPPING ORGANIZER
The Dancehall Years Joan Haggerty
By Gaslight Steven Price
The Dad Dialogues George Bowering & Charles Demers
This brilliant family saga and interracial drama begins on Bowen Island in 1939 and moves through Pearl Harbor and the evacuation of the Japanese during the Second World War and into the 1970s. Gwen Killan’s idyllic summers are obliterated by the outbreak of war, and the disappearance of her swimming teacher, Takumi Yoshito, and his parents. $23.95 pb bc
London, 1885. The hunt for an elusive criminal forces the world’s greatest detective into an uneasy alliance with a con artist with his own agenda. A literary tour de force through the underworld of Victorian London, the diamond mines of South Africa and the battlefields of the American Civil War. $36.00 hc bc
In this unique book of correspondence, thirtysomething comedian Demers and eightysomething literary legend Bowering write to each other about the burdens, anxieties and singular joys of parenthood. Their contrasting observations make for a passionate, funny and moving portrait of fatherhood in all its imperfect, beautiful glory. $17.95 pb bc Oct.
352 pp. 978-1-896949-54-3 (Mother Tongue Publishing)
752 pp. 978-0-7710-6923-9 (McClelland & Stewart)
30 b&w photos, 240 pp. 978-1-55152-662-1 (Arsenal Pulp Press)
The Performance Ann Eriksson
The Two of Us Kathy Page
Teardown Clea Young
In the midst of a meteoric career, a New York pianist becomes aware of an unusual follower—a homeless woman. They develop a tenuous friendship, but a potentially career-ending encounter forces the younger woman to finally face the dark truth behind her privileged upbringing and the elite world of classical music. $22.95 pb bc Oct.
These stories focus on pairs, couples, dyads: intense one-on-one relationships. With humour, tenderness and ruthless observation, Giller-nominated author Kathy Page offers us a sense of who they—and we— might become. United by a primal desire for intimacy, these characters reflect our yearning for meaningful connection. $19.95 pb bc
The skilled stories in this arresting collection are populated by people you know and people you’ve been: people arguing over lamps in IKEA, drinking gin and tonics on a dock in summer, unemployed and without prospects. But in Clea Young’s hands, they are anything but ordinary—these stories are truly spectacular. $19.95 pb bc Oct.
256 pp. 978-1-77162-125-0 (Douglas & McIntyre) CANADIAN AUTHOR | bc BC AUTHOR
200 pp. 978-1-77196-099-1 (Biblioasis)
232 pp. 978-1-988298-01-6 (Freehand Books)
A Day of Signs and Wonders Kit Pearson
Peace Dancer Roy Henry Vickers & Robert Budd
The beloved and award-winning author Kit Pearson returns with a novel inspired by the childhood Emily Carr. A Day of Signs and Wonders is a sensitive and insightful look at friendship, family and the foundations of an artist, drawn over the course of a single day— a day in which a comet appears, an artist is born and an aching hole in a girl’s heart begins to heal. Ages 8–12. $14.99 pb bc
In the fourth and final instalment of the Northwest Coast Legends series, Roy Henry Vickers and Robert Budd use vivid storytelling and beautiful artwork to tell of the Peace Dance, which passes on the story of a flood and its lesson of respect. Ages 4–8. $19.95 hc bc First Nations, folk tales and myths • 18 colour illus. 40 pp. 978-1-55017-739-8 (Harbour Publishing)
SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL INDEPENDENT BRITISH COLUMBIA BOOKSELLER All prices listed are the publishers’ most up-to-date suggested retail prices available at the time this gift guide was printed. Publishers make every effort to hold these prices, but some changes may occur.
friendship, art • 224 pp. 978-1-44-344399-9 (HarperCollins Publishers)
In the Red Canoe Leslie A. Davidson; Laura Bifano, illus.
Notes from the Life of a Total Genius Stacey Matson
Ducks and frogs, swallows and dragonflies— a multitude of wonders enchant the child narrator in this tender, beautifully illustrated picture book. A tribute to those fragile, wild places, In the Red Canoe celebrates the bond between grandparent and grandchild and invites nature lovers of all ages along for the ride. Ages 4–8. $19.95 hc bc Oct.
Arthur A. Bean is back and this time he’s dogged by controversy. His new play is challenged by his principal, and the grad dance is in danger of being cancelled as a result. Will Arthur back down to appease his fellow students, or will he continue his anti-censorship crusade? Ages 9–12. $16.99 hc bc
natural world, family bonding • 15 colour illus. 32 pp. 978-1-45980-973-4 (Orca Book Publishers)
social themes, friendship • b&w illus. throughout, 248 pp. 978-1-4431-4823-8 (Scholastic Canada) A Year in the Life of a Total and Complete Genius 978-1-4431-3317-3 • $16.99 hc Scenes from the Epic Life of a Total Genius 978-1-4431-3388-3 • $16.99 hc
The Lost Gift: A Christmas Story Kallie George & Stephanie Graegin In this poignant book, four animals come together—despite Squirrel’s grumbling— to deliver a lost package for Santa. Sure to become a Christmas classic. Ages 4–8. $23.99 hc bc Oct. holidays & celebrations, Christmas & Advent colour illus. throughout, 40 pp. 978-0-5535-2481-9 (Schwartz & Wade)
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Bill Reid Collected
PRICE $19.95
Colour the British Columbia Coast
The Life and Art of Mary Filer: UABC #9
Yakuglas’ Legacy
Yakuglas’ Legacy
Araxi: Roots to Shoots
British Columbia from Scratch
CinCin: Wood-Fired Cucina
The Farmers Market Cookbook
Les Faux Bourgeois: Bon Vivants on the East Side
Boats in My Blood
Brewing Revolution
None of This Was Planned
Red Robinson: The Last Deejay
A Taste of Haida Gwaii
Wade Davis: Photographs
Crossing Home Ground
Gently to Nagasaki
I Am Metis
The Peace in Peril
The Sustainability Dilemma
The Woods: A Year on Protection Island
Capturing Hill 70
The Last Gang in Town
A Perfect Eden
The Queen of the North Disaster
Scoundrels, Dreamers & Second Sons
The Weight of Command
The Heaviness of Things That Float
House of Wives
Niagara Motel
By Gaslight
The Dad Dialogues
The Dancehall Years
The Performance
The Two of Us
A Day of Signs and Wonders
In the Red Canoe
The Lost Gift: A Christmas Story
Notes from the Life of a Total Genius
Scenes from the Epic Life of a Total Genius
Year in the Life of a Total and Complete Genius
Peace Dancer