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Student Wellbeing Service

Wellbeing Courses and Workshops A series of personal development courses and one-off workshops designed to help you get the best out of life at University

Spring/Summer Programme 2017

Courses and Workshops Spring/Summer 2017 Jan 18 Jan 24 Jan 25

Jan 31 Feb 1

Feb 7

Feb 8

Feb 14

Feb 15

Feb 21 Feb 22

Feb 28

Mar 1

Mar 7


Developing mindfulness – 6wk rolling prog. (wk1) How to beat procrastination – workshop From stress to success – course (wk1 of 4) Being a better friend to yourself – workshop Developing mindfulness – 6wk rolling prog. (wk2) A survival guide to panic – workshop Facing feelings – workshop From stress to success (wk2) Living like you mean it – workshop Developing mindfulness – 6wk rolling prog. (wk3) Keep calm and carry on – workshop Escaping the perfectionist trap – workshop From stress to success (wk3) Developing mindfulness – 6wk rolling prog. (wk1) Developing mindfulness – 6wk rolling prog. (wk4) Getting a better night’s sleep – workshop Managing emotions – course (wk1 of 3) Ink:Well: Life-writing – Student’s journey – workshop From stress to success (wk4) Developing mindfulness – 6wk rolling prog. (wk2) Mood boost – course (wk1 of 3) Developing mindfulness – 6wk rolling prog. (wk5) A survival guide to panic – workshop Managing emotions (wk2) From stress to success – course (wk1 of 4) Developing mindfulness – 6wk rolling prog. (wk3) Mood boost (wk2) Developing mindfulness – 6wk rolling prog. (wk6) Keep calm and carry on – workshop Managing emotions (wk3) Ink:Well: Life-writing – Hero’s journey – workshop From stress to success (wk2) Developing mindfulness – 6wk rolling prog. (wk4) Mood boost (wk3) Developing mindfulness – 6wk rolling prog. (wk1) Facing feelings – workshop Getting a better night’s sleep – workshop How to beat procrastination – workshop From stress to success (wk3) Developing mindfulness – 6wk rolling prog. (wk5)

Wed Tues Tues Wed Wed Wed

2.00 – 3.00 2.00 – 4.30 3.30 – 5.00 1.30 – 3.00 2.00 – 3.00 3.30 – 5.00

see p.6 see p.14 see p.7 see p.10 see p.6 see p.9

Tues Tues Wed Wed Wed

1.30 – 3.00 3.30 – 5.00 1.30 – 4.00 2.00 – 3.00 3.30 – 5.00

see p.13

Tues Tues Tues Wed Wed Wed

2.00 – 4.30 3.30 – 5.00 5.00 – 6.00 2.00 – 3.00 3.30 – 5.00 3.30 – 5.30

see p.12

Tues Tues Tues Wed Wed Wed Wed

2.00 – 4.00 3.30 – 5.00 5.00 – 6.00 1.15 – 3.15 2.00 – 3.00 3.30 – 5.00 3.30 – 5.30

see p.15

Tues Tues Wed Wed Wed Wed

3.30 – 5.00 5.00 – 6.00 1.15 – 3.15 2.00 – 3.00 3.30 – 5.00 3.30 – 5.30

see p.7 see p.6

Tues Tues Tues Wed Wed Wed Wed

2.00 – 4.00 3.30 – 5.00 5.00 – 6.00 1.15 – 3.15 2.00 – 3.00 3.30 – 5.00 3.30 – 5.00

see p.15

Tues Tues Tues

2.00 – 4.30 3.30 – 5.00 5.00 – 6.00

see p.14

see p.16 see p.6 see p.16

see p.6 see p.6 see p.13 see p.8

see p.6 see p.8 see p.6 see p.9

see p.6 see p.16

see p.6 see p.6 see p.13 see p.13

see p.6

Mar 8

Mar 10 Mar 14

Mar 15

Mar 17 Mar 21

Mar 22

Mar 24 Mar 28 Mar 29

Being a better friend to yourself – workshop Developing mindfulness – 6wk rolling prog. (wk2) Artful Wellbeing – workshop From stress to success – course (wk1 of 4) Managing emotions – course (wk1 of 3) Escaping the perfectionist trap – workshop From stress to success (wk4) Developing mindfulness – 6wk rolling prog. (wk6) Mood boost – course (wk1 of 3) Developing mindfulness – 6wk rolling prog. (wk3) From stress to success (wk2) Managing emotions (wk2) Getting a better night’s sleep – workshop Coping with exam stress – workshop Calming mind and body – workshop Developing mindfulness – 6wk rolling prog. (wk1) Mood boost (wk2) Developing mindfulness – 6wk rolling prog. (wk4) From stress to success (wk3) Managing emotions (wk3) Calming mind and body – workshop Developing mindfulness – 6wk rolling prog. (wk2) Mood boost (wk3) Developing mindfulness – 6wk rolling prog. (wk5) Coping with exam stress – workshop From stress to success (wk4)

EASTER BREAK April 25 Coping with exam stress – workshop

Calming mind and body – workshop Developing mindfulness – 6wk rolling prog. (wk3) April 26 Developing mindfulness – 6wk rolling prog. (wk6) How to beat procrastination – workshop May 2 Calming mind and body – workshop Developing mindfulness – 6wk rolling prog. (wk4) May 3 Coping with exam stress – workshop A survival guide to panic – workshop May 9 Developing mindfulness – 6wk rolling prog. (wk5) May 16 Developing mindfulness – 6wk rolling prog. (wk6)

Wed Wed Wed Wed Fri

1.30 – 3.00 2.00 – 3.00 3.30 – 5.00 3.30 – 5.00 11.00 – 1.00

see p.10 see p.6 see p.10 see p.7 see p.8

Tues Tues Tues Wed Wed Wed Fri

2.00 – 4.30 3.30 – 5.00 5.00 – 6.00 1.30 – 3.30 2.00 – 3.00 3.30 – 5.00 11.00 – 1.00

see p.12

Tues Tues Tues Tues Wed Wed Wed Fri

1.30 – 3.00 2.00 – 4.00 3.30 – 4.30 5.00 – 6.00 1.30 – 3.30 2.00 – 3.00 3.30 – 5.00 11.00 – 1.00

see p.13 see p.11 see p.11 see p.6

Tues Tues Wed Wed Wed Wed

3.30 – 4.30 5.00 – 6.00 1.30 – 3.30 2.00 – 3.00 2.00 – 4.00 3.30 – 5.00

see p.11 see p.6

Tues Tues Tues Wed Wed

1.30 – 3.30 3.30 – 4.30 5.00 – 6.00 2.00 – 3.00 2.00 – 4.30

see p.11 see p.11 see p.6 see p.6 see p.14

Tues Tues Wed Wed Tues Tues

3.30 – 4.30 5.00 – 6.00 1.30 – 3.30 3.30 – 5.00 5.00 – 6.00 5.00 – 6.00

see p.11 see p.6 see p.11 see p.9 see p.6 see p.6

see p.6 see p.8 see p.6

see p.6

see p.6 see p.11

TO BOOK please contact Student Wellbeing: Telephone: 023 9284 3466

Email: [email protected]

or drop in to Student Wellbeing Reception on the ground floor of the Nuffield Centre 3

The Wellbeing Café The Wellbeing Café is a friendly weekly meeting place with a rolling programme of informal talks and activities, offering an opportunity to learn or just to meet up with other students interested in personal development and in supporting their own wellbeing at University. The programme will be developed by and for the students who attend, but is likely to include activities like creative writing for wellbeing, mindful drawing, relaxation skills, alongside a range of brief presentations on subjects relevant to wellbeing and student life. Just turn up and you will receive a warm welcome and free tea or coffee. The Café is run jointly by the Student Wellbeing Service and the student-led Wellbeing Society. Dates: Every Wednesday during term-time Time: 4 – 5.30pm Venue: Café Coco (next to the Students’ Union)

Just turn up and you will receive a warm welcome and free tea or coffee...

connect... 4

Wellbeing courses and workshops Throughout the academic year, the Student Wellbeing Service runs a series of workshops and courses for students (see pages 2–3). They are designed to provide a range of opportunities for personal development alongside support for some of the common issues students face. This year’s programme will help to improve wellbeing as well as providing useful skills for life, relationships and employability. All courses (blue text) and workshops (purple text) are run in small groups and offer a chance to share and learn from others in a confidential and relaxed environment. Workshops are one-off sessions and focus on a specific topic at an introductory level. Courses run over more than one session and require regular attendance over three or four weeks. Participants will not be asked to share personal or sensitive information but will be encouraged to practice strategies and techniques between sessions and to feed back their experiences. All workshops and courses take place in the Nuffield Centre on Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons or Friday mornings and are only available to current University of Portsmouth students. Booking is essential and places are limited.

The five ways to wellbeing Research has demonstrated that there are five simple actions we can take to guarantee an improvment in our sense of daily wellbeing – giving, being active, learning, connecting and taking notice and these are outlined on the back of this booklet. The content of our courses and workshops is informed by this approach and by other evidenced-based interventions effective in improving psychological wellbeing. See: www.neweconomics.org/publications/entry/five-ways-to-well-being-the-evidence

To book – phone: 023 9284 3466 or email: [email protected] 5

Courses Developing mindfulness Mindfulness is the art of directing your attention in a kindly and non-judgemental way. Studies have shown that it can be very helpful if you are prone to worrying about the future or find it hard to let go of situations or events once they have passed. In mindfulness we try to keep our mind on the present. The aim of the programme is to introduce you to the skill of mindfulness. It is a skill that requires practice, so we meet together to do some gentle exercises and our discussion is confined to information about those practices. You will be asked to do a daily five-minute practice of mindfulness of the breath and you will be encouraged to develop your awareness of the theme of each session in your own time during the week following. The rolling programme consists of six sessions, focusing on a different theme each week and repeating throughout term-time from January to May (no sessions in Easter break), so you can join at anytime. Once you have completed six sessions, you’ll have the opportunity to stay on and repeat them should you wish to (providing there are spaces). This may help you to maintain a mindfulness practice. To enrol on this course you will first need to meet briefly with a Wellbeing Service practitioner (arranged when booking). There are two courses but you may only enrol on one. Start date: Wednesday, January 18 (and every Wednesday during term-time until April 26) Time:

2 – 3pm

Start date: Tuesday, February 7 (and every Tuesday during term-time until May 16) Time:

5 – 6pm

To book – phone: 023 9284 3466 or email: [email protected] 6

From stress to success This course is run by practitioners from Talking Change, the NHS psychological therapies service (see p.19), in association with the UoP Student Wellbeing Service. To enrol for this course it is necessary to be registered with a Portsmouth GP. This is a skills-based course designed to help students understand and manage the impact of stress more effectively. It will focus on work/life balance, time management, communication skills, assertiveness, negative thinking, problem solving and relaxation. The course uses techniques from cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), a well-proven educational psychological approach that emphasises the influence of thinking on our moods and behaviour. The course runs for four weeks with a 90-minute session each week. Participants will need to attend all four sessions to benefit most, as each builds on the previous one, so do check your availability before signing up. Start dates: Tuesday, January 24 Tuesday, February 21 Wednesday, March 8 Time:

3.30 – 5pm

be active...

To book – phone: 023 9284 3466 or email: [email protected] 7

Managing emotions This course will teach strategies to help manage difficult emotions and to improve your interpersonal relationships. If you regularly find yourself feeling distressed and unable to understand why or to prevent yourself acting in ways you know to be unhelpful, this practical course could be for you. Participants will learn how to develop skills to improve communication, problem solving and decision making. There will be opportunities to discover what works best for you when managing difficult feelings and to practise and consolidate your new skills in a fun and supportive environment. The course runs for three weeks with a two-hour session each week. Participants will need to attend all three sessions to benefit most, as each builds on the previous one, so do check your availability before signing up. To enrol on this course you will first need to meet briefly with a Student Wellbeing Service practitioner (arranged when booking). Start dates and times: Wednesday, February 8 Friday, March 10

3.30 – 5.30pm 11 – 1pm

Mood boost This is a motivating, practical course for students who regularly experience low mood. It is based on tried and tested ways of expanding our influence over our moods and is designed to help identify personal and effective mood lifting strategies. Participants will develop valuable tools to reduce sadness, irritability and worry and to enhance happiness and wellbeing. The course is designed around hand-outs and worksheets which enable the creation of a mood boost plan and encourage practice each week in your own time. Participants will be able to monitor progress and build the foundation for an ongoing mood boost habit by the end of the course. The course runs for three weeks with a two-hour session each week. Participants will need to attend all three sessions to benefit most, as each builds on the previous one, so do check your availability before signing up. Start dates and times: Wednesday, February 15 1.15 – 3.15pm Wednesday, March 15 1.30 – 3.30pm

To book – phone: 023 9284 3466 or email: [email protected] 8

Workshops A survival guide to panic This workshop is run by practitioners from Talking Change, the NHS psychological therapies service (see p.19), in association with the UoP Student Wellbeing Service. To enrol for this workshop it is necessary to be registered with a Portsmouth GP. This workshop is designed to take some of the fear out of panic attacks. By understanding what panic attacks are and why we have them, we can start to understand how to cope with them better. The workshop aims to teach how to take the power out of panic and to help you regain control of your life. This workshop consists of one 90-minute session and works alongside ‘Getting a better night’s sleep’ and ‘Keep calm and carry on’ workshops as a short course in understanding and addressing anxiety-based issues. Dates: Wednesday, January 25 Wednesday, February 15 Wednesday, May 3 Time: 3.30 – 5pm

take notice...

To book – phone: 023 9284 3466 or email: [email protected] 9

Artful wellbeing Doodling, sketching and drawing can be a relaxing and insightful means of expressing yourself. You can portray or describe aspects of yourself and explore issues; you can have a needed distraction or change from your everyday concerns and activities; maybe you can even get help to think differently about yourself or your circumstances. You do not have to be artistically talented for this workshop. We will offer some doodle-based exercises from which you can choose and two hours of space to occupy your hands and relax your mind. The exercises can be combined to create an activity that suits you or you can simply follow your own ideas. The workshop may inspire you to continue exploring artful wellbeing but it can also be enjoyed as a ‘one-off’ providing a couple of hours of ‘time out’ to benefit your general wellbeing. Date: Wednesday, March 8 Time: 3.30 – 5pm

Being a better friend to yourself If you find yourself being self-critical or tending to blame yourself for things for which you are not responsible, then this workshop could help. Being a better friend to yourself involves learning to have self-compassion and treating ourselves with the same care we would show a close friend. Self-compassion encourages us to be kind and more tolerant towards ourselves, rather than getting caught up in a cycle of selfjudgement. The ideas of self-compassion are evidence-based and promote the concept of being self-compassionate as a significantly healthier way to relate to ourselves. The aim of the workshop is to teach an understanding of the theory behind self-compassion and to introduce and practice some self-compassion techniques. This workshop consists of one 90-minute session. Dates: Wednesday, January 25 Wednesday, March 8 Time: 1.30 – 3pm

To book – phone: 023 9284 3466 or email: [email protected] 10

Calming mind and body This one-hour workshop will allow you the opportunity to experience various relaxation techniques and see what works for you. You will learn skills that you can take away to practice at home and that could be of continuing use to you in facing life’s challenges. This workshop has been specifically scheduled during the exam period to provide an opportunity to relax and recharge your batteries so you can return to your work refreshed. It is best if you can wear loose fitting or comfortable clothing for this workshop. Dates: Tuesday, March 21 Tuesday, March 28 Tuesday, April 25 Tuesday, May 2 Time: 3.30 – 4.30pm

Coping with exam stress Worried about coping with your exams? Beginning to feel stressed at the thought of exam preparation? Wanting to have strategies to help you to plan and not panic? Then this is the workshop for you. Exam stress can block our effectiveness in working towards exams and lower our performance once inside the exam hall. This workshop will help you to understand your anxiety about exams and to build your confidence so you feel less stressed on the day. Introducing approaches such as CBT (cognitive behavioural therapy) and mindfulness, this session will demonstrate effective techniques for managing the anxiety that exams create. Both our ‘Calming mind and body’ and Coping with exam stress’ workshops will help you achieve a less anxious and more productive approach to exams. Dates and times:

Tuesday, March 21 Wednesday, March 29 Tuesday, April 25 Wednesday, May 3

2 – 4pm 2 – 4pm 1.30 – 3.30pm 1.30 – 3.30pm

To book – phone: 023 9284 3466 or email: [email protected] 11

Escaping the perfectionist trap This workshop explores the paradox that perfectionist aspirations and behaviours can often result in poorer performance, high levels of anxiety and an unrewarding lifestyle. The focus is on increasing our understanding of what drives perfectionism and finding ways to develop less self-punishing strategies for success. This workshop consists of a single two-and-a-half-hour session. There will be a break with tea and coffee. Dates: Tuesday, February 7 Tuesday, March 14 Time: 2 – 4.30pm

keep learning...

To book – phone: 023 9284 3466 or email: [email protected] 12

Facing feelings Developing a better understanding of the complex feelings we have and finding ways to live with and express our emotions more constructively can improve self-esteem and our relationships with family, friends, partners and in the workplace. This workshop draws on proven techniques to improve our ability to understand, accept and manage difficult feelings, and to increase the tolerance of distress. The focus is on gaining skills to increase self-awareness and to improve understanding of ourselves and others. There will be no expectation to share personal information or experience. This workshop consists of one 90-minute session. Dates and times: Tuesday, January 31 Wednesday, March 1

1.30 – 3pm 3.30 – 5pm

Getting a better night’s sleep This workshop is run by practitioners from Talking Change, the NHS psychological therapies service (see p.19), in association with the UoP Student Wellbeing Service. To enrol for this workshop it is necessary to be registered with a Portsmouth GP. This workshop explains the science behind sleep and introduces you to evidence-based strategies effective in managing sleepless nights. It will focus on understanding ‘normal’ sleep in comparison to insomnia. With lots of simple strategies to try and an explanation as to how they can help, this workshop provides a good introduction to the Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Insomnia (CBT-i) programme that is delivered at Talking Change. This workshop consists of one 90-minute session and works alongside ‘A survival guide to panic’ and ‘Keep calm and carry on’ workshops as a short course in understanding and addressing anxiety-based issues. Dates and times: Wednesday, February 8 Wednesday, March 1 Tuesday, March 21

3.30 – 5pm 3.30 – 5pm 1.30 – 3pm

To book – phone: 023 9284 3466 or email: [email protected] 13

How to beat procrastination Procrastination is the avoidance of a task that needs to be done – postponing until tomorrow what can be done today. If every time you sit down to do some work you find yourself diverting to something less important and repeatedly putting things off to the last minute, then this workshop could help. Participants will gain insight into why they procrastinate and how they can change their procrastinating habits. It will provide well-proven tips and strategies to help you stop putting things off and fulfill your full potential. This workshop consists of a single two-and-a-half-hour session. There will be a break with tea and coffee. Dates: Tuesday, January 24 Tuesday, March 7 Wednesday, April 26 Time: 2 – 4.30pm


To book – phone: 023 9284 3466 or email: [email protected] 14

Ink:Well – Life-writing workshops for wellbeing There is growing evidence that creative writing has direct benefits on both physical and mental health. It is now used for personal and professional development in a variety of contexts across health care and counselling, in education, coaching and business, and as a means of increasing self-awareness and understanding. These two workshops offer the opportunity to work with a University creative writing tutor to explore ways in which writing can be both fun and rewarding. You won’t have to write or read aloud anything that is too private or difficult and there’ll be a chance to follow up with a one-to-one chat about your life-writing if you wish.

The student’s journey This workshop provides a space to develop ways to tell the ‘stories of your life’. In small, friendly groups you’ll be able to write about your earliest memories, the highs and lows of your school days, your friends and your foes on your own personal timeline. Focussing on key turning points, you’ll look closely at how you managed to survive the hardest moments, and then plot the best possible ways forward. Experimenting with poetry, prose or play scripts, you’ll get to see your personal story line from a new perspective. Date: Tuesday, February 14 Time: 2 – 4pm

The hero’s journey Have you ever thought about your life as a great adventure? Was there a year when everything seemed to happen? Or is every week like the temple of doom for you? Does each day feel like you’ve had to slay a dragon? Or fallen down a rabbit hole? Or does your life seem dull compared to the adventures of Indiana Jones, Alice in Wonderland or Harry Potter? This playful writing workshop will be a little adventure, too. You do not have to be a man, or warrior-like, to go on ‘The Hero’s Journey’. The method of telling your life story as a myth can help deal with everyday problems in a new way. Because, maybe ‘the dragon’ is anxiety or anger, maybe the darkest cave was a classroom or car or kitchen. Maybe the happy ending can’t happen till you’ve tried, and failed, and tried again. After all, our favourite heroes just keep boldly going on... This workshop can be attended on its own or in conjunction with ‘The Student’s Journey’. Date: Tuesday, February 28 Time: 2 – 4pm

To book – phone: 023 9284 3466 or email: [email protected] 15

Keep calm and carry on This workshop is run by practitioners from Talking Change, the NHS psychological therapies service (see p.19), in association with the UoP Student Wellbeing Service. To enrol for this course it is necessary to be registered with a Portsmouth GP. We will focus on how you can reduce and cope better with anxiety and worries. If you find that you’re worrying all the time, perhaps about things that are a part of everyday life, or about things that aren’t even likely to happen, then this workshop is for you. Based on cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), a well-proven educational psychological approach, this workshop will introduce you to techniques to help you identify and manage the triggers and symptoms of anxiety and to introduce you to skills to help you manage your anxiety and worries more effectively. This workshop consists of one 90-minute session and works alongside ‘A survival guide to panic’ and ‘Getting a better night’s sleep’ workshops as a short course in understanding and addressing anxiety-based issues. Dates: Wednesday, February 1 Wednesday, February 22 Time: 3.30 – 5pm

Living like you mean it This workshop aims to explore ways to develop a richer, more meaningful life. If you find yourself ‘playing it safe’ more than you would wish and avoiding things that you might enjoy because they involve challenge or anxiety, then this workshop could help you to overcome those barriers and to live your life more fully. It will provide practical strategies for understanding the psychological barriers that hold us back and help you to decide what really matters to you. Drawing on evidencebased approaches, participants will learn how to take effective action despite uncertainties and difficulties and to become more engaged and present in their lives. This workshop consists of a single two-and-a-half-hour session. There will be a break with tea and coffee. Date: Wednesday, February 1 Time: 1.30 – 4pm

To book – phone: 023 9284 3466 or email: [email protected] 16

The Wellbeing Festival A celebration of all things that support us in our quest for wellbeing! Following on from the success of previous years, the Student Wellbeing Service and a student project committee are preparing an afternoon of activities to showcase what Portsmouth has to offer in supporting, encouraging and inspiring us all in maintaining our personal wellbeing. From good foods to boost our energy, yoga to stretch and relax, drumming to energise, and sports to help us connect and get active – we shall have it all under one roof in the Third Space, along with information, advice and performances. In the lead up to the Festival day, there will be other events across the University on the theme of the Five Ways to Wellbeing and the Wellbeing Café will be running taster sessions on each of the Five Ways from the start of term in January. No need to book – just turn up! Date: Wednesday, February 15 Time: 1 – 4pm Venue: Third Space, Students’ Union

e b i l n l g e W


Save the dat

Celebrating th e 5 ways to wellbeing Connect

Wednesday, 15th February 2017

Be active

1 – 4pm

Take notice

3rd Space, Students’ Union

Keep learning Give


What students have said about our courses & workshops… “The course gave me answers to questions I never knew I had and has provided me with the tools to cope with anxiety and panic and life in general” “I gained lots of useful skills”

“Een ontspannen sfeer met veel advies en strategieën”

“A relaxed atmosphere with great strategies and advice”

“Staff are encouraging and made everyone feel comfortable”

“Really informative”

“The tools and techniques I learned seem applicable to various situations so useful for anyone”

“It has changed my life – knowing there are other people out there that feel the same”

“Made me realise what triggers my procrastination and that I CAN change my habits”

“Dicu iile sunt grozave, foarte folositoare si amicale”


“The workshop focused on us as individuals and didn’t use a one size fits all approach”

“Informative and a friendly environment with people who can relate to you”

Some of the courses and workshops in our programme are run by Talking Change, a Solent NHS Trust self-help and talking therapies service providing the regional delivery of the national Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) programme. Alongside individual meetings and guided self-help, Talking Change regularly run courses on managing anxiety and stress. To access Talking Change or their courses and workshops students need to be registered with a Portsmouth GP and this is indicated in the course details in this programme. Although GPs will not routinely be informed of students’ attendance on a course or workshop, Talking Change would contact them (or another appropriate NHS healthcare professional) if they were concerned about a student being at risk of self-harm or suicide (every effort would be made to discuss this with the student) in line with NHS procedures. Any correspondence would become part of the student’s NHS medical records and might result in contact from their GP surgery / another NHS professional. Referral information will be stored on the secure Talking Change electronic record system. More information about Talking Change is available at: www.solent.nhs.uk/talkingchange

Student Wellbeing Service contact details Student Wellbeing Service Department for Curriculum & Quality Enhancement The Nuffield Centre, St Michael’s Road Portsmouth, PO1 2ED T: 023 9284 3466 E: [email protected] W: www.myport.ac.uk and search for ‘wellbeing’ follow us on Facebook: UoP Student Wellbeing Service

follow us on Twitter: twitter.com/UoPWellbeing

connect with us via the WhatsUp app: http://appshelf.port.ac.uk 19

The five ways to wellbeing... be active Go for a walk or run. Step outside. Cycle. Play a game. Garden. Put music on and dance. Exercises that suit our level of mobility and fitness make us feel good. Research shows that physical activity will invigorate and energise us while keeping us in good health.

keep learning Try something new. Rediscover an old interest. Sign up for a course. Fix a bike. Learn to play an instrument or how to cook your favourite food. Find out something about your work colleagues or neighbours. Setting ourselves challenges we will enjoy achieving can be fun and builds confidence and improves wellbeing.

give Do something nice for a friend or a stranger. Thank someone. Smile. Volunteer your time. Look outward as well as inward. Recognising that our happiness is linked to the wellbeing of the wider community can be rewarding and creates lasting connections with the people around us.

connect Connect with the people who matter to us or who we see every day – with family, friends, colleagues and neighbours, the person at the supermarket check-out, the waitress in the café. Our friends, our family and our community can be the cornerstones of our life and building connections will support and enrich us every day.

take notice Be curious. Catch sight of the beautiful. Remark on the unusual. Notice the changing seasons, the shifts in temperature, the movement of the breeze. Savour the moment, whether travelling to work, eating lunch or talking to friends. Becoming more aware of the world around us and reflecting on our experiences helps us to appreciate what really matters.