Sep 8, 2014 - The West Des Moines Community Schools will be a caring community of ...... ase d on current enro llmen t.
BoardofEducationRegularMeeting September8,2014
West Des Moines Community Schools District Goals Mission Statement Working in partnership with each family and the community, it is the mission of the district to educate responsible, lifelong learners so that each student possesses the skills, knowledge, creativity, sense of self-worth and values necessary to thrive in and contribute to a diverse and changing world. Guiding Principles Continuous Improvement Personalized Learning Optimum Use of Resources Integration Diversity Shared Vision The West Des Moines Community Schools will be a caring community of learners that knows and lifts every child. We will inspire joy in learning. Our schools will excel at preparing each student for his or her life journey. District Goals Using the Mission Statement as our foundation and the Guiding Principles to inform our actions, the district will work toward the realization of the Shared Vision by accomplishing the following goals as set forth by the Board of Education: 1. Close the gap between present practices and the Shared Vision. (Originally approved by the Board of Education February 2002; reviewed and modified March 2003; reviewed February 2004, March 2005, March 2006, March 2007, March 2008, March 2009, April 2010, April 2011, June 2012, June 2013, June 2014.)
2. Improve student achievement through effective instructional and assessment practices. (Originally approved by the Board of Education January 1999; reviewed and affirmed April 2001; reviewed and modified February 2002 and March 2003; reviewed February 2004 & March 2005; reviewed and modified March 2006; reviewed March 2007, March 2008, March 2009, April 2010, April 2011, June 2012, June 2013, June 2014.)
West Des Moines Community Schools Guiding Principles
Continuous Improvement We continuously develop new ways to measure and assess our effectiveness and the quality of our programs and services. Ongoing communication among students, staff and families and the community results in new learning and improvement. Personalized Learning We commit to knowing each student an individual, providing meaningful and appropriate learning experiences in a caring environment. Optimum Use of Resources We value every person, place and thing as a resource for building our learning community. We maintain accountability and responsibility while encouraging the creative and flexible use of these resources to support learning. Integration We create and strengthen relationships that support learning. The interrelationships among our programs, services, people and other resources are vital to the success of our learning community. Diversity We seek ways to learn about and understand the uniqueness of each person. We need differences to enrich our relationships, our community and our quest for continuous improvement.
West Des Moines Community School District Board of Education Workshop Preliminary Agenda September 8, 2014 5:15 p.m. Fairmeadows Room Learning Resource Center 3550 Mills Civic Parkway West Des Moines, IA 50265
Tentative Time
Recommended Disposition
Bd. Policy Number
5:15 p.m.
Call to Order
Elizabeth Brennan
5:16 p.m.
Roll Call
Elaine Watkins-Miller
5:20 p.m.
Topic: IASB Boardmanship
6:15 p.m.
Request for Closed Session: [Iowa Code 21.5 (1) (c)] To discuss strategy with counsel in matters that are presently in litigation or where litigation is imminent where its disclosure would be likely to prejudice or disadvantage the position of the governmental body in that litigation.
6:29 p.m.
Motion to Reconvene from Closed Session into Regular Session
6:30 p.m.
Elizabeth Brennan
No qualified individual with a disability will be excluded on the basis of a disability from participating in this meeting. To receive more information or request an accommodation to participate, please contact Elaine Watkins-Miller, Board Secretary at 633-5023.
West Des Moines Community School District Board of Education Meeting REVISED Agenda September 8, 2014 7:00 p.m. Community Room Learning Resource Center 3550 Mills Civic Parkway West Des Moines, IA 50265
Tentative Time
Recommended Disposition
Bd. Policy Number
7:00 p.m.
Call to Order
Elizabeth Brennan
7:01 p.m.
Roll Call
Elaine Watkins-Miller
7:05 p.m.
Open Forum
7:15 p.m.
Consent Agenda a. Minutes 212.1 Special Meeting August 15, 2014 Workshop August 25, 2014 Regular Meeting August 25, 2014 Special Meeting August 29, 2014 b. Personnel Resignations 304.1, 407.1, 412.1, 415.1, 420.1 Recommendations 302.4, 418.2 New Hires – Support Staff 4210.2, 413.2 Initial Contracts – Certified Staff c. Bills for Payment d. Student Trip Requests e. Facility Projects/Contracts Change Order(s) – VHS Phase 3B Substantial Completion – Fairmeadows 2014 Renovation Project Change Order – Clive Elementary Flooring Project Final Acceptance – Clive Elementary Flooring Project
7:25 p.m.
Superintendent’s Report
7:45 p.m.
Board Reports Report only a. Superintendent’s Advisory Board Policy Committee b. Superintendent’s Advisory Facility & Finance Committee c. Superintendent’s Advisory Human Resources Committee d. Superintendent’s Advisory Teaching & Learning Committee
7:50 p.m.
Open Enrollment
Review and/or approve
7:55 p.m.
2015-16 Early Retirement Plan
Review and/or approve
Report only
8:00 p.m.
Facility Projects a. Construction Project Update
Review and/or approve
8:05 p.m.
Contracts/Agreements a. Norwalk Community School District – auditorium use b. eBoard Solutions c. District – Waste Management Agreement
Review and/or approve
8:10 p.m.
Building a Learning Community – 14/15 Committee
Review and/or approve
8:15 p.m.
Hillside Settlement Agreement
Review and/or approve
8:20 p.m.
Request for Closed Session: Student Discipline [Iowa Code 21.5 (1) (e)]
Review and/or approve
9:00 p.m.
Motion to Reconvene from Closed Session into Regular Session
Review and/or approve
9:01 p.m.
Motion Concerning Student Discipline
Review and/or approve
9:02 p.m.
Request for Closed Session: Student Discipline [Iowa Code 21.5 (1) (e)]
Review and/or approve
9:22 p.m.
Motion to Reconvene from Closed Session into Regular Session
Review and/or approve
9:23 p.m.
Motion Concerning Student Discipline
Review and/or approve
9:24 p.m.
No qualified individual with a disability will be excluded on the basis of a disability from participating in this meeting. To receive more information or request an accommodation to participate, please contact Elaine Watkins-Miller, Board Secretary at 633-5023.
West Des Moines Community School District Board of Education Meeting Table of Contents September 8, 2014
Page Number Item Consent Agenda a. Minutes b. Special Meeting August 15, 2014 c. Workshop August 25, 2014 d. Regular Meeting August 25, 2014 e. Special Meeting August 29, 2014 b. Personnel c. Bills for Payment d. Student Trip Requests e. Facility Projects/Contracts Change Order(s) – VHS Phase 3B Substantial Completion – Fairmeadows 2014 Renovation Project Change Order – Clive Elementary Flooring Project Final Acceptance – Clive Elementary Flooring Project
1 2 3 4 6 18 21 23 31 35 41 61
Superintendent’s Report
Open Enrollment
2015-16 Early Retirement Plan
Facility Projects a. Construction Project Update
Contracts/Agreements a. Norwalk Community School District – auditorium use b. eBoard Solutions c. District – Waste Management Agreement
72 74 77 84
Building a Learning Community – 14/15 Committee
Hillside Settlement Agreement
Board Agenda IV IV-a Minutes IV-b Personnel IV-c Bills for Payment IV-d Student Trip IV-e Facility Projects/Contracts September 8, 2014 Dr. Lisa Remy, Dr. Laurene Lanich, Carol Seid, Paul Bobek, Elaine Watkins-Miller
Page 1 of 90
Board Agenda IV-a Regular Meeting September 8, 2014
August 15, 2014 Special Meeting x August 25, 2014 Workshop x August 25, 2014 Regular Meeting x August 29, 2014 Special Meeting
Elaine Watkins-Miller
Page 2 of 90
I. Call to Order II. Roll Call III. Request for Closed Session : [Iowa Code 21.5 (1) (j)] To discuss the purchase or sale of particular real estate only where premature disclosure could be reasonably expected to increase the price the governmental body would have to pay for that property or reduce the price the governmental body would receive for that property. IV. Motion to Reconvene from Closed Session into Regular Session V. Set Date of Public Hearing on Sale of Phenix Elementary Property VI. Adjournment The special meeting of the Board of Education of the West Des Moines Community School District was held on Friday, August 15, 2014, at the Learning Resource Center, 3550 Mills Civic Parkway, West Des Moines, Iowa 50265. I. Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by Vice President David J. Brown at 7:08 a.m. II. Roll Call: The secretary noted the following Board members present: Elizabeth Brennan (via phone), David J. Brown, H. Milton Cole, Tali Greenspon, Andi Lipman, and Vicky Poole. Absent: Kevin Carroll. III. Request for Closed Session: [Iowa Code 21.5 (1) (j)] To discuss the purchase or sale of particular real estate only where premature disclosure could be reasonably expected to increase the price the governmental body would have to pay for that property or reduce the price the governmental body would receive for that property. It was moved by Greenspon and seconded by Poole to hold a closed session as provided by Iowa Code 21.5 (1) (j) to discuss the purchase or sale of particular real estate only where premature disclosure could be reasonably expected to increase the price the governmental body would have to pay for that property or reduce the price the governmental body would receive for that property. Roll call vote: David J. Brown, yes; H. Milton Cole, yes; Tali Greenspon, yes; Andi Lipman, yes; Vicky Poole, yes; Elizabeth Brennan, yes. The closed session began at 7:10 a.m. IV. Motion to Reconvene from Closed Session into Regular Session: It was moved by Greenspon and seconded by Lipman to reconvene the Board of Education from closed session into the regular meeting for the purpose of discussion and/or approval of a topic reviewed in closed session. Roll call vote: David J. Brown, yes; H. Milton Cole, yes; Tali Greenspon, yes; Andi Lipman, yes; Vicky Poole, yes; Elizabeth Brennan, yes. The regular session reconvened at 8:02 a.m. V. Set Date of Public Hearing on Sale of Phenix Elementary Property: It was moved by Lipman and seconded by Poole to approve the following resolution: WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of the West Des Moines Community School District (the "District") has received a proposal to convey certain of its land to the City of West Des Moines for $535,000. The property is locally known as Phenix School and is located at 415 7th Street, West Des Moines, Iowa. WHEREAS, it is appropriate pursuant to Iowa Code Section 297.22 to publish a Notice of the proposed conveyance and of the hearing and to receive and consider objections and petitions. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Directors of the West Des Moines Community School District: Section 1. That this Board shall set a public hearing on the conveyance of the above-described property for August 29, 2014 at 12:00 p.m. in the Learning Resource Center located at 3550 Mills Civic Parkway, West Des Moines, Iowa. Section 2. That the Secretary is authorized and directed to prepare, publish, and distribute the Notice of Hearing. The motion was approved by a unanimous vote. VI. Adjournment: It was moved by Greenspon and seconded by Poole to adjourn the meeting. The motion was approved by a unanimous vote. The meeting was adjourned at 8:03 p.m. _________________________________________________ Elaine Watkins-Miller, Board Secretary Page 3 of 90
WORKSHOP MINUTES August 25, 2014
I. Call to Order II. Roll Call III. Topic: FPP – 5 Year Financial Forecast IV. Request for Closed Session: [Iowa Code 21.5 (1) (j)] To discuss the purchase or sale of particular real estate only where premature disclosure could be reasonably expected to increase the price the governmental body would have to pay for that property or reduce the price the governmental body would receive for that property. V. Motion to Reconvene from Closed Session into Regular Session VI. Adjournment The workshop of the Board of Education of the West Des Moines Community School District was held on Monday, August 25, 2014, at the Learning Resource Center, 3550 Mills Civic Parkway, West Des Moines, Iowa 50265. I. Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by Vice President David J. Brown at 5:15 p.m. II. Roll Call: The secretary noted the following Board members present: David J. Brown, Kevin Carroll, H. Milton Cole, Tali Greenspon, Andi Lipman, and Vicky Poole. Absent: Elizabeth Brennan. III. Topic: FPP – 5 Year Financial Forecast: West Des Moines Community Schools Chief Financial Officer Paul Bobek noted the items on the agenda for the workshop this evening. He introduced Gary Sinclair from PMA Financial Network-Financial Planning Program, which works in partnership with the Iowa Association of School Boards. Bobek explained the program provides financial projections. He noted the booklet provided and explained that he will review the preliminary look at fiscal year 2014. He said it is preliminary because the fiscal year is not closed yet. Bobek explained the certified annual report is due September 15 to the Iowa Department of Education. Sinclair reviewed the financial planning programing, which contains a five-year financial history, elements for projecting for five years, and more. Sinclair said the program creates an Aid & Levy report for 11 years. PMA takes into account several variables and makes the best professional estimate. The variables include enrollment, interest, tuition in, allowable growth, and much more. He said this also includes importing the teacher salary steps to project forward on salary. Through this, PMA projects a base scenario. He said it is important for the Board to understand the variables the district has set for the key revenue assumptions, such as enrollment, allowable growth, and more. There are 150 variables. He noted that PMA has projected a flat enrollment for the district, but this may be adjusted based on the enrollment study the district is currently undergoing. He said they also develop a staffing ratio, based on enrollment. In addition, PMA determines key expenditure assumptions. Sinclair reviewed key assumptions for benefits, such as FICA, IPERS, medical insurance, and dental insurance. Several of these areas are projected to be flat, such as FICA and dental insurance. He also noted the reductions made the previous year. PMA will then develop a history for the past five years, for both revenue and expenditures. The booklet provided showed a projection into the future for revenue and expenditures and surplus/deficit. At this point there are deficits shown, but they will be adjusted when reductions are made again this year. Greenspon noted the report indicates the district will be down $9.2 million. Bobek noted that this is fund balance, not the unspent balance, which is what the district has been watching because this is what the Iowa Department of Education tracks. Remy noted that this amount is also for the past year, which the district is closing out. Sinclair noted page 14 of the handout, which showed the district prior to the approved reductions for fiscal year 2015. He said the district is now potentially looking at a negative $2.4 million and the district would have had a negative $5 million if reductions had not been made. Sinclair then reviewed the tax rate summary and the unspent authorized budget report, which calculates the maximum spending authority the district could spend. Page 4 of 90
Greenspon asked when the district will know the amount it will need to reduce for next year. Sinclair said one key piece of information that PMA must have is the final numbers for the 2014 school year. She also asked if cuts would need to be make in one, two, or three years. Sinclair said there are two philosophies; one is cut all and once and get it done, and the other is to do it overtime. Remy said that the district will know fiscal year 2014 about mid-September and then enrollment in October, and these are two pieces of significant information the district needs to have before it can move forward. She said that is why we can’t give a specific number to reduce yet. Brown asked if the model the Board is seeing today assumes the district will get additional spending authority for its English Language Learner program. Bobek said no, it will change. Sinclair noted that the district would have had significant issues if it had not made reductions last year, based on the current status of the projections. He noted that there are compounding effects of reductions in the out years. Sinclair then reviewed the calendar of financial-related dates, noting that when information is updated and the projections are updated. He said the next step is to finalize fiscal year 2014 and update all reports and start the process for converting fiscal year 2015. He said there are 18 districts using the full PMA tool. Bobek said it is the most comprehensive tool on school finance forecasting that exists. Poole said Cedar Rapids, Iowa City, Waukee, Johnston and others are using the full version of the tool. Sinclair said the tool was developed by a nationally recognized school finance entity, and this is used by districts in other states. IV. Request for Closed Session: [Iowa Code 21.5 (1) (j)] To discuss the purchase or sale of particular real estate only where premature disclosure could be reasonably expected to increase the price the governmental body would have to pay for that property or reduce the price the governmental body would receive for that property: It was moved by Greenspon and seconded by Poole to hold a closed session as provided by Iowa Code 21.5 (1) (j) to discuss the purchase or sale of particular real estate where premature disclosure could be reasonably expected to increase the price the governmental body would have to pay for that property or reduce the price the governmental body would receive for that property. Roll call vote: Kevin Carroll, yes; H. Milton Cole, yes; Tali Greenspon, yes; Andi Lipman, yes; Vicky Poole, yes; David J. Brown, yes. The closed session convened at 6:01 p.m. V. Motion to Reconvene from Closed Session into Regular Session: It was moved by Carroll and seconded by Greenspon to reconvene the Board of Education from closed session into the regular meeting for the purpose of discussion and/or approval of a topic reviewed in closed session. Roll call vote: Kevin Carroll, yes; H. Milton Cole, yes; Tali Greenspon, yes; Andi Lipman, yes; Vicky Poole, yes; David J. Brown, yes. The regular session was reconvened at 6:22 p.m. VI. Adjournment: It was moved by Cole and seconded by Greenspon to adjourn the meeting. The motion was approved by a unanimous vote. The meeting adjourned at 6:22 p.m.
_________________________________________________ Elaine Watkins-Miller, Board Secretary
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REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES August 25, 2014 I. Call to Order II. Roll Call III. Open Forum IV. Consent Agenda a. Minutes x Workshop August 11, 2014 x Regular Meeting August 11, 2014 b. Personnel x Resignations x Recommendations x New Hires – Support Staff x Initial Contracts – Certified Staff c. Bills for Payment d. Facility Projects/Contracts x Change Order(s) – VHS Phase 3B x Change Order(s) – Fairmeadows 2014 x Substantial Completion – Clive Elementary Flooring Project V. Superintendent’s Report VI. Board Reports a. Superintendent’s Advisory Board Policy Committee b. Superintendent’s Advisory Facility & Finance Committee c. Superintendent’s Advisory Human Resources Committee d. Superintendent’s Advisory Teaching & Learning Committee VII. 2013-14 Summative School Improvement Reports: VIII. Open Enrollment IX. Facility Projects a. Construction Project Update X. Contracts/Agreements a. Hoyt Sherman Place – Baker’s Dozen Mime Troupe Fall Show b. Unity Point Health – Athletic Training Services c. Contemporary Services Corporation – security at VHS activities d. PACE – amendment XI. Prairie Meadows Grant Resolution XII. Agreed Upon Procedures Report for School Nutrition XIII. Student and Staff Recognition XIV. Adjournment The regular meeting of the Board of Education of the West Des Moines Community School District was held on Monday, August 25, 2014, at the Learning Resource Center, 3550 Mills Civic Parkway, West Des Moines, Iowa 50265. I. Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by Vice President David J. Brown at 7:01 p.m. II. Roll Call: The secretary noted the following Board members present: David J. Brown, Kevin Carroll, H. Milton Cole, Tali Greenspon, Andi Lipman, and Vicky Poole. Absent: Elizabeth Brennan. III. Open Forum: There were no participants. IV. Consent Agenda: It was moved by Lipman and seconded by Greenspon to approve the consent agenda as presented. The motion was approved by a unanimous vote. a. Minutes x Workshop August 11, 2014 x Regular Meeting August 11, 2014 b. Personnel x Resignations NAME
SUBJECT Page 6 of 90
Angle, Justin (J.R.) Angle, Justin (J.R.) Arroyo, Socorro Fessler, Norine Henninger, Sara Hiatt, Tasha Kadic, Medina Quinlan, Hillary Alibasic, Azra Hoogerwerf, Whitney Killam, Holly Lifka-Reselman, Alexandra Novak, Chris Recommendations
Valley Valley Stilwell Transportation Western Hills Valley Southwoods Valley Clive Crossroads Park Crossroads Park Hillside
Study Hall Supervisor Asst. Boys Basketball Coach Nutrition General Worker Bus Driver 1:1 Spec. Ed. Asst., Lv. 3 1:1 Spec. Ed. Asst., Lv. 2 Nutrition General Worker 1:1 Spec. Ed. Asst., Lv. 1 Kindergarten Assistant 1:1 Spec. Ed. Asst., Lv. II Spec. Ed. Asst., Lv. I
Valley Valley
1:1 Spec. Ed. Asst., Lv. II Asst. Wrestling Coach
NAME Replacements Alier, Samuel Breedlove, Molly Cumming, Kathleen Nichols, Tim Pearce, Kevin Pearce, Kevin Thompson, Cathy Dewein, W. Richard Swenson, Gary Woodcock, Mark
Fidel Baudista Jeff Jenks Karen Schneider Craig Herr Tess Davis Brady Weber
Head Custodian/HD 1:1 Spec. Ed. Asst., Lv. 3/VA Noon Supervisor/WH Junior High Football Coach/ST
Stephenie Ovrom Elizabeth Deutmeyer Gary Swenson Eric Johnson
Spec. Ed. Asst., Lv. 3/ST Vocal Music Accompanist/IH Head Football Coach/VA Vocal Jazz Director/VA
Additions/Contract Changes Farrell, Joanna Chappell, Eric Tracy Johnson New Hires – Support Staff NAME Applegate, Sarah Berttucci, Christine Bunton, James Huntley, Loni Jasienski, Michael Mitchell, Kristen Rianto, Meilia Walsh, Sandi Allyn, Chloe Baumhover, Anne Brower, Jane Bunton, Bonita Ellerbroek, Mary
REPLACEMENT FOR Kathy Glass New Position Mary St. Cyr Jane Ann Becicka Paul Clark Kammie Young Casey Baker Bev Bauder Kerry Ruth Becky Freeman New Position Tasha Hiatt New Position
Junior High Girls Basketball Coach/ST Junior High Football Coach/ST
ESL/VA,WCC .5 Social Studies/VA POSITION/BUILDING 1:1 Spec. Ed. Asst., Lv. III/WR Spec. Ed. Asst., ECSE/WR Spec. Ed. Asst., Lv. II/ST Nutrition General Worker/VA Custodian/VA 1:1 Spec. Ed. Asst., Lv. III/WR Nutrition General Worker/Floater 1:1 Spec. Ed. Asst., Lv. I/CV 1:1 Spec. Ed. Asst., Lv. I/FM Kindergarten Asst./FM 1:1 Spec. Ed. Asst., Lv. 1/CR 1:1 Spec. Ed. Asst., Lv. 2/VSW Kids West Child Care Provider/WR Page 7 of 90
Ericson, Teresa Ann Quinn Noon Supervisor/WH Hubbard, Morgan New Position Kids West Child Care Provider/WR Jiracek, Deborah Chris Kimpston Kids West Child Care Provider/JC Juhl Reid, Lindsay Carolyn Shields 1st Grade Asst, Noon Supervisor/CR Woodcock, Mark Janis Brown Spec. Ed. Asst., Lv. 1/IH Initial Contracts – Certified Staff REPLACEMENT FOR POSITION/BUILDING NAME Replacements Abraham, Rebecca .4 Catherine Michl, .6 VanSyoc .6 FLES/CL, .25 Reading/CL,.15 Reading/CR Erickson, Dale Holly Armstrong Spec. Ed., Lv. II/VA Gordon, Samantha Amy Tallman Spec. Ed., Lv. I/HD Grundmeier, Valorie Lori Kerr 5th Grade/WH Wiltgen, Joseph Curtis Nelson Tech Ed/VA Edwards, Lacia Lori Logan/Kristy Dietzenbach Reading/Title I Emerson, Leilani Melissa Gress .5 Language Arts/IH Additions Jensen, Heidi
New Position
Teacher Leader Additions Ballard, Pamela Cooper, Sarah Cooper, Sarah France, Karen French, Natalie Gress, Melissa Hirsch, Sheila
New Position New Position New Position New Position New Position Brady Weber New Position
Johnson, Tracy Karns, Chantel Kaufman, Julie Kent, Adam Kinney, Robert Menz, Breck Miller, Trina Olson, Shana Pate, Rhys Petersen, Wade Spenner, Rachel Spenner, Rachel Stoa, Daniel Bergman, Janice Boruff, Abilyn Brown, Anna Carlson, Marcia Cooper, Sarah French, Natalie French, Natalie Fuglsang, Alice Fuglsang, Alice
Brady Weber New Position New Position New Position New Position New Position New Position New Position New Position New Position New Position New Position New Position New Position New Position New Position New Position New Position New Position New Position New Position New Position
Teacher Leader: Building Leadership Team/HD Teacher Leader: Building Leadership Team/HD Teacher Leader: Demonstration Teacher/HD Teacher Leader: Building Leadership Team/HD Teacher Leader: District Leadership Team/IH .5 Teacher Leader: Secondary Instructional Coach/IH Teacher Leader: Building Leadership Team/HD .5 Teacher leader: Secondary Professional Development/Curriculum Facilitator-Social Studies .5 Teacher Leader: District Leadership Team/WCC Teacher Leader: Demonstration Teacher/WR Teacher Leader: Demonstration Teacher/VSW .5 Teacher Leader: District Leadership Team/WCC Teacher Leader: Building Leadership Team/WR Teacher Leader: Building Leadership Team/WR Teacher Leader: Building Leadership Team/HD Teacher Leader: Demonstration Teacher/VSW Teacher Leader: Demonstration Teacher/VSW Teacher Leader: Building Leadership Team/WR Teacher Leader: Demonstration Teacher/WR Teacher Leader: Demonstration Teacher/VSW Teacher Leader: Mentor Teacher/JC Teacher Leader: Mentor Teacher/CL Teacher Leader: Mentor Teacher WH Teacher Leader: Mentor Teacher/CV Teacher Leader: Mentor Teacher/HD Teacher Leader: Building Leadership Team/IH Teacher Leader: Mentor Teacher/IH Teacher Leader: Building Leadership Team IH Teacher Leader: Demonstration Teacher/IH Page 8 of 90
c. d.
Gress, Melissa New Position Teacher Leader: Building Leadership Team/IH Grubb, Geoffrey New Position Teacher Leader: Building Leadership Team/IH Grubb, Geoffrey New Position Teacher Leader: Mentor Teacher/IH Hargens, Brandon New Position Teacher Leader: Mentor Teacher/CR Hirsch, Sheila New Position Teacher Leader: Mentor Teacher/HD Jaramillo, Erica New Position Teacher Leader: Building Leadership Team/CR Jaramillo, Erica New Position Teacher Leader: Mentor Teacher/CR Jaramillo, Erica New Position Teacher Leader: Demonstration Teacher/CR Karns, Chantel New Position Teacher Leader: Mentor Teacher/WCC Loney, Angela New Position Teacher Leader: Mentor Teacher/CR Menz, Breck New Position Teacher Leader: Mentor Teacher/WR Overlin, Jasmeen New Position Teacher Leader: Building Leadership Team/IH Overlin, Jasmeen New Position Teacher Leader: Mentor Teacher/IH Overlin, Jasmeen New Position Teacher Leader: Demonstration Teacher/IH Reel, Courtney New Position Teacher Leader: Mentor Teacher/CL Spenner, Rachel New Position Teacher Leader: Mentor Teacher/WR Stahn, Carly New Position Teacher Leader: Mentor Teacher WH Von Stein, Brooke New Position Teacher Leader: Mentor Teacher/CV Walker, Linda New Position Teacher Leader: Mentor Teacher/WR Woodke, Kayla New Position Teacher Leader: Mentor Teacher/HD Bills for Payment: Administration presented the bills for payment dated August 25, 2014 in the amount of $3,443,484.30. Facility Projects/Contracts x Change Order(s) – VHS Phase 3B: Administration received change order 007 from Clark Glass, Inc. pertaining to the Valley High School Phase 3B Project. The change order is for: o CCD 3B-RFI904 - RFI 904 Design Change – Owner Request (Mollison, Robbins): Add: $0.00 Contract Summary: Original Contract Sum: $550,151.00 Previous Change Order Amount: $9,469.00 Current Change Order Amount: $ 0.00 Current Contract Amount: $559,620.00 Change Order Percent Amount: 1.7 % Sales and Service Tax funds have been allocated for this project. Administration received change order 008 from Clark Glass, Inc. pertaining to the Valley High School Phase 3B Project. The change order is for: o CCD 3B-RFI918 - RFI 918 Design Change - Architect: Add: $0.00 Contract Summary: Original Contract Sum: $550,151.00 Previous Change Order Amount: $9,469.00 Current Change Order Amount: $0.00 Current Contract Amount: $559,620.00 Change Order Percent Amount: 1.7% Sales and Service Tax funds have been allocated for this project. Administration received change order 009 from Clark Glass, Inc. pertaining to the Valley High School Phase 3B Project. The change order is for: o CCD 3B-RFI1149 - RFI 1149 Design Clarification: Add: $0.00 Contract Summary: Original Contract Sum: $550,151.00 Previous Change Order Amount: $9,469.00 Current Change Order Amount: $0.00 Current Contract Amount: $559,620.00 Change Order Percent Amount: 1.7% Sales and Service Tax funds have been allocated for this project. x Change Order(s) – Fairmeadows 2014: Administration received Change Order #03 from Rochon Corporation pertaining to the Fairmeadows Addition and Renovation Project. The change order is for: o PR #09 – Unforeseen: Add: $22,372.22 Page 9 of 90
PR #11 – Unforeseen: Add: $8,135.94 Contract Summary: Original Contract Sum: $2,399,700.00 Previous Net Change Order Amount: $62,783.65 Current Change Order Amount: $30,508.16 New Contract Amount: $2,492,991.81 Change Order Percent Amount: 3.89% Sales and Service Tax funds have been allocated for this project. Substantial Completion – Clive Elementary Flooring Project: The Clive Elementary Flooring project has been substantially completed according to and as required by contract documents. Punch list items are being addressed and completed. Punch list items and all pertinent contract documentation will be completed and received before a final completion and retainage release recommendation is requested.
V. Superintendent’s Report: West Des Moines Community Schools Superintendent Dr. Lisa Remy turned her report over to Associate Superintendent of Human Resources Carol Seid, who introduced several new administrators in the district. She first introduced David Perrigo. He thanked the Board and said he is extremely excited to join the WDMCS and Valley High School. He said the first four days have been outstanding. He is learning as many names as possible and getting into classrooms, which has been awesome. He said his previous building of 280 doesn’t rival Valley. Seid said Brady Weber is now assistant principal and activities director at Stilwell. She said people have shared that he is extremely student-centered and responsible. He has high expectations for all. He is a serious student of education and he is a great collaborator. He thanked the Board and said it is an honor to serve at Stilwell in his new capacity. Seid said Eric Boyle is now principal of Stilwell. Comments shared with her about Boyle include that he has the ability to relate to students, staff, and families. He excels in all that he does and he has strong people skills. He is reliable and well-respected and holds himself and others to high standards. Boyle thanked the Board for the opportunity. He said he has large shoes to fill, now working in the position Tim Miller held. Boyle said he has been given many opportunities to learn and he is honored and humbled to be building principal at Stilwell. Seid said Brandon Pierce is now Principal of Fairmeadows. Comments shared about Pierce are that he shows strong leadership. He uses data and measures effectiveness of his teachers, staff, and building as a whole. Pierce thanked the Board for the opportunity to lead in a different capacity. He said the students have experienced a smooth start to the school year and the adults in the building are working to be as flexible as our students in moving into the remodeled Fairmeadows. Cole made the following comments: “Tonight is an exciting night — an exciting new start as we are formally introduced to four administrators and their new place of assignment here in the WDMCS. I have had the pleasure of making my way to their assigned schools to meet, greet, and welcome them on board. This was a pleasure. The newest of the new to our district is David Perrigo at Valley High School. (As opposed to David M. – Maxwell – as we would have noted in elementary school.) David makes his way back to WDMCS, as he previously served as an assistant football coach at Valley Southwoods after a very impressive educational journey as teacher, assistant principal, building principal, football coach, and more from a wide variety of settings here in Iowa. We are honored that you have chosen to join us “David P.” Moving to Stilwell, we welcome the placement of two outstanding educators. First of all Eric Boyle has been selected to be the principal of the building. After having served as the assistant administrator at this Grand Avenue educational setting under the guidance and leadership of Mr. Tim Miller, Eric is more than ready to assume the role of building leader. Having worked with Mr. Boyle as a “Stilwell Dad-Lunchtime Volunteer, I was impressed with Eric’s outstanding capacity to relate to not only staff but students. After having considered a number of people “to fill Tim Miller’s shoes” one “stood out above the crowd.” That person is Eric Boyle. Continued best of luck and good cheer in your expanded responsibilities at Stilwell, Eric. Working along with Mr. Boyle at Stilwell is newly selected Assistant Principal Brady Weber, who transitions from a second floor classroom at Stilwell to the first floor main office. Brady has a stellar reputation as a classroom instructor in addition to an outstanding reputation as a molder of young men while serving as the Valley High School baseball coach. Valley’s most recent baseball season took the team to the state baseball tournament where the Tigers fought and scraped every step of the way to conclude what was an outstanding season. As impressive as Mr. Weber’s baseball leadership was, the fact that preceding each practice day at the Valley baseball field or each game day, Mr. Weber would be on the road by 4 a.m. each morning to drive to UNI to take administrative course work and then trek back to WDMCS for his athletic responsibilities. Very impressive Mr. Weber — very impressive. Best wishes. Brandon Pierce is the fourth person that we acknowledge tonight with his transition from Clive Elementary to Fairmeadows Elementary.
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Under Brandon’s leadership, Clive is known to be a school that is innovative in meeting a wide variety of socio-economic challenges. Moving to Fairmeadows, Brandon will follow in the footsteps (although not necessarily in the shoes) of Carol Seid and, most recently, Nancy Moorhead in the newly refurbished building. Best of luck, Brandon in your new assignment and thanks for answering the call. So Gentlemen, please accept your individual (recently refurbished with white paint) golf clubs as an indication that I am sure — absolutely convinced without question, without reservation — that each of you will be a top of “The Leaderboard” because of your leadership in your respective buildings. West Des Moines Community Schools are very fortunate to have each of you on board. Thank you, David! Thank you, Eric! Thank you, Brady! Thank you, Brandon! Remy reported on the recent active shooter drill at Valley Southwoods, stating that she is pleased the district went through the drill. She said the planning with the police department was very detailed. All the organizations said afterwards that all the entities have great plans, but there is always room to improve. She said the district will continue to planning, specifically regarding reunification and the recovery from an event. VI. Board Reports a. Superintendent’s Advisory Board Policy Committee: Poole reported that the committee has not met. b. Superintendent’s Advisory Facility & Finance Committee: Lipman reported that everything discussed at the meeting is on the agenda. c. Superintendent’s Advisory Human Resources Committee: Poole reported that the committee has not met. d. Superintendent’s Advisory Teaching & Learning Committee: Greenspon said the committee will meet tomorrow. x Cole submitted the following written report: It was the best “Welcome Back” ever. The August event at Valley Southwoods was marked by joy with educators rendezvousing after the summer break, with food morsels from food services. The Valley student body was represented in word and song. The two profession-organizing workers group were marked by two outstanding speakers. School Board Vice President David Brown was Blue Ribbon in his words of appreciation and personal journey as a parent of three sons (outstanding sons!!!) that have been educated in the WDMCS. David, you were “Five Stars”… “A+”… “Blue Ribbon” — the best yet during five participations in Welcome Back gatherings. Carol Seid, you were “fantastique” in your heartfelt, warm, engaging comments of welcome, explanation, and information. “Thank you” does not extol nearly enough my appreciation. And… and… and… I save the accolade of accolades… the outstanding recollection of Dr. Remy. The comments made by Lisa were so very helpful, enlightening, and informative as to where education has been, where it is now, and suggestions of how we might better orchestrate education to meet students today, in the near future, and — of equal significance — beyond. I heard that leaders working as a team will result in outstanding education beyond our imagination. Thank you, Lisa, for your message that utilized slides, information, reminders, statistics, facts, music, and movement. Movement you might ask? Well, no one has really been welcomed back until they experienced all of the above coupled with “fleet-of-foot” Dr. Lisa Remy. She shed her nine-inch patent-leather heals of the 2013 Welcome Back and replaced them with what was described to me as “basic black flats.” Lisa was a dancing machine! She out-danced T.V. star Ellen DeGeneres (sorry, Ellen). Had Lisa participated in Dancing with the Stars with Shawn Johnson, Lisa would have received the “gold award” and Shawn would have been relegated to silver (sorry, Shawn). One all levels, Lisa you were “golden” – you were the best! x Poole said it is a pleasure to see the administrators here tonight. Kudos to a great start to the school year. She said she would like to go into the classrooms where teachers are taking a leap of faith and she would like to sing our praises because we don’t do that enough. She reported that the school websites are looking good. She would also like the express kudos to the administrators for implementing new standards at the stadium. x Greenspon reported that she was able to see Valley registration. She gave kudos the Andi Lipman for making the registration very smooth and organized. She said the start of the school year is very challenging and she is sure it was wonderful at every school. She said at her daughter’s school it was well organized and kids were happy. She thanked all the administrators for making the beginning of the school year positive for all kids. VII. 2013-14 Summative School Improvement Reports: Remy thanked the building administrators who work day in and day out with their staff for students and she thanked them for keeping students in the forefront of every decision. She thanked them for taking time out of their day to provide their summative reports. Hillside Elementary Dr. Robert Davis said the school made safe harbor in reading and math under No Child Left Behind. The school is off the school in need of assistance list for mathematics and needs to reach achievement goals for one more year in reading to be removed in this area. He then reviewed what this means in terms of No Child Left Behind. Davis said this required a 10 percent improvement in every subgroup for every target. There are about 10-12 categories and Hillside has students represented in every subgroup. He attributes the improvement to the efforts to have measurable goals. He noted the goals in the booklet provided. Staff are holding conversations about proficiency in reading. The new curriculum in reading has helped, reading block has assisted, and working on improving small group reading instruction has also lead to improvement. Hillside was selected as a MTSS pilot school, one of 90 schools in the state. Hillside will continue to use the common core and deepen the understanding of the reading process in the K-6 setting.
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Crossroad Park Elementary Principal Britt Cameron said his school’s goal was to increase achievement data in reading. Fountas & Pinnell assessment results, the school met its goal for the percent of students in the meeting or exceeding range in grades one through four. Scores remained the same in grade five and in grade six there was a decrease. He provided further information on the test scores. Cohort scores on the Iowa Assessments increased for fourth graders, with grades five and six decreasing. Reading teachers and fifth and sixth grade teachers are reviewing student interventions. He would like to carve out 20-30 minutes two or three times a week to implement those interventions. He said the time allotted would be more effective and efficient. Teachers are also reviewing how the school utilizes reading resource staff. The school uses them at the primary levels, but he would like to look at creative ways to provide extra assistance in upper grades. The school will continue with learning targets, differentiation, and formative assessments to best meet the needs of students. He said the school had extra assistance for implementation of the new reading program and had 25 teachers participate with coaches. Walnut Creek Campus Principal Dr. Kim Davis reported that her school’s work looks different from the other schools. She reviewed the school’s goals. The data show that student who are with them for their entire high school career improve academically. She said her student population is fluid. The school has a large population of parents who are not native English speakers. A family liaison called each parent to invite them to the teacher conferences and all calls to parents were in Spanish and in English. The personal call substantially increased parent participant in conferences. Davis said they have implemented a school orientation class. The school tracks students by the number of credits, not by class. They also implemented RTI or now MTSS and academic interventions. The school collects student data in order to provide interventions with students earlier. Plans are developed for students who are not progressing academically, and these include behavior, socialization, and more. Last year staff made 3,000 calls regarding students who are not attending; a lot of effort is put into getting students to school. She said that they have also implemented a survey about motivation, well-being, and more to gather data to provide targeted interventions. This year they will do pre- and post-tests. Valley Southwoods Principal Mitch Kuhnert reported there has been a lot of change over the last few years. The building’s goals align with the district’s goal, which is to reduce the achievement gap. The school also addresses the relationship component. AIW is still a big part of professional develop. The focus for the entire building was to score one piece of instruction and he explained this work. He noted PLC work continues. The main focus last year was to make sure learning targets are aligned to the core and getting to common assessments. Enrollment in advanced courses has increased. The goal was to have all E20/20 courses completed, and that was accomplished last year. The next area is relationships and the school had advisory for the first time this past year. The school will no longer have teaming this year due to budget reductions. He said the school will have a harder time to meeting the needs of struggling students because each core teacher will no longer have one resource period. The new schedule this year, which now is a modified block, aligns more with Valley’s schedule. He said that there is limited funds for the Success Center, which is funded for at-risk funds. He noted that special education teachers still do teaming. There was further discussion about the resource classes and the impact of the change. Valley High School Principal Tim Miller reported that he was not at the school last year, so he will focus on what is ahead. Registration was very smooth and a positive experience, and he thanked Andi Lipman for her work. Miller thanked the administrators for helping him understand Valley when he first started. He said they have helped him get off to a good start. He thanked and commended the Valley staff for welcoming him. He said they were very receptive. He saw teachers in the hallways helping and showing students that they were glad to be there. There were teachers at the doors welcoming the students. He said Valley teachers are a bright, tremendous group of educators. The focus for the year will be to have goals aligned with the district goals, which were established by the School Board. The school will develop action steps to bring about improvement. He said the goals guide us with our goals and we want our action steps to align with the district. The staff will work on EEI, learning targets, differentiation, and professional learning communities. There are challenges to do this because of the size and structure of a large high school. He said meeting in PLC requires some rescheduling. The school will continue to work on PLPs and building those relationships. Valley will continue to work on AIW and there is a group of people who are excited about this work. The school will continue to build relationship with kids. He said there excitement at the school and the building will continue to build on it. Indian Hills Junior High Principal Shane Christensen said this is his 10th year at Indian Hills and the Board will hear more about the school during its visit to the building. The Indian Hills School Improvement goal was to improve the percentage of students in the proficient range for reading, math and science. The staff used the strategies of AIW in teams and departments. The staff also used the PLC process to improve the EEI strategies of differentiation and common assessments in both teams and departments. In addition, they targeted students who were not proficient in reading and math for math and reading resource classes. Staff also practiced reading and critical thinking skills in Tiger Time. Data on the 2014 Iowa Assessments showed growth of 7th graders to 8th grade of 3.1 years in reading, 1.9 years in math, and 4.3 years in science on average. Indian Hills increased the percent of students in the proficient range by 6% in reading, 5% in math, and 12.5% in science. Indian Hills was able to increase the number of students who were proficient in all subgroups but did not meet safe harbor on the Iowa Assessments for English Language Learners in reading and Low SES students in math. All other subgroups including special education improved enough to have Safe Harbor. The 2014 Stretching Minds staff was especially excited about the growth of Indian Hills and Stilwell students this summer in Stretching Minds. Preliminary data shows that of the students who successfully completed the program by attending a minimum of five weeks out of six, the average growth in reading and in math was 1.5 years with some students making as much as 3 years of growth over 6 weeks in reading and/or math using the ALEKS and iReady programs along with direct instruction by
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teachers. Westridge Elementary Principal Mary Jane Stites reported that the school is bursting at the seams with kindergartners. She said as new students are coming from other schools, they will look at adding information. Assistant Principal Brian Vaughn reported that last year he was part of different committees and the iSpin and iCare committees were doing many of the same things. He said they have a climate and culture goals. There was nothing wrong, but the school must keep up with the changing demographics. The leadership committee reviewed data to help work on climate and culture goals. He noted the areas they are working on for improvement. He said they are looking at a Responsive Classroom, where there is a classroom meeting each morning. Some teachers came to him regarding the Leader in Me program. He explained the philosophy, which is the Stephen Covey program. He said staff has done Seven Habits training and they will transition this work to the classroom with an accompanying goal. Jordan Creek Principal Graham Jones reported that for the past four or five years the school has been talking about professional learning communities. He said last year his staff went to a conference and noted that they have been talking about PLC, but really want to look deeper at it this year. They are focused on what they should be looking at in terms of data, common assessments, and more. He noted the two reading goals and a character goal. He said the Benchmark Literacy goals have been helpful. He said they focused on the data benchmarks with Fountas & Pinnell and Iowa Assessments. He noted that there have been improvements in data. IEP students have struggled the most and they are looking about how to get students involved in core plus more, having them in the classroom. He said they also increased in low SES. He said they also looked at proficient students and moving them into the high proficiency level. He said Jordan Creek has increased 3.9 percent in the advanced range and 10.5 percent in the Iowa Assessments. Their third goal is a character goal and staff are looking at the school culture and how to decrease referrals. He said the Olweus Bullying Prevention survey helped pinpoint areas. The school’s KidsCare Club has more 100 students and parents involved, and other efforts have led to a decrease in referrals. There was a discussion about an online learning opportunity for advanced math students at the elementary working with a junior high teachers through an online classroom, so students do not need to travel to another building during the day. Western Hills Principal Beth Thornton said last year the goal was to increase reading comprehension. This was worked on with an increased reading block with teacher assistance and other extra intervention. This year they are adding an academic vocabulary and looking at Robert J. Marzano’s work. She said one of the things the school does well is relationships. She said we teach children to learn about the common areas of the school. This year they are adding a classroom component. She said staff members use whole-brain teaching, exemplified in Terry Soto or Mike Beranek’s classrooms. She said many teachers are studying this area. The school is also using a data system regarding referrals and better understanding the details of this data. She said teachers went to training regarding interventions. She said there is a check in and check out system. She said the school is also working on creating a welcoming environment, providing a free dinner to parents of the school. She said they are also conducting PTO meetings on Saturdays and hold family movie nights. Teachers are also studying how to engage students of poverty in the classroom. Past Clive Elementary Principal and current Fairmeadows Elementary Principal Brandon Pierce reported on both schools. He said Clive started the year working on math, specifically aligning instruction with the common core and use of a universal screener. He said they are also working with PLCs. Teachers were also developing formative assessments. On the district assessment, student scores remained stable and on the Iowa Assessment scores increased slightly. One of the concerns is the school being identified as a school in need of assistance under No Child Left Behind. He said staff are also working to move proficient students into the next level, and those scores have continued to grow over the past three years. He said Clive will likely continue to work on these areas this year. He said they will also continue implement Everyday Math and the Iowa Core with fidelity. At Fairmeadows Elementary, Pierce said that he is continuing to learn more about where they have been and where they are going, meeting people and knowing the physical building. He said staff members have been working on PLC, expanding AIW, and more. He said they are also working on identifying how to support students in reading and math, or the BAT process. He said they will take time in PLC to align teaching with the Iowa Core and looking at assessments to make sure students are learning what teachers are teaching in the classroom. Crestview Elementary Principal John Villotti reported that last year the school focused on teaching students what they didn’t know and assessing students to determine what they don’t know and teach them, with core plus and core plus, plus; moving kids from non-proficient to proficient and onward. He said the school started last year with 117 not proficient and ended with 89 not proficient. He said they are fine tuning and aligning assessments to help kids that are struggling. He said we are hoping this year to do this in reading and math. Stilwell Principal Eric Boyle reported that last year the school saw an increase in advance proficient and there was improvement in students’ non-proficient scores. He reported that the school is working on district goals set by the Board. He said the school did not meet math goal last year, so staff are working to assess areas of need and target interventions. He said teachers are pre-testing this week. He said we were able to eliminate a computer lab and provide Chrome books in the English classes. Another exciting initiative is implementing common assessments and reviewing in PLCs. There are seven days where both junior high buildings will meet to review the data, and align targets. He said when
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they start having conversations, teachers can look back to the common assessments. He said the building will continue to focus on relationships in Tiger Times, with Olweus. He noted Tim Miller’s impact on his life and Miller’s willingness to share his passions in life. With this in mind, Boyle has challenged his staff members to determine their one-word vision. Staff will have a card with picture and their reason for why they come to school each day. A mural is being made in the building of these cards. Staff members also had to make a video explaining their word. They will use their video to let people know why they are coming to work each days. Remy said she hopes the Board Members have seen why she feels so fortunate to be part of this team. She said she can’t thank the administrators enough for all they do to be prepared to work with their staff and their staff to work with our students. VIII. Open Enrollment: The following open enrollment requests were approved by the administration and presented for Board review: 2014 – 2015 IN Name Grade From To Reason Bradshaw, Austyn 6 DMPS WDM continuation Bryant, Katrina 4 Waukee WDM continuation Bryant, Paisley 8 Waukee WDM continuation Calderon, Manuel 1 DMPS WDM continuation Carter, Tayven K Waukee WDM met deadline Marsh, Michael 10 Urbandale WDM continuation Mata, Gilberto 8 Urbandale WDM continuation Mata, Maximiliano Pk Urbandale WDM continuation Ramsey, Larae K Ankeny WDM met deadline Reverol, Melina 4 DMPS WDM continuation Robinson, Holly 7 DMPS WDM continuation Robinson, Jacob 9 DMPS WDM continuation Tupy, Menae K Johnston WDM met deadline Walters, Alex 1 Waukee WDM continuation Walters, Alivia K Waukee WDM met deadline 2014- 2015 OUT Name Adair, Alexander Adair, Charles Aust, Madeline Dedic, Damir Edwards, Emily Edwards, Evan Edwards, Grayson Edwards, Megan Hafer, Kailee Hafer, Mason Hamor, Kearra Jimenez Hernandez, Mia Hyde, Lyric Robinson, RuthAnn Smith, Shane Ujeht, Ajomwo Ujeht, Kieg Ujeht, Ujwag
Grade K K 2 12 10 8 2 5 10 7 7 K K 4 9 3 K 5
To Johnston Johnston DMPS DMPS Waukee Waukee Waukee Waukee Johnston Johnston DMPS DMPS Johnston Clayton Ridge DMPS Urbandale Urbandale Urbandale
Reason met deadline met deadline continuation good cause good cause good cause good cause good cause continuation continuation good cause met deadline met deadline good cause good cause good cause met deadline good cause
IX. Facility Projects a. Construction Project Update: Dan Solem of the Weitz, Co., reported that crews are pulling thousands of feet of wire. The atrium glass will be worked on and the brick work will be done by the end of the week. Paving on the east side of the building will be done this week. West Des Moines Community Schools Construction Manager Steve Zbylicki addressed recent issues with the air-conditioning unit at Fairmeadows. He reported that repairs were made and the unit should be fully operational. Bobek reported that at Indian Hills there are air-conditioning issues. He said both chillers have sets of problems. One is working at 80 percent with a burnt-out compressor, which will be replaced tomorrow. The 250-ton chiller has holes and leaks in the terminal board and staff believe it can
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be repaired for the cooling season, but it will take more than three days for parts to be delivered and assembled. The district is working with Shive Hattery on the replacement of the chiller next summer as part of the facilities plan. He said the district is also looking at changing to a geothermal system. X. Contracts/Agreements a. Hoyt Sherman Place – Baker’s Dozen Mime Troupe Fall Show: It was moved by Lipman and seconded by Greenspon to approve a contract for the Valley High School Mimes to perform September 13, 2014, at Hoyt Sherman Place a facility run by VenuWorks of Des Moines, L.L.C. for a rental cost of $4,115.25 to be paid by the Mimes activity account. The motion was approved by a unanimous vote. Carroll left the meeting at 9:05 p.m. b.
Unity Point Health – Athletic Training Services: It was moved by Lipman and seconded by Greenspon to approve a contract with Unity Point Health to provide athletic training services for the junior high, VSW and VHS students with trainers assigned to each school for regular hours as well as specific athletic events at a cost of is $2,500 per trainer per season with one trainer paid for out of the General Fund and the second trainer paid for from Athletics. The motion was approved by a unanimous vote. Carroll was absent.
Contemporary Services Corporation – security at VHS activities: It was moved by Lipman and seconded by Greenspon to approve a contract with Contemporary Services Corporation for services at Valley High School and Dowling Catholic High School football games played at Valley Stadium and security will also be provided at basketball, wrestling, volleyball, soccer, track, baseball, and softball events with a cost of services the same as the 2013-14 agreement at $6,148.00 and paid by the Athletic Department. The motion was approved by a unanimous vote.
PACE – amendment: It was moved by Lipman and seconded by Greenspon to approve a contract with PACE for case workers at Walnut Creek Campus with a cost reduction of $7,443.00. The motion was approved by a unanimous vote. Carroll returned at 9:07 p.m.
XI. Prairie Meadows Grant Resolution: It was moved by Lipman and seconded by Greenspon to approve the Booster Pak’s grant request to Prairie Meadows for $10,000, with funds from this grant purchasing food to be distributed to at-risk teens at Indian Hills, Stilwell, Valley Southwoods, and Valley as well as preschoolers who attend voluntary preschool in West Des Moines Community School District buildings. The motion was approved by a unanimous vote. XII. Agreed Upon Procedures Report for School Nutrition: It was moved by Lipman and seconded by Greenspon to approve the Agreed Upon Procedures Report for School Nutrition. The District experienced issues in connection with the School Nutrition Department’s conversion from Winsnap to Cybersoft. As a result, the Board contracted with the Board’s independent public accounting firm, Bohnsack & Frommelt LLP, to perform certain agreed upon procedures to review and investigate the issues experienced in the conversion. Mia Frommelt, Partner with Bohnsack & Frommelt LLP, presented this draft report to the Facilities and Finance Committee. The scope of the AUP will also be considered in connection with the District’s audit for the year ending June 30, 2014. The motion was approved by a unanimous vote. XIII. Student and Staff Recognition: The Board of Education of the West Des Moines Community School District is pleased to recognize the outstanding accomplishments of district students and staff. STUDENTS Academics Junior Ben Wiese won the National Security Language Initiative for Youth (NSLY) scholarship and studied in China for six weeks this summer. He is the fifth recipient of NSLY at Valley after senior Suryatej Akavaram (Tej) and 2012 graduates Jasmine Au, Jessica Au and Elaine Mou. 2014 graduate Kyra Cooper was selected to receive a NSLI Youth Scholarship to study Arabic abroad this summer. Her program took place in Muscat, Oman, through the America-Mideast Educational and Training Services, Inc. The program emphasizes rapid language acquisition in a language immersion environment by combining in-class language instruction, a comprehensive cultural program and homestays. The NSLI Youth Scholarship is sponsored by the U.S. Government through the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs. Music Please Note: The following musical honors are from the end of the 2013-14 school year and the students’ grade levels are reflected as such. Valley’s varsity jazz choir, Vocalese, took home first place honors for the second year in a row at the Iowa Vocal Jazz Championships, also known as Best of Iowa. Valley’s prep jazz choir, Vocal Point, placed fifth. Iowa All-State Jazz Choir auditions were held the same day and the following Valley students were selected to perform in this prestigious 20-person vocal jazz choir: Jared Freiburg, Abby Hudson, Lauren
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Pfeil and Caroline Stump. Nicole Miller and Linda Tong were chosen as first alternates. Also, Stephanie Hansen was chosen for the AllState Jazz Choir for the third consecutive year and was chosen as the competition’s Best Female Vocalist. Vocalese is directed by Haley Gibbons and Vocal Point is directed by Ryan Deignan. Pianist Julian Castillo, bassist Lauren Johnson and drummer Zane Gedler accompany both choirs and Brandon Devine and Melanie Taylor are the sound technicians. The Valley and Valley Southwoods had 123 vocal music entries in the State Solo and Ensemble Music Festival. The students earned 56 Division I ratings, 54 Division II ratings and 13 Division III ratings. In addition, the following Valley students were chosen as the best performers in their audition center: senior Sammie Binns for her soprano solo as well as a member of the madrigal group consisting of junior Jillian Belieu, junior Keaton Denker, senior Brandon Devine, senior Annie Howard, senior Michael Keay, senior Ben Klooster, junior Lauren Pfeil, sophomore Bridget Shoemaker, senior Emma Stier and senior Justin Umthun. The Valley orchestra earned a gold rating and the Adjudicator’s Award at the Heritage Festival in Chicago. The orchestra has received an invitation to participate in a future Festival of Gold competitions. In addition, Bailey Cook was named Queen of Love and Beauty at Medieval Times. The Valley symphony band, concert band and Southwoods band gave outstanding performances at the Adventureland/Drake University Festival of Bands. Special recognition was given to the symphony band, which, in addition to receiving a Division I rating, was awarded the Don Marcouiller Best of Class Trophy. Athletics The boys and girls soccer teams each finished in the state tournament quarterfinals in the spring. The boys track team was a state meet qualifier, while girls tennis finished fifth at the state meet and boys tennis placed third in the state. The girls golf team was the runner-up at the state tournament. Over the summer, the softball team finished in fourth place at the state tournament and the baseball team reached the state tournament quarterfinals. Conference/District/State Honors Name Mandi Roemmich
Sport Softball
Mack Jones Anna Gernant
Softball Softball
Brooke O’Hollearn Lexi Merritt Megan Rushing Kasey Feldt Rachel Bakey Connor Sorge
Softball Softball Softball Softball Softball Baseball
Nick Nelsen
Jay Hrdlicka Drew Denkiner Jacob Rojohn Drew Denkinger Jack Brandsgaard Keller Prien Chloe Jeffries Chloe Jeffries / Andres Jensen Lauren Hoffart / Delaney Parman Tommy Maigaard / Nicholas Fifield
Baseball Baseball Baseball Baseball Baseball Baseball Tennis Tennis
Honor(s) First-team all-state, all-district, first-team all-conference, first-team alldivision Second-team all-state, all-district, second-team all-division Second-team all-state, second-team all-conference, first-team alldivision Third-team all-state, honorable mention all-division Second-team all-conference, first-team all-division Second-team all-division Second-team all-division Honorable mention all-division First-team all-state, first-team all-district, first-team all-conference, firstteam all-division Second-team all-state, first-team all-district, second-team all-conference, first-team all-division First-team all-district, first-team all-conference, first-team all-division Second-team all-district First-team all-division First-team all-division Second-team all-division Second-team all-division Singles state champion, regional champion Co-ed doubles state champion
State Qualifier, second place at regionals
8th-place at state meet
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Mackenzie Main Haley Morris Brooke Swain Morgan Schlee
Girls Soccer Girls Soccer Girls Soccer Girls Soccer
Anja Schepp Greta Hingl Torey Brown Kylee Metzger Maddy Smithey Kendall Bryant Jordan Lucas
Girls Soccer Girls Soccer Girls Soccer Girls Soccer Girls Soccer Girls Soccer Boys Soccer
Addison Parrish Zack Butters Mark Broderick Jake Sprecher Nic Gorham Ramon Gonzalez Almedin Plvulij Britton Hiskey Aaron Williams Ryan Johnston
Boys Soccer Boys Soccer Boys Soccer Boys Soccer Boys Soccer Boys Soccer Boys Soccer Boys Soccer Boys Soccer Boys Soccer
First-team all-state, first-team all-state, first-team all-division Second-team all-state, first-team all-conference Honorable mention all-state, honorable mention all-division Honorable mention all-state, first-team all-conference, first-team alldivision Honorable mention all-state, first-team all-division Second-team all-division Second-team all-division Honorable mention all-division Honorable mention all-division Honorable mention all-division All-Star Team, First-team all-state, first-team all-conference, first-team all-division Second-team all-state, first-team all-conference, first-team all-division Academic all-state, second-team all-division First-team all-conference, first-team all-division Second-team all-conference, first-team all-division Second-team all-division Second-team all-division Second-team all-division Honorable mention all-division Honorable mention all-division Honorable mention all-division
STAFF WDMCS Chief Financial Officer Paul Bobek presented on Communicating School Finance to the Public at the July 16 Iowa Association of School Boards (IASB) Fiscal Management Conference. Valley social studies teacher Kevin Neal was selected as an NEH Summer Scholar and attended an NEH Landmarks of American History and Culture Workshop this summer. His workshop was held in Springfield, Ill., and explored Abraham Lincolns’ life in Springfield and New Salem Village, Ill., as well as the political challenges Lincoln faced as President. XIV. Adjournment: It was moved by Cole and seconded by Carrol to adjourn the meeting. The motion was approved by a unanimous vote. The meeting was adjourned at 9:15 p.m. _________________________________________________ Elaine Watkins-Miller, Board Secretary
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I. Call to Order II. Roll Call III. Public Hearing: Sale of Phenix Elementary Building IV. Phenix Elementary Sale Agreement V. SBRC Application for FYE ’13 ELL Deficit VI. Contracts/Agreements a. New Tech Visit – Charter Bus Agreement VII. Adjournment The special meeting of the Board of Education of the West Des Moines Community School District was held on Friday, August 29, 2014, at the Learning Resource Center, 3550 Mills Civic Parkway, West Des Moines, Iowa 50265. I. Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by Vice President David J. Brown at 12:00 p.m. II. Roll Call: The secretary noted the following Board members present: Elizabeth Brennan (via phone), David J. Brown, H. Milton Cole, Tali Greenspon, Andi Lipman, and Vicky Poole. Absent: Kevin Carroll. III. Public Hearing: Sale of Phenix Elementary Building: Brown stated that this agenda item is the time and place for the public hearing and meeting when interested individuals can express their views, both orally and in writing, on the proposed conveyance of an interest in real estate to the City of West Des Moines, Iowa. Notice of the hearing was published on August 18, 2014. Brown asked the secretary whether any written objections had been filed. None were filed. Brown then asked if there is anyone present wishes to offer oral objections or comment. No one provided objections or comments. It was moved by Cole and seconded by Poole to close the hearing. The motion was approved by a unanimous vote. IV. Phenix Elementary Sale Agreement: It was moved by Lipman and seconded by Greenspon to approve the following resolution: WHEREAS, pursuant to notice published as required by law, the Board of Directors of the West Des Moines Community School District on the 29th day of August, 2014, held a hearing on the proposal to convey an interest in real estate and the extent of objections received from residents or property owners as to said proposed transaction has been fully considered; and, accordingly the following action is now considered to be in the best interests of the District and residents thereof: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE WEST DES MOINES COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT: Section 1. That the Option Agreement whereby the City of West Des Moines, Iowa, has an exclusive option to purchase the District's real estate located at 415 7th Street and 432, 424, 420, 412 and 408 6th Street, West Des Moines, Iowa, is hereby approved. Section 2. That said Option Agreement includes the terms and conditions for the conveyance of the real estate to the City of West Des Moines, Iowa, in the event the option is timely and properly exercised. Section 3. The Board President and Secretary are authorized and directed to sign the Option Agreement. Section 4. The Board President, Secretary, Superintendent, and administrative officers of the District, as appropriate, are authorized to execute all documents and take all actions necessary to complete the transaction described by this Option Agreement, including without limitation, the execution of the Deed without Warranty if the option is executed. Section 5. The Option Agreement is for the following real property: Lots 1-20 in Block 23, 1st Addition to Valley Junction, West Des Moines, Polk County, Iowa. Roll call vote: David J. Brown, yes; H. Milton Cole, yes; Tali Greenspon, yes; Andi Lipman, yes; Vicky Poole, yes; Elizabeth Brennan, yes.
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V. SBRC Application for FYE ’13 ELL Deficit: It was moved by Lipman and seconded by Poole to approve School Budget Review Committee Application for FYE ’13 ELL Deficit, with “from 2007–2011” deleted from third paragraph on the second page of the program summary and “and” deleted from the 2010–2011 bullet in the fourth paragraph. The motion was approved by a unanimous vote. VI. Contracts/Agreements: It was moved by Poole and seconded by Cole to approve an contract with CIT Signature Transportation for a charter bus to transport up to 30 individuals, including teachers, administrators, community, and business leaders, for a New Tech Network school visit to Plymouth, Indiana, September 24–26, 2014, for a total round trip cost of $3,680.00 paid for using Title I categorical funds. Brennan said that when the district went through budget reductions last year, she stated that she hoped the district would not stop spending money to the detriment of the district. The New Tech Network is a good chance for the district to become a leader in education again, but to do that we need a lot of people on board. She said she is very much in favor of the charter bus to get as many people to the school as possible. Brennan left the proceedings, hanging up at around 12:14 p.m. Remy noted the elementary schools in the district that have been identified as schools in need of assistance under No Child Left Behind could be restructured as a New Tech schools. West Des Moines Education Associate teachers have attended each of the past trips taken and two teachers are invited on this trip. She said Board members, community leaders, parents, and some district staff would also be on the trip. Lipman asked about the number of people going. Remy said up to 30 people have been invited. In the past, the district did not need a charter bus, Lipman stated. Remy said the New Tech Network limits visits to 12 people, so a charter bus was not needed in the past. This time Remy said she make a request to bring two groups of people at once. Instead of taking two separate trips, she said a larger group would go at one time and see elementary through high school buildings. She said since she has been in the district, our way of doing business is to include many people. When the district involves people, its work goes much better because people are aware and informed. If the district is going to make a change to implement a New Tech school, it needs teachers and parents involved. It should not be a topdown decision; teachers need to be a part of the decision when it impacts the classroom. It is important for our community and parents to see where we are moving, Remy said. So that is the reason we are taking 30 people, versus half of that. She also noted that she investigated taking vans instead and vans would save about $1,200. Lipman said she has no problem with more people investigating, but she would rather see two groups go. Lipman said it is a slap in the face to people after the Board just learned the district may have a very large deficit and need to make cuts later this year, and it is taking a half-filled bus on a trip. She said she thinks it looks bad when the district overspends. Lipman said she is not making a comment on whether or not the New Tech Network is worth investigating, and she wishes she could learn. However, she is not supportive of the charter bus agreement. Remy said she is aware of the budget constraints in the general fund. She has also been charged by the Board to continue to look at innovative ways to provide students an education and for the district to continue to be leaders in learning. The district’s reputation as a leader was why she originally came to the district. To continue that excellence, the district needs to be innovative, she said. She also noted that there are more than 30 people interested in going on the trip. She feels she has been very responsible in studying the New Tech Network by going to Midwest schools, taking several people in one van, and using categorical funds to pay for the trips. The district has reserves in Title I that will be lost if the district does not use it, and it is looking at the New Tech model for the schools who are SINA schools, so it is an appropriate expense. Greenspon said she too thinks that the district is sending the wrong message spending $3,600 to go travel. Regardless of where the money is coming from, the district is sending the wrong message, and maybe there is another way people could travel that is less costly. Remy said vans were used for the trip to Sioux Falls. She said five vans could be used for this trip. Another benefit of a bus is the discussion and teambuilding that occurs while traveling six hours. In addition, the 30 individuals could debrief on the return trip instead of setting up another meeting when they get back. So, it is an efficient use of time, Remy said. Poole said the district has never hesitated to look at new programs thoroughly and implement them if appropriate. There is a hunger from the community to be the best and you get to be the best by maintaining traditions of excellence. When the Board hired Dr. Remy to be superintendent, the district felt a little stagnation for a period, and we are looking forward to keeping our tradition of excellence. She said she had many opportunities to travel as principal of Valley High School, and no one ever questioned how she would travel, as there was confidence that she would choose the best way to travel. She said she believes there is excitement about this and, if it is implemented, there will be many details to determine. All different views are important for implementation. She said the district moves slowly on things so they can be thoroughly vetted. She said she is supportive of the contract. Cole noted there is a conflict with the trip dates and a religious holiday, and he asked if Dr. Remy would come up with other possible dates. Remy said yes, she would do that and, in fact, has already started those conversations. Cole also said that when Dr. Poole arrived to Page 19 of 90
Valley, it was a school of renown, and she built on that. To look at expanded educational experiences, he said there should be further consideration and investigation of the New Tech Network. Of those who have visited the New Tech Schools so far, all participants have been enthusiastic to move forward. He said he knows many are interested in going and you will have many involved in the trip. He said people from the State of Iowa and universities have contacted the district about our interest in the New Tech Network. He noted that on a recent trip to a New Tech School, the trip back involved much discussion and this was vital. Lipman said that she wants to make it clear that she wants to learn about New Tech, but after the workshop and getting a preliminary look at the deficit the district will be facing, she feels the district does not have to have a Cadillac for the trip as it could take vans for a fraction of the cost. Greenspon said she is also supportive of investigating the New Tech Network and she would like to see the district be more fiscally responsible. Brown said Dr. Remy has articulated a strong case as why the charter bus is an appropriate use of Title I funds. Beyond that, he said he does not wish to second guess her judgment as the district’s Chief Executive Officer on a decision that falls squarely in her purview. He said it feels like micromanaging. He called for a roll call vote: H. Milton Cole, yes; Tali Greenspon, no; Andi Lipman, no; Vicky Poole, yes; David J. Brown, yes. VII. Adjournment: It was moved by Cole and seconded by Poole to adjourn the meeting. The motion was approved by a unanimous vote. The meeting adjourned at 12:35 p.m.
_________________________________________________ Elaine Watkins-Miller, Board Secretary
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BoardAgendaIVͲb Personnel
SALARY 12.25/hr
Administrators Certified Support TOTAL
BUILDING Fairmeadows
SALARY 11.20/hr 12.95/hr 12.60/hr 11.20/hr 11.90/hr 11.25/hr 10.75/hr 10.70/hr 13.20/hr 10.75/hr 10.75/hr
7,256 13.00/hr 2,291 3,437
REPLACEMENTFOR JustinAngle RebeccaAdrian VickyArroyo HolleeCrees DavidDavis JeffHarmeyer AzraAlibasic RebeccaStacy NewPosition
TeacherLeaderAdditions None
NAME Replacements Kayembe,Gina Reinier,Regina Additions Morrison,Kellsey
HeadBaseballCoach/VA ServiceLearningCoordinator/ST Intramurals/ST BoysBasketballCoach/ST
ABOVE ADDITIONS 0.00000 1.00000 0.84375 1.84375
7yrs 8yrs
CUMULATIVE ADDITIONS (SINCE4/22/13) 0.00000 12.78250 30.26875 43.05125
KristiCawthorn FeliciaTwit
POSITION/BUILDING StudyHallSupervisor/VA KidsWestAsstTeamLeader/HD NutritionGeneralWorker/ST 1:1SpecEdAsst,LvII/ST 1:1SpecEdAsst,LvIII/VA KidsWestChildCareProvider/WH KindergartenAsst/CR NutritionGeneralWorker/ST 1:1SpecEdAsst,LvIII/IH 1:1SpecEdAsst,LvI/VA SpecEdAsst,LvI/VSW
REASON Personal
ReadingResource/WR ELP/WH,HD
Reasonforchange Studentenrollment
*TheWDMCSDrequiresthatacriminalbackgroundcheckandpreͲemploymentdrugscreeningbeconductedonallpersonnelrecommendedforemployment. Approvaliscontingentuponthereceiptandreviewofthecriminalhistoryreport.
Administrators Certified Support TOTAL
WesternIllinois ISU
34,649prorated 48,255prorated
CUMULATIVE REDUCTIONS (since4/22/13) Ͳ1.00000 Ͳ7.30000 Ͳ5.68750 Ͳ13.98750
BradyWeber MichelleCampos TammyZenti CraigHerr
PROJECTED REDUCTIONS ASABOVE 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
NAME Frick,Brian Hansen,Barbara Hurley,Mara Kahler,Bradley Kubby,Ashley Rethman,Rachael Salmon,Samantha VanPelt,Terry Waterman,Amy Windergerst,Ashley Witherly,Maura
Summer/Temporary None
Additions/ContractChanges Edwards,Jana
NAME Replacements Cooley,Ryan Davis,Heather Flander,Joshua Pearce,Kevin
NAME Anderson,Malinda
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Reasonforchange Studentenrollment
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GENERALFUND 1,135.35 236.60 110.00 110.00 844.00 40.00 608.49 500.00 110.00 221.55 230.00 60.00 325.00 450.00 500.00 20.89 25.00 82.03 145.35 165.00 55,471.23 103.98 4,617.28 1,051.61 347.29 370.00 27.00 594.00 45.00 26.79 110.00 218,235.00 131.55 10.00 122.50 101.98 295.00 500.00 70.00 2,347.20 100.00 147.14 Page 24 of 90
AGGREGATE AMOUNT 2,997.66 500.00 139.82 500.00 210.00 110.00 110.00 597.10 100.00 77.84 855.26 100.00 120.00 11.58 60.00 136.72 281.40 562.96 700.00 2,022.59 90,278.78 243.00 10,127.78 175.00 100.00 119.67 100.00 107.25 26,846.24 148.00 95.00 110.00 60.00 100.00 60.00 500.00 270.00 500.00 180.00 6,121.00 840.00 160.00 70.00 Page 25 of 90
AGGREGATE AMOUNT 1,813.28 175.00 21,312.06 105.84 134.47 125.00 125.00 122,198.11 110.00 920.16 60.00 412.50 332.00 95.00 72.95 597.00 4,312.00 165.00 60.00 668.04 125.00 160.00 8,804.74 110.00 5,030.66 295.00 752.27 110.00 85.00 90.00 2,958.25 305.25 228.87 1,180.50 139.50 100.00 324.62 3,004.24 395.00 85.00 719.08 84,963.00 96,388.92 Page 26 of 90
2,346.36 110.00 500.00 110.00 1,636.08 511,478.90 288.15 8.85 131.32 310.00 110.00 250.00 9,375.09 3,962.05 165.00 770.10 2,023.45 1,331,972.12
13.40 6,000.00 550.00 90.00 920.00 3,707.60 546.00 20.00 500.00 550.00 90.00 90.00 275.00 100.00 14.10 300.00 26.00 200.00 200.00 90.00 200.00 100.00 5,708.80 Page 27 of 90
AGGREGATE AMOUNT 550.00 150.00 150.00 200.00 10.00 95.00 75.00 300.00 98.45 100.00 100.00 200.00 275.00 275.00 382.46 300.00 245.00 2,000.00 1,628.00 150.00 550.00 18,200.00 495.75 500.00 75.00 47,395.56
4,208.15 4,208.15
50.00 30.00 80.00
92,340.00 1,305.63 5,290.70 25,115.00 7,542.77 Page 28 of 90
AGGREGATE AMOUNT 2,502.04 600.08 9,890.00 10,490.00 2,695.00 1,757.60 200.00 21.93 1,044.00 25,656.00 282.15 13,517.56 3,100.00 270.00 478.47 119,631.55 323,730.48
7,944.82 2,223.00 1,310.36 2,962.80 90.50 14,531.48
809.04 68.25 2,992.19 119.67 1.55 26.60 27.66 437.08 36.42 241.20 4,759.66
3,212.00 119.66 4,539.07 Page 29 of 90
AGGREGATE AMOUNT 497.09 424.57 66.54 5,239.30 307.20 14,405.43 1,741,082.88
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Board Agenda IV-d Student Trip Requests September 8, 2014 Dr. Lisa Remy and Laurene Lanich
Westridge 6th Grade students to travel to Springbrook Conservation Education Center The Westridge 6th Grade students would like permission to travel to the Springbrook Conservation Education Center. This trip will serve as a final activity to the wetlands unit. The date of departure will be 10/2/14 and date of return will be 10/3/14. The total cost of this trip is $4,329.83. Fees will be covered by the Westridge PTA and donations from families. Further details are attached and approval is recommended.
Crossroads Park 6th Grade students to travel to Springbrook State Park The Crossroads Park 6th Grade students would like permission to travel to Guthrie Center, Iowa, to attend Springbrook State Park from Thursday, Oct.9 through Friday, Oct. 10, 2014. The total cost for the trip is $5,198. The cost of the trip is paid for by the Crossroads Park PTA and/or the school’s budget. Further details are attached for this trip and approval is recommended.
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Board Agenda IVe Facility Projects September 8, 2014 Dr. Lisa Remy and Paul Bobek
a. Change Order(s) - WDMCS Valley High School Phase 3B Project We have received change order 005 from Midland Engineering, Inc. pertaining to the Valley High School Phase 3B Project. The change order is for the items listed below: o
CCD 3B-PR541 - A review of the Area P Auditorium Area P North elevator shaft showed roof drains and piping being installed in the elevator shaft. The elevator contractor reported roof drain piping could not be located in the elevator shaft. The architect reviewed the roof drain routing with the elevator inspector and confirmed roof drains could be located in the shaft if the installation met criteria for car overrun allowances and jacketing. The elevator contractor arrived onsite and built the car platform to confirm overrun allowances. It was confirmed that there was not enough overrun space for the elevator upper assembly to clear the piping, thus, the roof drains and piping require relocation. PR 541 was published confirming that the roof assembly needs revised and the roof piping reconfigured to allow for elevator car overrun clearances. This is the cost to remove the roof assembly, install a new roof assembly, and install new flashing and exterior sheetmetal assembly per PR 541. The costing for this work is being withheld from the Design Team at this time for further review. Design Error: Add: $10,100.00
CCD 3B-RFI1230 - RFI 1230 clarified the roof flashing detail along the east elevation. KDent and Shive Hattery confirmed that the roof flashing shall be installed per the detail in the drawings. No cost(s) anticipated/submitted. Design Clarification: Add: $0.00 Contract Summary: Original Contract Sum: Previous Change Order Amount: Current Change Order Amount: Current Contract Amount: Change Order Percent Amount:
$ 504,700.00 $ 0.00 $ 10,100.00 $ 514,800.00 0.2 %
Sales and Service Tax funds have been allocated for this project. We recommend Board approval.
We have received change order 029 from Brockway Mechanical and Roofing, Inc. pertaining to the Valley High School Phase 3B Project. The change order is for the items listed below: o
CCD 3B-PR413 - RFI 707 was authored requesting a clarification for the temperature control requirements in Area C Corridor C1509. PR 413 was published confirming the unlabeled thermostats were not part of the project design. No cost change. Design Clarification: Add: $0.00
CCD 3B-PR541 - A review of the Area P Auditorium Area P North elevator shaft showed roof drains and piping being installed in the elevator shaft. The elevator contractor reported roof drain Page 35 of 90
piping could not be located in the elevator shaft. The architect reviewed the roof drain routing with the elevator inspector and confirmed roof drains could be located in the shaft if the installation met criteria for car overrun allowances and jacketing. The elevator contractor arrived onsite and built the car platform to confirm overrun allowances. It was confirmed that there was not enough overrun space for the elevator upper assembly to clear the piping, thus, the roof drains and piping require relocation. PR 541 was published confirming that the roof assembly needs revised and the roof piping reconfigured to allow for elevator car overrun clearances. This is the cost to remove/cut/cap the roof drain piping per PR 541. The costing for this work is being withheld from the Design Team at this time for further review. Design Error: Add: $515.00 o
CCD 3B-RFI1042 - RFI 1042 was authored following a review of mechanical drawing detail 11/M5.3 for the humidifier unit assemblies. The detail shows an alarm point from the unit being connected and communicating with the building automation system. The purchased humidifier units do not have an internal wiring assembly as a contact to send a signal to the building automation system noting any unit alarm outputs, same as the split unit cooling systems. The response to RFI 1042 confirmed that the unit may have a humidistat installed next to the unit, however, the unit must connect to and alarm to the building automation system. No cost change, install per mechanical drawings and controls sequence requirements. Design Clarification: Add: $0.00
CCD 3B-RFI1145 - RFI 1145 was authored to address a Commissioning Log item requiring additional controls sequence clarifications for the air handling units and chilled water system. The RFI was reviewed at the 3/11/14 OACM meeting by Jeff Robbins, Dan Solem, Gary Caldbeck, Rick Boozell, Bob Cullen and Marty Kimball. The RFI response was published as follows: "See sequence clarifications provided as responses to RFI 1138 and 1142. All AHU’s are to use economizer mode and chilled water for night cooling and during unoccupied modes" with a 4/29/2014 update: "This RFI was reviewed at the 3/11/14 OACM meeting by Jeff Robbins, Dan Solem, Gary Caldbeck, Rick Boozell, Bob Cullen and Marty Kimball. The response is as follows: See sequence clarifications provided as responses to RFI 1138 and 1142. All Phase 3B AHU’s only are to use economizer mode and chilled water for night cooling and during unoccupied modes." No cost change. Design Clarification: Add: $0.00
CCD 3B-RFI1167 - RFI 1167 was authored in follow up to ASI 365 and a request for clarification from the Commissioning Agent. SystemWorks' commissioning item 178 states: "Staggered start on all AHU's are not set up per ASI # 365." ASI 365's response states: "EQUIPMENT WILL BE COORDINATED WITH STAGGERED START TIMES BY DISTRICT OPERATIONS MANAGER" under the unoccupied mode section, however, Systemworks further questioned how the units shall be staggered on after a power failure or fire alarm since the startup of the air handling units after a power failure or fire alarm event is not included in the mechanical controls sequences. If all air handling units start up at the same time there is an electrical peak surge which sets the peak electrical billing levels for the next 30 days, thus, the significance of this clarification is to startup air handling units strategically to minimize electrical surging from building equipment. RFI 1167 is a no cost change for all new air handling units installed during Phase 3B, however, this clarification confirmed a restart sequence did not exist for all existing air handling units installed during previous construction phases. This is the cost to update programming for all existing air handling units to a startup sequence for fire alarm and power loss events per RFI 1167. Design Change – Commissioning Agent: Add: $3,363.00
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CCD 3B-RFI1195 - RFI 1195 was authored after confirming the existing transfer ductwork configurations in the walls of future Rooms Storage 1728B and Custodian 1722 were not shown on the drawings, thus, additional direction was needed to confirm if these six existing transfer ducts needed removed and wall patched or removed only. The response to RFI 1195 confirmed (2) of the existing air transfer openings cover up with millwork so the grilles are to be removed with no wall patching required; the other (4) air transfer openings were able to be repurposed and/or infilled to meet design intent. RFI 1195 confirmed final air transfer ductwork configurations, no cost change. Design Clarification: Add: $0.00
CCD 3B-RFI1220 - RFI 1220 clarified that the existing grilles could be used in the existing auto shop office and auto shop storage. The ceiling types in these two rooms are precast concrete. The mechanical drawings included new grilles for a lay-in ceiling. KJWW confirmed the existing grilles could be used and the new duct could be connected to them. No cost(s) anticipated/submitted. Design Change – Contractor Option: Add: $0.00
CCD 3B-RFI1221 - RFI 1221 was published after confirming with Fire Marshal Kurt Westhoff of the WDM FD that the auditorium be renumbered so the lowest level (Pit/Basement Level) is Level 1 and not Level 0 as shown on the contract documents. This change matches emergency services criteria so emergency personnel know there is a room or floor below them when they walk into a new building room or area. This clarification requires re-numbering Auditorium Rooms and updating the signage schedule. The Area P Rooms adjacent to the Auditorium Room (ie. Set Shop, Lobby, and Corridor C1749) remain unchanged. This is the cost to furnish and install (4) additional room signs and program mechanical/electrical systems to match the updated Auditorium Room Numbering scheme per RFI 1221. Design Change – WDM FD: Add: $0.00
CCD 3B-RFI1248 - RFI 1248 was authored after confirming from the work scope associated with PR 401 did not include removing an existing plumbing vent pipe. PR 401 confirmed removal of existing plumbing connections in Room 1601. The Proposal Request (PR) did not include removing a vent pipe which extended above ceiling and through the roof or patching the roof. This work is required since the vent pipe would be disconnected and open to exterior conditions. The vent is a 4" line so sheet steel will be fastened to the metal deck and the insulation and membrane will be patched. This is the cost to remove the vent pipe and patch the roof per RFI 1248 as supplement to PR 401 work. Design Change – Owner Request (Ref. PR 401): Add: $0.00 Contract Summary: Original Contract Sum: Previous Change Order Amount: Current Change Order Amount: Current Contract Amount: Change Order Percent Amount:
$ 4,885,722.00 $ 705,572.00 $ 3,878.00 $ 5,595,172.00 14.5 %
Sales and Service Tax funds have been allocated for this project. We recommend Board approval.
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We have received change order 011 from Jensen Builders, Inc. pertaining to the Valley High School Phase 3B Project. The change order is for the items listed below: o
CCD 3B-RFI1246 - RFI 1246 was a Owner change requesting that parking stalls be renumbered in the west lot. This will be done in lieu of numbering the northeast and southeast parking lots. No cost(s) anticipated/submitted. Design Change – Owner Request (Mollison, Robbins): Add: $0.00
CCD 3B-RFI1259 - RFI 1259 was authored after confirming site drawings SP1.1 and SP3.1 showed grading and paving/curbing installations for new planting installations in the Northeast Parking Lot without updated pavement grade contours. While laying out the new curb line extents for the new tree planting islands it was confirmed that (1) curb line along the existing North curb of the parking lot and (1) curb line along the existing East curb of the parking lot would require excessive sloping to maintain two-dimensional drainage requirements to ensure proper storm water drainage. The North island west curb connection to existing curb line slopes up at an extreme condition, thus, it is suggested to lengthen the rise of the existing curb by removing ~15'0 x 12'-0" of additional concrete paving to match the existing parking lot contours. The East island north curb connection to existing curb line slopes down at an extreme condition, thus, it is suggested to lengthen the negative rise of the existing curb by removing ~4'-0" by 12"-0 to match the existing parking lot contours. This is the cost to remove existing concrete pavement, adjust subgrade, and furnish and install concrete pavement at (2) additional parking lot removal locations per RFI 1259 to match the existing grade contours of the Northeast parking lot. Design Error: Add: $5,404.00 Contract Summary: Original Contract Sum: Previous Change Order Amount: Current Change Order Amount: Current Contract Amount: Change Order Percent Amount:
$ 874,400.00 $ 12,890.00 $ 5,404.00 $ 892,694.00 2.1 %
Sales and Service Tax funds have been allocated for this project. We recommend Board approval.
We have received change order 009 from American Marking, Inc. pertaining to the Valley High School Phase 3B Project. The change order is for the items listed below: o
CCD 3B-PR204 - PR 204 added three room signs that were not called out on the original signage schedule. Rooms 1502 and 1503 have two entrances. The schedule only included one sign for each room. Room 1505A is shown as a display case on the plans but is actually a storage room, thus, a sign was added for this room. No cost(s) anticipated/submitted. Design Omission: Add: $0.00
CCD 3B-RFI1221 - RFI 1221 was published after confirming with Fire Marshal Kurt Westhoff of the WDM FD that the auditorium be renumbered so the lowest level (Pit/Basement Level) is Level 1 and not Level 0 as shown on the contract documents. This change matches emergency services criteria so emergency personnel know there is a room or floor below them when they walk into a new building room or area. This clarification requires re-numbering Auditorium Rooms and updating the signage schedule. The Area P Rooms adjacent to the Auditorium Room (ie. Set Shop, Lobby, and Corridor C1749) remain unchanged. This is the cost to furnish and
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install (4) additional rooms signs and program mechanical/electrical systems to match the updated Auditorium Room Numbering scheme per RFI 1221. Design Change – WDM FD: Add: $335.00 Contract Summary: Original Contract Sum: Previous Change Order Amount: Current Change Order Amount: Current Contract Amount: Change Order Percent Amount:
$ $ $ $
35,936.00 8,719.00 335.00 44,990.00 25.2 %
Sales and Service Tax funds have been allocated for this project. We recommend Board approval.
Substantial Completion – Fairmeadows 2014 Renovation Project The Fairmeadows Elementary 2014 Renovation Project (Phase 1) has been substantially completed by Rochon Corporation according to and as required by contract documents. Punch list items and all pertinent contract documentation will be addressed, completed and received before a final completion and retainage release recommendation is submitted. Phase 2 of the project will be completed in the near future and will have its own substantial completion date. We recommend Board acceptance.
Change Order – Clive Elementary Flooring Project We have received CCD-004 for the Clive Elementary Flooring project. The change order is for items listed below.
Shortened 26 door leaves at stated contract unit cost of $95.00 per unit. Add: $2,470.00
Modified 11 sanitary sewer cleanouts at stated contract cost of $248.00 per unit. Add: $2,728.00 Original Contract Sum: Previous Change Order Amount: Current Change Order Amount: New Contract Amount: Change Order Percent Amount:
$149,439.00 $ 1,142.35 $ 5,198.00 $155,779.35 4 .2 %
Sales and Service Tax funds have been allocated for this project. We recommend Board approval.
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Final Acceptance – Clive Elementary Flooring Project The Clive Elementary Flooring project has been completed by Phillips Floors, Inc. of Indianola, Iowa according to and as required by contract documents. All punch list items have been addressed and completed, close out documentation has been submitted. Per Iowa Code, thirty days after acceptance of the project by the Board, final payment will be made to the contractor if liens from subcontractors have not been filed. Original Contract Amount: Change Orders Amount: Final Contract Amount: Change Order Percentage Rate
$ 149,439.00 $ 6,340.35 $ 155,779.35 4.2%
Sale and Service Tax funds were utilized for this project
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Subcontract Change Order TWC, Based on Sub/PO CO for CM Projects Date: 8/25/14 To Prime Contractor BROCKWAY MECHANICAL AND ROOFING 4301 NE 14TH STREET DES MOINES, IA 50313
Architect's Project No: Contract Date: Change Order# 029 - X186204-008 Page 2 of 2
The Prime Contract is hereby revised by the following items: CCD Description Cost Code
Brockway - This is the cost to update programming for all existing air handling units to a startup sequence for fire alarm and power loss events per RFI 1167. 204.0008____.2500 Brockway - P3B Mechanical RFI 1195 VHS 3B Area M Existing Transfer Ducts Not 3B RFI119 Shown Under Mezzanine 5 Brockway - RFI 1195 confirmed final air transfer ductwork configurations, no cost change. 204.0008____.2500 Brockway - P3B Mechanical RFI 1220 VHS 3B Area M Ductwork Penetrations Thru 3B RFI12 Existing Precast Slab 20 Brockway - Reuse existing grilles in rooms 1704 and 1706. Confirm return air duct extends to above the hallway ceiling. No cost(s) anticipated/submitted. 204.0008____.2500 Brockway - P3B Mechanical RFI 1221 VHS 3B Area P Room Number Changes Per 3B RFI12 WDMFD 21 Brockway - Program and label mechanical/electrical systems to match the updated Auditorium Room Numbering scheme per RFI 1221. No cost change. 204.0008____.2500 Brockway - P3B Mechanical RFI 1248 VHS 3B Area J Roof Patching Required for 3B RFI12 Existing Vent Demo 48 Brockway - Complete vent pipe removal per PR 1248. Subtotal by Cost Code:
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September8,2014 To: BoardofDirectors From: Dr.LisaRemy,Superintendent Re: Superintendent’sReport SchoolVisit:IwasinvitedtoobserveduringPEclassatJordanCreekElementary.Iobserved problemsolving,teamwork,andcharacterbuilding.Thestudentswerephysically,mentallyand sociallychallengedtocompletevariousteamworkactivities.Theactivitiesrequiredworking together,solvingtasksbasedonvariablesandovercomingphysicalobstaclestocompletethe challenges.Iobservedstudentsworkingtogethertofindabettersolutiontocompletethetask athand.AttheendofthePEclass,studentswereaskedtomakeconnectionstoother curricularareas.ThestudentswereengagedintheactivitythroughoutthePEclass. LETRSTraining:Forthe2014Ͳ15schoolyear26teachersofearlyelementaryorspecial educationhavecommittedto8fullͲdayprofessionaldevelopmentsessionsoverthecourseof theschoolyearinLanguageEssentialsforTeachersofReadingandSpelling(LETRS).Inaddition allparticipantshavecommittedtoatleasttwocollaborativeworksessionspermonthto discussandevaluatehowtheyareapplyingtheirlearningwithstudentsintheirhomebuildings. Everyteacherisalsosupportedbytheirbuildings’AEAsupportstaffwhoparticipateinthePD sessionsandintheapplicationofthelearning.ThisPDisnotaroundhowtoimplementa curriculumpackage.LETRSisthebestavailableresearchonthebrainprocessesinvolvedin becomingareader.ThePDwillallowteacherstomoreaccuratelydiagnosetheexactcauseof students’readingdeficitsandmoreeffectivelydeviseinstructionalinterventionstoaddress thosedeficits. ThankYou:WereceivedathankyounotefromtheHeartlandAEABoardofDirectors,staffand stakeholdersforallowingHeartlandAEAtousethedistrict’s8thSt.facilitywhiletheircentral officeinJohnstonwasundergoingrenovationslastFebruarythroughMay.Theywereableto holdhundredsofmeetingsandprofessionaldevelopmentsessionsatthefacility.Staffand visitorsappreciatedtheopportunitytoholdtheseeventsatacentrallocationratherthan severallocationsthroughoutthemetroarea.ThepartnershipbetweentheAEAandourdistrict wasgreatlyappreciated. InstructionalCoaching:HanoverResearchreviewedinstructionalcoaching,anapproach designedtosupportteachersthroughcontinuousinstructionalimprovement.Thereport examinesavarietyofdefinitionsandmodelsemployedbyresearchersandschooldistricts,and notestheevidenceinfavorofspecificcomponentsofinstructionalcoaching.
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KEYFINDINGS Aninstructionalcoachisadedicatedprofessionaldevelopmentexpertwhoworkswith teacherstoincreasestudentachievementthroughimprovedteachereffectiveness. InstructionalcoachesprovidejobͲembeddedprofessionaldevelopment,withanemphasison inquiryͲbasedlearning,differentiatedinstruction,andcollaborativepractices. Instructionalcoachestypicallyservemultipleroleswithinadistrictandaschool,including designingandmodelinglessonsforteachers,observinginstructionandprovidingteacherswith feedback,facilitatingprofessionaldevelopmentactivities,analyzingstudentdata,staying abreastofcurrentresearch,andsupportingschoolanddistrictimprovementplans.However, researchersanddistrictleadersareexplicitregardingtheneedtocarefullyandclearlydelineate acoach’sresponsibilities.Inparticular,multiplesourcesexplainthatitisimportanttoseparate acoach’srolefromteacherevaluation,asblurringtheseactivitiescanunderminethe effectivenessofaninstructionalcoachingprogram. EstablishingtrustͲbasedrelationshipsbetweencoachesandteachersisacriticalpracticefor successfulinstructionalcoaching.InhiswidelyͲcitedsevenprinciplesofinstructionalcoaching, JimKnightoftheKansasCoachingProjectexplainsthattheteacherͲcoachrelationshipshould beoneofequality,characterizedbycollaboration,authenticdialogue,andmutual development. Theavailableresearchoffersevidenceofpositiveeffectsonstudentachievementforboth generalinstructionalcoachesandforliteracyandmathematicscoaches. However,thenumberofstudiesexaminingtheeffectsofcoachingonstudentachievementare limited,andobservedgainsappeardependentontheimplementationofallofamodel’s componentsasacohesivewhole,ratherthanonthepresenceofspecificfeatures. Professionaldevelopmentforinstructionalcoachesisgenerallyconsideredanintegral considerationinaneffectiveinstructionalcoachingmodel.Professionaldevelopmentshould includebothcontentͲspecificandpedagogicalknowledge,aswellasskillsfordevelopingclose andtrustingrelationshipswithteachersandcolleagues. Withrespecttothesupervisionandevaluationofinstructionalcoaches,theliterature recommendstheinclusionofcoachesinthedevelopmentofevaluationstandards,forms,and processesinordertoestablishbuyͲinamongthecoachesanddevelopanunderstandingof goalsandexpectations.
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Board Agenda VII Open Enrollment September 8, 2014 Dr. Lisa Remy and Paul Bobek
The following open enrollment applications are for review only and have been previously approved by the administration: (*pending approval of DMPS) 2014 – 2015 IN (approved) Name Grade From To Reason Rude, Hudson K Ankeny WDM met deadline
The following open enrollment applications were received after the deadline and do not qualify for good cause. We recommend these applications be approved pending approval of resident district: 2014 – 2015 IN (approved) Name Grade From To Reason NONE
We recommend these applications be denied: Name NONE
2014 – 2015 IN (denied) From To
The following open enrollment applications are for review only. They will be approved/denied by the receiving district: 2014- 2015 OUT (approved) Name Grade From To Reason Beaman, Megan 10 WDM Clayton Ridge good cause Gibson, Treylee 9 WDM Clayton Ridge good cause Hwang, Donathan 4 WDM Urbandale continuation Jagiello, Rachael 9 WDM DMPS met deadline Jusic, Admir 5 WDM Urbandale continuation Jusic, Sadmir 3 WDM Urbandale continuation McGuigan, Alek 3 WDM Waukee continuation Miller, Cayden K WDM Urbandale met deadline Owen-Booker, Aaron 8 WDM DMPS continuation Patterson, Harper K WDM DMPS met deadline Perkins, Noam K WDM DMPS met deadline Raridon, Ariel K WDM DMPS met deadline Reis, Raelynn K WDM Urbandale met deadline Sloan, Noah K WDM DMPS met deadline Turner, Eleanor 2 WDM DMPS met deadline Turner, Isabelle K WDM DMPS met deadline Vallejo, Alexandre 9 WDM DMPS continuation Wagner, Kira 2 WDM Waukee continuation Williams, Samantha 12 WDM DMPS met deadline Winters, Kayleigh 2 WDM Urbandale continuation Winters, Kassidy 1 WDM Urbandale continuation
The following open enrollment applications were received after the deadline and do not qualify for good cause. We recommend these applications be denied. The final decision rests with the receiving district: 2014 – 2015 OUT (denied) Name Grade From To Reason NONE
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The following open enrollment applications are for review only and have been previously approved by the administration: (*pending approval of DMPS) 2015 – 2016 IN (approved) Name Grade From To Reason NONE
The following open enrollment applications were received after the deadline and do not qualify for good cause. We recommend these applications be approved pending approval of resident district: 2015 – 2016 IN (approved) Name Grade From To Reason NONE
We recommend these applications be denied: Name NONE
2015 – 2016 IN (denied) From To
The following open enrollment applications are for review only. They will be approved/denied by the receiving district: 2015- 2016 OUT (approved) Name Grade From To Reason NONE
The following open enrollment applications were received after the deadline and do not qualify for good cause. We recommend these applications be denied. 2015 – 2016 OUT (denied) Name Grade From To Reason NONE
Reasons OUT (cumulative): Reason code #
14/15 students 13/14 students 12/13 students
44 51 53
4 1 7
1 4
10 15 7
Reason Codes: 1-close to home 2-more friends/comfort 3-smaller 4-others of same culture 5-plan to move 6-schedule conflict 7-VHS too big 8-close to job 9-close to daycare
8 3
5 5
10-Montessori 11-Traditional 12-Downtown/Central Campus 13-sibling’s exp. 14-student’s choice 15-sports 16- contact w/counselors difficult 17-student average academically 18-continuation (new 03/04)
1 1
3 6
24 100 73
5 1 3
22 3
27 *
20 22 19
4 3 4
19 22 13
16 6 7
19-professional recommendation 20-principal recommendation 21-all day kindergarten (new 03/04) 22-get a new start 23-lack of 1-on-1 24-move in to area (new 03/04) 25-non-public to public 26-sibling(s) in district 27-virtual public school (*new February 2012)
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format revised April 2005
K – 12
12th Grade
Cancelled/ Denied
3.0 3
57.0 (53.0) 4
6.0 (6.0) 0.0
6.0 9.0 15
41.0 (24.0) 17
125.0 (149.0) (24)
October 2013 Open Enrollment IN October 2013 Open Enrollment OUT October 2013 NET Certified Balance
640.9 (613.5) 27.4
13-14 Open Enrollment IN (after count day) 13-14 Open Enrollment OUT (after count day) 2013-2014 NET Change (after count day)
63.0.0 (59.0) 4
7.0 (8.0) (1)
14-15 Open Enrollment IN 14-15 Open Enrollment OUT 2014-2015 NET Change
166.0 (173.0) (7)
1.0 (6.0) (5)
66.0 (72.0) (6)
Estimate – Oct. 2014 Open Enrollment IN Estimate – Oct. 2014 Open Enrollment OUT NET Change
869.9 (845.5) 24.4
Open Enrollment Monthly Tracking 2006-07 NET
2007-08 NET
2008-09 NET
2009-10 NET
2010-11 NET
2011-12 NET
2012-13 NET
2013-14 NET
2014-15 NET
July (193.3) (141.5) August (202.9) (143.5) September (207.9) (137.7) October (152.3)* (107.7)* November (157.9) (89.7) December (155.6) (82.7) January (147.6) (85.1) February (151.6) (82.1) March (141.6) (89.1) April (140.6) (104.9) May (143.5) (97.9) June (139.5) (89.9) *certified enrollment number
(88.9) (87.5) (88.7) (42.2)* (34.2) (29.2) (15.8) (4.4) 3.2 11.6 7.6 5.4
7.5 14.5 15.7 (20.5)* (24.5) (19.5) (13.5) 0.5 14.3 10.7 23.7 29.7
30.1 32.5 33.6 13.8* 35.8 36.8 48.8 52.8 56.8 52.1 52.1 41.8
46.8 32.8 44.8 16.2* 13.2 22.5 24.5 29.1 37.7 17.0 13.0 9.0
3.3 (3.7) 2.3 (36.2)* (19.2) (0.2) (2.2) (0.2) 1.8 14.8 12.9 9.9
9.9 7.9 6.8 27.4* 35.4 34.4 28.4 36.4 37.4 37.4 34.4 47.4
34.4 44.4 24.4
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Board Agenda VIII 2015-2016 Early Retirement Plan September 8, 2014 Dr. Lisa Remy, Paul Bobek, and Carol Seid Enclosed is the proposed 2015-2016 Early Retirement Plan. Approval of this plan allows eligible district staff to have the opportunity to plan further in advance when making a decision concerning retirement. The administration is not proposing any changes from the 2014-2015 plan. The plans are identical. 2015-2016 Early Retirement Plan 1. Key informational points: x With early notification, the district is able to assess staffing needs for the upcoming school year. x The attrition savings allows the district to better contain expenditures. x The net savings is recognized in the general fund because the management fund is used to support the cost of the early retirement plan for all staff 65 or under. 2. The eligibility guidelines established to participate in the Early Retirement Plan: x The employee must have worked a minimum of thirty (30) hours per week, or seventy percent (70%) contract, each of the last ten (10) full years of service. x A year of service refers to a school year. Thus, in order to count as a school year, the employee must be employed by the first student contact day in order for that year to count toward a full year of service. x The employee must have a minimum of ten (10) full years of continuous employment in the district. x The employee must have obtained the age of fifty-five (55) of June 30, 2016. x An employee terminated for just cause, or receiving payments or benefits from or on behalf of the District that are not tied to the performance of current duties, is not eligible. x An employee is eligible to participate in this Plan only at the end of the current school year (certified employees or nine month employees) or June 30th (all other employees). x In order to be eligible to receive a tax-sheltered annuity benefit under this Plan, the employee must have established an account under the tax-sheltered annuity plan established and maintained by the District no later than November 1 of the calendar year in which the employee’s retirement takes effect. 3. The amount of an Early Retiree’s benefit under this Plan (the “Tax-Sheltered Annuity Benefit”) will be computed based on the following factors: a. The number of sick leave days accumulated as of retirement (125 maximum for 9 and 10 month employees or 135 maximum for 11 and 12 month employees) multiplied by $50 per day. b. The final calculation for sick leave will be made on the employee’s last working day. 4. The District’s contribution to single medical insurance coverage will be capped at the 2016-2017 premiums for the district’s lowest cost plan. The District’s contribution to retiree health insurance will end the earlier of 1) six years from the retirement date, or 2) the month prior to the retiree’s 65th birthday. Board Approval is recommended.
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STIPULATIONS A. The Board reserves the right to add to, delete, modify, or waive given stipulations and/or benefits if such action by the Board is deemed to be in the best interest of the District. Any decision by the Board to waive a stipulation or benefit which is a part of this Early Retirement Plan (the “Plan”) shall not establish any precedent with regard to future applications. The Board reserves the right to amend or revoke this Plan or any provision of this Plan at any time, with or without notice. This Plan is designed to enable the District to help control the General Fund expenditures and staffing turnover. B.
The final determination as to acceptance or rejection will be the sole discretion of the Board.
Should the Board determine not to continue this Plan; the commitments made to employees previously approved for early retirement will be honored.
Eligibility requirements: 1. The employee must have worked a minimum of thirty (30) hours per week, or seventy percent (70%) contract, each of the last ten (10) full years of service. 2. A year of service refers to a school year. Thus, in order to count as a school year, the employee must be employed by the first student contact day in order for that year to count toward a full year of service. 3. The employee must have a minimum of ten (10) full years of continuous employment in the district. 4. The employee must have obtained the age of fifty-five (55) of June 30, 2016. 5. An employee terminated for just cause, or receiving payments or benefits from or on behalf of the District that are not tied to the performance of current duties, is not eligible. 6. An employee is eligible to participate in this Plan only at the end of the current school year (certified employees or nine month employees) or June 30th (all other employees). 7. In order to be eligible to receive a tax-sheltered annuity benefit under this Plan, the employee must have established an account under the tax-sheltered annuity plan established and maintained by the District no later than November 1 of the calendar year in which the employee’s retirement takes effect.
APPLICATION A. An eligible employee must make a written application of intent to retire to the Board on or before the date of the first Monday following the Thanksgiving Holiday Break preceding retirement. Eligible employees should turn in their written application to the Office of Human Resources. B.
The effective date of retirement must be on or before the following June 30, 2016.
Employees are advised to seek independent advice with regard to tax or financial consequences associated with any action taken by them under this Plan.
The District will not discriminate against any employee on the basis of race, creed, color, religion, national origin, sex, age, sexual orientation, physical or mental disability through the application or administration of this Plan.
This Plan is made possible through the use of the Management Fund and the General Fund. The Iowa Code indicates that this is a legal expenditure in the Management Fund as long as certain guidelines are followed.
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An employee who is granted early retirement benefits under this Plan (the “Early Retiree”) agrees, as a condition of his or her receipt of benefits under this Plan, that he or she will not apply for employment with the District at any time in the future. This provision does not prohibit the District from inviting the Early Retiree to apply nor does it prohibit an Early Retiree from accepting employment with the District if the District offers such employment.
TAX- SHELTERED ANNUITY BENEFIT A. The amount of an Early Retiree’s benefit under this Plan (the “Tax-Sheltered Annuity Benefit”) will be computed based on the following factors: 1. The number of sick leave days accumulated as of retirement (125 maximum for 9 and 10 month employees or 135 maximum for 11 and 12 month employees) multiplied by $50 per day. 2. The final calculation for sick leave will be made on the employee’s last working day. B.
Subject to applicable restrictions and limitations on elective and non-elective employer contributions under sections 403(b) and 415 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as last amended (the “Code”), the Early Retiree’s Tax-Sheltered Annuity Benefit shall be contributed by the District, as a nonelective employer contribution, directly to the Early Retiree’s account (the “Account”) established and maintained under the District’s Tax-Sheltered Annuity Plan, as then in effect (the “Annuity Plan”), in accordance with subparagraph 2 of this paragraph B. Any such contribution shall be made by the District in a manner so as to qualify as non-elective employer contributions to a tax-sheltered annuity plan for purposes of Code sections 403(b) and 415 (the “Allowable Contribution Amount”). 1.
Amount of Tax-Sheltered Annuity Benefit. The Early Retiree’s Tax-Sheltered Annuity Benefit shall mean the amount computed in accordance with paragraph A of this Article III.
Contributions of Tax-Sheltered Annuity Benefit. The Allowable Contribution Amount of the Early Retiree’s Tax-Sheltered Annuity Benefit shall be contributed to the Early Retiree’s Account under the Annuity Plan in December following his or her retirement, provided, however, that if the Allowable Contribution Amount for the calendar year 2015 shall be less than the Early Retiree’s Tax-Sheltered Annuity Benefit, the balance of the Early Retiree’s Tax-Sheltered Annuity Benefit, if any, shall be contributed to the Early Retiree’s Account to the fullest extent allowable under the Code on the last day of the first pay period in January of each of the next succeeding four calendar years, subject to applicable restrictions and limitations on contributions to the Account under Code sections 403(b) and 415. If the Early Retiree’s death occurs before the contribution of the entire amount of the Early Retiree’s Tax-Sheltered Annuity Benefit to the Early Retiree’s Account, the balance of the Early Retiree’s Tax-Sheltered Annuity Benefit shall be promptly paid to the Early Retiree’s Beneficiary in accordance with applicable provisions of the Code.
Beneficiary. As used in this paragraph B, the term “Beneficiary” means the beneficiary designated by the Early Retiree on forms furnished by and delivered to the District, or, in the absence of any such designation, the Early Retiree’s spouse, or if he or she is not married, his or her estate.
No Substitution for Benefits. In no event may the Early Retiree (or the Early Retiree’s Beneficiary) receive all or any portion of his or her Tax-Sheltered Annuity Benefit in cash or any other form of benefit in lieu of contributions to the Early Retiree’s Account in accordance with paragraphs A and B of this Article III.
Withholding for Taxes. The District will withhold from any contribution or distribution of the Early Retiree’s Tax-Sheltered Amount such amounts as may be required for purposes of complying with the tax withholding provisions of the Code or any state income tax act for purposes of paying any income or other tax attributable to any amount distributable under this Plan.
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HEALTH INSURANCE BENEFITS A. The District’s contribution to single medical insurance coverage will be capped at the 2016-2017 premiums for the District's lowest cost plan. The Early Retiree may elect to participate in a higher cost hospital/major medical insurance plan and will pay the difference in premium cost. The District’s contribution to an Early Retiree’s health insurance will end the earlier of 1) six years from the retirement date, or 2) the month prior to the Early Retiree’s 65th birthday. B.
Nothing herein shall limit the District’s ability to change the terms of its existing health and major medical insurance coverage. This Plan in no way guarantees that an Early Retiree will be provided any certain level of benefits during the time of the Early Retiree’s participation in the insurance benefits portion of this Plan.
Conditioned upon carrier approval, the Early Retiree may continue to purchase spouse/child/family coverage by paying the monthly difference between the cost of single coverage paid by the District and the cost of the additional coverage desired. Failure to make proper payment prior to the first of each month will result in the loss of the added coverage.
In the case of Early Retirees who have previously waived health insurance coverage, the Early Retiree will be able to sign up for one of the district’s health insurance plans at the time that he/she signs up for the early retirement Plan. The insurance will become effective the first day of retirement.
____________________________ Board President
______________________ Date
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Board Agenda IX Facility Projects September 8, 2014 Dr. Lisa Remy and Paul Bobek
a. Construction Project Update
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Board Agenda X Contracts/Agreements September 8, 2014 Dr. Lisa Remy, Dr. Laurene Lanich, Steph Wilson, Elaine Watkins-Miller, Jeff Robbins
a. Norwalk Community School District – auditorium use Due to construction at Valley, the Choral Department will be holding one curricular concert in the Norwalk Fine Arts Center. The Norwalk School District has once again graciously invited us to utilize their 900-seat, new auditorium for these concerts at no rental cost to us. The only charges applied will be for the hourly custodial and technical staff fees. The estimated cost is $720, but may be a little more based on custodial cost after the concert and will come out of a fund set aside for events due to no auditorium at Valley (general fund). Their generosity is a gesture of goodwill between the districts, and the Valley Choral Department is grateful for the use of such a beautiful, nearby space. This contract has not changed from last year’s contract. We recommend Board approval.
b. eBoard Solutions The West Des Moines Community Schools would like to move away from print-based development and distribution of School Board meeting agendas and packets, to an online document management system called eBoard Solutions. The process will provide greater efficiency in workflow and processing of documents. Public access to documents will be online through the district website as well as printed copies available at the Learning Resource Center or upon request. As noted on the Subscription Order, the annual subscription cost is $9,100. However, eBoard Solutions has a sponsorship agreement with the Iowa Association of School Boards, which will reimburse the district $1,911. Therefore, the final annual total subscription cost will be $7,189 paid from the General Fund. The attached agreement (subscription order), terms of service, and IASB email have been reviewed by legal counsel and our insurance company. The administration recommends approval.
c. District – Waste Management Agreement Bids were received at the Learning Resource Center May 16, 2014 for the West Des Moines Community School District’s Waste and Recycle Management Services. The contract is one year in length with (2) one year service extensions. The District’s Waste and Recycling Management proposal was sent to two vendors Waste Management of Iowa, Inc. and Ankeny Sanitation, Inc. Both vendors are large enough to serve the District’s needs. The service proposal was based upon the current services provided by Waste Management of Iowa, Inc. Page 72 of 90
The proposal results are as follows: Service Provider: Waste Management of Iowa, Inc. Ankeny Sanitation, Inc.
Monthly Service Cost: $5,140.83 $8,589.00
Annual Cost: $61,689.96 $103,068.00
Waste Management of Iowa, Inc. submitted the lowest proposed cost for Waste and Recycling services. We request acceptance of Waste Management of Iowa, Inc. proposal. All costs related to Waste and Recycling services are General Fund expenditures. Kristy Latta with Ahlers & Cooney reviewed and modified the contract. Val Edie with INSPRO reviewed the contract for the necessary insurance limits and requirements. We recommend Board approval.
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DocuSign Envelope ID: B263CA3E-C62E-4260-9044-FB5DF96BED72
eBOARD Module
Amount $9,100
Pricing for student stude enrollment of 7,501 – 25,000 *Total ANNUAL NNUAL rec recurring subscription fee Other Items:: Web-based training ining Web-based help system Phone support (8AM-8PM M-8PM EST) Subscription pro-rated for initial period: 10 months New eBOARD site: one-time set set-up up fee (1/2 price) TOTAL DUE
$9,100 Free Free Free ($1,517) $500 $8,083
THIS SUBSCRIPTION IS SUBJECT TO THE TERMS OF SERVICE LOCATED HTTP://EBOARD.EBOARDSOLUTIONS.COM/TERMSOFSERVICE.PDF. BY ATED AT H EXECUTING THIS SUBSCRIPTION ORDER, SUBSCRIBER AGREES TO THE T TERMS ERMS OF O SERVICE. THE TERMS OF SERVICE CONTAIN THE LICENSE AND OWNERSHIP TERMS, LIMITED WARRANTIES, RESTRICTIONS ON USE, AND TERMS AND CONDITIONS GOVERNING THIS ORDER AND ANY D OTHER TERM FUTURE ORDER. THIS SUBSCRIPTION ORDER AND THE TERMS OF SERVICE THE PARTIES’ AGREEMENT. IN THE EVENT OF E TOGETHER CONSTITUTE CO ANY CONFLICT BETWEEN THE TERMS OF SERVICE AND THIS SUBSCRIPTION ORDER, OF THIS SUBSCRIPTION ORDER WILL CONTROL. RDER, THE TERMS TE Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in the Terms of Service, as they currently exist or as they may be changed from time to time: (i) Subscriber and Provider shall each comply with all federal and state laws and regulations applicable cable to its it performance of the Agreement; (ii) Provider shall provide written notice to Subscriber of any increase in Fees for the Services or any Taxes, out-of-pocket expenses, or other charges not specifically out-of-p listed in the Subscription Order at least 60 days prior to such charges taking effect; and (iii)) all info information entered into the Services by Subscriber is and shall remain the property of Subscriber, and Provider shall access Subscriber’s private information as authorized by Subscriber for training, nformation only o support, or awards and recognition purposes, or as required by law.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, each of the parties hereto has executed this Subscription Order der by its duly authorized representatives.
West Des Moines Community Schools 3550 Mills Civic Parkway West Des Moines, IA 50265
eBOARDsolutions, Inc. 5120 Sugarloaf Pkwy. Lawrenceville, GA 30043
Printed Name
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Terms of Service eBOARDsolutions, Inc. (hereinafter “EBS”, “Provider”, “we”, “us”, and similar terms of meaning) provides this web site and the services provided by or through this web site to you subject to these terms and conditions of use (these “Terms”). In these Terms we call this web site, any successor web sites (together, the “Site”) and the software we provide the “Provider Applications”. We refer to the services provided by the Provider Applications as the “Services”. In these Terms, our customers and their staff members who access the Services are called the “Subscriber”, and our customers’ customers who use the Services (for example, to view Board minutes or policies) are called “Customers”. In these Terms, all users of the Services whether they are Subscribers, Customers, or casual browsers of the Site, are called “Users”. Please read these Terms carefully before using the Services. By accessing or using the Services you agree to be legally bound by these Terms and all terms, policies and guidelines incorporated by reference in these Terms. If you do not agree with these Terms in their entirety, you may not use the Services. These Terms, along with the Subscriber’s Subscription order and/or eBOARD Software Agreement, constitute the full agreement of the parties and are collectively referred to in these Terms as the “Agreement”. 1. Grant of License. Subject to these Terms, Provider hereby grants Subscriber, during the term specified in the Subscription Order or eBOARD Software Agreement, a non-exclusive, non-transferable, non-assignable, non-sublicensable license to access the Site and to use, solely for internal business purposes, the Services. Subscriber may not share, distribute or relicense the Provider Applications with or for any other person or entity. 2. Delivery. The subscription and license and corresponding fees shall commence for each Provider Application upon the earliest of (a) the Effective Date shown in the Subscription Order or eBOARD Software Agreement for the Provider Application, or (b) the first access session or use of the Provider Application by Subscriber. 3. Permitted and Prohibited Use. (a) Subscriber agrees, as a condition of use of the Provider Applications and the Services, not to use the Provider Applications and Services for any purpose that is unlawful or prohibited by this Agreement, or in any manner that could damage, disable, overburden, or impair any Provider or Subscriber server, or the network(s) connected to any Provider or Subscriber server, or interfere with any other party's use and enjoyment of any Service. No User may attempt to gain unauthorized access to any part of the Services, other accounts, computer systems or networks connected to any Provider or Subscriber server or to any part of the Services or Provider Applications, through hacking, password mining or any other means. No User may obtain or attempt to obtain any materials or information through any means not intentionally made available through the Services. Except as expressly set forth herein, no User may (i) copy, reproduce, alter, modify, transmit, perform, create derivative works of, publish, sub-license, distribute, or circulate the Services or any associated Provider Application, tool or data thereof; (ii) disassemble, decompile, or reverse engineer the Provider Applications used to provide the Services, or use a robot, spider, or any similar device to copy or catalog the content available through the Services or any portion thereof; or (iii) take any actions, whether intentional or unintentional, that may circumvent, disable, damage or impair the Services’ control or security systems, or allow or assist a third party to do so. 4. Use of Passwords; Internet; Suspension of Service. (a) Subscriber is responsible for providing and administering usernames and passwords for their staff access (the “Log-In Information”). Each named User must have a valid username and password for the purpose of accessing the Service. Subscriber and its Users must keep all Log-In Information strictly confidential. Log-In Information may be used only by the assigned User and may not be shared or transferred. Each User is entirely responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of that User’s username and password. Each User will be entirely responsible for any and all activities that occur under the User’s account. Each User agrees to notify the Subscriber immediately of any unauthorized use of the User’s account or any other breach of security. Provider will not be liable for any loss that a User may incur as a result of someone else using that User’s password or account, either with or without the User’s knowledge. (b) Neither Provider nor Subscriber guarantees the security of any information transmitted to or from any User over the Internet, including through the use of e-mail. Access to the Internet, if employed, is
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Subscriber’s and each User’s sole responsibility and the responsibility of Internet provider(s) they select. Provider does not accept any responsibility for failure of service due to Internet facilities, including related telecommunications or equipment. (c) Provider may at any time request that Subscriber suspend the access of Users to the Service and/or disable their Login Information. Customer agrees when so requested by Provider to remove such individuals promptly and suspend their use of the Services and access to the Services. Grounds for doing are not limited but may include, for example, legal or regulatory reasons, investigation of suspicious activities, or action by authorities, or if Provider or Subscriber has reason to suspect any such User is engaged in activities that may violate these Terms of Service, applicable laws, or Subscriber policies, or are otherwise deemed harmful to Provider, Subscriber, their network or facilities, or other Users. Neither Provider nor Subscriber shall be liable to any User for suspension of Service, regardless of the grounds. 5. Proprietary Rights. Subscriber acknowledges that (a) Provider owns and controls all right, title and interest in the Provider Applications and all intellectual property rights relating thereto; (b) the Provider Applications and Provider’s tools and infrastructure constitute valuable intellectual property of Provider; (c) Provider does not grant to Customer any right or license, either express or implied, in the Provider Applications except as specified in this Agreement, and Provider reserves all other rights; and (d) Subscriber’s use of the Provider Applications shall be subject to the restrictions set forth in these Terms of Service. Provider shall be entitled to use and exploit, without restriction or charge, any ideas, improvements, suggestions, or enhancements to the Provider Applications made or provided by Subscriber, its personnel, or Users. Fees”) are stated in United States Dollars, must be paid in 6. Payment Terms. Fees for the Services (the “F United States Dollars, and are exclusive of out-of-pocket expenses of Provider. Unless otherwise indicated in the Purchase Summary contained in the Subscription order, the fees due are prorated and payable annually in advance. Upon expiration of the initial term, and any renewal term, this Agreement shall be automatically renewed on a year-to-year basis on the same terms as shown in this Agreement at Provider's then-current pricing, unless Subscriber notifies Provider in writing at least thirty (30) days prior to the scheduled renewal date of its intention not to renew. Provider will invoice Subscriber for the Fees at the time of execution of this Agreement, at each scheduled renewal, and upon any future Subscription order. Any and all payments made by Subscriber pursuant to this Agreement are non-refundable. Subscriber will make payment upon acceptance of each initial Subscription order and within thirty (30) days of the date of each subsequent invoice. Provider reserves the right to suspend or cancel performance of any Services if Subscriber is in default of its obligations, including any payment obligations, provided in this Agreement. If Subscriber fails to pay an invoice when due, Provider will issue a notice of late payment, and Subscriber will be charged a late fee of five percent (5%) of the outstanding past-due balance or the highest amount permitted by applicable law, if less. 7. Taxes. All Fees are exclusive of any Taxes. Subscriber will pay to Provider an amount equal to any Taxes arising from or relating to this Agreement which are paid by or are payable by Provider. “TTaxes” means any form of taxation, levy, duty, customs fee, charge, contribution or impost of whatever nature and by whatever authority imposed (including without limitation any fine, penalty, surcharge or interest, excluding any taxes or franchise fees based solely on the net U.S. income of Provider. If Subscriber is a non-U.S. entity or engages in any use of the Services outside the U.S. and is required under any applicable law or regulation, domestic or foreign, to withhold or deduct any portion of the payments due Provider, then the sum payable to Provider will be increased by the amount necessary so that Provider receives an amount equal to the sum it would have received had Subscriber made no withholdings or deductions. 8. Warranty. Provider expressly warrants that it is the owner or licensee of Provider Applications, including any and all copyrights and trade secrets, and has the right and authority to enter into this Agreement and to license Provider Applications to Subscriber in accordance with the terms herein as of the Effective Date. For the period beginning on the original date of delivery of the Provider Applications and continuing for thirty (30) days thereafter, Provider expressly warrants that the Services produced using the Provider Applications will perform substantially in accordance with the written specifications contained in the documentation provided by Provider with the Services. EXCEPT AS PROVIDED IN THIS SECTION, ALL SOFTWARE AND SERVICES PROVIDED HEREUNDER IS PROVIDED “AS IS.” THE FOREGOING WARRANTIES ARE EXCLUSIVE OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, WHETHER WRITTEN, ORAL, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY WARRANTY OF NONINFRINGEMENT OF THIRD PARTY RIGHTS AND THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR
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FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. PROVIDER DOES NOT WARRANT THAT THE OPERATION THEREOF WILL BE UNINTERRUPTED OR ERROR-FREE, OR THAT ERRORS WILL BE CORRECTED. 9. Liability. IN NO EVENT SHALL PROVIDER BE LIABLE TO SUBSCRIBER OR ANY THIRD PARTY OR END USER FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT, CONSEQUENTIAL OR CONTINGENT DAMAGES INCLUDING LOSS OF PROFITS, OR ANY AMOUNTS THAT IN THE AGGREGATE EXCEED THE FEES ACTUALLY PAID TO PROVIDER BY SUBSCRIBER (THE FOREGOING BEING COLLECTIVELY CALLED “DAMAGES”) INCURRED BY SUBSCRIBER OR ANY OTHER THIRD PARTY. SUCH LIMITATION OF LIABILITY SHALL APPLY WHETHER IN AN ACTION BASED ON CONTRACT, TORT OR ANY OTHER SUCH THEORY, EVEN IF PROVIDER HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. 10. Indemnity. Provider shall indemnify and hold harmless Subscriber and its officers, employees, agents and representatives and defend any action brought against same with respect to any third-party claim, demand or cause of action, including reasonable attorney’s fees, to the extent that it is based upon a claim that the Provider Applications infringes or violates any United States patents, copyrights, trade secrets, or other proprietary rights of a third party. Subscriber may, at its own expense, assist in such defense if it so chooses, provided that Provider shall control such defense and all negotiations relating to the settlement of any such claim. Subscriber shall promptly provide Provider with written notice of any claim which Subscriber believes falls within the scope of this Section 9. In the event that the Provider Applications or any portion thereof is held to constitute an infringement and its use is enjoined, Provider may, at its sole option and expense, (a) modify the infringing Provider Applications so that it is non-infringing, (b) procure for Subscriber the right to continue to use the infringing Provider Applications, or (c) replace said Provider Applications with suitable, non-infringing software. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Provider will have no obligation for any claims to the extent such claims result from (i) modifications or alterations of the Provider Applications made by or for Subscriber or any other party that were not provided by Provider or authorized by Provider in writing; (ii) use outside the scope of the license granted hereunder, (iii) use of a superseded or previous version of the Provider Applications if infringement would have been avoided by the use of a newer version which Provider made available to Subscriber, or (iv) use of the Provider Applications in combination with any other software, hardware, data, or materials not supplied by Provider. This indemnity obligation is subject to the limitation of liability and the other pertinent terms and conditions of this Agreement. 11. Publicity. During the term of this Agreement, Subscriber and Provider may engage in co-marketing and publicity programs, including advertisements in trade and other publications, upon written approval (not to be unreasonably withheld or delayed). Provider may also use Subscriber’s name and logo as a reference, on Provider's website, and in marketing materials. Subscriber agrees to serve as a “reference” for Provider which means that Subscriber may be called from time-to-time to serve as a reference to other prospective subscribers, current or potential investors, the press, and financial and technology analysts, as mutually agreed to by both parties. If requested by Provider, Subscriber further agrees to cooperate with Provider within one (1) year following the effective date of this Agreement to produce and publish a public or non-public (at Subscriber’s discretion), “case study” of Subscriber’s usage of Provider’s products. 12. U.S. Government Customers and End Users. Any Provider Applications or related materials are "commercial items" as that term is defined in 48 C.F.R. 2.101 (October 1995) consisting of "commercial computer software" and "commercial computer software documentation" as such terms are used in 48 C.F.R. 12.212 (September 1995). Consistent with 48 C.F.R. 12.212 and 48 C.F.R. 227.7202-1, 227.7202-3 and 227.7202-4 (June 1995), if the Customer hereunder is the U.S. Government or any agency or department thereof, any Provider Applications and related materials are licensed (i) only as a commercial item, and (ii) with only those rights as are granted to all other end users and customers pursuant to the terms and conditions of this Agreement. 13. Force Majeure. If by reason of Force Majeure including, without limitation, earthquakes, governmental regulation, fire, flood, labor difficulties, civil disorder and all acts of God, or any other act, event or circumstance beyond the reasonable control of a Party (whether or not mentioned or foreseeable), a Party is unable to perform in whole or in part its obligations as set forth in this Agreement, except for payment obligations, such Party shall not be liable to the other for its failure to perform said obligations. 14. No Waiver. Neither Party shall be deemed, by any act or omission, to have waived any of its rights or remedies hereunder unless such waiver is in writing and signed by an authorized officer of such Party. Such a
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waiver shall be limited specifically to the extent set forth in said writing. Waiver as to one event shall not be construed as waiver of any right or remedy as it relates to any subsequent event. 15. Assignment. Subscriber will not assign this Agreement or any right or obligation hereunder. Provider may assign this Agreement in the event of a merger or consolidation or the purchase of all or substantially all of its assets. Provider may subcontract any work related to the Services without consent from Subscriber, providing that Provider remains responsible for the performance of any subcontractor. This Agreement will be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the permitted successors and assigns of each party. 16. Termination of Agreement. Provider may terminate this Agreement and the licenses granted hereunder, upon written notice for any material breach of this Agreement that Subscriber fails to cure within thirty (30) days following written notice specifying such breach. Subscriber may terminate this Agreement and the licenses granted hereunder upon written notice for any material breach of this Agreement that Provider fails to cure within thirty (30) days following the written notice specifying such breach. In the event of termination of this Agreement for any cause, all rights granted hereunder automatically revert to the granting Party. 17. Release. Subscriber and its Users release and waive all claims against Provider, its parent, subsidiaries, affiliated companies, agents or content providers, and the directors, trustees, officers, shareholders, employees, agents and representatives of each of the foregoing (the “Provider Group”), from any and all claims, damages, liabilities, costs and expenses arising out of User's use of the Service and the Content. California residents waive any rights they may have under §1542 of the California Civil Code, which reads: “A general release does not extend to claims which the creditor does not know or suspect to exist in his favor at the time of executing the release, which if known by him must have materially affected his settlement with the debtor.” Subscriber and its Users agree to release unknown claims and waive all available rights under California Civil Code §1542 or under any other statute or common law principle of similar effect. To the extent permitted by applicable law, this release covers all such claims regardless of the negligence of the Provider Group. 18. Subscriber Representations. Subscriber represents and warrants that (a) it has full power and authority to enter into the Subscription Agreement and to agree to all the terms and conditions contained therein and in these Terms of Service; (b) only Subscriber or its Users shall access the Subscription Services; (c) Subscriber and its Users will at all times use the Subscription Services only as expressly permitted by the Subscription Agreement, including these Terms of Service; (c) Subscriber will comply with all applicable laws, rules and regulations in connection with its access and use of the Subscription Services; (d) Subscriber is responsible for obtaining any permission or consent, and for establishing and enforcing necessary controls and restrictions, relating to the collection, storage and use of confidential or personally identified information that Subscriber may be obligated to protect under privacy, data protection, or similar requirements or policies; and (e) content, materials, and/or information contributed by Subscriber or Users will not contain any libelous, unlawful or infringing materials or content, will not infringe upon any party's proprietary rights and will not violate any law, regulation or right of any kind whatsoever or give rise to any actionable claim or liability. Subscriber agrees to accept responsibility and defend and protect Provider from any expense or liability arising from any violations of these warranties. 19. General. These Terms constitute the exclusive terms and conditions with respect to the subject matter hereof. These Terms represent the final, complete and exclusive statement of the agreement between the parties with respect to subject matter hereof and all prior written agreements and all prior and contemporaneous oral agreements with respect to the subject matter hereof are merged therein. In the event of any conflict between these Terms and Subscriber’s Subscription order or Software Agreement, the terms of the Subscription order or Software Agreement will control. The validity, interpretation and enforcement of this Agreement will be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the United States and of the State of Georgia without giving effect to the conflicts of laws provisions thereof. The parties agree that the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods shall not apply to this Agreement. Customer hereby irrevocably consents to jurisdiction of both the state or federal courts located in Georgia. In the event the Uniform Computer Information Transactions Act (UCITA) or any similar federal or state laws or regulations are enacted, it will not apply to this Agreement, and the governing law will remain as if such law or regulation had not been enacted.
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Elaine, IASB is rebating to members who purchase eBoard modules 84% of the amount we receive from eBoard for each purchase. In this case once WDMCS pays eBoard the $9,100 eBoard will send IASB $2,275 for sponsorship. IASB will then send WDMCS a check for $1,911 so that the net price of the purchase for WDMCS will be $7,189 as noted in the previous emails. Thanks for your purchase and I hope you find it as productive as we have at IASB. Let me know if this does not suffice for the documentation you were requesting. Galen Galen Howsare, RSBA Deputy Executive Director/CFO Iowa Association of School Boards 6000 Grand Ave. Des Moines, IA 50312-1417 (515) 288-1991(IASB receptionist) (515) 247-7030 (direct office) (515) 243-4992 (fax) (515) 468-9576 (mobile) Π Please think green. Do not print this message unless it’s really necessary. Thank you ******************************************************************** NOTICE: This E-mail (including attachments) is covered by the Electronic Communications Privacy Act, 18 U.S.C. §§ 2510-2521, is confidential and may be legally privileged. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any retention, dissemination, distribution, or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. Please reply to the sender that you have received the message in error, then delete it. Thank you.
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Board Agenda XI Building a Learning Community 2014-2015 Committee September 8, 2014 Dr. Lisa Remy and Dr. Laurene Lanich
The Building A Learning Community Committee (BLC) serves as the District School Improvement Advisory Committee as well as the Equity Committee. The role of the committee is to discuss, share information, make community connections with various interest groups and services, learn more about our diverse community, and to provide recommendations to the Board of Education regarding student achievement. Every district is required to have a School Improvement Committee. The committee typically meets four times during the school year. The following members will serve on the BLC committee during the 2014-15 school year. We recommend approval of these committee members. Dr. Lisa Remy, Superintendent Janelle Green, HR/Equity Coordinator Dr. Laurene Lanich, Associate Superintendent for Teaching and Learning Amy Klinkefus, Parent and Community Member Tyson Heuton, Jordan Creek Teacher Jim Hall, Parent and Community Member H. Milton Cole-Duvall, Parent and School Board Member Marshall Orsini, Parent and Community Member Sheila Hudson, Instructional Coach/Teacher Leader Graham Jones, Jordan Creek Principal Christine McNunn, Community Member and Parent Bryan Stearns, VSW Associate Principal Tory DeVries, Valley Teacher Veleta Lucas-Empty, Community Member Chris Nelson, Parent and Community Member Sabrina Barber, Western Hills Teacher Sally Robson, Parent and Community Member Julie Powell, Parent and Community Member Danette Rieper, Learning Supports/Family Engagement Teacher Leader Alexia Sanchez Garcia, Valley High School Student
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Board Agenda XII Hillside Settlement Agreement September 8, 2014 Dr. Lisa Remy and Paul Bobek
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2014-15 School Board Meetings West Des Moines Community Schools Board of Education holds regular meetings on the second and fourth Mondays of each month. Regular meetings are typically held at 7 p.m. Workshops are sometimes held before (see listings below for start times). The location is the Learning Resource Center, 3550 Mills Civic Parkway, unless designated otherwise. Items in bold have been added to the meeting schedule and strikethrough items have been removed from the schedule. DATE
July 14
Workshop (4:30 p.m.) & Regular Meeting (7:00 p.m.)
August 11
Workshop (5:15 p.m.) & Regular Meeting (7:00 p.m.)
August 15
Special Meeting (7 a.m.)
August 25
Workshop (5:15 p.m.) & Regular Meeting (7:00 p.m.)
August 29
Special Meeting (12:00 p.m. noon)
September 5
Special Meeting (5:30 p.m.)
September 8
Workshop (5:15 p.m.) & Regular Meeting (7:00 p.m.)
September 9
Special Meeting (5:30 p.m.)
September 22
Annual Meeting & Organizational Meeting (7:00 p.m.)
Workshop (5:15 p.m.) & Regular Meeting (7:00 p.m.)
Westridge Elementary
October 27
Workshop (5:15 p.m.) & Regular Meeting (7:00 p.m.)
November 10
Workshop (5:15 p.m.) & Regular Meeting (7:00 p.m.)
November 24
Workshop (5:15 p.m.) & Regular Meeting (7:00 p.m.)
December 8
Workshop (5:15 p.m.) & Regular Meeting (7:00 p.m.)
Workshop (5:15 p.m.) & Regular Meeting (7:00 p.m.)
Indian Hills Junior High
October 13
January 12
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January 26
Workshop (5:15 p.m.) & Regular Meeting (7:00 p.m.)
February 9
Workshop (5:15 p.m.) & Regular Meeting (7:00 p.m.)
February 23
Workshop (5:15 p.m.) & Regular Meeting (7:00 p.m.)
March 9
Workshop (5:15 p.m.) & Regular Meeting (7:00 p.m.)
March 23
Workshop (5:15 p.m.)
April 13
Workshop (5:15 p.m.) & Regular Meeting (7:00 p.m.)
April 27
Workshop (5:15 p.m.) & Regular Meeting (7:00 p.m.)
Workshop (5:15 p.m.) & Regular Meeting (7:00 p.m.)
Hillside Elementary
June 8
Workshop (5:15 p.m.) & Regular Meeting (7:00 p.m.)
June 22
Workshop (5:15 p.m.) & Regular Meeting (7:00 p.m.)
July 13
Workshop (5:15 p.m.) & Regular Meeting (7:00 p.m.)
May 11
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