from the t.v. show Dear White People, this session will explore a conflict based on the use of. the N-word and how diffe
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West High Martin Luther King Jr. Celebration Friday, January 12th - 2018
In honor of Martin Luther King Jr. Day, students will have the opportunity to attend sessions hosted by students, teachers, and community members which focus on topics of diversity, identity, activism, and justice. Students will choose their schedules and not attend their regular classes that day. However, 4th period will be spent with your normal 4th period teachers. Students will sign up for these sessions on Monday, December 18th. Until then, we would like students to look through these sessions and select your top three options for each period. Please note that some sessions are longer and extend over multiple periods. For these longer sessions, students must attend the entire session. They cannot attend just one hour of the longer sessions.
1. UNITY Choir Concert (Period 1 ALL FRESHMAN AND SENIORS) (Period 7 ALL SOPHOMORES AND JUNIORS) "The opposite of war is not peace. It's creation." - Jonathon Larson - Music is a unifying and powerful force that molds a more unified tomorrow. As we continue to explore the poetry and text, come and listen to our message of change and hope. Our ask is that you use your given talents to create more fiercely and more daring than ever before. Join the Iowa City West Choirs as we CREATE and UNITE in music and song. 2. Become A Changemaker Today! (Period 2, 6) - This session puts the ACT in activism. Attendees will begin by identifying one realistic social change they want to bring about in the Iowa City community. They will then spend time brainstorming/workshopping in order to come up with a list of steps necessary to bring about that change. Each student will then commit to take the first step in their plan by the end of the day. 3. TRANSforming West (Period 3) - During this session students will discuss what can be done to improve the West High experience for transgender students. Hopefully some attendees will share their experiences as trans students or allies. This will include a discussion of West High policies and what we can do to better inform teachers, students, and administrators. The results of this conversation will be shared with the building and district administrators. 4. Hey, I'm Pretty Cool (Period 5, 7) - This session will focus on exploring our identities and developing love and respect for the traits that make us unique. Students will hopefully leave this session with a better understanding of who they are and a more positive self image.
5. Learn Chinese Calligraphy with Annie (Period 1) - Senior Annie Chen will be teaching us a few words and Chinese and then we are going to learn how to draw some characters. 6. Learn Some Arabic with Eman (Period 2) - Senior Eman Elsheikh will teach us some words in Arabic. 7. Learn about Vietnam before and after the war with Charlie Lam-Lu (Period 5, 6) - Senior Charlie Lam-Lu will talk a little about the struggles of his Vietnamese family before and after the Vietnam War. 8. That Song Just Said the N-Word...Can I Still Sing Along? (Period 2, 5)- Have you ever caught yourself singing along to a song that has controversial lyrics? If you listen to hip hop it’s likely you have heard several examples including use of “the N-word”. Using a video clip from the t.v. show Dear White People, this session will explore a conflict based on the use of the N-word and how different groups of people can interpret this word very differently.
9. BPA Service Project (All Day) - BPA students only, closed session, talke with Ms. Fickel if you have questions. In this session for Business Professionals of America members, students will be participating in the following three activities throughout the day. A. Making Homemade Dog Treats at WEST and delivering them to the IOWA CITY ANIMAL SHELTER. B. Creating Literacy Kits for children at school and delivering them to the UNITED WAY office. C. Bowling with a buddy from BIG BROTHER/BIG SISTERS of Johnson County. 10. PALS @ Melrose Place (Period 1+2) - [This is a 2 period session]. Students will have the opportunity to take a group of any 30 students to Melrose Meadows assisted living community. We will be reaching out to the community as part of the mission of MLK to have a day of service. Strengthening the community by building relationships and reaching out to others. We will be having hot cocoa, coffee, playing games and building connections with others in our community. 11. Privilege Walk [Student led] (Period 3) WHS Senior Rachael Saunders will be leading
students on a Privilege Walk. This will be held in the small gym. This eye opening exercise will help students realize and understand the concept of privilege.(40 students)
12. The Power of Paying it Forward (Period 5, 6) - This examines the power of positivity and kindness. Build on MLK’s “Beloved Community” by understanding the power of kindness and its profound impact on the community. End the session by making bracelets (Thread of Love) to show others that you care. 13. Souper Bowl (Period 1, 2, 3, 5)- Glazing Ceramic Bowls to be used at the Souper Bowl Fundraiser for the Domestic Violence Intervention Program. A brief presentation will be given
about the organization while students work. 14. Video & Discussion - Percy Julian, Forgotten Chemist (Periods 1+2)- [This is a 2 period session]. The grandson of Alabama slaves, Percy Julian met with every possible barrier in a deeply segregated America. He was a man of genius, devotion, and determination. As a black man he was also an outsider, fighting to make a place for himself in a profession and country divided by bigotry—a man who would eventually find freedom in the laboratory. By the time of his death, Julian had risen to the highest levels of scientific and personal achievement, overcoming countless obstacles to become a world-class scientist, a self-made millionaire, and a civil-rights pioneer. 15. Conversations on Race (Period 5) - We will watch and discuss some short video clips featuring everyday people as they discuss issues of race and identity. Included will be perspectives of Blacks, Whites, Asian-Americans, Latinos, and the police. Please bring your chromebooks to this session. 16. Who me? Biased? (Period 7) - We will watch and discuss a series of short videos that take a closer look at the unfair effects of our subconscious. Please bring your chromebooks to this session. 17. Malcolm X (Periods 1-3)- [This is a 3 period session] Possibly the greatest biographical film of all time, with possibly the greatest biographical performance (Denzel Washington, in his finest performance). It reflects an alternate side of the struggle against bigotry and for equality in our nation, and shows the transformations of one of the most controversial and important leaders of the Civil Rights Movement. This is undeniably a great artistic achievement by Spike Lee, and one of the best films about the era ever produced. Please bring your chromebooks to this session. 18. Hidden Figures PM (Periods 1-3, 5-7) - [This is a 3 period session] Three brilliant African-American women at NASA -- Katherine Johnson (Taraji P. Henson), Dorothy Vaughan (Octavia Spencer) and Mary Jackson (Janelle Monáe) -- serve as the brains behind one of the greatest operations in history: the launch of astronaut John Glenn (Glen Powell) into orbit, a stunning achievement that restored the nation's confidence, turned around the Space Race and galvanized the world. Please bring your chromebooks to this session. 19. Dance Marathon Service (Periods 5-7) - [This is a 3 period session] Making Posters, Blowing up balloons, etc.. for Dance Marathon on Sunday 20. Letters to residents of local nursing homes (Period 5, 6, 7) - This is a service project where we will write letters to residents of local nursing homes. Often times this can be a group of our community that feels forgotten.
21. Building Your Dream (Period 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7) - Martin Luther King Jr had a dream. What is your Big Dream? What is your Big Dream to make the world a better place? This session gives you the Opportunity to Dream Big and Live Big. You will work to create your Big Dream and begin the work in turning your Dream into a reality. 22. Redlining Monopoly (Periods 1+2, 3+5, 6+7) - [This is a 2 period session] Play “Redlining Monopoly” and learn about institutional racism. 23. Step! (Periods 1+2) - [This is a two period session] Join us for a viewing and discussion of the amazing film, Step. Step documents the senior year of a girls' high-school step dance team against the background of inner-city Baltimore. As each one tries to become the first in their families to attend college, the girls strive to make their dancing a success against the backdrop of social unrest in the troubled city. 24. Thug: Discussion of Angie Thomas’s ‘The Hate U Give’ (Period 3) - Have you read THUG? This session will be dedicated to discussing this book. This book has been on the bestseller list for 25 weeks and will be made into a movie, yet all the praise this book has received, it has also just been banned from a Texas school district. In The Hate U Give, a sixteen-year-old gril, Starr Carter moves between two worlds: the inner-city neighborhood where she lives and the fancy suburban prep school she attends. The uneasy balance between these worlds is shattered when Starr witnesses the fatal shooting of her childhood best friend, Khalil, at the hands of a police officer. Khalil was unarmed. Soon afterward, Khalil’s death is a national headline. Some are calling him a thug, maybe even a drug dealer and a gangbanger. 25. Black Stories Matter (Period 5) - Learn about new books with African-American main characters. The Hate U Give isn’t the only book blowing up right now that features a black main character. Join the West High teacher-librarians for booktalks and discussion about some of these timely new books as well as about the authors whose voices are now being heard. Can’t make this session? Come see the display of these books in the West High library. 26. The T Word (Period 6,7) - Join us for a viewing and discussion of the beautiful documentary, The T Word. Actress and trans advocate Laverne Cox presents an eye-opening documentary about seven brave transgender youth who are showing the world what it means to defy expectations and live their lives - and truth - as authentically as possible. 27. Honors and AP: Is it for me? (closed session) - An overview of the Honors and AP coursework we offer at West High and the benefits of taking them. Students will hear from AP teachers, counselors, and students currently enrolled in AP courses. You will be notified if you are attending this session. 28. The Biology of Skin Color (Period 2, 3, 5, 6) - We will show a video from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute regarding the evolutionary history of human skin color. The video explains the trade off between UV protection and the need for some UV absorption for the
production of vitamin D. There will be several discussion questions that will follow the video on the topics of genetics, skin color and society. 29. Radical Sisterhood (Periods 1+2) - [This is a two period session] This session will be led by Britt Griffin, Community Prevention Coordinator at the University of Iowa's Rape Victim Advocacy Program (RVAP). The workshop will be for students that identify as female or femme. The intent is to foster radical allyship within communities of women. We will talk about sexism and sexual violence from an intersectional lens. Students will participate in activities to inspire critical thinking and practice skills for dismantling sexism, racism and rape culture, as well as skills for building a culture of consent and inclusivity. 30. "But I'm Not A Racist!" The Psychology of Racism (Periods 5+6) - [This is a two period session] When directly asked, most people today would not report having explicit racist views. Nonetheless, we grow up in a society where the popular and news media supports many negative stereotypes about people of color. These media representations can have a very deep effect on our subconscious. As such, even well meaning people can hold negative assumptions about people who do not look like them. This session will start by looking at some of these negative media images. Then, we will take the Implicit Association Test, a Harvard-created assessment that helps us reveal the racist associations we may had made deep in our subconscious, below our awareness. We will discuss and debrief our results and brainstorm ways we can combat these associations. 31. Gifts of Life: Blood, Bone Marrow and Organ Donation (Periods 2+3, 5+6) - [This is a two period session] Presentations by the Iowa Marrow Donor Program, the Iowa Donor Network and the UIHC DeGowin Blood Donor Center, with an opportunity for students to have their blood typed. 32. Blank Canvas: Create a Bulletin Board (Periods 2+3, 5+6)- [This is a two period session] Wanted: Students to use their creative or artistic sides to create a bulletin board for the second floor hallway next to the math classrooms. We will meet in room 205 and brainstorm ideas, keeping with the MLK day theme (and maybe a few touches of math). We may need to include a little research so bring your Chromebooks! This session will require two blocks of time. 33. The Ernest Green Story (Periods 1+2, Periods 6+7) - [This is a two period session] This movie depicts the integration of Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas during the 1957-1958 school year. After watching the film, we will engage in a discussion about the contents and draw some parallels to today. This session will require 2 blocks of time, and it will be offered both AM and PM. 34. Panel Discussion: Being Latinx (Period 1, 2, 6, 7) - A panel of students will begin by sharing a little about themselves and their culture experiences. They will answer questions
covering a variety of cultural topics ranging from school to celebrations to homelife and more. Participants will have the opportunity to ask questions of their own in this session. 35. Portrait Service Project (Period 1, 2, 3) - Have you always wanted a professional photographer to take your photo, but you can’t justify the cost? Or, are you a procrastinator who still needs to submit a senior photo for the yearbook deadline (Jan. 16)? The West Side Story staff photographers and Theatre West hair and makeup crews are teaming up to provide a portrait service for you. In this session, a WSS photographer will take your portrait and the Theatre West crew will provide hair and makeup services (if you want). You will receive a digital package of your photos and a hard copy of the photo. Sign up by yourself or with a friend!
36. Rap as Social Commentary (Periods 1+2) - [This is a two period session] We will listen to songs and analyze their lyrics, watch interviews, and read essays/news articles with a focus on the ways rap artists have challenged social conditions like police violence, poverty/wealth inequality, and Black consciousness. The session will focus on today's music and past generations of socially conscious rappers. Students will be expected to critically study artists and their music with the goal of answering the question: What role can/should rap have in addressing social inequalities? 37. The Rhetoric of Protest (Periods 6+7) - [This is a two period session] Is there a right or wrong way to protest? Is it okay to riot or is non-violence the path to create change? Does kneeling for the national anthem or raising a fist at the Olympics actually change anything, or does it just make people angry? Under what circumstances will protest actually work? We will ask all these questions in order to look at the ways protesters (including MLK and many others) have advocated for social change historically and the ways society has reacted to that advocacy. 38. Stop and Search Policy (Period 1, 2, 3, 5, 6) - This session will look at the stop and search policy in NY. The session will look at bias in stop and search in practice as well as try identify ways to remedy potential bias. 39. To Stand or not to Stand: Colin Kaepernick, Donald Trump, and the Star Spangled Banner (Period 1, 3) - This NFL season has led to increased struggles and debates about what it means to be patriotic and how our expressions of respect for the flag and the national anthem relate to racism and police practices. This session will feature discussion, exploration and short readings & video clips designed to encourage people to consider different perspectives. Hopefully we will all leave with a better understanding of what is controversial our decisions to kneel or stand before the flag.
40. Mindfulness (Period 3, 5) - Linking mindfulness to empathy and MLK’s legacy. We will have an outside meditation instructor lead us through what identity is and how we connect to others. 41. What My Hijab and Henna Mean to Me (Period 1, 2, 3) - learn from two West High students about the purpose and meaning behind the traditional hijab and henna as a special part of the Muslim culture. 42. Spoken Word and Social Justice (Periods 1+2, 5+6)- [This is a two period session] Students will learn about, listen to, discuss, create, and perform spoken word poetry. 43. What has happened to civic discourse? Current Event discussions (Period 1, 2, 5) - This session will focus on discussing current events and how civil discourse has deteriorated. 44. Entertainment, Comedy, and Social Issues: Funny or Reinforcing Stereotypes? (Period 3, 6) - Have you ever really laughed at a stand-up comedian, late night skit, or funny cartoon only to wonder later "Did that joke go too far?" In this session, we will watch short video clips and discuss the balance between comedy and social issues.
45. Police as Allies of the LGBTQ Community (Period 1, 2, 6) - This presentation will review some helpful laws and resources to increase support and the safety of members within the LGBTQ community. This will include a "know your rights" portion as well as contact information for LGBTQ liaison officers within local police departments. 46. Implicit Bias/Police (Period 3, 5) - This interactive presentation will define Implicit or Unconscious Bias and discuss its impacts on law enforcement, community members, and the relationships between the two. Tips and strategies for reducing bias and its negative impact will be discussed as well as efforts of local law enforcement to reduce bias in policing. 47. Vedic Mathematics (Period 5, 6) - Students will explore several of the algorithms central to Vedic Mathematics. Often times principles of Vedic Mathematics provide computational shortcuts to some of the more tedious computations currently implemented. Finally, students will spend time validating these shortcuts (i.e. why do they work?) 48. Real Trojans Stand Up (Period 1, 2)- What does it mean to be a “real man” in today’s world? The media supports a message of being tough, fit, and sexually adventurous, but is that really what it takes to be a good man? This session is for young men and people who identify as male to have a space to discuss these topics. The interactive session will include looking at the way manhood is displayed in the media and will try to dismantle some of the negative expectations placed on men. Then, the session will discuss ways to stand up when people around you engage in toxic and damaging forms of masculinity, with a special focus on ways to conduct safe, supportive, and meaningful bystander intervention.
49. Autism Awareness (Period 1, 3, 5, 6) - Autism, or autism spectrum disorder, refers to a range of conditions characterized by challenges with social skills, repetitive behaviors, speech and nonverbal communication, as well as by unique strengths and differences. This session will include a panel of students who discuss their experiences with autism at West High including their strengths and the challenges they face at West High. 50. Privilege Discussion (Period 6, 7) - Join us for a discussion about privilege, what is it, who has it, and what it means in society. 51. The Power of a Name (Period 2, 3, 5, 6)- Exploring the link between names and personal identity. Sharing personal conceptions of identity with a group. We will be doing a "what's in a name?" activity along with a debrief. 52. Service Project @ Weber Elementary (Periods 1-3) - 8 students in the morning from 9:00 until 11:15 and then another group of 8 in the afternoon at about 1:00 until 3:00. WHS students may read to students, help teachers with projects, work with small groups of students, help with the engagement activities, etc... 53. Service Project @ Weber Elementary (Periods 5-7) - 8 students in the morning from 9:00 until 11:15 and then another group of 8 in the afternoon at about 1:00 until 3:00. WHS students may read to students, help teachers with projects, work with small groups of students, help with the engagement activities, Khushi Kapoor speaks from 1:00-1:40 54. An Underground Message (Period 3) - We welcome singers of ALL ABILITIES to join us for a session focused on the history of spiritual music. At the end of the session we will perform a song together. 55. The Gender Unicorn (Period 5, 6, 7) - Learn about LGBTQIA terminology and the concept of gender. 56. Crisis Center, Crowded Closet, Salvation Army Service Project (Periods 1-3) - [This is a 3 period session] Let's go DO something!! We have many worthy community service agencies that can benefit from our time and energy. We will take a busload of student volunteers to the Johnson County Crisis Center Food Bank, the Crowded Closet Thrift Store and the Salvation Army for a morning filled with hands on community service work to help these non-profit agencies that help others. We will leave West High at 9:00am and return around 11:30 for 4th hour classes. 57. Women in Sports (Periods 6+7) [This is a two period session] - While we like to think that Title IX has provided many opportunities for the female athlete to compete on a "level playing field", there are still many ways that boys and girls sports are not seen as equal. This session will focus on how the Women of Troy can improve their visibility on campus and in the wider Iowa City area community. With the help of Lisa Brinkmeyer, assistant director of the Iowa
Girls High School Athletic Union, we will be brainstorming ways to increase attendance at girls sporting events and get stronger as a community at the same time!
58. Spike Lee: Social Commentary in the Cinema (Period 1, 3) - Students will be introduced to one of the most prominent filmmakers of the modern era. Spike Lee's unique position as writer/director/producer/studio owner has allowed him to make films targeting social awareness with the autonomy few others are afforded. Whether it is Do the Right Thing, Malcolm X, He Got Game or Chiraq, Spike Lee's films offer his honest perspective on what is going on in America at the time. 59. From Mexico to the Midwest: An Immigrant’s Journey with Rita Navarro (Period 5, 6) Rita Navarro is a Mexican immigrant who moved to the Quad Cities' famous Cook's Point/Holy City area as a young girl. She and her son, Tony, Jr. will be sharing their story. Both will be discussing the differences in being first generation and second generation Mexican-Americans and what America means to them. 60. Life in Sierra Leone (Period 1, 2, 6, 7) - Join West High’s first exchange student in 10 years from Sierra Leone. Come hear Mukeh share his rich culture and traditions as well as his impressions of West High. 61. The Case for Reparations (Period 1, 5) In this session, we will explore Ta’Nahisi Coates’ article in which he explores the reasons for reparations for descendants of people who were legally enslaved in America. Students will get a chance to discuss the reasons why reparations might be appropriate and discuss the pros and cons of implementing them. 62. S tudy Abroad (Period 2) - Join me in learning about study abroad programs, what they are, and how you can participate. 63. What Can I do to be a Culturally Sensitive Peer? (Period 3, 6) - In this discussion, we will have a mini-lecture describing the concepts of cultural humility, safe space, and microaggressions (20 minutes maximum). Then, we will break into small groups to complete experiential activities based on those subtopics. 64. The History of ICCSD Special Education (Period 2, 3, 6, 7)- Come join us to learn about the history of special education in the Iowa City area. 65. Transgender People of Color (Period 5, 6) A guest speaker from Monsoon will discuss the intersectionality of race and gender and what happens when you find yourself at that intersection. 66. Understanding Privilege (Period 1, 3) Students in this session will engage in an interactive exercise intended to help us
understand what gives us and denies us privilege in our society: our race, gender, sexual orientation, and other traits we might not realize. 67. Habitat for Humanity (Periods 1, 2) - Guest speakers from Habitat for Humanity will be talking about this organization and explain how they help the community. Also, a Habitat Home recipient will speak to her family's needs that were met with this program, who qualifies and how the program remains diversified in choosing who qualifies. Also, a local contractor who invests his time and skills to this program will speak to why it’s important to consider giving your time to help others. 68. Habitat for Humanity (5+6) - [This is a two period session] If you attended the morning “Habitat for Humanity” session, you are eligible to take a field trip to a Habitat for Humanity Home and a tour of the Habitat Re-store. Learn about efficient residential design and how it helps keep utility bills down in a comfortable dwelling and incorporates green architecture concepts. 69. Social Justice Theater (Periods 1+2, 5+6) [This is a two period session] -- Explore social justice through a student led acting workshop led by Theatre West. Students will read and perform excerpts from plays that focus on various areas of social justice. Performances will be followed up with group discussion. 70. I’ll Make Me a World: Black History Month Study Session (Period 5) - Come study and learn about the I’ll Make Me a World:Black History Month competition. 71. Remember the Titans movie and discussion - (Period 2+3) [This is a two period session] The students in the movie had to interact with people of another race. For many, this was a new experience, and one that they did not want. It’s hard to change your behavior when you’ve been used to doing things one way for so long. But as we learned from the Titans’ coaches and players, change is a great thing. 72. Student Speaker- Race Equality, Sexual Equality, and Feminism (Period 5) - Join us for a discussion on race and sexual equality! 73. NY Times Series of Short Videos: A Conversation on Race with Discussion to follow (Period 1, 2, 5, 6) 74. 42: The Jackie Robinson Story and Mexican Street Corn snacks (Periods 1-3, Periods 5-7) [This is a three period session] - Come join us for a viewing of the Jackie Robinson story about the first African-American to break the color barrier in Major League Baseball. Mexican Street Corn (Elote) is a popular street food in Mexico. 75. He Named Me Malala Documentary (Periods 1+2, 6+7) - [This is a two period session] Come join us for a viewing of the documentary “He Named Me Malala” along with discussion
to follow. 76. West High by the #s, Behind Every # There is a Story (Period 2, 3, 6) - We will discuss how various entities nationally try to define what is American while we work on defining what it means to part of West High as White, Asian, Latino, African-American/Black, Mixed-Race,immigrants and LGBTQ etc. We will discuss how in the process of defining ourselves we are defining our complex community at West, Iowa City,Iowa, the U.S., and in the world. We will discuss whether our definitions of self and interactions within our school are making us more inclusive and respectful...and if not, how do we shift towards respect and inclusiveness. 77. Black Beauty (Period 1, 3) - Identifying and debunking stereotypes related to “What is Beauty”...particularly beauty within the African-American/Black community. 78. Women’s Issues Around the World (Period 5, 6) - students will provide an overview of social issues that women face in various countries around the world (students will be presenting on parts of the world they are from or are familiar with), and we will then compare it to issues in the United States. We will finish the session by talking about ways that students can get involved and impact these issues. 79. Jazz and the Civil Rights Movement (Period 2, 3) Damani Phillips-Saxophone, Steve Shanley-Piano, James Dreier-Drums, and Blake Shaw-Bass. This performance based session features Damani and his band performing and discussing jazz music associated with the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960’s. Dr. Damani Philips is a native of Pontiac, MI, where he began playing saxophone at the age of 10. He currently serves as associate professor of jazz Studies and African-American studies at the University of Iowa, where he teaches applied jazz saxophone, directs jazz combos and teaches courses in African-American music, African-American Culture, jazz education and improvisation. Phillips completed the Doctor of Musical Arts degree in jazz studies at the University of Colorado at Boulder in 2009; becoming one of the first African-Americans in the country to do so. 80. Hot Tamale Louie (Period 5, 6, two parts, students can go to one or both) University of Iowa Music Professor Dr. John Rapson will do a presentation on his recent major composition/recording titled “Hot Tamale Louie.”Hot Tamale Louie is based on a fantastical but true story published in The New Yorker magazine regarding a young Afghani who left his home near the Khyber Pass, wandered through India, and ended up years later in Sheridan, Wyoming. Rapson has created a production about immigration and citizenship like no other. 81. The Art of Paper Folding (Period 1, 3, 5, 6) - In this session, we will be watching a few short videos on origami, the ancient art of paper folding. We will also get to practice making some paper cranes and other fun sculptures. If you're looking for a place to get crafty, unwind, and
learn about culture, join us! 82. Arts & Activism: How Artists Have Been a Force for Social Change in Contemporary History (Period 3) - Simeon Talley and Misty Rebik will share their experiences in the arts and in community activism. Students who have an interest in the arts or who wish to become a force for social change may enjoy hearing these speakers share their experiences and discuss the ways art and artists have been a force for social change in contemporary society. 83. Selma (Periods 1+2, 5+6) [This is a 2 period session] - Although the Civil Rights Act of 1964 legally desegregated the South, discrimination was still rampant in certain areas, making it very difficult for blacks to register to vote. In 1965, an Alabama city became the battleground in the fight for suffrage. Despite violent opposition, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. (David Oyelowo) and his followers pressed forward on an epic march from Selma to Montgomery, and their efforts culminated in President Lyndon Johnson signing the Voting Rights Act of 1965. 84. Understanding Learning Disabilities (F.A.T. City Video) (Period 1, 2, 6, 7) - Join us for a discussion about learning disabilities and a simulation of the frustrations students may face in their daily lives. 85. Power and Privilege: An Exploration of Race, Class, and Gender (Period 5, 6, 7) - Guest facilitator Tab Wiggins from the University of Iowa will lead us through an interactive session about how race, class, and gender intersect and translate into power and privilege. 86. And Justice for All? (Period 1, 3 ) - Chris and Brandon are both separately pulled over for a broken headlight. What happens next may change their lives forever. We will take part in a simulation of how the criminal justice system works (or doesn't). 87. The Children’s March - (Period 2, 3, 5, 7) What social issues exist in our country and world? What can be done about them? More specifically, what can young people do to bring about positive change? We will watch "Mighty Times: The Children's March" and discuss these questions. Here is a description of the video from Teaching Tolerance: "The Children's March tells the story of how young people of Birmingham, Alabama, braved fire hoses and police dogs in 1963 and brought segregation to its knees. Their heroism complements discussions about the ability of today's young people to be catalysts for positive social change". 88. Bias: The Best Session of the Day (Period 2, 3, 5, 6) - A multitude of biases exist in this world, and everyone has at least one. If you don't think you are biased, that's also a form of bias. Show up and learn a little bit about how you actually view the world around you. 89. Diverse Donors Needed!! Be the Match is Seeking Donors! (Period 2, 3, 5, 6) - Interested in learning how you could save a life? This session will introduce a program called Be The Match, a non-profit organization that helps match patients suffering from leukemia, lymphoma
and other life-threatening diseases, with a bone marrow donor, which may be their best or only hope for a cure. 70% of patients who need a transplant to do not have a fully matched donor in their family. They depend on Be The Match® to find a donor to save their life. Attend this session to learn more about Ms. Robinson's bone marrow transplant experience and meet her 5-year old recipient, Leah Carroll. You'll have to attend the session to get the full story! We'll present the basics of donating, how to sign up and why diverse donors are in particularly high demand. You could literally save a life anywhere in the world! 90. Intercultural Communication - (Period 2, 6, 7) - We will begin by focusing on some historical mishaps between cultures which might have been avoided with better communications and interactions. We will discuss cultural empathy and practices for considering a wider global perspective. 91. Crafting for a Cause (Period 2, 3, 5, 6) - Students can create goodwill cards for the Children's Hospital, nursing homes, military, police, etc. They will also make a one-word (positive) brick in rainbow colors and color mandalas with symbolic colors. During periods 3 and 5, students will contribute their handprint to a banner representing unity and diversity. 92. Martial Arts (Period 2, 3, 5, 6) - Join Master Matthews from Mireu Martial Arts who will lead a class on Martial Arts and its cultural background. 93. Yoga (Period 2, 3, 5, 6) - Come learn about the cultural background of the yoga practice followed by a workout. 94. Cricket (Period 2, 3, 5, 6) - Come and learn about the game of Cricket and play the game. 95. Overcoming Stereotypes in the Weightroom - Join Brendon Panther from Performance Therapies for a discussion on stereotypes in the weightroom followed by a strength workout. 96. We Are All One People (Period 5, 6, 7) - Guest Speaker Pastor Brooks Simpson: Building Unity discussion and the challenges of overcoming prejudices from cultural bias, in context with the historical perspective and beliefs of Dr. Martin Luther King. 97. A Seat at The Table: How Solange empowered me to be a Strong Black Woman in the Academy (Period 2, 3, 5) - join University of Iowa master’s candidate, Joy Melody Woods, as she discusses the importance of being “in the room". Joy Melody will speak on why it is important to have people of color in academics/higher education and why ideas from people of color are important. 98. When Emotions Run High: Navigating Interpersonal Relationships in this Era (Period 2, 3, 5) - This session will focus discussing the ways that emotions make it challenging to understand another person’s perspective, particularly when it comes to diversity and inclusion. During our time, participants will identify platforms (e.g., social media) where dialogue is often
challenging. This session will engage students in perspective-taking that ultimately lead to ways for developing positive interpersonal relationships with those around them despite social constraints. 99. G lobal Thinking on Dr. King's Vision (Period 2) - This session examines the reach of Dr. Martin Luther King's work to examine the question: What did Dr. King mean for the world and who is taking up his message globally? Examples and opportunities to examine where and what the long arc toward justice touches beyond the United States, what today's "Dr. Kings" are doing around the world, and what we can do as part of a global movement for change will be discussed. 100. Investigating Internal Racism (Period 2, 3) - presentation and discussion investigating first steps for recognizing and dismantling internal racism This is racism you may or may not be aware of and also discussing privilege and race. 101. What’s the deal with Confederate Monuments and Symbols? (Period 1, 2, 3 ) - The white-supremacist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia this year was an event held in protest of the removal of a statue of Confederate General, Robert E. Lee. However, this event was only a piece of the larger national debate over the legacy of the Civil War and the symbols associated with it. Join us for discussion and debate about the history and symbolism of Confederate monuments. 102. The Unexpected Activist — What happens after your story goes viral and how to make the most of your fifteen minutes of fleeting fame (Period 5, 6, 7)- West High Grad Zach Wahls, Class of 2009, will share his story of speaking before the Iowa legislature and what happened after a video of his talk became YouTube's most-watched political video of the year. He'll discuss the experience of becoming a publicly-recognized person literally overnight and how he encourages people to be prepared if something similar happens to them. 103. The Power of Words (Period 2)- Students will explore their experiences with emotionally charged words – this can be words or names for instance, related to race, disability, or sexual orientation. Students will reflect on their choices about using or reacting to those words, and begin thinking about the significance of the language we use. Pamela Wesley, Associate Professor from the University of Iowa, will lead the session. 104. The History of the Civil Rights Movement told through Art (Period 3) - Kimberly Datchuk, guest from the University of Iowa Museum of Art, will present Sam Gilliam’s painting about MLK's assassination, and other works inspired by the Civil Rights Movement. 105. Representation matters: Why the language and materials you do or do not use are important (Period 5) - This session will focus on the importance of inclusive language and visual representations and discuss the harmful culture of compliance.
106. Diversifying our understanding of Violence (Period 6) - Participate in a discussion defining the narrative of violence and broadening this definition to include harmful societal norms that are inherently violent. Fatima Elbadri, an advocate from Nisaa African Family Services will lead the session. 107. Self-care, Managing Anxiety and Depression (Period 7) - Learn to understand how common anxiety and depression are and learn ways to navigate the stress of high school through a marginalized lens. This workshop will highlight how to advocate and care for yourself in a healthy way. Fatima Elbadri, an advocate from Nisaa African Family Services will lead this session. 108. Blues: The Roots of American music (Period 2, 3, 5, 6) - Join Blues musician Kevin Burt for an overview of American music rooted in the birth of an ever evolving art form, the Blues. 109. LGBTQ Women in Politics (Period 5, 6) Janelle Rettig will speak on being a woman in politics and being a part of the LGBTQ community and what she does at her position. 110. Identifying Our Unconscious Biases (Period 3, 5, 6, 7) - In this session, we will discuss what unconscious bias is and where it comes from. Students will have the option to take some short implicit association tests to uncover some of their unconscious biases, and then we will discuss these results and how we feel about them. We will examine some situations in the nation and in our own community where unconscious bias has had effects on real people. And finally, we will share ideas about how we can battle unconscious bias in ourselves and our society. 111. Bridging Borders (Period 3) - Student Samalya Thenuwara will lead this session. We will begin by discussing the term “third world” and its place in modern society. Then, we will shift our focus to the experience of immigrant students and how our school community can get involved to make immigrant students feel more at home. 112. Gender Equality in 2037 (Period 2, 7) - This will be a discussion based session. Students will share thoughts on how gender equality has been affected by present day events, trends, and where the U.S. will be regarding gender equality in one generation.