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action may, notwithstanding the Stay Order, be ...... 1569-GILL, Vera ; 3 Walcott street, Mt. Law]ey; 17th .... 2009-HAY, Lilian; Burekup; 16th May, 1933; Sec.


,L'E Bill OF

WESTERN AUSTRALIA. [Published by Authority at 3.30 p.m.



No. 33.]

JIJSTTCES OF TI-IE PEACE. Premier's Department,

Perth, 17th July, 1941. HTS Excellency the Lieuteuaut-Cioveruor in Council has been pleased to approve of the following appoint-

ments to the Commission of the Peace:

Charles Worthy Johnson, Esquire, of the Y.M.C.A., in Victoria, as a Justice of the Peace for the State of Westeru Australia, in lieu of the Perth Magisterial District;

Thomas Forrester

1(5TH, 5-05 TRANsMTsslox lIT PosT (5

Christie, Esquire, of Stirling

terrace, Tooclyay, as a .Justice of the Peace for the Avon Magisterial District.

And to accept the resignation of Frederick John George Miller, Esquire, as a Justice of the Peace for the Avon Magisterial District in view of lus departure from that District. L. F. SHAPCOTT, tinder Secretary Premier's Department. FARMERS' DEBTS ADJUSTMENT ACT, 1930-1934. NOTICE is hereby given that the following Stay Orders have been issued in accordance with section 7, subsection (1) of the Farmers' Debts Adjustment Act, 1930-1934,

which reads as follows:

A Stay Order shall direct that no action, execution, distress for rent, proceedings on default for breach of covenant under any mortgage or other security for money, or under an agreement for sale and purchase of land, or other process or proceeding, shall be commenced or proceeded with, or put in force against the farmer or any of the farmer's

ar srs PAI' I( II.


assets, whether utilised in eoauectioji with or forming portion of the assets comprised iii lus farming business or not, during the operation of such Stay Order:

Provided that, by leave of a Judge, any

action may, notwithstanding the Stay Order, be instituted and/or carried on against the farmer' but not beyond judgment. Granted under Section ii. (Writing down or suspension of Debts.) Farmer (Surname and CIi,-istiar, Names), Address, and Date of Ordcr. Bailey, Cecil Francis William, and Bailey, Muriel Rosa

(Administratrix of Estate of Roy Harvey Bailey,

Iced.), Qualeup ViO Donnybrook, 1 itli July, 1941. \Vest Australian Trustee, Executor, and Agency Coy., Ltd., (Executors of the Will of John Mullan, dccii)., Dudin in, 11th July, 1941. All claims ag':iiust these farmers to be forwarded to the Director, Temple Court, Willam 'street, Perth.

H. E. SMITH, 1.6/7/1941.

Deputy Director.


NOTICE is hereby given that the following Stay

Order issued under section 11 of the Act has been cancelled

as from the date specifled:Stokes, 'Walter

Johnson and James Robert, Mos-awa ; 14th July, 1941.

H. E. SMITH, 16/7/1941.

Deputi- Dii-ector.



TIme Pm'ofessional Division of the Public Service:Fom' memberEdward Hugh Oldham; for deputy mern

FARMERS' DEBTS ADJUSTMENT ACT, 1930-1934. NOTICE is hereby given that adjnstmeut of debts under section 1 1 of the Act of the following farmers has been finalised and the Stay Orders have lapsed as from the date speciflecl:Metealf, Walter David, Doiverin ; Popahl, James Harry, Katanniug, 7th July,

berLaureisce John lie rtley Teakie.

The Clerical Division of the Public

Chma i'les John William Aspland.

TIme General Division of the Public Service :For memberAlexander Douglas Sedgwick; for deputy mem-


Deputy Director.


berPeter Farquis Petersen. The State School Teachers' Ijuion :For member Martin Framscis Dai'cey; for deputy memberJames

THE AUDIT ACT, 1904. The Treasury, 'l'i'sy. No. 59/36. Perth, 14th July, 1941.

Arthur McCall.

iT is hereby published, for general information, that

Mr. G. B. Lange has been appointed


The West. Australian Railway Officers' Union; The West Australian Amalgamated Society of Railway Em. ployecs' Union of Workers; The West Australian Loco. Engine-drivers, Firemen, and Cleaners ' Industrial Union of Workers; The Anialgamnatcd Engineering Union; The Australasian Society of Engineers; The Federated Moulders' (Metal) Union; The Federated Society of Boilermakers and Structnrah ii'on and Steel Workei's :For memberThomas Henry Williams; for deputy mem herJoseph Alfred Cooke. C. B. MARSHALL,

Receiver of

Revenue for the Depai-tment of Agriculture, in place of Mr. C. Porter, for a period of six mouths from the 1st July, 1941.

Service For

niembei'Walter Davie Sharp ; for deputy member-

1941. I-I.

jJuLv 18, 1941.

A. .1. REID, Under Treasurer.


Public Set'viec Appeal 13001(1 Elcchou, 1i1t Ju9/. 1941. Election of Members and Deputy Members. IT is hereby notified, nude,' the provisions of section 3 of the aboveinentioned Act, that the uridertuentioned

Returning Officer, Chief Electoral Officer.

candidates have been declated duly elected: The Administrative Division of the Public Service: For memberLouis Edward Sbapeott for deputy mem-

Chief Electoral Office,

62 Burrack street, Perth, 1.6th July, 1941.

herGeorge Lodem' Needhmanm.




Date Returnable. 1941.

Mines 1)o.



Class 6,

Mining Registrar, Wiluna. (Item 573) 1


Mining Registrar. Southern Cross


Crown Law


Clerk (Iteni 1361)


- -.

... -Solicitor (a'ni'ral's Office (Item 1387)

State Insurance Office Ciown Law

Aesisttujt. i[zmimtmirer


Assistant Government Mineralogist and Analyst*


- -.


Class 6, £378-4Q2 Class 9, £294i3O6 £630-735 Class 7,

26th July.


31st July.


- -.

19th July.

do. do,

* Applications are also called under Section 29. Applicants should possess a University Degree in Science, sound training in Mineralogy and Chemistry, pure and applied is desirable, Preference will he given to applicants who have had experience in Economic Mineralogy and Industrial Chemistry.

Official quarters providcd and rent charged also allowaisce of £78 per annum for School of Mines work. § Official quarters provided and rent charged. II Applicants mast ontlitie in detail their general administrative and insurance experience, especially in regard to Workers' Compensation. Applications are called tinder section 38 of the Pnblic Service Act, 1904, and are to be addressed to the Public Service Commissioner and should be imiiile on the prescribed form, obtainable from the offices of the various Permanent Heads of Departments. GEO. W. SIMPSON, Public Service Commissioner.

Crown Law Department, Perth, 17th July, 1941.

TIlE lion. Minister for Justice has approved of the

unclernientioneci appointments as Commissioners for Declarations uudei' tIme Declarations and Attestations

Act, 1913:

Leslie Alfred Elsegood, of Yallingnp, and Charles Edward Warren, of North Perth.


THE Department has been notified that Cash Orders Numbers 81046 and 81047, dated the 11th June, 1941, drawn on the Clerk of Courts' Trust Accoumst for the sums of £8 9s. lid, and £3 lOs. lid., respectively, in

favour of Cum'i'nn & Corser, have been lost by the payee;

paymeist has been stopped and it is intended to issue fresh orders in lien thereof. H. B. HAYLES, Under Secretary for Law.

Department of North-West, Perth, 10th July, 1941. C.S.D. 607/24; Ex, Co. No. 1349; H. & L. 410/32. HIS Excellency the Lieutenant-Governor in Executive Council has been pleased to accept the resignation of Louis James Smith as a member of the Mandut'mmh Boat

Licensing Board and to appoint in lieu thmem'eof John Edward Bramley as from the 28th June, 1941. (Sgd.) G. K. BARON HAY, Acting Under Secretary for North-West.

.Iuuv 8, 1941.1


(i219'C'I'E, WA.


THE HEALTH ACT, 1911-37. MIDWIVES' REGISTRATION BOARJ). IN accordance with the pi'ovisier.s of the Health Act, I 911-37, the following copy of the Register of Midwives :is at the 5th May, 1941, is herobi' puhlisheci.

N. U. LYNCH, Secretary Midwives' Registration Board. PART 1.-MIDWIFERY NURSES RE-1II11GISTEIIEI) 1941, TRAINED AND CERTIFICATED. Registration No. and Nante

Add tess

lie Is

of agi tcst ion

and Section of Act tinder wit ich Registration was c tected Qua I ifleation.

1553-ABBOTT, Annie; Busselton ; 20th -laIr, Sec. 284; REM. Hospital and State Exam.


2231 A-AIIU11), Clara ; Nortltant 11 ospst:ti ; 16th .1 uly, 1940 set'. 234 l'7.E.Si. i:lospitttl and State Exnm. 2048-AGNEW, Evelvit : Perenjori ; 20th Xov, 1934

See. 284; K.E.M. II ospital attd State Exam. 930 i-A I K \VO1ITH Anuetie 151 McDottalul street, Kalgoorlie; 22ttd January, 1940; See. 284; liii]-

crest Hospital, North Frentantle, and State Exam. 2282A-ALDOM, Frances; 153 Federal street, Narrogin: 14th August, 1940; sec. 284; K.E.M. Hospital and State Exam. 2236-ALEXANDER, Ada B.; 91 First avenue, Mt. Lawley; 17th Sept., 1935; See. 288; Queen's Home, South Australia, anti South Australian Beg. 2449-ALLEN, Dorothy; Beaufort Street, Mt. L:ttvlev 111th Ma cdt, 1941) ; see - 283 ; Quce it Victoria


end Viclorittit Rcgu.

1693-ALLEN, Minnie A. F.; Drown Avenue, Nedlands; SlstJule', 1925 ; Sec. 288 (1); Women 's El ospital Ii elboorne.

2183-ANDERSON, Agnes; Collie; 25th Novetuher, 1937; sec. 284; Hillcrest Hospital and State Exam. 1256-ANDERSON, Violet Dorothy; 28 Drake Street, Bayswater; 18th May, 1921; Sec. 288 (1); C.M.B., England.

1074-APPLETON, Frances E.; Mornington Mills; 6th Feb., 1914; Sec. 288 (1) ; Fretnantle Midwifery Training School.

2212-APPLETON, llilda N.; Morning'ton Mills; 11 ft

Mat', 1939; sec. 284; HEM. Hospital and State Exam.

1882-ARMS'I'BONG, Florence M. ; Guildford Road, Mt. Lawle


2StIt .Tanutt ry, 1934 ;

sec. 288

Women 's

Hospital, Sydney, and New' Soutlt Wales Beg.

IllS-ASH, M'rgnret Louisa; Wasley Street, North

Pert]t; 30th April, 1915: See. 288 (1); i'remantle

Mid wit'ery Training School. 1509-ASHTON, Dapime ; Lawley Crescent, 511. Law' icy; 19th August, 1927; see. 284; Nillerest and Stale Exu it.

It It- \1'l1 I (Do I 0 itt Sr Latclev ; 25th





( t( 'ccitt Mount

II 923; sw. 238 ; Nurses' Board,

Xciv South Wales, 230-l-ASFI'l'ON, Maclelitte B.; 7 Stud toni stre't, "tot Fretnautic : 7th April, 1 911 sec. 284 ; K.E.M. Il.espittt I a ttcl State Exa in.

164-ASHTON, May; Dumbarton Crescent, Mt. Lawley; 15th Nov., 1911; Sec. 288; Women's Hospital, Melbourne,

1734-.-ASTBTJRY, Mary E.; Donnybrook; 19th Aug., 1927; Sec. 288; Victoria Medical Board. 1090-ASTON, Frances Florence; East PertIt ; 24th July, 1914 ; sec. 288 (1) ; Fremanthc Midwifery

Training School. 1409-ATTWOOD, Margaret SF.; Wooroloo; 19th Feb., 1925; Sec. 288; by examination.0 1284--A IJSTIN, -Julia (3,; 174 Hobble Street, Fre' mantle; 25th lan .1922; See, 288 (1); Ce,ttral llitlw'ives ' Board, England.

085-AVERILL, Lily; Meckering hospital; SIlt Dee,, 1919; See. 288 (1); Cetttral Midwives' Board, England.

2106A-BAILIEY, Lena F. N.,- Mnnjimttp ; II 9tlt Slav, 1936; see. 284,- K.E.M. T-iospital and St:de Exant. 227i4-1IAILLIE, Naneye N,; 64 Kittg George street. \tctoria Pat'k: 21st August, 1939; see, 284; K.E.M. Hosp. and State Exam.

Registration No. and Name ; Address; Date of Regi tration and S,,ction of Act under which Registration was effected Qualification.

2420-BAKER, Anna B.; c/n W.A. Ti'ustees; 3rd May, 1939; see. 288; North Shore Hospital, Sydney, and N.S.W. Beg.

2049-BAKER Dorothy; Wharf Street, Cannington; 20th November, 1934; Sec. 284; King Edward Memorittl 1-lospital and State Exam.

1175-BAKER, Margaret; 2 Bailey Street, Midland Junction; 10th Aug., 1917; Sec. 288 (1); King Edward Memorial Hospital, Western Australia.

1513-BALDOCK, Constance; Wni'oona; 19th August, 1927; Sec. 284; King Edward Memorial Hospital and State Exam. 2457-11ALDWTN, Mary .1.; District Hospital, Carnari-ott

19th Mctrch, 111-10;

sec. 288: Women's los-

pitttl, Sydttev, and New South Wales Beg. 2285-DALES, Eloise; 56 1-Iiglnvap, Nedlands; 19th Slay, 1936; Sec. 238; Women's Hospital, Mel' bonrne, and Victorian Beg. 2165-BALES, Gladys; 56 Highway, Nedlands; 21st Jati., 1938; Sec. 284; King Edward Memorial Hospital and State Exam. 1272-BARBER, Margaret B-.; 3 Brookman Street, Perth; 20th Sept., 1921; Sec. 288 (1); Glasgow Maternity Hospital. 1453-BARCLAY, Mai'jos'ie; Monument Street, Mosmaa Park; 20th Nov., 1925; Sec. 284; by examination.* 2028-BARNARD, Marjot-ie; Albert Stt'eet, Busseltoit; 21st Nov., 1933; Sec. 284; King Edward Memorial I-Iospitnl and State Exam. 2213-BARNES, Beatrice A.; BoS'up Brook; 24th October, 1914; see. 288; C.M,Ii. I 398-BARIION, Dorothy; St. Leonard Street, Cot' tesloe Beach; 25th July, 1924; See. 284; State Exam. 2267-BATEMAN, M:tri'; 1-Iobhs sti'eet, Nedlanuls; 7th Slay, 1936; see. 288; Wrotlten 's Iiosp., Melbourne, and Victorian Beg. 2066-BATEMAN, Olive; Hospital, Geraldton; 21st May, 1935; See. 28-I; Kiutg Edward Memorial Tins-

pitttl and State Exam.

I 856-RAT EMAX, Willtelmiutn ; Brookton Hospital 11 lIt Jttly, 1952; see. 288; Queen's Home, Adelaide, and Southt Australian Beg. 2309-BATES, Louvimtt ; Douglas Avenne, South Pestle;

9tit Feb., 1937; sec. 288; Qneeut Victoria Hospital, Melbourne, and \ietoniaut Beg. 1187-BATHGATE, Ida Margaret; Staton Street.

East Fremantle; 21st Aug., 1918; Sec. 288 (1):

King Edward Mentorial Hospital, W.A. 325-DEADEN, Annie; Gosnells; 8th Dec., 1911; Sec. 288; St. Margai'et 's Hospital, Sydney. 1696-BEAR, Dorotity; 86 Fifth avenue, Mt. Law-hey; 13th Mmcli, 1931; see. 284; HEM. Hospital and State Exam, 1371-BEAR, Mona M.; 78 Fifth Avenue, Mt. Lawley; 22utd Marcht, 1929; Sec. 284; ing Edward Meat' onial Hospital and State Exani. [(326-BECI-IER, Pitihippa; Harvey; 27th May, 1930;

see. 284; K.111.M. 1-Iosp., and State Exnm. 1680--BLIECK, Florence; Kellerbei'i'in; 13th March,

1931; sec. 284; HEM. Hospital and State Exant.

2077-BEER, Fs'ancis L, -.Se-acrboro; 18th November,

1933; sec. 284; HEM. Hosp. and State Exam.

1212--BEER, Lilian N.; Sutherland Stt'eet, West Perth; 4th March, 1920; Sec. 288 (1) ; King Edward

Memorial I-hospital, W,A. 21-17-BIELCHER, Benti'ice; Cowaramnp; 24th May,

1937; sec. 284; KEN. I-Iosp. rind State Exam. 221-4-BELL, Ada; East Cnnnington; 14th February, 1939; sec. 284; HEM. I-Iosp. and State Exam, List of Abbrc't'iatious:-Exam. stands for examination; K.E.M. Hosp. stands for King Edward Memoi-ial

hospital : i-hAsp. stands for l-Iospttal ; Beg. or Rcgtt ste uids for liegistt'athoit ; A.T,N.A. or A.N,F. stttnuuls for A usti'nhinn Trained Ntti'ses ' Assoelatioti or Attsti'ahinn Nurses' Federatioit, 'Aiustrn hiatt Trained Nurses' Association, 55lidwijes ' Begistu':ttittn Board n I Westetn A ustt'ahia.



[Jucv 18, 1911.

PART I.-eonfiirued. Itegistration No. and Name; Address; Date of Registration Registration No. and Name; Address; Date of Registration and Section of Act under which Registration was effected;

and Section of Act under which Registration was effected;

1518-BELL, Alice Frances; MeCourt Street, West Leederville; 27th May, 1927; sec. 284; State Exam. 1232-BELL, Janet; Leeclerville; 5th November, 1920; Sec. 288 (1); Central Midwives' Board, England. 1180-BELLAS, Maud; idoleystone; 7th February, 1918; sec. 284; K.E.M. Hosp. and State Exam. 2411-BENNETT, Constance; Fremantle; 20th April,

2103-BRAY, Margaret D.; Curedale street, Beaconsfield; 19th May, 1936; sec. 284; Hillcrest Heap. and State Exam.

1730-BENNETT, Millieent; Subiaco; 16th February, 1925; sec. 288; A.N.F. Certificate. 1330-BENNETT, Ruby 0.; Leonard Street, West

Edward Memorial Hospital and State Exam. i199-BROADHURST, Elsie W.; Beverley; 16th July, 1938; sec. 284; K.E.M. Hosp. and State Exam. 1667-BROADLEY, Evelyn; Burt street, Mt. Lawley; 13th March, 1931; See. 284; King Edward Memorial Hospital and Stat-c Exam. 1861-BROCKMAN, Clara; 23 Charles Street, South Perth; 9th April, 1921; See. 284; K.E.M. Hospital.


1939; see. 288; Queen's Rome, South Australia, and South Australia Beg.

Leederville; 24th Nov., 1922; Sec. 288 (1) ; Queen's Home, South Australia.

2230-BERGIN, Marion A.; Piagelly; 11th July, 1935; Sec. 288; Queen's Home, South Australia, and A.N.F. I 461-BERMING HAM, Mary; 1-Iigginsville; 20th Nov.,

1925; Sec. 284; King Edward Memorial and State Exam.

2428-BERRY, Edna M.; South Australia; 13th July, 1939; see. 288; Royal hospital, Paddiugton, and

New South Wales Regn. 1594-BERTI-IOLI), Pauline; Albany; 2nd Aug., 1929; sec. 284; Hillerest and State Exam. 1540-BESTE, Mercy; Gooseherry Hill; 17th Feb., 1928; Sec. 284; King Edward Memorial Hospital and State Exam. 1499-BIGGS, Jessie; Pemberton; 27th May, 1927; Sec.

284; King Edward Memorial Hospital and State Exam.

lii 1-BINET, Martha; L,eiroyd street, Mount Lawley; 29 Dec., 1911; Sec. 282 (1) ; Freni:mtle Midwifery Training School.

I-Tome, Fremantle; 15th May, 192-1 ; Sec. 284 ; King Edward Memorial and State Exam.

1 394-BINKS, Esther H. ; Old Men's

2386-BIlKS, Gladys 1-I.; Suhh-o 2Db August, 1920; sec. 288; KEN. Hospital. 2166-BISSET, Teresa; 21 Lawler Street, Subiaco; 9th Feb., 1938; Sec. 284; King Edward Memorial hlospital and State Exam. 1659-BLACK, Thelma L.; 33 Stanley Street, Nedlands; 8th Aug., 1930; See. 284; K.E.M. Hospital and State Exam. -2305-BLAIR, Annie; 4 Barsden street, Cottesloe; 22nd April, 1941; sec. 28-i; KEN. Hospital and State Ifxani.

2051-BLAKE, Audrey J.; K.1t.51. Hosp.; 20th November, 1934; sec. 284; Kit M. l:IOs. and State Exam. 2254A-BLAKELY, Myrna A.; Kellerberrin ; 24th July, 1939; 1-Tillerest Hospital nd State Exam.

1260-BLECHYNDEN, Gertrude A.; Franklin River; 29th July, 1921; Sec. 284; King Edward Memorial Hospital.

2284A-BLUE, Eileen; District Hospital, Busselton; 10th ,June, 1940; see. 284; K.E.M. hospital and State Exam.

636-BORWICK, Isabella T.; 56 (lugeri street, Claremont; 30th December, 191 1; sec. 288; Queen's Home, Adelaide.

2161-BOTHAMLEY, Olive Maud; Kellerbei'riu ; 24th May, 1937; sec. 284; K.E.M. Hosp. and State Exam.


1691-BR1DG-E, Gwendolin; Koorda; 22nd May, 1925; Sec. 284; State Exam. 1475 -BRINDAL, Mildred; Victoria; 15th Oct., 1926; Sec. 284; State Exam. 1609-BB1TTINGI-IAM, Gladys; Pt. Kembla, New

South Wales; 2nd Aug., 1929; Sec. 284; King

2052-BROOKS, Margaret; New South Wales; 20th Nov., 1934; sec. 284; K.E.M. Hosp. and State Exam.

2365-BROOMFIELD, Doris; Leonora Hospital; 18th May, 1938; Sec. 288; Lady Chehnsford Hospital, Queensland, aird Queensland Beg.

1521-BROWN, Mary Erica; Bemboka, New South Vales; 19th Aug., 1927; Sec. 284; King Edward Memorial and State Exam. U 0-BROWNE, Matilda; St. Clair 'a, Bunbury; 8th Eov., 1911; Sec. 282 (1); Fremantle Training School.

1:-l07-BI3IJCE, Florence F.; 11 George avenue, Clamemont; (ith .July, 1922; see. 288 (1) ; South Sydney hospital. 2 187-BUCHANAN, Jean; Nungarin; 29th September, 1938; see. 284; K.E.M. Hospital and State Exam. 1448-BUCHANAN, Muriel; Darlington; 20th November, 11)25; see. 284; K.E.M. Hospital and State Exam.

1196-BULL, Kate; Grosvenor Road, North Perth; 1st October, 1919; Sec. 288 (1) ; King Edward

Memorial hospital, W.A. 2148---BULGIN, Minnie B.; Bridgctown Hospital; 27th Oct., 1937; See. 284; King Edward Memorial Hos-

pital and State Exam.

21 (;8--llUiL0CH, Dorothy; 837 Beaufort street, Mayl;;nds; 3rd October, 1939; sec. 284; K.E.M,. Hosp. md State Exam. 2323--BUIICHELL, Elsie; 472 Hay Street; 29th April. 1937;

Sec. 288; Queen's Home, South Australia,

and South Australia Beg. 399-BURKE, Chi-istina; New- South Wales; 13th Dee., 1911; sec. 288; Women 's Hosp., Sydney. I 305-13 PISTON, Clarice A.; Margaret River; 6th July, 1922; sec. 288 (1) ; K.E.M. Hospital. 1696-BUR-VILL, Violet I.; Nilgiri, Albany; 14th Aug., 1918; Sec. 284; King Edward Memorial Hospital. 1508-BUTSON, Ruth; 12 Crandon street, Fm-emnantle; 27th May, 1927; sec. 284; Hillerest and State Exam.

1 463-BUZZARD, Margaret; Douglas avenue, South Perth; 11th January, 1926; see. 288; by Fxamination.'

2253A-BOTIIWELL, Lilyan; District Hospital, Yarloop; 14th December, 1939; see. 284; Hillcrest Tbsp. and State Exam.

2235-CALLAGT-IAN, Catherine; Tuart Hill; 27th November, 1939; sec. 284; K.E.M. Hosp. and State

1285-BOTTLE, Ruth C.; Home of Peace, Subiaco; 25th Jan., 1922; Sea. 288 (1) ; King Edward Me-

1620-CALLAGHAN, Molly A.; Wanncroo Road, Tuart Hill; 21st March, 1930; Sec. 284; Hillcrest and State Exam. 2379-CAMERON, Janet E., N.S.W.; 3rd November,

morial Hospital, W.A.

2479-BOXSELL, Mans 5.; 602 Newcastle street, Perth; 29th August, 1940; see. 288; Queen Victoria Hospital, Melbourne, and Victorian Beg. 1634-BOYLSON, Irene N.; 149 Roberts Road, Subiaeo;

21st March, 1930; Sec. 284; King Ednrd

Memorial Hospital and State Exam. 1978-BBADSHAW, Margaret; Walpole; 24th November, 1933; Sec. 284; King Edward Memorial Hospital and State Exam. 2482-BRAID, Margaret A.; 7 Cohn street, West Perth; 9th May, 1940; see. 288: Royal Hospital, Padding. ton, and New South Wales Beg.

1488-BRAND, Jean; Victoria Street, Buckland Hill; 19th Nov., 1926; Soc. 284; I-hillcrest and State. Registration Board of Western Australia.


Sec. 288; Queen's Home, South Australia, and South Australia Beg. 1193-CAMPBELL, Eleanor Davena; Devon road, Bassendean; 14th Feb., 1919; see. 288 (1); I.B.M. 1938;

I-bosp., W.A.

Guildford road, Kalanmunda; 5th December, 1919; sec. 288 (1) ; Women's I-bospital, Melbourne, and Victorian Beg. Board. 2322-CAMPBELL, Beta; Pemberton; 29th April, 1937; Sec. 288; Queen Victoria Memorial Hospital and Victoria Beg. i65$-CAPORN, Mas-y; Russell Esplanade, Bunbury;

1722-CAMPBELL, Ellen N.;

25th August, 1920; sec. 288 (1) ; K.E.M. IIosp. f Australian Ti-ained Nurses' Association.

JULY 18, 1941.]



PART 1.-contimvued.

Registration No. and Name; Address; Date ot Registration and Section of Act under whirls Registration was effected; Qualification.

1397-CARMICIIAEL, Ida; 43 Lawley Crescent, Mt. Lawley; 15th May, 1924; Sec. 284; King Edward Memorial Hospital and State Exam. 1029-CARROLL, Kathleen; 109 Edinboro Street, Mt.

Hawthorn; 27th May, 1930; See. 284; King Ed-

ward Memorial Hospital and State Exam. 2282-CARSON, Annie; Crayden Street, Kalamunda; 13th liar., 1931; See. 284; King Edward Memorial Hospital and State Exam. [456-CARSON, Edith M.; Narrogin; 20th Nov., 1925; Sec. 284; King Edward Memorial Hospital. 1259- -CARSON, Mary C.; King Edward Memorial Hos-

pital; 29th July, 1921; See. 288 (1); King Edward liemorial Hospital, W.A. I ti75-CATHERALL, Edith; Victoria Park; 13th March, 1931; see. 284; K.EJ\[. I-Iosp. and State Exam.

170 l-Cl-IALMERS, Janet; NEIl. Hospital, Subiaco 20th Nore,uher, 1925; sec. 28$. 1526-CHAPMAN, Ellen; Grey Street, Albany; 23rd

Nov., 1927; See. 284; King Edward Memorial Hospital and State Exam. 1834-CIIESTEII. Edith E. ; Mt. Barker; 30th October, 1931; see. 288.

1403-CLARK, Annie I.; Mary Street, Byford; 23rd July, 1924; Sec. 284; King Edward Memorial and

State Exam. 1807-CLARK, Elnia : Box 25, Kuhn: 4th September, 1930; sec. 288; Nurses' Board. South Australia. 2286A-CLARKE, Mary B.; 64 Brookman street, Kalgoorlie; 10th .Tuae, 1940; see. 284; K.E.M. Hospital and State Exam. 2260-CLIFTON, Caroline N.; Cave 11111, York; 29th April, 1909; see. 284; K.E.M. I-Iosp .and State Exam.

2262-CLIFTON, Rosiun; Cave Hill, York; 21st February, 1940; see. 284; K.E.M. Hospital and State Exam.

I 809-CLUNING, Athole; Kellerlerrin; 4th September, 1930; see. 288; Queensland Nurses' Board. 2440-COJkKES, Margaret; Fitzroy Crossing; 2nd November, 1939; sec. 288; Women's Hosp., Sydney and New South Wales Regn. 2307-COCKERELL, Kathleen; 36 Princess road, Clare-

mont; 23rd May, 1941: sec. 284; E.E.M. Hospital and State Exam. 2169-COCKS, Dorothy; Boyup Brook; 18th Nor., 1937; see. 284; K.E.M. Hosp. and State Exam. 1171-COFFEY,. Catherine; Kellerberrin; 6th July, 1917; See. 288; MeKehlar M. Hospital, Victoria. 2240-COLE, Annie; First Avenue, East Perth ; 1 7th September, 1935; see. 288; Queen's I-Tome. South

Australia, assd Soutl1 Australian Beg. 1692--COLE, Doris; A.T.N.A. Club, St. George's terrace, Perth; 28th May, 1931; see. 284; K.E.M. Hospital and State Exam. 1339-COLE. Helen M.; 560 Beaufert Street, Mt. Law-

by: 27th March, 1923; Sec. 28 (1) :

Women 's,

Sydney, and A.T.N.A. 1291-COLEMAN, Minnie; Manjimup; 25th Jan., 1922;

Sec. 288 (1); O.M.B., England. 1501-COLGAN, Elizabeth R.; N.S.W.; 20th July, 1928; sec. 284; King Edward Memorial and Stale Exam.

1887-COLLIER, Mary; 50 The Avenue, Nedlands; 25th Jan., 1934; See. 288; Maryborough Hospital, Queensland, and A.N.P.

2170-COLLINS, Kathleen; Claremont: 21st April,

1938; see. 284; K.E.M. Hospital arid State Exam. 249].-CONNAIJGHTON, Mary; 705 Beaufort street, Mt. Lawley; 25th February, 1941; see. 288; Queen Victoria Hospital, Melbourne, and Victorian Reg. 1179-CONNOLLY Edith May; Ozone Parade, Cottesbe; 7th Feb., 1918; Sec. 288 (1) ; King Edward Memorial Hospital, W.A. 2445-CONSIDINE, Mai-y John; St. John of God Hospital, Kalgoorlie; 21st November, 1939; sec. 288; St. Margaret's Hosp., Darlinghurst, and New South Wales Begn.

1844-COOK, Grace J.; St. Walgoolan; 6th May, 1932; sec. 288; Australian Nursing Federation. 1991-COOLING, Eileen Glare; Mortloek, Grass Valley;

16th May, 1933; Sec. 284; K.E.M. Hospital and

State Exam. *Mjdwives Registration Board of Western Australia.

Registration No. and Name; Address; Date of Registration

and Section of Act under which Registration was effected; Qualification,

1899-COOPER, hazel; 32 Rhodes Street, Kaigoorlie; 21st Oct., 1932; Sec. 284; King Edward Memorial Hospital and State Exam. 2146-COOPER, Vera 31.; Yarloop; 19th June, 1937; sec. 284; K.E.M. I-Iosp. and State Exam. 2257A-COATE, Hazel K.; Derby; 12th December, 1939; sec. 284; Hillcrest and State Exam. 2104-CORNWALL, Gladys E.; Nedlands; 19th May, 1936; See. 284; Hillcrest hospital and State Exam, 1156-COTTER., Blanche; Bunbury; 26th April, 1916; Sec. 282; Fremantie T. School. 1297-COUPEI1, Carrie; Tenindewa, W.A.; 8th May 1922; Sec. 288 (1); King Edward Memorial Hospital, W.A.

2149-COUPER. Clarice H.: Bridgetown Hospital; 5th Oct., 1937; Sec. 284; King Edward Memorial lbs pital and State Exam. 1 711 A ----COlT FEll,


Ii. ;

Bridgetown ;


November, 1931; sec. 284; K.EJsI. Hospital and State Exam,

13i5-CO1JRTI-IOPE, Dorothy; llaveloek Street, West Perth; 6th July, 1922; sec. 288 (1) ; K.E.M. Hospital.

1477-COIJRTHOPE, Dorothy J.; Ocean Drive, Bunbury; 16th July, 1926; Sec. 284; K.E.M. Hospital and State Exam. 21 25-COX, Flom-ence: 11 Goldsmith Bond, Claremont; 4th Dec., 1913; Sec. 284; King Edward Memorial Hospital and State Exa,n, 1559-CRAIG, Amy If.: Hensman rorid, Snbiaco; 20th July, 1928; sec. 284; K.E.M. Hosp. and State Exam.

2029-CRAWFORD, Doreen U.; London; 2lsl; Noveumher, 1933; sec. 284; K.E.M. Hosp. and State Exam. 1310-CREEK, Violet A.; 3 Bedford road, Nedlancls; 6th July, 1922; Sec. 288 (1) ; King Edward Memorial.

2426-CRESt', I-leleue; Marble Bar; 16th May, 1.939; see. 288; Queen Vict., Hosp., Melbourne, and Victorian Reg. 2 108-CROWLEY, Valerie If.; N.S.W.: 19th May, 1936: Sec. 284; King Edward Memorial Hospital and State Exam. 2213-CRTJSE, Ada If.; Marine terrace, Gei'aidtosi; 25th Febr,mari-, 1135; sec. 28$,- Queen's Home, South Australia, amid South Australian Beg. 2216-CRUTCHETT, Lila M.; 7 Greenham Street, Cottesloe; 27th Jan., 1939; Sec. 284; K.E.M. Hospital and State Exam. 1701A-CUBLEWIS, Jean: Richardson Stm'eet, South Perth: 30th October, 1931; sec. 284; King Edward Memorial 1-lospital, and State Exam,

1309-DALBO, Enid J.; Mornington Mills; 6th July, 1922; See, 288; REM. Hospital. 1817-DALGLEISH, Agnes; Albany Road, Victoria Pai-k; 13th March, 1931; sec. 288; A.N.F. 1146-D 'ALTON, Agnes Ann; West Midland; 26th April, 1916; sec. 288 (1) ; Fremantle Midwifery Training School. 2150-DALY, Kathleen Aiphionous: St. John of God Hospital, Pi-oome ;24th May, 1937; sec. 284; King Edward Memorial 1-lospital and State Exam.

1697-DANIEL, Jane: Guildford; 131;hi March, 1931: Sec. 284; King Edward Memorial Hospital and State Exam. 2253-DARCH. Muriel I-I.; King Edward Memorial Hospital: 16th May;, 1933; Sec. 284; King Edwrd

Memorial 1-Tospital and State Exam. ii 6-DARGIN, Sarah Agnes; 1 Roleystone; 8th Nov., 1911; Sec. 282 (1); Central Midwives' Board, England.

2068-DARTNALL, Kathleen A.; 213 Vincent Street, North Perth; 21st May, 1935; Sec. 284; King Edward Memorial Ifospital and State Exa,n. 1951-DAVENPORT, Ahison H.; K.E.M. Hosp.. 21st Octobem-, 1932; sec. 284; K.E.M. Hosp. and State Exam.

2468-DAVIES, Clai'ice M.; Kellerberrin; 8th July, 1940; reg.

sec. 288; Ballarat Hospital and Victorian

1192-DAVIES, Lottie; 21 Cohn street, Perth; 14th

Fek, 1919: Sec. 284; King Edward Memorial Hospital amid State Exam.

tAustralian Trained Nurses' Association.


[Jui.v 18, 1941.

PART I.-conttniied. Registration No. and Name; Address; Date of Registration

Registration No. and Name ; Address; Date of Registration

and Section of Act under which Registration was effected;

and Section o( Act under which Registration was effected;

1761-DAViS, Ellen Ti.; 8th Avenue, Inglewood; 9th April, 1921; Sec. 288; C.M.B., London. 1719A-DAWSOX, Jean C.; Shenton I'ark: 30th Oct., 1931; Sec. 284; King Edward Memorial Hospital and State Exam. 2264-DAWSOX, Margaret ; Mt. Lawley; I 2th Feb mary, 1940; see. 284; K.E.S1. Hospital and State

1t166-EDESON, Olive; Mt. Magnet; 24th Nov., 1932;

Quali lication.


Exam. 20.53-I) A \VSOX. Kalie 0. ; Tanihellup ; 20th November, 2255

1934; sec. 284; K. [CM. hospital and State Exam. ---1)5 V Thelma 51.; ''hillcrest, ' ' North Fccmantle; 25th May, 1939; sec. 284; hillcrest Hospital and State Exam.

24$4-DETA I IUX$'Y, Mary Dorothea; St..) 011)1 of God Hospital, Subiaco; 13th July, 1939; sec. 288; St. Margaret 's hlOSI)., Sydney, and New Sooth Wales Regn.

2205-DELLA-VALLE, Christine: Nortliam; 4th Dccemher, 1939; sec. 284; K.E.A1 . hospital and Stale Exam.

2079-DEMPSTER, Lilian 51., 1174 lIar Street, West Perth; 18th Nov., 1935; see. 284; King Edward

See. 284;

King Edward Memorial Hospital and

I In-natal

il Stat,

State Exam. \Veir: 21st 1h2,--11D;i1L;)l1, ihri I'.: Mundacii 'arch. hiGh; Se. 284: Kin Edward Memorial

Scli 1)01.

1068--ELDI1IU, Ida; Clayton Street, East Fremantle; 6th Feb., 1914: Class.

August, 1930: sec. 288. I 942-DOBE, Eileen 51.; 419 Newcastle Street, Perth; 11th July, 1932; See. 284; King Edward Memorial Ilospitnl and State Exam.

282; Fremnantle Training

a ad State Exam. I '77 -I1LLE1I 1, Adeiahle ; Port hiedland ; 24th Oetc er, 1933 ; ec. 288: \Vomen 's Ilosp., Sydney, anti I

Tea South Males Regn.

$51 hillY, Margaret ; Fourth .\ venue, Mt. Lawby: 2411 Nov., 1932; Sec. 284; King Edward Me-


Memorial hlospil al and State Exam.

Sec. 288 (1); Central Midwives' Board, England. 2484-DOXNELL, Anne; Ward street, Kalgoorlie; 8th


2220-TILFGIIEX. Olga A.; 10 Stone street, South Perth: 14th Feb., 1939; Sec. 284; K.E.M. Hospital

2308-DENNIS, Mary C.; 63 Victoria Avenue, Claremont; 9th Feb., 1937; See. 288; Queen Alexander

Hospital. [Tobart. and Tasmanian Reg. 2218-DILWORTII, Elizabeth; Olive street, Katanniiig: 7th Stay, ] 935; see. 288; Women's Hospital, Melbourne, and Victorian Fog. 2258-DISLEY, Evelyn; 84 Railway Street, Cottesloe; 25th Feb., 1936; See. 288; Women's Hospital, Melbourne, and Victoria Beg. 1197-DOBSON, Isabella D.; Northam; 1st Oct., 1919;


1112-ElliS. Margaret; Xedlanls ; 31st May, 11)29: sec. 284; icing Edward Memorial and State. 21 26-EGAX, Mary Ellen; Moora Hospital; 17th Nov., 1936; Fcc. 284; K.E.M. lhospital and State Exam. 2,55 EIIIILICII, Dora ; Frelnantle : 29th November, 1911 sec. 28$ (I); Freinantle Midwifery Training

in cia 1 11 os]d Pil aa State Exani, - - E 95K I NE, Azehna A.; 28 Broome


Nedlands; 1 7th 1"eie, 1928: See. 284; State Exam.

0 -EVANS, ,\delaide : South Perth; 18th Nor., 19.15'. Sec. 284 : Icing Edward S[einorial Hospital and State Exam. [biG EVANS, May; Midlnnd Junction; 2nd Aug., 1929; Sec. 284: State Exam. 2)

EVANS, Nellie; Peniberton: 2nd Aug., 1929; Sec.

I (hO

284; King Edward Slemnorial hospital and State Exam.

2395-EVANS, Zoe IV.; Stirling highway, Claremont 22nd Nov., 1938; See. 288; Women's Hospital, Melbourne, and Victoria Beg. 2 E\V1 XC. Doris 51. ; Slilligan street, Perth; 25th February, 1941; see. 28$; Queen Victoria hospital, (9(1


2219--DOI1MAN, Grace; 27 Manning street, Fremantle;

lii ('CS ton, and Tasmanian Beg.

8th June, 1939; sec. 284; K.E.M. Hosp. and State Exam.

2309-DO VEY, Enici 51.; Hainpden road, Nedlantls; 2nd December. 1940; sec. 281; HEM. Hospital and State Exam.

1721a-DOWDING, ha C.; Robert Road, Subiaco; 30th Oct., 1931; Sec. 284; K.E.M. Hospital and State Exam.

Park; 21st Maceli, 1930; Sec. 284; King Edward Memorial Hospital and State Exam. 2191-DO\VR[CK, hazel M.; Ko,joaup; 5th Slay, 1938; See. 284; K.E.M. Hospital and State Exam. 1801-DO YLE, Helen; ryambelliliG 8th Aug., ].930; See. 268; New Zealand R.B. I 551-DOYLE, Veronica; Busselton; list Slay, 1929 Sec. 284; King Edward Memorial Hospital and 162$-DOWNING, Lillian St.; Mosinan

State Exam. 2192-DRUMMOND, ,Jean 11.: Leonora; 8th August,

1938; sec. 284; K.E.M. hospital and State Exaiii.

2054_DTTCKHAM, Jessie; Mt. Hawthorn; 20th Nov., 1934; sec. 284; K.E.M. Hasp. and State Exam. 2438-Dt'GGAX, Miriaui; Nannup; 2nd November, 1939; sec. 288; Queen Viet. I-Iosp., Melbourne, and Victorian Regn. 1610-DIJNBAB, Agnes C.; Margaret River; 2nd Aug., 1929; See. 284; K.E.M. Hospital and State Exam.

2257A-DUNCAX, Hazel Kathleen; Derby; 12th Dcceniber, 1939; see. 284; Hillcrest and State Exani. 2051-DUNGEY, Phyllis; I-Iensnian Road, South Perth;

20th September, 1937; sec. 284; K.E.M. Ilospital and State Exani. 2391-DUNLOP, Ruth; 56 Geddes Street, Victoria Park; 5th Nov., 1920; See. 288; Midwives' Board, Victoria.

I 05-DUNN, Mary; 15 Boulder road, Kalgoorlie; 12th September, 1924; sec. 284; K.E.5I. Hosp. and State Exam.

1774-DUTTON, Mary; Magill, South Australia; 3lst May, 1929; sec. 288; M.R.B., South Australia. 1852-DYER, Margaret; Mullewa; 19th May, 1932; See. 284; State Exam Midwives' Registration Board of Western Australia.


FALCON ER, Irene; P.O., Bridgetown; 23rd No-

v'uilac, 11)27: Sec. 28-1 ; K. 9.51. Hospital a ad State [Pm in,

2273-PAUL. Stargas'et ;

Victoria; 7th Slay, 193(1; So'. 288; Queen 's [tome.. South Australia, and South Australian fieg. 1 593-FERG [ISON, Erehine; 213 Adelaide terrace,

Perth; 2nd August, 1929 and hillcrest.



sec. 2S4; State Exam. Upper



Nov., 1927; Sec. 284; King Edward Memorial lbs.

pital and State Exam.

121 h-FIELD, Ethel M.; Grosvenor Hospital, Fremantle; 4th Stay. 1920; Sec. 288 (1) ; King Edward Memaria I Tbospital, Western Australia. 252-FIELD, Sehina Tryphena; 25 Ohnresnont Avenue, Claremont; 29th Nov., 1911; Sec. 288 (1); Fccmantle Midwifery Training School. 1890 FINEV, T-Tonorahi ; Slerredin ; 25th January, 1 951; See. 288; Queen's Ilomne, Snnth Australia. 1 780-FIShIER. Keziali; Danbury; 14th February, 1919; see. 264; King Edward 5[ean,rial Ilospital. 221$ l'TSCTTER, Pa',line Sr.; Albany: 27th July, I 939;

5)', 281: HEM. Tbsp, and State Exam.

I 79-1-FLOYD, Pearl L. ; Kellerberrin ; 6th July, 1922 SC)'. 2S8 (1) ; K.E.SI. hospital. Ii (8 FLYNN, Sisium TI. ; 79 Jolni street, Perth; 31st Stay, 1929; sec. 284; K.E.5I. hospital and State Exam.

2193-FOTISIBY, P,arbai'a A.: SIt. Barker; 20th October, 1936; see. 284: K.E.S1. Tbsp, and State Exam. h531-FORS[BV. Madeline N.; Gnowangerup; 12th Feb., 1932; See. 284; King Edward Memorial Hospital and State Exam. 226 t-FO1JNTA IA. Mary; Reedy; 30th April, 1915; See. 288; Fremnantle Training School. [990-FOX, h"horence B.; Souths Perth; 16th Slay, 1933; sec. 284; K,E.M. Has1), and State Exam. 1828-FRANKISH, Mona F.; 64 Galhipohi street, Victoria Pas'k; 30th October, 1931; see. 288. 2279-FRASER, Vera; Boulder P.O.; 7th May, 1936; sec. 284; Icing Edward Memorial Hospital and State Exam.

fAustmalian Trained Nurses' Association.



18, 1941.]

l'aitr 1.-continued. Registration No

and Name; Address; Date of Registration

and Section of Act under ichich ltogisti'ation was effected Qualification.

2237-FREEMAN, Adela; 211 Dugan street, Kalgourlie: 13th June, 1939; sec. 284 HEM. 11osp. and State Exam.

2$7A-FRilE1IAN, Jean; 143 Seventh avenue, Maylands; 2Sth May. 1940 see. 284; K.E.M. hospital and State Exam.

I 77-FREEMAN, Mary: 27

.j Street, '2ottesloe: 10th August, 1917; See. 288 (1) ; King Edward Memorial Hospital. 2.302-FRENCH, Margaret; ''Hillcrest,'' North Frelunatic; 31st December, 1940; sec. 281; i-Iillcresl 1-luspital and State Extun. l5l6-FROST, Ethel 1).; Lane Cove, Sydney; 23rd Nov., 1927; See. 284; Hillcrest Hospital and State Exam. 1154-FRYER, Cordelia M.; 44 Monger Street, Perth; 26th April, 1916; Sec. 288; Fremantle Midwifery I


2127-FTJLLARTON, Ellen; 18 State Street, Victoria l'ark; 17th Nov., 1936; See. 284; King Edward Memodal Ilospital and State Exam.

l066-FULTON, Mary; 26 Douro Road, South Fremantle; 6th Feb., 1914; See. 288 (1); Freinantle Midwifery Training School. 1016-FYFE, Jean; Collie Sti-et, l'erth; 30th May, 1913; Sec. 288 (1) ; Lying-ia Hospital, York Road, London, C.M.B.

Registration No. and Name ; Address; Date of Registration and Section of Act under which Registration was effected Qualification.

!432-GRONO, Florence;

Anstey Street, Cottesloe; 31st July, 1925; Sec. 284; State Exam.

2444-GROOME, Patricia; 77 William street, Perth

2nd November, 1939; see. 288; St. helen 's I-Iosp., New Zealand, and New Zealand Regn.

1188-GROVES, Rosannie; Derby; 14th Feb., 1919; Sec. 284; King Edward Memorial Hospital. 2398-GtTILFOYLE, Lillian G.; 385 Lord street, East Perth; 25th May, 1928; sec. 288; A.T.N.A. 1554-GITNTON, Justin; Box 19, P.O., Gwalia; 20th July, 1928: See. 284; King Edward Memorial Hospital and State Exam.

2478- IIABEBLEY, MeD-a; District hospital, Ktdgoorlie; 29th August, 1940; sec. 288 ; Queen Victoria Hospital, Mulbourne, amid Victorian Reg.

2399-MACti, Charlotte H.; Derby;

28th February, 1939; Sec. 288; St. George's Hospital, Melbourne, and Victoria Beg. 2-177-HACKETT, Muriel; 2-39 St. George's terrace,

Pet-tim; 29th August, 1940; sec. 288; Queen's House,

South Australia, and South Australian Beg. 1514-HACQ[JOIL, Irene; I-Iighway, Conso; 27th May, 1927; Sec. 284; K.E.M. Hospital and State Exam. 201 9-IIArB. Christina ; Tanibellup ; 21st Nov., 1933; Sec.

284; King Edward Memorial Ibospital and

State Exam.

2128-GARDINEII, Sadie C.;


Polio street,


Perth; 17th November, 1936; see. 284; K.E.M. Hos pital and State Exam. 228S-GARTRELL, Freda M.; West Broolttoit; 8th January, 1941; sec. 284; K.E.I\l. Hospital and State Exa in.

2129-GEORGE, Joan; Cottesloe; 17th November, 1936; sec. 281; K.E.M. i-iosp. and State Exam. 1824-GIBBS, Agnes; Wongan 1-lills; 28th May, 1931;

Sec. 288; Victorian M. Board. 1987-GIBSON, Elsie P.; 10 Simpson Street, Geraldton; 27th April, 1933; Sec. 284; K.E.M. Hospital amid State Exam.

2289A-GIBSON, Elsie 11.; 185 'fliiii'i

street, West Perth; 14th November, 1940; see. 284; K.E.M. I-los-

pitmml and State Exam.

2312-GIESE, Edith; Wvalkatclieui, 18th Maceli, 1941 see. 284; K.E.M. Hospital and State Exam. 2402-GILBERT, Joyce H.; 24 Mann Street, Cottesloe; 28th Feb., 1939; See. 288; Women's Hospital, Melbourne, and Victoria Reg. 1528-GILBERT, Jessie; 81 Lawler street, Subiaco; 25th May, 1928; see. 284; K.E.M. Tbsp, and State Exam.

548-GILL, Kathleen; Carimiel; 23rd Nov., 1927; Sue. 284; Rotunda Hospital, Dublin, and State Exam. 1569-GILL, Vera ; 3 Walcott street, Mt. Law]ey; 17th February, 1928; sec. 28-1; K.E.M. Hosp. and State Exam.

14S2-GILLETT, Mary A.; 17 Richardson street, Claw-mont; 16th July, 1926; sec. 2S4; K.E.M. Hospital and State Exam.

2082-GILLIES. Muriel; Wooroloo; lSth Nov., 1935; Sec. 284; King Edward Memorial Hospital and State Exam.

2290A-GLOSTER, Isohel P.; Glen Forrest; 12th July, 1940; see. 284; K.E.M. 1-lospital and State Exaiti. 1727-GOIJRLEY, Hilda; Bowma.n Street, South Perth; 18th May, 1921; See. 288; Women's Hospital, Sydney.

1517-GRANT, Linda K.; 67 Matlock Street, Mt. I-lawthorn; 17th February, 1928; See. 284: King Edward Memorial Hospital mind State Exam. 2083-GRATWICK, Molly; Kondinin; 18th Novemnber, 1935; sec. 284; K.E.M. Hosp. and State Exam. 1261-GRAY, Allana A.; Lemmios Hospital, Subiaco; 29th July, 1921; Sec. 288 (1) ; K.E.M. 2110-GBEENE, Mary Gertrude; St. John of God Hospital, Derby; 19th May, 1936; Sec. 284; King Edward Memorial Hospital and State Exam. 2313-GREENWOOD, Mill icent M.; Man eli Fai-um, Coorow; 2nd Api-il, 1941; sec. 284; K.E.M. Hospital and State Exam.

2406-GRIFFITHS, Ivy M.; 38 Geddes Street, Victoria Park; 28th Feb., 1939; Sec. 288; Queen's Home, South Australia, and South Australia Reg. 1458i.-GRIGGS, Dorothy; 99 Railway Road, Mt. Lawley; 20th Nov., 1925; See. 284; King Edward Memorial Hospital, Western Australia. 4Midwives' Registration Board of Western Australia.

2446-b1ALr, Alice; AIM. 1-Ionic, Fitzroy Crossing;

2ud November, 1939; sec. 288; Royal Hosp., Paddington, and New South Wales Begn. 1407-1-IALL, Cecilia; I-Iensmami Road, South Perth 12th Sept., 1924; Soc. 284; King Edward Memorial Hospital and State Exam. 2266-HALL, Not-a; Roehourne; 22nd February, 1940; sec. 284; K.E.M. hlosp. and State Exam.

1826-HALLIDAY, Daisy H.; Katamining; 30th Oct.,

1931; Sec. 288; South Australian Board. 1494-1-IAME1ISLEY, Enlalic; Sandstone; 27th May, 1927; sec. 284; K.E.M. Hosp. amid State Exam. 2002-HAMMOND, inn E.; Bruce Rock; 16th May, 1933; see. 284; King Edward Meniorial 11osp. and State Exam. 1 371-1-IANSEN, Matilda; Wyalkatcheni; 19th Septemnber, 1923; see. 284; K.E.M. Hoop and State Exam.

2209A-I{ARCOURT, Pauline; Southern Cross; 19th October, 1934; sec. 288; Port Augusta 1-lospital and South Australian Beg. 2222-I-IARLER-, Edith E.; 32 Karoo street, South Perth; 3rd Octohem, 1939; sec. 284; K.E.M. Hosp. and State Exam.

2153-HARRIS, Alice; Merredin; 8th Sept., 1937; Sec. 284; King Edward Memorial Hospital and State Exam.

2-193-HA1IBIS, Betty L.; Great Boidder Mimic, Findston; 25th February, 1941; see. 288; St. George's Hospital Melbourne, and Victorian Beg. 2105-HARRIS, Doris A.; Katanning; 19th May, 1936: Sec. 2S4: I-Iihlciest Hospital amid State Exam. 2485-HARRIS, Evelyn; Kenwick; 25th February,

1941; sec. 288; Women's Hospital, Melbourne, amid Victorian Beg. 2489-IbARBIS, Nance; 30 Battle stic-et, Mosmaaii Pat-k 25th February, 1941 ; sec. 288; Wonien 's Hospital, Melbourne, and Vietos-ian Reg. I 160-HARVEY, Eleanom Alice; 30 Buhwer Street, Perth; 14th June, 1916: See. 288 (1) ; Rotunda

Hospital, Dublin, Ireland.

2456-HARVEY, Ethel;





Perth; 19th March, 1940; see. 288; Queen Alexandra Hospital, hobart; amid 'I'asmaanian Beg.

1434-HAWKE, Elsie; 23 Alvan Street, Mt. Lawley;

22nd May, 1925; see-. 284; King Edward Memorial llospital and State Exam. 2223-HAWKSLEY, Rebecca; Port Hedlaad; 11th Hosp. amid State January, 1939; sec. 284; Exam.

2009-HAY, Lilian; Burekup; 16th May, 1933; Sec. 284; King Edward Memorial Hospital and State Exam.

1351-HAYES. Mary E.; 150 Chelmsford Road, North Perth: 26th .Jan.. 1923; Sec. 284 (1): State Exam. 1717-HAY-IENDRY, Ellemi; Kaltimaumida; 3Othm Oct., 1931; Sec. 284; King Edward Memorial Hospital and State Exam.

1837-HAYMAN, Bina; Tresillian, Hospital, Nedlaud!; 30th Oct., 1931 ; Sec. 288; A.N.F.

tAustralian Trained Nurses' Association.




I-cent mnued.

Registration No. and Name Address; Date of Registratioi. and Section of Act under which Registration was effected Qualification.

2069-I1ERXAY, Margaret; Broome; 21St May, 193.5; see. 284; K.E.M. hospital and State Exam. 2272-HICKS, Patricia; Dalwallinu Hospital; 7th May,

1936; Sec. 288; Queen's Home, South Australia, and South Australia Beg.

2$10-1IGS, Gweuneth;


[JULY 18, 1941.

Vi,ieent street, North

Perth; 26th May, 1941 ; sec. 284; K.E.M. Hospital and State Exam. 2311-hILL, Sylvia jc, ; East Piugelly; 21st Februar 1941; sec. 284; K.E.M. hospital and State Exam.

2155-HILL. Winifred E.; Albany; 24th May, 1937; see. 284; K.E.M. Hospital and State Exam.

2328-IITLLCOAT, Jessie 1).; 30 Museum street, Perth; 29th April, 1937 ; see. 288; Women '5 hospital, Rockliampton, and A NI'. 2020-HOBBS, Victoria A.; IA Mends street, South Perth; 21st November, 1933; sec. 281; K.E.M. Tbsp, and State Exam. Devonleigh,'' Cottesloe; 2476-TIODGE, helen V.; 29th August, 1940; Sc'. 288; Queen Vielori;, liespitill, Tasniania, and Tasmanian Beg.

566-HODGSON Sarah; Fitts Road, Narrogin; 20th July, 1928; Sec. 284; Hillcrest and State Exam. lOOa-HOLYWELL, Hilda; 185 St. George's terrace; 25th May, 1928; Sec. 288; Victorian Midwives' Board.

HOOT), Olive M.; 53 Wasley Street, North Perth; 22nd Nov., 1928; Sec. 284; King Edward Memorial Hospital and State Exam. 2131-HORDACRE, Joan; Oarnarvon; 17th Nov., 1936; 1552

Sec. 284; King Edward Memorial Hospital and

State Exam. .1112-1JORNE, Alice; Bennett Street, Perth; 19th May,

1936; Sec. 284: King Edward Memorial Hospital and State Exam. IS-HOSKING, Elizabeth; Goderichi street, Perth; 27 September, 1911; see. 28$ (1) ; Coomhe Hospital, Dublin.

2281-HOSKING, Violet; South Perth; 28th May, 1931; sec. 284; King Edward Memorial Hospital and State Exam. 2268-1100011, Jean; Victoria; 20th February, 1940; sec. 284; K.E.M. hospital and State Exam. 1530-HOUNSLOW, Hazel; Queen's Crescent, Mt. Lawby; 17th Feb., 1928; See. 284; King Edward Mem-

orial Hospital and State Exam. 1557-HOUSTON, Erica; 153 Marmion Street, Cotteshoe; 22nd Nov., 1928; See. 284; K.E.M. Hospital and State Exam. 2392-hOWARD, Joyce P.; (Slareinont; 22nd Koveinher, 193$; see. 288; Women's hospital, Melbourne, and Victoria Beg.

1565-HOWDEN, Ivy E.; Victoria; 20th July, 1928;

Sec. 284; hillcrest Hospital and State Exam. 2488-I-IO\VELL, Sylvia F.; The Crescent, Maddington; 25th February, 1941; sec. 288; Bethesda Hospital, Melbourne, and Victorian Fog. 1436-HOWSON, Violet; Dwellingup; 31st July, 1925; See. 284; °by examination. 2171-IIUGGETT, Marjorie; Norseman; 3rd November, 1938: sec. 284; TK.E.M. Hosp. and State Exam.

2172 HUGHES, Gladys; Merredin; 20th Dec., 1937; Sec. 284; King Edward Memorial Hospital and State Exam.

2173-HUGHES, Olive E.; Toy Hall, Lane Street, Perth; 20th Dee., 1937; Sec. 284; King Edward

Memorial Hospital and State Exam. 24 15-HUMPHRYS, Elina J.; Three Springs; 3rd May, 1939; sec. 288; Queen Victoria Hospital, Melbourne, and Victoria Beg. 1635-HUNTER, Jean; 89 Newcastle Street, Midland

Junction; 21st March, 1930; Sec. 284; King Ed-

ward Memorial Hospital and State Exam. 1443-HUTCIIINSON, Emmie; 57 Fourth avenue, Maylands; 19th September, 1923; sec. 284; K.E.M. fibsintal and State Exam.

1607-INGRAM, Violet; Wickepin; 2nd Aug., 1929; Sec. 284; King Eclw'arcl Memorial and State Exam. 1874-IRVINE, Edith, Grace; Ihoebourne; 29th August, 1933; sec. 288; Women 's Hospital, Melbourne, Vietorian Beg. Board.

i\lidwim'es' Registration Board of Western Australia.

Registration No. and Name . Address; Date of Registration and eCtiott uf Act under which Registratioc was effected Qua lilica tioa.

2 191i-.JACKSON, Ethel SI.; 1.11.C., Nortliani; 7111 SItIrchi. 1941; see. 28$; Epworthi Hospital, Mel-

liourtie, and Victorian Beg. 1733 A ACOBS, Eva I.: IVilliamus road, Narrogin ; 19th

Aug., 1927; Sec. 288; Victorian Midwives' Board.

2270A-JX)J hERON, Isabella A.; Maritana street, b.algoorlie; 13th June, 1940; sec. 284; K.E.M. I-los-

pital and State Exam. 1683-.JARV1S, Elva; Public Hospital, Dumbheyung; 28th May, 1931; Sec. 284; King Edward Memorial and State Exam. 079-JARV1S, Henrietta; Kalgoorlie; 6th July, 1922; Sec. 288 (1); Guy's Hospital, London.

2306-JOhNS, Ellen; Home of Peace, Subiaco; 22nd Nov., 1912; sec. 288; K.E.M. hospital. 1244 -.JOIINSON, Elsie I.; Brunswick Junction; 9th

April, 1921; Sec. 288; King Edward Memorial Hospital. 1 792-.JOIh NSON. Olive 0.; Mt. Ltiw]ev : 11th October,

1922; sec. 284: HEM. blospital. JOhNSTON, Doris V.; Tlcnsman road, Subiaeo 24th November, 1932; sec. 284; K.E.M. Hospita and State Exam. 1152-JONES, Eliza (irifliths; TI Cat'm' Street, West Perth; 5th April, 191(1; See. 288 (1) ; Fremantit1960

S1.T. School.

1 l-.ION ES, Elsie


llarmiomm Street, Cotteshoe;

18th May, 1923; Sec. 288 (1) ; Midwives Board, Victoria; Examination. 13(15-JONES, Mary E.; hubert street, Victoria Park;

5th December, 1919; see. 282: K.E.M. Hosp. 1505 -.TONES, Olive B. J.; Claremont; 19th Augurt. 1927; sec. 284; State Exam. 20$4-.JONES, Pauline; Fernmoy hospital, Northam; 18th Nov.. 1935; See. 284; King Edward Memorial Hospital and State Exam.

2414-JONES, Sarah; Fremantle Hospital; 3rd May, 1 939; Sec. 288: Montrose hospital, Sydney, and Now South Wales Beg.

916- K Eli LV, Josephine; Bunbury; 21st October. 11)32; see. 284; K.E.M. Hosp. and State Exam. 2092-KEANE, Ethel ; Denniark : I 8th November, 1935 sec. 284; K.ht.M. 1-hospital md State Exam. I 929-KELSALL, Olive V.: Addison street, South Perth: 6th Slav, 1932; sec. 284; IK.E.M. Hosp .and State Exam. 1 564-KENNE DY, helen; Victoria h'ark; 20th .July,

1928; sec. 284; hillcrest and State Exam. 2378-KENNEDY, Mary Gregory; St. John of God, Subinco; 11th July, 1939; Sec. 288; St. Margaret's Hospital, Sydney, and New South Wales Beg. I 637-KENT, Eruha W. ; 25 Esplanade, South Perth; 27th Slay. 1930: sec. 28-I ; HEM. Hospital aacl State Exam.

2291 A-KEII, Ellen F.; 148 Lincoln street, Perth; 13th

tune. 1940; sec. 284; HEM. Hospital and State

hixa In.






Lawley; 21st May, 1935; Sec. 284; King Edu'ard

Slemnoriab Hospital and Statc' Exam. 2I71_KTDSrPONHUNTEB. Elizabeth ;

Mosman, N.S.W.; 20th November, 1925 : see. 284; K.E.SI.

hospital amid State Exam. 1 356---KIDSTON-HTJN TEE, Lila; Preston Point Road,

East Fremnntle; 20th July, 1928; Sec. 284; King Edward Memorial Hospital and State Exam. 1-b t5-KTLDAHL, Louise E,; Marine parade, Cottes-

hoe: 20th November, 1925; sec. 284; Hillcrest Tiosp.

and State Exam.

098-KING, Alice A; Williams; 20th July, 1928;

Sec. 288; Victoria M. B. Board. 1429-KING, Ella; Subiaco; 22nd Slay, 1925; sec. 284; State Exam.

11 25-KIRK, Ada; l3Tibuna. 30th April, 1915; Sec. 288; Fremantle Midwifery Training School, 1s9-KrRWooT), Anni" Slay: South Terrace, Fre-

mantle; 15th Nov., 1911 ; Sec. 288 (1) ; Fm'emanthe Midwifery Training School. 11 20-KREY, Cathiem-ine ; Victoria Park ; 30th Api-il. 1915 ; see. 28$ (1); Fremantle SE.T. School. 21 95-KYLE, Grace B.; 41 Williams Road, Hollywood; 15th Oct., 1938; Sec. 284; K.E.M. Hospital and State Exam. tAustrahian Trained Nurses' Association.


JULY iS, 1941.]


PART 1.-comtewued.

Registration No. and Name; Address; Date of Registration and Section of Act under which Registration was effected; Qualification.

256-LAFFEIl, Eleanor; Denmark; 29th Eovember; 1911; see. 282 (1) ; Women's Home, Melbourne. 2382-LAKE, Beryl; 15 Arthur Street, Subiaco; 3rd Nov., 1938; Sec. 288; Queen Victoria Hospital, Melbourne, and Victoria Beg.

092-LAMBE. Edith; Geralciton; 14th Feb., 1919; See. 288 (1); K.E.M. Hospital, W.A. 1543-LAMB, Ellen C.; 275 Burt street, Boulder; 17th February, 1928; Exam.



Hillcrest and State

2017-LAMBERT, Edna; Albany; 21st Nov., 1933; Sec. 284; King Edward Memorial Hospital and State Exam.

2219-LAIIBERT, Nora; Middleton road, Albany; 7th May, 1935; Sec. 288; South Sydney W. Hospital

Registration No. and Name; Address; Date of Registration

and Section of Act under which Registration was effected; Qualification.

h572-LONGSON, Hilda; 116 Hordern Street, Victoria

Park; 22nd March, 1929; Sec. 284; King E. and

ninte Exam. 1302-LOVE, Ivy A.; 31 Park Street, Mt. Lawley; 17th July, 1922; Sec. 284; K.E.M. Hospital. 2514-LOVELL, Jean C.; 54 Clieriton street, East

Perth; 6th January, 4941; sec. 284; K.E.M. Hospital and State Exam. 2475-LOWDER, Margaret; District Hospital, Kalgoorlie; 29th August, 1940; see. 288; Queen Alexandra Hospital, Hobart, and Tasmanian Beg. 1378-LOWE, Beatrice M.; Child Welfare Department, Perth;; 1st Feb., 1924; Sec. 284; State Exam. 21 22--LOWE,





327-LALIK[N, Slary; 528 Fitzgerald Street, North Perth; 8th Dec., 1911; Sec. 282 (1); Women s

1936; sec. 284; Hillcrest and State Exam. 1377-LIJNT), Marjorie; South i'erth, Box 8; 1St Feb., 1924; See. 284; King Edward Memorial Hospital

1920 ; see. 288; KEN. Hospital. 1276-LAWRENCE, Edith I.; Rae street, Leederville; 28th Oct., 1921; Sec. 288; O.M.B., London. I 669-LAWRY, Christina; Katanning; 28th May, 1931;

1063-LYNCH, Nellie Ursula; Department of Public Health. Perth; 12th Dec., 1913; Sec. 288 (1); Ro-

and A.N.F.

Hospital, Sydney. 1236-LA WLER, Ellen 51.; Northain; 5th Noveniber,

Sec. 284; King Edward Memorial Hospital and

State Exam. 411-LAWSON, Alice I.; Geraldton; 19th Feb.., 1925; See. 284; Be Examination.5

2962-LAWTON, Eileen; East Fremantle; 22nd Nor., 1928; sec. 284; Hillcrest a,,d State Exam. 2133-LEAKE, Mildred; Kellerberrin ; 17th November. 1936; sec. 284; E.E.M. Hospital and State Exam. 2400-LEE, Phyllis; Byford; 17th May, 1936; see. 28.1; King Edward Memorial Hospital and State Exa,,,. 1324-LEEDS, Enid A.; ''Fermoy,'' Northam; 6th Oct., 1922; Sec. 288; K.E.M. Hospital. 1976-LEF1lOY, Margaret G.; Subiaco; 24th November, 1932; see. 284; K.E.M. Hosp. and State Exam, I 804-LEGGATE, Caroline; Dalgety Street, East Fremantle; 8th Aug., 1930; Sec. 288; New South Wales Beg. Board.

2013-LEGGO, Gertrude; Ludlow; 21st Nov., 1933; Sec. 284; Hillcrest and State Examination. 2014-LEGGO, 1-Tilcia ; 24 Lake avenue, Shenton Park 21st November, 1933; sec. 28-4; K.E.M. Hospital and Sttite Exam,

2487-LEWIN, Lena N.; 10 Ellen sheet, Snbiaeo; 25th February, 1941; sec. 288; Royal Hospital, Sydney, and N.S.W. Beg.

1892-LEWIN, Rosalind B.; Bunbury; 9th March, 1934; sec. 288; Queen's 1-lome, South Australia. 2436LEWIS, Jean; Seventh avenue, Inglewood; 8th April, 1927; sec. 288; Royal Hospital, Paddington, and A.N.F.

2292-LINDLEY, Ainslic; Fremantle Hospital; 18th Novembcr, 1940; sec. 284; K.E.M. Hospital and State Exam.

and State Exam. 2321-LUTTRELL, Annie K.; 15 Lawley Crescent, Mt. Lawley; 29th April, 1937; Sec. 288; Royal Hospital, Paddiagton, and New South Wales Beg. tunda Hospital, Dublin.

1714A-MACDONALI), Margaret; 30th October, 1931; sec. 284; K.i.M. Hospital and State Exam. 2$13-MADTGAN, Kathleen; Southern Cross; 4th Feb-

runty, 1941; sec. 284; K.E.M. Hospital and State Exnni.

2072-MA.J OR, Louise; Westonia; 21st May, 1933; sec. 284; K.E.M. Hospital and State Exam.

2443-MALES, Violet; 78 Egina street, Mount Hawthorn; 2nd Nove,nber, 1939; see. 288; Queen Vict hospital, Melbourne, and Victorian Regn. 2099-MALONE, El]en; Bi-uce Bock; 18th November, 1933; sec. 284; KEN. Hosp. and State Exam. 1-195-MANN, Catherine; Margaret River; 8th1 April, 1927; sec. 284; State Exam, 2156-MANNING, Margaret; Westonin; 25th October, 1937; Sec. 284; K.E.M. Hospital and State Exam. 2293A-MARCHANT, Nancy 0.; Yenlering; 27th Aug. ,ist, 1940; sec. 284; K.E.M. Hospital and State Exam.

1739-MARKEY, Hilda; E.M. home, Victoria Pnrk;

11th April, 1.924; see. 288; A.T.N.A. 2272-MARION, Alice 51.; 122 Rupert street, Subiaco; 8th January, 1940; sec. 284; K.E.M. Hosp. and State Exam. 2136-MARTIN, Elsie; Devonleigh Hospital, Cottesloe; 17th November, 1936; sec. 284; K.E.M. Hosp. and State Exam. 201$-MARTIN, Millicent; Clifton crescent, Mt. LawIcy; 16th May, 1933; sec. 284; Hillcrest and State


1122-LINDSAY, Alice N.; Nannup; 19th February. 1923; see. 288; State Exam.

1264-MATTHEWS, Ivy; 171 Fitzgerald Street, N.

July, 1926; Sec. 284; Hillcrest and State Exam. 1 632-LIVESEY, Constance; Victoria; 13th March, 1.931; sec. 284; K.E.5I. Hospital and State Exam. 1466-LLOYD, Thelma G.; Box 103, Fimiston; 1st February, 1924; sec. 284; E.E.M. Hospital and State Exam.

Memorial and State Exam. 2465-MATTHEWS, Martha; District I-hospital, Ku,,tmoppin; 8th; July, 1940; sec. 288; Belfast N. Hospital, and Victorian Beg. 2198-MATTHEWS, Phyllis; Wyndhani; 23rd June, 11)38; sec. 284; K.E.M. Hospital and State Exam. 1655A-MAY, Catherine; 33 Adelaide street, Fremantle; 4th September. 1930; sec. 284; K.E.M. Hosp. and State Exam. 1671A-MAYMAN, Kathleen; Nanga Brook; 30th Oetobe,', 1931; sec. 284; Hillcrest and State Exam. 1986-MEAD, Cordelia; 4 Grant street, Cottesloe; 27th April, 1933; sec. 284; K.E.M. Hosp. and State

2138-LITSTER, Frcda C.; Yeovii crescent, Bicton; 17th November, 1936; sec. 284; K.E.M. 1-lospital and State Exam. 1469-LITTLE, Ann; Moran Street, Boulder; 1 6th

2196-LOANE, Mabel G.; Kalgoorlie Hospital; 25th May, 1938; Sec. 284; K.E.M. Hospital and State Exam,

I 823-LOBLE Y, Grace; Lake Grace; 28th May, 1931; sec. 288; Victorian N. Board. 2086-LOCHHEAD, Ethel; Hospital, Wooroloo; 18th Nove,nber, 1933; sec. 284, K.E.M. Hospital and State Exam. 2241-LONGBOTTOM, Laura V.; Nannup; 1741; September, 1935; sec. 288; Queen Victoria Hospital, Melbourne, and Victoria,; Beg. 931-LONGSON, Ada Lander; Department of Public

Health; 28th Feb., 1913; See. 288 (1); Central

Midwives' Board, England. 1286-LONGSON, Clarice C.; Epsom Avenue, Belmont; 25th Jan., 1922; Sec. 288 (1'); King Edward Memorial Hospital, W.A.

Midwives' Registration Board of Western Australia.

Perth; 29th July, 1921; Sec. 284; King Edward


1640-MEAD, Doreen; Cullesi Street, Subiaco; 21st March, 1930; Sec. 284; King Edward Memorial

Hospil and State Exam.

1695A-SIEAD, Phyllis; 10 Frances street, Subiaco; 28th May, 1931; sec. 284; K.E.M. Hosp. and State Exam,

1 328-MECHAN, Margaret; Wallsend stt'eet, Collie; 6th Oct., 1922; Sec. 288; N. M. Home, Dublin C.M.B., Irelmid; by exam.

954-MELSOM, Annie; Johnston Street, ui1dford; 25th April, 1913; Sec. 288 (1) ; Fremantle Midwif cry Training School.

Australian Trained Nurses' Association.





Registration No. and NameAddress Date of Registration and Section of Act under which Registration was effected Qualification.

2036-MELVIN, \Viuifrecl; Bendigo, Victoria; 13th May, 1931; sec. 284; K.E.SI. Hospital and State Exam.

1[E3[BEIfV, ilvelvu ; Yjucetit street, Netllands 2Sth February, 1939; Sec. 288: St. George's I-los pital. New, and Victoria Beg. 222t3-3[ETCALF, Nellie: Kellerberrin; 6th February, 1.939: Sec. 284; K.E.M. Hospital and State Exam. I 797 --3[ETTASJ. Edith Box II 378. Perth P.O.; cti July, 1922 : See. 28.1 (1) ; King Edward Memorial 4iI4


2227-SIETTAS[, Jessie P.; 64 Clotiltle Street, Mt. La tvley; 17th February, 1939; Sec. 284; K.E.M. hospital and State Exam. 1 383-SIETTAM, Norma; 64 Clot.ilcle street, Mount Lawley; Si st May, 1.929; sec. 284; K.EJ\L Hosp. aisd State Exam. 2005-SI I1\VS, Runie L.; Moore River Settlement; 16th May, 1933', see. 284 Exam.

K.E.M. Hospital and State

22381-SI [CK hE, Evelyn; Vailinta hospital, Narrogin Sth 1)ecember, 1939; sec. 284; Hillcrest Hosp. anti State Exam. I B 2-MI DWTN TEE, B. C.; 472 I-lay Street. Perth; 19th Sept., 1923; See. 288 (1) ; Victoria Midwives' Board.

Marine terrace, Gerahiton l.Otlt August, 1.927; ste. 284; K.E.M. Hospital and State Exam. 2408-MILLARD, Doris; 672 Beaufort Street, Mt. Lawley; 28th Feb., 1939; Sec. 288; Waikerie Hospital. South Australia, and South Australia Beg. 1341-MILLER, Doris; 141 Gloster street, Snbiaeo: 17th leebruary. 1928; sec. 284; K.E.M. Hospital anti State Exam. 227:1-MILLER, Olive 0.; Collie Hospital; 11th Dccciiiher, 1939; sec. 284; Tc.E.M. Hosp. and State Erain. 2361--MILLIKAN, Elsie; Victoria; 5th Slay, 1938; set. 288; Epwort.h Hospital, Melbourne, and Vie. toria Beg. 2157---MILLS, Eileen; 12 Rushton Road, Victoria Park; 24th May, 1937; Sec. 284; K.E.M. Hospital and State Exam. i419-S[ILXE-ROBERTSON, '1'.; England; 19th February, 1925; sec. 288 : by examination.5 1603-MITChELL, Agnes; Wooroloo; 2ud Aug., 1929;

324-MILLIE. Leonore

Sec. 281; King Edward Memorial Hospital and

State Exam. 1491-M[?CHELL, Jessie; Douglas Avenue, South Perilt ; StIt April, 1927; Sec. 28-I; State Exam.

2333-MITChELL, Mary Attraeta; St. John of God hospital, Subiaco; 17th A.ug., 1937; Sec. 288; Ballarat District hospital and Victorian Beg. 1763 -Mfl'CIIELL, Susan J.; Beigravia Street, Belusont; 21st May, 1926; See. 288; Victoria Midwives Board.

2234-MONGER, Eileen; 36 Lawler street, North Perth: 3rd July, 1939; soc. 284; K.E.SI. }Iosp. and State Exam.

1361-MONGER, Ethel J.; thurchill Avenue, Subiaco; Sec. 284; King Edward Me22mid Nov., 1928; morial Hospital and State Exam. 1660-MONGER,





[JULY 18, 1941.


1930; Sec. 2S4; King Edward Memorial Hospital and State Exam.

1770-MONGER, Nornsa; 36 Lawler street, North Perth: 22nd March, 1929 ; see. 288; Victorian Midwives' Board.

1802-MONTEITH, Jessie 31.; 8 Bedford street, Nedlands; 8th August, 1930; sec. 288; Victorian Midwives' Board. 2470-MOON, Alice G.; Victoria; 6th March, 1937; sec. 288; Royal Hospital, Sydney, and N.S.W. Beg. 2434-MOORE, Clara; 18 Keane street, Midland Junction; 19th March, 1940; see. 288; Queen Vict. iiosp., Melbourne, and Victorian Regis. 2316-MOORE, Eveleen D.; 11 Judd street, South Perth; 17th March, 1941; sec. 284; K.E.M. hospital and State Exam. 1891-MOORE, Kathleen; The Deanery, St. George's Terrace, Perth; 9th March, 1934; Sec. 288; Queens' home, South Australia, and South Australian Beg. e Midwives' Registration Board of Western Australia.

Registration No. and Name: Address : Date of Registration anti Section of Act under which Registration was effected Qualification.

Doris; Kellerberrin; 18th May, Queen's home, South Australia, and South Australian Reg. 21 33-SIORBELL, Winifred; Lou or Kisig road, Albany; 24th Slay, 11137; sec. 284; K.E.M. hlosp. and State 2363-31011 LIELL, 1938 sec. 288


2376-MORRIS, Stella ; Slonlyinnimig ; 13th Sept., 1938; see. 2S8 McBride Hosp.. Adelaide, anti South Aimstralian Beg. 403-SIORRISON. ALice C'.; hlanipton Road, .t're-

mantle; 13th Dec., 1911; Sec. 288; Fremantlo T. School.

1 [21 - MORRISON, Elizabeth; 180 Beach Street, Fremantle; 30th April, 1915; Sec. 282; Fremantle T. School. 2:1 4-MO1IT1ISON, Florence: hillcrest, North Freniantle 9th Feb., 1937 : Sec. 288; The Haven S.

hospital. Mel hoarne, S i. Beg. I 387-M [JLDOON, Mabel .; Government Hospital,

Uwellingup; 11th April, 1924; Sec. 284; Hillcrest anti State Exam. 1240-S[ULGRAVE, Adelaide V.; Victoria; 9th April, 1.921 ; sec. 284 (1) ; King Edward Memorial Hos-

pital. 2201-SFUIIMERY, Cynthia;

lisfant Health Centre,

Albany; 17th May, 1938; Sec. 284; K.E.M. Hospital and State Exam. 2100-MURRAY, Mildred; Slorgans; 18th Nov., 1935; Sec. 284; King Edward Memorial Hospital and State Exam. 1471-MYERS, Johanna; 79 The Avenue, Nedlands; Glib July. 1926; Sec. 284; State Exam.

I 8.98-McALEEII, Bose; Infant Health Centre, Bun-

bury; 13th Slay, 1934; See. 288; Women's Home, Sydney, anti New South \Vales Beg. 211 3-McBRIDE, Veronica; N.S.W.; 19th May, 1936; sec. 284; K.E.M. Hospital and State Exans. 1638-McCABE, Marx; 43 Angelo street, South Perth; 4th Septenshet, 1930; sec. 284; K.E.M. Hospital :tnd State Exam.

1336-McCALLIJM, Jeass E.; East Parade, Mt. Lawhey: 17th Feb., 1928; Sec. 284; State Exam. 2393 McCANN, Winifred J.; Raglan road, North

Perth; 22ut1 November, 1938; sec. 288; Women 's Hospital, Melbourne, and Victorian Beg. 2371 -SICAB.ROLL, Ellen; Cairns, Queensland; 15th Sept., 1938; Sec. 288; Lady Bowen Hospital and Queeissland Beg. 2138-McCULLOCIT, Helen I.; Gnowangerup; 16th Noveniber, 1937; sec. 284; K.E.M. Hosp. and State Exam.

2039-McDOUGALL. Edna : I-lampton road, Beaconsfield; 20th November, 1934; sec. 284; K.E.M. Hosp. and State Exam, 1624.-SLeEVOY, Clnressa F. : N.S.W.: 2nd November,

1929; sec. 284; K.E.SI. Hospital and State Exam. 2087-MeGTLLIVRAY, Matilda; Reedy; 15th Novem bet', 1933; soc. 284; K.E.M. Hosp. and State Exam. 1934-S[cGAFEFN, Mary A.; District Hospital, Fremantle; 6th May, 1932; See. 284 ; King Edward Memorial Hospital and State Exam. 2030-McGOWAN, Melva B.; Mt. Barker; 9th March, 1931; sec. 284; K.E.M. Ilosp. and State Exam. I 873-MeGUFFIE, Edith F.; Cot.tesloe; 16th July, 3926; see. 284; hillcrest Hospital and State Exam. 17071_MCINrFYRE, lean C.; Merredin; 30th October, 1931; sec. 284: K.E.M. Hospital and State Exam. I 533-McKAY, Elsie; Cue; 17th February, 1928; sec. 284; K.E.M. Hosp. and State Exam. 1311-McKAY, Olive; View terrace, Bieton; 19th Augnat, 1927; sec.

284; K.E.M. Hospital and State


1754-SIcIENNA, Jessie 0.; I-lA Alvan Street, Mt. Lawley; 25th Aug., 1920; Sec. 284; King Edward Memorial Hospital and State Exam.

221.1-McKERROW, Mary; Claremont; 28th November,

1938; sec 284; K.E.Sl. Hospital and State Exam. 1713A-McKIM, Iona Phyllis; Moss street, Fremasitle; 20th Novenmber, 1931; see. 284; K.E.M. Hosp. and State Exam. 2336-MeLAREN, Lily; Northcliffe; 25th August, 1920; see. 288 (i) Alexandra 1-lospital, Tasmania. f Australiamm Trained Nurses' Association.


JULY 18, 1941:


PAler 1.-continued. Registration No. and Name Address ; Date of Registration and Section of Act under which Registration was effected;

Registration No. and Name ; Address ; Date of Stegistration and Section of Act under which Registration was effected

i4l4-MeLEOJJ, Florence B.; Kataniiiiig; 19th Febru-

22:10-0 'TOOLE, Norahi; Coolgardie; 19th July, 1939; sec. 284; N.E .31. Hospital and State Exam. [500-OWEN, Eva ID.; Pickering Brook; 22nd March, 1929; See. 284; King Edward Memorial Hospital and State Exam. 1937-OXER, Ivy; Victoria; 11th July, 1932; Sec. 284;

Q cal i lies ton.

ary, 1925; sec. 282 (2) ; State Exam. 77--MEMAHON, Mary Fidelis; St. John of God 1108pital, Subiaco; 11th July, 1938; Sec. 288; St. Margaret 'S Hospital, Sydney, New South Wales, and New South Wales Beg. 2175-MeMANIJS, Gertrude M.; York; 27th April, 193S; sec. 284; K.E.M. Tbsp, and State Exam.

%55McNALLY, Eileen; Three Springs; 26th Jan.,

1923; Sec. 284.; King Edward Memorial and State Exam.

1L27l-McBOHAN, Mary; 311 Hay street, East Perth; 29th July, 1921; sec. 288 (1) ; K.E.M. Hosp.

2202-NASH, Marjorie; Hospital, Albany; 21st July, 1938; Sec. 284; K.E.M. Hospital and State Exam. II 784-NASON-BURNEY,




Aug., 1929; See. 288; Victorian Medical Board. 2-I 55-NEAL, Eileen A.; 235 St. George's terrace, Perth; 19th March, 1940; sec. 288 Queen Alexandra 11osp. Hobart, and 'l'asuianian Regn. 2331-NEEDIIAM, Margaret; Doverin ; 17th August, 1937; see. 288; Wonien '5 Hosp., Sydney, and New South Wales Beg. 1939-NELSON, Gladys L.; Princess Road, Claremont; 11th July, 1932; Bee. 284; Hillcrest and State


Hillcrest and State Exam.

l665-[>AISLEY. Vera A.; Bunburv; 18th Nov., 1930; See.

2S4; King Edward Memorial Hospital and

State Exam.

2210-PALANDRI, limes N.; Caves Road, Busselton; 28th Nov., 1938; Sec. 284; K.E.M. Hospital and State Exaiss. 2 119-PALESKE, Clanissa A.; Meckerimmg; 20th Septeniber. 1937 ; sec. 284; K.E.M. Hospital and State Exam.

State Exam.

t0$2-J'ALING, Alice A. C.; ''Brook Lynn,'' Graphite Road, Manjimnp; 3rd April, 1914; See. 288 (1) Central Midwives' Board, England. 1961-PAN I ZZA, Ida 31.; 118 Richmond Street, Leederville; 24th Nov., 1932; Sec. 284; Hillcrest and State Exam. 1595-PARK, Alice N.; Vintomim Park; 31st Slay, 1929; Sec. 284; Hillcrest and State Exam, ISO-I--PAR KIlill, Ethel U.; Menzies; 22nd .1 nne, 1923; Sec. 284; King Edward Memorial Hospital and State Exam. 1868-PAR KER, Margaret K.; Port Hedland; 27th


2442-PA TERSON, Vera N.; I{illerest, North Frcmantle; 2nd November, 1939; see. 288; Bethesda


1452-NELSON, Marie Olive; .Jardee; 20th Nov., 1925; Sec. 284;

King Edward Memorial 1-lospital and

209S_NE\TILLE, Josephine; Merredin Hospital; 18th Nov., 1935; Sec. 284; K.E.M. Hospital and State 2350-NICHOLSON, Florence A.; District Hospital, Kalgoorlie; 8th March, 1938; Sec. 288; Women's Hospital, ilielbourne, anti Victorian Hog. 222l-NICHOLSON, Robina; Stirling street, Perth; 7th May, 1935; Sec. 288; Queen's Home South Australia, and A.N.F'. 1842-NICOL, Edna; Laverton; 6th May, 1932; See. 288; McBride Hospital, Adelaide. 2088-NICOL, Heleise; Geraldtoa Hospital; 18th Nov.,

1935; Sec. 284; King Edward Memorial Hospital and State Exam. 1772-NIVEN, Margaret; Sayer Street, Midland Junction; 31st May, 1929; Sec. 288; Victorian M. Hog. Board.

2228-NOBLE, Mary; Third Street, Harvey; 28th Nov., 1938; Sec. 284; K.E,M. Hospital and State Exam. 1044-NORMAN, Kathleen; Crawford Road, Maylands; 21st March, 1930; Sec. 284; King Edward Memorial Hospital and State Exam. 103 1-NORRISH, Elizabeth; Koj onup; 21st March,

1930; Sec. 284; KEN. Hospital and State Exam

1372-OBERlIN, IDoruthy; Dwelliiigup; 19th Sept., 1923; See.

284; King Edward Memorial Hospital and

State Exam.

2423-0 'BRIEN, Mary; Southern Cross; 15th May, 1934; Sec. 284; K.E.M. Hospital and State Exam 2073-OFFER, Elizabeth M.; New South Wales; 21st May, 1935; sec. 284; K. I1.M. }losp. and State Exam.

2-166-0 'DWYEIT, Mary Ambrose; St. .Jolu, of God Hospital, Suhiaco; 8th July, 1940 ; sec. 288; St. Margaret's Hospital, N.S.W., and N.S.W. Beg. 2403-0 'I{ALLORAN, Ellen 11.; Albany; 28th February, 1939 ; sec. 288; St. Margaret 's, Sydney, and N.S.W. Beg.

2022-0 'LEARY, Pauline; Berwick street, Victoria tuna Park; 21st November, 1933; sec. 284; K.E.M. Hoop, and State Exam. 1935-O'MEARA, Irene; Ellesmere Road, Mt. Lawley; 6th May, 1932; Sec. 284; K.E.M. Hospital and State Exam.

1148-OSBORNE, Elsie M.; Bruce Hock; 5th April, 1916; Sec. 288 (1) ; Fremantle T. School. 1718-OSBORNE, .1 can; Marine parade, Cottesloc;

18th May, 1923; sec. 288 (1); A.T.N.A. 2247A-OSBORNE, Jessie; 300 Albany road, Victoria Park; 16th May, 1940; sec. 284; K.E.M. Hospital and State Exam. * Midwives' Registration Board of Western Australia.

April, 1933; sec. 288 Hospital for Women, Sydney. Hospm4.al, Victoria, and Vietoriais Beg.

2011 -PATTERSON, Mar .1.; Baandce ; 16th May, 1.933; See. 284; King Edward Memorial Hospital and State Exam. lSSli-PA'CON, Eva; Duke Street, Nortlmamn; 22nd I ov.,

1928; See. 284; hillcrest and State Exam. 1699-PAYNE, Dolores M.; Government Hospital, Bunhury; 13th March, 1931; Sec. 284; King Edward Memorial Hospital and State Exam.

2497-PAYNE, Joyce N.; Harvey; 12th April, 1941;

sec. 288; Women's 1-lospital, Melbourne, and Vieto na mm Keg.

2137-PAYNTEI1, Ailsa J.; Meekatharra; 17th Novenmbet, 1936; sec. 284; K.E.M. Hospital amid State Exani. 1 895-PEACI-1E Y, Bi-icige;




1931; sec. 288;


Nurses' Board,

New South iVales. 2498-PEACOCK, Jean A.; 120 Broonme street, Cottcsbe ; 12th April, 1941; sec. 288; Qneesm Victoria

Hospital, Melbourne, and Victorian Beg. I 619-PEARSALL, Jessie G.; Angelo Street, South

Perth; 21st March, 1930; Sec. 284; Hillcrest and state Exam. 1527-PEIRCE, Ethel; 147 Gloster Street, Subiaco; 17th Feb., 1928; Sec. 284; King Edward Memorial and State Exam. 2317-PENROSE, Bomnayne; 15th Anzac road, Noi-tli Lcederville; 7th April, 1941; sec. 284; K.E.M. Hos-

pital and State Exam.

I 857-PICKLES, Emily S.; Nammnup; 28th Oct., 1921;

Sec. 288; (MB., England.

1252-PIESSE, Ivy E.; 14 Hopetoumi street, South Perth; 18th May, 1921; sec. 288; Royal Hospital, Sydney, amid N.S.W. Beg.

21.15-PICKERING, Emily N.; Geraldton; 19th May, 1936; sec. 284; K.E.M. Hospital anti State Exam. 2303-PINCHBECK, Gm-eta M.; 10 Dc Lisle street, North Fremantle; 23rd January, 1941; sec. 284; Hillcrest amid State Exam.

1662A-PITMAN, Doris; Wagerup; 4th Sept., 1930; See. 284; Kimmg Edwartl Memorial and State Exam.

23 18-PITTMAN, Gladys; Wrny avenue, Fremantle; 4th March, 1941; sec. 284; K.E.M. Hospital and State Exam.

2265-PLACE, Edmia; 31 Stanley street, Mt. Lawley; 25th Feb., 1936; Sec. 288; North Shore Hospital, Sythsey, and New South Wales Beg. f Australian Trained Nurses' Association.





and Name ; Address Date of Registration and Section of Act under which Registration was effected No

I.-conUnued. Registration No. sail Name: Address; Date of Registration

and Section of Act under o-hich Registration coo effected;



2365-PLANK, Marjorie; Victoria; II th 'July, 1935; see. 28s; Ilethesda tbsp., Vietoria tuid Victoria

48 .bolusston street, lot16th May, 1933; sec. 284; K.E.M. Hosp. and State Exam.

2006--ROBINSON, .Jeait; te-doe;


92s0-POLLARD, Elsie; Ferinov, Northam; 10th 1kbruary, 1933 ; see. 284; K.E.M. and State Exam. 1523-POWELL, Etunta A.: \Viluna; 17th Feb., 1928; Sec. 284; State Exam.

179(1--PB ID DIS, Irene; Yalgoo; 21st Slarcli, 1930; sec. 288; Midwives Registration Board. 1 204-i'RITCJIABI), Mabel F.; Bunbury 5th Dee 1919; Sec. 284 (1) ; King Edward Memorial. 1399- b'biOSK Eli, Grace Katanning; 2nd Aug., 1921)

Sec. 284; King Edward Memorial Hospital and State Exani.

I 292-PRO\VSE, i\I atilda A.; Potts Pt., New South Wales; 20th March, 1922; Sec. 288 (1); Women's H ospital, Sydney.

I 238PLTG}J. Laura; Menzies: 29th July, 1931; Sec. 288 (1) ; King Edward Memorial Hospital. 1 947-1'ULLEN. Joan A.; Albany; 21st October, 1932; see. 284; K.E.M. Hospital and atate Exam. II 29-IIAVNER, Mabel; 12 Aberdeen street Perth 30th April, 1919; sec. 288 (1): Premantle Slidwiferv Training School. 1317-1IAYNES, Dorothea; York; 6th July, 1922; Sec. 284; K.E.M. and State Exam. 2319-IIEA, Ellen F.; Pinjarra ; 17th January, 1941 set. 284; K.E.M. hospital acid State Exam. 2186-BEDD EN, Kathleen V.; Danbury; 29th 1'ebmary, 1941 ; sec. 288; Women's 11 ospital, Slelbourae,

and Sictorian Beg. 1559-BEGAN, Dorothy F.; Beaufort Street, Mt. LawIcy; 22nd Nov., 1928; See. 284; King Edward Memorial Hospital and State Exam. 2396-REID, Bella J.; York; 28th February, 1939; see. 288;

[Jtav 18, 1941.



Slelboti rae, a ad

I I3-RO1iTNSON, Moyra L; Nicholson road, Subs-

;tin; 14th Aug., 1918; Sec. 288; K.E.M. Hospital. 2070-ROGERS. Eileen; Freinantle Hospital; 21st May, 1935: 5cr-. 284; KEN. 11osp. and State Exam.

1057-ROSS, Dorothy; 8 Leonard Street, Victoria Park; 7th Nov., 1913; Sec. 288; CM-B., London. 952-ROSS, Theresa; 4 Barton Street, Kalgoorlie; 25th May, 1913; Sec. 288; Women's Hospital, Melbourne. 2 124-1IOWBERBY, Phyllis G.; Pemberton; 12th Feb., 1932; See. 284; K.E.M. Hospital and State Exam 2383-ROWE, Id;t N.; 26 Gordon Street, Northam; 3rd Nov., 1938; See. 288; Queen's Home, South Axtstmalia, and South Australia Beg. 2203-ROWLANI), Georgin;i ; Big I3ell; 22nd Novembes',

1938; sec. 284; K.E.Sl. Ilosp. acid State Exam. 16 12-ROYCE, Alice K.; lbeverley; 31st Maceli, 1930; see. 284; K.E.M. Hosp. and State Exam. 13 12-RUSS ELL, Alice; Ilarvey ; 1 7th February, 3928;

see. 284; Women's hospital, Adelaide, and State Exaum.


RUTLAND, Gladys; Merredin; 20th Nov., 1934;


284; King Edward Memorial Hospital an

State Exam. 1381

--9 OTT, Loise A.: 42 Victoria Avenue, Claremont;

1st Feb., 1924; See. 284; K.E.M. Hospital and

State Exam. 2293A--RYALLS, ('armel 31.; 28 George street, Kalgoorlie; 1.7th February, 1941; sec. 284; K.E.M. I [ospita 1 a cd State Exa mci.

2407-RYAN, Mary Tarcisius; St..JoIm of God Hospital, Stmbiaeo; 8th ,Jubi', 1940 ; sec. 288; St. Margaret's 1-Tospital, N.S.W., and N.S.W. Reg.


toria Reg. 1773-REID, Mary K; Northam; 31st May, 1929; Sec. 288; Tasmanian M. Beg. Board.

1815-SANDS, Dora; Wagin; 8th Dec., 1911; Sec. 288; CJ\LB., England.

Feb.. 1936; See. 288; Queen's Home, South Australia, and South Australian Beg. 2040-RENNIE, ma ; Nedlaicds; 13th May, 1934; See. 284; King Edward Memorial Hospital and State Exam. 207$-RICHARDSON, Frances; Outram street, West

1753-SAW, Lucy TI.: Lakeside, Rockingha'm; 9th Ad., 1921; See. 288 (1); King Edward Memorial Hos-

2254-REID, Winifred; 472 Hay street, Perth; 25th

Perth; 18th November, 1935; see. 284; K.E.M. Hospital amid State Exam.

2319-RILEY, Ellen; Infant health Centre, Kalgoorlie; 15th May, 1934; sec. 284; K.E.M. hospital and State Exam. 1901-RILEY, Elvzs M. ; South Perth; 17th July, 1934; see. 28$; Wometi '5 1-Iosp., Melbourne and Vic-

torian Beg. 2043-RINALDI, Catherine; Reedys; 15th May, 1934; See. 284; K.E.IVI. Hospital and State Exam. 2 Ii 7-RTTSOX, Phyllis: Infant Health Centre, Nor. thaum; 3rd May, 1939; Sec. 288; Women's Hospital, Melbourne, and Victorian Beg. 211 7-ROBERTS, Ellen SI.; Perth hospital; 19th May, 1936; sec. 284; K.E.M. hospital and State Exam. 2432-ROBERTSON, Almrt; Victoria; 13th July, 1939; see. 288; Women's hospital, Melbourne, and Victorian Beg. street. Ned211 6-ROBBINS, Marjorie; 7('T1 lands; l9tls May, 1936; sec. 284; K.E.M. ilospitttl and State Exam. 1 630-ROBERTSON, Elsa; Pertls; 21st March, 1930; sec. 284; KEN. Hospital and State Exani. 1388-ROBERTSON, Frances A.; 61 Roberts Road, Kalgoorlie; 7th Dec., 1923; Sec. 284; Hillcrest and State Exam. 1433-ROBINS, Jean; Lake Grace; 22nd May, 1925; Sec. 284; State Exam. 1159-ROBINSON, Ada E.; Leighton; 14th June, 1910; sec. 288; Central Midwives Board, England.

1925-ROBINSON, Elsie; Harris Road, Bicton; 12th Feb., 1932; Sec. 284; K.E.M. Hospital and State Exam.

1396-ROBINSON, Isabel; 48 Johnston street, Cottesbe; 25th July, 1924; sec. 284; K.E.M. Hosp. and State Exam. C

Midwives' Registration Board of Western Australia,

1992-SAPHIR, Naomi; 185 St. George's Terrace, Perth; 16th May, 1933; Sec. 284; K.E.M. Hospital and State Exam. pital. 221)0- SPIll liii, 1.nmna ; Tontmn Station. Mooma; 8th Novemnber. 1910 Exam.

sec. 284; K.E.M. hospital and State

1370-SCOTT, Mcrcia; 333 Fitzgerald street, North Pwtb, 22nd March, 1929; sec. 284; KEN. 1-lospitni and State Exam. 2320--SPOT'l', RimUt N.; Redelifle; 23rd April, 1941 r-er-, 28.1; KEN. hospital acid State Exam. 2213-SCOTT, Stella; District Hospital, Geraldton; 3OtIc .Jnmie, 1939; see, 2S4; KEN. Hosp. acid State Exanc.

1472-SEABORN, Amy; Victoria Park; 16th July. 1926; See. 284; State Exam. 1 944-8EEDSMAX, Amelia; Youannii; 21st Octobem', 1932; See. 284; Hillcrest and State Exam. 1492-SELFE, Grace; Yarboop: 8th April, 1927; sec. 284; State Exam. 2320-SEWELL, Cecilia E.; South Australia; 13th March, 1931; sec. 281; K.E.M. hospital and State Exam.

2 140-SEXTON, Eileen; Wyndhanm; 17th Nov., 1936; Sec.

284: King Edward Memorial Hospital and

State Exam.

23 10-SIIANIIAN. Jean 1.; 191 Peninsula road, Maylands; 21st October, 1937; sec. 288; Queen Alex-

aadec Hospital, Thoi,art, acid Tasmanian Reg. 2-1611-ShANNON, Hersnine: St. Johue of God Hospital, Subiaco; 8th .July, 1940; sec. 288; Womnen 's HospIt ol, Melbourne, and Victorian Beg. I 732-SIIEARD, Maria P.; Northeliffe; 9tic April, 1921; sec. 288; K.E.M. hospital. 2120-.SHEEDY, Elizabeth; District Hospital, Northam; 19th May, 1936; Sec. 284; King Edward Memorial 1-hospital and State Exacn.

2276A-SHEEHAN, Mary V.; 77 Hill street, Meekathmarra; 11th December, 1939; sec. 284; K.E.M. Hosp. and State Exam. t Australian Trained Nurses' Association.


JULY 18, 1941.]


PJ5T 1.-con tInned. Registration No. and Name Address; Date of Registration Registration No. and Name; Address; Date of Registration and Section of Act under which Registration was effected; and Section of Act under which Registration was effected Qualification.


2057-SHEPARDSON, Ethel V.; East Witchcliffe; 20th

Nov., 1924; Sec. 284; K.E.M. Hospital and State Exam.

2 72-S IIEPI-IARD, Mary N.; 42 Clotilde street, Mt. Lawley ;29th August, 1940; see. 288; Queen Victoria 1-lospital, Melbourne, and Victorian Beg.

1549-SHERIDAN, Anne G.; 12 Park Street, North Perth; 22nd Nov., 1928; Sec. 284; King Edward Memorial Hospital and State Exam. 405-SHIELDS, Margaret E.; Nyabing; 13th Dec., 1911; Sec. 288; Women's Hospital, Melbourne. 1 597-SHILLiNG, Jean; Black Range Station, Sandstone; 2nd August, 1929; sec. 284; 1-lilicrest and State Exam. 1537-SHOLL, Clara,

72 Lake street, Peppermint (1 rove; 17th February, 1928 sec. 284; K.E.M. Hos-

pital and State Exam. I 601-SHORTHOUSE, Margaret I.; Manjimup, 2nd August, 1929; sec. 284; K.E.M. Hospital, and State Exam.

2332-SIMONS, Ethel Perth Hospital 17th Aug 1937; Sec. 28$; Women's llospital, Sydney, and New South Wales Beg. 2310-SIMPSON, Clara; 62 Clotilde street, Mt. Lawley; 9th Feb., 1937; Sec. 288; Queen Alexandra Hospital, Tasmania, and Tasmanian Rag. 2364-SIMPSON, Frederica; Busseltou; 18th May, 1938; S'c. 283; Wonien 's

Hospital , Sydney,

and New'

South Wales Beg. l786-STNCLA1R, Mabel A.; Denmark: 22nd Nov., 1929; Sec. 288; Victoria Midwives' Board Beg. 2461-SJ(EELS, Isahelle M.; A.I .M. i-Iospital, Halls Creek; 8th July, 1940 ; sec. 288; Women's Hospital, Melbourne, and Victorian Beg. 194-SKINNER, Mary L.; Cottesioe; 22nd November, 1911; see. 288; Central Midwives Board, England. 2277A-SKIPAVORTT-I, Emma A.; Norseman Hospital; 17th ;j une, 1941); sec.

284; K.E.M. Hospital and

State Exam. 1370-SMEED, Flora A.; 70 Roberts Road, Subiaco; 19th Sejit., 1923; Sec. 284; By Examination.* 11 26--SM1 T it, 1915; Sec. School.

Adelaide E.: Mt. Helena; 30th April. 28$; Freni autle Midwives' Trainiuk

2388-SMITH, Alice M.; Moraw'a; 17th Nov., 1936; Sec. 284; K.E.M. Hospital and State Exam. 1424-SMITI-1, Ellen N.; 35 Ilarold Street, Mt. Lawley; 19th Feb., 1925; Sec. 288; by examination.5 2495-SMiTH, Evelyn M.; Safety Bay; 22nd Novein. her, 1929; sec. 288; Hopetown 1-lospital, Victoria, and A.T.N. A.

2229-SMITH, Hilda; Margaret River; 12th April, 1939; see. 284; K.E.M. Hosp. and State Exam.

069-SMITH, Hilda N.: Wyalkatchem; 5th Nov., 1920; Sec. 288 (1); Queen's Home, Adelaide. 2021-SMIT1-I, Joyce; Narrogin; 21st November, 1933; sec. 284; K.E.M. Hospital and State Exam. 1439-SMITH, Laura;-Rose Hill, Beverley; 22nd May, 1925; Sec. 284. 1636-SMITH, Olive N.; Darhugton; 21st March, 1930; sec. 284; K.E.M. Hospital and State Exam. 408-SMITH, Rylice; Wagin I-Iosptal; 25th July, 1924; Sec. 284; King Edward Memorial I-Iospitsl and State Exam. 1 4r7-SNELL, Frances N.; Chester Street, Sooth Fremantle; 16th July, 1926; Sec. 284; F[iilcrest 1-lospital and State Exam.

2390-SPARK, Mary H.; Kojonup; 22nd November, 1938; sec. 288; Women 's Hosp., Sydney and NewSouth Wales Beg. 1729-SPAVEN, Florence; Stirling highway, Nedlands; 23rd October, 1914; sec. 288; Central Midwives Board, England.

2407-SPEARS, Violet; Hospital, Collie; 28th February, 1939; see. 288; Queen Victoria flosp., Melbourne, and Victoria Beg. I 516-SPENCE. Doreen; Keight]ev Boa 6. Subla en: 27th May, 1927; sec. 284; State Exam. 2298A-SPENCER, Marion V.; 24 Hyde street, Mt. Lawley; 1st July, 1940; sec. 284; K.E.M. Hospital and State Exam. Midwives' Registration Board of Western Australia.

1251-SPRING, Elizabeth; Beverley; 9th April, 192]; see. 288; Royal Hospital for Women, Sydney. 2481-STANLLY, Winifred 1.; Alexander Home, Liiicola street, Perth; 7th November, 1940; see. 288; Queen's Home, Adelaide, and South Australia. 2245-STANWELL, Catherine M.; 7 McCallum avenue, Daglish; 17th October, 1939; sec. 284; K.E.M. Hosp. and State Exam.

2230-STEEL, Margaret; Margaret River; 7th April, 1939; see. 284; K.E.M. Hospital and State Exam. 2474-SIJTIIERLAND, Nancy J.; Port Hedlaad; 29th August, 1940; see. 288; Women's Hospital, Melbourne and Victorian Beg. 1684-STENT, Naud; NcCoert street, Leederville;

28th May, 1931; sec. 284; K.E.N. and State Exam. 1716-STEWART, Florence; Plain Street, Perth; 15th Oct., 1926; Sec. 288 (1) ; Women's Hospital, Melbourne.

2025-STEWART, Olive M.; Mogumber; 21st November,

1933; sec. 284; K.E.M. Tbsp, and State Exam.

1777-STINGEMORE, Alice M. M.; Onslow; 29th Nov.,

1911; Sec. 288 (1); Fremantle Training School. 44-STOCKLEY, Alice Maud NI.; Kalgoorlie; 10th Oct., 1911; See. 288 (1) ; Fremantle Midwifery Training School.

1973-STOKES, Aletimia B.; Geraldton;



1933; see. 284; KEN. Hosp: and State Exam. 1395-STOKES, Eileen; Children's Hospital, Perth;

15th May, 1924; See. 284; King Edward Memorial

Hospital and State Exam.

2094-STOKES, Elizabeth; Wooroloo; 18th November, 1935; see. 284; K.E.M. Hosp. and State Exam.

1280-STOKES, Lilly; Bridgetown; 25th Jan., 1922;

Sec. 288; King Edward Memorial Hospital. 1955-STONE, Bcryl Z., Brandon Street, South Pert]; 21st Oct., 1932; Sec. 284; King Edward Memorial antI State Exam. 1515-$TONE, Maggie; Goomalling; 17th Feb., 1928; Sec. 284; State Exam. 2177-STONE, Marguerite A.; Hospital, Kalgoorlie; 31st Mare],, 1938; see. 284; K.E.M. Tbsp, and State Exam. 2246-STONE, Mavis J. ; Hospital, Albany; 17th

August, 1939; see. 284; KEN. llosp. and State Exam.

067-STtJTLEY, Caroline B.; Box 16, Gnowangerup; 19th June, 1914; Sec. 288; C.M.B., London. 2474-SITTIIERLANI), Nancy J.; Port Hedland; 29th August, 1940; sec. 288; \Vomcu 's 1-bospital, Melbourne, mmcl Victorian Beg.

2118-SYKES, Emily; N.S.W.; iOtlm May, 1936; sec. 284; King Edw-ard Memorial Hospital and State Exam.

2453-TAINSI-i, Alice 1.; Merredin; 19th March, 1940 see. 288; Queen Victoria Hospital, Melbourne, and Victorian Beg.

1402-TANNER, Beryl; Moore River Settlement; 19th Xovembei-, 1926; see. 284, K.E.M. Hospital and State Exam. 1209-TAYLOR, Cecilia ; Swan Boys', Midland Junetion ; 4tlm March, 1920; sec. 288; K.E.M. I-Iospital.

I 473-PA YLOR, Clara T.; Adelaide lerrace, Perth; 16th July, 1926; See. 284; State Exam. 2237-TAYLOR, Ettie E.; Marble Bar; 17th September, 1935; sec. 288; Wonmemi 's Hospital, Sydney, and New South Wales Beg.

1476-TAIT, Agnes N.; Kalamunda; 16th July, 1926; Sec. 284; State Exam. 220-TEMPLE, Beryl; Ileyteshury mind, Subiaco; 18th May, 1938; see. 284; KEN. i1osp. and State Exam.

1952-THOMAS, Ahna J.; Woodstock street, Mt. Hawthorn; 21st Oct., 1932; Sec. 284; King Edward Memorial Hospital and State Exam. 2142-THOMAS, Gladys; Coolgardie; 17th Nov., 1937; Sec. 284; K.E.M. Hospital and State Beg. 1191-THOMAS, Irene May; Blinders street, Mt.

Hawthorn; 14th Feb., 1919; Sec. 288 (1); King

Edward Memorial Hospital, Western Australia. I 1157-THOMAS, Kathleen; Queen's Park; 8th Aug., 1930; See. 284; King Edward Memorial Hospitel ud State Exam. t Australian Trained Nurses' Association.



[JULY 18, 1911.

PART 1.-continued. Registration No. and Name; Address; Date of Registration Registration No. and Name; Address; Date of Registration and Section of Act under which Registration was effected Qualification.

1838--THOMPSON, Elizabeth J.; Lawley Crescent, Mt. Lawley; 20th Nov., 1931; Sec. 288; Women's Hos pital, Melbourne. 1855-THOMPSON, Isabella; 4 Wasley Street, Mt. Lasrley; 23rd Nov., 1927; Sec. 288; A.T.N.A. Exam

2162-THOMSON, Elizabeth; Claremont; 8th July, 1937; sec. 284; King Edsvard Memorial Hospital and State Exam. 1621-THORNE, Alice; 38 Palmerston Street, Buck-

land Hill; 21st March, 1930; Sec. 284; Hillcrest and State Exam. 2152-THORNTON, Ruby E.; Boulder; 24th May, 1937; sec. 284; K.E.M. Hospital and State Exam.

2178-THRELKELT), Gweneth; The Avenue, Nedlands; 10th March, 1938; see. 284; K.E.M. Hosp. and State Exam. 2299A-TOOHEY. Pisyllis H.; 15 Blake street, North

Perth; 29th November, 1940 ; sec. 284; K.E.M. 1-Toe-

pital and State Exam.

I 910-TORCKLER, Olive; Lock Street, Claremont: 11th July, 1932; See. 284; Hillcrest and State Exa us.

1600-TRAINE, Frederiea; Carlisle; 31st May, 1929; sec. 284; K.E.M. and State. 1718A-TRAINE, Gladys; Mile End, South Australia;

20th November, 1931; sec. 284; E.E.M. Hosp. nncl State Exam. 2346-TRELOAR, Olive; Quairading; 16th Nov., 1937; Sec. 288; Queen's Home, South Australia, and South Australian Beg. 1 067-TROY, Marc Gertrude; Wellington street, Nor thom; 6th Febrnary, 1914; sec. 288 (1); .lcremantle Midwifery Training' School. 953-TUOI-iY, Agnes, West Swan; 25th April, 1913; see. 288; Rotunda hospital, Dublin, and C.M.B., London.

1 544TURNBULL, Ellen; 14 President Street, Kalgoorlie; 23rd Nov., 1927; Sec. 284; Hillcrest and State Exasn. 1587-TURTON, Mollie; Harvest road, North Fremantle; 22nd November, 192$; see. 284; Hihleresi and State Exam.

2312-ULH{CH, IJna F.; Native Hospital, Derby; 9th Feb., 1937; Sec. 288; Lady Bowen Hospital, Bris bane, mccl A.T.N.A.

2074-UNDERWOOD, Violet; 14 Barton street, Kalgoorlie; 21st May, 1935; Sec. 284; King' Edward Memorial Hospital and State Exam. I 247-ERR Y, Marion II.; 91 Berwick Street, \Tictorsa Park, 9th April, 1921; Sec. 288 (1); King Edwarn Memorial Hospital, W.A.

and Section of Act under which Registration was effected Qualification,

1930-WALKER, Alice M.; 108 Fifth avenue, Mount Lawley; 6th May, 1932; sec. 284; K.E.M. Hosp. anti State Exam. 1250-WALKER, Ethel M.; Derby; 9th April, 1921; sec. 288; K.E.M. Hosp. 2075WALKER, Gsremsvdd E.; Marble Bar; 21st May, 1935; See. 284; Kin ' Edward Memorial Hospital and State Exam. 2222-WALL, Marjorie; Marine terrace, Geraldton; 7th May, 1935; see. 288; Women's Hospital, Melbourne; asid Victorian Reg.

2325-WALLETT, Hilda G.; Esperaisee;

16th Ma,

1933; sec. 288; Queen's Home, South Australia, and South Anstraliams Beg.

1248-WALSH, Agnes M.; King Edward Memorial Hospital, Subiaco; 9th April, 1921; Sec. 288 (1) Royal Hospital for Women, Sydney.

2494-WALSH, :remisi ; 719 Beaufort street, Mt. Lawley;

25th February, 1941 ; sec. 288; Queen Victoria Hospital, Melbourne, and Victorian Beg. 2492-WALSHE, Mary Anacletus; St. John of God Hospital, Subiaco ; 25th February, 1941; sec. 288; St. Margaret's Hospital, Sydney, and New South Wales Beg.

22801-WARD, Ada 4.; Shakespeare street, Mt. Hawthorn; 10th June, 1940; see. 284; NEST. Hospital, and State Exam. 915-WARD, Elizabeth; )Jnnjimup; 2-h tIm Jan., 1913: See 288; C.M.B., London. 2349-WA RI), Lily; Perth, I-Iospital; 8th Mardi, 1938 See. 288; Queen Alexandra Hospital and Tasmanials Beg. 2182-WATERMAN, Winifred; South i'erth; 11th April, 1938; see. 284; K.E,M. Hospital and Stale Exam.

1893--WATERS, Clarice 11.; Mci-ova; 9th March; 1934; Sec. 288; Queen's Home, South Australia. 21 63-WATSON, helene B.; 140 Forrest street, Cottesloe; 28th June, 1937; sec. 284; K.E.M. Hosp. and State Exam. 1360-WATTS, Marie E.; Stirling Street, Bunbury;

22nd June, 1923; Sec. 284; King Edward Memorial State B. Exam. 1250-WAYCOTT, Ethel M.; Derby; 9th April, 1921; see. 288; K.E.M. Hospital. 2483-WEISSMANN, Anne M.; Bunbus'y; 19th Novem. her, 1940; sec. 288; Queen Victoria Hospital, Tasman ha, amid Tasmanian Reg.

2262-WELLER, (Dads Si.; Victoria; 25th February, 1936; see. 288; Queen's house, South Australia, and South Australian Beg. 2046--WELLS, Ivy L.; Infectious Hospital, Subiaco;

:15th May, 1934; see. 284; K.E.M. 1-iosp. ammO State Exam.

1974-WESTWOOD, Etheline M.; 105 Thomas street, West Perth; 24th November, 1932; sec. 284;

9179-VANCE, Mary 1).; Saudgate street, South Perth; 4th April, 1938; sec. 284; K.E.M. Hosp. and State Exam. 1869-VAN WYK, Reinetisa S.; Gosnells; 27th April,

1933; see. 288; Royal 1-lospital for \Vomea, Sydney.

22791-VIAL, Hazel M.; Infaist Health Centi'e, Wilnna; 21st May, 1940; see. 284; K.E.M. Hospital and State Exam. 1746-VINEY, Edith; Tasmania; 25th May, 1928; See.

K.E.M. Hosp .mind State Exam.

2385-WHEATLEY, Alice; i'remantle 1-lospital; 3rd November, 1938; sec. 288; Qtseen Victoria Hosp., Melbourne, and Victoria Beg. 1957-WHEATLEY, Sheila NI,; Big Bell; 21st October, 1932; see. 284; K.E.M. Hospital and State Exam.

1155-WHITE, Elizabeth; Charles street, North Perth; 26th April, 1916; see. 28$ (1); Fremanthe Midw'ifes'

Traimsing' School.

288; A.T.N.A. 2464--VINICOMBE, Audrey; Mersedin Hospital; 8th July, 1940; sec. 288; Queen Alcxamsdra Hospital, Hobart, and Tasmanian Reg'. 2056-STON-DE-HYDE, Ivy B.; Wahroonga, New South Wales; 20th Nov., 1934; See. 284; K.E.M. Hos-

1950-WhITE, Esther H.; Hohnesdale road, West Midland; 2st October, 1932; see. 284; K.E.M. Hospital

1993_\rAcIçETT, Marjorie; Box 21., Naunup; 16th May, 1933; Sec. 284; K.E.M. Hospital and State

1489-WILCOX, Ivy; Strickland Street, South Perth; 8th April, 1927; Sec. 284; King Edward Mensorial Hospital and State Exam. 1266-WILEY, Dorothy E.; 30 Bulwer Street, Perth; 29th July, 1921; Sec. 288 (1) ; K.E.M. Hospital.

pital and State Exam.


1 144-WAI[L, Elizabeth Agatha;


Loftus Street,

LeederilIe; 5th April, 1916; Sec. 288 (1) ; Fre mantle Midwifery Training School.

].413-WAIT, Lillian M.; 48 Third avenue, Mount Lawley; l9tIs February, 1925; sec. 284; K.E.M.

l-Iosp. and State Exam. 21S1-WAKE, Annie; Nortimamn; 11th March, 1938; Sec. 284; K.E.M. Hospital and State Exam. 5MidwiveB' Registration Board of Western Australia.

amid State Exam.

1688A-WHITEHEAD, Lillian; Armadale; 13th March, 1931; Sec. 284; K.E.M. and State Exam. 2410-WHYTE, Aniehia; Moumst Hospital; 20th Febm'uamy, 1939; see. 288; Epworth hospital, Victoria, and \rietoi.ja Beg.

11 51-W1LKES, Kathleen D.; Waylen Road, West Sub'

iaco; 5th April, 1916; Sec. 288 (1); Fremantle Midwifery School.

2318-WILLEY, Laura; Mingenew; 9th Feb., 1937; Sec. 288; Women's Hospital, Melbourne, and Victoria Beg. f Australian Trained Nurses' Association.

00 VI'ilIN iII'iXT

.Juuv 18, 19-11.1



PART I.continvcd. IgsIratios No. and Name; Address, Date of ttegi;rration




2460WILLIAMS, Irene V.; Pitterson road,


9th May, 1941) see. 28S ; Queen Victoria I Insi,ital, Melbourne, anti Vietoria,s Beg.

2249--WTNZAII. Mary C.; Kalgoos'lie; 3rd


1939: sec. 284; K.E.M. Tbsp, and State Exam.


240 1WILLIAMSON, Isabel; Beverley; 29th Dcc., 1911; Sec. 288; Women 's hospital, Melbourne. 2248WTLLIAMSON, Isadora; Port Hedland; 6th November, 1939: see. 284; K.E.M. Hospital and State Exam. 2323WILLIAMSON, Mary I.; lieveriey; 11th March, 1941; see. 281; K.E.M. 1-lospital and State Exam. 22561WILLiAMSON, Nellie; Slukiiibudin; 16th May, 1939 ; see. 284; Royal hasp., Edinburgh, Scotland, and State Exam. 1956\VILLSIOTT, Anna ; K.E.M. Hospital; 21st Oct., 1932 ; sec.. 284; K.E.M. hospital and State Exam,

No. and Name: Address; Date of Registration

and Section of Act node,' which Registration uas effected

and Section or Act under which Registration was eflected


WIS'IINELL, Jc,msi; $ Stirling i-oad, Claremont;

1 itli October, 1939; sec. 284; K.E.M. Tbsp, and

State Exam. 1412WOODS, Lydia Jean; Walcott Street, Mt. Lawby; 19th Feb., 1925; Sec. 284; State Exam. 205 WORTLEY, Grace; 18 \Villcock Street, Daglisis; 15th Mar, 1934; See. 284: King Edward Slemoria I lospital a n,l State Exam. I 275WRAGO, Elizabeth; Hospital, Mt. Barker; 28th Oct., 1921 ; Sec. 288 (1) ; Central Midwives Board, London.

l989WILSHE1I, Lena; 8 Walcott Street, Mt. Lawley; 16th May, 1933; Sec. 284; Hillcrest Hospital and State Exam. 2-l61)\VILSON, Constance B.; A.I.M. hospital, Halls

I 936WREN, Olive L.; Bai]ey street, Midland .1 nut,LIon; 6th Slay, 1932; sec.. 281; K.E.M. ilosp. and State Exam. 2164WRIGHT, Catbes'inc H.; Margaret River Hospital; 15th Sept., 1937; Sec. 284; K.E.M. Hospital and State Exam. 2 171)\Vl'NNE, Lillian I.; St. George's tes's'aee, Perth; 29th August, 1940; sec. 288; Queen Victoria Hospital, Melbourne and Victorian Reg.

Melbourne, anti Victorian Beg. 21)29WILSON, Dorothy ; Crawford ,'oad, Inglewood

2251YEAS' ES, Eva; Maisie street, Slillendon; 30th October, 1939; sec. 284; K.E.M. Hasp, and State

2047--WILLO [Id 115 V, Bridget; Ellesnicre Street, Mt.

Lawley; 15th May, 1934; Sec. 284; King Edward Memorial Hospital and State Exam.

(reck; 8th .1 ulv, 1940 ; see. 28S; Wonsen 's Hospital,

April, 1(17', sec. 288; Queen's house, South A ust i'aha, and A. N .F. 1465WILSON, Edith i\[.; Clifton Crescent, Mt. Law29th

icy; 1st Feb., 1924; See. 284; K.E.M. Hospital and State Exam. 627WILSON, Emily; Clifton Crescent, Mt. Lawley; 29th Dee., 1911; Sec. 288; Royal Hospital, Paddingto,'.

2180WINNING, Mary i-I.; Nortlismu ; 11th 1)cvember, 1937; sec. 284; K.E.M. Hospital and State Exam. 5Miciwit'es' Registration Board of Western Australia.


1676YEATES, Mary K.; 44 Rokeby Road, Subiaco; 28th May, 1931; Sec. 284; K.E.M. and State Exam. 2:l22VOUN(E1i-IIRATD, Margaret; Manjimup; 21st April, 1941 ; see. 28-I; K.E.M. Hospital and State Exam,

2 144- ZAPPA, Deborah F. ; Wiluna ; 17th Novcmhe 1936; see. 284; K.E.M. Hosp. and State Exam. I Austrahiam, T,'ainecl Nurses' Association,

Pia'r II.MTDWTFEIIY NURSES BE-BEGISTEREI) 19-ti, T'XCEIiTIFICATED. (See. 282, es. 2.) Registratir n No. and Name ; Address ; Date of Rgi tration and Section of Act under which Registration was effected

Registration No. and Name ; Address ; Date of Itegi-Srmmtion

464ANDERSON, Adelaide Mary; Cliff Street, Albany; 20th Dec., 1911; Sec. 282 (2); In practice, June, 1909. i 332ANDRE \'IS, Annie Elizabeth; 102 Carnarvon

791COLLINS, Mary L. ; Marine parade, Cottesloe 7th June, 1912; see. 282 (2); Tn practice, .lune,


Street, Victoria l'ark; 10th Oct., (2) ; In practice, June, 1909.

19 LI;

See. 282

1333ASH, Sarah; Myrtle Street, Perth; 29th Dec., 1911; See. 282 (2); In practice, June, 1909. 605BAL1NSWELLA, Nellie; 66 Boulder Road, Kalgoorlie; 29th Dec., 1911; Sec. 288 (2); In practice, ,lune, 1909.

435BARRINGTON, Maude Alice; William Road, Narrogin; 13th Dec., 1911; Sec. 282 (2); Tn practice. .June. 1909.

687BEER, Lily;

Spencer Street, Bunbury; 26th

January, 1912; Sec. 282 (2); In practice, June, 1909.

2S3BEVAN, Louise; 419 Newcastle Street, Perth; 29th Nov., 1911; Sec. 282 (2L In practice, June, 1909.

mt55 ('A PORN, Ida Agnes; Railway Parade, Queen's

Park; 25th Oct., 1912; Sec. 282 (2); In practice,

.Tmmne, 1909.

187CARROLL, Annie J.; Malveru, Victoria; 15th November. 1911; see. 282 (2) : In practice, June, 1909.

806CARROLL, Elizabeth; 55 Hanbui'y Street; 5th July, 1912; Sec. 288; In practice, June, 1909. 988CLAYDEN, Catherine; Kalamunda Road, Belmont, 30th May, 1913; Sec. 282; In practice, June, 1909.

099CLAYTON, Elizabeth Mary; 44 Churchill Avenue,

Subiaeo; 29th Dcc., 1911; Sec. 282 (2) ; In practice, June, 1909.

and Sectiou of Act under which Registration was effected; Qua liltcation.


462tX) \VLING, Edith; Wakefield Street, Carlisle; 20th Dec., 1911; See. 282 (2); In practice, June, 1909.

872CRTTCIILEY, Winifred Ursula; 70 highway, Nedlands: 22nd Novembes-, 1912; see. 282 (2) ; In pm'aetice. ,Juiie, 1909.

984DAVIES, Thelma L.; 43 Glyde Street, East Fremantle; 30th May, 1913; Sec. 282 (2); In practice, June, 1909.

096D'EVELYNES, Flora; Uduc Street, Harvey;

20th Dec., 1912; Sec. 282 (2) ; Tn practice, June. 1909.

1851DODI), Emma; Arrino; 25th October, 1912; see. 282 (2) ; In practice, June, 1909. 694DONNELLY, Margaret; John Street, Narrogin; 26th Jan., 1912; Sec. 282 (2) ; In practice. 856DOYLE, Winifred Ehfredith; 9 Mann Street, Cottesloc; 25th Oct., 1912; Sec. 282 (2); In practice. June, 1909. lOOSDUCROW, Katherine M.; 118 Egan street, Kalgoorlie; 30th May, 1913; Sec. 282; Ia practice, 1911.

887DUNNE, Irene H. A.;


1912; Sec. 282 (2); In practice.

20th Dee.,

S88-1']DMONDSON, Letitia; Calingiri; 20th 1912; Sec. 282; In practice, June, 1909. 306--FERGUSON. Christina Amine;


9 Ethel Street,

(inihdford; 29th Nov., 1911; Sec. 22 (2); In prac. tire, June, 1909.



[JULY 18, 1941.



Registration No. and Name ; Address; Date of itegistration and Section of Act under which Registration was effected

Registration No. and Name; Address; Date ot Registration

427--GLASSON, Fredericka G. E.; 21a Hamilton Street, Boulder; 13th Dec., 11)11; Sec. 282 (2)

922NE WINGTON, Deeima; Tate Street, Victoria Park; 28th Feb., 1913; Sec. 282 (2) ; In practice, June, 1909.


in practice, 1911. 1840GROVES, Helena; 130 Chelmsforcl road, North Perth, 29th December, 1911 ; sec. 282 (2) ; In praetire, June, 1909. 24i5---- FlAG CE, Mlihlington May; Cr. Clifton and Wit-

teunomu Streets, Bunburv; 22nd Nov., 1911; Sec.

282 (2): In practice, June, 1909.

381HANSEN, Alice Mand; Wroxton Street, Midland Junction; 8th Dec., 1911; set. 282 (2) ; Iii practice, June, 1909.






1912; Sec. 282 (2); In practice. -137HEATH, Hilda H.; Station House, Northampton; 13th Dec., 1911; Sec. 282 (2) ; In practice. 514hOLMES, Mary 40 Monmonth street, Mount Lawley; 29th December, 1911; sec. 282 (2) ; Iii practice, June, 1909.

634HUTTON, Helena; Women's Home, Fremantle; 29th Dec., 1911; Sec. 282 (2) ; In practice, June, 1909.

859.JENSEN, Laura; Grey Street, Albany;


Oct., 1912; Sec. 282 (2) ; In practice, June, 1909. 1749JONES, Ellen; Atkinson Street, Collie; 10th Oct., 1911; Sec. 282 (2); In practice, 1911.

and Section of Act under which Registration was effected; Qualification.

699-0 'CONNOR, Margaret; Victoria Park; 26th Jan., 1912; see. 282 (2) ; in practice, Jtuie, 1909.

618PEAT, Jessie; 26 Dean street, Cottesloe;


December, 1911 ; see. 282 (2) ; In practice, June, 1909.

2204POSTAN 5, Mautl NI.; Jarrahwood; 30th May, 1913; soc. 282 (2) ; in practice.

49READER, Florence; Osborne Park; 10th Oct., 1911; Sec. 282 (2); In practice, June, 1909. 647RICHARDSON. Cicely NI.; Angelo street, South Perth; 5th January, 1912; sec. 282; In practice. 781ROSS, Naomi S., Hospital, Katanning; 17th May, 1912; Sec. 282 (2); In practice, June, 1909. 712RUSSELL, Emily C.; 65 Second avenno, Mt. Lawley; 16th February, 1912; see. 282; in practice ,Tune, 1909.

75SSELLIN, Ada; 85 Ehlesmere Street, Mt. Hawthormi; 19th April, 1912; Sec. 282; In practice, June, 1909.

404KENNY, Ilosina; Karridale; 13th Dcc., 1911;

012S1EVERS, Christina; Hospital, Cue; 20th December, 1911; sec. 282 in practice June, 1909. 1 $0_SMhrP1I, Myra King; Forrest street Cotteshoe; 15th Nov., 1911; Sec. 282 (2); In practice, June,

230LAWSON, Jane; 44 Hulbert Street, South Fre-

I 897---S'POUKII, ILL, klice Sophia; 117 Central Avenue, Mayhauds; 3rd May, 1913; Sec. 282 (2) ; In practice, June, 1909.

See. 282 (2) ; In practicQ, June, 1909.

mantle; 22nd Nov., 1911; See. 282 (2) ; In practice, June, 1909. 103LVFOBD, Charlotte Isabel; Holland Strcct, \s,remuley; 29th Nov., 1911; See. 282 (2) ; In practice, June, 1909.

504MENZIES, Grace; Grant Street, Narrogin; 20th Dec. 1911; Sec. 282 (2); In practice, 1911. 268MTLLWAR1), Elizabeth; 17 South street, Fremantle; 29th Nov., 1911; see. 282 (2); in practice, .June, 1909.

93MOONEY, Bertha; Geraldton; 25th Oct., 1911; See. 282 (2); In practice, June, 1909. 200McKAY, Amy A.; Penola, South Australia; 22nd Nov., 1911; See. 282 (2); In practice, June, 1909.

237MeKINNEY, Elizabeth A.; 104 Lincoln street, Perth; 22nd November, 1911; sec. 282 (2) ; in


17S_rFAYLOR, Jessie; Kirkhain I-Till Terrace; Maylands; 15th Nov., 11911; See. 282 (2) ; In practice, June, 1909.

120THOMPSON, Laura; 58 Ruth Street, Perth; 8th Nov., 1911; Sec. 282 (2); In practice, June, 1909.

373WbIEELER, Madeline; Morley Park; 8th Dee., 1911; see. 282 (2) ; in proetree, June, 1909. 1GWHITE, Priscilla Faith; Wellington Street, Northmam; 27th Sept., 1911; Sec. 282 (2) ; In practice, Jnae, 1909. 272WOOLE h-i, Annie; Hollywood; 29th Nov., 1911;

sec. 282 (2); in practice, June, 1909. 244WYATT, Sarah; 433 Newcastle street, Perth; 22nd November, 1911; see. 282 (2) ; In practice, June, 1909.

practice, June, 1909.

730McWHINNEY, May; 7th avenue, Inglewoocl; 16th February, 1912; sec. 282 (2) ; practice, June, 1909.


0$1--YTJBACKA. Catherine;

22 Adelaide terrace, Perth; 13th Sept., 1911; sec. 282 (2); in practice,

June, 1909.


Registration No. and Name ; Address Date of Registration and Section of Act under which Registration was effected Qualification.

2435ALBOROUGH, Joan; Marble liar; 13th July, 1939; see. 288; Royal Hospital, Paddington, and N.S.W. Beg. 1262ARNOLD, 1-lilda C.; Roseherrv avenue, South

Perth; 29th July, 1921; sec. 284; K.E.M. Hospital.

2234BA[LLIE, Nancye N.; 64 King George street, Victoria Park; 21st August, 1939; sec. 284; N. F.M. Hospital and State Exam. 2016BAKER, Dora; Brunswick Junction; 21st November, 1933; sec. 2S4; K.E.M. Hospital and State Exam.

Registration Ne. and Name ; Address ; Date of Registration and Séctiou of Act uniter which Registration was effected Qualification -

2283ABARNARD, .Jean; The Retreat, Busselton; 28th

May, 1940 ; see. 281; K.E.M. Hospital and State Exam.

2213BARBOT, .Jean; Katninming; 16th February, 1939; sec. 284; K.E.M. Hospital and State Exam. 1728BATEMAN, Bertha; Kahamnnda; 22nd November, 1912, see. 288; Women's Hospital, Melbourne. 325BEADEN, Annie; Gosnells; 8th December, 1911; see. 288; St. Margaret's 1-lospital, Sydney. 1180BELLAS, Mend; Rohystone; 7th February, 1918; see. 284; K,E.M. Hospital.


.;ULV 18, 1041.

['Any 111,-con in :ed. Registration No. and Name; Address; Date of Registration

Registration No. and Name Address; Date of Registration and Section of Act under which Registration was effected;

and Section of Act under which Registration was effected; Qualification.


2166-B1SSET, Teresa M.; 21 Lawler street, Subiaco; 9th February, 1938; see. 284; K.E.M. hospital and

2387-PEI4TIELL, Edit]m E.; Mullewn; 15th October, 1026; 'e. 288; Victorian Midwives Board. 225('-P1J\CAN, Janet; Outramu street, West Perth; 25th February, 1936; see. 288; Women's Hospital, Sydney, and New South Wales Beg.

August, 1930; sec. 284; KEN. Hospital and

21)97--ELLIS, Pin-Ills; Northmam; 18th November, 1935;

2326-BIRD, Marjorie I.; Tyrell street, Nedl;usds; 20th

Juy, 1928; see. 284; K.E.M. Hospital and State Exam.

State Exam. 1659-BLACK, Thelma L.; 33 Stanley street, Nedlands; 8th

State Exans.

sec. 284; K.E.M. Hospital and State Exam.

1672-BLENKINSOP, Wiaifred; Broome street, Cottesloe; 13th March, 1931; sec. 284; Hillcrest hlospital and State Exam. 1954-BL1ZARD, Kathleen E.; Norseaian; 21st October, 1932; sec. 284; K.E.M. Hospital and State Exam.

2451-FAULKNER, Margaret; Porongorups; 19th March, 1940 ; see. 288; Queen Victoria Hospital, Mclbotmrne, and Victorian Reg. 1-178-EELS, Mary K.; Carsmamah; 15t1s October, 1926;

see. 284; K.E.M. Hospital and State Exasn.

1427-BONEHAM, Florence; Longroyd street, Mt. Lawicy; 22nd May, 1925; sec. 284; State Exam. 1690-IIOWEN, Dorotisy; Mais;jimup; 28th May, 1931

sec. 284; K.E.M. Hospital and State Exam. 1726-BROWNE, Clarice H.; South Australia; 19th February, 1925; sec. 288; Australian Nursing Federation.

2186-BRUSASCI-lI, Alice M.; Kojonup; 26th May, 1938; sec. 284; K.E.M. Hospital and State Exam. 2033-BULLEN, Monica L.; Claremont; 15th May, 1934; sec. 284, K.E.M. Hospital and State Exam. 2168-BULLOCII, Dorothy J.; 837 Beaufort street,

2109-FIELDING, Edna N.; Carnarvon; 19th May,

1236; see. 284; K.E.M. Hospital and State Exam. 20.55-FlOG INS, Honor N.; Ward street, Kalgoorlie; 2Otls November, 1934; see. 284; K.E.M. Hospital and State Exam. 2034-FLOOD, Ann 1-I.; Moora; 15th May, 1934; see-. 284; K.E.M. Hospital and State Exam. 1 896-FOLLAND, Eisa A.; Kntannissg; 24t1s April, 1934 ; sec. 288; Queen Victoria Hospital, Melbourne, and Victorian Beg. 54-FRYER, Cordehia; Monger street, Perth; 26th April, 1016; see. 288; Freusautle Traisming School.


Maylands; 3s'd October, 1939; see. 284; K.E.M. I-los-

pital and State Exam. 2292-BUNTING, Anna F.; Northampton; 8th September, 1936; sec. 288; Women's Hospital, Melbourne, asici Victorian Reg.

2067-CABLE, Flora; Shenton Park; 21st May, 1935; sec. 284; K.E.M. Hospital and State Exam. 2154-CAIRNS-HILL, Molly; Nedlands; 20th Scptein. her, 1937; sec. 284; K.E.M. i-hospital and Stale Exam.

165S-CAPORN, Mary; Bunbury, 25th August, 1920;

sec. 288; K.E.M. I{ospitnl. 2450-CHANDLER, I-Idea; Busselton; 1 9th March, 1940; see 288; Ballarat 1-lospital, and Victorian Beg.

2012-CI-IURACH, Eva; Mt. Bay road, Perth; 16th May, 1933; see. 284; K.E.M. Hospital and State Exam. :1 941-CLAYTON,

Isla ;

11th July, 1932;

State Exam.





284; K.E.M. Hospital and

2124-CLINCH, Dora; Greenongli; 17th November, 1937; see. 28-i; K.E.M. Hospital and State Exam. 2027-CONNOLLY, Sheila; Meazies; 21st November, 1933; sec. 284; K.E.M. Hospital and State Exam. 1 776-CONNOR, Elvy A.; Rottuest; 22nd May, 1925; see. 288; Australian Nursing Federation. 1520-CONWAY, Eileen id.; North Frcmant.le; I 7th

February, 1928; sec. 284; K.E.M. I{ospital. 2263A-CRAIG, Hazel R.; 56 Loftus street, Clareniout; 1st June, 1940; sec. 284; K.E.M. Hospital and State Exam. 2130-CRAIG, Phyllis; Narrogimm; 17th November, 1936;

see. 284; K.E.M. and State Exam. 1648-CROSS, Dorothy; Busselton; 31st May, 1929; see. 284; Hillcrest Hospital and State Exam. 1706 CROWLEY, Anna; Shaekleton; 30th October, 1931; sec. 284; K.E.M. 1-lospital and State Exam. 2236-CULMSEE, Bertha D.; 145 Parry street, Perth; 30th August, 1939; sec. 284; K.E.M. 1-lospital and State Exam.

2380-GEORGE, Lilly; Y.W.C.A., Perth; 3rd November, 1938; sec. 288; Women 'a Hospital, Sydney, and New South Wales Beg. 2448-GIBSON, Florence; Moora hospital; 19th March, 1940; see. 288; Wouseu 's I-Iospital, Melbourne, anti Victorian Beg. 149$-GILLESPIE, Macian; Beverley Hospital; 8th

April, 1927; see. 284; State Exam. i$21-GILLETT, EtlumcJ.; Beneubbin; 13th Maceli, 1931 ; sec. 288; Victorian Registration Board. 2221-GREEN, Leals; Ninth avenue, Maylands; 3rd ,July, 1939; see. 284; K.E.M. Hospital and State Exam.

2 144-GROOME, Patricia; 77 William street, Perth; 2nd November, 1939; sec. 288; St. Helen's Hospital, New Zealand, and New Zealand Beg.

2446-HALL, Alice; Fitzroy Crossing; 2nd November, 1939; sec. 288; Royal Hospital, Paddington, and New South Wales Reg. 2277-T{AMILTON, lIchen; Nedlands; 7th May, 1936;

sec. 288; Queen Victoria, Hospital, Melboursse, amid Victorian Beg. 23$4-I-IAMMJLL, Alice M.; I-Iarvey; 3rd Novensber, 1938; sec. 288 ; Wouseim 's hospital, Melbourne, and Victorian Beg.

2209--HANLON, Mary C.; Narembeen; 13th September, 193$; see. 284; K.E.M. Hospital and State

Exam. 2:-l24-I-IANNAII, Margaret; Box 57, Bunbury; 8th November, 1911; sec. 288; Liverpool Mates'nit I-lospitnl. -

24-31-HARRIS, Edith; Dalwalhinu; 13th July, - 1939; sec. 288; Queen Alexandra Hospital, Tasmania, and Tnsmnninsi Beg.

1963-HATCH, Dorothy; 172 Broone street, Cottesloc; 24th November, 1932; see. 284; K.E.M. Hospital and State Exam. 2427-HATELEY, Doris; Southern Cross; 16th May, 1939; sec. 288; Women 's Hospital, Melbourne, and Victorian R-eg.

2394-IIAWKINS, Ada L.; Mt. Lofty, South Australia; 6th May, 1932; see. 288; Women's Hospital, i\Ielbourne, amid Victorian Reg.

22l-DAWSON, Eugenic; Albany; 11th October, 1939; sec. 284; K.E.M. Hospital and State Exam. 2070-DEMPSTER, Lilian; Outram street, West Perth; 18th November, 1935; sec. 284; K.E.M. Hospital and State Exam.

1114-HERNAN, Mary; 114 Woolwichi street, Leederyule; 30th April, 1915; sec. 288; Fremamitle Training School.

2267A-HEWSON, Jean 0.; Merredin; 5th January, 1940; see. 284; K.E.M. Hospital and State Exam.


tULY 18, 1941.

PART III.--contirrued. Registration No. and Name Address; Date ol ltrgntratios Registration No. and Name; Address; Date of Registration and Section of Act under which Registration was effected and Section of Act under which Registration was effected; Qualification.

2272-HICKS, Patricia; Daiwallinu; 7th May, 1936; sec. 288; Queen 's Home, South Australia, and South Australian Beg.

l385-HILLMAN, Ruth; Orange, New South Wales; 11th April, 1924; see. 284; K.E.M. Hospital and

State Exam. 1972-HODGSON, Minssie I.; Yealering; 24th Novemher, 1932; see. 284; K.E.M. Hospital and State Exam.


1986-MEAD, Cordelia; Grant street, Cottesloe; 27th April, 1933; sec. 284; K.E.M. Hospital and State Exam.

1640-MEAD, Doreen; 10 Frances street, Suhiaco; 21st March, 1930; sec. 284; K.E.M. Hospital and State Exam.

169SA-MEAD, Phyllis; 10 Frances street, Subiaco; 28th May, 1931; sec. 284; K.E,M. Hospital and State Exasn.

2303-1-IOLLINGSWOBTH, Harriett L.; Sydney, New South Wales; 5th November, 1936; sec. 288; Royal }iospital, Sydney, and New South Wales Beg. 221 7-HOLMAN, Elizabeth M.; Kalgoorlie Hospital; 20th November, 1935; see. 288; Queen's Home and South Australian Beg. 2269A-HOPE, Marjory F.; 46 Jolsnstone street, Cottcsbe; 8th April, 1940; see. 284; K.E.M. Hospital and State Exam. 2452-HOPKINS, Maude E.; Cue, 19th March, 1940; sec. 288; Women's Hospital, Melbourne, and Victorian Beg. 2311-HIJGGETT, Numb G.; Flat Rock; 9th Februasy, 1937; soc. 288; Queen Alexandra Hospital, Tasmania, and Tasmanian Reg.

2404-MEMBERY, Evelyn; Nedlands; 28th February, 1939; see. 288; St. George's Hospital, Ken, and

1i185-HUGJ-IAN, Dorothy Ml.; 52 Haniersley road, Subi-

1561-MONGER, Ethel J.; Churchill avenue, Subiaco; 22nd November, 1928; sec. 284; K.E.M. Hospital and State Exam. 2454-MOORE, Clara; Midland Junction; 19th March,

aco; 27th April, 1933; sec. 284; K.E.M. Hospital and State Exam. 2174-HUNTER, Gwendoline 0.; Boulder; 31st March, 1938; see, 284; K.E.M. Hospital and State Exam. 1997-JACKSON, Beryl E.; St. Claim 's, Bunbury; 16th May, 1933; see. 284; K. E.M. Hospital and State h'xam.

2374--JONES, Blodwen M.; Bnbakin; 15th September, 1938; soc. 288; Women 's Hospital, Melbourne, anti Victorian Beg.

2462-KELLY, Catherine A.; Margaret River; 8th July, 1940; see. 288; Queen Alexandra Hospital, Tasmania, anti Tasmanian Reg. 2023-KENNY, Eileen V.; Perth Hospital; 21st November, 1933; sec. 284; K.E.M. Hospital and State Exam.

2344-KESSELL, Rosemary; Fremantle Hospital; 21st October, 1937; sec. 288; Queen Victoria Hospital, Melbourne and Victorian Beg.

Victorian Reg. 2227-METTAM, Jessie P.; 64 Clotilde street, Mt. Lawicy, 17th February, 1939; sec. 284; K.E.M. Hospital and State Exatn. 1585-METTAM, Norma M.; 64 Clotilde street, Mt. Lawley; 31st May, 1929; sec. 284; K.E.M. Hospital and State Exam.

2408-MILLARD, Doris B.; 672 Beaufort street, Mt. Lawley; 28th February, 1939; sec. 288; Waikeric Hospital, South Australia, and South Australian Beg.

2273A-MILLEB, Olive G.; Collie Hospital; 11th December, 1939; sec. 284; K.E.M. Hospital and State Exam.

1940; sec. 288; Queen Victoria Hospital, Melbourne, and Victoria Beg. 2155-MORRELL, Winifred K.; Albany; 24th May,

1937; sec. 284; K.E.M. Hospital and State Exam. 2201-MUMMERY, Cynthia; Albany; 17th May, 1938; sec. 284; K.E.M. Hospital and State Exam. 1968-McDONALD, Dorothy, Margaret River; 24th November, 1932; sec. 284; K.E.M. hospital and State Exam. 1686-McMAHON, Jane M.; Coolgardie; 28th May, 1931; sec. 284; K.E.M. Hospital and State Exam.

2239-MeNAMARA, Johanna; Harvey; 26th August, 1939; sec. 284; K.E.M. and State Exam. 2121-NELSON, Florence B.; 28 Eric street, Cottesloe; 24th November 1932; sec. 284; K.E.M. Hospital and State Exam. 2221-NICHOLSON, Robina; 11 Stirling street, Perth; 7th May, 1935; sec. 288; Queen's Home, South Aus-

1543-LAMB, Ellen C.; 29 Milleji street, Boulder; 17th February, 1928; sec. 284; Hillcrest Hospital and State Exam. 1276-LAWRENCE, Edith I.; 10 Rae street, Leederrule; 28th October, 1921; sec. 288; C.M.B., England.

1704A-LEE, Alma D.; Kalgoorlie; 30th October, 1931; see. 284; K.E.M. 1-lospital and State Exam. 1825-LOBLEY, Grace I.; Lake Grace; 28th May, 1931; sec. 288; Victorian Medical Board. 2197-LOFTUS, Ruby M.; Narrogin; 22ml June, 1938; sec. 284; K.E.M. Hospital and State Exam.

2134-LOVELY, Erna C.; Kalgoorlie; 5th February, 1940; see. 284; K.E.M. Hospital and State Exam. 2459-LUCAS, May; West Midland; 9th May, 1940; sec. 288; Women's Hospital, Sydney, and N.S.W. Beg.

1810-LUSK, Hilda A.; Southern Cross; 4th September, 1930; sec. 288; Nurses' Board, Victoria. 2271A-LINDSAY, Janet A.; Norseman; 21st May, 1940; sec. 284; K.E.M. Hospital and State Exam.

tralia, and South Australia Beg. 2228-NOBLE, Mary; Harvey; 28th November, 1938; sec. 284; K.E.M. Hospital and State Exam.

2458-OLSEN, Myrtle; 185 St. George's terrace, Perth; 19th March, 1940; sec. 288; St. Helen's Hospital, New Zealand, and N.Z. Beg. 1361-0 'MEARA, Gladys; 99 Brisbane street, Perth;

22ad June, 1923; sec. 284; K.E.M. Hospital and State Exam.

2203-PARKER, Kathleen; Boyu) Brook; 18th May, 1938; sec. 284; K.E.M. Hospital and State Exam 2447-PERCIVAL, Jean; 1-larvey; 9th February, 1940; sec. 288; McBride Hospital, South Australia, and South Austmahian Beg.

2241-PERKINS, Edythe; Harpei- tel-i-ace, South Perth;

17th July, 1939; sec. 284; K.E.M. Hospital and State Exam.

2405-PHILLIPS, Eunice;

4 Ruiship street, West February, 1939; sec. 288; Women 's Hospital, Melbourne, and Victorian Reg-. 2160-PHILLIPS, Phyllis C.; South Belmont; 24th Mar, 1937; sec. 284; K.E.M. Hospital and State


2272A-MARION, Alice M.; 122 Rupert street, Subiaco; 8th January, 1940; sec. 284.; K.E.M. Hospital and State Exam. 1264-MATTHEWS, Ivy; 171 Fitzgerald street, North Perth; 29th July, 1921; sec. 288; K.E.M, Hospital. 1671A-MAYMAN, Kathleen; Nanga Brook; 30th Oc-

tober, 1931; sec. 284; Hillcrest Hospital and State Exam.



2184-PORTER, Winifred E.; Geraldton; 9th June, 1938; sec. 284; Hillcmest Hospital and State Exam. 1964-POTTHOFF, Aimaie; East Kondinin; 24th November, 1932; sec. 284', Bim-miagham Hospital, England, and State Exam.

1'IX 18, l41.]



PART III.-eontisncd. Registration No. and Name; Address; Date of Registration and Section of Act under which Registralion was effected; Qualifications.

1502-PRIOR, Ivy; Esperance street, Victoria Park; 8th April, 1927; sec. 284; State Exam. 2275A-PYMAN, Elizabeth N.; Hawker, Soutis Atsstralia; 1st March, 1940; sec. 284; K.E.5J. Hospital and State Exam.

Registratio,, No. and Name; Address; Date of Registration and Section of Act under which Registration was effected; Qualifications.

1545-SOLIN, Veronica; Moguinber; 17th February, 1928; sec. 284; Hillcrest Hospital and State Exam. 1392--SPARKS, Elizabeth; Cottesloc; 2Stls July, 1924; sec. 284; Hillcrest Hospital and State Exam.

1606-SQUIRE, Lvas N.; Mt. Barker;



1929; see. 284; K.E.M. Hospital and State Exam.

1 645-RAILTON, Dorothy; Perth hospital; 21st March, 1930; see. 284; K.E.M. Hospital and State Exam. i538-1IANSON, Aileen; Men, Borneo; 22nd November, 1928; sec. 284; K.E.M. l[ospital and State Exam. 2085X-RICHARDS, Aisnie D.; Cue; 18th November. 1935; sec 284; K.E.M. Hospital and State Exam. 22941-ROBINSON, Jean; Redeliffe Park; 28th May, 1940; sec. 284; K.E.M. Hospital and State Exam. dli 9-RUNCIMAN, Evelyn; Mount Hospital; 19th

lIar, 1936; sec. 284; K.E.M. Hospital and State


2416-RYAN, Margaret; Busselton; 3s'd May, 1939; see. 288 ; Women's Hospital, Melbourne, and Victoria,s Beg.

2422-SAVAGE, Faa N.; Jarrandaie; 25th August,

1920; sec. 288; Royal Hospital, Sydney. 2176-SCANLON, M,ry C.; Victoria; 2nd January, 1938; see. 284 ; HEM. Hospital and State Exam. 2288-SCHM1D, Dora; Cottesloe; 19th May, 1936; sec. 288; St. Augusta 1-lospita] and South Australia,, Beg.

2139-SCOTT, Beryl E.; Harvey; 17th November, 1936; see. 284; K.E.M. Hospital and State Examn. 1550-SERMON, Ivy I.; New South Wales; 20th July,

1928; sec. 284; HEM. Hospital and State Exam. 2341-SHORT, Eileen E.; Anthony street, South Perth; 21st October, 1937; sec. 288; Women's Hospital, Sydney, and New South Wttles Beg.

1786-SINCLAIR, Mabel A.; Demnark; 22nd Nove,nher, 1929; sec. 288; Victorian Midwives Board.

2244-SHIJTHORP, Elizabeth N.; Eric street, Cottesbe; 8th September, 1939; sec. 284; HEM. Hospital and State Exam. 2008-SMITH, heather C.; Geraldton; 16th May, 1933; sec. 284; K.E.M. Hospital and State Exam. 1303-SMITH, Violet A.; Otway street, Swanbourne; 8th April, 1927; sec. 284; State Exam. 229 7A-SMITI-I, Violet C.; Heytesbury road, Subiaco; 1st June, 1940; sec. 284; K.E.M. Hospital and State Exam.

2437-SNOW, Annie N.; Lemnos Hospital, Subiaco; 2nd November, 1939; sec. 288; Women's Hospital, Sydney, and New South Wales Beg.

2205-TAINSH, Catherine; George Hotel, Pertls; 25th January, 1934; see 288; Queen Victoria Hospital, Melbo,,rs,e, and Victoria,, Beg.

2044-THOMPSON, Mary A.; Nonseman; 15th May, 1934; sec. 284; K.E.M. Hospital and State Examn. 1401-TI-JOMSON, Jessie; Norfolk street, North Perth; 25th

3 ,sly, 1924;


284; HEM. Hospital and

State Exa,n. 1618--TIMMS, Eliza M.; 554 Fitzgerald street, North, Perth; 22nd November, 1929; see. 284; H.E.M. I-lospita] and State Exam. 2278A-T[]PPER, Frances E.; Goldsworthy road, Claremont; 27th, Mar, 1940; sec. 284; H.E.M. Hospital aad State Exam,,.

1 339-WALKER, Lilian .1.; 30 Grant street, Cottesloe; 17th February, 1928; sec. 284; K.E.M. Hospital and State Exam. 2163-WATSON, Io]ene B.; 140 Forrest street, Cottesbc; 25th, J,,ne, 1937; see. 284; H.E.M. Hospital and State Exam. 2096-WHITE, Stehla; Luckn,ow 1-lospital, Clare,nont; 18th Nevember, 1935; sec. 284; HEM. Hospital and State Exam,,.

2247-WHITFIELD, Violet E.; Busselton; 24th, June, 1939; see. 284; HEM. Hospital a,scl State Exam. 1953-WICKHAM, Many I.; Harvey; 21st October, 1932; see. 284; HEM. Hospital amsd State Examn. 2231-WILLIAMS, Mary W.; Geraldton; 22s,d May, 1939; see. 28-I; K.E.M. Hospital and State Exam. 2429-WILSON, Mam'y MeL.; Bridgetown; 13th, July,

1939; see. 288 ; Women's hospital, Melbourne, amsd Victoria,, Beg. 2108-WRENCH, Em,id E.; Perth, 1-lospital; 21st Novembe,, 1933 ; sec. 284; H.E.M. Hospital and State Exam,,.

1822-WRIGI-IT, Edna. N.; 19 Albert street, Clanemoist; 2m,d June, 1923; sec. 284; K.E.M. Hospital and State Exam.

2232-YO1.JD, Elsie; Raleigh street, Carlisle; 1st March, 1939; see. 284; H.E.M. Hospital and State Exam.

PART IV -MIDWIFERY NURSES NOT RE-REGISTERED FOR 1941, IJNOERTIFICATED. Registration No. amsd Name; Address; Date of Registration Registration No. and Name; Address; Date of Registration and Section of Act under which Registration was effected;

amsd Section of Act under which Registratioms was effscted;

140-BEECH, Dorothy J.; 27 Cygnet crescent, Dal. keith; 8th November, 1911; sec. 282; in practice,

610-LEE, Sadie; Robin street, Mt. Lawley; 29t1, De-


June, 1909.

99-CLAYTON, Elizabeth, M.; 44 Churchill avenue, Snbiaco; 29th December, 1911; sec. 282; in practice, June, 1909. 1851-DODD, Emma; Arrino; 25th October, 1912; sec. 282; in practice, June, 1909.

427-GLASSON, Fredenika 0.; Hendenup; 13th


cemnber, 1911; sec. 282; in practice, June, 1909.

131-JONES, Theresa A.; 32 Coldstream street, Leedervihle; 8th November, 1911; sec. 282; in practice, June, 1909.


cember, 1911; sec. 282; in practice, Jumie, 1909. 217-LEWIS, Emmna; P.O., Coolgardie; 22nd Nove,n-

ben, 1911; sec. 282; ims practice, Jum,e, 1909. 1039-LOVE, Many A.; 96 Glyde street, East Fs'emsamstie;

30th May, 1913; sec. 282; in practice, Ju,me, 1909.

619-MALONE, Mania; Coventry parade, North Pro-

mamsthe; 29th Decesnber, 1911; sec. 282; im, practice, June, 1909.

695-VENABLES, Matilda C.; 99 Oxford street, Lcedervilhe; 26th January, 1912; sec. 282; in practice, June, 1909. 16-WI-IITE, Priscilla F.; Wellington street, Northam; 27th Septemnben, 1911; sec. 282; in practice, Jumme, 1909.



[JULY 18, 1941.

THE NURSES REGISTRATiON ACI, 1921-1937. NURSES REGISTRATION BOARD. IN accordance with the provisions of the NtLrses Registratian Act, 1921-IT, the following- copy of the Register of Nurses is hereb published. N. U. LYNCH, Secretary Nurses Registration Board. PART 1.-NURSES RE-REGISTERED FOR 1941. Registration No. and Name; Address; Date of Registration Registration No. and Name; Address; Date of Registration and Section of Act under which Registration was effected;

and Section of Act under which Registration was effected;

819-ABBOTT, Annie, 65 Lindsay street, Perth; 5th

2153-AVERILL, Gladys Irene; District Hospital, Northam; 15th August, 1939; sec. 5, ss. (3); Gov-


October, 1926; sec. Hospital.

5, ss.

(3) ; W.A. Government

2087-AB1IAHAMSON, Norma Ethel; Flat 5, Haslam House, Queen street, 1"remantle; 21st February, 1939; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; Fs-emantle Public Hospital and State Exam.

1866-ABUD, Clara; 187 Coode street, South Perth; 13th October, 1937; sec. 5, ss. (3); Government Hospital."

1867--AGNEW, Evelyn Mary; Perenjori; 6th Septemher, 1937; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; W.A. Government Hospitals and General Infirmary, Salisbury, England. 2101-ALDOM, Frances Amelia; King Edward Memorial Hospital, Subiaco; 21st February, 1939; sec. 5, ss. (3); W.A. Government HospitaL" 1423-ALEXANDER, Ada Dorothy; 91 First avenue, East Perth; 25th May, 1933; sec. 5, ss. (3); Perth


ernment 1-lospitals."

1781-BACON, Bessie .Joan; Tasmania; 3rd June, 1937; sec. 5. ss.

(3); Perth Public Hospital.'

2314-BAGST-IAW, Mary G.; 103 Fm-s-est sts-eet, South> Perth>; 23rd December, 1940; sec.5, ss. (3) ; Perth

Hospital and State Exam. 1476-BAILEY, Lena Elizabeth Mantle; District Hospital, Maniunup; 28th November, 1933; sec. 5. ss. (4); Children's Hospital." 2088A-BAKER, Anna Ruth; Mount Hospital, Perth; 11th May, 1939; sec. 5, as. (6); St. Leonard's Hospital, New South Wales and New South Wales Registration.


1266-BAKER, Dorothy; Wharf street, Canaington;


2154-BAKER, Eileen; District Hospital, Kalgoorlie; 20th June, 1939; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; Government Hos-

2046-ALEXANDER, Joyce May; Children's Hospital; 26th March, 1939; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; Perth

19:14-ALLEN, Dorothy Anne; 40 Ensign street, Narlogin; 25th May, 1938; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; Fremar,tic 11 ospital.

2048-ALLEN, Minnie Evelyn Maud; 37 Browne avenue,

Maylands; 21st February, 1939;

sec. 5, ss. (3)

W.A. Government Hospitals and A.T.N.A. 2115-ANDERSON, Audrey Lillian; 38 Northumber-

land street, Tusmore Park, South Australia; 17th July, 1939; sec. 5, ss. (3); Perth Public Hospital.

184--ANDERSON, Dorothy V.; 28 Drake street, Bayswater; 18th July, 1922; sec. 5, as. (6) ; St. Luke's Hospital, Halifax, England.

595-ANDERSON, Lily M.; Gnowaagerup; 3rd July, 1923; sec. 5, ss. (1) ; Southport Infirmary, England.

1239-ANDERSON, Sister M. Martina; St. John of God Hospital; 27th November, 1931; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; St. John of God Hospital." 1951-ANSTIS, Mary Elizabeth; Perth Hospital; 25th May, 1938; scc.5, ss. (3); Perth Hospital. 1898-APPLETON, 1-lilda Mary; District Hospital, Dwellingup; 18th December, 1937; sec. 5, as. (3) i'ertls Hospital." 2195-ARBERY, Dorotitea V.; 31 Daglish street. Went

27th November, 1931; sec. 5, as. (3); W.A. Government Hospitals."

pitals." 839-BALDOCIK, Constance Louise; K. E.M. Hospital; 5th> October, 192(1; sec.5, ss. (4) ; Children's I-lospital, Subiaco." 2 126-BALDWIN, Lucy May; Home of Peace, Subiaco; 21st Deeen>ber, 1939; sec. 5, ss. (6) ; Base Hospital, Ballai-nt, Victoria. 2047-BALDWIN, Mary Josephine; Rowley street,

Albany; 6th April, 1939; sec. 5, ss. (3); Perth Hospital." 1916-BALDW1N-WJSEMAN, Sara Catherine; 72 Stirling highway; 18th January, 1938; sec. 5, ss. (3); Perth> Hospital."

1296--BALES, Eloise Mat-cia; District Hospital, Collie; 23rd February, 1932; see. 5, ss. (4); Children's Hospital." 1739-BALES, Gladys Mary Thurza; Innisfail Hospital, Not-tb Queensland; 26th May, 1936; sec. 5, ss. (3); Government Hospitals." 2089-BANCROFT, Mary Kelsall; Stacy street, Dowcnn; 19th> April, 1939; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; Fremantle T-Iospital."

1>1ev Park; 18th February, 1941 ; sec.5, ss. (6) Middlesex Hospital, and General Nursing Council,

1900-BANKS, Marjorie Rose; St. Onier Hospital, West Perth; 1st February, 1938; sec. 5, ss. (3)

1 925-ARKLEY, Marjorie Harley; 92 Campbell street, Kalgoorlie; 25th November, 1937; sec. 5, ss. (3); Government Hospitals." 17t'O--AIRTHUR. Dorothy M ; District Hospital, Dalwalhiun; 3rd May, 1938; sec. 5, ss. (3); Perth Hospital." 699-ASHTON, Lilian May; 15 Lawley crescent, Mt. Lawlev; 20th November, 1924; sec. 5, ss. (3); W.A. Uovermnent Hospitals." 2102-ASHTON, Madeline; 7 Stratford road, East Premantle; 23rd February, 1939; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; Dis-

man Park; 8th April, 1924, sec. 5, ss. (4) ; Child-


trict Hospital, TKalgoorlie."

8-ASHTON, May; 14 Dumbarton crescent, Mount Lawley; 18th July, 1922; sec. 5, ss. (1) ; Perth

Hospital. 2046A-ASTBURY, Mary Elizabeth; Donnybrook, West Australia; 21st February, 1939; sec. 5, as. (6); Alfred Hospital, Victoria. 923-ATTWOOD, Margaret Winifred; Hospital, Wooroloo; 10th> February, 1925; sec. 5, ss. (4) W.A. Governn>ent Hospitals."

Perth> hospital." 670-BARCLAY, Marjorie; 38a Monument street, Mosre >i 's Hospital."

1247-BARNARD, Marjorie; Busselton; 23rd February, 1932; see. 5, ss. (3); Fremnantle Hospital.5 995-BARNES, Beatrice A.; Moore River Native Settlement, Boyup Brook; 25th> July, 1922; sec. 5, ss. (1) ; Middlesex Hospital, England. 2204-BARNES, Joyce Marian; ''Wardelocking,'' Wagin; 21st March>, 1940; sec. 5, as. (3); Perth Public Hospital." 1295-BARNES, Kathleen Hope; 18 Archdeacon street, Nedlands; 23rd February, 1932; sec. 5, as. (4) Children's Hospital, Subiaco." 605-BARRON, Dorothy; 3 St. Leonard street, Mos-

juan Park; 21st January, 1922;

sec. 5, as. (3)

Fremantle Public Hospitah." 1778-BARRON, Sr. Mary Chmnistopl>er; St. John of God Hospital; 3rd june, 1937; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; St. John of God Hospital." 1514-BARROT, Jean; Busselton; 22nd May, 1934; sec. 5, ss. (3); W.A. Government Hospitals." 1452-BATEMAN, Mary Cecil; Hobbs avenue, Nedlands; 25th> May, 1933; sec. 5, ss. (3); Children's

1935-AUSTIN, Sylvia; 43 Brunswick road, Albany; 8th June, 1938; see. 5, ss. (1) ; Fremantle Hospilal. I-Jo spital." Stands for Nurses Registration Board Examination.

JuLY 18, 19411



PART 1.-NURSES RE-REGISTEREI) FOR 1941-continsced. Registration No. and Name; Address; Date of Registration

Registration No. and Name; Address; Date of Registration and Section of Act under which Registration was effected; Qualifications.

1497-BATEMAN, Olive Lillian; Maternil y Hospital, Geraldton; 28th Novcusber, 1933; see. 5, as. (3) Pertis Hospital. 995-BATEMAN, Wilhimina; Gingin; 14th July, 1932; see. 5, ss. (4) ; Royal Victoria Infirmary, Newcastle. on-Tyne, Englaisd.

1597-BATES, Lavina Mary I.; 190 Douglas street,

Soutls Perth; 27th November, 1934; sec. 5, ss. (3); Fremantle Hospital." 1041-BEAR, Dorothy Sehina; 86 Fifth avenue, Mt. Lawley; 13th May, 1930; sec. 5, ss. (3); Perth Hospital." 1294-BEAR, Mary lvi.; 86 FIfth avenue, Mt. Lawley; 23rd February, 1932; see. 5, ss. (3) ; Pesth fibspital."

1652-BEARD, Claire Grace; District Hospital, Northans; 28tls May, 1935; sec. 5, ss. (3); WA. Government Hospitals."

2104-BEARD, Margaret Ellen; 185 Auzac road, Mt. Hawthorn; 21st February, 1939; sec. 5, ss. (3) Kalgoorlie Hospital." 993-BECHER, Phillippa Frances; Harvey; 26th March, 1929; see. 5, ss. (4); Children's Hospital." 1 095-BEECK, Florence Annie; 1.H.C., Kellerberrin; 3rd March, 1931; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; Perth Hospital. 1801-BELL, Ada, ''Hillvicw,'' East Cannington; 24th November, 1936; see. 5, ss. (3) ; Perth Hospital." 845-BELL, Alice Frances; Leederville; 5th April, 1927; sec. 5, ss. (3); WA. Government Hospitals." 2305-BELL, Edith Margaret; 90 GuilOford road, Mt. Lawley; 3OtIs Noveisther, 1940; sec 5, ss. (3); Ftcmantle Hospital and State Exam. 1 148-BELL, Janet; Lecderviile; 18th july, 1922; see.

5, ss. (1); Chelset Infirmary. 1344-BELL, Winifred Josephine; 63 Broonse sts-eet,

and Section of Act under which Registration was effected: Qualifications.

2024-B lilT, Mary Helen; Hospital of St. John of God, Subiaco; 29th November, 1938; sec. 5, ss. (3); Hoepital of St. John of God, Subiaeo." i55-B lAIR, Annie Kyle; 4 Barsde,s street, Cottcsloe; 22nd Slay, 1934; sec. 5, as. (3) ; Perth Hospital and State Exam.

2051-BLAKE, Audrey Joan; 9 Waylen street, Guildford; 24th November, 1932; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; Perth Hospital."

635-BLAKE, Myra Irwin; 16 Rheola street, West Perth; 2nd October, 1923; see. 5, ss. (3) ; Perth hospital and State Exam. 8.53-BLATCHFORD, Elsic Mavis; Oakland, Ouballing;

5th April, 1927; sec. 5, ss. (3); Perth Public Hospitiil.

41-BLECHYNDEN, Gertrude Agnes; Bangalup, Fraaldand River, via Ci-anbrook; 18th July, 1922; see. 5, ss. (3) ; Perth Hospital." 9186-BLOWFIELD, Madge; Riyer road, Harvey; 7th November, 1939; sec. 5, as. (3); hospital, Fre mantle."

1718-BLUE, Eileen; Proprietary Mine, Collie; 28th November, 1935; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; Government Hospital. 21-BOCK, Mary; St. John of God Hospital, Subiaco:

18th July, 1922; sec. 5, ss. (3); St. John of God

Hospital." I 728-BOOTI-I, Sylvia Evelyn; 681 Beaufort stseet, Sit.

Lawley; 29th Slay, 1936; sec. 5, ss: (3); Hospital, Fremnantle."

1 1-BORWICK, Isabella; 56 Gugeri street, Claremont; 18th July, 1922; seeS, ss. (6) ; Bahlarat District Hospital, Victoria. 110 71-BOTHAMELY, Olive Maud; Kehlerberrin; 20th April, 1936; sec. 5, ss. (6) ; West Middlesex County Hospital, England.

Cottesloe; 24th May, 1932; W.A. Government I-lospital and State Exasn. 1269-BENNET, Constance Frances; Police Departsnesst, Fremnantle; 27tls November, 1931; see. 5, ss. (3); WA. Governsnent Hospitals and State Exam. 12-RENNET, Millicent 0.; 72 Ward street, Kalgoorhie; l3ths July, 1922; sec. 5, ss. (4); Children's Hospital, Suhiaco."

201 7-BOTTLE, Ruth C.; Home of Peace, Sul,iaeo:

418-BENNET, Ruby Olive; 34 St. Leonard's avenue, West Leedes-vihle; 25th July, 1922; sec. 5, SS. (3)

1251-BOVELL, Strella Ethel; 9 Florence road, Nedloads; 5th June, 1931; sec. 5, ss. (3); Perth Public

Perth 1-lospital. 1850-BERG1N, Tc;sthleen Alice; \Vyaclhsssm; 24th November, 1936; see. 5, ss. (3); Governsncsit Hos-


1149-BERGIN, Marion Aifreda; Distriet Hospital, Pingelly; 3rd March, 1931; sec. 5, ss. (4) ; Children 's 1-hospital."

2116-BERRIGAN, Margaret; 46 Margaret street, Midland Junction; 20th June, 1939; sec. 5, ss. (3); Perth Public Hospital."

2095A-BERRY, Edna Muriel; Box 147, Norsesnan; 20th Juno, 1939; sec. 5, ss. (6) ; Adelaide Hospital and South Australian Registration. 13-BERTJ-IOLD, Pauline Hilda; Angrsun street,

East Freniantle; 18th July, 1922; see. 5, ss. (3);

Perth Hospital." 2066A-BESTE, Mercy; Rosemount Hospital, Kalamunda; 7th Juise, 1927; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; Fremantle Public Hospital." 1128-BEGGS, Mona; St. Margaret's Hospital, South Pertis; 3rd June, 1937; see. 5, ss. (6) ; Wellington Public Hospital. 6T4-BINET, Alice; 7 Learoyd sts-eet, Mount Lawley; 8th April, 1924; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; Perth Hospital." 601-RINKS, Esther Eleanor; Old Men's Home; 23rd

November, 1922; sec. 5, ss. (4) ; Children's Hospital, Subiaeo."

1269-BIRD, Marjorie I.; National Service Co., Chambers, Perth; 23rd March, 1926; Children's Hospital and State Exam. 1983-BIRD, Nellie Marion; 83 Raglan road, Mt. Lawicy; 3rd January, 1939; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; Perth Hospital." 35-BIRKS, Gladys Helen 11 MeCourt street, West Leederville; 18th July, 1022; ec.5, as. (4) ; Cliiidress's Hospital, Perth,

18th July, 1922; sec. 5, ss. (3); Fremantle Hospital. 2315--BOU OIlER, Mollie L. L.; 197 Eighth avenue, Maylauds; 3rd January, 1941; sec. 5, as. (3) Pestls Hospital and State Exam. 107-1-BOUNDY, May Gwenclolisse; 98 Monasls strect, Nedlands; 28th October, 1930; sec. 5, ss. (4); Chiildrcis 's Hospital." 1-lospital."

A.11.57-BOWE, Margaret Is-is; Masijirnup; 27th Jaau-

arv, 1938; sec. 5, ss. (6); Royal Melbourne I-los-

pital. 1802-BOWER, Marjorie A.; Women's Hospital, Cashton, Victoria; 24th November, 1936; see. 5, ss. (3) ; Perth Public Hospital.' 2fl49-BOXELL, Mans 5.; 602 Newcastle street; 21st February, 1939; seeS, ss. (3); Pcrthi Public Hos-


23-BOYCE, Mary Agatha; St. John of God Hos-

plal, Suhiac-o; 18th July, 1922; sec. 5, ss. (1) ; St. John of God Hospital, Sub,iaco. 22-BOYCE, Mary Antonio; St. John of God Hosiitl : 18th July, 1922; sec. 5, ss. (1) ; St.Johsi of

God Hospital, Subiaco. 1049--BOYLSON, li-cue Nellie;


Roberts road,

Suhiaeo; 3rd December, 1929; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; Perth Public Hospital." 1596-BRADDOCK, Annice Maud; Victoria Hospital, Geraldton; 27th Nove,ssber, 1934; seeS, as. (3) F'reinantle Hospital." 12] 6-BRADSHAW, Margaret Howard; Walpole-, 3rd March, 1931 ; sec.

5, as.

(3); Perth Public hlos-

p ita I.

2269-BRA1) Y, Eileen: Pert], Hospital; 18th June, 1940; see. 5, as. (3) ; Perth Hospital and State Exam.

1990-BRADY, Mary Ellen; Stirling terrace, Albany; 29th November, 1938; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; Perth Public Hospital."

8-18-BRAY, Doris: Northam Hospital; 5th April. 1927; see. 5, ss. (3) ; W.A. Goverisment Hospitals." 1515-BRAY. Margaret Dorothy; 19 Cui-edale street, Iieacosisfiehcl; 22nd May, 1934; see. 5, ss. (3) ; W.A. Govers,nsent hospitals."



[JuLY 18, 1941.

PAItT 1.-NURSES RE-IREGISTERED FOR 1941-con-tPvzi.ed. Registration No. and Name; Address; Date of Registration Registration No and Name; Address; Date of Registration and Section of Act under which Registration was effected;

and Section of Act under which Registration was effected;

2270-BREEN, Margaret; 'Yuin,-'' Harvey; 1st July, 1940; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; Perth Hospital and State

S 13-BUTSON, Ruth; 12 Crandon street, Fremantle; 5th October, 1926; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; Fremantle 1-lospital. A 1127-BYRNE, Sr. Mary Attracta ; St. Anne's Niirslug Home, Mt. Lawley; 22nd April, 1937; see. 5, ss. (6) ; Mater Miscnicordiae Hospital, Brisbane.



28-BRIDGE, Givendoline Hope; Koorda, Box 16; 18th July, 1922; sec. 5, ss. (3); W.A. Government Hospitals.

528-BRINDAL, Mildred B.; 57 Orrong crescent, Caulfield, Victoria; 5th August, 1922; sec. 5, cc. (3) ; WA. Government." 1753-BROADIIUIIST, Elsie Winifred; Donnybrook, 26th May, 1936; sec. 5, ss. (3); Perth Hospital:' I 096-BROADLEY, Evelyn; Burt street, Mt. Lawley; 28th November, 1930; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; Perth II [uspital." 26-BROCKMAN, Clara; 23 Charles street, South Perth; 1 8th .July, 1922; sec. 5, es. (3) ; Governmeat Hospitals, W.A." 2174-BROCKMAN, Vera Hamersly; Walkaway; 30th January, 1940 ; sec. 5, ss. (3); Perth Hospital."


57----CADBY, Janet; 12 William road, Nedlancls; 18th

July, 1922; sec. 5, ss. (6); Township of Toxeth Park Hospital, Liverpool. 991-CAITINES, Jessie Anne; Lady Lawley Cottage, Cottesloe; 24th May, 1932; sec. 5, cc. 4; Perth Hospital." 20 12A-CALDER, Henrietta Florence II.; 80 Planet street, Carlisle; 10th January, 1939; sec. 5, ss. (3) C; ovcrnmeut hospitals." I 952-CALLAGHAN, Catherine ,Joan; Wanneroo roe 4, Toast 11111; 25th June, 19:18; see. 5, ss. (3) ; Perth !1-[ospital."

118-BROOKING, Betty Mena; King Edward Memorial Hospital, Subiaco; 10th August, 1939;

2033A-CAMEITON. -Janet Ethel Vera; N.S.W.; 8th November, 1938; see. 5, ss. (6) ; Memorial Hospital,

851-BROOKS, Margaret; Nurses' Club, Orange, New South Wales; 5th April, 1927; sec. 5, ss. (3); WA. (1 overument Ilospitals." 2003-BROOMFIELD, Doris; Leoaora Hospital; 3rd May, 1938; see.. 5, ss. (6) ; Mount Morgan Hospital,

512-CAIV[PBELL, Ellen Margaret; ''G1engary,' .Kalamuncla road, Kalamunda ; 16th August, 1922

sec. 5, ss. (3); Perth Hospital:'


886-BROWN, Margaret Hilda Ehixa; Pemberton; 3rd ,June, 1937; see. 5, ss. (3); Fremantle los-

pital." 1 804-BROWN, Marjorie Vera; 114 Stirling highway, Nedlands; 24th November, 1936; see. 5, ss. (4) Children's 1-lospital asid State Exam. 1783-BROWN, Ruth ; Avs'o Hospital, Subiaeo; 3rd June, 1937; see. 5, ss. (3); Perth I-Iospital. 1897-BROWN, Sr. M. Zeno; St. JoIns of God Hospital; 1st Deceniber, 1937; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; St. John of Cod Hospital." 2205-BROWN, Vera Grace; 111 Forest street, Cottesloe; 4th March, 1940; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; Perth Public Hospital." 37-BROWNE, Dorothy Isobel; 64 Nanson street, Wembley; 18th July, 1922; sec. 5, ss. (4) ; Children 's hospital." 43-BRUCE, Florence Evelyn; 11 George street, i'erth; 18th July, 1922; sec. 5, ss. (3); Perth ITospital." Al 043-BRUMBY, Laura; Nannup; 12th September, 1935; sec. 5, ss. (6); Sydney Sanatorium, Waltroonga 1-lospital.

2186-BRUS, Iris 51.; Milligan Hostel, Perth; 19th December, 1940; see. 5, ss. (6) ; Calvary 1-lospital, South Australia. 1 630-TIRUSASCHT, Alice Mary; West Popanyinning; 28th May, 1935; sec. 5, ss. (3); Perth Public Hocpital." 20-BRTJTON, Kate; Perth Hospital; 18th July, 1922; see. 5, ss. (1); Ballarat District Hospital mid Victorian Reg. 2340-BRYAN, Josephine; 331 Stirling street, Perth;

8th April, 1941; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; Perth Hospital and State Exam. 1798-BUCHANAN, Jean; Nungarils; 18th July, 1937; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; Fremantle hospital and State Exam. 714-BUCHANAN, Muriel Susan; View street, Dan-

irigton; 7th October, 1924; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; Children's Hospital and State Exam. 1679-BIJLGIN, Minnie Beatrice M.; DistrTht Hospital, Bridgetown; 28th November, 1935; sec. 3, ss. (3) Perth 1-lospital."

1 631-BIJRFEIN, Evelyn Grace; Narrogin; 28th Ma, 1935; sec. 5, ss. (3); Perth 1-Tospital." 260-BURSTON, Clarice Adelaide; Margaret River; 18th July, 1922; sec. 5, ss. (1) ; Perth Hospital. A1041-BIJRTON, Ettie E.; Marble Bar; 12th September. 1935; sec. 5, ss. (6) ; Sydney Hospital and A.T.N.A.

2342-BUTLER, Helen Rosiaa; Forrest street, Bevericy; 9th March, 1941 ; pital and State Exam,


5, ss. (1); Perth


Adelaide, South Australia Reg.

sec. 5, ss. (6); General Public Hospital, Adelaide. 192$-CAMPBELL, Ellen May; 107 Rosalie street, Subiaco; 25th November, 1937; sec. 5, ss. (3); Gov. erunsent hospitals." 2193-CAMPBELL, Kate; District Hospital, Northam; 7th November, 1939; sec. 5, ss. (3); W.A. Goverumeat hospitals." 1598-CAMPBELL, Reta Mabel; District hospital, Pemberton; 27th November, 1934; sec. 5, Cs. (3)

Preusantle HospitaL-' 45-CANDY, Robina ; Lemuos Hospital; 18th July, 1922; see. 5, ss. (3) ; Perth hospital."

931-CAPORN, Mary; Russell Esplauade, Bunbmy; 27th April, 1926; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; W.A. Government 11 ospitais."

861-CARL[N, Ethel Brooke; 66 Thomas street, West Perth; 5th April, 1927; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; Perth Pub lie Hospital." 46-CARMICHAEL, Ida; 43 Lawley crescent, Mt. Lawley; 18th July, 1922; sec. 5, ss. (4); Children's Hospital.

2152-CARROLL, Deborah; Richardson street, Perth; 22nd May, 1934; see. 5, ss. (3); Berths Hospital.' 732-CARROLL, Kathleen; District Hospital, Mt. Magnet; 21st April, 1925; see. 5, ss. (3); Fremantle Public Hospital." 1288-CARSON, Dorothy 60 Emmerson street, North Perth; 23rd March, 1932; see. 5, ss. (3); Perth liospital and State Exam. 663-CARSON, Edith Muriel; Infant 1-Iealth Centre, Narrogin; 8th April, 1921; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; Perth

Public 1-lospital." 69-CARSON; Mary Catherine; K.E.M. hospital, Subiaco; 13th July, 1922; see. 5, ss. (3) ; Fremantle Public 1-lospital. 2365-CARTER, Alma Molhie I-lope; Box 22, Meekerlug: 18th February, 1941; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; Wooroloo, Collie asid Kalgoorlie Hospitals, and State Exam. 1015-CARTER, Doris Thelma; Mundaring Weir; 26th March, 1929; sec. 5, ss. (3); Perth Public Hospital. *

1805-CARTHY, Sr. Mary Anne: St. John of God Hospital; 24th November, 1936; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; St. John of God Hospital." 2291-CARVER, Marie Agnes, 235 St. George's terrace, Perth; 18th June, 1940; see. 5, ss. (3) ; Perth Hos-

pital and State Exam. 1702-CAWLEY, Elizabeth; 14 Manita road, Subiaco; 28th November, 1935; see. 5, ss. (4) ; Children's I-To spital."

929-CHALMERS, Janet; King Edward Memorial Hospital; 18th November, 1925; see. 5, Cs. (4) Coast 1-lospital, Sydney.

1806-CHAPMAN, Mary; St. George's terrace, Perth; 24th November, 1936; sec. 5, cc. (3) ; Perth Public Hospital,"

JULY 18, 1941.]



I'AR.T 1.-NURSES RE-REGISTERED FOR 1941-coitfi.nned. Registration No. and Name; Address; Date of Registration Registration No. and Name; Address; Date of Registration and Section of Act under which Registration was effected Qualifications.

2360-CHARLESTON, Dorothy Powell; 22 Bedford street, Necllands; 18th February, 1941; see. 5, ss. (3) ; Pci-tb Hospital and State Exam. 1807-CHARLTON, Rose Christina; 131 Kimberley street, Leederville; 24th Novembes-, 1936; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; Perth Hospital and State Exam.

2292-CHIPPER, Merle Lebtia; Perth Hospital; 18th June, 1.940; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; Pci-tic Hospital and State Exam.

1991-CHRISTOPHER, Ellen Fanny; Tasmania; 29th November, 1938; see. 5, ss. (3); Perth Public Hos-

pital. 1608-CHURCHES, Ellen Walker; \'ictoria Park; 27th November, 1934; sec. 5, ss. (3); WA. Goverunient Hospital." 47-CLARKE, Emmilene Jane; 23 Park road Mt. Lawley; 18th July, 1922; soc. 5, ss. (3) ; Freinantle Public Hospital. 2105-CLARKE, Mary Rogers; King Edward Memorial Hospital; 24th February, 1939; sec. 5, ss. (3) Governnient Hospital, Kalgoorlie.' 2030-CLARKE, Patricia F.; 17 Highway, Nedlancls; 3rd January, 1939; see. 5, ss. (3); Government I-los-

pitals." 1851.-CLAYTON, Isadore Melville; Narrogiic; 24th November, 1936; sec. 5, ss. (3); Govermaeat Hospitals. 1 351-CLEMENTS, Annie Victoria; Gloster street, Subiaco; 27th October, 1932; sec. 5, ss. 3; W.A. Government hospitals."

1003-CLIFTON, Caroline Nance; ''Cave Hill,'' York; 28th February, 1938; sec. 5, ss. (3); Perth Hospital." 7.1-CLIFTON, Jessie Christiana; 6 Stone street. South Perth; 18th uly, 1922; sec. 5, as. (3) ; Government Hospitals.

1992-CLIFTON, Rosena Jean; Cave Hill,'' Yoric; 29th November, 1938; see. 5, ss. (3) ; Perth Public

Ihospital.' 227 1-CLINCI-1, Ethel Mary; ''Donaville,'' Greenough; 5th July, 1940; see. 5, ss. (3) ; Perth Hospital and State Exam. 1327-CLINCH, Greta Kate; ''Donoville,'' Greenough; 24th May, 1932; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; Perth Hospital and State Exam. 2157-COCKER-EL, Kathleen Mary; 36 Princess road, Claremont; 20th Juice, 1.939; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; W.A. Government Hospitals." 1602-COCKS, Dorothy M.; S.M. Hospital, Boyup Brook; 27th November, 1934; sec. 5, ss. (3); Fre mantle Hospital."

A1192-COFFEY, Catherine; May street, Perth; 4th Oetober, 1927; see. 5, ss. (6); Port Fairy Hospital,

Victoria. 1001.-COFFEY, Honora; Sanatorium, Wooroloo; 10th February, 1933; sec. 5, ss. (6) ; Port Fairy, Vietomia, A.N.F.

1421-COLE, Annie; First avenue, East Perth; 25th May; sec. 5, ss. (3); Perth Public Hospital.'

1107-COLE, Doris Mary; Rings Ash, Denmark; 28th October, 1930; see. 5, ss. (3) ; Perth Hospital." 518-COLE, Helen M. Ena; 260 Beaufort street, Mt. Lawley; 16th August, 1922; sec. 5, ss. (6) ; Melbourne General Hospital. A1013-COLLIER, Marry; 50 The Avenue, Nedlands; 6th March, 1934; sec. 5, ss. (6) ; MacKay Hospital, Queensland.

1754-COLLINS, Cathhecn; Stirling Highway; 26th May, 1936; sec. 5, ss. (3); Perth Public Hospital.

58-COMYN, Sister Mary Rosary; St. John of God Hospital; 18th July, 1922; sec. 5, ss. (3); St. John of God Hospital, Subiaco." 1942-CONNICK, Sister Mary Catherine; St. John of God 1-lospital; 25th May, 1938; see. 5, ss. (3); St. John of God Hospital.' 1162-CONSIDINE, Sister Mary John; Convent of St. John of God; 28th October, 1930; sec. 5, ss. (3); St. John of God Hospital.' 2150-CONWAY, Mary Marcellinus; St. John of God Hospital, Subiaco; 20th Juice, 1939; see. 5, ss, (3); St. John of God Hospital, Subiaco."

and Section of Act under which Registration was effected; Quslifications.

992-COOK, Grace Jean;

May, 1932; sec. 5, ss. South Australia.


(6) ;

Busracoppin; 24th Adelaide Hospital,

1187-COOK, Olive Florence; Victoria Hospital, Ocralciton; 25th March, 1938; see. 5, ss. (6) ; East Losidon Children 's Hospital and A.N.F.

2207-COOMBE, Wilma; 13 Birdwood parade, Dalkeith; 4th March, 1940; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; Perth Public Hospital.' l.11.1-COOMBER-BROWN, Agnes; West Leederville; 13th May, 1930; sec. 5, ss. (3); MTA Government

Hospitals." 1528-COONAN, Sister Mary Michael; St. John of God Convent; 22nd May, 1935; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; St. John of God Hospital." 1 242-COPPINGER, Sister M. Leo; St. Johns of God, Suhiaco: 27th Novembes-, 1931 ; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; St. Johis of God, Suhiaeo.

60-CORBETT, Mary de Lelhis; St. John of God, Suhsia"o: 1.8th .July, 1922; sec. 5, ss. (1) ; St. John of God, Subiaco.

1892-COR.BETT, Sister Mary Zita; St. John's Hospital, Subiaco; 25th November, 1937; sec. 5, ss. (3); St. John 's 1-lospital."

1135-CORKER, Nancy M.; 59 Princess road, Kew, Melbourne; 28th

October, 1930; sec.

5, ss.


Perth Public Hospital." 418-CORNWALL, Gladys Eleanor E.; District Hospital, Narrogin; 25th July, 1922; sec. 5, ss. (3) Kalgoorhie Hospital anti Woorooloo." 59-COSTELLO, Sister Mary Consili; St. John of God Hospital; 18th July, 1922; see. 5, ss. (3); St. John of God 1-lospital." 203l-COULSELL, Phyllis Mary; 173 Dailceith road, Nedhands; 29th November, .1938; sec. 5, ss. (3); WA. Govcm-ament Hospitals." 1.683-COOPER, Chance Hill; District Hospital, Bridgetown; 28th November, 1935; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; Perth Public Hospital."

52-COUPER, May; Teniadewa; 18th July, 1922; sec. 5, ss (3) ; Fremnantle Hospital." 774-COIJRTIIOPE, Dorothy Ocean drive, Bunbury; 1.8th July, 1922; see. 5, ss. (1) ; Ohildren's 1-lospital.

2208-COWDEROY, Leila Joan; Box 74, Carnamah, W.A.; 20th February, 1940; sec. 5, ss. (3); Perth Public Hospital." 1704-CON, Florence Adelaide; 11 Goldsmith road, Claremont; 28th November, 1935; sec. 5, ss. (4) Children's Hospital, Subiaco." 2175-COXON, Jean May, Port Hedhand; 7thm November, 1939; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; Perth Public Hospital.' 805-CRAIG, Amy Mildred; Kensington, Heytesbury road, Subiaco; 27th April, 1926; sec. 5, ss. (3) Fremnantle Public Hospital and State Exam. 2158-CRAIG, Edna Lawrie; Box 23, Brookton; 20th June, 1939; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; W.A. Government Hospitals." 1302-CRAIG, I-lard H.; 144 Hensrnan road, Subiaco; 24th Marclm, 1932; sec. 5, ss. (3); Fremantle Public Hospital."

1556-CRAIG, Mabel Beatrice; Government Hospital, Margaret River; 22mid May, 1934; sec. 5, ss. (3); I'crthi Public Hospital.' 2084-CRESP, Helen May; District Hospital, Pingelly; 11th May, 1939; sec. 5, ss. (6); Queen Victoria Hospital amid Victoria Registration. 68-CRTTOHLEY, Carohimse Eleanor; 5 Rankin road,

sec. 5, ss. (6); Kingston Infirmary, England. 2343-CROTHERS, Winnifred; Northampton; 15th Api-il, 1941; see. 5, ss. (3); Perth Hospital and State

Shentois Park; 18th July, 1922;


1512-CROWLEY, Vales-ic Margaret; N.S.W.; 28th November, 1933; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; W.A. Government 1-lospitals."

IllO-CRUSE, Ada Margaret; Gerandtomm; 28th October, 1930; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; Perth Hospital." 1922-CRUTCHETT, Lila Margaret; 6 Greenham street, Cottesloe; 25th November, 1937; sec. 5, ss. (3) Fremnantle I-iospital."



[JULY 18, 1941.

PAnT 1.-NURSES RE-REGISTERED FOR 1941-continued. Registration No. and Name; Address; Date of Registration Registration No. and Name; Address; Date of Registration and Section of Act under which Registration was effected; Qualifications.

2316--CIJLLEY, Rosaleen Mary; Riverton via Queen 'c Park; 3rd January, 1941; see. 5, ss (3) ; Perth Hospital and State Exam. 2025-CTJMMINS, Mary Albertus; St. John of God Convent, Subiaeo; 29th November, 1938; sec. 5. ss. (3) ; Hospital of St. John of God, Subiaco.'

1950-CUNNINGHAM, Sister Mary Cyril; St. John. of God Convent; 25th May, 1938; sec. 5, 55. (3); Hospital of St. John of God." 1097-CUBLEWIS, Jean Carlyle; 19 Richardson street, South Perth; 13th May, 1930; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; Perth 1-lospital."

207S-C1JRLEY, Mary Rupert; St. John of God Convent, Subiaco; 21st February, 1939; see. 5, ss. (9) hospital of St. John of God, Subiaco.° 1274-CURLEY, Sister lVi. Alexius; St. John of God Hospital; 23rd February, 1932; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; St. John of God Hospital."

1273--CIJBLEY, Sister M. Raymund; St. John of God Hospital; 23rd February, 1932; Sec. 5, ss. (3) ; St. .John of God Hospital."

53-CU1IWOO1), Eileen Ivy; Captain Stirling Hotel, Nedlands; 18th July, 1922; sec. 5, ss. (3); Perth Hospital.

2032-CUSACK, Ellen Mary; (argill street, Victoria Park; 7th December, 1938; sec. 5, ss. (3); Governmeat 1-lospitals.'

2052--l)ADDOW, Isabel Mary; Perth Hospital; 9th April, 1939; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; Perth Public Hospital.' 224 1-DALE 1, Mary Kathleen; St. John of God; 18th June, 1940; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; St. John of God, Suhiaro. 95-DARPI-1,

K.E.M. hospital, 1-lope; Muriel Sobiaeo ; 18th .July, 1922; see. 5, ss. (3) ; Perth

iuhiie Hospital." 2121-D'ARCY, Kathleen Mary; Geraldton; 6th lieceinher, 1939; sec. 5, ss. (6) ; Alfred Hospital, Melbourne.

1904-i ARGIN, Jean Annette; Florence street, Nedlands; 30th November, 1937; Perth Hospital."

see. 5, ss.


92-DARGIN, Sarah Agnes; Roleystone; 18th July 1922; see. 5, ss. (3) ; Perth Hospital." 2228-DARROCK, Catherine, '106 Piccac'hilly street, Kal-

goorlie; 29th March, 1940; sec.

5, ss.

(3) ; W.A.

Government 1-lospitals.' 1399-DABTNALL, Kathleen Alice; 213 Vicu'ont street,

North Perth; 24th November, 1932; sec. 5, ss, (4) Children's I'Iospital." 1260-DAVENPORT, Alison Hope; 10 Mistral avenue, Mosmaa, New South Wales; 5th June, 1931; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; Perth 1-lospital."

1852-DAVEY, Dorothy V.; Albany Hospital; 24th

November, 1936; see. 5, ss. (3) ; Government Hospit:ils and State Exam. 2224-DAVEY, Leila Maude; Coolgardie; 20th February, 1940; see. 5, ss. (3); W.A. Government I-lospitals." 2164-DAVIES, Clarice May; Kellerherrin District losp'it:l; 18th .June, 1940; sec. 5, ss. (6) ; Ballarat Tiase Hospital.

89-DAVIES, Elsie Rose; 63 1-lardy street, Hollywood; 18th July, 1922; sec. 5, ss. (6); Birmingham Children's Hospital."

2120-DAVIES, Joyce Mary; Walgoolan, WA.: 3rd

July, 1939; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; Perth Public Hospital." 157:1-DAVIES, Victoria Mary C.; 183 St. George's terrace, Perth; 27th November, 1934; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; Perth Public Hospital." 990-DAVIS, Ella; Children's Hospital, Perth; 9th October, 1928; sec. 5, ss. (4) ; Ohildren's Hospital, T'erth."

1040-DAVIS, Mary; 46 Bagot road, Subiaco; 3rd

March, 1931; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; Perth Public Hospital."

1573-DAVIS, Victoria Mary C.; 185 St. George's terrace, Perth; 27th November, 1934; sec. 5, ss. (3) Perth Hospital and State Exam. 17115-DAWSON, Joan; Wooroloo Hospital; 28th November, 1935; see. 5, cc. (3) ; Government 1-lospitals,"

and Section of Act under which Registration was effected: Qualifications.

1953-DAWSON, Margaret Beryl; St. Annes, Mt. Lawicy; 15th May, 1938; see. 5, ss. (3) ; Perth I-Iospital and State Exam. 1954-DAWSON, Maths; N.S.W.; 18th August, 1938; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; I'erth Hospital and state Exam. 1,458-DAWSON, Sadie Gertrude; ''Strathisla,'' Tambellup; 25th May, 1933, sec. 5, ss. (4) ; Children's 1-lospital."

231 1-DAY, Joyce M.; e/o Mrs. Day, Forrest House, Perth; list October, 1941; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; Perth l-lospital and State Exam.

2184-DEAN, Ann Agnes Ellen; S Puntie crescent, Mayiands; 7th November, 1939; sec. 5, ss. (3) Perth Public 1-lospital."

1275-DELAHIJNTY, Sr. Mary Anselm; St. John of God 1-lospital; 23rd February, 1932; sec. 5, ss. (3);

St. John of Gui Hospital." I 27(i-DELAI'IUNTY, Sr. Mary Dorothea; St.John of C;od Hospital; 23rd February, 1932; sec. 5, ss. (3); St. John of (hod Hospital." 1 983-DELLE-VALLE,




Paltnyrn; 25th May, 1938; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; Government Hospitals and Stat:' Exam. 20l11-----DEMPSTER, Lilian Mary; 94 Outmam street, West Perth; 25th May, 1933; sec. 5, ss. (4) ; Children 's Ilospital.'' l'72----DEXNIS, Mary Catherine; 63 Victoria avenue, Claremont; 27th November, 1934; sec. 5, ss. (3) Perth 1-lospital."'

2i24-DE\LIN, Elsie May; 386 Lord street, Perth;

21st December, 1939; sec. 5, ss. (6) ; Hobart Gesiend l-Iospital and Tasmanian Registration. loss-DICKINSON, Margaret; District Hospital, Southern Cross; 5th August, 1938; sec. 5, Cs. (3) Perth Public Hospital." 1 li--I) JLWORTI-1, Elizabeth ; Chive, street, Katanning

24th November, 1932; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; WA. Government J-los1jital and State Exam. 225 1-DIREEN, Bridget; Perth Hospital; 29th July, 1940; see. 5, as. (3) ; 'Wooroloo, Bunbury, and Kalgoorhe 1-lospitals, and State Exam. h208-DISLEV, Florence Evelyn; 84 Railway street, (otte -Joe 3rd March, 1931; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; Perth 1-lospital."

2306-DODD, Jessie Ann; 1 Park road, Crawley; 12th November, 1940; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; Fremanthe Hospital

and State Exam. 1604 DOLAN, Sr. Mary Brigid; St. John of God Hospital; 27th November, 1934; sec. 5, ss. (3); St. John of God Hospital." 1363-DONCON, Berwen Elzie; Box 59, Wickepin; 24th November, 1932; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; Perth Hospital and State Exam. 1784-DORNAN, Grace; 27 Manning street, Fremantle; 3rd June, 1937'; see. 5, ss. (3) ; Perth Public Hospital."

740-DOUGLAS, Gladys L.; Albany Hospital; 26th May, 1936; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; Government Hospitals.' 968-DOTJST, Nora Louise; Elder parade, Bassendean;

9th September, 1928; sec. 5, ss. (3); Perth Public Hospital."

1972-DOVEY, Enid Marion; King Edward Memorial I'Iospital; 25th May, 1938; sec. 5, ss. (3); Government Hospitals and State Exam. 1210--DOWDING, Ila Clare; 301 Roberts avenue, Subiaeo; 3rd March, 1931; see. 5, ss. (3) ; Perth Public Hospital." 1494-DOWIANG, Marjorie ;




West Perth; 28th November, 1933; sec. 5, ss. (3) Perth Hospital and State Exam. 727-DOWNES, Sr. Mary Perpetua; St. John of God 1-lospital; 14th October, 1924; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; St. John of God Hospital.*

933-DOWNING, Lilian Maude; 5 Stuart street, Mosman Park; 26th March, 1929; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; Premantle Hospital." 2956-DOWNS, Eva Jean; 42 Wasley street, Mt. LawIcy; 1 8th Februamy, 1941; sec. 5, ss. (3); Perth hospital and State Exam. 1810-DO WRICK, hazel May; District Hospital; Kojonup; 24th November, 1936; sec. 5. es. (3) Premautle Hospital.

JULY 18, 1941.]



PART 1.-NURSES RE-REGISTERED FOR 1941-continued. Registration No. and Name; Address; Date of Registration and Section of Act under which Registration was effected; Qualifications.

Registration No. and Name; Address; Date of Registration

and Section of Act under whicls Registration was effected; Qualifications.

818-DOYLE, Veronica; District Hospital, Busselton; 5th October, 1926; see. 5, ss. (3) ; W.A. Govern-

1533-EGAN, Mary Margaret; District Hospital, Moora; 22nd May, 1934; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; Fremantle Public Hospital." 1731-ELF GREN, Olga Aurora Signe; Keilerberrin; 26th May, 1936; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; Fremantle Public

SS5-DREW, Irene; 61 Washington street,

Park; 5th April, 1927; sec. 5, ss. (3) WA. Gov-

1011-ELLERY, Adelaide; Port Hecllaisd; 28th Novembes-, 1933; sec. 5, ss. (6) ; Ipswich General Hospital,

hans street, Cottesloe; 3rd June, 1937;

t179---ENOEL, Elsie Gertrude; 53A Essex road, Surrey Hills, Melbourne; 25th March, 1938, sec. 5, ss. (6) ; Children's Hospital, Melbourne, and Royal

2145-DOYLE, Helen Grace; District 1-lospital, Tamhellup; 18th July, 1922; sec. 5, ss. (1) ; W.A. Covernment Hospitals. ment }Iospitals.n


ersiment Hospital. 1799-DRUMMOND, Jeans District Hospital, Greensec. 5, ss.

(3) ; Fremantle HospitaL* 1393-DTJCKHAM, Jessie Ruth; District Hospital. Beverley; 24th November, 1932; sec. 5. ss. (4) Children 's Hospital.5

1605-DTJFFIN, Sr. Mary Stephani; St. John of God Hospital; 27th November, 1934; see. 5, ss. (3); St.

John of God 1iospital.' 1755-DIJGGAN, Miriam; District Hospital. Nannup 26th May, 1936; see. 5, ss. (3) ; Perth Hospital. i90--DlJMAS, Muriel; 40 King Edward street, South Perth; ILls January, 1941; sec. 5, ss. (6) ; Royal Adelaide Hospital. 21 21-DIJNBAR, Jessie; 29 Alexander street, \Vembley; 20th June, 1939; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; Perth Public Hospital.

iLl_DUNLOP, Ruth; 58 Geddes street, Victoria ['ark; 18th July, 1922; see. 5, ss. (3); Government hospital." irene Hilda Agnes; Sanatorium, Wooroloo; 16th August, 1922; sec. 5, ss. (6) Manchester Royal Infirmary. I b-JJUNSTONE, Mary J.; 4 Boundary street, Kalgauche ; 1 8th February, 1941; Adelaide Children's


iiuspit;d. I ADLT't"1'ON, Mary Doreen; Royal Adelaide Hos-

pital, Magell, South Australia; 10th January, 1939; see. 5, ss. (6) Adelaide Hospital and South Australian Reg. 2091-DWYER, Kathleen Mny; 154 Vincent street, North Perth; 13th April, 1939; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; Fremantle Hospital.5 308-DYER, Margarete; 36 Queen's crescent, Mt. Lawley; 18th July, 1922; sec. 5, ss. (1) ; Western Australian Government 1-lospitals and State Exam.

105-EARLE, Sr. Mary Philomena; St. John of God Hospital; 18th July, 1922; sec. 5, ss. (3); St. John

of God Hospital. 2160-EBBS, Ruth Pearl; 476 Sea View road, Henley Beach, South Australia; 9th October, 1939; sec. 5, ss. (3); W.A. Government Hospitals." 692-EBSAIIY, Mary Ivy Clare; 20 lregory street, Geraldton; 7th October, 1924; sec. 5, ss. (3); Perth Public Hospital." 1167-EDESON, Olive Iresse; District Hospital, Mt. Magnet; 28th November, 1930; sec. 5, ss. (4);

Children's Hospital." 419-EDIS, Margaret Dorothy; 89 Dalkeith road, Nedlands; 25th July, 1922; sec. 5, ss. (3); Kalgoorlie Hospital.

653-EDMUNDS, Mary Alice; 7 Finlayson street, Suhiaco; 8th April, 1924; sec. 5, ss. (3); Government Hospitals."

2122-EDWARDS, Kathleen; Perth Public Hospital; 29th July, 1939; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; Perth Pnblic I-los-

pital." 1811-EDWARDS, Leila Alexina; 16 First avenue, Mt. Lawley; 25th November, 1936; sec. 5, ss. (3); Perth Hospital.* 2242-EDWARDS, Mary Luke; St. John of God Hospital, Subiaeo; 1st July, 1940; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; St. JoIm of God Hospital, Subiaeo. 2053-EDWARDS, Molhie Irene; Tasmania; 27th February, 1939; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; Perth Public 1-lospital." 1606-EDWARDS, Sr. Mary Columba; St. John of God Hospital; 27th November, 1934; sec. 5, ss. (3) St. John of God Hospital."

1943-EGAN, Sr. Mary Lucy; St. John of God Hospital; 25th May, 1938; sec. 5, ss. (3); St. John of God Hospital."



Melbourne Hospital.

935-EVANS, Nellie; Pemberton; 17th April, 1928; see. 5, ss. (3) Perth Hospital." 1.757-EVANS, Zoe Winnifred; 125 Stirling highway, Claremont; 26th May. 1936; see. 5, ss. (3); Perth 1-hospital."

21 9!-E\V!.Nb, Doris Margei-y ; Mihhigan Hostel, Perth; 1thi February, 1941; sec. 5, ss. (6) ; General I{ospita!, Hobart, and Tassnanian Beg.

1 (i76---FAIIEV, Sr. Mary Rose; St. John's Hospital, Suhiaco; 28th, November, 1935; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; St. John of Clod Hospital." 55----FALLON, Rita Hazel; Margaret River; 1st August, 19-10 : sec .3, ss. 3 ; Wooroloo, Collie, and Kalgoochic Hospitals, and State Exam. A hI 0i--1'ANSITAWE, Ada Edith; 211 Stirling street, Perth,; 20th August, 1936; see. 5, ss. 4; University College hospital, London.' Stl---FARAM, Lizzie; District Hospital, Geraldton; Sf1, April, 1924 ; sec. 5, ss. (4) ; W.A. Government [hospitals." is!:i---.FA1IIIANEII, Peggy

Everett; 9 Lapsley road,

Claremont; 24th November, 1936; sec. 5, ss. (3); Perth hospital." 1365-FAUL, Margaret Emily M.; Victoria; 24th November, 1932; sec. 5, ss. (3); Perth Public Hospital.5

.1. 71-FERGUSON, Assnie F.; Badgebup, East Katanlung; 28th November, 1933; see. 5, ss. (3) ; Frensantle 1-lospital and State Exam. 2002A-FERGUSON, Margaret; FerrIs Public Hospital; 25th May, 1938; sec. 5, ss. (6); Royal Melbourne Hospital and Vie. Beg. 2032A-FERRES, Margaret Elizabeth; 10 Wissfield avenue, Crawley; 8th November, 1938; see. 5, ss. (6); Adelaide Hospital, South Australia. 107-FIELD, Ethel Ma-1'; Westminster Hospital, Perth; 18th July, 1922; sec. 5, ss. (1); Perth I-lospital." 1285-FINLY, Honos-a Elsie; Coohgardie; 23rd February, 1932; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; Perth Hospital." 1735-FISCHER, Pauline Margaret; Neumylda Hospital, Albany; 26th May, 1936; sec. 5, ss. (4) ; Childsen's Hospital, Subiaco."

679-FISHER, Keziah; Bunbury;


April, 1924;

sec. 5, ss. (3) ; Frema,ithe Public Hospital."

2145-FITZGERALD, Mary Encla; St. John of God Hospital, Subiaco; 20th June, 1939; sec. 5, ss. (3); St. John of God Hospital, Subiaco." 1300-FITZGERALD, Nestas; 22a Clifton street, Bunbury; 24th May, 1932; see. 5, ss. (3) ; Fremantle Public Hospital." 1125A-FITZPATRICK, Agnes Josephine; St. Asssse's Nursiisg Home, Mt. Lawley; 22nd April, 1937; sec. 5, ss.

(4) ; Chsildren's Hospital, Perth.

284-FLOYD, Pearl L.; District Hospital, Kahgoorlie; 18th July, 1922; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; W.A. Government Hospitals."

2079-FLYNN, Sister Mary Maui-us; St. Jolsss of God Convent, Subiaco; 21st Febi-uary, 1939; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; St. John of God Hospital, Subiaco, and State Exam.

2181-FOGARTY, Margaret; A.T.N.A., 234 Adelaide terrace, Perth; 17th Octobes, 1940; see. 5, ss. (3) Kalgoorhie Hospital and State Exam. 2020-FOGARTY, Mary Ailbe; St. John of God Convent, Subiaco; 29th

November, 1938; sec.

(3); St. John of God Hospital, Subiaco."

5, Cs.



[JULY 18, 1941.

PAnT 1.-NURSES RE-REGISTERED FOil 1941-continued. Registration No. and Name; Address; Date of Registration and Section of Act under which Registration was effected; Qoalilications.

2209-FOLEY, Mary Teresa; 31 Vincent street, Mount Lawley; 20th Fbruary, 1940; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; Perth

Public Ilospital.0 2038-FOLLAND, Kyra Joyce; Wickliam Farm, Katan-

ning; 29th November, 1938; see.5, ss. (3); Fre. mantle Public HospitaL*

2223-FORD, Frida Marjorie; Beverley; 20th February, 1940; sec. 5, ss. (3); W.A. Government Hospitals.e

A1155-FORMBY, Barbara Joyce; Mt. Barker; 27th January, 1938; sec. 5, ss. (6) ; Memorial Hospital, S.A., and S.A. Beg. 857-PORMBY, Madeline Noel; Gnowangerup; 5th April, 1927; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; Perth Public Hospital." 1996-FORREST, Eilleen Frances; 59 Clotilde street, Mt. Lawley; 29th November, 1938; sec. 5, ss. (3); Perth Public 1-lospitaL" 1787-FORSYTH, Helen Elsinore; ''Elsinore,'' East

Wickepin; 3rd June, 1937; sec. 5, ss. (3); Perth


593-FOSTER, Dorothea A.; 152 Coode street, Como; 2nd June, 1923; sec. 5, ss. (3); W.A. Government

Hospitals." 1062-FOWLER, Myrtle P.; Children's Hospital, Subiaco; 3rd December, 1929; sec. 5, ss. (4) ; Chil-

dren's hospital." 1997-FOWLES, Constance Edith; 48 Franklyn street, Leederville; 29th November, 1938; sec. 5, ss. (3) Perth Hospital and State Exam. 1250-FOX, Florence Bertha; Memorial Hospital, Bruce Rock; 5th June, 1931; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; Perth Public Hospital." A1128-FOX, Sr. M. Eugenius; St. Anne's Nursing Home, Mount Lawley; 22nd April, 1937; sec. 5, ss. (4); Mater Misericordiae Hospital, Brisbane.

Registration No. and Name; Address; Date of Registration

and Section of Act under which Registration ms-as effected; Qualifications.

I 711-GANDY, Delia; Smyth road, Shenton Park; 28th November, 1935; sec. 5, ss. (3); Government Hosp ita is.

1635-GARDINER, Sadie Campbell; 87 CoLa street, West Perth; 28th May, 1935; sec. 5, ss. (3); Perth Hospital and State Exam. 132-GARNSWORTHY, Bessie; 73 Highway, Nedlands; 18th July, 1922; sec. 5, ss. (1) ; Children's Hospital, Perth. 2126-GA1ITIIELL, Freda M.; King Edward Memorial Hospital, Subiaco; 10th August, 1939; see. 5, ss. (3) ; Perth Public 1-lospital."

1624-GEORGE, Joan Adelaide; Devonleigis Hospital, Cottosloe; 28th May, 1935; sec. 5, ss. (4) ; Children 's Hospital" 1168-GIBBONS, Loran Catherine; 1 Stirling street, Bunbury; 27th November, 1931; sec. 5, ss. (3) Children's Hospital, Perth, and State Exam. 894-GIBBS, Agnes; District Hospital, Wongan Hills; 4th October, 1927; sec. 5, ss. (4) ; Children's Hospital, Perth." 1185-GIBSON, Elsie Dorothy; 10 Simpson street, Ger-

aldton; 5th June, 1931; sec. 5, ss. (4); Children's

Hospital, Subiaeo." 2130-GIBSON, Florence; 386 Lord street, Pes-thi; 21st

December, 1939; sec. 5, ss. (6); Melbourne Women '5 Hospital, Melbourne.

2039-GIESE, Edith Mary; K.E.M. November, 1938; sec. pitah."

5, ss. (3) ;



Fremantle Hos-

826-GILBERT, Jessie Pamela; Victoria Park; 5th October, 1926; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; Perth Hospital." 1186-GILBERT, Jean Winifred; Dalwallinu; 25th March, 1938; sec. 5, ss. (6) ; Adelaide Clnldren 's Hospital and A.T.N.A.

1.815-GILBERT, Joyce 1-lelessa; 24 Manss street, Cottesbe; 24th November, 1936; see. 5, ss. (3) ; Child-

pital, Subiaco; 23rd January, 1940; sec. 5, ss. (3) St. John of God Hospital, Subiaco." 1220-FRANKISH, Mona Elsie; 64 Gallipoli Street, Victoria Park; 3rd March, 1931; sec. 5, ss. (3) Perth Hospital and State Exam. 1096-FRASER, Anna F.; District Hospital, Manjimup; 20th July, 1936; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; Gladstone Hospital,

rca's Hospital, Perth, and State Exam. 231.1-GILES, Dorothy Alice Frances; 165 Adelaide terrace, Perth; 31st October, 1940; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; Freniamitle hospital and State Exam. 121-GILL, Ella Vera; 3 VlTalcott street, Mt. Lawley; l8tlm July, 1922; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; Fremantle Hospital. 184-GILL, Sylvia; Public Hospital, Fremantle; 9th October, 1938; see. 5, ss. (3); Fremantle Public

2344-FRASER, Margaret Lilla; Perth Hospital; 20th April, 1941; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; Perth Hospital and

I 905-GILLAM. Betty; 108 Alama road, Northi Perth; 13th Decembem-, 1937; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; Perth Hos-

2203-FRANCIS, Mary Bega; St. John of Cod Hos-

Queensland, and A.M.F.


N.S.W.; 24th May, 1932; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; W.A. Government Hospitals."

pital." 767-GILLETT, Mary Alexaadcr; 17 Richardson street, Claremont; 18th Novecubes-, 1925; sec. 5, ss. (3) Perth Public Hospital and State Exam. A1191-GILLIES, Muriel May; Sanatorium, Wooroboo; 22nd May, 1934; sec. 5, ss. (3); W.A. Government Hospitals" 135-GLASSON, Rita Deane; Leonora; 18th July, 1922; sec. 5, ss. (4) ; Chnldren 's Hospital, Perth. 2:07-GLEN, Rash-a; Broome; 31st October, 1940; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; Fremantle Hospital and State Exam. 2320-GOLDSTEIN, Minnie S.; 32 Altona street, West Perth; 31st October, 1940; sec. 5, ss. (3); Perth Hospital and State Exam. 2056-GOODALL, Vera Edith; District 1-lospital, Kojonup; 5th April, 1939; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; Pesth Public Hospital."

2229-FROUDE, Phyllis Yvonne; North Collie; 19th March, 1940; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; W.A. Government

1685-GORDON, Jean Isabele; 27 Eric street, Cottesbe; 28th November, 1936; see. 5, ss. (3); Perth

State Exam. 1870-FREEMAN, Adela; Kalgoorlie; 3rd June, 1937; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; Fremantle Hospital."

577-FREEMAN, Elizabeth Annie; Public Hospital, Fremantle; 23rd January, 1923; sec. 5, ss. (4)

Children's Hospital." 2124-FREEMAN, Jeanne Nesle; King Edward Memliorial Hospital; 20th June, 1939; sec. 5, ss. (3) Perils Public HospitaL"

460-FREEMAN, Jessie Elizabeth; 143 Seventh Avenue, Maylands; 25th July, 1922; sec. 5, ss. (3) Perth Hospital. 1343-FROST, Ethel; 52 Austin street, Lane Cove,


1108-FULLARTON, Ellen Olive;

State street, Victoria Park; 5th June, 1930; see. 5, ss. (3) Perth Hospital." 18

1086-FULLER; Mavis Taylor; Fremaistie Hospital; 12th May, 1930; sec. 5, ss. (3); Fremantle Hospital.°

461-FURZE, Edith Florence; 16 Webb street, Gottesloe; 25th July, 1922; sec. 5, ss. (1); W.A. Government Hospitals.

117-FYFE, Jane Annie; 5 King's Park Mansions;

18th July, 1922; sec. 5, ss. (6) ; Adelaide Hospital, S.A.

2319-FYFE, Mollie; 19 Johnston street, Cottesloe; 31st

October, 1940; sec. 5, ss. (3); Perth Hospital and State Exam.


599-GOURLEY, Hilda; Perth Hospital; 3rd July, 1923; see. 5, ss. (3) ; Perth, Hospital." 831-GRANT, Linda Kathleen; 67 Matlock street, Mt. Hawthorn; 5th October, 1926; sec. 5, ss. (3); Perth Hospital."

130-GRAY, Allana Annie; Lemnos Hospital; Shenton Park; 18th July, 1922; sec. 5, ss. (4) ; Children's Hospital, Perth.

1788-GRAY. Jean Freda; Perthi Hospital; 3rd June, 1.937; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; Perth Hospital and State Exam. 2194-GREEN, Margaret Essie; 5 Mann street, Cottesbe; 17th December, 1939; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; W.A. Government Hospitals."

126-GREEN, Mai-y Gertrude; St.John of God Hospital, Derby; 18th July, 1922; see. 5, ss. (1) ; St. John of God 1-lospital,"

JuLY 18, 1941.1



PART 1.-NURSES RE-REGISTERED FOR 1941-continued. Registration No. and Name; Address; Date of Registration and Section of Act under which Registration was effected; Qualifications.

Registration No. and Name; Address; Date of Registration

and Section of Act under which Registration was effected:

Qualificati ens.

2057-GREENWOOD, Miflicent Minnie Bruce; Busselton; 28th March, 1939; see. 5, ss. (3) ; Perth Hos-

1083-HARRIS, Doris Alice; District Hospital, Tarnbellup; 13th May, 1930; sec. 5, ss. (3); Fremantle

2272-GROCKE, Marjorie Anne; 140 Hensman road, Su-

biaco; 18th June, 1940; sec. 5, so. (3) ; Perth Hospital and State Exam. 127-GROGAN, Sr. Mary Gabriel; St. John of God Hospital; 18th July, 1922; see. 5, ss. (3); St. Johia

2194-HARR[S, Evelyn; Kenwick; 23rd January, 1941; Austin Hospital, Melbourne. 21 29-hARRIS, Nanee; 30 Battle street, Mosman Park; 20th June, 1939; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; Perth Hospital and State Exam. 1638-HARRIS, Ruby E.; District Hospital, Kalgoorlie; 28th May, 1935; sec. 5, ss. (3); I'crth Hospital." A1050-HARRIS, Winifred Esther; Strome road, Coffee Point, 5th Novesnber, 1935; sec. 5, ss. (4) ; Adelaide

1 29-GRONO, Florence, Devonleigh Hospital, Cottesbe; 18th July, 1922; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; Freuiantl

1974-IIARhTEY, Ethel Jean; Moulyinning, East \Vagin; 20th July, 1938; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; Government

pitai.' 1637_GRI1CF1THS, Ivy Mytle; Northam; 28th May, 1935; see. 5, Cs. (3) ; Perth Hospital," 2176-GRILL, Roma Alice; Perth Public I-Iospital; 18th December, 1939; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; Perth Hospital."

of God 1-lospital."


690-GROYES, Jean; Lake Grace; 7th October, 192-I: sec. 5, ss. (3) ; Perth Public Hospital." 2055A-GIJILFOYLE, Lillian Gwynne Helena ; 385 Lord street, Perth ; 17th April, 1928 . scc.3, se (6) ; Sydney Hospital, Sydney." 2060A-GIJNTON, Justiae TI.; Emolirew, (Iwahia : 4th October, 1927; sec.5, ss. (3) ; Perth iluspital.

1998-1-IABERLEY, Melva; c/o Post Office, Midland .Jtmction ; 29th November, 1938; sec. 5, ss. (3) Perth 1-lospital and State Exam. 1758-1-lACK,

Charlotte Helen; District Hospital, Derby; 26th May, 1936; sec. 5, os. (3) ; Perth Hospital." 1498-HACKETT, Matilda Margaret; 13 Thomas street, Nedlands; 28th November, 1933; see.5, ss. (3) I'erth Hospital and State Exasn. 2170-HACKETT. Muriel Asenath; Daiwallinu I-lospit:il; 1 3thi August, 1940; see. 5, ss. (3) ; Wallaroo hospital, South Australia, Adelaide Reg. 822-HACQUOIL, Irene Ellen; 321 Cassning road, Como; 5th October, 1936; sec. 5, ss. (3); W.A. Government Hospitals." 2128-IIAINING, Coourrill Mina; 91 Ocean street, Rondi, Sydney; 21st September, 1939; sec. 5, ss. Perth Hospital and State Exam.

1367-HAIR, Christina Marian; Box 3, Tambellup; 24th Novesnber, 1932; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; Perth Hos-

pital." 2113---IIALL, Alice Mary; A.I.M. Nursing Home, Fitzroy Crossissg, W.A.; 17th October, 1939; see. 5. so. (6) ; Marrickville District I-lospital, New South Wales, and New South Wales Registration.



Hospitals and State Exani" 22T5-HARYEV, Joan Rosemary; 41 Edinburgis street, Sit. hhawtlsorn; 18th June, 19-10; Perth Hospital and State Exa,n. 21 05-GA h-I VIII, Vera Simmus; Kalgoorlie Ilospital; Lh yovcmnljer, 1939; see. 5, so. (3); W.A. Governimient 1-lospitals."

48-1IASSELL, Tita Marie; Camfield road, Greenmount: 18th July, 1922; sec. 5, ss. (4) ; Children's Hospital, Perth. 2264-1-IASTIE, Eileen Mary Madeline; 6 Bedford street, Nedlands; 22nd July, 1940; sec. 5, ss. (3) Freniantle hospital and State Exam. 2159-T-IASTIE, Lilhiasn Marie; 16 Second avenue, Mt. Lawley: 18th February, 1941; eec. 5, ss. (3) ; Perth hospital and State Exam. 2054A-HAWKE, Elsie; 23 Alvan street, Mt. Lawley; 20thi November, 1924; see. 5, as. (3) ; Perth Public h-hospital."

2275-JIAWKINS, Katbsem'ine Doreen; 68 Guildford road, Mt. Lawley; 18th Jumse, 1940; see. 5, ss. (3) Perth Hospital and State Exam. 1820-HAWKSLEY, Mary; York; 24th November, 1936; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; Frensantle I-hospital." 14 0-1-IAYES, Kathleen Ellen; 15 Blake street, North Perth; 18th July, 1922; sec. 5, as. (1); Children's Hospital and State Exam. 151-HAYES, Mary Ethel, 130 Chelmsford road, North

Perth; l8tls July, 1922; sec. 5, ss. (3); Fremaatle Hospital."

2058-HAYNES, Betty Margaret; "Kilbrea," Armadale; 21st February, 1939; sec. 5, as. (3); Perth

25th November, 1938; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; Pertls Hos-

Public Hospital." 2243-HEANEY, Mary Claude; St John of God, Subi:sco; 1st July, 1940; sec. 5, so. (3) ; St. John of

2011A-HAMERSLEY, Eulahic Margaret; 3 Walcott street, Mt. Lawley; 10th January, 1939; sec. 5, ss. ; Children's Hospital, Subiaco; 6 months' Adult

1391-HEATH, Hilda; 22 Ord street, Fresnanthe; 24th November, 1932; sec. 5, ss. (3); Fremantle Hos-

1919-HALL, Nora Luvia; K.E.M. Hospital, Subiaco; pital.*


2201-T-IAMERSLEY, Fanny I.; Three Springs; 24th February, 1941; sec. 5, ss. (1); W.A. Government Hospitals and A.T.N.A. 2183-HAMILTON-McCARDLE, Eileen; 223 Heytcsbury road, Subiaco; 17th October, 1940; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; Misericordiae Hospital, Brisbane. 148-HANRAHAN, Sr. Mary I.; St. John of God Ilospital, Subiaco; 18th July, 1922; sec. 5, ss. (3); St. John of God Hospital. 145-HANSEN, Matilda C.; Wyalkatchem Hospital; 18th July, 1922; see. 5, ss. (3) ; W.A. Government 1-lospitals.

1 022-1-TARCOURT, Pauline; 115 Claisebroolt road, East

Perth: 23rd October, 1934; sec. 5, ss. (6) ; Port Augusta, South Australia. 2130-HARDWICK, Mary Claire; Mount Hospital, Perth; 20th June, 1939; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; Perth Publie Hospital." 1872-HARLER, Edith Elizabeth; 32 Karoo street, South Perth; 3rd June, 1937; sec. 5, cc. (3) ; Government I-Iospitals."

1668-HARRIS, Alice E.; Duff street, Merredin; 28th November, 1935; sec. 5, as. (3); Fremantle Hospital."

2172-HARRIS, Betty Lucas; Great Boulder Mine, Pimniston, WA.; 20th June, 1939; sec. 5, ss. (3) Wooroloo, Collie, and Kalgoorlie Hospitals, and

State Exam.

God, Snbiaco.


904-HEENAN, Sr. May Philip; Hospital of St. John of God; 2nd October, 1923; sec. 5, ss. (3); Hospital of St. John of God." 1856-HENDERSON, Isobel Lambert; 8 Gloster street, Subiaco; 26th November, 1937; sec. 5, as. (3); Perth and Government I-hospitals." 2366-I-hENDERSON, Janet Elizabeth;


G.S.R.; 18th February, 1941; see. 5, as. (3) ; Woo-

rohoo, Northiasn, and Kalgoorlie Hospitals, and State Exam,

2077-HENDERSON, Mary Lilian: District Hospital, Narrogin; 21st February, 1939; see. 5, ss. (3) Perth Public Hospital." 7S7-I-IENDON, Lily Eva; 101 Angove street, North Perth; 23rd March, 196; sec.. 5, ss. (3) ; Perth hospital. 2200-HENEY, Jean Roma; G-ordons' Hotel, Bunbury; 7th November, 1939; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; W.A. Government Hospitals and State Exam. I 255-HENFREY, Mabel; Albany 1-lospital; Stls June, 1931; see. 5, ss. (3); Pertls Hospital." 1014-hENRY, Sylvia Dorotisy; Narrogisi Hospital; 26th Maceli, 1929; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; W.A. Government

Hospital and State Exam. 1021-HERNAN, Margaret Laurance; 400 Charles street, North Perth; 26th March, 1929; sec. 5, cc. (3) ; Fremantle Hospital." 2210-HERROD, Marie A.; Toodyay; 20th February, 1940; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; Perth Public I-hospital,"



[JULY 18, 1941.

PART 1.-NURSES RE-REGIS TERED FOil 1941-conthtued. Registration No. and Name; Address; Date of Registration Registration No. and Name; Address; Date of Registration and Section of Act under which Registration was effected;

and Section of Act under which Registration was effected;

2144-HICKS, Patricia Ann; Box 31, Daiwallinu; 9th March, 1940; sec. 5, ss. (6) ; Calvary Hospital,

728-1-IUGHES, Sr. Mary Xavier; St. John of God ilospetat; 14th October, 1925; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; St.


South Australia, asid South Australian Registration. 1893-HIGGINS, Sr. M. Christina; St. John's Hospital, Subiaco; 25th November, 1937; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; St. John 'a Hospital." 1142-1-IIGGINS, Mary Nita; Government I{ospital, Busselton; 26th May, 1936; sec. 5, ss. (3); WA. Government Hospitals." 1821-HIOGS, Gwenneth; 124 Vincent street, North Perth; 24th November, 1936; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; Perth HospitaL"

A1026-HILL, Joseplune Marjory;


Slade street,

Bayswater; 23rd October, 1934; see. 5, so. (6) ; Melbourne Hospital, A.N.F.


Joint of 00(1 Hospital."' 1559-HUGHES, Olive Emilene; 28 Raglan road, Mt. Lawley; 22nd May, 1934; sec. 5, ss. (3); Perth

Hospital." 2051A-IIUNGERFORD, Mabel;


Lincoln street,

Perth; 21st February, 1939; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; Perth Hospital."

868-IIUTCHINSON, Eunice; 57 Fourth avenue, Mt. La\vley; 5th April, 1927; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; Pertlm I-lospit a! amid State Exam.

1.56-HUTTON, Helena; Women's Home, Fremantle; 18th July, 1922; sec. 5, ss. (3); W.A. Governmmi cii t."

25th December, 1938; sec. 5, sa. (3) ; Perth Public

211i0-i-LYLAND, Vera Mario; Mount Hospital, Pert!; 18th ,June, 1940; sec. 5, sa. (6) ; Royal Melbourne hospital, Victorsan Rcg.

1639-HILL, Winifred; 119 Eighth avenue, Maylands; 28th May, 1935; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; Perth Hospital. 2211-I-IILLMAN, Kathleen; Perth Public Hospital; 17th April, 1940; sec. 5, as. (3) ; Perth Public,; [los-

1640-INGRAM, Violet Pearl; Wiekepia; 28th May, 1935; sec.. 5, ss. (3); Perth Hospital." 793-IRVINE, Edith Grace; Government Hospital,

2002-HILL, Sylvia Frances; Milton, East Pingelly; HospitaI.

pital." 1368-HOBBS, Victoria Alexandrina; District Hospital, Harvey; 24th November, 1932; sec. 5, ss. (3); Perth Hospital." 1544-HODGE, Helen Vein; Devonleigls, Cottesloe; 25th May, 1934; sec. 5, ss. (3); Children's Hospital and State Exasn. 2092-HODGSON, Ethel; 144 Grosvenor road, North Perth; 31st March, 1939; sec. 5, as. (3); Fremantle Public Hospital." 1823-HOGAN, Sister Mary Leonard; St. John of God Hospital; 24th November, 1936; sec. 5, ss. (3);

St. John of God Hospital." 2321-bOG, Beryl E.; Bayley street, Coolgardie; 11th January, 1941; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; Portia Hospital and State Exam.

2212-HOLLAND, Violet; Portia Public Hospital; 8th April, 1940; sec. 5, as. (3) ; Perth Public Hospital." 2063A-HOLYWELL, Amy Elizabeth; 185 St. George's

terrace, Perth; 11th May, 1939; see. 5, ss. (3) Perth Public Hospital," 2052A-HOPKINS, Ada Caroline; 24 Stuart street, Mosman Park; 24th November, 1932; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; Fremantle Hospital." 1800-HOPKINS, Maude Emily; 24 Stuart street, Mov swan Park; 26th May, 1937; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; Evemantle Hospital." 2322-HOPWOOD, Sheila M.; c/o Mrs. Ross, Beacon; 20th December, 1940; sec. 5, pital and State Exam.

ss. (3) ; Perth Hos-

1653-HORDACRE, Joan; Carssarvort; 28th May, 1935; sec. 5. ss, (3) WA. Government." 116-bORNE, Alice .Tosephine; 80 Bennett strcet, Perth; 20th Novesnber, 1924; see. 5, ss. (3) ; W.A. Government Hospitals." 1164-HOSKING, Violet; 19 Bedford avenue, Subiaeo; 28th October, 1939; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; Perth Public Hospital." 1969-HOUGH, Jean Betisiour; King Edward Memorial Hospital, Subiaeo; 25th May, 1938; sec. 5, ss. (3)

Perth Hospital." 769-HOUNSLOW, Hazel Leask; 8 Queen's crescent, Mt. Lawley; 14th October, 1925; sec. 5, ss. (3) Perth Public Hospital." 1761-HOWARD, Joyce Priscilla; District Hospital. Yonanmi; 25th May. 1936; see. 5, ss. (3); Perth Hospital."

2184-HOWELL, Sylvia Frances; The Crescent, Mad-

dington; 19th December, 1940; Bethesda Hospital Richmond, Victorian Reg. 641--HOWSON, Violet; 6 Regent street, Mt. Lawlev: 2nd October, 1923; see. 5, as. (3) WA Government Hospitals."

1967-HUGHAM, Isobel Myra; Elizabeth street, Mt. Hawthorn; 25th May, 1938; see. 5, as. (3); Fremantle Hospital." Roslyn,'' Popanyin2294-HUGHES, Dulcie May; ning; 8tls December, 1940; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; Wooroloo, Northam, and Kalgoorlie Hospitals, and State Exam.

1620-HUGHES, Gladys; Box 8, Merredin Hospital:

28th May, 1935; sec. 5, ss. (4) ; Children's Hospital, Subiaco."

Roebourise; 23rd Mare!,, 1926; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; Perth,

Hospital and State Exam. 2043-ISAAC, Gertrude Mary; 18 Robert street, Collie; 29th November, 1938; see. 5, ss. (3) ; Government Hospitals."

2203--JACKSON, Ethel Mary; Health Clinic, Nortisam; 7th March, 1941; Cosmnunity 1-lospital, Victorian Reg.

693-JA(JOBS, Eva Iva Mary; Narrogin; 7th, October, 1924; sec. 5, as. (3) ; Perth, Public Hospital." 2278-JAMES, Phyllis Wearne; 2.3 Coogee street, Mt. I-Iawthorn; 18th Jusse, 1940; sec. 5, as. (3) ; Portia Hospital and State Exam. i.353-JAMIESON, Isabel; K.E.M. Hospital, Subiaco; 27th October, 1932; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; W.A. Government Hospitals a,sch State Exam.

1089-JA1IVIS, Elva Edna; Taylor road, Dumbleyung; 13th May, 1930; sec. 5, ss. (3); Fremantle 1-lospital." 444-JENKINS, Mary Ehlenor Rae; 114 Grant street, Cottesloe; 25th July, 1922; see. 5, ss. (1); Governmeiit 1-lospital Kalgoorlie." 2049A-JOI-INS, Ellen; Derby: 21st February, 1.939; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; Perth, Public Hospital." 1017-JOHN, Sarah Marion; Infectious Diseases losptal, Shienton Park; 26th March, 1939; see. 5, ss. (3) ; Perth, Hospital and State Examn. 2331-.J Ol-INSON, Patricia; ''Esperanza,'' Harvey; '19th December, 1940; sec. .5, ss. (3) ; Portim Hospital

and State Exam.

1445-JOLLEY, St. Mary Bernadette; Convent of St. John of God; 25th, May, 1933; sec. 5, ss. (3); St. .John of God Hospital."' i447-JOLLE Y, Thelma M.; Florence street, Nedlauds; 25th, May, 1933; sec. 5, ss. (3); Fre,nantle Hospital." 173-JONES, Elsie I.; 253 Marmion street, Cottesloe; 18th July, 1922; see. 5, as. (3) ; Perth Public Hospital."

2335-JONES, Mavis; ''Cluju Carrig,'' Busselton; 21st

Mare],, 1941; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; Fremnantle Hospital and Si etc Exam.

812-JONES, Olive Rosa Jane; 136 Stirling highway. Charemont; 5th October, 1926; see. 5, ss. (3)

Fremantie }[ospitah." 1545-JONES, Pauline Ivy; District Hospital, Northam; 22nd April, 1934; sec. 5, so. (4) ; Children's Hospital, Suhiaco." 2081A-JONES, Sarah; Frcum,,"le Public hospital : Ma5-, 1919: see. 5, as. (6) ; Prince Henry Hospital, Little Bay, Sydney. 1861-JORDAN. Mary; Narrogin Hospital; 2nd October, 1923; sec. 5, as. (3); WA. Governument I-lospitals." 620--JOY, Aissue; Dumnbleyumsg; 3rd July, 1923; see. 5, as. (3) : Perth 1-lospital a,td State Examn.

174-JOWETT, Myra Maude; 191 Adelaide terrace,

Perth,; 18th July, 1922; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; Government Hospitals, W.A."

2177-JURY, Lillian; 30 Eric street, Cottesloe; 7th Novembes', 1939; sec.

5, ss.

(3) ; Perth, hospital."



Junv iS, 1941.

PART 1.-NURSES RE-REGISTERED FOR 1941-continued. Registration No. and Name; Address; Date of Registration

Registration No. and Name; Address; Date of Registration and Section of Act under which Registration was effected;

and Section of Act under which Registration was effected;

I 261-KEALY, Josephine; Mount Hospital; 5th July, 1931; see. 5, ss. (3); Perth Hospital.' 1959-KEAMY, Beanie; Watheroo; 25th May, 1938; sec. 5, ss (3); Perth Hospital: 2304-KEARNEY, Mary Clare; St. Joim of God Hospital, Suhiaco; 3rd January, 1941; sec. 5, as. (3); St. John of God Hospital, Subiaco. 509-KEATCH, Rose A.; 22 Hampden street, South Perth; 2nd August, 1922; sec. 5, ss. (3); W.A.

1432-KITTO, Ethel Verna; do Mrs. C. D. Shepherdson, East Witchcliffe; 25th May, 1933; sec. 5, ss. (3); Perth Hospital." 765-KNIGHT, Isabella; 3 Sunbury road, Victoria Park; 14th July, 1925; sec. 5, as. (4) ; Children's Hospital, Perth." 2128-KYLE, Grace Beryl; 41 Williams road, Nedlands; 22nd May, 1934; see. 5, ss. (3) ; Perth Public Hospital."

186-KEAT1NG, Mary A.; St. John of God, Suhiaco; 18th July, 1922; see. 5, ss. (1) ; St. John of God,

212-LACEY, Jean; Sandstone; 7th July, 1922; see. 5, as. (3); Freinantle Hospital and State Exam. 203-LAFFER, Eleanor Forrest; 11 Merniwa street, Nedhands; 18th July, 1922; see. 5, ss. (3) ; Perth



Government Hospitals.

Suhiaco and A.T.N.A.

1961-KEISEY, Jean; Mount Hospital, Perth; 5th April, 1927; see. 5, ss. (3) ; Perth Public Hospita 1."

471-KELLY, Alicia May; District Hospital, Bullaring; 25th July, 1922; sec. 5, ss. (6) ; Melbourne Conceal hospital." 2060-KELLY, Edythe Mary; Perth Hospital; 31st March, 1939; sec .5,ss. (3) ; Perth Public Hospital." 2072-KELLY, Mary Yarlath; Hospital of St. John of God, Subiaco; 29th November, 1938; sec. 5, as. (3);

Hospital of St. John of God." 998-KELSALL, Olive Veronica; Children's Hospital, Subiaco; 26th March, 1929

sec. 5, ss. (4) ; Child-

len's Hospital." 1734-KENNEDY, Marian Beatrice; Mount Hospital: 26th May, 1936; sec. 5, ss. (4) ; Children's Hospital and State Exam. L43-KENNEDY, Mary Gregory; St. John of God Hospital, Subiaeo; 27th November, 1931; sec. 5, ss (3) St. John of God I-Iospitnl, Subiaco, and State Exam.

188-KENNEDY, Sr. Mary S.; St. John of God Hospital, Subiaco; 18th July, 1922; sec. 5, ss. (3); St. John of God 1{ospital." 22i31cENNY, Dinah; 309 Hay street, East Perth; 3i-d April, 1940; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; Perth Public I-lospital.

905-KENNY, Sr. Mary Alacoque; Hospital of St. Joim of God; 2nd October, 1923; sec. 5, ss. (3); Hospital of St. John of God." 2256-KEOTJGH, Mary Winifred ; Wagin Hospital;

23rd July, 1940; sec. 5, as. (3); Wooroloo, Geraldton, and Kalgoorlie Hospitals, and State Exam. 2339-KERR, Dorothy; Jarrahwood, via Busselton; 18th February, 1941; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; Fremantle Hospital and State Exam. 1406-KETTERIDGE, Coral Helen; 37 Stanley street, Mt. Lawley; 24th November, 1932; sec. 5, ss. (3) WA. Government Hospitals." l744-KIDD, Dorothy Anne; Albany; 26th May, 1936; see. 5, ss. (3); W.A. Government Hospitals." 1231-KIDD, Gwendoline Hester; Konnongorring; 22nd March, 1932; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; Clmildren 'a Hospital, Sn hi a Co."

907-KIDSTON-HTJNTER, Bessie; 84 Spit road, Mosmann, N.S.W.; 2nd October, 1923; sec. 5, ss. (4) Children's 1-hospital and State Exam. 2136-KIERNAN, Irene; Woodside Hospital, East Fremantle: 5th September, 1922; sec. 5, as. (1); Fremantle Public 1-lospital." 303-KILDAHL, Louise E.; 170 Marine parade, Cot-

tesloe; 18th July, 1922; sec. 5, ss. (3); Fremaat Public Hospital." 2061-KINANE, Therèse Alacoque; District Hospital, Nortliam; 21st February, 1939; sec. 5, ss. (3) Perth Public Hospital."

1150A-KING, Dorothy; 49 Vincent street, Mt. Lawley; 27th January, 1938; Guys Hospital, General Nursing Council, England. 633-KING, Ella de Vern; District Hospital, Port }Iedland; 2nd October, 1923; sec. 5, ss. (3); Perth Public Hospital." 980-KIPLING, Jean Seam-he; Child Welfare Depart-

ment, 3 Walcott street; 26th March, 199; sec. 5,


(3) : Children's Hospital and State Exam.

2074-EISSANE, Imelda Anne; Queen Victoria Hospital, Mint place, Mel,hourne; 21st February, 1939; see. 5, as. (3); Fremantle Public Hospital." 189-KISSANE, Mary Baptist; St. John of God, Subi-

aco: 18th July, 1922; see. 5, ss. (1); St. John of

God Hospital, Subiaco.

Public Hospital." 1855-LAKE, Beryl Mary; 15 Arthur street, Subiaco;

24th November, 1936; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; \TA Governimient Hospitals." 1191-LAMBERT, Edna; District Hospital, Albany; 3rd March, 1931; sec. 5, as. (3); W.A. Government Hospitals." 1907-LAMBERT; Edna Jean; District Hospital, Al-

bany; 25th November, 1937; sec. 5, ss. (3); Perth Hospital."

2004-LAMPARD, Margaret Agnes Abbot; Women's Hospital, Canton, N.3, Victoria; 5th January, 1939; see. 5, as. (3); Perth Public Hospital." 2161-LANCASTER, Leah Alice; Bunlong road, West Northain; 21st August, 1939; sec. 5, ss. (3); W.A. Government Hospitals." 2171-LANDER, Daplme D.; Dalwallinu; 13th August, 1940; sec. 5, ss. (6); Adelaide Hospital and South Australian Reg.

200-LANG, May; Wesley Manse, 119 Eleanor street, Geraldton; 18th July, 1922; sec. 5, ss. (3); Adelaide I-[ospital."

2222-LANGE, Dora Caroline; Post Office, Gosnells; 20th February, 1940; see. 5, as. (3); W.A. Government Hospitals." 2127-LAPSLEY, Ethel Daisy; 75 Tyrell street, Nedhands; 18th July, 1922; sec.5, ss. (1) ; Perth Hospital.

2006-LATHWELL, Mary Elizabeth; 5 Leonard street, Victoria Park; 9th January, 1939; sec. 5, ss. (3); Perth I'nbhic Hospital." 2324-LAVIS, Constance; 26 Greylands road, Claremont; 22nd November, 1940; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; Perth 1-hospital and State Exam.

207-LAWRENCE, Edith Isabella; 10 Rae street, Leederville; 18th July, 1922; sec. 5, ss. (6) ; Sheffield TJnioa Hospital, Scotland. 149 0-LAWRY, Christina; Katamming Hospital; 28th

November, 1933; sec. 5, ss. (3); Perth Hospital."

403-LAWSON, Alice Irene; Rosella Hospital, Gerald-

ton; 18th July, 1922; sec. 5, ss. (3); Perth Public Hospital."

1705-LEAKE, Mildred Amy; Keihenberrin; 28th November, 1935; see. 5, as. (4); Clmildren's Hospital." 2056k-LEE, Phyllis Frances; Byford; 25th May, 1933; sec. 5, ss. (3); Perth Public I-Iospitah." 208-LEEDS, Enid Appleton; Northam; 18th July, 1922; sec. 5, as. (1); Perth Public Hospital." 1301-LEFROY, Margaret P.; Subiaco; 24th May, 1932; sec. 5, ss. (3); Fremnanthe Hospital." 619-LEGGATE, C.; Woodside Hospital, East Premantle; 3rd July, 1923; sec. 5, as. (3); Fremanthe Hospital and Board's Exam." 1345-LEGGO, Gertrude; c/o Mrs. E. Dawson, Forests Department, Ludlow; 24th May, 1932; sec. 5, as. (3); W.A. Government Hospitals." 1348-LEGGO, Hilda; 24th May, 1932; sec. 5, ss. (3); Govermnent Hospitals and State Exam.

2151-LEISHMAN, Marjorie; Box 41, Bruce Rock;

28th October, 1930; sec. 5, ss. (3); Children's Hospital, Subiaco." 82 5-LESLIE, Bessie; Perth Hospital; 5th October, 1926; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; Exam.

Perth Hospital and State

394-LEVY, Lionette Olga; 8 ''Chevron,'' Goderich street, East Perth; 18th July, 1922; sec. 5, as. (1) Children's Hospital.

2146-LEWIN, Lena M.; 42 I-lay street, Subiaco; 4th April, 1940; sec. 5, ss. (6) ; Sydney Sanatorium, New South Wales.


994 PART

JULY 18, 1941..

1.-NURSES RE-REGISTERED FOR 1941-continued.

Registration No. and Name; Address; Date of Registration and Section of Act under whicis Registration was effected; Qualifications.

Registration No. and Name; Address; Date of Registration and Section of Act under which Registration was effected; Qualifications.

1217-LEWIN, Rosalind B.; District Hospital, Glare, S.A.; 3rd March, 1931; sec. 5, ss. (3); Perth Hos-

17-LUTTRELL, Annie Kathleen; 15 Lawley eres

607-LEWIS, Jean; 238 Seventh avenue, Inglewood; 20th March, 1923; sec. 5, ss. (1); Children's Hospital and State Exam. 2309-LIDDELL, Dosis Gray; Post Office, Holyoake, W.A.; 31st October, 1940; sec. 5, ss. (3); Fresnantle Hospital and State Exam. 2185-LIDDY, Catherine; Milligan Hostel, Perth; 19th

1235-LYNAGH, Sr. Mary Jerome; St. John of God

pital. a

December, 1940; sec. 5, North Adelaide.

ss. (6) ;

Calvary Hospital,

2106-LINDLEY, A. Dora May; Freinantle Hospital;

26th Match, 1939; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; W.A. Government Hospital.a

2214-LINTON, Christine; District Hospital, Yarloop;

15th March, 1940; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; Perth Public Hospital. 1647-LITSTER, Freda C.; Yeovil crescent, Bicton; 27th May, 1935; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; Perth Hospital and State Exam.

1027-LIVESEY, Constance; Victoria; 26th March, 1929; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; W.A. Government Hospitals.* 982-LIVINGSTONE, Agnes; Margaret River; 9th October, 1928; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; W.A. Government Hospitals and State Exam.

1675-LLOYD, Sr. Mary Clement; St. John of God

Hospital; 28th November, 1935; sec. 5, ss. (3); St. John of God HOspital.* 1466-LOANE, Mabel Grace; Kalgoorhie Hospital; 25th May, 1933; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; WA. Government Hospital asid State Exam.

889-LOBLEY, Grace Isobel; Lake Grace Hospital

4th October, 1937; sec. 5, ss. (4) ; Children's I-lospital, Subiaco." 2151-LOCKE, Marjorie; Box 41, Bruce Rock; 28th October, 1930; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; Chsildress's Hospital and State Exam. 1195-LOCKIIEAD, Ethel; Wooroioo; 3rd March, 1931; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; WA. Government Hospitals.' 1896-LONERGAN, Sister Mary Thecla; St. John of God Hospital; 2nd November, 1937; sec. 5, ss. (3); St. Jolsn of God }Iospital.* 1043A -LONGBOTTOM, Laura Viviasi; Darradup House, via Nannup; 12th September, 1935; sec. 5,

ss. (4); Sydney Sanatorium and Warhroonga Hospital.

3-LONGS ON, Ada Lander; 40 Roseberry avenue, South Perth; 18th July, 1922, sec. 5, ss. (6); Poor Law Hospital, Stockport. 302-LONGSON, Chance; Epsom road, Belmont; 18th July, 1922; sec. 5, ss. (3); W.A. Government Hospitals."

1388-LONGSON, Hilda; District Hospital, Northam;

24th November, 1932; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; Premantle Hospital." 1656-LORD, Eva Alice; Collie I-Iospital; 28th May, 1935; see. 5, ss. (3) ; W.A. Goversinient Hospitals."

61-LOVE, Ivy A.; 31 Park road, Mt. Lawley; 18th July, 1922; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; Government Hospital." 2063-LOVELL, Jean; King Edward Memorial I4ospital, Subiaco; 17th April, 1939; sec. 5, ss. (3) Perth Public Hospital." 2063-LOVELL,

Jean Gladys;

Perth; 17th April, 1939; sec. Public Hospital."

54 5,

street, ss. (3); Perth


1826-LOVETT, Sr. Mary Lawrence; St. John of God Hospital; 24th November, 1936; sec. 5, ss. (3); St. Jolsii of God Hospital." 2005-LOWDER, Margaret; Kalgoorlie Hospital; 29th November, 1938; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; Perth Hospital and State Exam. .404-LOWE, Beatrice Margaret; 48 Collins street, South Perth; 18th April, 1922; see. 5, ss. (3); Perth Hospital." 473-LOWE, Florence M.; District Hospital, Bunhury; 25th July, 1922; sec. 5, ss. (3); W.A. Government Hospitals."

2120-LOWSON, Wilhelminn; Sanatorium, Wooroloo; 7th November, 1939; sec. 5, ss. (6) ; Hobart Public Hospital, Tasmania. 2189-LUKIN, Mary; Beverley; 30th December, 1939; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; Fresnantle Public Hospital." 2197-LUMBUS, Kathleen; Queen's Park; 7th Novesnher, 1939; sec. 5, ss. 3; W.A. Government Hospitals.°

cent, Mt. Lawley; 20th November, 1924; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; WA. Governmesit Hospitals.

Convent, Subiaco; 27th November, 1931; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; St. John of God Hospital." 1529-LYNAGH, Sr. Mary Lucina; Convent of St. John of God; 22nd May, 1934; see. 5, ss. (3); St. John of God Hospital."

1278-LYNCH, Sr. Mary Adrian; St. John of God Hospital; 23rd February, 1932; see. 5, ss. (3); St. John of God HospitaL" 530-LYNCH, Sr. Mary Bede; Convent of St. John of God; 22nd May, 1934; sec. 5, ss. (3); St. John of God Hospital."

2023-LYNCH, Mary Oliver; Convent of St. John of

God, Subiaco; 28th February, 1939; sec. 5, ss. (3) Hospital of St. John of God, Subiaco." 2203-LYNCh, Mary ljrbasi; St. John of God, Subiaco; 20th

February, 1940; seeS. ss. (3) ; St. John of

God Hospital, Suhisco.

7-LYNCh-I, Nellie U.; 27 View street, North Perth; 18th July, 1922; sec. 5, ss. (3); W.A. Government Hospitals."

2080-LYONS, Mary Hilarion; Hospital of St. John of God, Subiaco; 28th February, 1939; sec. 5, 55.

(3) ; Hospital of St. John of God, Subiaco." i944-LYONS, Sr. Mary Virgihius; St. John of God hospital; l8thi June, 1938; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; St. John of God IIospital.a 1241-LYONS, Sr. Mary Winifred; St. John of God Convent; 27th November, 1931; sec. 5, ss. (3); St. John of God Hospital."

2i35-MacDONALD, Alice; District Hospital, Pemberton; 21st June, 1939; see. 5, ss. (3) ; Perth, Public Hospital.

1004-MACDONALD, Margaret Amelia; Victorian In suranee Co., I'erth; 26th March, 1929; Perth. Hospital and State Exam. 1976-MACGREGOR, Patricia Eleasior Frances; Queen Victoria Hospital, Mint place, Melbourne; 26th May, 1938; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; Government Hospitals and State Exam. 2040-MACKIE, Gwendolyn; 9 Circe circle, Dalkeith; 29th November, 1938; sec. 5, ss. (3); Fremantle Public Hospital." 2310-MACKIE, Helen Beatrice; 9 Circe Circle, Dalkeith; 16th December, 1940; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; Fremantle 1-lospital and State Exam. 2140-MacKINNEY, IJneita Dorothy; Sherwood 1-lonse, Sherwood Court, Perth; 20th February, 1940; sec. 5, ss. (6); St. George's Hospital, New South Wales.

216-MADDIGAN, Margaret Jean; 32 Dundas road, Maylasids; 18th July, 1922; sec. 5, ss. (3); Perth

Hospital." 2169-MADIGAN,




November, 1938; sec. 5, ss.



June, 1939; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; Perth Public Hospital." 2007-MAHON, Margaret Isabel; 37 Union street, Subiaco; 29th

Perth Hospital." 1277-MAHON, Sr. Mary Placidus; St. John of God Hospital; 23rd July, 1932; sec. 5, ss. (3); St. John of God Hospital." 1428-MAJOR, Louise Ethel; Westonia Hospital; 25th May, 1933; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; Perth Hospital and State Exani.

1963-MALCOLM, Ruth; 52 Waratah avenue, Nedlands; 25th August, 1938; sec. 5, ss. (3); Perth Hospital and State Exam. 2064A-MALES, Violet Ann; 78 Egina street, Mt. Hawthorn; 11th May, 1939; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; Fremautle Hospital and State Exam. 2095-MALLETT, Florence Costello; District Hospital, Marble Bar; 21st Februpny, 1939; sec. 5, ss. (3) Fremantle Public Hospital." 1376-MALONE, Ellen; District Hospital, Bruce Rock; 24th November, 1932; sec. 5, ss. (3); Perth Hospital."



JIJLV 18, 1941.]

PART I.-NURSES RE-REGISTERED FOR 1941-continsced. Registration No. and Name; Address; Date of Registration Registration No. and Name; Address; Date of Registration and Section of Act under which Registration was effected; Qualifications.






street, Mosman Park; 22nd February, 1927; sec. 5, as. (4) ; Children's Hospital, Subiaco.5 1495-MANN, Catherine; Margaret River; 8th April, 1925; see. 5, ss. (3); Fremantle Hospital and A.T.N.A.

2280--MANNING, Doreen; Jacob's Well, via York, WA.; 30th August, 1940; see. 5, as. (3) ; Perth Hospital and State Exam.

2;l45-MANNING, Dorothy; Jacob's Well, via York, WA.; 20th February, 1941; sec. 5, ss. (3); Perth Hospital and State Exam. 2346-MANNING, Jean; 105 Angove street, North Perth; 22nd February, 1941; see. 5, ss. (3); Perth Hospital and State Exam. 1562-MANNING, Margaret; District Hospital, Westonia; 22nd May, 1934; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; Perth Pub. lie Ilospital.* 2265-MAPLESDEN, Hilda Elizabeth; Kondinin; 18th June, 1940; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; Frernantle Hospital and

State Exam. 2064-MARCHANT, Nancy Octovia; Yelearing; 21st April, 1939; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; Perth Public Hospital." 531-MARKEY, Hilda Elizabeth; Edward Millen Home, Victoria Park; 5th September, 1922; sec. 5, 55. (6) ; Wahroonga Sanitarium, New South Wales. 1133-MARSH, Edna Casl; 134 Churchill road, Subiaco; 28th October, 1930; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; Perth Public Hospital." 21 79-MARSH, Patricia Wehhnan; Dattening, West Pingolly; 30th January, 1940; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; Perth Public Hospital." 2132-MARTTN, Eileen; St. John of God I-Iospital,

Srtbiaeo; 25th January, 1940; see. 5, as. (6) ; Bendigo Base Hospital, Victoria.

2114-MARTIN, Gwen Garnett; Hobbs street, Nedlancis;

14th August, 1939;




(3); Fremanthe

Public Hospital." 1625-MARTIN, Shseilah; Devonleighi 1-lospital, Cottesbe; 28th May, 1935; Sec. 5, ss. (4) ; Children's Hospital, Subiaco." 918-MATHESON, Monica Cathserine; do Old Men's

Home, Nedlands; 4th October, 1927; sec.

5, ss.

(3) ; W.A. Government Hospitals. 2165--MATTHEWS, Martina; Kununoppin; 18th June, 1940; sec. 5, ss. (6) ; Belfast Union Infirmary, Ireland.

1830-MATTHEWS, Phyllis; Midland Junction; 24th November, 1936; sec. 5, ss. (3); Fremanthe Hospital."

1059-MAY, Catherine B.; 33 Adelaide street, Fremantle; 3rd December, 1929; sec. 5, SC. (4); Children's Hospital, Subiaco."

1219-MEAD, Cordeia; 4 Grant street, Cottesloe; 3rd March, 1931; sec. 5, ss. (3); Perth Hospital." 2362-IJEAGIIER, Kathleen Ann; 5 Miller street, Victoria Park; 18th February, 1941; sec. 5, ss. (3) Wooroloo, Collie, and Kalgoorlie Hospitals. 1299-MELVIN, Winifred Jessie; Bendigo, Victoria;

23rd February, 1932; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; Children's Hos-

pital and State Exam. 228 1-MEMBREY, Elsie Gertrude; 9 Ellesmere road, Mt. Lawley; 24th June, 1940; sec. 5, ss. (3); Perth Hospital and State Exam. 1831-METCALF, Nellie May; Kellerberrin Hospital, Subiaco; 24th November, 1936; Sec. 5, ss. (3) Fremantle Public Hospital." 431-METTAM, Edith; Box H578, G.P.O., Perth; 25th July, 1922; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; W.A. Government Hospitals."

2131-METZKE, Letilia Ann; 275 Suburban road, South Perth; 20th June, 1939; sec. 5, ss. (3); Perth Public Hospital." [103-MEWS, Linda; Box 172, Bridgetown; 28th October, 1930; see. 5, ss. (3); Perth Hospital and State Exam.

837-MEWS, Ouida; 65 Stubbs terrace, Daglish; 5th October, 1926; sec. 5, ss. (4); Children's Hospital,

Perth." 640-MILBANK, Daphne 7 Florence road, Nedlands; 2nd October, 1923; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; W.A. Government Hospitals."

and Section of Act under which Registration was effected; Qualifications.

797-MILLAR, Leonore Merton; Chapman Bridge, Geraldton; 23rd March, 1926; sec. 5, ss. (4); Child-

ren's Hospital and State Exam.

852-MILLER, Doris Lillian; 141 Gbostes' street, Subi-

aco; 5th April, 1927; Perth Hospital and State Exam.

A1195-MILLIKAN, Elsie Gwendohine; 17 Farmouth road, Hawthorn, Victoria; 3rd May, 1938; sec. 5, ss. (6) ; Epworth Hospital and Victorian Beg. 595-MILNE, Lily M.; Gnowangerup; 3rd July, 1923; sec. 5, ss. (6); Southport Infirmary, England. Bunbury 475-MILNE-HOBERTSON, Thseophila; Hospital; 25th July, 1922; sec. 5, SC. (6); St. Barthiohomew 's Hospital, London.

981-MITCHELL, Agnes Hay; Wooroloo Post Oce; 29th November, 1928; sec. 5, ss. (3); Government Hospitals, W.A.

2028A-MITCHELL, Alice Reah; 672 Beaufort street, Peithi; 1st September, 1938; sec. 5, ss. (6) ; Balchiuta Hospital, Otago, N.Z. and N.Z. Rag.

1766-MITCHELL, Helen Mary; South Perth; 26th May, 1936; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; Perth Hospital." 1272-MITCHELL, Mary Attracta; St. John of God, Subiaco; 23rd February, 1932; see. 5, ss. (3) ; St. John of God Hospital, Subiaco." 1946-MOFFATT, Sr. Mary Cosmas; St. John of God 1-lospital; 8th June, 1938; sec. 5, ss. (3); St. John John of God Hospital." 2284-MOIR, Ehhinor Jean; "Chillingup,'' Borden; 2nd September, 1940; sec. 5, ss. (3); Perth Hospital and State Exam.

222-MOLLOY, Kathleen; c/o Westminster Hospital, Perth; 18th July, 1922; sec. 5, ss. (1); Children's 1-lospital amid State Exam.

881-MOLONEY, Clarissa Fraisces; Walkaway; 22nd February, 1927; sec. 5, ss. (3); Children's Hospital and State Exam. 795-MOLONEY, Sr. Mary Sebastian; St. John of God hospital; 25th May, 1926; sec. 5, ss. (3); St. John of God Hospital." 1690-MONGER, Eileen May; Lawler street, North Perth; 28th Novesssber, 1935; sec. 5, ss. (3); Perth Public Hospital." 1706-MONGER, Nessie Gladys; 92 Mountjoy road,

Nedlands; 28th November, 1935; sec. 5, as. (4);

Children's Hospital." 736-MONGER, Norma Margaret; Lawler street, North Perth; 26th May, 1925; sec. 5, ss. (3); Perth Public 1-lospital."

1169A-MONTEITH, Jessie Mary Cowan; Bedford street, Nedhands; 25th March, 1938; Ballarat Hospital and Victorian Reg. 2167-MOON, Alice Gloria; 31 Station road, Fairfield, Victoria; 28th November, 1935; sec. 5, ss. (3); Goveminent Hospital and State Exam. 1691-MOORE, Clara May; 18 Keane street, Midland;

28th November. 1935; sec. 5, ss. (3); Perth Public

Hospital." 2134-IVIOORE, Evelene Dowson;

Perth; 12th August, 1939;

Judd street, South

Perth Public Hospital." 2232-MOORE, Isobella Grace; Merredin Hospital; 15th April, 1940; sec. 5, ss. (3); Wooroloo, Northamn, and Kalgoorhie Hospitals, and State Exam. 1079-MOORE, Kathleen Mary; Children's Hospital, Subiaco; 4th October, 1927; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; W.A. Government Hospitals." sec. 5, ss. (3) ;

2082-MORCH, Mary Peter; Convent of St. John of God, Subiaco; 21st February, 1939; sec. 5, ss. (3); St. John of God Hospital, Subiaeo." 2133-MORGAN, Ethel; Olñldren 's Hospital, Subiaco; 10th August, 1939; sec. 5, ss. (3); Perth Public Hospital."

1642-MORGAN, Florence Jean; 22 Mount street, Perth; 28th May, 1935; sec. 5, ss. (3); Perth Hos-

pital and State Exam. 1580-MORGAN, Sarah; Forestry Department, Maryvale; 27th November, 1934; sec. 5, ss. (3); Perth Public Hospital.

[Juai 18, 1941


996 PART

1.-NURSES RE-REGISTERED FOR 1941-continued.

Registration No. and Name; Address; Date of Registration and Section of Act under which Registration was effected; Qualifications.

2202-MORONEY, Mary Angela; St. John of God Hospital, Subiaco; 18th March, 1940; sec. 5, ss. (3)

St. John of God Hospital, Subiaco.* 1249-MORREL, Doris Daphne; Rocklands, Kellerberrun; 23sd February, 1932; sec. 5, ss. (3); Fremantle Hospital acid State Exasn. 2239 ---MORRELL, End I-lope; Fremantle Hospital; 20th February, 1940; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; Fremantle Public Hospital." 1190-MORRELL, Joyce Dorothea; Youanscci; 3rd


March, 1931; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; W.A. Government Hos-

2251-MORRIS, Beatrice Elizabeth; Tanibellup; 13th July, 1940; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; Wooroloo, Northam, and Kalgooc-lie Hospitals, and State Exam. 1416-MORRIS, Elizabeth T.; Olive street, Katanicing; 24th November, 1932; sec. 5, ss. (3); W.A. Government 1-lospitals."

2215-MORRIS, Isabelle; 84 Webster street, Nedlands; 20th Febsuary, 1940; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; Perth Public Hospital."

2347-MORRIS, Nancy; Harvest terrace, Scarborough; 20th March, 1941; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; Perth Hospital and State Exam. 1665-MORRIS, Stolla Maud; P.O., Moulyimsing; 28th May, 1935; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; Fremantle Public I-lospital.5

589-MORRISON, Alice Catherine; 29 Hampton road, Beaconsfield; 24th April, 1923; sec. 5, ss. (3) Fremantle Publii Hospital. A1124-MORRISON, Florence TI. M.; 23 Harvest road, North Fremaatle; 23rd February, 1937; sec. 5, ss. (6) ; Betheoda, Richmond, Victoria.

1178-MORRISON, Jessie; E.DM.; Mosman Pack; 25th






(6) ;


Hospital and Stobhill General Hospital, Glasgow,

G.N. Go.

1270-MORRISON-MALEY, Beatrice; Geraldton Hospital; 27th November, 1931; sec. 5, ss. (3); W.A. Government Hospitals and State Exam.

1833-MORRISSEY, Mary Cecelia; 6 First avenue, Bassendena; 24th November, 1936; sec. 5, ss. (3) Perth Hospital." 503--MIJLDOON, Mabel; Government Hospital, Dwellingup; 2nd August, 1922; sec. 5, ss. (1) ; W.A. O overninent Hospitals."

223-MULGRAVE, Adelaide Victoria; 30 Addison street, Elwood, Victoria; 18th July, 1922; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; Perth Public Hospital.5 228-MTJLGBTJE, Eleanor; 108 Adelaide terrace; 18th July, 1922; sec. 5, ss. (3); W.A. Government Hospitals."

234-MULLALY, Sr. Mary Patrick; St. John of God Hospital; 18th July, 1922; sec. 5, ss. (3); St. John of God Hospital." 2363-MULLAN, Ethel Katherine; Harrismith; 18th February, 1941; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; W.A. Government Hospitals and State Exam. 2034-MUNCASTER, Ada Mary; 125 Davis street, Boulder; 29th November, 1938; sec. 5, ss. (3); WA Government Hospitals." 229-MIJNSTER, Ada; 185 St. George's terrace, Perth; 18th July, 1922; sec. 5, ss. (1) ; Temperance Hospital, London.

2348-MURPHY, Edna May; 445 Hay street, Perth;

18th February, 1941; sec. 5, ss. (3); Perth Hospital and State Exam. 2349-MURPHY, Mabel Francis; 54 London street, Mt. Hawthorn; 22nd February, 1941; sec. 5, ss. (3); Perth Hospital and State Exam. 2190-MURPHY, Masy Eunan; St. John of God Hospital, Subiaco; 8th January, 1940; sec. 5, ss. (3); St. John of God Hospital, Subiaco." 1531-MURRAY, Sr. Mary Benedict; St. John of God Convent; 22nd May, 1934; sec. 5, ss. (3); St. John of God Hospital." 955-MURRAY, Mildred; Aborigines' Mission, Mt. Margaret, Morgans; 28th October, 1930; sec. 5, is. (3); Fremantle Public Hospital. 1389-MURRAY, Phyllis May; 35 Birdwood circus, Bicton; 24th November, 1932; sec. 5, ss. (3); Fremantle Public Hospital.* 933-MYERS, Jolianna; 79 The Avenue, Nedlands; 5th October, 1926; sec. 5, ss. (3); W.A. Govern.

merit Hospitals."

Registration No. and Name; Address; Date of Registration

and Section of Act under which Registration was effected; Qualifications.

A l019-McALEER, Rose; Infant Health Centre, Bunbury; 22nd May, 1934; sec. 5, ss. (6); St. Vincent's, Darlinghurst, Sydney, A.N.F. 2162-I,IcARTI{UR. Marion; District Hospital, Margaret River; 21st June, 1939; sec. 5, ss. (3), Perth Public and Government Hospitals." 942-McAULIFFE, Margai-ct; Melboursie Hotel, Perth; 28th May, 1928; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; Children's Hospital and State Exasci. 21 46-McAULIFFE, Mary; St. John of God Hospital, Subiaco; 20th June, 1939; sec. 5, ss. (3); St. John of God Hospital, Subiaco." liGi-MeAULIFFE, Sr. Mary Joseph; St. John of God Convent; 3rd March, 1931; sec. 5, ss. (3); St. John of God [-lospitalY

1674-McAT7LIFFE, Sr. Mary Kevin; St. John of God Hospital; 28th November, 1935; sec. 5, ss. (3) St. -Johns of Hod Ilospital."

140-McAULIFFE, Sr. Mary Paul; St. John of God

Convent; 27th November, 1931; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; St. .Jolti of God Hospital," 2295-McBRIDE, Elizabeth Jean; Fresnantle Hospital; 31st October, 1940; see. 5, ss. (3) ; Kalgoorlie 1{ospital acid State Exam. 1465-MeBRIDE, Veronica; N.S.W.; 25th May, 1933; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; WA. Government 1-lospitals. 2112-McCALL, Hazel Tercza; Queen Victoria Hospital,

Melbourne; lit July, 1939; sec.

5, ss.

imiantle 1-lospital acid State Exam.

(3) ; Fse-

237-McCARTHY, Mary Augustine; St. John of God Hospital, Subiaco; 18th July, 1922; sec. 5, ss (1) St. Jolnc of God Hospital, Subiaoo. 2103-McCARTHY, Mary Eileen; Government I-Iospital, Albany; 24th July, 1939; sec. 5, is. (3) ; WA. Gayernment Hospitals.-

1161-McCLEMANS, Ada Lucy; 70 Victoria avenue, Claremocct; 28th October, 1930; sec. 5, ss. (3) Pci-tb Hospital acid State Exam.

2236-McCORMICK, Patricia; Box 119, Post


Narrogici; 1st Mas-ch, 1940; see. 5, ss. (3) ; Fre-

mantle Public 1-lospital." 2201-MeCOURT, Mary Justina; St. John of God I-lospital, Suhiaco; 20th Febs-unry, 1940; sec. 5, cc.

(3); St. John of God Hospital, Subiaco."

1579-McCULLOCK, Hellen Isabel; District Hospital, Gnowangerup; 27th November, 1934; sec. 5, ss.

(3); Perth Public Hospital."

1779-McDONALD, Sr. Mary Angela; St. John of God Hospital; 3rd June, 1937; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; St. John of God Hospital." 2065-McDONALD, Mary Monica Alice; Pci-tic Hospital; 21st February, 1939; sec. 5, ss. (3); Pci-tb Hospital."

238-McDONNELL, Sr. Mary Conception; St. John of God Hospital; 18th July, 1922; sec. 5, ss. (3); St. John of God Hospital. 2113-McDOWELL, ii atildn; Queen Victoria I-Iospital, Mint Place, Melbourne; 16th August, 1939; sec. 5, ss; (3) ; Fremantle Public Hospital." 1067-McGAFFIN, Mary Alice; Fremantie Hospital; 3c-d December, 1929; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; W.A. Government Hospitals."

2147-McGAURAN, Mary; St. John of God. Hospital, Subiaco; 20th June, 1939; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; St. John of God 1-lospital." 1292-McGILLIVRAY,

Matilda May;



street, Victoria Pack; 23rd February, 1932; sec. 5,

is. (3); Perth 1-lospital."

1693-McGOWAN, Melva Blanche; District Hospital, Mt. Barker; 28th November, 1935; sec. 5, cc. (3)

Perth Public Hospital." 461-McGUYXIE, Edithe; 16 Webb street, Cottesloe; 25th July, 1922; sec. 5, ss. (1) ; W.A. Government Hospitals and State Exam. 213 8-McINBRNY, Madeline; 3a Olive street, North Perthc; 2nd October, 1923; sec. 5, is. (3) ; W.A. Government Hospitals." 1945-McINERNEY, Sr. Mary Collette; St. John of God Convent; 18th June, 1938; sec. 5, ss. (3); St. John of God Hospital." 1117-McINTYRE, Jean Charlotte; Box 54, Merredin; 13th May, 1930; sec. 5, ss. (3); W.A. Government I-Iospitals and State Exam.


.iiav 18, 194Lj



cotti'itnccch. PART 1,-XLBSES RE-REGISTERED FOIl 1941 Registration No. al,0 Na,nc; Address; Date of Registralion Registration No. and Name; Address; Date of Registration

and Section of Act under which Registration was effected: Qualification..

53-S[cKAV, Elsie Slavic: Cue; oth April, 1927; 500. .1, 55. (3) l'ertii hospital. 17-sIlcxV, Olive ilternie; ]66 hewitt sheet, VieSi 1';: k ; 5th April, 1927; see. 3, as. (3) ; Perth

2;;a6-3i KELVI 5, Violet Elsie Slary; Box 27, Bridge towss; 18th Eebrnarv, 1941; see. 5, ss. (3); Fccii, :11, os;ital isd St;ste Exans. 51 K 1751 A, ,Jesaie; lIe Airan street, Mt. Lawley; Ii Juth, 1922: see. 5, ss. (1) ; Fremantle Publi.c I


I 521-3.I SERRO\V, Mary; Bulinsha road, Claremont 931; set. S cs. (3) ; \V.A. (+overnaiesst SiIeKTM, Phyllis loana; St. ITelen's Hospital, i: Fremantle ; 25th October, 1930; sec. 5, ss. 6); New' South Wales Beg. Board,0 21 41)-SIa.KINNEY, ['neita Dorothy; 8 St. Alban 's a ventle, Perth; 20th l'ehruary. 1940; sec. 5, 55. (6) St. George's hospital, N.S.W. Reg. 478-MeLL1OD, Florence B.; Katasming Hospital; 25th (nO, 1922; sec .5, ss. (3) ; Perth Ilospit;il. 977


A1163-35'LEOl), Norma; c/o Mrs. E. Woodley; 28 1Gm; :rlev street, West Leederville; 27th January, 1938: ocr. 5, ss. (6) ; Brisbane General Ilosiital. 1347-llb.W\ I TON, Angela Venom; St. Anne 'a Nursing one. 7t. Lawley; 24th May, 1932; sec. 5, ss. overanient Hospitals.5 (5) ; \\. , I 745-----Si - 3F.\. lION, Ethel Constance; District Hospital,

('oIl1: 26th Slay, 1936; sec.

5, ss.

lit ho spit a 1.

(3) ; Gcsern-

1828-SIeSIATION, Siarv 1'idohis; St. John of God Hospital, Suldaco ; 24th November, 1936; see. 5, ss.

3): SI . .1 ohti of (md hospital, Suhia cu, and State

Exa in.

1 695-Siell SEATS, Ges'trude ; T)islritt hospital, York;

2511t Yiuei:iber, 1935; see. 5, s. (3); Perth Public h10s:; (a 1.

Eileen ; District hospital, Three Spiings: 10th Jobs, 1922; sec. 5, as. (3); W.A.

2:111-SO YAT.TX,

Ii, in a ls. lit. tIll liorgia ; St. John of God 19 Ilosnill. IhI!,ir,,: 8th July, 1922; see. 5, as. (1) i-it. .1 lie il. Ti I lusaital, Suhiaco, and State Exam. 2279191 , .\Otlrv Isohel ; Kalamiie, W.A. U C ov el-ti,',




18th .1er .-):sec. 5,

aini Star,'

1397 -Si-Ph 1-1

is. (3) ;

Perth hospital


V. Grace Tiintnot



pital; 24U: November 1932; sec. 5, ss. (4) ; Child-


11 isoita1.

052-SI-Ri 1 i- IISON, Rebecca Mabel;



road. hioli':tvood; 8th April, 1924; see. 5, as. (3) WA. G-,,'ttinn'tit ilospitals.° 477- -Si5'ROliAN, Mary; 311 TIny street, East Portia; 24th .Jnly. 11)22; sce..3, ss. (1): WA. Government Ii tispitals arid State Exam.

155 l-NASLI, Marjorie Coastaisee; Xeuniylda hospital. Albany; 24th November, 193(1; sec. 5, as. (3) lMrIh Hospital. 2068A-NEAL, Eileen Akehisurst; 235 St. George's Grime, lGit; 11th Slay, 1959; seeS, as. (3) \V.A. (ioverataenl ilospita Is.' A1139-NEEDIIAM, Margaret; District Hospital, Dotver:n ; 29th October. 1937 ; eec-. 5, es. (3) ('essoek 1 itstrt-t Hospital and A.T.N.A. Al 023-NEEDIIASI, S[aysel Doreen; 308 Marmioa sheet, North ('ottesloe; 23rd October. 1934; see. 5. ss. (6) ; Newcastle hospital, 7155W., A.N.F. 2355-N S I1STTASI. Constanee Margaret; 26 Adrian street, Paltnyra ; 18th June, 1940; sec. 5, as. (3) WA. C overisnient Hospitals and Sta to Exam. 1 010-NELSON, Gladys Lenin 34 Princess road, Claremont; 27th March, 1929: ccc. 5, cc. (3) Perth hlosnitni.: 103-NELSON, Olive; Jardee; 18th July, 1922: sec. 5.

as. (3); Perth Public llospii;iI.°

1349-NELSON, Stehla A.; 26 Waratals avenue, Dalkeith; 24th Slay, 1932; see. 5, as. (3) ; WA Government Ilospitnis and State Exam. 1407-NEVTLLE, Josephine; Merredin; 24th Novem. her, 1932; see. 5, ss. (3) ; W.A. Government Hospitals.' 262-NIChOLSON, Robina Maude; Tat. TIC., Stirling

street, Perth; 18th .July, 1922; see.5, ss. (1) Perth Ilospital and State Exam.

and Sectio,i of Act under winch Registration was effected (Ii'' II licatio,i.

A 1142-E1COL, Edna Lillian; District Hospital, Levertoss; 26th October, 1937; see. 5, ss. (6) ; A,iclaid" Hospital amid S,A. Hog.

1468-NICOL, Helen Shields; District Hosphi al Geraldton; 25th May, 1933; ste. 5, se. (3) ; \V.A. Governnictit hlospiial. 2027A-NICOLSON, Florence; Government hloShlit:;i, Kalgoorhie; 1st September, 1938; see. 5, ss. (6) Victoria hospital and A.N.F. 985-ElY EK. 5i;:sg:lret; St. Andrew's I-io0pital; 3rd March, 1131; 5cr. 5, ss. (6) ; Austin liospil:tl. Ii eidehbnr.g; Vhs ._\.X.F'.

1722-NOBLE, Mary; Third street, Harvey; 2Stli Noetithet', 1955;

set .l, ss.

(3) ;



hospitals. 259-NOOXAX, SI;iry Teresa; St. John of God [toopital, Sttbi:ico ; 18th 3 iii)-, 1922; sec. 5, as. (1); St. John of God 1 hospital and State Exam. 258-NORMAN, Kathleen F.; 101 Crawferd Maylands; 18th July, 1922; sec. 5, as. (4) me it's II ospital, J'ertht." 965-NOIlBISH, Elizabeth; Oakmvortli Farni, nup; 9th October, 1928; sec. 5. ss. (3) : Perth II ospita 1.'

264-O'BRIEN, Sr. Josepha; St. John of God hIospital; 18th April, 1922; sec. 5, ss. (6) ; Mater SJisc'ricoidiac hospital, Dubliut.

1894-0 'BRIEN, Sr. SI. Teresita; St. Jolni of God l[eepit:tl ; 25th Novenilier, 1937; see. 5, s-.. (3); St. feint of God II ospit:tl. (1-19-0 '131IIEN, Slarie Catherine; Perth Ilor::io:I:201h June, 19311; see.

-5, ss. (-I) ; Cliiltlrun 's S ti bli Co at-id State Exa itt. 2(17-0 'HElEN, Shtny; St. J ohimi of God Hospital, Sithiaco ; I 8tlt April, 1922; sec. .5, as. (1); St. John

at God hospital and State Exatit. 1970-0 'CONNELL, Charlotte Catherine;

hospital; 25th May, 1938; sec. hlospit:i I.



P1 ltj:ll'r;t

(3) ; Perth

I 532--O 'COhill -t V, Pair ('::llister; St . Joins of God hospital, 5th,------20th Slay, 1934; sec. 5, ss. (3) St. Jolni n Ii ill 1 o: I;: a ad State Exam. I

211115-0 'I)tIS..'l I-:

L,tl:iv;ihi':itlirote: 21st l'c'hru;iry,

Ibi-hil; -.-. 5, cc. (5): i'i-em:ititlii Iktblie llospital. 1978-0 'DONNELL, Nora; 132 Wittenoom street, Collie; 25th May, 1938; sec. 5, ss. (3); Government hi osjtit:ils aitd State Exam. 205-0 'DEISCOLL, St. Slary Carmel; St. Johitt of God 1-lospital; 18th July, 1922; sec. 5, ss. (3)

51. .Iolni


(100 biospit;tl.'

1.835-0 'DWVER, Shiv Ambrose; St. John of God Hospital, Subiaco ; 24th November, 1936; sec. 5, es

(1); St. John of God Hospital ;tid State Exatn. 1836-O'DWYER, Sr. Mary Genevieve; St. John of God hospital; 24th November, 1936; sec. 5, as. (3) St. .bohin of God llospitttl.0

lS37-O 'DWYER, Sr. Mary Vincent; St. Jolits of God hospital; 24th November, 1936; sec. 5, as. (3) St. .boliti ut God hospttal. 11166-OFFER, Itlizabetli; 413 Liverpool street, Darhiitglttnst, New South 'ibaics; 3rd Deceniber, 1929 ; set. ss. (3) : \\'.A. (iovertmnient Hospitals.° 2047A--O 'JIALLOlIAN. Ellen hlotvenda ; P.O., Perth

21st February, 1939; seeS, ss. (6) ; Mater Misericordia hospital, N.S.W., and N.S.W. Reg. 2244-0 'TiARA. Mary .Jo:tclntti ; St. Joltis of God lospit;il, Stibtiaco ; 1st .Tttl)-, 1940 : see. 5, ss.

(3); St.

.Tolnt of God Hospital mid State Exam. 20S4-O'HARA, Mary Meehtilde; Hospital of St. John of God, Subiaco; 21st February, 1939; sec. 5, ss. (3); St. loll n el (10(1 ( onvetit, Subiaco.' 1236-O'KEEFE, Sr. Mary Camnillus; St. John of God Ilospital; 27th November, 1931; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; St.

butt of God hospital.5 1838-O'LEARY, Sr. Mary Pius;

St. Johtn of God Hospital; 24th November, 1936; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; St. John of God Hospital.' 2357-OLIVER, Joan Elizabeth; 22 Melvista avenue, Claremottt; 8th S[arch, 1941 sec. 5, ss. (3); Perth I bospitah amttl State Exam.



[Juix 18, 1941.

PART 1.-NURSES BE-REGISTERED FOR 1941-oomtinneci. Registration No. and Name; Address; Date of Registration Registration No. and Name; Address; Date of Registration and Section of Act under which Registration was effected;

and Section of Act under which Registration was effected;

2083-0 'LOTIGHLIN, Mary Bernadine; Hospital of St. John of God, Subiaco; 8th April, 1939; sec. 5, ss. (3); St. 'John of God Convent, Subiaco.' 2122-OLSEN, Myrtle; 186 St. George's terrace, Perth; 21st December, 1939; sec. 5, ss. (6) ; Auckland Hospital, New Zealand and New Zealand Registra-

].438-PAYNTER., Ailsa J. Ii.; 58 Leake street, Peppermint Grove; 25th May, 1933; sec. 5, ss. (3)



1238-O'MAHONY, Sr. Mary Austin; St. John of God Hospital; 27th November, 1931; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; St. John of God Hospital. 2215-0 'MABA, Mary Wilfred; St. Joint of God Hospital; ].Ui July, 1940; see. 5, se. (3) ; St. John of God hospital, Subiaco, and State Exam.

839-0 'MEAIfA, lreuc Mary; 401 Bulwer street,

I'erth; 24th Nove,uber, 1936; see. 5, ss. (3); Piemantle Public Hospital. 975-OMMANNEY, Olive; 181 St. George's terrace, Perth; 9th October, 1928; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; Poplar Hospital, London.

1947-O'NEILL, Si-. Mary Odilo; Convent of St. John, of God; 6th June, 1938; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; St. John of God Hoepital.*

1444-OPITZ, Sr. Mary Francis; St. John of God Hospital; 25th May, 1933; sec. 5, ss. (3); St. John of

God l-Iospital.' 2164-ORGAN, Bessic; District Hospital, Albany; 31st. July, 1939; sec. 5, ss. (3); W.A. Government Hospitals. 2008-OSBORNE, Jessie Adelaide; Pet-tb road, Claremont; 24th January, 1939; sec. 5, Se. (3); Perth Public Hospital.

1840-O'SULLIVAN, Sr. Mary Coleman; St. John of God Hospital; 24th November, 1936; sec. 5, ss. (3);

St. Join, of God Hospital." 1010-0 'TOOLE, Nora Clarke; District Hospital, Merredin; 25th November, 1937; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; Perth llospital. 830-OWEN, Evawyn Doreen; Rosedale, Pickering Brook; 5th October, 1926; sec. 5, cc. (3); Perth Hospital."


Pci-tic 1-lospital.'

1l99-PEACHEY, Merton Aileen; 32 Loftus street, Claremont; 14th May, 1924; sec. 5, ss. (3); Perth

Public Hospital.' A1011-PEARSON, Adelaide Gwendoline; Port Redland; 28th November, 1933 ; sec. 5, ss. (4) ; Ipswseh General Hospital, Queensland, A.N.G. 1646-PEACOCK, Jean Amy; 120 Broome street, Cottesloe; 28th May, 1935; seeS, as. (3) ; Perth Hocpita! and State Examim.

9 19-PEATS, Elizabeth; 16 Dean stieet, Cottesloe; 7th October, 1924; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; Perth Public Hospital.5

2293-PEERLESS, Mary Bose; Perth Hospital; 18th June, 1940; see. 5, se. (3) ; Perth I-[ospitai and State Exam. 1G7I-PEGR.UM, llrsula dl.; 681 Beaufort street, Mount Lawley; 28th November, 1935; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; Frcmantle hospital.5

852-PEIRCE, Doris Lilian; Grant's Patch; 5th April, 1927; see. 5, ss. (3); Peitim Public Hospital.'

744-PEIR.CE, Ethel May; 141 Gloster stmeet, Subiaeo; 21st April, 1925; see. 5, ss. (3) ; Perth, Hospital." 21.70-PENROSE, Roncayne; 15 Anzac moad, North Leederville; 20th June, 1939; see. 5, ss. (3) ; WA. Government Hospitals.' 173 7-PHILLIPS, Eunice; 4 Ruislip strect, West Lecderville; 27th May, 1936; see. 5, ss. (4) ; Children's Hospital.'

1581-PHILLIPS, Phyllis Clare; Surrey road, South Belmont; 27th November, 1934; sec. 5, ss. (3) Forth Hospital.5 271-PHILP, Myrtle L.; 14 Pakeuliana street, Mt. Lawley; 18th July, 1922; sec. 5, ss. (4) ; Children's Hospital, Subiaco." 281-IPHILP, Ruby H.; corner Rose avenue anti Vomit stmeet, South Perth; 18th July, 1922; sec. 5, ss. (1)

W.A. Government Hospitals. 1355-PICKERING, Emily M.; 41 Summem- stmeet, East Pet-ti,.

2099-PAGE, Jean Lilian; K.E.M. Hospital; 9th March, 1939; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; Frernantie Hospital.5 2067-PAINTER, Gwcndoline D.; Box 15, Wagin, W.A.; 21st February, 1939; see. 5, cc. (3) ; Perth Hospital.

1665-PAISLEY, Vera A.; ''Burleigh,'' Bunbury; 2nd August, 1922; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; Perth Hospital. 1713-PALANDRI, Ines Marie; Caves road, Busselton; 28th November, 1935; sec. 5, ss. (3); Government Hospitals.

1643-PALESKE, Clarissa; 15 Constitution street, East Perth; 28th May, 1936; see. 5, ss. (3) ; Perth Public Hospital." 936-PARK, Alice Mauci; District Hospital, Kununoppin; 17th April, 1928; sec. 5, ss. (3); Perth Public Hospital.5

27S-PA1JKER, Elberta Bessie; 45 Irvine street, Peppemmint Grove; 18th July, 1922; sec. 5, ss. (3) Perth Pubhie Hospital. 457-PARKER, Ethel Dot-othy; District Hospital,

Menzies; 25th July, 1922; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; Frernamitle Public Hospital

277-PARKER, Ivy Mary; 14 Party street,


mont; iSfie July, 1922; sec. 5, se. (3) ; Perth Pub-

lic FIospital.

A1005-PARKEII, Margaret Kerr; Boeboum-ne; 27th April, 1933; sec. 5, ss. (4) ; Children's Hospital, 1919; Beg. with N.S.W. 1924.

2111-PATERSON, Vera Maude; Hillcrest Hospital, North Freinantle; 17th October, 1939; sec. 5, ss. (6) ; Bethesda Hospital, Richmond, Victoria.

2259-PATTEN, May Blanche; Box 25, Pinjarra; 2nd August, 1940; sec. 5, Se. (3); Wooroloo, Northam,

and Kalgoorlie Hospitals, acid State Exam. 1033-PATTERSON, Mary Jeifries; Ooomooroo, Baaudc-e, W.A. ; htli March, 1929; sec. 5, cc. (3) WA. Government Hospitals.' 948-PAYNE, Dolores Muriel; District Hospital, Bunbury; 9th October, 1928; sec. 5, ss. (3); W.A. Governmemst I-Iospitals.°

2182-PAYNE, Joyce Mary; Harvey Hospital; 23rd

November, 1939; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; Perth Hospital and State Exam.

2326-PICKERSGILL, 1-lazel; 1 Surrey toad, Rivervale; 9th December, 1940; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; Perth Hospital and State Exan,. I 698-PIDCOCK, ivy Evelyn; Avro Hospital, Subiaco; 28th November, 1935; sec. 5, ss. (3); Perth Hos-

pital and State Exam. 291-PIESSE, Ivy E., Public Health Department; 18tn July, 1922; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; Perth Public Hospital.5 749-P[GOTT, Ethel Joan; 66 Forrest street, Cottesloe; 26th May, 1925; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; Children's IIospita and State Exam. 1.009-PITMAN, Doris Hazel; Hiliview, Wagerup; 26tl March, 1929; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; Perth Public Hospital.' 2168-PITTMAN, Gladys; Freniantle; 20th June, 1939; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; WA Govormiment Hospitals."

2107-PITTMAN, Phyllis Margaret; do ''The Forts,' Albany; 31st Match, 1939; sec. 5, cs. (3); W.A Governmnemmt Hospital.'

1311-PLACE, Edna Marjorie; 31 Stanley street, Mt Lawley; 24th May, 1932; sec. 5, ss. (3); Fremantic I-los pit a 1.

2015A-PLANK, Marjom-ie Emily; 280 Bell street, Pt-es ton, Victoria; 7th July, 1938; sec. 5, ss. (6) Bethesda Hospital, Melbourne, Victorian Beg. 1112-POLLARD, Elsie Augusta; Fermoy Hospital

Northam; 13th May, 1930;

see. 5, ss. (3) ; W.A Governmnemmt Hospitals amid State Exam.

1059-POSSELT, Lacy Vei-a; 66 Subiaco road, Subiaco

18th February, 1936; sec.5, ss. (4)


Sydmiey Sana

toriumn and Waliroonga Hospital, N.S.W. Beg.

2350-POTTER, Neva May Ellis; 97 Fourth avenue Mt. Lawicy; 12th Api-il, 1941; see. 5, ss. (3) ; Pertl Hospital amid State Exam. 2010-POWELL, Edith; Northarn; 29th November 1938; sec. 5, ss. (3); Perth Public Hospital.5 832-POWELL, Enema A ; District Hospital, Wiluna 5th Octobom-, 1926; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; Perth Hospital. 2260-POWER., Josephine Kathleen; K.E.M. Hospital

Subiaeo; 22mid July, 1940; sec 5, ss. (3); Wooroloo Nomtham, and Kalgoorlie Hospitals, and State Exam

2136-POYNTON, Nance; District Hospital, Pembem tome; 20th June, 1939; see. 5, ss. (3) ; Perth Publi, Hospital."


,1 riv 18, 1941j


PART 1.-NURSES RE.REGISTERED FOB 1941-continued. Ragisiration No, and Name ; Xddress ; Date of Registration and Section of \ ci under which Registration was eRected

Registration No. assd Name Address Date of Regisratiou and Seetiosa of Act snider which Regiss ration was e1te ted

883-PIIIDDIS, Irene; 01 Washington street; 5th April, 1927; se. 5, ss. (3) ; \V.A. Government 11os patal and State Enain. 283-PTIINGLE, S[arv ; 132 Vincent sweet, North Perth; 18th Jnlv, 1922; sec .5, as. (5) \V.A. Gov.

1503-ROBERTS, Ellen SI.; Rostrevor Iflats, Perth; 25th November. 1933; see. 5, ss. (3) ; Perth Hos.

Qua lificatiossa.



I 325-P1IOSSER, Grace; Narraceosida, via Katansung; 22nd Slav, 1934; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; W.A. Governnient. 2551-PIIYOR, Zen Mary; Broonse; 9th March, 1941; see. 5, sa. (3) ; Perth hospital and State Exasss. liSi-P [LLEN, J oasi Anise; Vancouver street, Albusy 23rd February, 1932; see. 5, ss. (4) ; Club dren 's II ospi I al. Subiaco."

2151-PURCELL, Jessie;

696 Beasifort sec.. 3, sa.

La ,vle\ ;201h J nate, 1939; hospital."



(3); I'ertis


200$-ROBE hITS, Katlsleess Mary; Perth Hospital; 2lst

February, 1939; seeS, as. (3); Perth Public hbos-

pital." 2103-ROBERTS, Rose Essuly; Merredin; 18t1a June, 1940; sec. 5, ss. (6) ; St. Vincent Hospital, Melbonrne Beg. 992- ROBERTSON, Elsa;


Kerslsaw street, Subi.

ace; 26th March, 1929; see. 5, ss. (4); Children's


hospital." ROBERTSON, Joyce Marion; ' \Varth'loeking,'' iVagin; 21st March, 1940; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; Perth

2011-PIJTLAND, Geogina Mary; 12 Victoria avenue, Pn'tli ; list 1)eeeniher, 1938; see. 5, cc. (3) : Perth

hospital and State Exam. 2332-ROBERTSON, Olive Isabel Mary; 180 Mounts Bay a'oad, Perth; 18th February, 1941; seeS, ss. (3) ; Pertls Hospital and State Exam. 1151-ROBINS, Marjorie Edna; 70Tlsonsas street, Nedlands; 22ssd Slay, 1934; see. 5, ss. (4); Children's

2297-Q P EALY, Catlsei'ine Slat-v ; Bunbury hospital 31st October, 3940; sec. 5, as. (3) ; Kalgoot lie lospit al and State Exam.

31 1-ROBINSON, lasnie; 73 Malcolm street, Perth; 18th july, 1922; see. 3, ss. (3) ; Pea'th Public lies-

Tiospita 1."

1237-QUINN, Sister Mary Anthony; St. John of God hospital; 2Tth November, 1931; see. 5, as. (3) ; St. .1 ems of God II ospital."

2012-QUIRK, Lucy Elizabeth; S Matluck street, Mt. Ilasrtliorn ; 31st Ueeeusbcr, 1938; sec. 3, as. (3) Pei'tli 11 ospita I and State Baa sit.

301-RAYNES, Dorothea; York Hospital; 28th July,

1922; sec .5, sa. (3) ; W.A. Govei'usiient hospitals." 2110- ERA, Eilen Floi'eisee McDonald; King Edward Memorial hospital, Subiaco; 21st February, 1939; see.5, as. (3) ; Kalgoorlie (hoveinment 11Os1)it;d." 1 382-REDDEN, K;itltleen \'iolet; Moorlaads, Btsnbury; 27th Xovc,iiher, 1934; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; Perth Hospital and State Exam. S02-1IEGAN, Dorothy Frances; 687 Beaufort street, Mount Lawley; 27th April, 1926; sec. 5, ss. (4) Cluldrcn 's Hospital, State Exam.'

hospital, Scabisceo.° PitLhl.

1907-ROBINSON, hhilda Mas'y; Queen Alexasader Hos1sital, Hohsas't, Tasssaussia; 25th May, 1938; see. 5, ss. (3) ; Fremnaaatle hospital, State Exana. 020-ROBINSON, Isabel C.; 48 Johnson street, Cottesbe; 2isd October, 1923; sec. 5, ss. (4) ; Children 's Ilospital, Subiaeo.>

1107-ROBINSON, Jeass; 48 Johnson street, Cottesloe; 3s'd March, 1931; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; Premantle Hos-

310-ROCHE, Si'. Mas'y B.; St. John's Hospital; 18th July, 1922; see. 5, ss. (3); St. John of God biospittal.

$00-ROGERS, Doi'is Slay; Box

6, Leonora; 23rd Sl;srels, 192(1; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; S\TA Government Hos' pitals assu State Exam.

see.5, ss. (3) ; W.A. Gov-

1303-ROGERS, Eileess B.; Fremtuatle lbospital; 24th May, 1932; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; Fremantle Public I-lospital.° 1363-ROSE, Sylvia Asian; 3 Albeit street, Claremont; 22nd May, 1934; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; Pes'tls Public I[ospital." 1338-ROSS, Olive 511.; ii Caledonian avenue, Slaylands; 24th May, 1932; sec. 5, as. (3) ; Pea'th Pub-

AlOfl1-TIF1ID, \Vinifred, 472 lIar street, East Perth; 18th February. 1936; seeS, ss. (6) ; Port Augusta

20071-ROWBERRY, Phyllis (1-wendohine; Pemberton; ].11ls Slay, 1939; see. 5, se. (3) ; Clsildren 's Hospital

717-REt!), Della Julia; District 1-lospital, Merredin 28th November, 1933; see.



is. (3) ; Government

704-REID, Mary E.; District Hospital, Northam; 20th November, 1924; e i'niuc'ist I loop ita Is

hospital. S.A. 1339-il ENNJE, Inn .1.; 6 Flat, Stirling highway, Nedlands; 24th Slay, 1932 sec. 5, as. (3) ; Perth Hospitmil."

1-I] 4- ETCIIAJIDS, i)aplue ; Westerns Australian Govei'nnieiif hallways, Cue; 24th November, 1932; see. 5, ss. (3); \V.A. (loverninent 11 ospitals.' 1337-RICI[AJI l)SOX, Francis Joyce; 94 Outrain street, \\'est Pei'tli ; 22nd Slav, I 1334 ; Perth hospital and State Exaiti. 2141-1] [CIIARDROY, Itilda ; 78 Suburban road, 18th July, 1922; see. 5, ss. (6) South, Pes'th Lauticesloti General Tb ospital, Tasmania. sOb 9--- El CII 1111150K, S[avis Thelma; Albany road, Maddingtou; 29th Noveniber, 1938; sec. 5, as. (3) J'es'th I' ablic


l' iRa 1."

2301 -RICh AR DSON, Winifred Coinbles-; Belka via SlerreJiu ; Jilts February, 1941; sec. 5, ss. (3) Perth I 105p ita I a isd St;ste Exam.

2011-DIDDLER, Isabel Mary; Jdatanning; 29th November, 1938; see. 5, as. (3); Fremantle Public Ilospit,d.c

21 00-RIGG, Mar9aret Minnie; Queen Victoria Ilospitab, Mint place, Melbourne; 21st February, 1.939;

5, ss. (3) ; Freimaantle Public I[ospital." S29-IITLEY, Elvis; DaIwa Ilinu Hospital; 5th October, soc.

1930; see. 5, ss. (3) ; Perth hospital."

1002-RILEY, Nellie; I.H.C., TKalgoorhie; 10th February, 1933 ; see. 5, ss. (4) ; Calvary Hospital, North

Adelaide, ANT. Beg. I 032-RINALDI, Catherine IRene; District Hospital, Ileedvs; 26th Mas'cls, 1929; see. 3, as. (3) ; W.A. Governmeist Hospti;il.*

A 2072-RITSON, Phyllis; I,sfaut health Centre, Nortltam ; 1 Itli Slay, 1939; sec. 5, ss. (6) ; Adelaide

Public Hospital and South Australian Registration.

lic b-hospital. amid State Exasaa.


Olive Maud; The Rectory, Wyalkatchesn; 20th April, 1936; sec. 5, ss. (4) West Shiddlesex ('oussty Ilospital, England. i709-ROWLANI), Caeorgissa .Jeatsette; District Hospital, Big Bell ; 2htls Stay, 1930; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; Perth Ibospit;sl."

10:19- ROYCE, Alice Kathsleen; T.I-b.C., Beverley; 18th .hssse, 1929,' see. 5. ss. (3) ; Frc'muamatle Hospital."' $1 0--1WSSELL, Alice; District Ihospital, Kehlerher-

sin; 25th Slay, 1926; see. 5, sa. (3); WA. Govern-

saiesst Hospitals and State Exams. 2201----RUSSIILL, Ivy; Bunbory hospital; 20th June, , 1940 ; see. 5 (3) ; S\reoroloo, Katanning', and Kalgoos'lie hospitals, antI State Exam. 2148-RUSSELL, Star)'; St. Johsn of God I-hospital,

Scsbiaeo; 20th Ju,se, 1939 ; seeS, as. (3) ; St. John

of God Ibospital, Subiaeo." 701-RUTLAND, Gladys Annie Mary; Hospital, Met'rsadai; 20th Noseniber, 1921; sec. 3, as. (3) ; W.A. Governsnent Hospitals."'

1 02-RUTT, Loise Alice; 42 Victoria avenue, Glare

ssioat; l8tba July, 1922; sec. 5, ss. (6) ; Prince Alfred hbospital, Sydney.

083--RYAN, Maud Murcinson; Fremantle; 7th Octobier, 1924; see. 5, ss. (3) ; Fremantle 1-bospital and

State Exam. 1948-RYAN, Sr. 51 ary Tarcisius; St. John of God Convent, Subiaeo; 12th June, 1938; St. John of God Ihospital, Subiaco.°

2149-RYAN, Sbary Theodore; St. John of God, Subiace; 16th August, 1939; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; St. John

of God, Subiaeo. 2030-RYALLS, Carmel; Fremasathe; 29th Novemnbes', 1938; see .5,ss. (3) ; MCA Goves'nnsent Hospitals.5

[Ji is' iS, 1041.



P,SET 1.F URSES RE-REGiS TREED i'O14 1941continued. Registration No. and Name; Address; Date of Registration

Registration No. and Name; Address; Date of Registration

and Section o Act under which Registration was effected;

and Section of Act under which Registration was effected;

Q't itiflcation'-.


Sutton Flats, St. Geo,go 5, ss. (3)


1:or1s;,i. !-.rs

lb -

oat; 183 St. George's tes'race, Perth: C l'ertit tic spit:tl. 3.70; so C1 ;

Ic B,: "Li

Rockiugham ; 13th

c'.5,.s". (3)

F, S.i27-


P1111110 Iloopital:

L;dteside, Ro]cingham ; 18th July. Stat 3. os. (1); Perth Hospital on



3d :bei; 31 Ilaunes street, Mo; ii Posh;: 0"1940; soc. 5, ss. (3) co Sxam. \\'inif red

scot, Forth DorM; lOds Fehruas'y, 1925; sec. 5; 1 :,tn;o''te l',;l]' I[oopit'tl.1843SHERWOOD, Ruth; 8 St. Alban's avenue; 24th I


Yovembes', 1926; sec. 5, ss. (4) ; Children's Hos-

ital.' l9I_ "il1ELD3, Margaret 1].; Myaliing; 25th July, 19:2: sec. , os. (6); (olae District Hospital, Vie' oF' "1, i'LL. Close ttobnr:s ; 72 Lo:ike street, Peppi r (Cove; 3.1; 'nrC, 1927; see. 5, ss. (3) ; Pes'th 11'


Agnes ;


(113. 30-

o l;nn tel and Sta;e Exam.


sts'eet, South 5, as (3) ; WA. Gov".::te Exam. ;'io','t Iris; Slauijimup; 15, ss. (4) ; Royal Mel'






1'; 60 11111 Street,

C [ei's'nar-: tO; see.



C .2s'LOX, Sr ..'3!rv 31 atthew; Cony it uf Cod; 22nd ).Gv, 1934; sec. 5, e° ii ot ')d


Certrurie Slary; 12 Clavertost

733--;' 1 Ii4IiIDAY, A;:

'i' O°obor, 1939; see.

22]' tC'iLuiT. C

11,:.,;.' al.'


(t lIoSpitO A.


cC-i Moran: c/n SIrs. Shop' iii S0FC-: 2.'; slay, 1933; seeS,

1432_SIJEP1iEIR10Ot. .

22nd Slay. 1934; see.

ss. (3) ;


A lea; ("nc'; 2.5th .July, 1922; see. ('Ov' flu.-,:. Iiospi1 ala and State

'.' 13.1 ID, Do ...Tdnda; Devonleigh 1Iui,o1, Cot'




(6); I'ort


:;,- I ,Ttsuo, 10:17:



Joan; 1 L 1(011 j.:


otlid' street, Sit,

as. (3

5, s's. (3); DorIS

"6 S,;

2235' COlT, AdolaiG; 76 Gnildford r . 1940; see. 5, ' 2' Is J,''

Covi'nn cut hospital, s,'.. 5, 55 (3) ; Perth





l050-4COTT, .1 essie 1'., 13 Duke street, 1329; ceo. 5, ss. (3) ; Port

nnlg;t i'dio Il ospiscil." Sloiuit Ho spital;




1' 3 ,-.


(3) ; 1es'th hospital 17

'1 'rims; Great Eastersi ii,, '('33 10]'); soc. 5, ss.




Stouttl'' Hospital, ss. (3) ; Perth los

A.I.M. Hospital, Halls


Di'Lriot lIc lslior, 10:3 ; roe. 5, ss.

(6) ; Royal Mel-

5, as.

ore; District 1-lospital. Al-



'3 C



"1.0110; POtriri Ilnst i, 11)30; see. 5, so.

19119; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; Perth

(6] 2013-

,"s on Grace; 90 Buxton

Si too,.




Acres; King Edward 16th December, 3938;


3): Woos'o'

,]us'e, 1910: see. 5, as. -cr-,i, Hospitals.

F 1 l67Sb.TCY, F,ieen; District Hospital. Wyndhc;';: 25th M"'. '033; see. 5, ss. (3) ; WA. Go\ "otlalent I c'

Post Office. Corrigin is. (3) ; Perth I-los-



Goves'nment TIc opital, Cot' sec. 5, ss. (3) ; 5FF. Govern-

d St,tto Exam. ' Kadina, wino Rosa : Flat ,'.y 'od, Vi"toria: 16 1. . ne, 19.0: ,yitstiit and Alli' 4 1 .'::io, Fir'-

s'e;'n'uent .5, Se.

ital, \Vagin eniantle Has-




"F 'is.

;Oi,e Paton; Collie


'a; 11 Ciotil'Ie 11.; sc. 5, s.



5, ss. (3) : 17Mg 1

Vinifreti; DI.-:

'os', 1.930; see. 5,

SF ; K 'osington Nurses' Si u--i:. 11.26; Sec. 5, Se. (3);

t3): "V.A.


1749uHEFI1_'.X, 2.caty Veronica; bk-.00; 26rl: May, 1936; sec.

577u Havei'.:,cl



Hospital and

K,E.1\J.. Iios1luiiI,

3, s.

(3) ; WA.

Alma Adeline; Sister, TEals Seteci, ugu'it. 1922; \'i'est Pertls; 16h Hospi sac; 42

1938; see. 5, adt., oxam.

Rest,'' Safety

''-'26, wi: 5, ss. (3) ; Perth 1-los.

ary, Gore i,t iou, Iiospctal, "V.A.

t"c"t, I-1gltgatc' '3) ; WA. Goveirn-

Veik rooT, C-reenmount; ". (3) : Perth; Hospital

SEt. LairiC 1110-

1931; sec. 5, ss. Mi ;


(3); Perth;

" '

Oargas"'t River, 24th May hAl cC Public Hospital." 1 161---°.Iii.T7 3-I. hectic: Kaigoos'i'e; 5th April, 1927; see 177



:" le Hospital. 1052-07.11TH, Olive SI.; Darlington; 3rd December

It];; sec. 5, ss. 3; Perth 1-lospital and State Exam. 863°MITI{ Phyllis Maudo; 5th April, 1927; sec. 5 on (3) ; Perth Hospital. 125] SMITH, Vcronir : District I-hospital, Fremanthe; 23rd February, 1932; sec..5, ss. (3) ; Perth Public




Thnv 18, 1941.1

PART I.-SCRSES RE-REGISTERED FOIl 1941-continued. Registration No. and Name; Address; Date of Registration and Section of Act under which Registration was effected;

]tezistration Ns. and Name; Address; Date of Registration

and Section of Act ,mder which Registration was effected; Q it, Ii iie,, lions,


\iolet ; Fremautle Hospital; 26th Starch, 1929; sec. 3, os. (3) ; W.X. Government hoc-

1030- 55.11TH.


:!23-__S'l'ICPWIPK, Elsattom Cls't'ii'e; Old Men's Ilome, NeSlands; 15th .Julv, 1922; see. 5, cc. (3) ; WA.

('',s',',,nn,,t lT;',it','s '7: '",",' 4th, Olive Stella; C'tie street, Busceltoss; 18th July, 1922; sec. 5, ss. (3); WA. Govern-

513-SSIITII, Winifred P.; 91 East street, Slaylands; 1St Ii Jute, 1922; sec. 3. St. (1) ; Port Pine, South

tint, i,,' ititals.

,tusfral in a Peg.

223 l-S3[S'Tll, Beatrice hazel: .0 Pu Boulav street,

(h r;ildtou; 29th April, 1940 ; Wooroloo, Gcraldton,

and harvey hospitals, and State Exam. 928-SNELL, Gladys; Private avenue, Port Kembla, NCW South \Vales 17th April, 1922; sec. 3, ss. (3)

Perth l'ubh,' flospital.'

2329-SNOO 17, Irma J.; 94 Daglislt street, Werubley; 30th November, 1940; ocr. 3, ss. (3) ; Perth Hospital and State Exam. lS60-STOW, C; va',' FreOn; Wellington street, Northarn; 24th Lovetuber, 1936; see. 5, ss. (3) ; Government Hospitals. 1845-SPA1I [K, Ma rv (invdun; District 1-lospital, Kolottup ; 24th Noveniber, 1936 ; see. 5, so. (4) Children's J1ospitl, Suhtaco. 359-S ['All hIS, liliz;thel Ii Reginald street, Cottesloe; I 8th July, 1922; sec. 5, as. (6) ; Stobhull Ben. Hospital, Glasgow'. 1

205SA-SPEA1IS, Violet Slay; Collie hospital; November, 1938; sec. Hospital, Melbourne.

5, ss.

29th (6) ; Queen Victoria

2221-SPEETIINC, Jean; District Hospital, Albany: 20th 1'ebruarv, 5940 ; sec. 3, cs (3) ; WA. Governnient hlospitals' [727 S''l1\Cl:. IK:itltlee,t Marie; Frentautle; 26th Slav, 1 93(i: seeS, an. (5) Freniantle IIospia[. 2071-SPENCER, Marion Violet; King Edward Meusorial hlosliltal, Subi;tea : 28th April, 1939 ; ccc. 5,

so. (3) ; l'crtli Public hlospital.°' 488-SPRING, Elizabeth; District Hospital, Beverley; 2.5th July, 1922 sec. 5, ss. (3) ; Perils IIospital. 12$-STAFFORD, Isabel; District 1-lospital, Narrogin; 25th July. 5922; see. 3, as. (3) ; w& Govern-

ntenf llos[)ital." t861-STANWJ3LL.





avenu", I)aglish; 24th November, 1936; sec. 5, ss. (3); W. A. C overlitnent hospitals and State lxaiti. 2299-ST.t SLING, Florence May; c/u Guveeit,,,e,,t H.,s pital. 1'I:t[goorlie ; 5th December, 194) Wottro)uu, (ieraltlton,



hospitals, and State

STINGEMORE, Alice MastS; (Sovemninent ilospi-


tttl, Onslow: 58th July, 1922; see, 3, sa. (3) ; (iovi''nmeat lIo"piials. 737 -S't' I SLING, Florence B.; King Edward street, South l'ertli; 26th Slav, 1923; see. 3, ss. (6) ; Nottinght:tns, England.

1082-STOKES, Alethia; 123 Durlacher street, Get'aldton; 13th Slay, 1930; sec. 3, ss. (3) ; Frentantle I lospiiaJ.' 4 8t)-.STO EKES, Eileett ;

Railway terrace, Mavlands ; 1 2th September, 1937; sec. Ii, ss. (3) 16(i

l'ertli Pttb lie 11051) ital.5

1 738-STEERE, Doris Leslie; 22 Wellington street, lhmtbury ;26th Slay, 1936; see. 5, as. (I); Child ron 't 1[os1titttl, hul,iaeo.

X1166-STENT, Maud Annie \Tiolet; 64 MeCourt street, i)oitoiybroolc ; 26th Starch, 1929; set'. 3, ss. (3) F'rop,antle Ilosl'ital.5

230$-STEPHENS, Eleanor Slay: 4 Witt"noom street, ('ollie; 7th March, 1941; see. 5, ss. (3) ; Wooroloo, Btmbury, 'a nd Kalgoorlie Hospitals, and State Exam.

1473-STEVENSON, Suzanne; 9 Edward street, Cottesloe; 28th November, 1933; see. 5, ss. (4) ; Childroll S hospital.'5

Purcell; 5 Forrest street, Yorthant ; 3rd -June, 1937; set'. 3. as. (3) ; Fretnantle



Hospital." :4(2

STEWART, Florence 11.: 121 Plain street, East Perth; 18th July 1922; sec. 5, ss. (3); W.A. 0ev-

eminent Ilospititls.° [53°- STEWART, Olive; Queensland; 24th Slay, 1932; sec. 3, ss. (3) ; Perth Public Hospital." 1030-STEWART, Jessie C.; 13 Duke street, Northam; 3rd December, 1929; sec. 5, ss. (3); Perth 1-hospital and State Exam. 2037-STEWART, Roberta; Warresi Hosirtal, Man-

jimup; 29th November, 1938; sec. 5, ss. (3); Fre' mantle 1-lospital.


pital. [525- ST() IKES, Elizabeth; Wooroloo hospital; 22nd Slay, 193-1 : sec. 3, ss. (3); W.A. Government [lospitttlr.'

2187-STONE, Ant5.' Hope; 225 Broonte street, teslste; 7th November, 1939; see. 5, as. (3) ;


ttllttitle hospital.' 1171-S'l'ONE, hieryl Zoe; 107 Brandoa street, South I'erth; 5th June, 1931 ; sec. 5, cs. (3) ; Foemantle hospital." STONE, Margaret S.: District hospital, Goomal11(4(1 [bIg, 3rd March, 19:11; see. 3, ss. (3) ; Frotnantle Ilospital





Anty; District hospital, S[at'gtterit 2 (tll Novenibet', 19:10; see. 3, ss. (3)

[ 05i)it ill,"

875-STONE, Slavis -lean; District Hospital, Katanfling; 3t'd June, 1937; seC. 5, as. (3); Ooverntnent 11 ospitabe:

2330-STONE, Pamela St. : N olan avenue. t'pper Swan; 31st October, 1940: see. 3, ss. (3) ; Perth Hospital atiti State Exam, 343-STRANG, Emily; 78 Goode street, Sooth Perth; 1 8th Jttly, 1922 ; see 5, as. (1) ; Royal Infirmary, Derby, England. 2:!33-SUGDEN. Slargaret Alice; York; 18th February, 1941; see. 3, cc. (3) ; Perth Hospital ansi State Exans,

S['LL IVAN, Slary Elizabeth; 36 Elizabeth street, Perth; 1 9tlt August, 1940; see. 5, ss. (3);




1793- STEEL, Margaret Elsie;

("hil;lren 's hospital,

25th July, 1922; sec. 5, sa. (4); Children's Hos-

h'ertlt Hospital titl State Exam.

SG'I'TIERLANI). Eileen Glare: ''Slortlocic,'' Crass Valley; 41! March, 1941; iTS.. Goverttmsitt ti ni State Exatn. 1307-SUTHERLAND, Elsie; 1 Barton street, East Kalgoorlie; 28th November, 1933; sec. 3, as. (3) 1313

W. A. (loveetsment 11oaJ)itals.

l9K-SVKhiS, Elsie: Govsetiniettt Ilospital, Wagin;

2:lm,1 ,June, 1935: see.5, ss. (3) ; Government hlos-

pitale and State Exam." [401- S' bIlKS. Etitily. Yew Sot'th Wales; 2Stlt Ma-, 14)55

ncc.S, cs. (5) ; WA. Govertttttettt hospitals.5

21-t2-TAINS11, Alice Isabel; 163 Ninth avetlue, Slaylands; 20th February, 1940; sec. 5, as. (6) ; SIlldura District Hospital, Victoria. :4 S-TAh'I', Agnes May; Kalaittunda ; 18th July, 1922 sec. 5, os. (3); Pcmtl, l'uhl!c Hospital. (422-TANNER, Bcryl F.; Sloguniber; 2nd October, 1923; see .5, ss. (3); Children's hospital, Snbiaeo, and State Exatit, 111_i

TA YLOR, Berttic" Mildt'ed ;


Itavelock street,

West l'ea'th; 26th October, 1937; sec. 5, ss. (4) Children's Hospital, A.N.F. 1919. 430-TAYLOR, Cecelict; Wooroloo; 25th July, 1922; sec.3, ss. (1) : Coolgardie and Kalgoorlie Hospitals, and State Exam.

[Jnx IS, 394



PART l.-X[RS ES RE-REGIS TEREI) FOIl I 94l-continuccl. Registration No and Name; Address Data of Registration and Section of Act under which Registration was effected Qualifications.

141X-T,AyLOp Ettic E.; State Battery, Marble Bar;

I dtli September, 1 935: see. 5. as. (3) : Sydney Hospital anti A.T.N.A. I 895-TAPLOII, Sr. Mary Ethna St. .Jolut of God

hospital; 25th November, 1937; sec. 5, as. (3); St. John of Cod hospital.5 1774-'t'EMPLE, Beryl; 8 Heytesbury road, Subiaco;

26t1s May, 1936; see. 5, as. (3) ; Perth Public I-losIDital

1051-THOMAS, Alma J.; 100 Flindeas street, Mt. Hawthorn; 2Sth Ma)', 1935; see. 5, ss. (3) ; Perth hospital.' 1 l96-TIIOMAS. Gladys Olive; Sylvester street, Coolgardie ; 3rd March, 1931; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; W.A. Coyerninctit Ilospita Is.' 352--THOMAS. Treite Slay: 100 Fliuders street. i\tcnn,l

hawthorn; 18th July, 1922; see.

eels's Hospital, Subiaco.


sa. (4.) ; Child-

1056-THOMAS, Joyce;

Hillcrest.'' Iholcystone: 3rd December, 1929; see. 5, as. (3) ; Children's I-hos-

pital and State Exaut. 2262-THOMAS, Margaret; Geraldton: 18th tune, 1940; see. 5; ss. (3) : Wooroloo, Collie, and Kalgoorlie hospitals, and State Exam. 2015-THOMPSON, Alice Mildred; Police Station, Moos'a; 21st January, 1939; see. 5, as. (3) ; Perth Public 11 ospital.'

tsi;o-'j'nosi 'SOY, Jfhi-aal,etl, ,J. ; Lueknow ; 22nd May, 934; see. 5, as. (3) ; Perth Public llospital.* 498-ThOMPSON, Elieabetl, Jane; 19 Lawley crescent, Mt. Lawley; 25th July, 1922; sec. 5, ss. (3) WA. Government hospitals. 925-ThlOSI I'SON, Isabella Mary; 4 Wasley street, Sit. Lawley; 26th May, 1925; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; Perth Public Hospital." 2072-THOMPSON, Phyllis Doreen; 26 Cook street,

Perth; 31st March, 1939; Public hospital."

sec. 5, as.

(3) ; Perth

231 1-THOMSON, Marjory Fraisecs; 13 hardy street,

South Perth; 31st October, 1910; sec. 5, ss. (3) Freniantle hospital and State Exam. 2300-T GORY, Violet Evangeliue; North Dastdalup, WA.; 10th Dt'ceinbcr, 1940; see. 5, as. (3); Wooro-

luo, lfat:tuning-, and Kalgoorlic hospitals, a nil SI ate


2354-TIIOIlN'l'ON, l"aitb Mary;

Oaltleiglt, '



up; 1 8th February, 1941 ; sec. 5, as. (1) PerIl, Hospital and State Exam. 1638-T1IO1INTON, Ruby P. ; District hospital, Halgoorlie; 28th May, 1935; sc,. 5, ss. (3) ; Perth, Pub

lie hospital. 1708-T11TELKELD, G,vcaetl, Grace; 33 'I'l,e Avenue, Nedlands; 2Stls November, 1935; see. 5, ss. (4) Children's hospital.' 762-TTIRIJM, Do,'othea Charlotte; 14 Bareden street, Cottesloc: lIOr July, 1920; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; Cltilch len S hospital and State Exam. 11)31)-TIC GESIAN, Slay Dorotliea ; Mt. Pleasant Tint1dtal, Mt. Lawley; 25th May, 1938; sec. 5, ss. (3) Frentantic hospital and State Exam. 2071A-TILBIIOOK, Katldee,s, Stirling highway, Chasemont; iltlt Slay. 1.939; see, 5. as. (6); The Benmark and Adelaide Hospital. Terougic,'' 2142-TOS[LINSON, Bethwyn Elitlt; Grey street, Albany; 20th .lu,sc, 1939; sec. 5, ss. (3); Perth Hospital and State Exam. 860--TRAINE, Frederic;, Madeline; hO Bishop 's Gate street, Carlisle; 5th April, 1927; see. 5, ss. (3) Perth hospital," 817-TREACY, LOla Teresa; 18 Fairlight street, Mosman Park; 5th October, 1926; sec. 5, as. (3); WA. tios-ernn,ent Hospitals.' 1586-TRELOAII, Olive Ida: Quairading; 27th Noveinher, 934; see. 5, as. (3) ; Perth Hospital.5

Registration No. and Name

Address ; Date of Rcgistratio,, and Section of Act under which Registration was effected Qua hiflcati,,ns.

3 l9-T RESII)OTE hi, Dorot he; 65 \Vititltrop avenue, Crawlev; 18th July, 1922; sec. 5, as. (3) ; Perth

II o'it it tI.' 2007 A-'J' U LLV, Violet Sb:t rv ; lion,,, eutu ,t It, Jllt gin


7th, July, 19:18: Soluntary hospital Glouceste,'shure

Royal 1nti,'nttt-i

$58-'i'UOJIV, Agttes Joscpltine : West Swat,; I Stit 1922 ; eec', 5, as. (6); St. Pattcraas Iufirnia,'v, Lo ,ido,,.

2331 -TURNER, Slay S. : 19 Lihlia,, street, Cotteshoe; 15th December, 1940; sec. 5, as. (1) ; Perth hospital md Sta ti Exa In.

954-TURTOX, Molhie Ilahlet Wilson; U.B.S. Hospital, lSoynp Brook: 9t1, October, 1928; see.5, ss. (3) IF'reu,a,,tle llospital. 364-TUTTLE, Sr. Mary H.; St. Jolt,, of God Ihos-

pital; 18th July, 1922;

of God hospital, Subiaco. Al 123-ULI-lIChI,


see. 5, as.


(3); St. John

District 1-lospital,

Des'by; 23rd February, 1937: see, 5, sa. (6) ; Base

hospital for Sick Chrild,-en, Bs-isbaue. 1469-UNDERWOOD, Violet Alice F'.; 14 Bat-to,, street, East Kalgoorlie; 25th Slay, 1933: see. 5. ss. (3) Co-erttt,te,tt Ibuspitals." 638_hiRE, Lilhiait ; F'reu,antle I[ospital ; 2nd October, 11123; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; Peril, hospital."

1663-VANCE, Slat-i' Doris; 56 Satmchgate street, South, Pertbt; 28th Slay, 1935 set. 5, ss. (3) ; W.A. Gove,-,,,,,e,tt hospitals."

371-VANDAL, Mabel Alice; 39 Riley roitd, Clare,,tont ; 18th, July, 1922; see. 5, as. (1); Fre,,,ai,tle hospital asid State Ex,,,,,. 1003-VAN STYlI, Ranetita Seb,oltz: Yasmup, Gosuells:

10th February, 1933; sec. 5, ss. (6); Sydney Saa,i-

torium, SVahtroouga, AN. F'.

2143-VEIIYARD, Beatrice; 66 Cleaver street, West Perth; 13th, July, 1939; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; Perth Public Ihospital.' 2112-VIAL, h1,tzel Mattd; Wilusta ; 17th October, 1939; sec. 5, ss. (6) ; Austin hospital a,id Victorian Reg. l59-l-VTNCEN'P, Marjorie Evelyn; Ch,ildres,'s hiosital, Snbiaco : 270, Noventbe,', 1934; see. 5, 55.

(4); Cltilthreu 's Ii ospi t:tl, Subi,t co.' 111$ l--\' [XICOSIBII, Audrey Merle; 46 II autpi oil toad, Fretttatttle; 25th, Slay, 1938; see. 5, as. (3) ; Coyerm,,ent Hospitals ttnd State Exa,si. 62-I -VOWELS, Sr. Siary Loyola ; St. .Johu of God Convent: 2,td Octobe,-, 1923; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; St. Jolt,, of God hlospita h.'

974-WACIIIET'l', Ath,ol E.: Shts-ble Bttr; 28t1t Octobe,-, 1931); sec. 5, as. (4) ; Brisbane hospital asid A.T.Y.A.

1223-WACKETT, Slarjorie




27tl, Xove,nbe,', 1931 ; sec. 5, as. (4) ; Cluldren 'a hospital, Subiaeo." 2166-Vt'ADDELL, Gwe,,doline Etnily; Bunbur1-: 26tht June, 1939; see. 5, as. (3) ; Goyer,t,tient h-hospitals atid State Exam. 2288-W'ADDELL, Nicohiva Beryl; 829 Beaufort st,'eet, l.iitsseltost; 22nd .June, 1940; see. 5, as. (3) : Pes'tht hospital itid State Exs,s,,. 2106-WAIT, Lila,, 5Jan11; 48 Tl,ird aveeme, Slount Law-icy; ?tlt Septeutber, 1939; sec. 5, as. (3) ; Pert),

hospital. I 751-WAKE, Am,ie IV.; District hospital, Northana; 26tlt Slay 1936; sec. 5, as. (3) ; Gover,unent h-los1iita]s."

h463-WALKET, Gsvenydd F.; Goyersunent h-Iospital, Slarbie Baa; 25th SIa-, 1933; sec. 5, ss. (3); WA. Gover,iu,ent Ilospitals.' 1124-STALL, SLi'jom-ie; c/o L. .1. Wall, Mais, tes','ace, Gersldton; 28th October, 1930; see. .3, as. (3) Perth Hospital and- State Exam.

.Ti'i'i- 18, 1941.]



PAR'u' 1,-N PRSES B E-REGI S'l' 1313 ED FOR 1941-con3jsec7. Registration Xo. and Name: Address; Date of Registration and Section of Act under which Registration was effected and Section of ct under which Registration was effected

Registration No. and Name; Address ; Date of Registration


2222--WALL, Marjorie; Geraidton ; 28th October, 1930 ace. 5, as. (3) ; Perth l'tsblic Hospital. 209 7A-WALLET, ilulda G.; District Hospital, Esperance; 24th May, 1932; seeS. so. (3) ; Perth Public 1[ospital: 3 7-1

WALS II, Agnes 51.; King Edward Memorial Hospital; 18th July, 1922; sec. 5, ss. (3); Perth


I 949-WALSH, Mary Anarletus; St. John of God liospital, Snbiaeo ; 12th Julie, 1938; St. John of God Hospital, Snbiaeo.

2192-WALSh, Mary Begis; St. John of God 1-lospital, Subiaco; 8th December, 1939; see. 5, ss. (3) ; St. John of God 11ospital.

0021-WALSH, Mary Celestine; Conre nt nt St.Johia

of God, Snhi;ico ; 29th November, 1938; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; Hospital of St. John of God, Subiaeo°

0022-WALSI[, Mary Gervasi; Convent of St. John of God, Subiaco; 28th February, 1939; sec. 5, ss. (3) St. John of God Hospit1, Snbiaco.e 2198-WALTON, Marjorie, Western Ice Company, Kalgoorlie; 16th December, 1939; sec. 5, ss. (3); W.A. Goccrnn)ent Hospitals.°

2364-WANN, Ailsa May; State Battery, Coolgardie; 18th February, 1941; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; Kalgoorlie hospital and State Exam. 1985-WARD, Ada Jessie; EM. Ilonie, Mt. Hawthorn 25th May, 1938; see. 5, ss. (3) ; Government Hos. pitals and State Exam. 1 501-WARI), Lily Christina; Perth Hospital; 28th November, 1933 ; sec .5, as. (3); Perth 1[ospital.' Gmvci,eliami Collier; 16 Alexander street, Wcmnbley; 9th October, 1928 see. 5, as. (3)

97l-\VA [LIEN,

Perth Public Hospital.5 1775-WATERMAN, Winifred Evelyn, 14 Ilovea terrace, South Perth; 26th May, 1936; eec. 5, 55. (3)

Perth Hospital.0 375-WATERS, Annie M.; r111unias street, Nedlands; 18th July, 1922; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; Fremantle Hospital. 1322-WATERS, Clarice; Morava 1-[ospital ; 24th May, 1932; sec. 5, as. (3) Perth hospital.5 383-WATKINS, Lucy; 14 Duinba rtomm crescent, lit. Lawley; 18th July, 1922; sec. 5, as. (3) ; Perth Hospital. 501-WATTS, Marie Elizabeth; 1 htirhing street, Humibury; 18th July, 1922; sec. 5, as. (3) ; W.A. Gorernincmmt Hospitals.

2218-WEAVER, Molly Eleanor; Katanning; 22nd April, 1940; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; Perth hospital and State Exam. 2334-WEDGE, Grace; 50 'l'lionmas street, Necilamals 4th

January, 1941; sec. 3, as. (3); Perth hospital

and State Exam. 2187-\VEISSSIAN, Anne Magdalcen; 29 Hill street, Wallsend, N.S.W.: 19th December, 1940 ; see. 5, as. (6) ; Mater Slisericodide Hospital, Waratah, N.S.W.


Florence Mand; 78 St. Leonard's avenue, West Leederville; 1 8th July, 1922; sec. 5, as. (3) ; Perth Hospital. 1287-WELLER, Gladys M.; Gordon River, Craubrook, \\'.A.; 23rd February, 1932; see. 3, so. (3) ; Perth Public Hospital. 2355-WELLS, Betty; Latsfield, Brook road, Gosimells; 1 8th Fcbi'uary, 1941; sec..5, sa. (3) ; Perth 1-lospital and State Exam. 1417-WELLS, Ivy Lillian; Mt. Darker; 25th Stay, 1933; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; Perth Public Hospital.* 2219-WESTON, Olive Muriel; Dwelliugnp; 29th March, 1940; sec. 5, so. (3) ; Perth Public Hospital.° 984-WESTWOOD, Etliehine; 105 Thomas street, Subiaco; 3rd March, 1931; see. 5, as. (6) ; General Nursing Co., England and Wales. 1542-WHEATLEY, Alice; Fi'emantle Public Hospital; 22nd May, 1934; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; Fremantle Public Hospital.*


11 75-WIIEATLEY, Sheila SI.; Big Bell hospital; 3rd March, 1931; sec .5, as. (3) ; Fremantle Hospital and State Exanm.

2026-WhELAN, Mary Daiuian; St. John of God Convent, Snbiaro; 28th February, 1939; sec. 5, ss. (3) St. John 01' God Hospital. Subiaco.

20S1-WIIELAX, Mary Livinus; St. John of God Convent, Snbiaeo; 21st February, 1939; sec. 5, ss. (3)

St. .Jolm of God Hospital, Subiaeo.° 1202-WhITE, Esther May; 50 James street, Guildford; 3rd Starch, 1931.; see. 5, as. (3); Perth hospital and State Exam. Al 055--WIIITEHEAD, Lillian 13. ; Armadale; 29 tIm November, 1928; sec. 5, ss. (6); Adelaide Hospital, North terrace, Adelaide. 1 797-WHITEJ[EAD, Mary; 101 Enpert street, Suhiacn, 3rd June, 1937; sre.5, as. (3) ; Perth Hospital. 2:-i32-WHITFIELD, Annie 1.; District hospital, Wagin; 29th November, 1940; seeS, sa. (3) ; Perth Hospital and State Exam. 2061 A-WIIYTE, Amelia Emily; 8 Arthurston road, Xom'thicotc, N.] 6, Victoria; 21st February, 1939; sec. 5, so. (6) ; Epwortli hospital, Melbourne, and Vietoria Reg.

I 941-WICKHAM, Kathiecu Margaret; York; 25th May, 1938; sec. 5, ss. (3); Frenmantle hospital. 1933-WILCOX, Gladys Irene; Northm ; 25th Novenibet', 19:37; see. 5, as. (3) ; W.A. Government HoslutalS

A1119-WILLEY, Laura Grace; District Hospital, Mingeneir; 23rd February, 1939; sec. 5, ss. (6) Soutlmlane hospital, New Zealand. Al 183-WI ULIAMS, Dorothy Slay; Wooroloo; 25th M;trelm, 1918; see. 5, as. (6) ; T3almain, Sydney.

39S-WILLIA MS. Irene Veronica; Westminster Ilospital ; 1 8th 3 umly, 1922; sec. 5, as. (3) ; Children's Hospital.

2143-WILLIAMS, Irene Violet; Pittei-soa road, Greenlolount, 20th February, 1940; sec. 5, ss. (6) ; Sydney Sanatorium and Hospital, New South Wales. 1246-WILLIAMS, Josephimse; 74 Monutjoy road, Nedlands; 24th May. 1922; see. S. as. (3) ; Fremantle hospital amid State Exammm.

668__WtILLIAS[S, Virginia S[ary; St. Outer Hospital, West I'erth ; 24th April, 1923; sec.5, as. (3) ; Fre in antIc lb spit oh amid SI ate Exammm

] 710-Vt'ILLI AMSON, [s;mdora ; Port 1[e,lhmmid ; 28th November, 1935 ; see. 5, as. (0) ; Chiildm-cmi 'a liospital.°

201 6-WI LLL\SFSOX, Mary Lines; Beverley; 16th Decemmiber. 1938; see. 3, so. (:1); Pertlm htospit;ml.°

a023A-WI LL1ASISON, Nellie; .1 ane Alexander hlospital, Mimkimmhmmdin ; 1st September, 1938; sec. 5, as. (6) ; Almermleemm Royal Immlirimmam-v and P.N. Council of Srotl;iiiul.

1138-WI LLMOTT, Ammna C;mpel Margaret; K.E.M. IIo pitmul; 28th October, 1930; sec. 5, as. (3) ; Perth.

Public hospital." 1386-WILLOUGHBY, 13 rigid; St. Anne's Nursing }tonme, Sit. Law-hey; 24th November, 1932; sec. 5, as.

(3) ; Perth lloupit;ml.5

177 7-'iVlLSIIER, Lena Sadie; District Hospital, Greenbmmslmes; 26th Slay, 1936; sec. 5, as. (3) ; Perth Pub-

lie hospital.' 2157-WiLSON, Constance Rosa; A.T.M. Hospital, Hall's Creek; 6th .Jumne, 1940; sec. 5, as. (6) Western Suburbs Hospital, Sydney, N.S.W. I P33-WILSON, Dorothy 51.; 53 Bishop's place, Kemisimigtoms, S.A.; 3md March, 1.937; Rose Parhe amid Port

F'irie Hospital Reg.

549-WILSON, Edith Marion; 15 Clifton crescemit, Mount Lawley; 3rd October, 1922; sec. 5, ss. (1) Fremantle Public Hospital. 2185WILSON, Eileen; District hospital, Albammy; 7th November, 1939; sec.5, as. (3) ; Perth Public Hospital.0




PART 1.-YLTESES RE-REGIS TREED FOil 1941-conlinued. Registration No. and Name No. and Name Addr'rn Ito; of Registration


a nO bei oi, of Act under which


ui was effected

QuahiOo; 0 tic.

.:; 98 herbert road,

I9oh-\'J1.OY. full.,.



[JULY 18, 1941.


;:1'. H-;






(3); l'erih

0; It .1 ;tit,t;tcv. 1910 :


IItopiin1o. , Fes'mo S. .". 1 001 1 \tillS pital, J irthatn ; 2811, Deerniber, 193.5 sec. 5, os (3) ; Perth Puhlie Ilospitci. 7u -w INZAII. : cv Catherine Joyce: Coolgardie VPfl 00:1


P vernn

ii,:. tel; 3rd June, 1937


sec. 5, so.


(3) :

1499--V; Sf!



Ellen; 15 Lairlev crescent, jIlt.

November, 1933; see.




Perth Tlospital.t' \V t'l'1INlt1L ..Jeat Lillian; 8 Stirling road, cltra1tt, h : 2511 May, 1938 see. 5, ss. (3) ; Ciov O1ttltCIi TT, Os and State Exam. Gle'tsborough,' ' 1Sellington 1 ',48_\V(t( 'P. .\f :'tlt ; 10 lhourne, L.2, Victoria; 24th Novem......1'. I hO

5, so. () ; Children's hospital.

her, 1111

23M-WOISD. J tan Gillian; Box 114 ; STork: I 8th Fehruary, 1941; seeS, ss. (:1) ; Freinantle Public Ilospitnl and Slate Exant. 208(IA-WOOD, Mary Joyce; Governnsent hospital, Piutibury;

I 7th May, 1939; seeS, ss. (6) ; Prince

Henry Hospital, Litllo Bay. New South Wales, 012 -WOODS, Je:'n; 3 Walcott street, Mt. Lawley; 3rd .1 olv. 1923 ; see. 5, ss. (3) ; Fremantle Public Tiosijital.'

2338-WORGAN, Olive E.; Cownranntp. vat Busselton 4th March, '1911 l°rentautle Tlospil ci and State Exa In.


Eli,.nbeils ;

Achrl r,-,.c Date of Registration and Section of Act under whi'I: :cav:ration ices clfc''ted

Qmthiltca lion-..

09 '-IV 1110113', Gilbert Lrsnl:i 12 Lacvlev creseeitt arrh, 1929; 'c 5, as. (I); ('hildre't 'a ilos-


a rv, Liverpool. 11.1 V. S[ercv; mtntda

Rosemount llospital, Kala11th May, 1939; see. 5, ss. (3); Freniantle



979-WREN, Olive Lily; 2 Bayley street, West Midland; 26th March. 1929; sec. 5, ss. (4) ; Children's 1-lospital, Subiaco.°




831-I RI (lIlT, .Jttlia Gilberlsott ; 12 l.,acvlev erereut 5th October, 192(1; sec. 5, so. (4); ('ltildreit s binspitttl, J'erth,° 1917 WI1TG1IT, Macv Louise; Ctttsning highway, Victoria Park; 3rd .Jattunry, 1938; sec. 5, so. (3) ; Perth hospital.' I 849-WE [0111', SIn ilic Elaitie : Clnldreit 's Hospital. Sulti,t-o; 2-hit Noveitther, 1936; see. 5, ss. (7); CItilt hen's lIo'lpii;' 1403 -WV.'.TT. llti:i,ti,,,i ; District Ilosi,ital. ('oolg:trdie 2!Ii Nusentl:tr. i.1t32; see. 5, so. (3) ; VIA. Governinca I;

I [ospitnis."

2173-\VVNNE, Lillinis Isobell: 11 Trafford street, JleaconaIield ; 13th .Iugust, 1940: sec. 5, ss. (6) Qneets Vietori,t Memorial hlospitni, Melbourne.

2101-YATES. Stella: 28 .1 olin street. Slaylands: lilt September, 1939; sec. 5, os. (5) ; Perth Public ftospita 1°

1969-VlMTES, Eva; Sin sic street, Slillendoit; Slay. 1938; sec.





Perth hospital and

Sltt1 e Exant, I 139--YE \TTIS, Shnry Kathleen;


Rokeby road,

S,thi:teo ; 28)1 Oelobei', 1930; sec. 5, ss. (3); Perth Tlospita I. 161.7-VOL ST.;, i larhat'a .Jov ; \Vestndnsler Ilospital

Rh's N'. ,'tt,l,er. 1934; see. S, s, (3) ; W.A. Governnietit i F,u1ih, Is,

2111-VOl NP; hrIi-BRAID, Mttrgnret ; Slanjimup ; 20th Jtnse, 19Sf) ; see.5, os (3) ; Fremani Ic h'ublic Hospital.° A 1.1 52-YCLE. \lcxandriaa; 14 Ellesmcre road, Mt. Law-Icy; 27th January, 1938; see. 5, so. (3) ; Fre-

mantle hospital, A.T.N.A.


1375-WE ENCII, Ethel Enid; Perth hlosldtal; 24th November, 1932; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; Perth Hospital.

19$:; -..v.3,,,s,

1titt I,"

Seacia STale, Sit. Barker

18th July, 1922; see. 5, ss. (6) ; Mill Road Infirm-

llttselt,,it lip' IttI

['l, Ihiltla ('::,l,''cjt,

ZAPPA, 1O:'l','al, Wilt,ttn: 25;it 'S,', (1 ovi rim mettl


District Hospital,

1933; seeS,

II ospitalo.'


(3); WA.

1I.-NCRSES NOT RE-REGISTERED FOR 7911. Registration No. and Name; Address Date of Registration and Ssetion of Act under which Registration was effected; Qualifications.

02S-AINSWORTH, Olive E. ; McDonald street, Kalgoor lie ; 24th December, 1938 ; sec. 5, so. (3) : W.A. Goveminent Hospitals and State Exam. 558-AllEY, Hilda Id. ; Lemnos Hospital, Shenton Park 3rd November, 1922 ; sec. 5, ss. (1) ; Children's Hospital. 20th June, 2100A-ALBOROUGH, Joan ; Marble Bar 1939 ; sec. 5, ss. (6) ; l'rince Henry Hospital, Sydney, and New South Wales Registration. 2173-ALLCORN, Joyce E. ; Hay street, Subiaco ; 19th November, 1937 ; sec. 5, so. (3) ; Pcrtls Hospital and State Exam. 1629-ALVER, Jean. A. ; Bunbnry ; 28th Slay, 1935 L'erth Hospital and State Exam. sec. 5, ss. (3) 2115-ANDERSON, Audrey L. ; South Australia ; 17th July, 1939 ; see. 5. ss. (4) ; Perth Hospital and State Exam. 2Gtls Dotsnybruok : 1O1SA-ANDERSON, Bethia IL. ; April, 1034 ; sec. 5, os. (4) ; Stohhill General Hospital, Scotland. and Victorian Registration. 2176-ANDREW, Flada Id. ; Roberts street, Kalgoorlie 24th November, 1932 ; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; WA. Government Hospitals and State Exam.

King George street., Victoria Park ; 19th February, 1938 ; seeS, so. (3) ; Perth Hos-

1S90-BAILLIE, Nancy N. ; pital and State Exam,

1 d,l, n-c ; Re Ic of Registration and Section ct Act under wit iris Registration was effected

hR gist ration No. a nit Noon


1316-BAKER, Nora L ; Brunswick Junction ; 24th Slay, 1932 ; see. 5, so, (3) ; Children's 1-lospital and State Exam.

1971-BAKER, Rhoda F. ; First avenue. Sit. Lawley : 25th May, 1938 ; sec. 5, so. (3); Wet. Government Hospitals and State Exam. 576-BALDING. Slaida ; West Perth ; 19th December, 1922 ; see. 5, So. (1) ; Pem'th Hospital.

951-BASIBROOK, Dorothy VI. : Upper Swan ; 29th November, 1928 ; see. 5, os. (6) : Melbourne Hospital and Victorian Registration. 2nd October, 1923 634 BANKS, Elsie SI. ; Albany see. 5, so. (3) ; Perth Hospital and State Exam. 1-Ill-RANTING, Cannel SI. ; Wooroloo ; 24th November, 1932 ; see. 5, ss. (3) ; WA. Government Hospitals and State Exam. 83.9-BARCLAY. Sc'lc ia : Mt. Hawthorn : 5th October. 1926 : see. 5. so. (3) ; Children's Hospital and State Exam.

1390-BARNARD, Jean; REM. Hospital, Subiaco ; 24th November, 1932 ; see,.5, so. (3) ;

Fremnantle Hospital

and State Exans, 2076-BARROW, Jessie B. ; Pingelly; 21st February, 1939 ; sec. 5, so. (3) ; Perth Hospital and State Exam. 2048-BEARD, Aime SI. ; Toodyay ; 5th April, 1939 ; see 5, so. (3) ; Perth Hospital and State Exam.




18, 1941.i

l°aicr II --NURSES NOT B 11-11 Ed 1ST liBEl) Pd I Ni gli

in-i 1


Ni. and Name

Sddress : Date of Registration

on of trt under which Registes lies was effected sill.

1987-B [iN N liFT, Audrey Ii ber,

iiei'. -5, os




;hdf-IBJiNi-P IN. il-ryl L

State Exaii.

Like Grace ; 29th NovemPerIls His1) . aud Jill 1'

Katauiuin WA. 131j\l-:'flflc-'l

(3) ;

1 959-BINGI[.\ SI. Evelyn ; Cooruw 30 't 11.n-:-0 , 1939 see. 5, so. (3) Perth Hosi sill usd Sti i Ext us. -

1136-BlESt] NGHXS[, denote e'-'l.0 COC-o terrace. Perth ; 251 October, 1930 ; sec. 5. so. (3)

pital and Si tie Exam.

I-H Is Hos-

1 752-BISSE U, Teresa M. ; K. lISt. Hospital, Subiaco ,'2Gtls May, 1930 ; see. 5, so. (3) ; Perth Hospital and State Exam. Uit: tli Hospital : 3rd July. 2263-BLACK, Jean C. 1910 ;

se. 5, ss. (3) ;

Exam. 1057-BLACK, Theim i L. December, 192.9 ;

and State Exam.

Ire iviistie ll)spital aisri State

Sit dcx street, Nedlatids 3rd sec. 5, so. (3) ; Chiklren's Hospital

976-BLACKETT, Alice New South Wales ; 9th October. 1928 ; sec. 5, so. (3) ; Children's Hospital and State Exam. 1901-BLECHYNDEN. Elizabeth Ii. Nw South IVales 23i-cl February. 1938 ; see. 5, so. (3) Pi h Hospital

and State Exam. 691-BONEI{AS[, Florence G.z Longroyt s'---i - Sit. LtwIcy : 7th October, 1924 ; see. 5, so. (3) ; Itt i ftuspital and State Exam. 2267-BORWICK, Millicent C. ; Hay street, 1'. :th ; 18th June, 1940 ; see. 5, so. (3) ; Fretnantle Hospital and State Exam. 922-BO'iVEN, 1)orothy 51. Matijiusup ; 4th October, 11127 : see. 5, ss. (3) ; WA. (Sov"rnmc'nt Hu-pital and

lixttt. 1261-BOlD, Norah F.; Si:tli'

Donnybrook; 27tls November, see. 5, so. (3) ; WA. Governnient Hospital anti State Exam. 1923-BRAID, Margaret A. ; Paddingion, Now South \Vaies 30th November. 1937 seeS, ss. (3) ; F'remantle [-los1931 :

pital and State Exam.

2090-BREARLEY, Alice : Cottesloc ; 21st February, 1939 sec. 5, so. (3) ; Frensantie Hospital antI State Exam. 2117-BREWER. Evelyn ; Clive street, Sit. hawley ; 20th June, 1939 ; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; Perth Hospital and State Exam. 1902-BROADWAY, Rose H. ; Slidland ,Junetion ; 15th December, 1937 see. 5, ss. (3) ; Perth Hospital antI State Exam. 1066-BRYAN, Patricia ; New South Wales ; 18th February, 1936 ; see. 5, so. (6) ; Hammersmith Hospital, London, and G.N. Council. 1271-B[JLLEN, Amy ; Avro Hospital ; 27th November, 1931 ; see. 5, so. (3) ; Perth Hospital and State Exam. 1680-BULLOCK, Dorothy .T. ; Maylands ; 28th November, 1935 ; see. 5, ss. (3) ; Perth Hospital and State Exam. 1434-BURGESS, Dorice SI. ; Perils Hospital ; 25th Slay, 1933 ; see. 5, so. (3) ; Perth Hospital and State Exam. 2050-BUXTON, Mary E.,' Nortisam Hospital; 28th February, 1939 ; see. 5, so. (3) ; Perils Hospital and State Exam.

11 gi-',ti-, N.

ii '---is



coil (15,fl (I.



of Ott



el_i- wlO--

2237-Cl IISESON, Starjorv ti.z 1910 ; set-. Exaiss.


so. (3)


Date (if D--i:-(,-otiii o.-- lens-:-: -i--:

I) rigarra :

IS-cut-i 'stie

15th ilreh.

lionpital sod State

1130-CLiNCH. Dora 51. : fi;-tn-e,ttgli ; 28th October. 1931) so. 5. -so (3) P-nh I-l.-.iopinsl and State Exatsi. 2225-CLINCH, 51St: : SI.:. Barker 20tls Febrearv, 1940 sec. 5, so (3) ; (V.5. Government Hospital and State Exam. 1993-COLE, Co:delia ; \Vongan Hills ; 27th January. 1939 see. 5. so. (3) ; i'erth Hospital and State Exam. 82-COLLINS. Helena H. : Clselni-iford road, Mt. hawley ; 18th July. 1922 ; sec. 5, so. (:3) ; Fremantl" Hospital. 50-CONNOR, Elvv A. : Rottts'-it ; 18th July. 1922 see. 5, so. (3) Perth Hospital. 2178-CONSTANTINE, Percia ; St )ont Hospital, Perils 17th October. 1910 ; seeS, ss. (0) Wakefield Hospital,

Soisthi Australia al A.N.F.

1313-COOLING, ER--It Ctsss Valley 21-th Slav, 1932 set-. 5, ss. (3) ; Chili It--Is's Hospital tmd State Exam. 965-COOPER, Elizab 'tls ; Kojotsup 9th October, 1928 set' .,5, so. (3) ; Perth Hospital and State Exam. ll27-COUPER. G'orgina SI. ; Gootnslling : 28th October, 11)30 : see. 5. so. (3) ; Perth Hospital and State Exam. 20(15-CO WCEIER, Alma B. ; Wooi-oloo Silt \pril, 1921 sec. 5, os. (3) ; Pet'tls Ilositital 1usd Ott) -.- lIxtn. 78-COX. Elizab"th ; Perth ; 18th July. 1922 : see. 5, so. (1) ; Pertlt hospital atsd State Exats. 2l19-COXON. Vera : Sit. L-swley ; 20th Jtitse. 11)39 see. 5, ss. (3) ; Pertls Hospital and State Exam. 1609-CRAIG. PIsyllis : Narrogin ; 27th Novembet', 1934

see. 5. os. (3) ; WA. Governm"nt Hosisital and State


Exam. CRAWFORI), Doreen ; 1932 ;

see. 5, so. (3) ;

Katanning 23rd Fe[troary, Children's Hospital anti Slate

Exam. 6 16-CRO'iVLEY. Antsie ; Shac'kleton ; 20th November, 1023 ; see. 5, so. (3) ; \V.A. Government Hospital and State Exaiss. 1869-CU[MSEE. Bertlsa ; Sulsiaco ; 3rd Jutse. 1937 : sec. 5, si. (3) : WA. Governtsoent Hosjsital and State Exam, 51-CUNNINGHAM, Theresa (Josnells lStls July, 1122 ........5, so. (3) : Perth llospital. 1506-CU ERIE, Edna ; Bunbury ; 28th Noveniter, 1933

see. 5. so. (3) ;

WA. Government Hospital anti State


914-DANIELL. Jiliza H. ; Not-tlt Pertis ; 4th October, 1927 ; see. 5, so. (3) : Perth Hospital and State Exam. 807-DAVEY. Olive 13. ; Bicton ; 5th April. 1927 ; see. 5, so. (3) ; Pertls Hospital and State Exaits. 85-DAVIES, Anonia ; Subiaco ; l8tls July, 1922 ; see. 5, so. (3) ; Perth Hospital and State Exam. 2188-DAVIS, Hilda SI. Nedlands; 15th Nos-emsiber, 1939 sec. 5. so. (3) Fremantle Hospital anti State Exam. 1918-DA\VSON, Eugenic : Albany : 25th November, 1937 sec. 5, os. (3) ; Perth Hospital and State Exam, 655-DENSON, Slary A , Netllands ; StIs April, 1924

see. 5, so. (3) ;

IV A Govcrnns--nt Hospital anrl State


1493-CABLE. Flora ;

Shenton Park ;

28th November,

1933 ; see. 5, so. (3) ; Perth Hospital and State Exam.

168l-CAIRNS-HJLL. Molly ; West Perth ; 28th November, 1935 ; sec. 5, so. (3) ; Perth Hospital and Stats' Exam. 2051-CAMPBELL, Ailey 51. ; Marine parade. Cottesloe 21st Febrttarv, 1939 ; see. 5, ss. (3) ; Perth Hospital and State Exam. 2156-CAMPBELL, Ailsa J. ; Bunbury ; 3rd July, 1939 see. 5, so. (3) ; W.A. Government Hospital antI State Exam. 2226-CHALMERS, Frances Jarrandale ; 20th February, 1940; see. 5, so. (3) ; \V.A. Government Hospital and

State Exam. 2125-CHANDLER, Helen ; Harvey ; 21st December, 1939 ; see. 5, os. (6) ; Ballarat Hospital and Victorian

Registration. 1h21-CHESSON, Alice ; Sobiaco : 28th May, 1935 : -fec. 5, ss. (3) ; Children's hospital and State Exam. 1257-CHURACH, Eva H. ; Mounds Bay road, Perils ; .5th June, 1931 ; see. 5, ss. (3) ; Pertls Hospital and State Exam. 1703-CLARK, Edith F. ; Broadway, Nediands 28tls November, 1935 ; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; Childrens Ho-pita] and State Exam. 2206-CLARK, Ruby H. ; Sloora; 20th February, 1940; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; Perth Hospital and State Exam.

2269-DERSIER, Joan SI. ; Fl-Itt-tI! Ic z 18th June, 1910 sec..S, os. (3) ; Fresnantle Hits itt 1 tt id State Exam. 96-DOBRIGH, SIas'y F. \Velsit pool ; 18th July. l922 sec. 5, ss. (3) ; Perth flospit a. 2172-DOLLARD, Daphtse ; Peps"rtssint Gtove ; 13th August, 1940 ; see. 5, so. (6) ; Adelaide 1-lospital ated South Assstralian Registration. 98-DOUGLAS, Ellen ; South Perth ; lStls lois', 1922 ocr. 5, so. (1) ; Fremantle Hospital. 1785-DO\Vl), Eileen SI, ; Yarloop ; 3rd Jutse. 1937 ; sec. 5, so. (3) ; Pertls Hospital and State Exam. 1611-DOWN. Iretse H.,- Kaigoot'lie 27th Novembet', 1931 sec. 5, os. (3) ; WA. Goves-nment Hospital anti State Exam. 1489-DUNCAN. Janet ; Derby ; 28th November. 1933 sec. 5, so. (3) ; Pertls 1-Iospital and State Exam. 1711 D1JNGEY, I'hyilis ; Smith P"rtls 26tls Slay. 1936 see. 5. so. (3) ; WA. Govertssn-nt Hospital atsd Stati' Exam. Sout hi Pes'Ui : 3rd Slarchm, 1212-DL'NMAN. Mantle, L. 1931 ; sec. 5, -s. (3) ; Pex-th Hospital and State Exassi. 1174-DRURY, Eriea ; Nedlands ; 25th Mar-Is, 1938 ; sec. 5, 55. (6) ; Albstt'y hospital and New Smiths \Vales Registratiots. 627-DUNNET. Slay E. ; Soutls Pet-tIm : 2nd Octobe,-, 1923 sec. .5, ss. (3) ; Chsildress's Hospital and State Jixans.



1 JULY 18, 1911.

PART 11.-NUJ5SES NOT RE-REGISTERED FOR 1941-co,ttioucd. Registration No md Name Address Date ot Registratioc and Section ot Act under winch Registration was efteeteci Qualifications.

2020-EAKINS, .ldntce :

Perth Itospital

1st August.

sec. .5, ss. (6) ; Beudigo lirispital anti \sctoriau Registration. 991 EAKINS, Edelini E. ; Sorseman 17th 1 )ecember, 1938 ; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; Perth Hospital and State Exam. 1938 ;

.545-EASTWOOD, Florence b.. Peppermint Grove ; 3rd

sec. 5, ss. (3) ; Children's Hospital. 2227-ELLSON, Elizabeth N. ; Geralciton ; 16th April. 1940 see. 5, ss. (3) ; WA. Govermnent Hospital and October, 1922

State Exam.

Registration No. and Name Address Date of Registration and Section of Act under which Registration was effected Qualifications.

I 739-HARRiS, Edith ; Dalwallinu ; 26th Slay, 1936 sec. 5, ss. (3) ; Perth Hospital and State Exam. S22-HARRIS, Irene E. ; Conic ; 5th October, 1926 see. 5. ss. (3) ; WA. Government Hospital and State Exam.

1.336-HARRiS, Maida K. ; Perth ;

22nd Slav, 1934 :

West End Mansions. West see....ss. (3) : Freinantle

Hospital and State Exam. 734-HARROP, Ethel SI. ; Nedlands ; 21st April, 1925 see. 5. ss. (3) ; Fremantle Hospital amid State Exam.

1995_E\TANS, Patricia ; Mt. hawley 20th January, 1938 sec. 5, ss. (3) ; Perth Hospital and State Exani.

2002-HARPER, lole ; Guildford ; 29th November, 1938 see. 5, ss. (3) ; Perth Hospital and State Exam. 1183-HARVEY, Helen S. : Arthur River ; 3rd March, 1931 ; see. 5, ss. (3) ; Children's Hospital and State

1667-FAULKNER, Slargaret L.,' Porongorups: 28th November, 1935 ; sec. 5, ss. (3) Fremautle Hospital and State Exam. 952-FERGUSON, Eflie Sb ; Nedlands : 26th March. 1929 ; sec. 5, ss. (6) ; Private Hospital, Adelaide. and South Australian Registration. 1599-FIELDING, Edna ; Cottesloe ; 27th November, 1934 ; see. 5, ss. (3) ; Fremantle Hospital and State

2083-HATELEY, Doris Si. ; Southern Cross ; 11th May, 1939 ; see. 5, ss. (6) ; Horsham Base Hospital and Vie. toria Registration. 1042-HAWKINS, Ada L. ; South Australia : 13th Slay, 1930 ; sec. 5, ss. (3) : Perth Hospital and State Exam. 1574-HAWKINS, Alexina E. ; South Australia; 27th November, 1934 : see. 5, ss. (3) ; Perth Hospital and State Exam. 503-HAYES, Ida C. ; Subiaco ; 2nd August, 1922 ; see. Perth Hospital. 5, ss. (1) ; 9131-HEMINGWAY, Cora L. : Hensinan road. Subiaco


1485-FIGGINS, Honor SI. : Victoria : 28th November. 1933 ; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; Perth Hospital and State Exam. A2045-FINLAYSON, Viva ; Cohn street, West Perth 10th January, 1939 ; sec. 5, ss. (6) ; Royal Melbourne Hospital and

Victorian Registration.

1366-FLOOD, Annie ; Moora ; 24th November, 1932 see. 5, ss. (3) ; Perth hospital and State Exam. 738-FOLEY, Dorothy ; Busselton ; 21st April, 1925 see. 5, ss. (3) ;

Perth Hospital and State Exam.

A1017-FOLLAND, Ena E. Katanning; 26th April, 1934; see. 5, ss. (6) ; Adelaide Hospital and A.N.F. 1027-FORSYTH, Mona E. ; Adelaide terrace, Perth; 27th November, 1934 ; sec. 5, ss. (6) ; St. Martin's, Brisbane, and A.N.F. Ill-FOWLIE, May ; East Fremantle ; 18th July, 1922 sec. 5, ss. (1) ; Children's Hospital. 421-FULLARTON, Eliza J. ; Maylands : 25th July, 1922 ; see. 5, ss. (1) ; W.A. Government Hospital.

2086-GARDINER, Cynthia C. ; Sladdington; 21st Feb. mary, 1939 ; see. 5, ss. (3) ; Fremantle Hospital and State Exam. 2125-GARD1NER, Mary ; Subiaco ; 10th August, 1939 sec. 5, ss. (3) ; Perth Hospital and State Exam. 2054-GIBSON, Elsie SI. ; South Perth ; 12th April, 1939 sec. 5, ss. (3) ;

Perth hospital and State Exam.

131-GIBSON, Harriet N.; Fremantle ; 18th July, 1922 sec. 5, ss. (1) ; Perth Hospital. 181 t GILES, Sarah P. ; West Perth ; 24th Novesnbcr, 1936 ; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; Perth Hospital and State Exam. 2137-GILLAM, Phyllis ; Cheltenliam ; 28th November, 1935 ; see. 5, ss. (3) ; WA. Government Hospital and State Exam. 1956-GLAUERT, Anne B. ; Cottesloe; 16th August, 1938

see. 5, ss. (3) ; Perth Hospital and State Exam. 1291-GOFF, Elsie N. ; Victoria Park ; 23rd February,

1932 ; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; Perth Hospital and State Exam. 2273-GOLAND, Olga 0.; London Court, Perth; 10th Sep. teniber, 1940 ; see. 5, ss. (3) ; Forth Hospital and State


1789-GREEN, Leah ; Maylands ; 3rd June, 1937 ; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; Perth Hospital and State Exam. 1470-GUGERI, Dorothy; Mount street, Perth ;

November, 1933 ; see. 5, ss. (3) ;

and State Exam.


21st April, 1925 ; see. 5. ss. (3) ; W.A. Government Hos. pita! amid State Exam. 2230-HENDERSON, Janet H. ; Slerrediu ; 30th January, 1940 ; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; W.A. Government Hospital and

State Exam. l957-HEWSON. Jean 0. ; Lake Grace ; 4th July, 1938 see. 5, ss. (3) : Perth Hospital and State Exam. 1222-HODGSON, Slinnie I. ; 1931 ;

see. 5, ss. (3) ;

Kondinia ; 27th November,

Children's Hospital and State

Exam. 2277-HOLDING, Alice ; Bassendean ; 4th July, 1940 see. 5, ss. (3) ; Perth Hospital and State Exam. 1687-HOLLAND, Olive E. ; Melbourne ; 28th November, 1935 ; see. 5, ss. (3) : Perth Hospital and State Exam. 1 108-HOLLINGSWORTH, Harriett; Sydney ; 29th Oc. tober, 1936 ; see. 5,ss. (6) ; Wahroonga Hospital, Sydney,

and New Sooth Wales Registration.

1031-HOLMAN, Elizabeth N. ; Kalgoorhie; 27th November, 1934 ; see. 5, is. (3) ; Perth Hospital and State Exam. 1736-HOPE, i\larjory F. ; K.E.M. Hospital, Subiaco 26th May. 1936 ; see. 5, ss. (3) ; Children's Hospital

and State Exam. 2308-HUGALL, Gwen E. ; Margaret River ; 31st Oc-

tober, 1940 ; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; Fremnantle 1-lospital and State Exam. I 762-HUGGETT. Marjorie E. ; Norseman ; 26th Slay, 1936 ; sec. 5, so. (3) ; Perth Hospital and State Exam. lSOO-HUGGETT, Norah G. ; Flat Rocks; 28th November, 1933 ; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; Perth Hospital and State Exam. h958-HUGGETT, Ruth B. ; Tambdilup ; 11th .JuIy, 1938 see. 5, ss. (3) ; Perth Hospital and State Exam. 1824-HUGHES, Lucy IV. ; Mosman Park ; 24th November, 1936 ; Exano.

see. 5, ss. (3) ; Children's Hospital and State

Perth Hospital ; 7th August, 1939 ; sec. 5, ss. (6) ; Prince Alfred Hospital,

2087A-HUSIPHRIES, Hope E. ;

Sydney, and New South Wales Registration. 1328-HUNTER, Gwendolyne 0. ; Boulder; 24th Slay, 1932 ; see. 5, ss. (3) ; Perth Hospital and State Exam. 2323-HYDE, Amy C. ; Walter Street, Claremont ; 31st October, 1940 ; sec. 5, is. (3) ; Perth Hospital and State Exam.


Fremantie Hospital

2274-GUPPY, Mary A. ; Redeliffe; ] 8th June, 1940 ; see. 5, ss. (3) ; Perth Hospital and State Exam.

1936-IRVINE, Eva N. ; Oxford street, Leederville ; 25th Slay, 1938 ; see. 5, ss. (3) ; Fremantle Hospital and State Exam.

1906-HADLO\V, Thelma SL ; Como ; 25th November, 1937 ; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; Perth Hospital and State Exam. 467-HALL, Cecile E. ; Subiaco ; 25th July, 1922 ; see. 5, is. (1) ; Children's Hospital. 1164-HASIM1LL, Githa K. ; Manjimup ; 27th January, 1938 ; see. 5, ss. (6) ; Adelaide Hospital and South Australian Registration. 1335-HASLSIOND, lisa ; Bruce Rock; 24th Slay, 1932 see. 5, ss. (3) ; Perth Hospital and State Exam. 2209-HANLON, Ceeily ; Reedy ; 27th November, 1934 see. 5, ss. (3) ; Perth Hospital and State Exam. 1391-HASNAFORD, Hilda ; Frernantle ; 24th November, 1932 ; see. 5, ss. (3) ; Fremantle Hospital and State Exam.

1312-JACKSON, Beryl E. ; St. Alban's avenue, Perth 24th Slay, 1932 ; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; Freivantle Hospital and State Exam. 1601-JASIIESON, Olga; Subiaco ; 27th November, 1934; see. 5, ss. (3) ; Fremantle Hospital and State Exam. 163-JARVIS, Henrietta; Claremont; 18th July, 1922

see. 5, ss. (1) ; Guys' Hospital. 2059-JOHNSON, Agnes SI. ; Slargaret River ; 13th Slay, 1939 ; see. 5, ss. (3) ; Perth Hospital and State Exam.

1537-JONES, Ada; Fremantle Hospital; 22nd Slay, 1934 ; see. 5, ss. (3) ; Fremantle Hospital and State Exam.

Ji.ev iS, 1941j


1] .-Ni'IRSES N0'l JIE-I1JIC'IS'L'l FiEl) FOIl I 91l-coa/iiuu (I.

Registration ,o anti 5.nnt; ,tcldt5n5 ; Daft of Registration intl Sellon itt Act under which Rc gistral ion was ffected Qualifieatii on.

JONES. Blodwen SI. : Perth Hospital ; 26th Ma, see.5.ss. (3) ; Perth Hospital and State Exam. 2131 -JONES, Dorothy IV. (oolgardie ; 20th .June, 1931) sec. 5, ss. (3) ; l'ertli Hospital and State Exam. 871-JONES. Slav ; Sit. Lawlev ; 5th April. 1927 ; sec. 5, ss. (3) 1remant1e Hospital and State Exam. 2196-JOSEPH, Alice V. ; Geraldton 22nd December. 1939 see.5. ss. (3) ; WA. Government Hospital and State Exam. 1763


2177-KEANE, Norali ; Osborne Park ; 2nd October, 1923 see. 5, ss. (3) ; Perth Hospital and State Exam. 2155-KELLY, Dorothy E. Nedlands ; 6th June. 1940 see. 5, ss. (6) ; Royal North Shore Hospital and New South Wales Registration. 859 KENNY. Eileen V. Mt. Lawlev ; 5th April. 1927 sec. 5, ss. (3) ; Perth Hospital and State Exam. 1960-KERSHAW, Gladys E. ; Wagin 10th June. 193$ see. 5, ss. (3) ; Perth Hospital and State Exam. 1669-KESSELL. Rosoncary J. ; Lt'remantle Hospital 2Sth November, 193S ; see. 5. ss. (3) ; Fremantle Hospital and State Exam.

1790-KIDBY. Laura .1 rpaIflj)elhlll) 3rd June, 1937 see. 5, ss. (3) ; Perth Hospital and State Exam. 882-KIDD, Erica ; Cottesloe ; 22nd Febrnarv. 1927 see. 5, ss. (3) Chilclren's Hospital and State Exam. 681-KIDSTOW-HIJNTER, Lila P. ; East 1"reuianth'

see.5, as. (3) ; Children's 1-ti aid; a i nD State Exam. 196 1-K1ESEY, Flora ; Mount Hospital 25th Jun. 19:18 see. 5, ss. (3) Perth Hospital and State Exam. 886 K1ESEY, ,Jean ; St. Hilda School, Cottesloe 5th April, 1927 see. 5, as. (3) ; Perth Hospital and State Sth April, 1924


179-KING, Ellen F'. 1922 ;

Goclerich street. Perth




sec.5, ss. (1); Wahrooimva Hospital, Sydnei

and New South Wales Registration. 799-KEOB, Hilda SI. ; Katanning ; 23rd Slarch, 1926 see. 5, ss. (3) ; Children's Hospital and State Exam. 2062-KLEM, Marjory Hollywood ; 10th April, 1931) sec. 5, ss. (3) ; Perth hospital and State Exam.

A2001-LACEY, ida F. ; Sit. Lawley ; 25th Stay. 1938 sec. 5, ss. (6) ; Mater Misericordiao Hospital. Sydney and New South Wales Registration. 197-LAPPIN, Margaret; 681 Beaufort street, Mt. Lawlev 18th July. 1922 ; see. 5, as. (1) ; Perth Hospital. 913-LEE, Alma 1). ; Ka]goorlie ; 4th Oetober. 1927 see. 5, as. (3) ; Perth Hospital and State Exam. 2187-LINDSAY, Annie SI. Bedforclale :20th January, 1940 ; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; Perth Hospital and State Exam. 1937-LINDSAY, ,Janet A. K.E.Si. hospital, Snbiaeo 25th May, 1938 : see. 5, as. (3) ; Fremantle Hospital and State Exam. 1825-LOFTIJS, Ruby ; Narrogin : 24th November, 1936 sec. 5, ss. (3) ; Perth Hospital and State Exam.

1614-LOVELY, Erna C. 1934 ; see. 5, as. (3) ;

State Exam.

Kalgoorlie ;



WA. Government Hospital and

A2030-McCARROLL, Ellen F. ; Queensland ; lot. Sopteni her, 1938 ; sec. 5, ss. (6) ; General hospital, Lpswich, and A.N.F. Registration. 1930-MeCRAE, Olive F. ; Xorseman ; 25th November, 1937 ; see. 5, ss. (3) ; W.A. Government Hospital and State Exam. A2018-SIcDONALD, Dorothy ; Margaret River ; 5th June, 1931 ;

sec. 5, ss. (3) ; Children's Hospital and State

Exam. 114-McGREGOR, Alice 8.; Sit. Lawle : 18th July, 1922; see. 5, ss. (1) WA. Government Hospital. 910-S1eKENZIE, Margaret ; Perth Hospital ; 4th October, 1927 ; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; Perth Hospital and State Exam.

903-SIeLENNAN, Jean G.; Adelaide P trace, Perth ; 4th October, 1927 ; sec. 5, as. (3) ; Perth Hospital and State Exam.



1207-MeMAHON, Doreen E.; Boulder; 3rd Siareh, 1931; see. 5, as. (3) ; Perth Hospital and State Exam. 724-51cM 41-ION, Doris Si. ; Kitehener road, Victoria Park ; 21st Aprll, 1925 ; see. 5, as. (3) ; WA. Govern. ment Hospital and State Exam. 1065-McMAHON, Jane V.; Coolgardie ; 3rd December, 1929 ; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; W.A. Government Hospital and State Exam. 2007-McMAHON, Margaret; Snbiaeo; 29th November, 1938 ; see. 5, as. (3) ; Perth Hospital and State Exam.

Ifegist rattoit


a mmcl

amid S ..... in



met u cuter wimicim





of Registratio mc

tint was effected


1909 -SIeNAlIARA, .lolmanna .1.; Na cit ; 7th Starch. 1938 see. 5. so. (3) Perth Hospital a ui $m mite Exam. 821-SIeSHERRY, Dorothy ; Ltimmimi macsent, Sit. Lawley

4th October, 1927 : see. 5, ss. (3) : WA. Government

hospital and State Exam.

1962-MARiON. Alice V.; Smmbiaco : 25tlm Slav, 1938 ; sec. 5, as. (3) : Perth Hospital and State Exam. 2096-MATTHEWS, Hazel SI.; Shenton Park 21st February, 1939 : see. 5. as. (3) ; Fremautle Hospital mmcl State Exam. 2149-StAWSON, Siarjorie ; St. Albans avenue, Perth ; 4th April, 1940 : sec. 5. 05. (6) ; Sydney Hospital and New South Wales Registration. 2231-MAYHEW, Flora H.; Bovnp Brook 22nd February, 1940 ; sec. 5, so. (3) ; WA. Goacrnment Hospital timid State Exam. 13th Slay. 1116-SIAYSLiN. Icathlcemi SI.: Nanga Brnoic 1930 : see. 5, as. (3) ; WA. Government Hospital mmmiii

State Exmmm.

1016-SIEAI), Doreen : Subiaro 26th March, 1929 ; see. 5, ss. (3) : Perth Hospital and State Exmmm. 1099-SIEAJ), Phyllis Subiaco 5th .Jmmmie, 1931) ; see. 5, as. (3) ; Perth Hospital and State Exam. I 126-SIESIBERRY, Evelyn I.; Necilands ;28th October, 1930 ; see. 5, ss. (3) ; Pertlm lioslmital amid State Exam. 1563-SIETTAM. .Jcssic P.; Sit. Lawlcv ; 22nd Stay. 1934 see. 5, ss. (3) : Perth hospital and State Examn. 932-SIETTASI. Normmma SI.; 64 Clotilcle street, Sit. Lawley 17th April, 1928 ; see. 1, ss. (3) ; Perth Hospital amid

State Exam. A2005-S1ILLARI), Doris P.; SIt. Lmtwlcv ; 7th July, 1938 see. 5, as. (6) ; Renmnark Hospital amid South Australiami Registratiomm.

1723-StiLLER, Olive ; Collie ; 26th May, [936 : sec. 5, as. (3) ; Fremnantle Hospital amid State Exummn.

2282-SI1LLEII, Phyllis ; Nedlauds ; 31st August, 1940 sec. 5, as. (3) ; Perth Hospital amid State Exam. 2283 -MITCHELL, Elsie ; Subiaeo ; 31st July. 1940 : see. 5. as. (3) ; Perth Hospital and State Exam. 1874-S101{AN, Elizabeth ; Bimsselton : 3rd ,lnnc, 1937 see. 5, ss. (3) ; WA. Goverumemit Hospital mind State Exam. 2296-SIOODJE, Slyrtle : Gmuldforcl ; 1st January, 1940 see. 5, as. (3) ; WA. Governmcmst Hospital and State Exam. 2285-SIORRELL, Jessica B.; Katanmming ; 18th June, 1941) sec. 5, ss. (3) ; PortIa Hospital amid State Eaim. 1639-SIORRELL, Winifred ; Albamay ; 28th .\b:mi. 1935 sec.. S, ss. (3) ; i'erth Hospital and State ILium mci. 911-) i.OJIR1SON, Amy C.; New Sommth Wales ; 28th Slay, h t;2$ ;


sec .5, ss. (3) ;

ChulciremiA Hospitmml and State

1486- PURSE, Emsici 51.; York ; 28th Novemmiber. 1933 ; see. 5, -n. (3) ; Perth Hospital and State Exammi. 1792 SIOITLE, Harriet ; Pingchhy ; 1st October. 1937 ; see. S, as. (3) ; Perth hospital amid State Exammi. 1692-SIUSISIERY, Cynthia ; Albany ; 28th Xovcmmibcr,

Perth Hospital antI State Exam. St. Georgea terrace, Perth 28th November, 1935 ; seeS, as. (3) ; CbmilclreuLi Boa. pital and State Examn. 1935 : sec. 5, ss. (3) ;

1707-MURRAY, Jean S. :

A2024-NEAL, Grace ; hlcaconsfiehil : 1st Atmgmmst, 193$ sec. 5, as. (6) : Royal Slclbommrmae Hospital, Victorian Registratiomm.

1724-NELSON, Florence ; Cottesloc ; 26th Slay. 1936 see. 5, as. (3) ; Fremantic Hospital and Stmtte Examn. 232S-NELSON, Olga Si.; Sit. Lawley : 31st October. 1940 sec. 5, as. (3) ; Perth Hospital amid State Examn. 2181-NIVEN, Slary E.; Slidland Junction ; 16th November, 1939 ; sec. 5, as. (3) ; Perth Hospital amid State Exam. 1331 -O'LEARY, Panline ; Victoria Parlc ; 24th Slay, 1932 see. 5, as. (3) ; I'erth Hospital ammd State Exani.

l08-OSlEARA, Gladys 51.; 99 Brisbane street, Perth I Sthm July, 1922 ; sec. 5. as. (1) ; Perth Hospital amid State Exam. I 670-ONGE, Ella B.: Wcstmimmatcr Hospital. Perth ; 28th November, 1935 : see. 5, ss. (:3) Fremantle Hospital and State Exam. 2066-O'REILLY, Evelyn 11.; St. Albans avenue, Perth 27th Slarch, 1939 ; sec. 5, as. (3) ; Perth Hospital amid State Examn.

2088-OSBORNE, Sleryl i.; Gnildfitrd ; 21st February 1939 ; sec. 5. as. (3) : Fremnammtle Hospital amid State Exam. 2238-O'SULLIVAN, Jennie ; Sit. Lawley ; 2nd March 1940; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; Fremantle Hospital and State Exam.



NFRSES NOT RE-REGJ14T EREI) FOR 19 11-coniicu ci. IleglaIrlin N, lid Name: Address: ntis cl Registration ate of 1fezit ratiaa iii Sac iou if .tel mitt tier which liegi strat jell was elfected Jet unju tvhit It).fi'athn ten tit end





[JnLY 18, 1941.

antI N tnt



Qualifical tot s.

1628-1'ALI di'l'T, 1)aisv ; Fediel loll, Perth 28th May, ii i 1 0:L; s.c''.. a. (4) ' ispital, lMIidOiI. a I

Stal' ha i.

278-i''rIl k 1


Elberta 13:

July, 11120 ; see. 5, so. (1) ;

1767-PARKER, Kathleen 1936 z

see. 5, 55. (3) ;


permint Grove l'urtli Hospital.


11: vllp Brook


21kb Slay,

Pt)) l.oapital and Si ti' Ex;nn.

196S-I'ATTERSON, Jean ; Buihsirv ; 25th Slay. 1938 sec. 5, ss. (3) ; Perth Hospital and State Exam. 1 177-PERCI\'AL, Jean Criterion Hotel. Perth ; 25th March, 1938 ; sec.5, ss. (6> ; Broken Hill Hospital and New South Wales Registration. 275-PERKINS, Edythe : South Perth ; 18th July, 1922 sec. 5, ss. (1) ; Perth Hospital. 1262-PHILLII'. Helen H.; Applecross; 5th ,lune, 1931 sec. 5. ss. (3) ; Perth Hospital and State Exam. I 170-PhiLLIPS, Frances A.; 258 Adelaide terrace, Perth; 25th March, 1938 ; sec. 5, as. (3) ; PerIls Hospital and State Exam. 1581-PHiLLIPS. Phyllis C. South Belmont 27th Novem. her, 1934 ; see. 3. ss. (3) ; Perth Hospital aud State Exam.

1911-POTTER, Audrey H.; Westminster Hospital, Perth 3rd February, 1938 ; seeS, ss. (3) ; Perth Hospital and State Exam. 285-POTTER. Cai same ; Nedlands ; 18th July, 1922 see. 5, ss. (1) : Pot') h Hospital and State Exam. 1842-POTTER, ])rothy ; Mount Hospital ; 24th Noveimi. her, 1936 : see. 5, ss. (3) ; Perth Hospital and State Exam.



1770-SCOTT, Ethel V.; SIt. Lawley 26th Slay, 1936 see. 5, ss. (3) : Perth hospital and State Exam. 891-SERMON, Ivy : Albany ; 22nd November, 1927 sec. 5, as. (3) : Children's Hospital and State Exam. l002-SEWELL, Ethel C.; Pingelly ; 26th March, 1929 see..3. as. (3) ; Perth Hospital and State Exam. A2012-SHANNON, Beth ; Albany ; 7th July, 1938 : see. 5, as. (6) ; Adelaide Hospital and South Australian Regis.


A2082-SIIARP, lucia \T.; sec. 5. as. (6)

1979-PRIDEAUX. Effie 11. ; Merreclin 25th Slay, 1938 see. 5, ss. (3) ; WA. Government Hospital and State Exam.

763-PRIESTLEY, Maxine B.; Nedlands : 14th July, 1925 sec. 5, ss. (3) ; Children's hospital and State Exam. 695-PRIOR, Ivy G.; Victoria Park; 7th October, 1921 sec. IS. ss. (3) ; Perth Hospital and State Exam. 879-PROWSE, Muriel ; New South Wales ; 22nd February, 1927 ; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; Children's Hospital and State Exam.

A2050-PYSIAN, Elizabeth ;

4119-SAN DILANDS, Edith E.; York ; 18th July, 1922 sec. 5. ss. (1): Perth Hospital. :31-1-SAVAGE, Edna SI.: Jarrandale ; 18th July, 1922 se'. 5. as. (1) Perth 1-hospital. 1481) SL'ANLON, Slory G.; Victoria ; 2Sth November, 1933 sec. 5, as. (3) ; Perth Hospital and State Exano. 2147-SCANLON. Myra ; Harvest tei'raee, Perth ; 4th April. 1940 ; sec. 5, so. (6) ; 'lVilliamstowrm Hospital, \'ietoria, and \Tictorian Registration. 2069-SCHIER. Lorna ; Walebing ; 21st February, 1939 ccc. 5. as. (3) ; Perth Hospital and State Exam. 991-SCHL1UMANN, Edith Children's Hospital 26th March. 1929 ; sec. 5, ss. (3) : Chilclren's Hospital and State Exam. 2045-SCOTT, Barbara A.,' Dsvellingup ; 29th November, sec. 5, as. (3) ; Perth Hospital aad State Exam. 1938 1616-SCOTT. Beryl E.; Harvey ; 27th November, 1934 see. 5, so. (3) ; WA. Government Hospital and State

K.E.M. Hospital, Subiaco

21st February, 1939 ; see. 5, ss. (6) ; Adelaide Hospital

and South Australian Registration.


Bunbury 11th Slay, 1939 Royal Slelbourne Hospital and Victorian


22l7-SHENTON, Lottie 0.: South Australia; 22nd Feb-

ruary, 1910 ; seeS. ss. (3) : Perth Hospital and State Exam. 1029-SHIRLEY, Jessie SI. Hay street, Perth ; 26th March. W'.A. Govermunent Hospital and 1929 ; see. 5, so. (3) State Exam. 1726-SHIRLEY, irene P. North Fremuantle ; 26th Slay, Fremantle Hospital and State 1936 ; see. 5, so. (3) Exam. 1932-SILK, Lois ; North Perth ; 25th December, 1937 sec. 5, so. (3) : W.A. Government Hospital and State Exam.

2-SIMON, Carmen ; 2085-QIJARTERJIA1NE, Lorna ; Applecross 21st Feb. ruaay, 1939 ; sec.5, ss. (3) ; Fremantic Bospital and State Exam. 2l0$-QUIGLE V. Maria ; Fremautle Hospital ; 6th June, 1939 ; see. 5, ss. (3) ; WA. Government hospital and State Exam.

236 St. George's terrace, Perth

3rd March, 1938 ; see. 5, ss. (6) ; Adelaide Hospital and

South Australian Registration. 1511-SISIONS, Hilda ; Shenton Park ; 2Sth November, 1933 ; see. 5. so. (3) : WA. Government Hospital and State Exam. 806-SIMPSON. Doris ; Leonora ; 23rd March. 1926 see. 5, so. (3) ; W.A. Government Hospital aisd State Exam.

925-RAIL'l'ON. Dorothy ;

Perth Hospital ; 17th April. Perth Hospital and State Exam. 828-RANSON, Aileen : Boriseu ; 5th October, 1926 sec. 5, ss. (3) ; Perth Hospital and State Exam. 2286-READ, Eleamsor; Holyoake ; 21st June, 1940 : Sec. 5, ss. (3) ; Perth Hospital and State Exam. 1564-RICH, Mary E.: Broome ; 22nd Slay, 1934; sec. 5, ss. (3) Perth Hospital and State Exam. 2139-RICHARDSON, Betty E.; West Perth ;24th August. 1939 ; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; L'erth Hospital and State Exam. 1509-RINALDI, Agnes : Albany ; 28th November. 1933 sec. 5, ss. (3) ; 'WA. Government Hospital and State Exam. A2053-ROBERTSON, Elsie J.; South Perth ; 18th ,Jody, 1922 ; sec. 5, ss. (6) ; Adelaide Hospital, South Australia. 562-ROBBINS, Florence : Cottesloe ; 3rd Not ember. 1922 : sec. 5. ss. (1) ; Royal Waterloo Hospital, England. 1479-ROBINSON. 'Jean E.; Belmont ; 28th November. 1933 ; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; Perth Hospital and State Exam. 785-ROCKETT, Mary K.; Carnamah ; 23rd February, 1926 ; sec. 5. ss. (3) ; l'ertls Hospital and State Exam. 957-ROSS. Alice ; Freniantle ; 28th November, 1927 sec. 5. ss. (3) ; Frernantle Hospital and State Exam. 2302-ROSTRON. Beatrice ; Kalgoorlie ; 31st October, 1940 ; sec. 5. ss. (3) ; W.A. Government Hospital and State Exam. A2062-ROWE. Emily L.: 36 Wellington street. Perth 21st February. 1931) : seeS. ss. (6) St. George's Hospital, Sydney and New South Wales Registration. 1398-ROWE, Kathleen ; Chilclren's Hospital. Perth ; 24th November, 1932 ; seeS, ss. (3) ; Cluidren's Hospital, Perth and State Exam. 1481-RTJXCIMAN, Evelyn IV.; Mount Hospital, Perth 28th November, 1933 ; seeS, ss. (3) ; Perth Hospital and State Exam. 2081-RYAN, Margaret A.; Busselton : 11th Slay. 1939 sec. 5, Cs. (6) ; St. Vincent's Hospital, Melbourne and Victorian Registration. 1928 ; sec. 5, ss. (3) ;

495-SISIPSON, Ethel F. ; Cottesloe ; 25th July. 1922 see. 5, so. (1) ; Perth Hospital. 313-SIMPSON, Rita : Cottealoe ; 18th July, 1922 ; sec. 5. so. (1) ; Perth Hospital. 1466-SINCLAIR. Phyllis E. ; Sovanbourne ; 25th Slay, 1933

see. 5, as.



Fremnant.Ie Hospital and State


2138-SLAVIN, Mary ; Connaught street, Leederville ; 20th June, 1939 ; sec. 5, sa. (3) ; Perth Hospital and State Exam. 1340-SSIITH, Joyce ; Narrogiu ; 26th Slarch, 1929 ; see. 5, so. (3) ; \V.A. Government Hospital and State Exam. 784-SSIITH, Violet A. ; Frentantle ; 23rd Slarch, 1926 see. 5, so. (3) ; Perth Hospital and State Exam. 2152-SMITH, Violet C. ; Subiaco ; 20th June, 1939 ; see. 5, ss. (3) ; Perth Hospital and State Exam. 21 10-SNOW, Annie SI. ; Subiaco ; 17th October, 1939 see. 5, so. (6) ; Slaitlaud Hospital and New South Wales and A.T.N.A. 2115-SPENCER, Ethel : SIt. Barker; 3rd Siareh, 1931 sec. 5, os. (3) ; Perth Hospital and State Exam. 1188-SPENCER, I'earl ; Kellerberrin ; 17th October, 1939 sec. 5, so. (6) ; Wahroonga Hospital and New South W'ales Registratiois.

926-SQUIRE, Lyas SI. ; Sit. Barker: 17th April, 1928 ace. 5, so. (3) ; Perth Hospital and State Exam. Lincoln street, Perth ; 17th 2179-STANLEY, Winifred October. 1940 ; see.5, Os. (6) ; Royal Adelaide Hospital

arid ATN.A.

2165-STANWELL, Isla

Da.glish ; 20th June, 1939 ; see. 5, ss. (3) ; W.A. Government Hospital and State Exam.

1593-STEPHENSON, Siillicermt ; Children's Hospital, Perth 27th November, 1934 ; see. 5, as. (3) Children's Hospital and State Exam. 1381-STEVEN, Jean ; Scotland ; 24th November, 1932 see. 5, so. (3) ; Perth Hospital and State Exam. 2266-STONE, Kathleen ; Freinantle Hospital ; 18th June, 1940 ; sec. 5, ss. (3) ; Fremantle Hospital and State Exam.

.1 [IA iS,



(L\ZE'l"r H,



PutT 11.NI OSES SSOT Ii E-1)LG1STERED FOIl ]941cottoinucd. Registration No. and Name; Address

Date of Registration

and Section of Act under whiH Regii-ttatios was effected;

and Name; Address: Date of Registration 'mi ''"s (if Act undsr whicls Registration wa's effected:

It set-Ira sis

Q aalifica lion

1938STONE, Phyllis N.

1\apin 25th Slay, 1938 see. Frepcl:tiie 1105)1 al and State Exam. ee. 5. V-die : Subie:, : 18th July. 1922

5, ss. (3)


iii ii Hospitel. 893SUSi).l EC'. Sheila ; New South Wales : 4th October. Children's Hospital and State 1927 ; se-. 5. ss. (3) (1)


TAINS}{, Catherine ; Perth ; 23rd October, 1934 sec. 5, cc. (6) Slildura Hospital and Victorian Registration. 2l66TATNSH. Ilinnil' ; iii : 1st July, 1910 ; sec. 5, as. Vieroriais ii .pitration. (6) ; S1ildus Hns 'st I 904TEAHAA. s..:. lsrth : 4th a ..........id October, 1927 : s.c. 5. di) I--Eli .......mull and State Exam. 2014TEMBY. Angalina 20th Novensber. 1938 ; see. 5. ... (3) :d St-etc Exaus. ';;h 5I,' , 1933 1429TET.OSii.i;

1924I's' ' id 01, Florence : Collie Hospital : Otis January, 5. 's-. (3) : Fremtsntle Hospital and State 18:1'; : 10-meL

A TITE. Annie (4.



a -'.5--s - (3) : Perth Hauhi 1 t i-al State Exam. A2092W tIPS . bless S. ; '7' 'si l'ertls ; 20th June, 1939 see. 5. ss. (u tratioti.


Gippslassi I !msnital and Vietoriass Regis-


1374WI iTl'. 3:

sat : 21-us






'Il'i'l-'iil' \i>.



23l2TOPH.idsi, s,eiiie ; 1940: Exaìs.


2315 October,

Perth II us 1 ,'nd Si, ,c Exasss.

Coombredak : 31 t Oetu'c 5, as. (3) : Fresnantle Ho. 'tal id


28th >'w,stric'r'. l9;lU




71. ;

15155', 1932

:'tsi sbstii'

see. 5. s's. (3) ;

'suns-, Perth P rsr Hospital


1215')' i

Siount street. l'erth ;

sir L. :


5:1-. 5. s's. (3) : Perth Hospital anti State


LI). Violet E. Sssbiaeo; 25th November, WA. Go's ernuient Hospital and

1026---')' Ii Ii' S

see. 5, s.

1007T}{OL Es

Perth : 290a No's-enebs'r, 193a


se. 5. (3) : Perth Hoo sital said State Exam. 2289\dHlr0. B -tty I. Ls'd:':'viIl- ; 18th Jisne. 1941)

i2:lU . \\')('F H .\.\i. )li'e 51 .,r's's',,, ; 27th November, 1931 'hit vt-s Hospital asid State Exam. 1700't's'i i,Li\1l3. l'Itvisi', Snhitteo ; 2'tli Noa-einbes-. I'. tb Hospital 'its I Site Exam, 1935 : 's'-- ,5,.-. lS,t 191SWi F. LI VI-. 7-ice' ti. : ['-r ldton ; s5;it Itovemisber, :


.A1134Tli.\ .1iER, Isabel B. : 1937 ; see, 1, as. (6) :

Coon -i.

':7 :

Victo is

Guy's lIos Eel, I.m;

Juu,', a. I OS'.

1122TO I

ll39 ..........,'s It.- I',':! I P' th S 11)39: '' -. as. (;3i Perth its ,

2220WI .31


South 5 si 1699TUPl'id54. F:'.ms';'.s :. : (I 1935 ; 'sce. 5. es (3) ; PeEls

lii 0 :

lout :


tapital and Su:;c 'let. 929TUPPER, Kahi.en ; .;naitd : 9th Octob'r. 102;; see. 5, as. (3) ; Pcrth E1os.i:;il and St's)

i..,, is.

747ULRICH. Elizabeth : Fremantle ; 26th slay, 1925 act. 5. ss. (3) Children's Hospital anti State Exam. 1940VAXZETTI. Lucia : 1 romantIc ; 27th Stay, 193S sec. 5. ss. (3) ; Frcinautle I{ospitai and State Exam. 1796VEITCH, Jean ; York ; 3rd June, 1937 ; see. 5. ss. (3) ; Perth Hospital anti State Exam. \VAGI{ORN, Old e ; Sctiborough ; 7th July, 1938 sec. 5. as. (3) Perth Hospital and State Exam. x1197WALIcEE, Lilliao s) ton Park : 3rd Slay, 1938 sec. 5, as. (0) : Pt. 'ide Hospital ant) siouth Australian Registration. 2159WALLACE, Joan ; Kalcoorlic ; 6th June, 1940 sec. 5, as. (6) ; Princess Beatrice Hospital, England, anti G.N. Council. 1619WALTERS, Winifred Si. ; Victoria Park :28th Slay. 1938 ; seeS, as. (3) ; Frensaittle Hospital and Statt' Exam. 2169W'ANKIE, Barbara ; ,'Jonnt Hospital. Perth 13th August, 1910 ; ccc. 5, as. (6) St. \'iucent'e Hospital, Melbourne. and irtorian Registratints, 2004

'I sit! Sm)


2073WI.. till'. B.........'



ash is)ote Exam, :2:1: h lS'!srnary,



Emi1'' \[. :


2l'si i"ebrm ar's,

\Ve.st P

s. .s. s-s. (3) : Perth hospital anti veto Exam. Bridgetown Hospital ; 20th Siam-v ; june, IRiS : s'". 5, -s, (0) ; Royal Slelbosirise Hospital '



and kid' "-' B.-s).t; ion. Mount hospital. l'tu'ths ; 17th 'i si'. 'i, as. (6) ; Ballarat Hospital and Oct ol cr.

2119Whi.SijcS. tV'' ; i


Victorian ci retion 2033WL'OTi'Iil-IVI. Fi-'!"TTHS, helen : Kalgoos-lie Hospital 29tls Nove;'el,:-c. 1938 : see. 5. ss. (3) ; WA. Government Hospital ,e td Sictt'' I-mist.. 1

2175WINTLE, ('lance : 19 Mount street. Pes'tls ; 10th September, 1940 ; ses',S.ss, (3) ; Pei-th Hospital anti A.T.N.A. Cem-tificate.

2302WOODS. Frances ; Kalgoorlie ; 31st October, 19.1(1 sr cS. as. (3) : WA. Government Hospital and SEt



2301",','i i:)f)Wp,l), Edna ; Collie.t'ardifl' ; 31st Oetoh'm',

lOum '.atc'. S. as, (3) ; \V.A. Coves-unsent hospital aisti hi ate Exaiss. .11130 \VOOLR[C1-1. Nancy ; Victoria am-cone, Perth : 3rd .Juno, 1937 : see, 5, ss. (6) ; Austin Hospital and Vic-

torian Registration.

121 1YOU H. Elsie : Carlisle ; 3rd March, 1931 : see, 5. 'sc (6) : 0:-mb Hospital and State Exam, I 147VOUNSI. iiay ; Childresa's Hospital ; 28th Novenshem-, 1930 : see, 5, as. (6) : Children's Hospital and State Exam,

PART 111.CHILDREN'S NURSES RE.REGISTEREI) FOR 1941. Registration Ne. and Name ; Address ; Date of flegmtratso t nd Section et Act unds'- w-bich Regis;t'ation was c teen 3

Qualiflcatisns. 074

'._S ddree.s :

Date at ltegisas'atiou

rid Scctisn of ,tel under 's'sltich Registration was effected


BAILEY, Winifred SI. : West Dale, Beverley ; 18th February. 1941 : sec. 5, ss. (4) ; Children's Hospital.

Subisco and State Exans. 062BARRETT-LENNARD, Prudence ; Williams; 28th July, 1940 : sec .S,ss. (4)


Children's Hospital, Subitico,

and State Extun. 071BOWMAN, Joan : S Osborne ptsrade, Cottcsloc 3rd January, 1941 see,). ss. (4) : Children's Hospital, Subiaco, and State Exam. 060BOYNE, Mary E. : Durkims ; 18th June. 1940 ; sec.

5, cc (4) ; Children's Hospital, Subiaeo, anti State Exam.

044BRAINBRIDGE, Elizabeth H. ;

19 Grange Street, Claremont ; 21st July, 1939 :Sec.5, Sc. (4) ; Children's Hospital, Subiaco, and State Exam.

037BROWNING, Joan ; Kondinias ; 6th MarcIa, 1939

sec. 5, ss. (4) ; Children's Hospital, Subiaco, and State Exam.

066BURDON, Beryl ; sec. 5, ss. (4) Exam.

Itvgi S titian No. and N rt

Goraldton ;

30th June, 1940

Children's Hospital, Subiaco, anti State

006BRV.INT, Phyllis

1. ;

42 Queen's crescent, Mt. sees, ss. (4) ; Child-

Lawley : 31st November. 1937 ;

men's Hospital, Subiaco, anti State Exam,

07.1CHARLESTON, Nancy 4. ; 22 Bedford street, Ned. lands : 18th February, 1941 ; see, 5. as (4)



Hospital, Subiaco, and State Exam. 061CLISIIE, Marion ; Craubrnok ; 23rd June, 1940

see. 5, ss. (4) ; Children's Hospital, Smsbiaco. ant) State Exam.

070COSIBLEV, Helen G. ;

Cossureereial road. Slientors Park : 18th February, 1941 ; see. S. ss. (4) ; Children's Hospital, Subiaco, amid State E,cam, 9COSIPTON, Nancy SI. : South Australia; 20th Febrsmary, 1940 ; sac. 5, ss. (4) ; Children's Hospital, Atlelaitle,

and South Australian Registration.

069DEMPSTER, Margaret F. ;

Springfield, Nortisani;

31st October, 1940 ; sec. 5, ss. (4) ; Chilclreis's Hospital,

Subiaco, and Stata Exam.



II.- t'lllIMii

l'ait Registration

\o. and Name




an S Section uf Act u uSer which Regist s en cc as

Ii gictratien No ouch Name; Address ; Date of Regisi ration acid Section of Act cinder which Registration was ecIected


21st February. 1930

130 Churchill avenue, Snbiaco see. 5. ss. (4) ; Children's Hospital.

1937 ; see. 5, ss. (4)

Childrens Hospital. Subiaco, cusd

Subiaeo, and State E xaut. 5l7-HO1iSE, -Joan Gnowangerup ; State Exam.

(J Ui.\ 18, Ii) I I.


llSlR llE-L-ilNIIS'l'EllE I) FOIl 104l-ociliicicf. otr,, lion


039-ELLERT, Eva 51.

Ci AZE'l'T C,

6th Noveinlier.

010-PALMER, Kathleen E. ; Kojonup ; 26th December, 1937 ; see. 5. os. (4) ; Children's Hospital, Subiaco, and State Exam, 058-ROBERTSON, Vida L. ; Geraldton ; 16th Slarcls,

1940 ; see. 5, ss. (4) ; Chnhdrens Hospital, Subiaco, and

State Exam.

051-IXKPEN, Esine

Money street. Bunburv 6th 1)ecomber, 1939 ; see. 5, ss. (4) ; Children'c, Hospital. Subiaco, and State Exam.

063-JENSEN, Joy A. ; 22 McDonald street, Kalgoorlie

18th June, 1940 ; sec. 5, Cs. (4) ; Children's hospital. Subiaco, and State Exam. 031-JONES, \Terna P. : Northam hospital ; 21st December, 1938 ; sec. 5, ss. (4) CluIclien's Hnspital. Subiaco, and State Exam.

047-KNIGHT. Ethel C.,- Northam hospital; 20th June,

Chilcla-en's Hospital, Subiaco, and 1930 ; see. 5, ss. (4) State Exam. 003-LASSCOCK, Margaret B. ; Fremantle Hospital ; Odth September, 1937 ; see.5, ss. (4) ; Children's Llc,s1>itel, Subiaco. arid State Exam.

048-MO F FLIN, Marion 39 Lawley crescent, Sit. Lawley 20th June, 1039 ; see. 5, ss. (4) ; Children's hospital, Subiaeo, and State Ex am. 057-MORRELL, Norma J. ; Pinjarra ; 24th February. 1940 sec. 5, 55. (4) ('hildren'c, l [s ci',c I, Snbiaeo,

and State Exam.

1 1-NICKOLL, Emily SL

110th General hospital, Claremont ; 19th December, 1940 ; see.5, 55. (4) Children's Hospital, Subiaco, and AN. Ii', and State Exam.

053-OLIFENT, .Joan Evelyn ; 53 Bruce street, Nedlancls 27th November, 1939 ; sec. 5, 55. (.1-) ; Children's Hos-

pital, Subiaeo, and State Exam.

Geraldton : 20th Feb. ruarv, 1940 ; see. 5, ss. (4) ; Children's hospital, Subiace, amid State Exam. 055-SSI1TH, Margaret F. ; Parade street, Alban ; 7th November, 1939 ; see. 5, ss. (4) : Children's Hospital, Subiaco, and State Exans. 072-STODART, Gwyne ; Brooktomt 31st October, 1940 see. 3, ss. (4) ; Children's hospital, Smcbiaeo, and State Exam. 1)-I-h -STOKES, Joyce B. ; Northampton ; 21st February, 1939 ; sec. 5, ss. (4) ; Children's hospital, Subiaeo, and State Exam. 06:5-SWIFT, Evelyn E.,' Kotidut ; 20th July, 1940 sec. 3, so. (4) ; Children's Hospital, Snbiaeo, and State Exani.

OS9SCOTLAND. Sieleta G. ;

077-THOMPSON, Josephine B. ; 15 Labouchere m-oad, South l'erth ; 18th Febmuary, 1941 ; sec. 5, ss. (4) Children's 1-lospital, Subiaco, and State Exam. 102-TOOHEY, Phiiis H. ; iS Blake street, North Perth 24th November, 1937 ; see. 5, ss. (-4) ; Children's hos. pital, Subiaco, and State Exam. 02 t-WALSFT, Jean P. ; Fiemnantle Hospital ; 4th Sep. tcmber, 193S ; soc. 3, ss. (4) ; Children's Hospital, Subiaco, and State Exam. 070 -WILLIAMSON, Nancy ; Bcverlcy ; 18th February, 1941 sec. 5, os. (4) ; ('hildren's Hospital. Subiaco. and State Exam. lUtlm 07S-WREFORI), Molly ; Nomthamn Hospital ; April, 1941 ; sec. 5, ss. (4) Childm-ce's Hospital, Smmbiace, amid State Exam. ;

l'ta'r 1\'-CIlTLI)IEX'S NURSES BE-BEG l m'l' II EEl) lOB II) 11 (with Adult 'l'raining) ltegcstratioa No and Name; Address; l)ale traist-......-5 to Pen oral Register ; General hospital cc here Adult 'Ira ills cc-as undertaken ; Section of Act ; hospital 'Fra miii g I lee years).

r.,tcoe No

A2039-BESSELL-BROWNE, Slay; 10 Anzae road, Bassendean ; 29th November, 1938 ; 6 months Perth hospital ; sec. 5, ss. (4) ; Chilclren's Hospital, Subiaeo. A2209-BARRETT-LENNAIID, Prnderire ; Wihliems ; 8th Slay, 1941 ; 6 months Kalgoorlie Hospital ; see. 5, ss. (4) ; Children's Hospital, Subiaeo. X2040-BILNEY, Sladge ; Tanibellup 10th .January, 1939 ; 6 months Northam Hospital ; see. 5, ss. (4) Children's Hospital, Subiaeo. Al 188-BRYANT, Phyllis I. ; 42 Queens cresceet, Mt. Lawley ; 25th March, 1938 ; 2 months Northam Hospital ; sec. 5, ss. (4) ; Cluldren's Hospital, Subiaeo. A2038-BUTEMENT, Stephanie C. ; Box 42, Kalamunda 21st February, 1939 ; 6 months Northam Hospital sec. 5, ss. (4) ; Children's Hospital. Subiaco. 2180-CLARKE, Marie SI. ; 105 Cohn street, West Perth 17th October, 1940 ; 6 months Kalgoorlie Hospital see. 5, ss. (4) ; Children's Hospital, Subiaco. 2200 COMPTON, Nancy ; 84 Stanley street, Woodville Park ; 24th February, 1041; 6 months Kalgoorlie Hospital ; sec. 5, ss. (4) ; Children's Hospital, Subiaco. 2133-CONNAUGHTON, Mary z 705 Beanfort street, ML. hawley ; 25th ,Januarv, 1940 ; 6 months Fremantle hospital ; sec. 5, os. (4) ; Children's Hospital, Subiaco. 2134-HONDAS, Lillian E. ; Guildford road, Mt. Lawley 4th April, 1940 ; 6 months Kalgoorlie Hospital ; sec. 5, ss. (4) ; Children's Hospital, Subiaeo. K.E.M. Hospital, Subiaco 2197-ELLERY, Eva SI. 18th February, 1940 ; 6 months Kalgoorlie Hospital see. 5, ss. (4) ; Children's Hospital, Subiaco. 1880-GLOSTER, Isobel P. ; Glen Forrest; 19th December, 1937 ; 2 months Northarn Hospital ; see. 5, (I) ; Children's Hospital, Subiacu. A2041-HAMERSLEY, Eulahie SI. ; 3 Walcott street, ML Lawley; 10th January, 1939 ; 6 months Fremantle Hospital ; see. 5, ss. (4) ; Children's Hospital, Subiaco. 2189-HARPER, Ahison G. ; Brisbane, Queensland ; 19th December, 1940 ; 6 months Geraldton Hospital ; sec. 5, ss. (4) ; Children's Hospital, Subiaco. A2007-TNKPEN, Esme: 5 Money street, Bunbury ; 8th May, 1941 ; 6 months Geraldton Hospital ; see. 3, ss. (4) ; Clnidren's hospital, Subiaco.

acid Name ; Add c-so: Date Lu,, lacn-, ; General htos1 il where A dull - Irs rung

itegiot cc


cia- ccccrlertahoecc



Socliocc of Act ; II ospitcil Train ii: cc (c lcree

A220S-.JENSEN, .loy; SleDooald street. Kalgoorlie ; 8th May, 1941 ; 6 niomiths Kalgoorlie Hospital ; sec. 5, ss. (4) ; Children's Hospital, Sobiaco.

A2171-KER, Ellen F. ; Lincoln street, Pet-tb ; 11th Slay, 1939 ; 6 months Perth Hospital ; sec. 5. ss. (4) ; Childroil's Hospital, Sic biaco.

2108-LASSCOCK, Sl:ccg:uet B. ; Wilemna ; 7th September, 1939 ;

6 mnonths Vc-c-ccmantle 1-lospital ;

sec. 5, ss. (4)

Cinldren s Hospit:c I, Snbiaco. A2070-LONGSON, Drm1ciamcy .1. ; 75 Swami street, Guildfortl ; ] thu May, 1939 ; 6 naontlms Perth Hospital ; see.

5, ss. (4) : Childremis Flospital, Simbiaco.

13-MANSFIELD, Florence 14. : St. AlbaiCs avenue, Sit. Lawley ; 8th Slay, 1941 ; 6 months Slelbouruc Hospital ; 5cc. 5, ss. (I-); Children's Hospital, Epworth, Victoria.

221 Adelaide terrace, 2168-S1cSIEEKIN, Marjorie [-1. Perth : 13th August, 1940 ; 6 months Slelboumne Hospital ; sec. 5, ss. (4) ; Chcildr,-n's hospital, Melbourne, Victoria.

2198-O'BRIEN, Slaric ('.


l'ertb hospital ; 18th February,

1941 ; 6 months ['cithi Hospitctl ; sec. 5, ss. (1) ; Child-

ren's Hospital, Subicice,

6-ROBERTSON, Alma SI. ; Geelong, Victoria ; 20th .Jmme ,1939 ; 6 months Women's Hospital, Victoria sec. 5, ss. (6) ; Children's hospital, .'vlelbourmie. Brisbane, Queensland 2188-ROBERTSON, \Tidla L. ; 19th December, 1940 ; 6 monthts Gemaldton.

2196-STOKES, Joyce ; K.E.S1. Hospital, SLmbiaco ; 18th February, 1941 ; 6 months Kalgoorhie Hompital ; sec. 5, os (4) Children's Hospital, Subiaco. A2057-SUTHERLAND, Nancy J.; Port Hedland; 21st I"ebrnary, 1939 ; 6 months Perth Hospital ; sec. 5, Cs' (4) ; Children's Hospital, Snbiaco, A2067-TOOHEY, Phillis H. ; K.E.SI. Hospital, Smmbiaco 11th Slay, 1939 6 muonths Fremantlo Hospital ; see. 5, so' (4) ; Children's Hospital, Subiaco, A2099-W'ALSh, lean ; I"remantle Hospital ; 20th Time, 031) ; 6 mnouuthms Jc'c-cmantle I [ospital ; seeS, os (4) Chulclmeim's Hospital, Subiaco.


.Junv 43, 1911.]


PART V-l21L1LDBE 'S i\L'IISES NOT RE-REGIST hOED 1011 1041 (vitli Adult Training). Registration No. and Name ; Address ; Date of Registration Registration No. and Name Address Date of Registration anti Section f Act under which Registration was eRected Qualifications.

2116-AITKIN, Dorothy A. ; 56 Helena street, Midland Junction ; 17th October, 1939 ; 6 months Geraldton Hospital sec. 3, so. (4) ; Children's Hoepital. Subiaco.

2107-CROZIER, Janet ; Melbourne ; 7th September, 1939

6 months Geraldton Hospital ; sec. 3. se. (4) ; Children's Hospital, Suhiaco.

2]36-GRIMBLEV, Pearl; 21 Norfolk street, North Perth 6th june, 1940 ; 6 months Oeraldton Hospital ; sec. 3. 55. (4)

Children's Hospital, Subiaco.

an ci Section of Act UI) Set whiCh Regisnation was ellected Qualifies tisns.

Melbourne, Victoria ; 7tls September, 1939 ; 6 montlss Northano Hospital sec. 3, ss. (4) ; Children's Hospital, Subiaeo.

2109-LARKINS, Gwendolyn;

2182-MELLAR, Gwendohne ; Midland Junction ; 31st October, 1940 ; 6 months Perth Hospital ; sec. 3, ss. (4) Children's Hospital, Subiaco. 2117-FELL, Patricia-S, Darlington ; 17th October, 1939 6 months Kalgoorlie Hospital ; see.3, as. (4) ; Children's Hospital, Subiaeo.

A2090-SHAW, Florence E. ; Heyteshury road, Subiaco 11th May, 1939 ; 6 months Northam Hospital ; sec. 3, ss. (4) ; Children's Hospital, Subiaco. 10th September, 2174-SIMSON, Margaret ; Norseman 1940.

A2089-HAM3IOND, Marjorie ; Melbourne, Victoria 15th May, 1939 ; 6 months Perth Hospital ; Se'. 5, 55. (4) Children's Hospital. Subiaco.

2153-WILLIAMS, Jean ; South Australia ; 4th April, 1940 6 months Kalgoorlie Hospital ; sec. 5, os (4) ; Children's Hospital, Subiaco.

PAnT VI. -Cl IILD]IEN 'S N OBOES NOT IRE-RECISTI']REI) FOR 1941. Registration No. and Name; Address; Date of Registration Registration No. and Name; Address; Date of Registration and Section of Act under wisich Registration was effected; Qualifications.

025-AITKIN, Dorothy ; 56 Helena street, Midland Junction ; 29th November, 1938 ; sec. 5, se. (4) ; Children's

Hospital, Suhiaco, anti State Exam.

026-BARNES, Patricia 31. ; Nedlands ; 10th December, 1938 ; see. 5, ss. (4) ; Children's Hospital, Subiaco, anti State Exam. 021-BARRETT-LENNARI), Lucille ; York; 6th June, 1936 ; see. 5, as. (4) ; Children's Hospital, Subiaco, and State Exam. 001-BESSELL-BROWN, May; Auzac terrace, Bassendean; 19th May, 1937 ; sec. 3, ss. (4) ; Children's Hospital, Subiaeo, and State Exam. 027-BETTS, Margaret W.; Tareena street, Nedlands 31st November, 1938 ; see. 5, ss. (4) ; Children's Hospital, Subiaeo, and State Exam. 056-BICKERTON, Phyffis I. ; Children's Hospital, West Pertis ; 20th February, 1940; see.5, ss. (4) ; Children's Hospital, Subiaco, and State Exam.

070-CAREW-REID. Jean C. ;

and Section of Act under which Registration was effected;

Qualificati ens.

42 Mount street, l'ertls

31st October, 1940 ; see. 5, ss. (4) ; Children's Hospital.

Subiaco, and State Exam. 038-CLARKE, Marie Mildred ; Victoria ; 27th March. 1939 ; sec. 5, ss. (4) ; Children's Hospital, Subiaeo, and State Exam.

046-HANCOCK, Joan 31. ; 26 Spencer street, Bunbury 8th July, 1939 ; see. 5, ss. (4) ; Children's Hospital, Subiaeo, and State Exam. 050-HARPER, Alison 0. ; Gingin ; 4th December, 1939 see. 5, ss. (4) ; ('hildren's Hospital, Subiaco, and State lt]xam.

032-MELLAR, Gwendoline ; Midland Junction ; 6th December, 1939 ; sec. 3, as. (4) ; Children's Hospital. Subiaco, and State Exam. 06S-3IILLAR, Christina B. ; Dunedin street, North Perth 18th June, 1940 sec. 5, ss. (4) ; Children's Hospital. Subiaeo, and State Exam. 040-MOORE, Doris 31. ; Busselton; 21st February, 1939 sec. 5, ss. (4) ; Children's Hospital, Subiaco, and State Exam. 032-McMILLEN, Cynthia 31. ; View street, Cottesloe 22nd January, 1939 ; see.3, ss. (4) ; Children's Hospital, Subiaco, and State Exam.

022-PELL, Patricia B., Darlington; 25th May, 1938

sec. 3, ss. (4) ; Children's Hospital, Subiaco, and State Exam.

016-CONNAUGHTON, Mary ; Beaufort street, Mt. Lawicy ; 25th May, 1938 ; see. 3, ss. (4) ; Children's Hospi-

tal, Subiaco, and State Exam.

043-DUNDAS, Lillian E.; Albany;

20th June, 1939 see. 5, so. (4) ; Children's 1-lospital, Subiaco, and State Exam.

067-GOODE, Agnes I.; Nungarin; 4th July, 1940; sec. 3, so. (4) ; Children's Hospital, Subiaeo, and State Exam. I GRAHAM, Evelyn; Toodyay; 1st September, 1938; see. 5, so. (4) ; Children's Hospital, Subiaco, and State Exam.

034-SE WELL, Edith 31. ; Mount Hospital; 7th January, 1939 ; sec. 3, ss. (4) ; Children's Hospital, Subiaco, anti State Exam. 064-STONE, Selma ST. ; Calingiri; 8th July, 1940; see. 5, so. (4) ; Children's Hospital, Subiaco, and State Exam.

042-WILLIAMS, Jean 31. ; Kendenup; 21st February, 1939 ; sec. 5, ss. (4) ; Children's Hospital, Snbiaeo, anti State Exam.



IIOSPITALS ACT, 1927. 1 )epai-tineut of Public IIe:ilth. P.il.D. 924/27. PertlI, iBli .1 nb. 1941. II IS Exeellenci- the Lieuteiiant-Governoi in Council 11:15

Pea pleased to anponit tile folioiviiu In 1)0 members of

the ,iitillQ :iiid AdviSOr\- Conunittee to the Narrogin

:J P .ih ers.

3ilavor of Narrogin A. B. Narrogin Road Board: .1. Metzke, Chairman Cuhalliug Itoad Board; P. l3owey, Chairman


J lL\ IS, 1))

l'oi' the purposes of the said Act, doth hereby adopt the

whole of such Aloclel 117--laws, as eosstained in regulation 10 of [lie regulatiomls made nuclei tlic hospitals Act, 1927, and published ill the Gore a iiic,it Ctacel(c on the uitll day of December, 1910. hIssed at a meetimig of the Cunilel-din I-i ospital Board

this 20dm day of MardI, 194].


iCulii Ro:id lio:i rd

Road Board; J.

(Sgd.) STAN. hUGHES, Secretar7-.

II. N. 11 ighaiu, Chairman IVillia ins


Norton. Chairman \Vickepin Road

Board, an ,t IC. .1 hill, Pei ret a rv Ta rrogiii Goad Do aid.

F. .1. 110ELIX. T'lider Selreiarv.

hOSPITALS ACT, 1927. Mulicwa hospital. \VI-IlhR E_tS under the provisions of section 37 of the

Tlosint:ils Act, 1927, the Governor may make regulations for I he purpose of the Act, and may thereby foruinlate

Model By-hiws for [lie guidance of Boards in respect

of all or a lie nt the matters mega rdi ii g irhneli Tin aids

cmi- make 1 v-I a n-s : And \rllorea s the Governor in Co on nh

actiup pursuant to the poil-ers conferred by thu

see ti Oil, ha s formulated Mo del By-I a irs, t:i in e,1 in regu l:i [10 ii 0 of tii e ic p ulat O iiS lila

S:i ii

as con(IC under

the said Act and published in the Go cccii neat Ga r Ic 01) the 0th day of 1)ceeniber, 940 'tnd whereas a Board nay








the whole or any portion of such by-laws: Now, there fore, A[ullew:t District hospital Board, being:i Board wit liin the lllc:i nm p :11111 for t1 e purposes of the said

Act, doth hereby adopt the whole of such Model By-laws, as contained iii regulation 10 of the regulations macdc under the hlospital.s Act, 1927, :unl pnblisiied iii the Coven ne,, (dice! Ic Cli tile 6th da,- of 1diceniher, 19 tO. Passed at a nice) ing of the Muilewa District TiOsiJital Board this 20th day of Peliruary, 1941.

hOSPITALS ACT, 1927. Ti ridg'et Own hospital.

\VTTEREAS undcr tile provisions of section 37 of the

Ilospit:sls Act, 1927, the Governor mnay make -egulatiomss

for the purpose of the Act, and may thereby formulate Model 117--laws to r [lie guidance of Boards in respect

of all or 0117' of the mnatters regardimig' which Boards

imiav make by-laws: Am) irllereas the Govem'uul' in Cowscil, 5:101

acting pursuant to the powers conferred by section, il:ls formulated Model

1IOSPI'FXLS ACT, 1927. Kukerin Ilopiit:il. \VJIE1IEAS nmiilei- the proviciolis of seetioli 37 of tile Hospital Art, 1927, the Governor may ui:ike regulations for tile 1i0Pll5C of tile Act, and liay tileroby formulate

Model Bs -laws fol the guidance of Boards

ill respecl of ill or a uv of the matters 1-egaldi mig wInch flo:i rds

may ni:ikc liy-laivs : And wilereas the G oveiior in Couudl, aetlp' pursn:int to the powers cont erred by tile said section, li:is formulated Model By-la irs, as coil-

tailleil in regulation 10 of the regniatioiis, made nuder die said Act and published in [lIe Gocern 111CR I GaetIc on the 0th d:iv of December, 19-tO; Anti whereas a Board

may of its own motion by resolution adopt tIle whole

or ally portion of such by-laws: Non, therefore, Kukerili District Ilospital Boa rd, being a Board within the ((500(1-

big and for tim purposes of tile said Act, dothi hereby

adopt tIle whole of such Model By-laws, as contained in

regulation 10 of tile regulations made under the hocpitais Act, 1927, and published in tile Govcrasnrn I Gazette on [lie 0th d:sv of Decembel-, 1940, meeting of tin' Kukerin hospital Bo:ird Passeil at this 12th day of February, 1941. A. TROUT', Secretary.

OIl Cmi' (ithi

Cunderdin Hospital. \VIIEREAS nucleI' tile provisions of section 37 of the llospit:lls Act, 1927, tlle Governor may ulake regulations

foi- the purpose of the Act, :nid may thereby formulate Model By-laws for tile guidance of Boards in respect of all or an7- of the matters regaidiug which Boards may make by-laws: And wllereas tile Governor in Council, acting' pnrsuant to the poivm's conferi'ed by the saul section, ilas formulated Model By-laws, as contamed in regulation 10 of the regulations, made under the said Act and published in the Govern lllcnt Ga:cItc oil the 6th day of December, 1940: And whereas a Boam'd may of its ow'n motion Isp resoiution adopt [lie whole or any portion of such by-laws: Now, tlierefom-e, Cunderdin I-hospital Boai-d, being a Board within tIle meaning md

[lie ('051-

hIs' of Decemnbes-, 1940; and whereas a hoard

may of its iliotioml b7- resolution adopt [1w whole or :ins- portion of such P7--laws: Now, therefore, Bridget)iwll hlospitlIl Bo:ird, heing''.i Boai'd within the mealship :iiid for tile purposes of tile said Act. (10th lsereb7

a iO)t the whole ot such Model By-lao's, as comitained ill regulation 10 of flit reglmlations ns:ide under [ho Ilos1ntals _tet, 1927, :nnl puhihished in the Goversnsest Cocc/ Er on the Otim da7- of December, 1940. Pcicseil at a muceting of [lie Bi'idgctown hospital finn i'd

tIns 11th d:i- of Fehl'uary, 1941.

(Sg'L) .1. B. JOIINSTONE, Secretas'v.

hOSPITALS ACT, 1927. Nos'tll AIidl:iuds District Iloslntal.

\\'JI IT[iEAS under tile provisions of section 37 of tile Ilospita Is A et, 1927, [lie Goves'nor (11:17' mnake regulations fol tile purpose of the Act, :snd (iay thereby fornllmlatc Model 117--iaws fur the guidance of Boards imi rcspeel of ill 01' 0117' of [lie matters regarding wiliell Bo:im'ds I nl7' make I iy-lass's :Aim 1 whi erellS the Go verms 01 115 Coun oil, acting pursuant to tile powi'('s conferred by t hie s:i hi sect io ii, Ii as fu on ul:lted Ale del Dy-la we, as coil

taimied in regui:ltiolL 10 of [ho rep ulatioiss, made (milder [lie sail Act amid published iii tile Govrrn sirs I Gaceitc on tile 6th (lay of December, 1940: And whereas 11 Boai'd (nay of its own mllotion by i'csohntion adopt the whole 01' :1117-

portiou of such h7--laws : Now, theret'oi'e, North

Midlands District IlosiSital Boai'd, being' :m Tioai-d w'ithsims the meamlimsg amsil for tile pul'pose5 of tIle said Act, dotll

ilereh7 adopt tue whole of such Model By-laws, as con tamed ill regulation 10 of [lIe regulations wade nuder tile Ilospit:ihs Act, 1927, and publishicil ill tile Ooccms (sent Gazette on tile 6th day of Deeemnher, 1940, subject to [lie modifications described in time Schedule attached h e ret 0.


Bcgulntiois No. 10, By-law No. A :Thmat this by-law be deleted. By-law No. 16 to i'ead Hospital fees shlahi be payable in aecOrdal(de e'ith the following' scale: £

Public \val'ds . . . Public ivards, cllildi'en under 1-1 Ps'ivate rooms . . Workers' Coinpensatiosi eases - -



tailied ni regul:itiun 10 of [lie regul:itiomis, iiiade under tile said Act :ulll published ill tile Gore's cleat Ga: tii

(Sgd.) hARRY i' LEEDS, Sc creta c".




Maternity cases





Parent or othea' person, aceonspal (Ig patient, hl'east fed babies cxeluded

Aboriginals, Native ['mid Theatre fee, mislol' .. Tlleatre ['cc, mama' X-Ray sereeniisgs X-Ray filming







s. il,

O 12

0 per day.

O 15 O 10 O 13

O pci' day.

09 O pci' day.

0 per day. 0 per day.

050 per lay. 050 per day.

O 12

220 0 12 110 6


Passed at a uwetmug of the Hospital Board this 10th day of May, 1941. (Sgd.) L. .1. CARTER, Seesetary North Midlands Distmiet Hospital.


jULY 18, 1941.]

Size and Fall.

HOSPITALS ACT, 1927. Quairacling Hospital.

WHEREAS under the provisions of section 37 of the

Hospitals Act, 1927, the Governor may niake regulations

for the purpose of the Act, and may thereby formulate Model By-laws for the guidance of Boards in respect

of all or any of the matters regarding

wIuc-li Boards

nay make by-laws: And whereas the Governor in Coun-


acting pursuant to the powers conferred by the

said section, has formulated

Model By-lairs, as con-

tained in regulation 10 of the regulations, made under the said Aet and published iii tIle Governnicwt GaetIr on the 6th day of December, 1940: And whereas a Board may of its own motion by resolution adopt the whole or any portion of such by-laws: Nov, therefore, the Quaim

ading District Hospital Board, being a Board within

the meaning and for tile Ul')O5e5 of tile said Act, dotii hereby adopt tile Model By-laivs, coiltained in regulation

10 of the regulations made undel- the Hospitals Act,

1927, and published in the Govcrnnuesmf Gacette 011 tile 6th day of December, 1940, subject to the mnodific-atious described ill tile Schedule hem-eumlder Schedule.

Clause 10 of the regulations, by-law No.


sIlall be

altered to read as follows: A special fleeting of tile Board may be railed at asiy tune and place by the cia -man or two members of the Board, in irriting, through time secl-etary. Each member of tile Board shall

receive seven (7) days' wl-itten notice of any ordinary or special meeting of tile Boal-d.

Passed at a meeting of the Qnairading I-Iospital Board

this 20th day of February, 1941.




I-f. MAIN, Secrete ry.

THE HEALTJ-I ACT, 1911-37. Resolution -

WHEREAS under tile provisions of tile Health Aet,

1911-37, a local Ilealtil authority may make by-laws, and lney amend, repeal, 01 alter any by-law-s So macic: Now, therefore, tile N:lrrogin Municipal Council, being a local health authiorit, detll hereby make tile following by-laws ic- sewerage, under section 13:l of tile Health Act, 19111937, and section 41 of the Healtil Act Amemidnsent Act,

No. lS of 1933:-

1.Proof of Gonneciiomms having been iilade.

Tile certificate of suell officer as the local antilority may appoint in writing silall lie priilma faeie evidence

that w-ater-eloset or Water closets, or drains, appliances, apparatus, and connections have been provided, Or the

mnattem's, and things have been performed, as the case may be, amid prima fade evidence as to tile :luiollnt of costs, expenses, and ]llterest recoverable in


respect thereof.

2.Word can-ic-cl out under S/stem. of Defriecl

Payment. if any owner wisiles to avail himself of tile provisions of' tile Act l-egarding deferred payusents amid the local autimority has approved of mis doing so, he shall sign

an agreement to pay the costs incurred by tile local a ntilOrity ill relation to stleil works, in not more than

forty half-yearly installnents, with interest at time pieseribed rate per almnum on thie amount 1-emaining to be paid added to each instalment. But tile said oWlier may at any time my to tile local authority such portion as then remains unpaid of sneil costs and expenses, together

Witll interest thereon, at tile said rate, to tile date of sllehl paylnemlt. Ill the event of nay of the instalments or intemest net being paul iVitilill fourteen days after the due date thereof, tile whole alnount then unpaid

shall, if tile local authority so desires, become due, payable, and recoverable with Isitel-est as prescribed by the said principal am' any amending Act.

3,DrainsMaterial for, etc. Pipes Specifications. Evemy person who silall construct, alter, or repair any sew'er 01' dm-ain shall comply witll the following condi-

tions :-

(a) The pipes sImall lie good and sound, and shall he fommed of glazed stoneware, concrete, iron, or of other suitable material approved by the local authority.

(h) Every such sew'er or drain shall be of adequate size; and no such sewer or dm-ain shall be used for conveying sewage unless the internal diameter thereof be not less than four inches, cud (when directed by the local authority) tile drain shall be laid ill a bed of concrete, or other equally suitable material, with a proper fall, and w-itim water-tight socketeci or

other suitable joints.

Dl-aimms under Buildings.

Evei-y sewer 01 drain shall be so construetecl

as Ilot to pass under ally building, except in

ally ease wild-c any othem- mode of construc-

tion is impracticable; and if in any ease a sewer or drain shall be so constructed as to

pass under any building, such sewer or drain shall lie so laid in a (Ill-Oct line for the whole distance beneatil such building and of such deptll timat there shall be a distance equal at

least to a full diameter theicof between the top of such drain at its higilest point and tile surface of tile groulld under such building. Tile drain pipe used in any such ease silahl lie of cast-rou, omnted with lead as is Witil water-pipes, or of stoneware bedded ill and surrounded ivithm good cenlent concrete at least six inches thick. All drains


carried tllrongil walls shail have a space of three inches ieft over the pipe. Draimls near Tree Roots. Every sew-er om' drain w'lneh is likeiy to be

damaged or blocked by time roots of trees shall be surm-oumscled by concrete six inches

thick, om-, if m tile opinion of time local autilority it is Imecessary, cast-iron sewer and drain pipes shall be substitlmted for eartilenware pipes for slmelm distance as time local authority nuy dm-ect, or time tm-ees adjacent to the drain or sewel- sliiiil be removed for such a distance as time local authom-ity may dim-ect.

Draimis exposed to Vehiiculam' Traffic-. Where drains are ill rigllts-of-ivay 01' other open

spaces where there is vehicular traffic and am-c less than two feet ill deptlm, or iii yards Wield vehicles

as-c kept, mmmc

less tiiami one

foot six indIes ill depth, or ivimen they are in any ease less than one foot ill deptil, they silail lie surl-ouudedt with concrete six inches ill tllickmiess, or the stmrface of the right-ofway, yal-d, etc., shall be covered with at least Six

inches of concrete or granohthlic pave-

nient. D lame slmall lie Vemmtilated.

Evemy such clm'ain shall lie vemitilated in a man11Cm' hereimmafter provided by these by-laws and regmmlations.

inlets simahl he Trapped. Evem-y immlet to amsy sewer em-


(miot being

ass imilet provided in pursimanee of the by-law

and regulation in that belmalf as cmi opening for the ventilation of sHell diraimi) shalm hii pi'opem'ly trapped. Dm'ains ammcl Pipe Lines shall he ill Stm'aight Lilies. (II) Ei-em'v sewei- or drain shah

he laid in straight

hmles, and, where eiiamig-es of directiomi occum',

jimnctiOns sllall be made with ' Y ' ' junctions

of time requimeci angle, am' bemid pipes, in such mnamimser as the local authiom-ity may previously

approve of; right angle junctions shall not be used.

Gm'ades of Sewers and Draimms. (i) All pipes amid hotmse-draimms simall be laid with

amid the inclimmation of the same simall lie as steep as tile circumstances will pel'mnit, but shall in mmo case he less than 1. foot 1mm 40 feet for 4-immchm pipes or 1 foot

true gradients,

in 60 feet for 6-immch pipes, or shall not be laid with a grade of mnore than 1 foot in 15 feet, sinless b special permnission of the local autimomity, amid approved provision shall be nmade for regular amid efficient flushing.



[JULY 18, 194.1.



In all eases where the local authority or its officers shall so direct, all pipes shall be sup-

ported on piles and timber foundations, or shall be bedded on concrete. Drops or bends

in a vertical position shall have a concrete support placed thereunder as directed. The

concrete for this purpose shall be of the proportions of one of cement, two of clean sand, and five of stone, broken to 1½-inch gauge, or gravel approved by such officer.

Junction Pits or Manholes. Junction pits or manholes shall not be installed,

except with the special permission of the local authority.

Reflux Valves (1) Whenever thei-e is a danger of the sewerage

backing up a house-drain, all pipes shall be fitted with refiux valves, and such valves shall he of brass or gun-metal.

All joints of lead soil pipes and waste pipes shall be of the kind known as wiped joints, excepting where in the opinion of the local authority expansion joints are necessary.

Cast-iron Pipes. Cast-iron pipes may be used for soil pipes, and shall be of uniform thickness throughout of %-incli or equal in weight to not less than 37

lbs. per lineal yard. The socket of pipes shall be not less thou 3 in. in depth, and joints shall be made with gasket and lead. Lead should be run in hot and well caulked with proper tools.

All cast-iron pipes shall

he sound, free from holes and cracks, and coated with tar, ashphaltum, or othei- approved mixture.

Lead Pipes. Lead pipes shall be supported by tacks os lugs wiped on in pairs to tile pipes. Such tacks shall not be more than the following distances

from centre to centre:-

Jointing of Stoneware Pipes.

(m) All pipes shall be carefully bedded. on the barrel, on the solid ground, and all joints shall be made with cement mortar, mixed in the proportion of one of cement and two

of sand. All joints shall be completely filled

with mortar and splayed off on the outside to an angle of 45 degrees. Jointing of the following description shall be carried out as circumstances require, viz. :In dry sand the joints shall be made with cement mortar as described in by-laws and regulations. After the jointing is done the pipe shall be wiped clean of surplus mortar and left perfectly clean on the inside before another pipe is In water-charged ground the pipes laid. shall be support6d, as described in Part (3) of this by-law, on concrete or timber foundations, as may be directed. Every preeautioi

shall be taken to prevent the entrance of

sand or silt into the pipes. All pipe-lines are to be inspected, tested, and approved before the trenches are filled in, and no drain shall

be used before being passed by the local

authority or its officer.

Testing of Pipes and Fittings. (a) All pipes, bends, and other apparatus necessary for any such house-drain shall be submitted to the local authority and shall be approved

and passed by the inspector before being


All material which has been tested and passed by the Metropolitan Water Supply, Sewerage, and Drainage Depas-tinent shall be passed by the local authority.

4 in. vertical pipe-2 ft. 6 in. centu-es. 4 in. horizontal pipes-2 ft. centres. For the pipe less than 4 in. diameter the distance between the centres of tacks or lugs shall be not more than three feet and two feet three inches s-espeetively. The dimensions of tile tacks or hugs shall

he as follows:

Diameter of pipe:4 inches-8 inches by .1/4 mcli. 3 inches-6 inches by 3/16th isicli. 2 inches-4 inches by 1/s inch. 1½ inches-3 inches by 1/4 inch.

5.Waste Pipes. Every persosi constructing, repairing, or altering waste

pipes shall comply with the following conditions: Trapping and Venting.

All waste pipes from us-inals, housemaid 's slop sinks, kitchen sinks, Iavatos-y basins, washtubs, and baths shall be trapped and properly

vented; provided that, where time length of the waste pipe from lavatory basins, baths, and washtubs does slot exceed 10 feet in length, os the seal of ti-ap is not reduced by discharge from fitting, and where washtubs are in open sheds detached from a dwelling, the vent may be omitted. The traps in each case shall be placed, unless otherwise directed, as near to outlet of fittings as possible.

Cleaning Eyes.

4.Specification of Waste, Vent, and Soil Pipes.

(c) Cleaning eyes shall be fixed at all junctions and change of direction where necessary and in positions approved of by the local authority.

Evei-y person who shall construct any lend soil pipe, waste pipe, or other pipe whatsoever in connection with drainage os sewerage shall comply with the following

(d) The grades of all waste pipes shall be as steep


Matci-ial, Sizes, and Weights.

(a) All material and fittings shall he of tile best. quality and of the following weights and

dimensions: Fitting. One lavatory basin

Row of three or more lavatory basins -


Lavatory basin overflow One bath . . for waste Combined baths Bath overflows .. -







Set of tubs

Kitchen sink Pants-y sink Slop sink One urinal Row urinals Soil pipes

.. -
















6 6 6





- -

as c-cumstances will permit, but shall not be less than 1 in 30 for 3-inch, 1 in 20 fos 2-inch and 1 in 15 for 1½inch pipes. Wronght Iron Tubes.

(e) Wrought il-on tubes may be used for waste or

vent pipes frons lavatory basins, sinks, baths, and washtubs, and such tubes shall be of the

weight and quality approved by tile local authority. The tubes shall be secured in an

approved mannes- every six feet, or such less distance as the local authority may require. Fittings.

(f) All fittings shall be of brass or malleable iron of approved quality.


2 2


2 2







6 7 7 7 7



outlet shall not, without the written approval of the


7 7 7 7

and supported in such manner as to be entirely open Galvanised iron baths, if not selffor inspection.




.. ..







2 2








6.Baths, SinPs, etc. Sinks, tubs, basins, or other fittings provided with an

local authority, be fixed or used, unless connected to the local authosity 's sewers in conformity with the by-laws


.1 uus is, 1011.


supporting, shall be supported with a wooden frame. All fittings shall be graded with a fall to the outlet, so that when the plug is out no water will remain in the littiug. Kitchen sinks, washtubs, aud drainage boards shall be flashed with not less than a lb. lead when ordered by the local authority.

J oints for internal Closet Pan. In tenements, factories, and other buildings pel'ulUtllelstly occupied the 0iiit between the pals, slop hopper, soil pipe, and vent pipe of internal closets shall be of Metallo-Kera-

7 Water Closets us ci Let rio Vs.

Floors of external Closets. Tile flour of every external water closet shall

Position OflsT Ventilation. The re shall be one do set p10 Vi de d to i' each tene ulent,

and every persoii who shall construct a water closet in a

building shall comply with the following conditions: One of its sides at least shall be au external

wall of such building, abutting on to a street, lane, or an open space of an area of not less than flO feet square, the property of the owner of the building, nid, if ordered, the owner shall prosicle a window or louvre open-

nsg directly into the external air, and such opening shall he of not less din ensions than

one foot three inches by one foot. It shall not be entered directly from ally room

or building used for the manufacture, pee-

panitioms, or storage of food for man, or used

as a factory, workshop, or work place.

On any side out whiehi such water closet would

shut in a room intended or used for tile railufacture, preparation, or storage of food for man, or used as a factory, workshop, or work place, it silall be enclosed bvan airi;ight partition of brick or other approved material extending the euiti re lleigllt from floor to ceiling.

(d )

With the perilnssion of the local authority, a, ivater closet niav have direct access t'rouis a room used for sleeping or for a meeting room, but ill such eases the ventilation shall be so arranged that a current of air is in circulation through the w-ater closet independent of the mom tromim \l-hielm

it opens off.

Window to internal Closet a id Bathroom. In addition to tile viuicIow, the owner or occupier

means of constant ventilation by at least one air-brick built in an external wall of such water closet, or by shall provide


an air shaft, or by sonIc otiler effectual iuethocl or appliance for ventilation. i'rovided

that, where a bathroom is also used as closet, tile W'limdolV shall be of snch size as tile local authority may direct. All new and recousditioned w.c '5 must he constructecl in accordance with plan and specijica lion approved hi- the local a uthoritv. RcllIovlml and re-erection of Closets. (g') Closets or urinals already iii existence sIlail, wherever considered necessary by the inspector, be removed where directed by tile inspector, and such rclnoval or re-erection shall be at the cost of tile owner, n'llo sllafl ilave the work completed witlun omie calendar niOlsth from

delivery by tile inspector of written notice to the owner requiring' this to he done, provided that tile owner malay appeal to the local anthority.

Safe for 'internal Closet. (Is) Every persous os occupier of any house or tenenieut in which an internal water closet is

constructed and used Silall cause suell issterua 1

water closet to be lJro\'illed with an approved

impervious floor or a lead sate and escape inpe 1½ indIes in diameter attached thereto. Such escape pipe shall be in a suitable positi011 to completely drais the safe, and shall he fitted with a 2 in. brass grate and, a brass

Inic ' ' type, 01 its mm ppros'ed equivalent.

be constructed of eollcrete oi- other approved Imupervions Inaterill six melles thick, and

shall have a slope of one-half of an inch to each foot towards tile (100 r.

Closets to have proper Basins.

Every owner or occupier of any honsc, tonemeud, 01' laiids ill wIucll a water closet is constructed or used shall furnish such water closet with an appmovedl stoneware or dieclay pedestal pan of non-absorbent material, amid of such shape, of snehi capacity, and of such mode of eulistructioml as to receive and contain a sufficient quantity of water, and to allow all filth which may from tinle to time be deposited iii such pan, basin, or receptacle to fall free of tile sides thereof, and directly ilito tile such Pall.

WO tel

received and

contained in


(I) Every pals, UmIless perlilissi011 is obtaiuied to vary the quantity of tile flush, shall be of such type and construction as to be thocougilly

cleaned with a flush of two gallons of w'ater

tl'onl a cistern provided ill accordance with clause (n). 'Where a large quantity of water is necessary for the type of pan iusstalled, the flushing' arrangements shall be approved be tile lncal antilority. Seats of Closets shall he Beinovable. (Ill) Tile owner or occupies ot every house Or toneInelut shall cause tile seats of the water elusets conuleeted tilerewitil to be so coil-

structed that tile salmle nlav be easily removed or attached to tile flhI ill such nsa Ilnel that every part of the closet may be inspected with facility. Seats with boles of such size as to caimse fouling of tiue pan shall not be used.

Cistei-ns assd Down Pipes.

(ii) Every owner or occupier of any house, tene-

ment, or lamud ill winch a water closet is coumstm-ueted or used shall cause suehl water closet

to be supplied with a proper cistern, fitted Imnilnediately over tile pmns, and shall also cause time following fittings to he constu-neted

tile downpipe from such cisterum shall iii umo case be less than 141-bell iulternal diameter, and shall be fitted as straigilt as possible under the circumstances. Tile valve seating of every suell cistern shall he at least five feet clear above tile closet seat, but in cases where this distaimce canmlot be obtained in existing' buildings without structural altera-

tion four feet will he allowed, but the in-

telumal diameter of the dowss pipe shall then he l'A imsehes. Every such cistern shall be mnade aitfi maimstained of suell materials and dimemssions, and of sneh plan of construction, :nsd witll such bail cocks, stop cocks, down

and waste pipes, and other appliamsces as shall be deemed requisite by tile local authority to prevcmlt waste of water. Every cistern used 1mm cousneetion with a water closet

or slop sink shall discharge tro gallons at each flush. The Supply pipe shall be adequate to fill tile cistern at tile rate of omle gallon hI 30 seconds.

flap valve. Tue safe shall disellarge in Some

Storage atWater.

shall aot apply to any water closet situated

(o) Time local authority may requime the owner or occupier of every louse, tenelnent, factory, iuistmtsition, or place (pnhlic or pri ate), to

conSpicuouS place.

Provided that this by-law

on the ground floor of any house Or tenement and where in tile opinion of the local authority there is no likelihood of damage being caused by leakage or blockage.

provide same with tamsls os cisterns for storulusinuig and cleansing the

ing water for

pipes, drains, traps, and apparatus of water



closets and urinals connected. therewith, in the event of a temporary stoppage of water supply or otherwise, and such tanks or cisterns shall be of such capacity, dimensions, and arrangements as shall be required by the local authority, and the owner or occupier shall comply with such requisition. 8.Sos itary Conveniences at Hotels, Lodging-Hoicses, and Shops. in hotels, offices, lodging-houses, and shops, and, if so

direeted by the local authority, in any other premises, sanitary conveniences shall be provided as under and in accordance with the following conditions:

One water closet for males and one for females, placed in suitable positions, shall be provided for every ten people who live or work on the premises, in accordance with clause (c) here-

stations and public conveniences. In all urinals tIn whole of the flush pipes shall be of copper, unless tin approval of the local authority is obtained to substitut wronglit iron pipes.

Pull and chain cisterns shall be used in connectior

with urinals in nil other situations, unless by permissioc

local authority some other type is substituted and the discharge shall be equal to one gallon for eacl of tIme

urinal stall, except where otherwise allowed.

In a combination of two urinals, one two-gallon cis tern may he used.

12. Urinal Waste Pipe. Urinals shall be connected direct to the soil pipe a draiu in a manlier similar to water closets, except tha iii all cases they must be back vented. 13.Baths, Lavatory Basins, Kstchcn Sinks, as-cd Washtroughs.


In hotels urinals shall be provided for the public. frequenting the premises. (e) Closets for different sexes shall not adjoin each

other, unless separated by a wall of brick, stone,

of approved thickness;

or concrete

such wall may be the wall of one closet or common to 1)0th.

(0) The door of every external closet or urinal shall be properly screened, at least 6 ft. high, and reaching to the ground, and, if required, a screen shall he fixed to prevent the closet or urinal being visible from overlooking windows.

(e) Every school, kindergarten, college, or institution where children are trained or educated shall ho provided with acconimodation in the

fol]owing proportion: For every 33 boys attending such school, kindergarten, college, or institution1 water closet.

For every 25 girls attending such school, kindergarten, college, or institution1 water closet.

For every 30 boys attending such school, kindergarten, college, or institution-

1 stall uriaal.

Closets for schools shall conform to clauses

(c), and (d) of this by-law.

9.Sanitary Conveniences at Factories. The owner of any building used for the purpose of a factory shall provide sanitary conveniences for the use of the employees at such building, in accordance with the following scale and conditions: Proportion of Proportion of Pans for Pans for (Female.)

Employees. (Male.)

One to 20

One to 25

100 and under 200 One to 25 When time nunber of

One to 30

Water Closets.


When the number of employees does not exceed 100








- .





When the number of

. . One to 25 One to 40 200 Closets for factories shall conform to clauses (e) and (0) of By-law No. S. -

10.Urinals. The floors of all urinals shall be tiles or paved, with an approved fall towards the drain from the stalls. The walls shall he of approved non-absorbent materials, and

the urinals shall be of the type known as the round

backed stall pattern. Other forms of urinals will only he allowed by permission of the local authority. In factories urinal accommodation for male employees shall be provided in the proportion of one stall to each 30 employees.

Urinals shall he screened iii a sjmilftr manner to water

closets, and as approved by the local authority.

11.Cisterns for Urinals. Approved automatic flushing cisterns shall be fixed on

public urinals, and shall be timed to discharge at such intervals as the local authority may direct. The use of automatic flushing cisterns shall be confined to railway

[JULY 18, 1941.

Every owner or occupier of any house, tenement, o lands in which any of thd above-mentioned fittings ar

constructed or used shall comply with the following con ,litions :--

Outlets. Baths ci lavatory basins, kitchen sinks, o washtroughis shall be provided with an outlet

the dimensions of which shall be equal to th area of the waste pipe. Inlets.

The water supply inlet or inlets shall in al eases be placed one inch, above the top water level of time fitting.

Lavatory Basins in Bedrooms. Lavatory basins may, with the permission of th

local authority, be fitted in rooms used fo sleeping rooms.

Lead Flashing. (0) Baths, lavatory basins, kitchen sinks, etc., sha be flashed with not less than 5 lb. lead wher ordered by the local authority.

Fixing of Troughs. Washitroughs shall be of approved pattern an material. They shall be securely fixed an supported and drain freely towards the oni let.

Lead Safe. Where baths, lavatory basins, washtroughs, kitchen sinks are fixed in such positions s

in the opinion of the local authority to


(juire a lead or other safe, such shall be fixed

or whore an existing safe is ill position an is allowed to remain, such safe shall he pr

perly graded towards the outlet or escar pipe, which shall he 1(, in. in thameter, placed as to drain the safe and to be fltt with a 2 in. brass grate mid flap valve, ti outlet of which shall he in a conspicuos position.

14.Slop Sinks. All connections to slop sinks shall be made ill accow

alice with the following conditions: Connections.

A housemaid's slop sink shall be treated ar connected to the soil pipe in the same way

a water closet, except that it must be pr perly back vented. The size of the was and vent pipes shnll be as given in by-la No. 4.


Only the pedestal type of slop sink as approv by the local authority shall be used. Waste Pipe. The waste pipe shall discharge directly into soil pipe, or into the house-drain as direete 15.Yard Gsmlties.

(a) Every owner or occupier of any house or tee ment shall cause such house or tenement be provided with a yard gully for kitchen


JuLY 18, 1941.]

house slops, and of such design as approved by the local authority, wherever practicable, or, unless approval is given otherwise by the

authority, such gully shall he within 10 feet of the back door or kitchen door of the house or tenement. (b) Yard gullies shall be fitted with traps and connected with the drains of such Ilouse or tenement, and all inlets of such yard gully shall be protected with suitable gratings, which shall be raised to such a height above the surface of the ground as will prevent the ingress of surface water to the local authority's sewers. local

Rainwater Pipes.

(e) Rainwater pipes shalt not be connected to or discharge into any fully connected with the local authority's sewers.

Separate Gullies.

(ci) Each house shall haven separate yard gully, over which a water tap shall be placed, except where otherwise allowed by the local authority.

Gullies shall not be inside Buildings. Gullies shall not be constructed or be allowed to reissain inside any buildings, unless with tile approval of the local authority. Grease Traps. Grease intercepting traps, of approved design,

shall be provided where directed, and fixed to discharge into a gully before commnunicating with the drain.

16Soil Pipes. Shall be outside Building. Any person who shall erect a new building shall

not construct any drain of such building ill any sucil manner as to allow any inlet to such drain (except inlet, as flay be necessary from the apparatus of any water closet) to be made within such building, if aisy other method be possible, and shah not permit any soil pipe from water closet or urinal to be fixed or to be within any house or tenement. Cosniections.

The owner or occupier of any house or tenemeni shall cause the connection of every soil pipe with any

closet, urinal, lavatory, or other sanitary fitting inside such lsouse or tcnemneut to be made as short and straight as possible, and to comply with the following conditions Ventilation.


17. JTen:lilaiion,

Every owner or oceupiel' of any house., tenement, or lnids where an internal closet has been installed shall comply with tile following reqnircmcilts, viz:Umstrapped Openings.

(a) At least two nntrapped openings to tile drains of such house, tenement, or lands shall be pi'ovideci, and, isi

the provision of


openings, such one of the two arrangenicnts hereinafter specified shall he adopted as tile circumstances of the case may render

the more suitable and effectual, tlint is to


Inlet and Outlet. (b) One opening, beimig at or near the level of ti'e surface of the ground adjoining such opening, shah communicate with the drains

by means of a suitable pipe, shaft, or disconnecting chamber, and shall be situated as near as may be practicable to the ti-np which iii pursuance of the by-law or regulation in that behalf, shall be provided between time main cirani or other drain of the

building and the sewer or other means of drainage with which such drain may lawfully communicate. Such opening shah also

in every case be situated on thnt side of the trap which is neal-el' to the building. The second opening shall be obtained by carry-

ing up from a poiut iii the dm'ains, as far

distant as muny be practicable from the point

at which the first-mentioned opening shall be situated, n pipe 01- shaft vertically to such a height and lie such a mnall,Ier as effectually to preveist any escape of foul air from such pipe or shaft into amsv building in tlsc vicinity thereof. Reversal of Ventilation (e) If drains cannot be ventilated as provided for in clause (h) of this by-law, the system of ventilation ma be reserved by authority from the local authority. Ventilation for Conneetiomi.

(d) in addition

to the veutilators specified in clause (b) of this by-law, a. further venti-

lating opening shall, if ordered, be


vided on the downstream side of the intereeptos' trap iii the position and of the size mid height ordered by the local authority.

Direct Ventilation. (c) Where an interceptor ti-ap is hot provided tile ventilators specified in clauses (a), (b), (c), and (ci) of thus by-law need not be installed,

tenement, in such a manner as tIme local auth-

but from the highest of such other points of the house, drains, as the local authority may direct, exlsaust or induct ventilators of the sizes and heights ordeicd, shall be

Dimensions of Pipes. (b) Soil pipes, which shall be less than four inclie internal diameter, shall not be fixed or used

Gratings over Ventilators. Every opening provided in aee.ordamsee with either of the arrangements beforc-mneutioned, or for any other pal-pose in accord-

(a) Every soil pipe shall be ventilated by being carried up above thc roof of such house or ority shall in eadi case direct.

or permitted to be fixed or used, nor shall

any contimsuation thereof for ventilation be less than four imsches internal dianseter.

Material for Soil Pipes. (c) Soil pipes shall be of cast-iroms or lead, and shall be connected with the sewer or drain iii such a mannes as the local authority shall us each ease approve of. Traps on Soil Pipes. (d) Soil pipes slsall be so coisstructed and maintained that there shall not be any trap between such soil pipe and the drains, or any

trap (other than such as may necessarily form part of the apparatus of any water closet) us any part of such soil pipe.



with these by-laws or regulations,

shall be furnished with a suitable grating or other suitable coves- for thse purpose of preventing any obstruction in or injury to any pipe or drain by the introduction of any

substance through any such opening, and suds grating or cover shall be coasts-acted and fitted so as to secure tine free passage of ais- through such grating or cover by

means of a sufficient isumber of apertures of winch the aggregate exteist shall siot be less than the sectional area of the pipe on- drain

to which such grating may be fitted. Size of Ventilators.

Every pipe or shaft which may be used in conmiection with either of the arrangements hereimsbefore specified shall be of a sectional

area not less than that of the drain with



which such pipe or shaft may communicate,

and not less in aiiv case than the sectional area of a pipe or shaft of the diameter of

ventilator shall be secured with stays, as directed by the local authority. four



Bends in Vents. Bends, angles, or horizontal lengths shall not (except by the special authority and permission of the local authority) be formed in any pipe or shaft used in connection with

[JULY 18, 1941

20.Lowest Storey of Bnildinq shall be at level abor Sewni.

Every person irho shall erect


nan- 1 uilding sha I

construct the lower t orey of such building at such hoyt as will a low of the construction of a drain sufficient to time effectual drainage of such building and of the pry vision of the requisite communication si-ills any sew-c

into which such drain may law fully emptY, at a poiu in the upper diuuucter of such sewer, 0r with any othe in cans of dma in age with u-li icli en cli di-mi ins may ha si-full


The local authority na v in any ease i wInch it thinks proper exenipt any peison from the prc visio is of tli is by-law or rcgnl it ion, upon app hica tio by the owner and an uiidertakiiig, pi-ovidiug that it i solely at the owner s i-isis.

Every shaft used asa ventilating pipe shall be provided with an approved cowl.

21. lit (in pa in ./3aa II)C ii I. Fittings shall not be planed in a cellar or basemneni axcept with thic permission of the local a iithiority, am where necessary, approved reflux traps shall lie fixed.

either of the arrangeni cuts spa cified. Cowls.

Soil 1 'ipe is Vent. (1) Provided always, that for the purpose of either of the arrangements hereinbefore specified,

the soil pipe of any water closet, in every case where the situation, sectional area, height, and mode of construction of such soil pipe shall be in accordance with the requirements applicable to tl pipe or shaft to he carried up from the drains, may be deemed to provide the necessary opening for yen tile I ion wh ic Ii would otherwise be obtained bi- means of such lastmentioned pipe shaft.

18.Material for a ad Support of l7ent Pipes.

Material for and the erection of vent pipes shall comply with the following conditions: (a) Pipes used solely as ventilating pipes and situated whoily outside buildings may be of

east-iron, galvanised iron, or lead, and of stoneware beneath the surface of the ground. Ga]vanised iron pipe of less tluekness than

24-gauge shall not be used; joints shall be thoroughly airtight. The first six feet of vent pipe shall be of cast-iron or 18-gauge galvanised iron. rObe internal diameter of the pipe shall be not less than four inches. Ventilation






the inside with patent asphaltumn or other

approved composition paints, cad, on the outside with two coats of best paint, of approved tints. As far as possible all ventilating pipes shall be fixed outside buildings; i-ainwater p'pe shall not he use! as vcutilato-s.

(hi) Vent pipes shell be supported by means of clips fastened to pougs in brick, stone, or concrete walls, or by screws to wooden buildings; there shall be one clip to each six feet and the top clip shall in all cases be bolted through or into the wall. (c) Where vent pipes are within 30 feet of any window they shall be carried op at least six feet above such window. Vent pipes shall he two fact above any adjoining parapet or iidge, antI if svitliin 10 feet of any chimney

no nimunicat e -

22.Rainwater Pipes and Street Gullies shall not


eon ii eel Cd to Senr r.

Gullies or pits tom- the disposal of road drainage, o

foi- the disposal of stornm water froimi any roof, yard, o s-ac a lit land shall not be connected with any sewer u chain nuder t lie comm I rul 0f the local a utl ion ty.

23.Deposit ,,f Reface in

Seiw i-s

and Ifosise-drains

Explosives. Ashes, hi ouse ret use, a iii mel, or any other solid iii atti

shall not he deposited in any sewer, drain, or apparatu

connected therewith so as to emiclanger the officiemiey o seine; iii d suitable prosisiou shall he made to entered

and pm-event Caine passing into such sewers or drmun Sludge w-ater or wastes from manufaetories shall, i ordered hjy time local authority, be purifies! and reduce to a temperature not exceeding 100 degrees l°ahmrenhie before being discharged into any sewer or drain. Gaseor or acid liquids or solids of an explosive nature shall at be discharged into any sewem- or drain.

24.Infections Disease. Solid or liqul I di sehiarge fmoni patients en licring fiom typhoid fever ol imtv other infectious or coutagim

disease shall not be einpticd into any sewer or drai

from any hospital, institution, or othei- private or pubhi building, sinless such discharge has been thoroughly dh infected.

2i5.Diseliargc of Solid Matter. No person shah! discharge any solid mattel of an

kind into the Council's drains, unless such matter hi been reduced to a sufficiently liquid state by means hacteriolytic or othcm- treatment plant :i piroved of


time Conmnnssioner of Public Health.

fly-LAWs von GENERAL Puscoses.

26.Sciw age Work shall be done only Op Liccssed Plumbers.

(mi) No person shall do or cause to be lone any wos sew-erage on aims- premises. or I connection with any fitting w- apparatus rnnne-1 I in connection srith


lieriwithm, unless he shall have been licensed by the Me rohiolitan Water Supply, Sew-erage, and Drainage Depar went as a '' Sanitary Plumber, ' ' and lu in possessio

(d) Vent pipes of 24-gauge without any offset shall not remain unsupported if more than 12 feet above the top clip; if there iS all

oritv shall be ten shillings per annunm. and such perims may he withmclrairn or cancelled at the discretion of th local authority.

to he two feet below the opening om of the height directed-


offset the supported length shall not exceed

imine feet; but in the event of the gauge

being increased to 18-gauge the respective heights may be 20 and 15 feet. Where the heights given are exceeded, the veat pipe shall be supported by galvanised bolted clips with galvanised pipe stays.

19.Ventilating Opening shall be icept Free. Time owner or occupier of every house or teneniemit

shall cause all openings for ventilation or other purposes made in accordance with the by-laws or regu. lations, to be kept open and perfectly free from

obstruction, and shall at all times keep all openings to the drains upon his premises, whether for ventilation or otherwisc, and all traps and other fittings, in good order, clean, snd free from obstruction.

of a permit froni the local authority.

(b) The fee for the permit issued by the local antI

(e) Permits issued by the local authom-ity shall


,-urrent only from 1st .Tanuarv to 31st December of II veer of issue.

27.Breaches of By-laws by Fli nOnes. Any licensed water supply and sanitary phumbcr


seater supply plumber offemmdiug agaimist a tv by law

-eguhation of the local authiorit3-, or is-ho shall refuse I gb-c any needful om proper immformation m-equired by a

officer of the local authority, either by himself or thio

employed hi- him, or who, w-ithmin seven days from dal tenders chose, withdraws nm varies aimr tender he ma

have lodged, or fails to complete any contract with tl local authority, or with a private owner within the tin specified, shall be liable to a fine not exceeding tweul posmmmds, amid lie shall also show cause why lus hicen shah not be suspended or cancelled. Any person wi

JuLY 18, 1941.]



has been removed from the list shall not be readmitted

34.Obstruction of Pipes, Sewcrs, Drains, or Fittings.

the term of his suspension has expired or the local


as a licensed water supply and sanitary plumber until

authority has directed his reinstatement.

28.Authority to

enter Premi.ses.

Any officer of the local authority may a-ti all reason-

able times enter any house or premises connected, or intended to be connected with the sewers, in order to examine whether the pipes, drains, and other fittings in such house Or premises are iii proper order. Any person refusing such admission or in any way hindering such officer in the execution of his chsy shall be guilty

of an offence and liable to a penalty, as hereinafter prescribed.

29.Standard Fittings and Drawings. Approved standard fittings and type drawings will

be exhibited at the office of the local authority. Du consideration will be given by the local authority to the claims of any other fittings wInch may be presented for approval, and, if considered satisfactory, the same may be placed among and become one of the approved standard fittings. The local antliority may from time to tinne amend, alter, or cancel any or all of the standarcl fittings or type drawings, and replace them by such other approved fittings or drawings.

30..Tunclions or interference with Pipes, Sewers, or T?itting3.

No person shall make any connection or interfere with any pipe, sewer, or fitting of time local authority, or with any pipe, sewer, or drain communicating there-

with, at any other place than shall be approved of by the local authority, and the mains shall only be tapped by the workmen of the local authority, at the cost of the owner or occupier of the property concerned.

31.Isvuc of Permits for and Inspection of Works. Work shall not be undertaken in connection with sewerage or drainage, or in the extension or alteration thereof, until such time as tIre necessary printed permit is obtained. One week's notice shall in all cases be given by the licensed plumber before work is intended to be commenced, unless the officer of the local authority duly appointed to issue permits expressly accepts shorter notice. In no case shall any pipes, drains, or apparatus in conneet'ion with sewerage be used until the said work

shall have been inspected, and, if necessary, tested by the said officer, and certified by him on the prescribed

form. No underground or enclosed work shall be covered

up or concealed from view until the same shall have been duly inspected and passed by the inspector, and

for this purpose the person to whom the permit has been issued shall immediately report any work which is ready for inspection or test, and every facility shall be afforded to such officer for making such inspection or test.

32.Owner or Occupier responsible for Cleaning Private Drains.

All drains and fittings connected with any sewer shall from time. to time be repaired and cleansed under

the inspection or direction of the local authority, at the expense of the owner or occupier of the land in respect of which the said drain shall be ronsti-uetecl, and in case any such owner or occupier shall neglect to repair or cleanse any such drain according to the direction of the local anthiority, he shall on conviction for every such offence forfeit and pay a penalty not exceeding ten pounds. Subject to any agreement between tire owner and

occupier of any premises, the cost of repairing drains and fittings shall, as between the owner and occupier, be payable by the owner, and time cost of cleansing drains shall, as between the owner and occupier, he payable by the occupier. 33.

The drainage of each house is to be arranged for separately, unless in cases of properties belonging to

(1) Any person who without tIre written consent of local authority erects or maintains any building or structure, or causes any building or structure to be erected or maintained, or places or keeps any material or thing, or causes any material or thing to be placed or kept over any pipe, sewer, drain, or fitting which is the property of the local authority and thereby trespasses on or injures such pipe, sewer, drain,

or fitting; or prevents or in any way impedes or obstructs the

inspection. uraintenance, cleansing, re-

pair, management, or use of such pipe, sewer, drain, or fitting,

slmall be guilty of an offence and punishable on summary conviction by a penalty not exceeding twenty pounds, and, in the case of a continuing breach of this by-law, the offender shall be liable to a further penalty not exceeding five pounds for each day the offence continues, after notice thereof has beemm given by or on behalf of the local authority to the offender.

(2) The local authority may cause any building

structnre, material or thing erected, placed, maintained or kept over any such pipe, sewer, drain, or fitting in contravention of this by-law to be altered, pulled down, removed, or otherwise dealt with, as it shall think fit. (3) Any person committing any breach of this by-law hali, in addition to any penalty imposed on him, pay any expense incurred by the local authority in consedluemmce of such breach.

(4) This by-law shah extend amid apply to buildings, structures, materials, or things mnaintaiuecl or kept as aforesaid, whether they were erected or placed over the pipe, sewer, drain, or fitting before or after time passing of thus by-law. 35.Pesmaltjcs.

Any person committing a breach of any of the foregoing by-laws to which ho specific penalty is attached, or who shall refuse or neglect to obey any injunction in any such by-law, or to comply with any requirements timereimi contained, shall upon conviction be liable to a

penalty not exceeding twenty pounds, and, in case of continuing offence, a further penalty not exceeding two

ponnds for each day, after- notice of sucim offence shall hmave beemr given by or on behalf of tIre local authority to such offender, arid time offender niay he ordered to

pay (in addition to ally penalty imnposed) the expense incurred by the local authority iii consequence of time breach of the by-law. Dated tins 1st day of April, 1941. W. L. JLLINGWORTH, Acting Town Clerk. TIlE l-JEALTH ACT, 1913-1937.

Peppermint Grove Road BoardResolution. PH.D. 831/21. WHEREAS undem- time provJsons of section 321 of tire Health Act, 1911-1937, the Govei-nom- may cause to be

prepared Model By-laws for all or auy of the purposes tom which by-laws may be made by a local authority, mmmmder- ally of time provisions of the Act: Amid whereas local nu1roritv nial- of its own motion by resolution

adopt time whole or ally portion of such by-laws, with or w-itlmout modification; And whereas Model By-laws, described as Series A, imave been prepared in accordance n-Him tile said section amid published in time Government (3aette oil tire Stim day of April, 1927; 20th day of

October, 1933; 5th day of October, 1934; 1st day of February, 1935; 12th day of February, 1937; 2nd day of Jniy, 1937: 22nd clay of April, 1938; 3rd day of May, 1939; and 29th clay of September, 1939; Now,

therefore, time l'eppei-mmrint Grove Road Board, being a local authmorit- rvitimimm the mneaning of tire Act, and hav-

ing previously adopted with or without modification the

Model By-law-s made nmmder the said Act, with the exception of the rmmiiermdnwnt published in the Government

special reasons exist for draining by a combined opera-

Gazette on tIre 29th day of September, 1939, cloth hereby resolve and determine tlmat time amencimnemit of the said Model By-laws published in tire Governsmrent Gazette on tire 29tim day of September, 1939, shall be adopted with-


out nroclifieation.

pages in drains shall be apportioned by the local

Passed at a meeting of the Peppermint Grove Road Board tins tenth day of February, 1941. (Sgd.) S. W. BEES,

the same owner, or where, in the local authority's Opinion.

Owners desiring to have the drainage of their properties combined must sign a request for a combined drain, and in such casOs the cost of maintenance due to stopauthority.




THE HEALTI-I ACT. 1911-1937. Resolution.

PH.D. 7097/21. WHEREAS under the provisions of section 321 of the Health Act, 1911-1937, the Governor iiiay cause to be prepared Model By-laws for all or any of the purposes for which by-laws niay be lnade by a local authority, under any of the provisions of tile Act And whereas a. local authority may of its own motion by resolution adopt tile whole orally portion of Shell by-laws, with or without niodification And whereas Model By-laws, lescribcd as Series A, have been prepared in ac-cordance with tile said section and publisliel in the Govcrsniiemf

Ga:ctle oil the 8th day of April, 1927; 20th day of October, 1933 5th day of October, 1934; 1st day of February, 1933; 12th day of February, 1937; 2nd day of July, 1937; 22nd (lay of April, 1938; 3i-d day of May, 1939 ; and 29th day of September, 1939; Now,

[JULY 18, 1941.

lily by-laws so umadc oh- adopted: Now, therefore, the Cluui-emollt Municipal Council, hcuig a local authority within tile lllcalulig of the said Act, and having adopted Series A of Model By-laws, prepai-ed under the Health Act. 1911-1926, and puhhshied in the Government Gazette ii tile Stis lay of April, 1927, and adopted by the Glare1110111

MUliici1Jlli Council on tile 27th day of February,

dotll herchy aniencl By-law 29 of Part VII. of tiue 5aid Model By-laws as uiiderBy-law 29 of Pai-t VII. of tile Model By-laws prepii0 under tile Health Act, 191 1-37, is deleted and a new by-law, No. 29, substituted in lieu 1 933,

thel-cof, as puhhslued in the Govei-naient Gazette Oil tile 29th September. 1939.

Resolved at a meeting of the Claremont Municipal ClullIllil

tills 10th day of MardI, 1941.

I ilerefore, tile EasI Fremantle Mllnicipal Council, being a local authority within tlue lneaning of tile Act, and

E. W. CTILLETT, Mayoi. H. LORD, Town Clerk.

laying preousiy adopted with or without modification the Model By-laws made snider tile said Act, w-ith the exception of tile amendnlent published in the Govern-

uiuent Ga:eI(e on tile 29th day of September, 1939, doth llei-ehy resolve and determine that tile amenduient of tile said Model By-laws published mi the Goverwuuient Gazette Oil tile 29th lilly of September, 1939, shall be adopted without modification.

Collfirmedl by tile Connuissioner of Public health for

the State of Western Australia this 30th day of June, 1941.

EVERITT ATKINSON, Commissioner of Public Health.

Passed at a mnc'etilsg of tile East Fremantle Municipal Council tins sixth (lay of MardI, 1941. (Sgd.'i II. II. PAIUCER,

Ti-hE HEAL'l'hI ACT, 1911-1937.

Town Clei-k.

Departmellt of Public Health,

TIlE IIEALTI-[ ACT, 1911-1937. Ciarclnout Municipal ConneilResolutioll. P.11.1). S182/21.

WHEREAS under tile provisions of the Health Act, 19] 1-1937, a local autilority may make oi- adopt by-laws,

and is thereby elnpow-ered to amend, repeal, or alter

Peith, 16th July, 1941. p:H.D. 566/28. 'l'IIE foilowing appointment made by the unclerusentioned local llealth autimority is hereby approved: Municipality of Narrogin Gerald William Green to be Health Inspector. EVERITT ATKINSON, Commissioner of Public Health.

HEALTh ACT, 1911-1937. Model By-laws.

Department of Public health, Pertll, 9th July, 1941. 1-115 Excellency the Lieutenaiit-Goveriior ill Council, acting in accordance with section 321 of the hlealtil Act, 191] -1937, Ilas been pleased to amnend the Model PH.D. 600/41.

By-laws prepared in aecordalmec witim the said section a1id published in the Government Gazette 015 the Stll (lay of April, 1927, and amended by notice published in the

Government Gazette fm-ouui tinse to time thereafter, in tile manner set forth in tile Sdlleduie hereunder.

EVERITT ATKINSON, Commissioner of Public Health. Tile abovcillentioned Model By-laws are amneiscied by the jilsertioli thiereiii aftei- By-law -IA of Part I. of the said Model By-law's, a new Model By-law' to staild as Model By-law' 411 as follows:-


(1) Tluis by-law shall operate and have effect


respect of all houses

winch arc situate witlun tile healths district ill those Portiolls tilereof WIliChi are also comprised ill tile Metropolitan Water, Sewerage, and Drainage Area as constituted and defined snmdcr hna for the purposes of the Metropolitan Watch' Supply, Sewerage, and Di's inilgc Act, 1909.

(2) All fixtures and fittings installed in any house for tile PuiposeS of watem

supply, sewerage, or drainage after tins by-law douses into opei-ation shall

be illstalled only h1' a plumber dilly he-ensed under time by-laws nsade

and in force under the Mctropohtan Water Supply, Sewerage, and Drainage Art, 1909; and be of such descriptiosi, inatemials, nature, and constructiois, and shall

be so instahied as to comply with tile requireuseuts of the said by-laws imseiitioned ill paragraph (a) hereof, imotw-ithstandiuig that for the purposes of the said Metropolitams Water Supply, Sewerage, and Drainage Act, 1909, the said hy-haw's may not apply to tile said house; a mid

(e) isot be deemed to comply with the requirementt of this by-law until they

have been inspected by the engined- or an inspector of the Metropolitan

water Supply, Sewem-age, and Dmainage Department, and the said engiiiees- has by writing under his hand certified that in respect of the said house the requirements of this by-law imave been complied with.


JuLY 18, 1941.]


(3) For the purposes of this by-law (a') ''Fixtures'' mean all apparatus, together with their necessary appur-

tenances, irhicli may be attached to the plumbing or drainage system of any property, and which arc intended for the collection or retention of any wastes or waste waters for ultimate discharge into the sewerage system, such as closet pans. urinals, baths, sinks, basins, troughs and the like;

(b) ''Fittings'' nseans all pipes, meters or other apparatus used for or in connection with the supply of water, and all pipes, cisterns, traps, syphons, manholes, ventilators, and all other apparatns connected with and

requisite to secure the safe and propel working of any sewer,

drain, or water supply fixtures.

HEALTH ACT, 1911-1937.

Department of Pubhie Health, Perth, 9th July, 1941. PH.D. 2014/18. I-ITS Excellency the Licutenant-bovernor in Council, acting pcusuaist to the P-

visions of sections 300 and 319 of the I-Iealth Act, 1911-1937, has been pleased to approve of time amendment of the regulations relating to Maternity Homes made under the said Act and published in the Government Gazette on the Sth clay of November, lOiS, in the manner set forth in the Schedule hereunder.


TInder Sec.retasv.


Tise aboveinentioned regulations are amended by inserting in regulation 1, at the

end of paragraph (h) thereof, a proviso as follows: Provided fntlier, that any license issued in respect of a hospital which is a public hospital within the. meaning of the J-Iospitals Act, 1927, shall be exempt from payment of the license fee. HEALTI-I ACT, 1911-1937.

Department of Publie Health, Perth, 9th July, 1941. P.H.D. 1062/28.

HIS Excellency the Lientenant-Goverisor in Council, acting in accordance with the advice of the Advisory Committee, pursuant to section 225 of the Health Act, 1911-

1937, has been pleased to repeal tile regulation relating to the forwarding of

samples of food or drugs for analysis, as published in the Government Gazette ois the 7tls day of October, 1921, amid to amend the Food and Drug Regulations as published in the Govcrnrneni Gazette on the 17th day of August, 1928, and amended by notice

published in the Goverwment Gazette from time to time thereafter, in the manner set forth in the Schedule hereunder. EVERITT ATKINSON, Commissioner of Public Health. Schedule.

The Food and Drug Regulatioiss are amended by inserting therein after regulation 13A a new regulation, to stand as regulatioms 13B as folhows:13B.Forwarding of Sample of Food or Ding for Analysis. The following additional menus are prescribed, in accordance with section 213 (7) of the Act, for the forwarding by any person of any food or drug to an analyst for amsalysis, if the analyst does not reside within two miles of tile residence of such


by carriage, as a packet parcel by rail; or by carriage by aeroplane; or (e) by delivery to the ausalyst by a messenger; Provided that in all cases time sample of food am du-ug shall be securely packed and shall be scaled by the person requiring the analysis to be made. Tue aaalyst receiving such sample shall furnish to the person requiring the analysis, a certificate as to whether the package was received by him with the seal intact or otherwise.


Dedication and Cancellation of Lots. Department of Lands and Surveys, Perth, 9th July, 1941. HIS Excellency tile Lieutenant-Governor in Executive Council has been pleased to approve of the following dedications and caiscehlation, under the provisions of

section 7 of tile Workers' 1-lomnes Aet, 1911, to tile pur-

poses of tile said Act:Corres. No. 2030/34:Swan Locations 4628 to 4639 imselusive (being late Lots 38, 39, and parts each of Lots 29 and 40 of Swan Location 70) Corres. 720/41 :--Gerahilton Lot 1028, cancelled.

C. L. NEEDHAM, TInder Secretary for Lands.



GOVERNMENT LAND SALES. THE underinentioncil allotments of land will be offered for sale at pul lie auction on the dates and at the places specified below, under the provisions of (lie Land Act, 1933-1939, and its regulations:-

Pinner. ('Icaries; 342/10.53; Narrogin 245; abandoned; 41 19/40; Narrogin.

Pitchers, 0. V.: 39684/5.5; Yilgarn 91; £134 'Is. Sd.: 4240/22; 35/80, E4. Pitchers, 0. V.: 18200/68: Yilgarn 273; £93 us. Gd.; 1258/23: 33/80, E4. James: 338/884; Rothsay 75; abandoned; 1685/3-1; Rothsay. Sproge, Richard; 342/910; Iclanjimup 247; £13 lOs. 0(1.; 333/39; Man jimup. 'I'lce Commissioners of the Agricultural Bank; 394/1229; Shea,


25th July, 1941, at 1]. a.m., at the Mining Registrar's OfficeiCoolgnrdieToivn 13] 4, 3Op., £12 lOs. DENMARK.

4 p.m., at the Agricultural Bank:Denmark-349, 3Oa. Jr. 20p., £45.

2.5th July, 19-11,

[JULY 18, 1941.


Gregory; £28 lOs. 8(1.; 2720/37; 97/300. The Commonwealth of Australia; 784/42; Yilgarce 1320; abandoned: (169/12; 53/80, C4.

Treasure. C. IV.; 41051/55; Roe 395 and 396; £67 Os. 8(1.; 1623/24; 376/80, Fl acid 345/SO, F4. Treasure,


8th A ugust, 1941, at 11 n.m., at the Department of Lands and Surveys3Iosmaij ParkTown (cr. Edevvna a nd 'lope etrects) 317, about 2Op., £50.

Swan (Tuart 1Iihl)Suburljaic 4(110, 4041,

C. IV.;

68/3525; Roe 1298; £4 19s. 4d.;

294/32; 376/80, El. Wright. W. II.; 348/880; Roe 1102, 1103, acid 1410; £1 13s. 6(1.; 1433/38; 375/80, El. 0. L. NEEDRAM, [cider Secretary for Lands.

each, £10 each.

'Suburhan lot for cultivation. Subject to leasehold conditions only and that the

lessee shall not be entitled to convert the lot to fee simple at any futui'e date. :Tlie provision of clause 22 of the regulations for the sale or leasing of Town acid Suburban lands at auction

shall not apply at the sale of these lots.

Al] improvements on the land offered for sale are the

property of the Crown and shall be paid for as the Minister may direct, whose valuation shall be final and binding on the purchaser.

Plans and further particulars of these sales may be Land sold to a depth of 200 feet below the natural surface, except in mining dis tricts, where it is granted to a depth of 40 feet or 20 obtained at this Office. feet only.

0. L. NEEDHAM, Under Secretary for Lands.

FORFEITURES. THE underncentioned Leases leave been cancelled under section 23 of the Land Act, 1933-1939, for non-payment of rent or other reasons.

Name, Lease No., District, Reason, Corres. No., Plan. Bassett, A. II.; 332/539; Gaseoyne; abandoned; 1623/38; Locations near Carnarvocc. Bozich, Ante; 3117/2170; Agnew 10;



therein set forth:700/41. HERDSMAN LAKE.No.

Browning, Henry; 20/1296; Yanclanooka Estate 13 and 11: £1,125 us. 10(1.; 3162/17; 123/80, D & E2.



Departncent of Lands and Surveys, Perth, 16th July, 1941. Corr. 1070/01. IllS Exeehlenec' the jieuteaant-Goverccor in Executive Council has been pleased to approve, under section 37 of the Land Act, 1933-1939, of the cancellation of Reserve

No. 20645 (Hopetoun Lots 54 aced 55), ''Railways

Officials' Quarters.''

0(1.: 2383/16; Collie-Cardiff.

1(1.; 5002/13; Collie-Cardiff. Grant, C. 'F.; 3117/2558; Welbungin 24; £1 1 2s. 0(1.; 2347/38; Welbungin. Ilearn, \Villiam ; 8594/74; Williams 3877: non-compliance with conditions; 9030/06; 378D/40, A4. .Joncs, E. C.: 68/2022; Plantagenet 4402 and 4577; £26 3s. Gd.; 3734/29; 445/80, D & E4. Knight, T. D.; 21948/68; Avon 15645 acid 15651: £84 Os. Od.; 2683/27; 35/80, C4. Knight, T. D.; 25653/74; Avon 25632; abandoned; 3204/27; 5.5/SO, C4. Lord, J. R.; 3108/464; Esperance: 1826/38; 429 & 430/SO.









Sheet 2. Mowle, Douglas; 348/458; Ninghan 3750; £35 15s. 4d.; 248/35; 66/80, F4 & 67/80, A4. Pearce, ,J. 11.; 3117/3256; Big Bell 52; abandoned;

3973/40; Big Bell.


BEVERLEY LAND AGENCY. Grazing Purposes. Section 32 of thee Land Act, 1933-1939.

Department of Lands and Surveys,

Perth, 16th July, 1941. Corr. 108/91. 'FENDERS for the leasing of the land comprised withciec Reserve No. 2674 (Beverley Lots 2.6, 27, 28, need 29) acid

portion of Reserve No. 757 (Beverhey Lots 30, 31, 33, and 34), situated at Beverhey, containing about 3 acres 1 rood 22 perches, arc iecvited.

The above land will be available for leasiceg under

.sectiocc 32 of thee Land Act, 1933-1939, for a term of one

i-ear, renewable thereafter at thee will of tice Hon. the Minister for Lands acid terminable at three months' notice, rent being apportioned accordingly, and no compensation being payable for improvements effected at tice expiration of the lease or tice sooner determiccatioii thereof.


Macham, Joseph; 68/956; Ninghan 3(178; £73 12s. 8d.; 4221/28; 67/SO. Macbane. Joseph; 74/534; Ninghaa 3411; abandoned: 5996/28; 67/80. Slachain, .Josephi; 347/2806; Ninglian 3077; £2 Os. Od.; 80/40; 67/80, B4. Martin, E. A.; 3117/3031; Kalgoorhe 1717; non-coneph

(Plaic Hopetoun Townsite.) 0. L. NEEDHAM, Under Secretary for Lands.



Ferguson, Peter; 2284/153; Collie-Cardiff 360: £2 8e.


0. L. NEEDHAM, Under Secretary for Lands.

1346/20; 54/80, A & B4. (.hrisp, C. IV.; 12454/56; Avon 15387; £110 OS. 6(1.; 1.346/20; 54/80, A4. ('hrisp, G. IV.; 347/2868; Avon 15388 acid 24841; aban-

doned; 2375/39; 54/80, A & B4. Ferguson, Peter; 1688/153C; Collie-Cardiff 299; £2 Os.


Yard) .Lots 21] to 216, inclusive, acid 218 to 223 inclusive (7a. 2r. G.ip.). (Plan Herdsman Lake.) Reserve No. 20776 (Excepted from Sale) is hereby can-


1631/37; Agnew.

(hrisp, C. IV.; 36762/55: Avon 15386; £99 lOs.


Department of Lands and Surveys, Perth, 16th July, 1941. f-I IS Excellency Bce Lieutenant-Governor in Executive Council has been pleased to set apart as a public Reserve the land described in ticc Schedule below for the purpose

Tenders for the above, accompanied by one year's

cut (thee lceiuimnm amount being fixed

at the rate of

else paused tees shillings), indorsed ' ' Tender for Reserve

No. 2674 and portion of Reserve No. 757, shown


Public Plan, Beverle1- Toweesite, ' ' and addressed ''Under

Secretary for Lands,'' must be lodged at the Lands

Office, Beverley, on em' before Wedecesday, 6th



All tenders lodged on or before ticat date u-ill be te'ented as having been received on that date aecd the highest or amey tender will not necessarily be accepted. (Place Beverle- Townsite.)

0. L. NEEDHAM, Under Secretary for Lands.


JULY 18, 1941.1

TENDERS FOR LEASING RESERVE No. 3802. PERTh L\ NI) AGENCY. nipping ml C raci ,Ig Pu 'poses. bection 512 of time Land Art, I 933-1030.

LAND A(''i', 1033 1039, an tin cut o 1' Lan ds',m lId Sur revs.

illS Excellency

Perth, 16th July. 1941.

TENDERS for the leasing of the land eoni1irised vitliin

Reserve No. 3S02 (situated


the ('apel River


Boronia Bridge Site). eomitainiug about 21)7 a ores, arc invited. file above Reservc will be available for leasing in

two portions (a) that portion situate north of

Perth, 16th .Immly. 1011.

Lands ScG4/c) L

Dcliii rtmeimt of Lauds and Surdeys, Core, 6593/96.



river, (b) that portion situ te south of the nivem , under section 32 of the Land Act, 1033-1939, for a term of five (5) years subject to tile following conditions (1) That standing timber exceeding mile inches ill diameter shall not be destroyed; (2), all existing inn prorements innst be maintaiied (3), no colimpeilsation will he payable for any improvements effected at the expiration or sooner determination of the lease (4), the lease maY he termuinted at tIme will of the Minister for Lands by twelve (12) months' notice. 'fenders for tile above, accompanied by one year's rent (tile ininunuin amount being fixed at tile rate of three pounds (for portion a) and elgist pounds (for portion b) per nuituin) , iudorsecl ' Tender for Reserve No. 3802 (or portion thereof) , siniwn on Public Plan 414A/40, A2,'' and addressed Under Secretary for Lands,'' must be lodged at the Lands Office, Perth, osm m before Wednesday, Otis August. 1941. All tenders lodged on 01' before that (late will be treated as having been received on. that date, 'fime highest or any tender will not necessarily he accepted. (Plan 414A/40, A2.) C. U. NItEDHASI, iJnder Secretary for Lands.

APPLICATIONS FOR LEASING LOTS AT NARNGULU. GERA UPTON LAND AGENCY. Cultivation Purposes. Section 117 of time Land Act, 1933-1939.

in Council, acting pursiulilt Act, 19331030. has been pleased to approve of the amendment by tile Broomne iload Board. ms Board of Management of lIcai'm'vc' No. 1331, if tim" hv-law'i 'nade linGer time said Act a nil pimblisilell ill the Goa'eimi hum?! GazeD c Oil the

day of November, ]h11i,and a mended by slot ice ill time Go r cr1111 cu / Go ;c f/c on the 12th day

14tl1 I

tile Lieutenani -Governor to sect 1011 .34 it tile Laud

111)1 isli cii

of .Jamluarv. 1923, ill Sri med mile

All applications lodged on or before that date will

set forth




I ;IICOME COMMON (RESERV B 1131). By-laws.

'file Brouunc Road Board, as the Board of Manageimmemit of the Bm'oomue ('ommon, do ilereby. under tile pro-

visiolls of section 451 of the Land Act, 1898, amend time 11 ro 01111' Commo Il By-i:m 0'S ill

ti me

01 a imimer mentio lied ill

the S I module he reuim den, Schiedmmle.

'lile Bromummie C onunom Dy-laws (gazetted .L Itim Noveaihem', 1919). arm' :mmmmemmileil h inserting two new regulatiomms, to

si niml as regulations 19a and 101), after regu-

lal ion 19, ms follows:19:1. No person shall remove gravel, stone. eai'tlm. etc., from within tile Common boundary without Imavi mg first olit:mined tile wnitteim permission of tile Board. LOu,

Tile Board m'eserves the right to prescribe areas atoll e, oill'th, etc.. 11111)' ii,' taken.

wi ic Ii g m'avel

no 'ml

Pissed he tile Bl'oouie Road Tloa rd oum time 24tim day ot' February, 1941. F. de B. NORMAN, Chairman. P. IIUCKINGHAM, Secretary.

Department of Lands and Surveys, Perth, 9th .July, 1941.

more than two blocks may lie held by one lessee; (2), the lessee shall llili'C mio right of pui'chase or renewal of tho lease; (3). all improvements WhiCil cannot )e rciuovcd at tile expiration of tile lease shall hem'anme tIme property of tile Crown. Applications fom' the lots, accompanied by one year's 'cut, must be lodged at the Lands Office. Geraldton, on or before Wednesday, 30th July, 1911,


[5114cr Secretary fol' Lands.

LAND AC'l', 1933-1939.

Corn. 3133/00.

APPLICATIONS for the leasing of time lots ill the Schedule hereunder (situated at Na rngulu) are invited. Tile lots will be available for leasing under section 117 of tIle Land ,ict, 11513-1039, for a term of ten (10) years, sub,ect to tie following- cou,litious (1), Not


I lereu uder.

Departnmellt mmt' Lands 111111

Lands 644/09. Exeelieuey

1-I IS



i'ci'th, 1 6th July, 1941. Lieutenant-Governor in Council,

acting 1um'siiamit to section 34 of time Land Act, 193319519, has been pleased to approve of time by-laws made

imnder time said Act by the Muilew'a Road Board as Board of Managcmneimt of Reserve No. 12902 as set iii the Schedule hc'reimader.

C. L. NEEDIIAM, Cinder Secretary for Lands. Schedule.

he treated as having been receiverl on that date, (Plan Yarngulu Townsite.) ft L. NEEDHAM, Under Secretary for Lands,

'file Muilewa Road Board, as a Doal'd of Slanageillent. does hereby, under the provisions of section 34 of tile Land Act, 1.933-1939, and any amendments thereof, make nd publish tile following by-laws of a Common, being Rcserve 12902:1. These by-laws shlafl be known as the Muilewa


Northern Common By-law's. The foilow'ing wom'ds and expressions used in these by-

Lot No.










10 10





82 83 84 86 87

9 10

88 89 90

9 9

12 15 9

339 339

Annual Rental, 4


















339 339 223

.. .. .. .. ..




. .



0 0 0 0









315 0 310 315


laws shah, unless repugnant to tile context thereof, have

the meaning set against theuc respectively:

Owner,' ' tile pem'son being in possession on having

control, management, 01' custody of amumais or stock.

Great Cattle'' shall mean horse, mare, gcldiig, colt, filly, ass, mmlnlc, ox, cow, bull, heifer, camel,


deer, and foal, iahi Cattle' ' sil:uIl mean )'llnl, ewe, sheep, wether,

lamb, goat, kid, or pig. Travelhng stock'' shall mean any stock taken om' driven, or about to he taken 01' driven to any

place more thman 30 IllileS from tile place upon ii'bicii such stock was depasturing. 'Road Boai'd'' shall mean tile Muflew-a Road Board, howsoever constituted, its successors 01' a ssigns.



IJuLY 18, 1941.

Coinnion ''All that piece of land under the control and management of the Mullewa Road Board and being the whole of the land con-

The owner, person, or persons of any stock dying cii the Connnon shall he liable for tile removal of same,

Teamster'' shall mean any driver of any teani of

law if necessary. The owner, peison, or persons granted permission under these by-laws shall be solely responsible for any

tahied in Reserve 12902.

horses, mules and donkeys, or bullocks actively

engaged in plying for hire or carrying goods, whether as owner, nsaster, lessee, contractor or servant.

Banger'' shall mean any person appointed by the Road Board or lessee of the Common tar the time being.

Secretary'' shall mean the secretary of the Board or the person acting for the time being in that capacity.

Constable'' shall mean any officer or member of the Police Force. All stock running oil the Common otherwise than

in accordance with these by-laws shall he treated as trespassing stock, and shall be subject to the Cattle Trespass, Fencing, and Impounding Act, 1882, and its

amendments, and may be treated and dealt with as provided for by the said Act or these by-laws, or otherwise, according to Law.

No owner or persons shall depasture any stock

upon the Common or aisy part thereof without first haying givels notice in writing setting out particulars, brands, and marks, and obtaining permission from the secretary of the Board in writmg. With the exception of stock owned b bona fdcic travellers, travelling teamsters, and, as hereinafter provided, no stock of any description shall be to run or depastnre on the Common, excepting as provided for under the section dealing with ''Mass Depasture. Bona fide travellers or teamsters stock shall be allowed to depasture for a period not exceeding seven days.

Any person or persons having permission to run

stock on tile Common may change such stock from time to time, providiisg- he or they do not at any time exceed

the ilumber allowed by these by-laws and that all fees prescribed have been paid, and, furthermore, that notice in writing has been given to the Board setting out particulars as regards brands aisd marks of stock replacing

stock presiously registered. All stock, with the exception of those travelling to and from the railways, shall be allowed to cross the Common conditionally that the owner or drover in charge

of such stock gives written notice to the Board of his intention to travel such stock thereon. The Board shall not be responsible or liable for any damage or loss sustained by any person, by reason of injury or death from any cause whatsoever, of aisy stock traversing os depasturing on the Common under the provisions of these by-laws, and whether pernlisaion

to depasture has or has not been obtained.

The doing by unlicensed pci-soil or persons of aiiy

act or thing for which a license may be granted under the provisions of these by-laws is prolubited, and any unlicensed pci-soil or persons doing inch things shall be guilts- of an offence against these by-laws. Any stray stock proved to be accidentally on the Common (tIle onus of proof that such stock are accidentally on the Common to be upon the owner) shall not

be liable foi- Common fees, but shall be treated ill all respects as trespassing stock and shall be subject to the Cattle Trespass, Fencing, and Impounding Act, 1882,

and its amendments, and these by-laws. Any pci-soil or persons who shall introduce, cause, or allow to he inti-odncecl or depastured cii the Common any diseased stock, or allow the same to he depastured shall on conviction be liable to a penalty not to exceed

five pounds for each offence and two pounds per head per day of the animals affected for a coistinuation of

the offence, but not more than twenty pounds in the

aggregate. Any person or persons killing stock taken off the Comnson must render to the seci-ctai-y or 1-auger, on each

Monday of every week, a list of brands of each stock killed, and the secretary or ranger shall have the right to inspect the hides of any stock killed at any time. Every person, owner, or persons having pe-nsission to depasture such stock under these by-laws shall produce his permit, upon being required so to do by the Road Board, secretary, i-anger, or constable.

failing which the Board may remove such dead stock and recover the cost of such removal from the owner by act or trespass on any adjoining lands to the Common, or an damage done to adjoining lands. 'Mass depastnring' ' It shall be within tile prosicc of tile Board to call tenders fm the leasing of the whole of tIle Common from time to time fom any period not to exceed in tenure a term of six months continuously, the Boai-d to he sole judge as to the merits of the claims by each person or persons tendering, the highest os any tender not being necessarily accepted, but the teisder of a lesser sum of five pounds for the period

herein mentioned shall not he accepted, unless under

exceptional ci-cumstaslces acceptable to the Board. Tins 1srisdlege shall only apply to pastorahists and only durmg distressed periods.

All moneys for fees and expenses owing to the Board or the lessee of the Common for the time being snider these by-laws for the depasturing of stock on this Common, or other eXpelises incurred iii connection thiemeof

under these by-laws, shall constitute a debt to the said Board or lessee, and be recoverable by civil action, at the suit of the Board ot' lessee, in any Court of competent jurisdiction. iS. Any person who by act ol omission contravenes

ally of these by-laws shall he guilty of ass offence against these by-laws, and, where no particular penalty is p1-cscribed in these by-laws for such offence, shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding five pounds and, in addition, to a daiiy penalty of two pounds whilst such offence contimsues: provided that an aggregate penalty imposed shall not exceed twenty pounds. The secretary, lessee, or ranger sllall at any time, with tile approval of the Board, have authority to

take legal proceedings for the recovery of fees unpaid, oi- tile recovery of any fine oi- penalty for the breacil of the within by-laws, or any of them. All existing by-laws ill respect to tllis Common which may have been liladle fl-Oils tulle to time are hereby

repealed as from the date of the publication of these

by-laws in the Government Gazette.

Made and passed by resolution of the Mullewa Road Board at a meeting Ileld on the 8th March, 1941. 4. H. TURLEY, Vice-Chairman.

P. F. ROOKE, Be er eta my.

LAND ACT, 1933-1939. Departnsent of Lands and Suiveys, Pei-th, 16th July, 1941. Lands 2048/13. HIS Excellency the Lientellant-Governor in Council, acting pursuant to seCt1011 34 of the Land Act, 19331.939, has been pleased to appl-ove of thse by-laws made

nudes' the said Act by the Westonia Road Board as a Board of Management of Reserve No. 14983 as set out in the Schedule hereunder. G. L. NEEDHAM, Under Secretary for Lands. Schedule.

The Westonia Road Board, as a Board of Management of Westonia Common, being Reseive No. 14983, does

hereby, uudei- the piovisions of sectioli 34 of the

Landi Act, 1933-1939, and ally amendments thereof, nlakc and publish the following by-laws for the regulation aiiil nsanagenient of the Westonia Common:

WESTONIA COMMON. Commencement.

These by-laws shall commence operation immediately upon tlleir eonflrniation and approval by the Governor audi publication in the Govem-nment Gazette.


"Owner'' means any person who has any tent,

camp, om. other habitation or building on th Westoni Common, or is in the actual occupation of any portion of tile Westonia Common.


Junv 18, 1941.1

Building' ' means and includes erection, structure, detached room, outbuilding, hoarding, and every structure of whatever kind capable of affording protection, either roofed or intended or adapted to be roofed, and

whether enclosed by a roof or not, and every part of

such structure and any addition or alteration thereto. erect


Appointnmcnt of Bush Fire Control Officers. Con. Nos. 2601/40, 3870/40, and 3844/40. IT is hereby notified, for general information, that the undermnentioned Road Boards have appointed the following gentlemen as Bush Pu-c Control Officers ilc their

respective Read Districts:-

Beverley Road Boai-d :-Leonarcl William Doncoim vice

No Building to be Erected. No person shall \Vestonia Common.


Mm-. B. C. Done-on.


on the

Existing Buildings.

Subject to by-law 5 of these by-laws, no person shall occupy, or perniit to be occupied any building on the Westonia Common Provided that this clause shall tint prevent any person actually occupying- a building on the Westonia Common at the time of coming into operation of these by-laws from continuing such occupation.

Cm-anbrook Road Board :-Messrs. Geom-ge Alexanclei-

Swiney and William A. Vernon vice Messrs. F. Hadley and George Irving. Sloora Road Board:-Mr. IV. J. Hockridge.


G. L. NEEDHAM, Under Secretary for Lands.

B1JSII FIRES AMENDMENT ACT, 1940. Appointment of Member of Advisory Committee.

Jepartmcnt of Lands and Surveys,

Perth, 16th July, 1941. IT is Item-eby notificd that His Excellency the LieutenantGovernor in Executive Council has been pleased to Con-es. 1938/39.

Notice to remove Building. 3. (a) If ally building shall be wholly or partly built or erected contrary to the provisions of these by-laws; or

(h) If any person actually occupying a building Oil the Westonia Common under the provisions of by-law 4 of these by-laws shall cease to occupy such building; then the Board, or any officer thereof, may give to the owner, or leave upon tile site of such building, notice in writing requirmg the pulling down or removal of such building within such time as is limited in such notice, and such owner shall comply with such notice iiithtin the time therein limited. Power of Board whei-e Building is contrary to By-law.

If default shall be made in complying with any

notice mentioned in the last preceding clause, then, notwithstanding the imposition or recovery of any penalty,

it shall be lawful for time said Board, by its surveyor, officer, or other authorised agent or agents, to enter upon any building and oil tile site thereof with a sufficient imumber of workmen, and for that purpose, to break down ally fence surrounding the land oii which the building is situate, and to demolish and pull down the said building, and to do any other act that may be necessary for the purpose and to remove the materials thereof to some convenient place, and if the Board in its discretion thinks fit, to sell the same in such mnauhlel

as it thinks fit, and all expenses incurred by the Board, its surveyor, officer, or other authoriseci agent or agents in demolishing and pulling clown the said building and selling the same, and in doing other acts as aforesaid, and all fees and penalties due by time bwnctl, may be deducted and retained by the Board out of the proceeds of such sale, and the Board siFall restore the surplus (if ammy) arising ftomn such sale to such owner or other per-

son legally entitled thereto, on demand, and any deficiency shall be made good and paid by tIme owner to the Board oil denmand.


Every person who does, permits, or suffers any act, matter, or anything contrary to these by-laws, or commits or permits any breach or neglect them-eof, shall he guilty of an offence against these by-laws, and shall he liable to a penalty of £5 for any hi-each

thereof, and £2 a clay for a continuing breach, but not mole than £20 in the aggregate.

appoint, under section 4 of the above Act, Mr. W. IV. Vickem-y, Chief Inspector of time South-West, as a memher of The lhmral Fires Prevention Advisory Committee in lieu ,f the Cli nil-man Agri cultum-a 1 Bank.

G. L. NEEDHAM, Under Secretam-y for Lands.


Department of Lands and Surveys,

Perth, 15th .Iuly, 1941.

Plans 6/80, 23/80, 24/80, 35/80, 36/80, 53/80, amid 54/SO.

Con-. 1520/38.

IT is hereby notified, for public information, that all vacant locations in the Jilbadji, Yilgarn, Yilgarn Agricultural Area and Leake Districts, which are in the Southern Cross Land District, have been withdrawn from

leasing and selection, and the following locations have been withdrawn frommm i-eselection :-

Jilbadji Locations on Plan 23/80: -252, 497,


289, 286, 636, 480, 487, 533, 263, 264, 274, 437, 443, 460, 459, 461, 462, 472, 370, 388, 438, 479, 428, 435, 458, 457, 456, 449, 464, 465, 408, 421, 425. Jilbadji Locations on Plan 36/80 :-277, 267, 63, 301, 249, 245, 276, 281, 371, 378, 365, 366, 230, 618, 623, 624, 625, 626, 629.

.Jilbadji Locations on Plan 6/80 :-556, 567, 564, 565,

476, 558.

Jilbadji Locations on Plasm 24/80 :-135, 138, 121, 25, 30, 112, 144, 162, 151, 164, 120, 161, 165, 159, 150, 142, 286, 145.

Yilgarn Locations on Plan 36/80 :-708, 703, 1303,

1285, 991, 974, 1003, 1004, 1313, 1130, 775, 1016, 496, 1288, 702, 701, 700, 699, 1149, 1141, 590, 588, 1311, 585, 1021, 586, 1096, 1264, 1267, 1140, 976, 1271, 962, 961, 1305, 1314, 1129, 756, 495, 1143, 572, 571, 1101, 584, 1095, 1274, 1023, 1321, 1322, 1293, 1126, 1135, 1112, 1262, 1113, 1270, 1287, 1276, 1297, 1260, 1304, 1290, 445, 1329, 495, 1011, 1093, 1087, 1085, 1108, 416, 556, 1137, 452, 501, 502, 1133, 1307, 429, 1015, 427, 417, 507, 510, 511, 512, 513, 509, 1145, 505, 504, 717, 718, 719, 720, 721, 722, 723, 724, 725, 726, 421, 760, 1082, 727, 728.

Yilgam-n Agricultural Area Lots on Plan 36/80 :-3, 46, 47, 48, 49, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, A resolution adopting time foregoing hy.laivs was passed by the Board on the 8th day of March, 1941.

P. A. DAVIES, Chairman.

J M. BARTLEY, Secretary.

67, 68, 69, 70. Yilgann Locations omm Plan 53/80 :-1050, 1066, 1067, 1068, 1061, 1062, 1074, 1073, 1332, 598, 599, 600, 601,

602, 603, 682, 628, 626, 624, 623, 622, 613, 617, 612, 1077, 616, 738, 673, 737, 674, 1327, 736, 1282, 668, 669, 665, 663, 662, 661, 659, 660, 670, 1277, 1272, 1268, 1138, 1312.

Yilgarn Locations on Plan 54/80 :-369, 366,


762, 1198, 764, 1059, 1074, 384.

THE BUSH FIRES ACT, 1937. Appointment of Bush Fire Brigade Personnel. Department of Lands and Surveys,

Perth, 16th July, 1941. IT is hereby notified, for general information, that time Corres. No. 2601/40.

Bevcrley Road Board has appointed Mr. Owen Broun

in lieu of Mr. L. W. Doncon as a Lieutenant of the Dale Ward Bush Fire Brigade.

Yilgarn Locations on Plan 35/80 :-757,

186, 187,

188, 182, 201, 797, 277, 132, 801, 310, 776, 302, 303, 301, 293, 294, 291, 784, 169, 170, 791, 285, 782, 157, 142, 330, 299, 1000, 295, 790, 1003, 786, 785, 1313, 783, 793, 496, 775, 777, 1288.

Leake Locations on Plasm 6/80:-i, 18. G. L. NEEDHAM, Under Secretary for Lands.

OQ\ E1tN\IF\'J'


TIlE LANI ACT. 1933-1939. Naming of tout1i-\Vestern llighwr 1)epa rtmuent of Lan mlii 0 Surveys. Curs-es, No. 1690/10, Perth, 0th July, 1941.

IT is hereby notified that His Excellency the Lieutenant-

Council has been pleased Li

in Executive



[JLLV 18, 1941.

LAND OPEN FOR SELECTION. IT is hereby notified, for general information, that the areas scheduled hereunder are available for selection under Part V. of time Land Act, 1933-1939, and the m'ogula tiomms

appertaining them'eto, subject to the pro-

visions of the said Act.

Applications must be lodged at the Land Agency

;ippi'o'e. under section 10 of the above Act, of the main road from Armadale to Pemberton via Pin jarra liarvoy, Ph'ton Junction, Boyaunp. Donnybrook, Bridge-

Office as specified hereunder not later than the date specified, hut mar be lodged before such date if so


ilesj red.

road at A rmadale to its junction with [irockmau street.

All applications lodged on or before such date will be (rented as having been received on the closing day, and if there are immure applicants than one for any block, the

and Slaimfimaul) being named ' ' South-Western highway ' ' from its cant nmuatnon with tIme Perth-Albany

Pemherton ; and such road shall hereafter he known am) distinguished as ' ' South-Western higlnvas- ' ' accord-

ingly, time following names being thereby superseded: Perth Bunbnrv road, Ommanncy road (Wellington Location 1), Blackwood road (Dardauup) , Preston road (Bo,vanup) ,





street (Mullalvup), Fir idgetown road (Balingnp), Blackwood road (Creenhushes), and Tlalharrup road (Bridgetown).

0. L. NEEDIIAM. TJiider Sccretai'y for Lands.

LOTS OPEN FOR SALE. 1 )ei a rtmiiemmt of' Lands and Surveys, Perth, 16th July, 19-11. IT is lierehy notified for general information, that the unitermenlioned lots are now open fm sale, under the conditions specified, by puh1i auction, as pi'ovidecl by (he Land Act, 1933-1 939, at time following upset prices: Applications to he lodged ml Geralfiton. (P90/12,

1KSERATimivn, 14, 24 mmmd 25, liii each; 4. £10; biihurheii for ('nitivatiomi, 39 (7a. 2i'. 26p.), £30; 31 PP. 3i-. 339.), and 32 (Ga. Jr. XOp.) , £23 (is. 8d each; 3 (So .3r. 33p.), £20, A pplieat ions (0 4147/93.

he lodged at Kalgoorhie.

('OOL(IXII 1)1 kTown, 138 (Lindsay street), £12 1 (Is,: Reserve P97' (Water) is hereby cancelled.

Applications to he lodged at Nortbam, 10453/08, Vol. 3. WVALKArPC[1 EMSuburban (TO acres), £30.


Cnitivation, 232

application to be granted will be determined by the

Laud Board. Should any lands remain unselected such mmill eontinmmc avmilable until applied for or otimem'wise dealt svith. If a Laimd Board sitting becomes necessary, tile appli-

cants for the blocks will be duly notified of time date, time, and place of time meeting of the Board, and theme shall be an interval of at least three days between the closing date amid the sitting of the Board.

If on applicant wishes to appeal' before the Land

Board in pem'son lie may apply to time Head Office or to the Clerk in Charge of any of time District or Branch Land Offices fom' a certificate to the Railway Departnmcnt which, on presentation at time nearest Railw'ay Station will entitle him to a Return Ticket at Concession Rates, to the place where the Board will sit, avail' able for seven days from the date of issue. TIme selector of a 1-lonmestoad Farni from any location immimst take tIme balance thereof, if ally, under Conditional Purchase. All marketable timber, iaeludimmg sandalwood and mallet, is reserved to time Crown, subject to time pr visiomms of cia misc

IS of time regulations. SCHEDULE.

NOW OPEN. PERTh LAN)) AGENCY. Victoria District. Corr. No. 1171/40. (Plan 89/SO, El.)

Loo;mtiomms 1062, 4Ob3, and 4438, containing 2,108a., at is, per acre; File 166/41; subject to Agricultural Bank amid

I XiS. indebtedness; being- B. 0. S. Chnm-

herlaimm 's forfeited Leases 12404/56 amid 36769/55,

A pphicatimis to he lodged at Perth 898/99,

ol. 2,

SIOSIIAN PARN_r1ovn, 377 (cc. Eciwyna and hope streets), £30. J'lans showing- the arrangement of the lots referred to are now obtainable at this ofhice and the offices of (lie various Government Land Agents.

0. L. NEEDJIAM, Under Secretary for Lands,

LOTS OPEN I'Oli LEASING. Department of Lands anti Surveys, Perth, 16th July, 1941. is imci'ehv notified, for general information, that the


uisdcruicmmtsoiied lots

Ningiman Disti'ict. Com-r. No, 1171/40.

imig to these toeatiomms.

WEDNESDAY, 23rd JULY, 1941. ALBANY LAND AGENCY. Plmmntagcumet District (about 20 miles sommtlmeast of Bom'den).

arc now open for leasing, under

the conditions specified, by public auction, as provided by time Land Act, 1933-1939, at tIme following capital unimproved values: Applications to be lodged at Perth. 3637/97, Vol. 4. WIL UNATown, 555, £33; 332, £30; 261, 351, 41(1,

and 550, £25 each; 518, 545, 577, and 704, £20 cacti; 543, 759, 775, 953, and 1098, £13 each 156, 169, 343, 484, 687, 694, 755, 757, 738, 762, 769, 779, anti 1075, £12 10s. each; subject to payinemit for improvements if any.

Plans showing the arrangenment of time lots referred to

are now obtainable at this office and the offices of the various Govermnent Land Agents.

G. L. NEEDHAM, Under Secretary for Lands.

(Plamm 65/80, C & D2.)

Location 1891, containing 1,000a. Or. 28p., at 6s. 3d. per acre; File 5193/93; amid Location 2574, containing 2,l2tia. 2m'. 2Sp., at 4s. per acre; File 1029/40; subject to Agricultural Bamik and I.A.B. indebtedness. This camim'els the previous Goccrmsmesit Gazette notice relat-

('omi'. No. 8621/1.9. (Plan 446/80, C2.) Lorations 3920, contaimming 4,98Oa. 3m'. 3p., at 3s. 6d.

imer acre; classification page 11 of File 8621/19; subject to poynmcmmt tom' iumpm'ovemnemmts, if any.

This cancels

time pm'eviomms Govcrnsmmcnt Gazette notice m'eiating to this toe ation.


miles north of Narahing). (Plan 160D/40, C4.) Location 6902, comitniuming 294a. Or. lip., at 4s. Pd. l°" acme; classification page 5 of File 2040/19; subject to exemption from road i'ates for two yeas's from date Victom'ia Distm'iet (about 3 Coi'm'. Ne. 1553/37.

of approval of application; being H. K., A. W., N. H. Matthees' fom'feitecl Lease 347/1137.

,JULY 18, 1941,



Villiains ljjstrjct (a bout seven miles south of Noulans) Corr. No. 2644/17. (Plan 3S5C/40, E3.) Location 8383, containing 295a., at 8s. Gd. pet' acre;

classification page 42 of File 2614/17, and Location 10731, containing 28a. lr. 2lp., at iSs. per acre; classification page 4 of File 10791/Il ; snbject to Agricultural Bank indebtedness; being B. Beswick 's and V. D. and T. Bailey's forfeited Leases 12224/56 and 10591/56.

\Villinis District (about six wiles south-east of

Williams). Corr. No. 1284/37. (Plan 385D/40, A4.) Location 10537, containing 908a., at 4s. Gd. per acre;

classification pages 23 and 24 of File 1284/37; subject to payment for improvements and to exemption from road rates for two years from date of approval of application; also snbjcct to the condition that the poison must be eradicated to the satisfaction of the Minister for Lands before the Crown Grant will issue; being CSF. Francis' forfeited Lease 34S/693. NORTHAM LAND AGENCY.

Avon District (Dedaring Well). Corr. No. 8525/07. (Plan 30/40, F4.) Reserve 10886, containing 6 acres 1 rood 37 perches, is hereby cancelled and th laud available for selection at 15s. per acre, snbject to survey of road and railway

Nelson District (about nine wiles south of Eulin) Cur,-. o. 5320/23. (Plait 438B/4O, El.) Location 9794, containing 199a. 2r. 39p., at (is. per acre; classification page 26 of File 5320/23; subject to payment for improvements, if any, and to timber conclitions; being SI.

of the Government to resume for railway or other public purposes any land required and no conipeimsation to be given except for the actual value of any improvements that may be resumed. This cancels the previous (Toyci'ninea1 Gaeite notice i-elating to this location. PERTH LAND AGENCY. Murray District (near Dwellingup). Open under Part V. (sec. 54). Corr. No. 506/40. (Plan 3800/20.) Location 1123, containing 18a. 2i'. l2p., at £1. is. Gd. per acre; subject to payment for improvements, if any;

subject to tiniber conditions; being L. E. Smith's forfeited Lease 354/464.


Yilgarn A.A. District (about 3½ miles north-east of Southern Cross). Corr. No. 1733/38. (Plan 36/80, E2 and 3.)

Locations 46, 47, 56, and 63, containing 1,46Oa., at per acre; subject to payment for improvements (capitalised at £600) and to timber couditions, and also to Goldfields Water Supply firewood conditions; being D. B. Laing 's cancelled application.


F'oley 'S foifeited Lease 19370/68.

Nc'hiomm District (near Kelpa lmmrip Swa nip).

Corr. No. 219/39. (Plan 4380/40, D4.) Location 11331, containing 12Gm. 2r., at Os. pci' acre (excluding survey fee) ; classification page 2-1 of File

219/30; available subject to the usual timber reservation conditions.

Sussex District (about 2½ miles south-west of Vasse). Com'r. No. 2199/37.

(Plamm 413D/4O, 03.)

Location 23S0, containing 144a. is'. i9p., at 5s. per acre; clnssificatio,m page 28 of File 2199/37; subject to payment for improvements, if ally, to timber conditions, ansi to exemption from road rates for two years from date of approval of application; heimig E. A. McAllis. tel's forfeited Lease .347/1664.

WEDNESDAY, 30th JULY, 1941. ALBANY LAND AGENCY. l'l:mmitagenet


Nhmghan District (about 3½ miles ,vest of Bunketli). Corr. No. 5056/26. (Plan 65/SO, A and B2.) Location 2556, containing 2,463a. 3r. 3p., at 3s. Gd. per acre; classifieatio,i page 12 of File 5056/26; subject to Agricultural Bank indebtedness and to the rigid


Diii net (about five miles south-east of Na i-ilk Up) -

(orr. No. 10694/12. (Plan 45]/S0, C2.) Location 1937, containing JCOa,, at lOs. Gd. pet' acre; classification page 6 of 10694/12; subject to Agricultural Bank indebtedness; being G. M. SEeP. William-

son's forfeited Lease 32726/55.

(1 EUALDTON LAND AGENCY. Victoria District (about n lime miiiles south-emistwmm'd of l)o nga nra

orr. No. 1551 /35. (Plaits 124/80, F and F', 2 amid 3.) That pom-tiou of Lot 51364 of Location 2011, contain-

ing about 1,150 acres, bounded by lines commencing at a poimit olte chain north of the nos-th-east corner

of' Location 3943 ansi extcmtdiimg 'rest one chaimi fi-om amid pam-allel to mtoi'tlt boundary of said Location 3943 to,' a distance 0f about 127 chains; themmee north about 90 ehaimms, cast about 127 chains, audi south about 90 ehiaimms to the starting point; available subject to sum-vey, classification, amid pricing, and subject also to time

reservation to the Midland Railway ('omnpany,

1 ftmitcd, of certain mimie,-al i'ights, amid to the Crown,

of gold, silver, arid other precious metals; and further,

flint the ultimate trammsfem- of the fee similple, when the term of any comsditiomial Purchase Lease cxpim'es, will the imiclude the other usual reservatiomis that are pm'os-ided iii time tom',n of (mown grammt foi' rural lands.


WAGIN LAND AGENCY. Roe Disti'iet (about 4'/,, miles south-east of Newdegate). Corr. No. 805/38. (Plan 388/80, 04.)

Location 65, containing 1,017a .31'. 26p., at 7s. 3d. per acre; classification page 15 of File 3243/22, Vol. 1; subject to Agricultural Bank indebtedness and the right of the Government to resume for sailway or other public purposes any land recluired and no compensation to be given except for the actual value of any improvements that may he resumed; being 11. Lee's forfeited Lease 347/1944.

THURSDAY, 24th JULY, 1941. BRIDGETOWN LAND AGENCY. Nelson District (about seven miles north-west of Deanmill). Corr. No. 435/31. (Plan 4390/40, Dl.)

Location 9468, containing lila. ir. iSp., at 15s. per acre; classification page 5 of File 5896/22; subject to timber conditions and to exemption from road rates for two years from date of approval of application; being W. K. Platts' forfeited Lease 74/1238,

Victoria District (about 20 unles north of Mullcwa). Corn. No. 2561/32. (Plan 161 /80, 03.) Locatiosis 9372 and 9386, s'ommtaimng 2,324a. Or. 22p., mit 3s. pen acme; classification page 9 of 2681/30;

subject to paymnemit for imuprovements; being H. C. Rivett's forfeited Lenses 68/3804, amid 74/1636. KAT\NXFNG LAND AGENCY. Kojonup Distm-iet (neal- Towerup Bm-ook). Coi'm'. No. 1100/40.

(Plan 437D/40, A & B3.)

Locations 5068 and 8749, coutainimmg 2,705a. lIp., at 2s. 6d. pci' acre; classification page 6 of Om-.

1735/24; subject to the poisomi beimig eradicated to the

satisfaction of


Minister for Lands befom'e the

('rowmi grant will issue amid to Agnicultum-al Bank indebtedmiess; being Q. A. Dalton's can celled application. NARROGIN LAND AGENCY. Roe Distm-iet (near Lake Cam-Inody). Purr. No. 2463/37. (Phami 375/SO, Dl & 2.) Loeatioims 1130 and 1131, containing' 3,125a. 3m. 17p.,

at 4s. 9c1. pet- acre; subject to Agricultural Bank indcbtcdmtess; being I-i. B. M. Vieker's forfeited Lease 348/7 79.



Williams District. (about one mile west of Noman's Lake Townsite). Corr. No. 709/26. (Plan 385B/40, P2.) Location 14227, containing 49a. 3s'. 4p., at 7g. per

acre; classification page 4 of 709/26; subject to exemption from road rates for two years from date of approval of application; being E. D. T. King's forfeited Lease 68/SIl.

[Jurx 18, 1941.

situate about 20 chains north-eastward of its southern corner and extending north-westward about 32 chains, north-eastward about 32 chains, and south-eastward

about 32 chains to the aforesaid south-castes-n boundary of Reserve 10128, thence south-westward along same to

the starting point, is available for selection, subject to snrvey, pricing, and exclusion of necessary roads. Wellington District (about six miles south of

Rillianis District (about 54 niiles north-west of Dornocls).

(Joi'r. No. 6761/26.

(Plan 376/SO, C3 & 4.)

Locations 14335 and 14336, containing 1,533a. ir. 38p., at 4s. 90. pci acre; classification page 15 of 6761/26; subject to payment for improvements and to

exemption from road rates for two years from date of approval of application; being .1. A. Wilson's forfeited Leases 23081/6S, and 26013/74.

Condering). Cosi. No. 4022/25. (Plan 415B/40, Dl.) Location 4476, containing 473a. 3i-. 4p., at



per acre; classification page 1.3 of 4022/25; subject to payment for improvements, if any, and to timber conditions; being the surrendered portion of H. E. Chapman's Conditional Purchase Lease 21698/68.


Ninghan District (about 161/2 miles north-east of


von District (about five miles north-cast of Lake Brown). Corr. No. 3255/30. (Plan 54/80, B3.

Location 26773, containing 1,352a. lr. 2Sp., at 2s.

3d. per acre; classification page 74 of 3255/30; subject to payment for improvements, if any; being the surrendered portion of T. Pantzalis 's conditional pur-

Wubjn). Con'. No. 965/38. (Plau 89/80, P2.) Location 531, containing 1,000a., at 4s. 60. per acre; classification page 92 of 7332/09; subject to exemption

fioni i-oad rates for two yeas's from date of approval of application and to the Government retaining the

right to resume for s-ailway 01' other public purposes any land required, and no compensation to be given, except

for the actual value of any improvements that may be

1-esumued; being W. .1. Doi'an 's forfeited Lease 347/1991.

chase Lease 68/3041.

Roe District (about 20 miles south-east of Waciderin). Corr. No. 56/41.. (Plans 5/80, F4 & 345/SO, Fl.) Locations 214 and 726, containing 990a. ir. 24p., at 6s. 3d. per acre; classification page 44 of 2178/22;

suheet to Agricultnral Bank indebtedness and to a cropping lease which expires on 28/2/1942; being L. P. S. Candy's cancelled application. SALMON GUMS LAND AGENCY.

Esperanee District (about one mile east of Collier). Corr. No. 616/41.

(Plan 423C-D/20.) 12a.. Ic SOp.; purchase

Location 158, containing dice £5.

Comm. 7024/25.

(Plan 65/80, B & C2 and 3.)

Location 2544 and 2856, containing 2,354a. ii-. 27p.,

at 4s. 3d. pn' acre; classification page 11 of 7024/26; subject to Agricultural Bank indebtedness and to the Government 1-etanung the sight to resume for railway om' other public purposes any land requis-ed, and no com-

pensation to be given, except for tile actual value of

nprovemnents that may he resumed. This cancels the previous Government Gazette notice relating to this loctiou. any

PERTH LAND AGENCY. Oldfleld District (about five miles north-west of Ravensthsos-pe).


Murray District (about seven miles westward of

Drakesbrook). Con. 2846/40. (Plan 383A/3O, Bi.) Location 1356, containing about 600a.; available subject to classification, pricing, and any necessary survey. THURSDAY, 31st JULY, 1941. BRIDGETOWN LAND AGENCY.

Nelson District (about eight miles east of Maujimup). Open under Part V (sec. 47 only). Corr. No.1089/39. (Plan 443A/40, Al.) Location 11326, containing 41a. 2r. 7p., at 65. 60. per acre (excluding smvey fee) ; classification page 16 of Pile 1089/39.


Ninglian District (about one mile cast of Bunketch).

Ccci'. No. 4161/26. (Plans 420/80, El; & 405/80, E4.) Location 391, containing lOPa. ii-. 12p., at 3s. per acre; ciassifteation page 27 of 4161/26; subject to paymnent fom' improvements, if any, and to mining conditions. This cancels the previous Governnment Gazette notice relating to this location. THURSDAY, 7th AUGUST, 1941. BRIDGETOWN LAND AGENCY. Nelson District (about one mile west of Manjimup). Con'. No. 435/31. (Plan Locations near No. 1 State Mill, .lardauup.) Location 9686, containing 112a. 2r. iSp., at 17g. per acmC; classification page 67 of 436/31; subject to timhei- conditions amid to payment for improvements, if any. This cancels the previous Goves-nment Gazette notice rekiting to thus location. G. L. NEEDHAM,

Under Secretary for Lands.


ALBANY LAND AGENCY. Hay District (near Pardelup, about 21 miles south-west of Tenterilen). Corr. No. 1075/38. (Plan 444/80, D4.) Location 1822, containing 410a. Or. Ip., at 3s. 3d. pciacre; classification page 158 of 283/31, Vol. 2; subject to exemption from road rates for two years from date of approval of application, also subject to timber con-

ditions; being F. Pascoe's forfeited Lease.48/853. KATANNING LAND AGENCY.

Ko,Ionup District (at Titicup Soak). Corr. No. 13517/05; Vol. 3. (Plan 418/80, B2.) Reserve 10128 (Water SupplyRabbit-proof Fence) and 14726 (Water Supply) are hereby cancelled and time land contained therein, excluding an area of about 100 acres, bounded by lines commencing at a point on the south-eastern boundary of Reserve 10128 aforesaid,


Under Part VI. of the Land Act, 1933-1939. IT is hereby notified that the land described hereunder will he available for general selection under Part VI. of the Land Act, 1933-1939, on and after the date


WEDNESDAY, 23r0. JULY, 1941. PERTH LAND AGENCY. Eastern Division. Kimluwiri District (fleas' Sandstone). Corres. 2101/24. (Plan 53/300.) That area of unsurveyed land, containing about 20,000, 8,170, and 14,232 acres; being F. G. and W. H. Clinchs' Pastoral Lease Nos. 395/493, 395/495, and 395/492.



18, 1941.]


Eastern Division.


Nabbern District (near Mt. Eureka).

WHEREAS Jesse Lngg, being the owner of land over

Corres. 1/36. (Plan 61/300.) That area of unsurveved land, containing about 166,727 acres, being M. M. Thomson's forfeited Pastoral Lease 395/762.

WEDNESDAY, 20th AUGUST, 1941. PERTH LAND AGENCY. Kiniherley Division.

Mecla District (near Boulder Hill). Corres. 59/38. (Plan 138/300.)

That area of unsurveyed land, containing about 20,000 acres, being N. Buckle 's forfeited Pastoral Lease No. 396/607 subject to payment for improvements, if any.

G. L. NEEDHAM, Under Secretary for Lands.

C}METERIES ACT, 1897, AND AMENDING ACTS. Department of Lands and Surveys, Laud 2569/14. Perth, 16th July, 1941. illS Excellency the Lieutenant-Governor in Council,

along winch the underniemitioned roads in the ROCKINGHAM Road District pass, has applied to the Rockingham Road Board to close the said roads which or

are snore particularly described hereunder, that is to



3761/23; R21: The surveyed road passing along the north-eastern

boundaries of Peel Estate Lot 1278 from the west corner of Lot 85 to the south coiner of Lot 92 on the

north-west bouudai-y of the Di-ain Reserve. Time surveyed road passing along the north-eastern boundary of Peel Estate Lot 1279. The surveyed road passing along the south-eastern lioumidaries of Peel Estate Lot 8.5 from its southermnmiost to its easternmost corner.

The surveyed road extending southward through Peel Estate Lot 1278 from its north-eastern boundary

to and along the castes-n boundary of Lot 33 to the production westward of the northern side of the road

time Nungarimi Cemeter

passing along the south boundary of Lot 1279. (Plans 341D/40 and Wellard Towusite.) AmmO wlm ereas such application has been duly pubI isim ed iii the Government Gazette: Amid whereas time said Board line assented to the said

i'ebrmma ry, l924, in tlic manner set forth in the Schedule

Council line confirmed the said assent:

acting pursuant to the lisions of the Cemeteries Act, 1897, has been pleased to approve of time aniendmeat by

Board of the by-laws made for the managenment of the Nungaria Public Cemetery, as published in the Goveremenf Gazette on the 1st day of licremi ntler.

0. L. NEEDHAM, Under Secretary for Lands.

PP scat iou

And wlierczus the Lieutenant-Governor iii Executive

It is hereby notified that the said i-ends are closed. Dated this iSth day of July, 1941. 0-.


Under Secretary for Lands.


The abovemnentioned regulations are amended by inserting therein, after by-law 7, a new' by-law, to stand mis by-law 7A, as follows:7A, Prior to conducting any interments within the Cemetery, or making use of the Cemetery for any purposes connected with hiterments, every undertaker shall pay to the Trustees an annual fee of live shillings, and shall, at the time of snaking such paymnent, give his consent in writing to such conditions as the Trustees may deem fit to impose. Upon such assent being given and the payment of time fee being made, he shall receive

a permit, tenable during good behaviour and until the thirtieth day of June next following, and unless in possession of such permit no undertaker shall be allowed to

engage in or carry out any duty or work within the Cemnetery.

THE ROAD DISTRICTS ACT, 1919-1939. Closure of Roads.

WE, John Marsh, B. Sehinzig, and Kathleen Jane

Marsh, being the owners of land over or along which

portions of roads hereunder described pass, have

applied to the \Test Arthur Road Board to elose the said portions of roads, viz:-


\riIEIflS time GINGIN Road Board, by resolution

passed ata i)ieetimig of the Board, held at Gingia on

or about tie 1st da

of September, 1939, i-esolved to Ol)Ii time road lmem'einafter described, that is to say:169 3/39.

No. 17 :


(a) Portion of Lot 1 of Swan Location 508 bounded lines colnume.nciug omi the north side of tIme present load at time south-west ciornem- of said lot and extending (as shown on Diagram No. 60910), north 2 chains along its vest boundary; thence l3Sdeg. 55mimm. 2 chains 79.7 links timrougii said lot and 2lOdeg. 17mm. 2 chains along its south hoummdarv to tIme stai-ting point. Iii-


I'ortio,is of Granville Lots 1 amid 2 bounded by

lines commencing at the noi-th-west corner of the former lot and extendimmmg (as shown on Diagram No. 60910),

POcleg. 17mm. 2 chains along its north boundary and

part of time mmorth boundary of Lot 2; tlmemmce 225deg. 48mnin. 2 chains 85.4 links through said lots mind ideg. l0mmmimm. 2

lmmi,ms along time west boundary of tIme former

lot to the starting poumt.

(c) Poçtion of Lot 1 of Swan Location 288 bounded by lines coummueneimig at its south-east cormiem- amid ex-

West Arthur. 16972/10.

\V. 583:-The roads hereunder:The surveyed road along the east and part of the south boundaries of Kojoaup Location 3395 and time east boundary of Location 4410; from a surveyed

road at the north-east corner of the former location,

tending (as shown oil Diagram No. 60910), 27ldeg. 2lmuin. 2 ehaimis, alommg part of its south boundary;

thence 46deg. 22nun. 2 chains 83 links through said lot amid ISideg. 23unn. 2 chains along its east hommndary to tIme starting poimmt.

(Plan 31/80, B4.)

to a surveyed road at the south-east corner of the latter.

The surveyed road along the north boundary of Location 3525, from Road No. 4397 at its north-eastern corner to its north-western corner. (Plan 415B/40,

\VIIEREAS time IRWIN Road Board, by resolution




K. J. MARSH. I, W. H. Nicholls, on behalf of the West Arthur Road Board, hereby assent to the above application to close tIme roads therehi described. W. H. NICHOLLS, Chairmnan West Arthur Road Board. 15th February, 1941.

linseed at a mmieeting of time Boam-d, Imeld at Dongam-a omm

sir about time 8th clay of June, 1936, resolved to open tIme

imereinafter described, that is to say: L. & S. 11922/06. M.R.D. 799/35. No. 11(11: Widenimigs :-

(a) Portion of Victoria Locatiomm 1340 bounded by

hues comnmnemmeimmg on the northern side of the present road 2 ehaimms 71.3 links fiomn the south-eastern cormmer

of said location amid extending (as shown on Diagram No. 59192) 24ldeg. 45unimm. 3 chains 24.3 links, 260deg.

48mimi. I rlmaimm 65.2 limilcs, and 29Sdeg. S4mnin. 3 chains

85.7 links aiommg said side of the present road; thence

S9deg. limnin. 7 mmimaimms 95.8 hales throimgh said location

to time startiimg point.




(0) Portions of Victoria Locations 442 and 270 bounded by lines commencing on the southern side of the

present road in the former location 2 chains 57 links from its eaSt boundary and extending (as shown on Diagram No. 59192) 88deg. 13mm. 2 chains 57 links and l24deg. 3mm. 2 chains 61.6 links along the southern side of said road; thence 2S6deg. 18mm. 4 chains 93.4

links through said locations to the starting point. (c) Portion of Victoria Location 281 bounded liv lines commencing on the northern side of the present road in said location about three chains from the left hank of the Irwin River and extending (as shown on Diagram No. 59193) 225deg. 23mm. 2 chains iS links and 267deg. 53mm. 1 chain 85 links along said side of the present road; thence 64deg. 49mm. 3 chains 75.9 links to the starting point. (cl) Portion of Victoria Location 281 hounded by lines commencing at the intersection of the south-eastern

side of the present road with the western boundary of Reserve No. 897 and extending (as shown on Diagram No. 591 93) southward along the latter's western boundary to its south-western corner; thence east along part of the south boundary of said reserve for a (listance of 2 chains 1.7 links; thence 255deg. 58mm. 4 chains 14.5 links and 233deg. 36mm. 4 chains 6 links through said location; thence 4sdeg. 23mm. about 7 chains along the south-eastern side of the present road to the starting point.

Portion of Victoria Location 713 bounded by lines commencing at its north-western corner and ex-

tending (as show-n on Diagram No. 59193) 67deg. 3mm.

6 chains 16.3 links along its noi-th-western boundary; thence 232deg. 31 mm. 4 chains 21 links and 21 Sdeg. 36mm. 3 chains 76.7 links thi-ough said location; thence 17mm. 3 chains 10.3 links along its west boundary to the starting point. Portion of Victoria Location 1185 bounded by lines connnencing on its south-eastern boundary near the production north of the east boundary of Location 839 and extending (as shown on Diagram No. 59193) G3deg. 27mm. 4 chains 58.7 links, 34deg. 27mm. 4

18. 1941.

011 tile latter's eastern boundary 2 chains 0.9 links from its north-cast corner and extending (as show-n on Diagram No. 60844), 324deg. 44mm. 4 chains 69.2 links through said lots; thence l35deg. 54mm. 2 chains 76 links and lS6deg. 54mm. 2 chains .9 himks along the w-estern side of the preselit road to the starting point. (Plan 341B/40, Dl.) WHEREAS




Boald, by resolution passed at a meetillg of the Board, held at Arnladale oil oi- about tile 6th day of Septembem, 1938, resolved to open the road hereinafter described,

that is to say:158 9/10.

No. 4292:

Deviation :-A strip of land, oie chain wide (widening ill parts), leaving tile pi-esent road on tile west boundary of Canning Location 536, 8 chains 91.5 links fiorn its south-west corner and extending (as shown on Diagram 60806) northward tllrougil said bentiomi (crossing tile old road) to its north boundary;

thence east along the latter boundary to the south-east eorncr of Location 377. Widening :-Portion of Canning Location 495 hounded by lines conmiencing at its s011tll-east corner and extending (as shown on Diagram No. 60806) west 7 chains 73.6 links along part of its soutil boundary; thence 43deg. 17mm. 6 chains 71.7 links and 35deg. 43mm. 5 chains 36.4 links to the east boundary of said location and south along part of said east boundal-y to the starting point. (Plan 341B/40, El.) WHEREAS the WONGAN-BALLIDTJ Road Board, by

resolution passed at a meeting of the Board, held at Wongon Hills on or about the 10th day of March, i939 resolved to open tllc road hereinafter described, tilat 11

to say:-

L. & 5. 674/16; MiLD. 794/38. No. 5616: Widening of part :-Portion of Wongami

chains 35.4 links; thence south-westward along the

Hills Lot 168 bounded by lilies conlrnencing at its south


3720) northward along its western boundary to ith liOl'thl-

nortli-irestern side of the present road to the starting

Portion of Victoria Location 1184 bounded by lines comnlencing at the north-east corner of Reserve No. 229 and extending (as show-n on O.P. No. 5245) (isdeg. 38mm. 3 chains 95.6 links along the south-eastern side of the present road; thence 236deg. 26mm. 4 chains

32.7 links through said location and 8 lain. 76 links

western coraem- and extending (as shown on OP. No,

u-est corner, thence east along part of its north boundary to the western side of the preseirk road; tlielicE southward along the western side of the piesent ioad to the south boundary of said lot; thence west along part cif said south boundary to the starting point. (Plan Wongan Hills Townsite.)

along the eastern boundary of said reserve to tue starting point.

Regazettal of portion :-A strip of land, one chain

wide (w-idening at its commencement), commencing on the south boundary of Victoria Location 681, 10 chains 63.9 links from its south-east corner and extending (as shown On Diagram No. 59220) westward through said location and Locations 457 and 88 to the west houndai-y of tile last-mentioned location. (Plan 124B/40, E2.) WHEREAS tile NORTHAM Road Board, by resolution

passed at a meeting of the Board, held at Northam on or about the 21st day of .January, 1941, resolved to open the road hereinafter described, that is to say:7195/04.

No. 2273: Truncations:(a) Portion of Avon Location P4 bounded by lines commencing at its south-eastern coiner and extending (as silown on Diagram No. 58972), 242deg. 38mm. 87 links alomlg its southern boundary; thence l3deg. 48mm.

1 chain 31.5 links through said location and l72deg-. 23mm. 1 chain 19 links along tile western side of the present road to tile starting point. Portion of Location 362 bounded by lines cornmencing at its south-western corner and extending (as shown on Diagram No. 58972), 352deg. 23miii. 1 chain 4 links along tile eastern side of the present road; thence l88deg. 8mm. 1 chain 28.4 links through said location and 242deg. 31mm. 75 links along its southern boundary to the starting point. (Pian 27C/40, E3.) WHEREAS




Board, by resolution passed at a meeting of the Board, held at Armadale on or about tile 14th day of August, 1939, resolved to open tile road hereinafter described,

that is to say:10084/07.

No. 3197: Widening :-Portions of Lots 142 and 141 of Canning Location 32 bounded by hnes commencing

WHEREAS time ARMADALE-KELMSCOTT Road Boald, by resolutions passed at mncctimmgs of the Board,

held at Armadaic 011 or about the 11th and 12th days of August, 1939, m'csolved to open the road hieieinaftei

described, that is to say:11603/12.

No. 5633: John street (widening of parts) (a) Portions of Lots 150 to 154 (inclusive) of Canlung Location 31 bounded by lines commencing at time western collier of Lot 154 and extending (as shown oil Diagram No. 60845) l24deg. 4mm. 4 chains 77.3 links through said lots to time southern boundary of Lot 150; thence 262deg. 1 chain 14.1 links along pai-t of time southern boundary of said Lot 150 amid 3l5deg. 5mm. 4 chains along the south-western boundary of said Lots 151 to 154 to time starting point. (h) Portion of Canning Location 31, portion of a private road, and portion of Lot 159 of said locatiomm

bounded by lines commencing at the jummctiomm of time

southern side of Johmi street with time western side of the Pertli-Bunbury road, and extendimig (as shown on Diagram No. 60845) soutlmward 2 chains 4 links along the latter; thence 3lSdcg. 5 mm. 2 chaimis 46.5 links;

themmce eastward along the southern side of ,Johimi street

to the starting point. (Plan 341B/40.)

WHEREAS the MTINDARING Road Board, by resolution passed at a meeting of the Board, held at Mundaming on or about the 19th day of Ammgtmst, 1938, m-esoived to opemi the moad hereinafter clscribed, that

is to say:1016/21. No. 6449:

Extension:-A strip of land, one ehaimi wide, widen-

ing at its termimius (as shiowmm on Diagram No. 60737).

heaving a termimmus of the present road at the eastern


.JtTLy 18, 1941.1

corner of Lot 250 of helena Location 201) and extend-

ing (as shown on Land Titles 051cc Plan No. 4524) north-westward along' the north-eastern boundaries of

Lots 250, 249, 248, 220, 227, and 228 to Michael crescent.

I )ovial ion A strip of land, one chain wide, its western side leaving the north-western side of the present

road 34deg .3c hams 4.3 links from the iattei' 's junction with the northern side of Bova crescent and extending (as shown on Diagram No. 60840) 3deg. 59mm. 2 chains 36.2 links, 3lSdeg. 26mm. 63 links, and 289deg. 20mm. I

chain 49.9 links to rejoin a western side of the pre-

sent road. 2r. 38.6p. being resumed from helena Location 20h.

(Plan lC/20, NW.)

(inowangerup on or about the 28th day of November, 1938, resolved to open the road hereinafter described,

tbnt is to say:2611/20.

No. 6465: Regazettal and deviation of part to agree with survey A strip of land, one chain wide (wicleiibig in Locations 152 and 371) leaving Road No. 560(1 on the north bonndarv of Kent Location 730, 4S chains 67.7 linlcs from its north-cast corner and extending (as shown on Diagram 57460) cast inside and along part of the north boundary of said Location 730 and time north boundaries of Locations (321 and 617 to the northeast corner of tIme last-mentioned location; thence north

along part of tIme cast boundary of Location 152 and east along the south boundary of Location 371 to the south-cast corner of time last-mentioned location. (Plan 435/SO, P2.)

WIIEIIEAS time DALWALLINU Road Board, by reso-

lution passed at a nseetiug of the Board, held at Dalmvallinu on or about the 22nd day of September, 1939, resolved to open tIme road hereinafter described, that

to say:


chains 44.6 links and lSldeg. 17mm. 4 chains 39.3

links to the eastern sole of the present road; thence northward along said side of road to the starting point. (Plan 385A/4O Cl.) \V1IEREAS the CUE Road Board, by resolution passed at a meeting' of the Board, held at Cne on or about the

day of Octobem, 3937, resolved to open the ioad hicm-einafter described, that is to say: 8th

No. 7977: Widening of part:A strip of land,

No. 10118: Deviation and widening: A strip of land two chains wide, its sontlnu-estern side leaving time northwestern side of Stems-art sheet 2 chains 12.8 links southwestward from time south-east corner of Cue Lot 282 and extenciiig (as shown Diagram 44205) 299dcg-. 55mm. 2 chains 4.3 links, SOthleg. 9mm. 7 chains 99.2 links,

and 295deg. l3iuin. tO chains 60.1 links to the northwestern boundary of Lot. 391. (Plan Cue Townsite.)

\VIIEI4EAS the REV EBLEY Road Board, by resolution passed at ii meeting of time Board, held at Beverley eu

or about the 23rd day (if September, 1938, resolved to open tile road hereinafter described, that is to say:6-17/08.

No. 10151:A strip of hand, one chain wide,


nuciucimig at the ivcst corner of Avon Location 3100 and extending (as shown on Diagram No. 58885) southeastward along its south-western boundai-y and northeastward along part of its south-eastern bound:iry to

the west coiner of Location 18982; thence south-eastivaud along the south-western boLmndam-y of the latter

location and through Locations 20556 amid 3906 to Road No. 375 in the last-memitioneci hocation. (('lan 3D/4O, A4.)


No. 4179/27.


chain 20 links wide, plus truncation, commencing on the eastern boundary of Ninghian Location 2316, opposite

the north-west corner of Yinghan Location 2185 and

extcuding northward (as shown on Diagra in No. 58991) inside mid along- part of said boundary of said location

to its north-east corner.

(2) Portion of Narrogin Agricultural Area Lot 14

hounded iv lines commencing on its western boundary, 7 chains 83.1 links from its nomitlm-west corner and extending (as shoirmi on Diagram 60227) l990cg. l6nsin.

8896/0 9.

WHEREAS tIme GNOWTANGERTJP Road Board, by resolution passed at a neeting of the Board, held at



(Plan 65/80, C2.)

Board, by resolution passed at a meeting of the Board, held at Margaret River on or about time lOtlm day of April, 1940, mesolvecl to open the send hereinafter described, that is to say:1137/39.

No. 10173 A strip of laud, one chin m wide, leaving

Road No. 330 at time south-west corner of Sussex Loca-

two 3193 and exteudiug east (as surveyed) ahoug its

\\rJIEREAS the MOUNT MARShALL Road Board, by resolution passed at a nice' big of the Board, held at liii"nbbin on or about the 211th la)- of October, 1939,

south homumilmiry and the south boundam-ies of Locations

to say: -


resol vc,I to op in (lie road Ii (cci na ft er described, tli at is

2531, 3825, 2538, and 2539 amid the north boundary of Location 2204 to a surveyed road at the north-cast corner of the last-nientiomied location. (h'lau 413D/40,

23 12/29.

No. 8517:

Extension: A strip of land, one chain wide, leaving a (em-minus of tIme present road on the north boundary of Ninghan Location 2567 and extending north-ward through Location 2527 to time north boundary of me latter location.

Widening :A strip of land, one chain wide (widenbig at its commencement and near the north boundary

of Location 486), leaving a surveyed road at time south-

weB. corner of Ninghian Location 736 and extending (as shown on Diagram No. 58986), north, cast, and northward along tIme eastern side of the present road, passing through Locations 736, 486, 2567, and 2527 to the north boundary of the last-mentioned location. 9a. Or. 36p. being- resumed from Ninghan Location 736. 8a. 2i-. 3p. being resumed from Ninghan Location 486. 4a. 2i-. 1 Op. being resumed from Ninghan Location


iOn. Jr. $2p. being resunied from Ninghan Location 2527. (Plans 66/80, 0.4, and 55/80, 0.1.) W'IIEREAS the CLBALLING Road Board, by resolution

passed at a meeting of the Board, held at. Cuhalling on or about the 4th day of March, 1939, resolved to open

the road hereinafter described, that is to say: L. & S. 3(385/03; M.R. 70/39.

No. 8542: Widleniugs:(1) Portion of Williams Location 139 bounded by lines commneucing at its south-east corner and extending (as shown Diagram 60227) west 15.4 links along

part of the south boundary of

i'he location; thence

Sdeg. 26mm. 3 chains 90.4 links to the western side of the present road and southward along it to time starting poiat.

WhEREAS the LAKE GRACE Road Board, by resolutioim passed at a meeting of the Board, held at Lake (3m-ace on or about the Othm clay of December, 1939, s-c-

solved to open the road hereinafter described, that


to say:-

L.S. 2219/39; MED. 817/39. No. 10177:A sti-ip of land, two chains wide (widen-

ing in part, as shown on Diagram 60280) leavimmg a sur-

veyed road at time north-east corner of Roe Location 1660 amid extending (as surveyed) south along the east boundam-y of said location to a surveyed road at its south-cast cormmer.

(Plan 389/80, A2.)

And wime ens His Excellency the Lieutenammt-Governor,

pursuant t. scctioim 17 of the Public Works Act, 1902, by mmotices published in


Government Gazette,


clared that the said lands had been set apart, taken, or resnnmed for time purpose of the said roads, and

that plans of time said lands might be inspected at the Department of Lands and Surveys, Perth. Amid whereas the said Boards have causedh a copy of the said notices to be served upon time owners and occupiers of the said hands resideist within the State, em. sneli of them as can with reasonable diligence be ascertained, eithser personally or by registered letter posted to tiscir last-named places of abode. And whereas the Lieutenant-Governos- iii Executive Councih has commfirmned time said resolutions, it is hereby

notified that the lines of communication described above mire roads within the nleaning of the Road Districts Act, 1919-1939, subject to the provisions of the said Act. Dated this 18th day of July, 1941. G. L. NEEDHAM,

Under Secretary for Lands.



[JULY 18, 1941.


Where and when Conditions of Contract, etc., to be seen.

Date and Time

Nature of Work.


for Closing. 1941.


(2.30 p.m. on Tuesday)





Northam High School-External

22nd July ......

Fremantle Technical High SchoolNew Trades Block (9175)

29th July

Painting and Renovations (9177)

Contractors' Room, P.W.D., Perth, and at Water Supply Office, Northam, on and after Tuesday, the 8th July, 1941. Contractors' Room, P.W.D., Perth, on and after Tuesday, the 8th July, 1941.

Tenders, together with the prescribed deposit, are to be addressed to "The Hon. the Minister for Works, Public Works Department, The Barracks, St. George's terrace, Perth," and must be indorsed "Tender." The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted.

W. S. ANDREW, Under Secretary for Public Works.

TENDERS FOR PURCHASE. Government Property.

Date and Time for Closing.

Where and when Conditions of Contract may be seen.


(2.30 p.m. on Tuesday) Noombling School

29th July

North-East Tammin School

29th July

Itlarbro School Quarters

29th July

P.W.D., Perth; Court House, Narrogin, and Police Station, Pingelly, from Tuesday, 1st July, 1941. P.W.D., Perth ; Water Supply Office, Northam; Police Stations at Cunderdin and Kellerberrin, after Tuesday, 1st July, 1941. P.W.D., Perth, and Police Station, Moora, after Tuesday, 1st July, 1941.

Tenders, together with the prescribed deposit, are to be addressed to "The Hon Minister for Works, Public Works Department, The Barracks, St. George's terrace, Perth," and must be indorsed "Tender." The highest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted. w. S. ANDREW, Department of Public Works, Under Secretary for Public Works. Perth, 27th June, 1941.


IN accordance with the provisions of the Metropolitan Water Supply, Sewerage, and Drainage Act, 1909, it is hereby notified that sewers and other apparatus have been completed and are now available for use in extension to Reticulation Area No. 2, Cottesloe, within the boundaries of the Cottesloe Municipality, as hereinafter described :-Lots 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7,

aiid 6, Marniion street; Lots 1, 241, 242, 243, and a, North street; Lots 244, 30, 29, 245, 246, 247, 248, 249, 250, 251, 252, and 253 Federal street. The owners of the above properties are hereby notified that such properties ale capable of being connected to the sewer and must therefore connect their premises

to the sewers within thirty days from date of service of prescribed notice, and are also notified that sewerage rates will in accordance with the by-laws be enforced

from 1st September, 1941, if premises not previously connected, and be payable in advance. If premises are connected prior to 1st September, 1941, rates will he charged from date of connection. A plaii of tile works to be carried out at each iwoperty must first be obtained from the Department. Dated this 14th clay of July, 1941, at the Office of the Department, St. George's place, Perth. J. 0. lIUTCHINSON, Tinder Secretary.


M.W.S. 1187/36.

IN accordance with the provisions of tile Metropolitan l,l,rater Supply, Sewerage, and Drainage Act, 1909, it is hereby notified that sewers and other apparatus have been completed and are now available for use in extension to Reticulation Area No. 8, Claremont, within the boundaries of the Nedlands Road District, as hereinafter described :-Lots 88 and 87 Vineent street. The owners of the above lots are hereby notified that such properties are capable of being connected to the sewer and must therefore connect their premises to the

sewers within thirty days from date of service of prescribed notice, and are also notified that sewerage rates will in accordance with the by-laws, be enforced from 1st September, 1941, if premises not previously connected, and be payable in advance. If premises are connected prior to 1st September, 1941, rates will be charged from date 0± connection. A plan of the works to be carried out at each property must first be obtained from the Department. Dated this 14th day of July, 1941, at the Office of the Department, St. George's place, Perth. J. C. HUTCHINSON, Under Secretary.


NOTICE is hereby given, in pursuance of section 96

of the Metropolitan Water Supply, Sewerage, and Drainage Act, 1909, that water mains have been laid fl tile nmidermentioned streets, in districts indicated:Bnyswater Road District. 696/41-Grand promenade, from Lot 2 of 57 to Lot ii -north-westerly. Perth Road District. 551/41-Banksia street, from Kinsella street, to Lot 46-southerly. South Perth Road District.

660/41-King street, from Lot 40 to Lot 43-South westerly.

And the. Minister for Water Supply, Sewerage, and Drainage is, subject to the provisions of the said Act

prepared to supply water from such mains to lands within rateable distance thereof. Dated at Perth this 18th day of July, 1941.


Under Secretary.


JULY 18, 1941.]


at the point of its greatest surface dimen-


sions exclusive of external walls; and ''floor

area'' shall include the floor areas of bath-

M.W.S. 1238/38.

IN accordance with the provisions of the Metropolitan Water Supply, Sewerage, and Drainage Act, 1909, it is hereby notified that sewers and other apparatus have been completed and are now available for use in extension to Reticulation Area 9, Clareniont, within the boundaries of the Nedlands Road District as herein dcscribed :Lots 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, and 24 Vix street; Lots 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, and 31 Collin street; Lots 14, 15, 16, and 17 Gallop road. Owners of the above lots situated within the boundaries of the above area are hereby notified that such properties are capable of being connected to the sewer, and must therefore connect their premises to the sewers

rooms, rooms. 6.




Every tenement house shall (a) when consisting of one floor only, not have a

which it is built; (b) where it lies two floors, have a total space left unbuilt upon at least equal to the total floor area of the building erected; (e) contain no more than two floors in height; (cI) have each flaP or tenement self-contained, and provided with a sepal-ate kitchen, separate bathroom and separate water-closet on the same floor as the otliei- rooms of such flat or tenement, and each fiat or tenement provided with a separate entrance; (c) when the tenement is not on the ground floor,

accordance with the by-laws he enforced from 1st September, 1941, if premises not previously connected, and he payable in advance. If premises are co,iiiorted prim to 1st September, 1941, rates will be charged from date of connection.

have the stairway or stairways of bmiek, stone, or concrete;

A plan of the works to be carried out at each property must first be obtained from the Department. Dated this 10th day of July, 1941, at the Office of the Department, St. George's phice, Perth.

have the front entrance to cccli and every flat ci- tenement constrncted from and off a celltrm,l hallway or a central driveway, or other main court of access; and must not have tIme nmain entrance or fiont door to aiiy flat or

J. C. HUTCHINSON, Under Secretary.

tenement froln or off any side yard;


ipace; or backyard or side passage; have a total floor area for each separate tene-

MUNICIPAL CORPORATIONS ACT, 1906-1939. Suijiaco Municipality.

ment of at least 500 square feet, and in addi-

tion there shall be attached thereto open

verandah space for the exclusive use of each

By-laws for Controlling and. Regniating Tenement

tenement at least 100 square feet. in



area (lii have the minimum floor area of each habitable

A BY-LAW of the Municipality of Subiaeo, macic under

section 180 of the Municipal Corporations Act, 19061938, for regulating and controlling tenement houses in the Municipality of Subiaco. In pursuance of the powers conferred by the said Act, the Mayor and Councillors of the Municipality of Suhiaco, order as follows: Passed tlus 11 tlt day of 'June, 1)11. In pursuance of the powers in that behalf contained in the Municipal Corporations Act, 1906-1938, and amendments, and of all other powers thereto it enabling,


room 100 square feet, and the average floor area of the habitable rooms in any tenement of 120 square feet.; have no dividing fence constructed in fl-out of it between the front felice alignment and time building so as to divide the fm-outage thereof

into a frontage less than that of the lot or l,irce1 of lamed on which the building is

the Subiaco Municipal Council hereby makes the following b-laws iii connection with and to control the erection of flats iiml tenement buildings in all parts of the Municipality


The Muniripahity of Subiaco is hereby classified into districts for single family dwelling-houses and tenemeat houses. The areas, districts, and localities in vliicht teneinent houses may be erected are set out in the Schedule hereunder, and all other portions of the Subiaco Municipality are declared a mixed district. No tenement house shall be erected, constructed,


erected; deemed to contain separate houses or dwell-

ings to the number of each flat or tenement, and each flat or tenement shall be supplied with appliances for the diying of elothes, and uo such appliances shall be erected or maintained jim or on any portion of the premises except ill the position approved by the Council;

(k) have provided by the owner rubbish shoots or garbage tins with lids or other means satisfactory to the Council for conveying garbage from each separate flat or tenement to suitable receptacles for holding gaibage until it is removed, and place such receptacles on the ground level, either in the open air or in sonic closed off closet or space;

or ntaintainecl in any portion of the Subiaco Muni-

cipality, except in the particular localities, districts, and areas set out iii the Schedule hereunder, and the erection a itO ii a jute no In-c of teucincu t houses in the mixed district is prohibited.

(1) have every privy, closet, or uiinal constructed of brick walls, and shall have a floor of concrete not less than 3 inches ill tl,ickness, with

No tenement house shall be erected on a lot or pal-eel of land of less area than 6,000 square feet; of less frontage to a public street than 50 feet; or of less depth, measured from the street on which the lot or parcel has fi-outage, than 120 feet, and each lot or parcel of land on which a tenement house is erected

the entiammce to every such structure properly screened from public view, and connected

the sewerage systeni or to a septic tank installation; with

(In) where motor garages are erected, such motor garages must be erected in a position other

shall have a separate Certificate of Title.

tItan between the tenement house and the

street on which the tenement house fronts; (n) have no portion of such tenenient house erected

In the construction of these by-laws, unless the context otherwise requires: (a) The expression ' 'tenement house ' ' shall mean

areas of so many horicontal sections thereof as theje are floors in the said tenement. The horizontal section of each floor shall he made


total oor area exceeding one half of the area of the allotment em- parcel of laud oim

within thirty days from date of service of prescribed notice; and are also notified that sewerage rates will iii

a dwelling-house containing two or more flats or tenements. (b) The expression ''habitable looms' ' shall include bedrooms, dining-rooms, sitting-rooms, and kitchens, but shall not include bathrooms, water-closets, pantries, and store-iooms. (c) The expression ''floor area'' applied to tenement shall mean the aggregate supei-flcinl


closer than 15 feet to the street on winch it fronts.

No building shall he altered, let, or converted into a tenement house unless it has been previously occupied. authorised, and let as a dwelling-house, and any building previously occupied, autlmorised, and let as a dwelling house may he altered in aceordaimce with these by-laws, and shall conform in every respect thereto. 8. Any dwelling-house converted into a tenement house shall conform and be snbect to the following 7.

terms and conditions: (a) All alterations to be of a permanent nature and of fire-resisting materials.

GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, WA. Where the building is of two floors in height, the dividing floor shall also be of fire-resisting material.

There shall be a dividing wall of at least 9

inches thickness, without any openings, be-

t\veen the portions of the dwelling-house used

as each separate flat or tenement, and such

wall shah extend from foundation level to the underside of the roof. All additional rooms or conveniences shall be built of either brick, stone, or of concrete.

In the event of any portion of any existing dwelling not complying with these by-laws or

any other by-laws or regulations in foree iii the municipality at the time that any altcru tio is desired to be made, such portions of the building or buildings whieli (10 not so comply shall he altered in such a way as to comply with the existing by-laws and regulaions.

(f) Any dwelling-house so altered shall be deemed to he a tenement house within the meaning of these by-laws. eonmnts a breach of any of these 9. If amiy by-laws such person will incur a penalty not exceeding twent,- pounds for every breach of such by-law, or to a penalty net exceeding two pouieds for each day during wluchj such breach shall he committed or continued. The Schedule. The localities, areas, or districts in which flats or tene-

[JuLy 18, 1041. Schedule.

All that portion of land bounded by lines starting

from tIme southern corner of Kaigoorlie Lot 2655, Dixon street, and extending south-easterly to the northern corner of Boulder Lot 2194; thence south-easterly along honndaries of said Lot 2194, 2193, and 2192 to the north-western side of a 150-link street; thence north-

easterly along said side to tIme north-eastern side of Coronation street; thence south-easterly along the latter side to tIme meorth-\veSterml side of Violet street; thence

north-easterly and easterly to and along the northern side of Evans street to the western side of Wilson street thence northerl along the latter side to a point in prolongation westerly of the southern boundary of Lot 2375; thence easterly to and along the said boundary and onmvarmls to the eastern side of Brookman street; thence

northerly along time latter side to the southern side of flohues street ; thence easterly to the north-eastern corner of Lot 2365; thence southerly, easterly, aied

again southerly along the eastern houndary of the said lot to and along time centre of a right-of-way and to

and along the eastern boundary of Lot 792 to


northern side of Evans street aforesaid; thence easterly end southerly to the north-western corner of Lot 2376; thence easterly mud southerly and again easterly and southerl along bouud:nies of the latter lot to and along the centre of a right-of-way (111(1 to and along the

eastern boundary of Lot 802 to thc uorthern side of Dart street; thence easterly all'1 southerly to the northeastern corner of Lot 803; thence southerly along the ivesteru side of Lane street to the centre of a right-ofwe

along the southerii side of thu latter lot; thence

melt houses may be perniifted comprise :All those lots fronting T]ioimi;is street; all lots fronting Rokeb1- road all lots fronting I-Jay street east of the railway line; and all lots easterly of Rokeby road fronting T-Ieytcsbury

easterly to and along a i-ight-of-way to a point in Iwolongatiomi northerly of the eastern boundary of Lot

force at the time of coming into operation of these by-

the centre of

roa dl and Nicholson road. All by-laws for th control of tenement houses in

laws are hereby repealed.


E. J. McCORMACK, Town Clerk.

(Sgd.) L. E. SHAPCOTT,

Clerk of the Council.

MUNICIPAL CORPORATIONS ACT, 1906-1940; ROAI) DISTRICTS ACT, 1919-1939. Municipality of Boulder and the icalgoorlie Road



ps,r 618/41. \V}IEREAS under the provisions of section 26 of the

Municipal Corporations Act, 1906-1940, the Governor may make orders altering, for the purpose of adjustment, the bonndaries of any conterminous municipality and road district, nnd under the provisions of section 8 of the Road Districts Act, 1919-1939, the Governor may by Order in Council transfer to a municipal district any adjoiiihig portion of a road district or to a road district any adjoining portion of a municipal district; and whereas it is desirable to adjust the conterminous bounclaries of the Municipality of Boulder and the Kalgoorhie Road District, and consequently to trausfer to the

Boulder Municipal District portion of the Kalgoorlic Road District and to transfer portion of tIme Boulder Municipal District to the Kalgoorlie Road District: Now, therefore, it is the intention of His Excellency the Lieutenant-Governor, under the powers coeferred by

the said sections of the said Acts, to order that the boundaries of the Municipality of Boulder shall be as set forth in the Schedule hereto, and that the conterininous boundaries of the said municipality cud the Kalgoorlie Road District shall be altered for the purpose of adjustment and with the said consequential transfers accordingly.

(Sgd.) W. S. ANDREW, Under Secretary for Works


to and along the


southern boundary of Lot 1958; thence easterly to and along said boundary and onwards along the northern side of Chancy street to a point in prolongation southw-esterhy of time north-western boundary of Lot 1814; tlmeuce north-easterly to and along said boundary audi

(Sgd.) E. H. GRAY, Acting Minister for Works

DistrictAdj ustment of BoundariesNotice


eastermi boundary of Lot 2420, and onwards to the southern side of York street; thence westerly along the street to a point in prolongation westerly of the

A pproved by His Excellency the Lieutenant-Governor in Executive Council this 3rd day of July, 1941. [L.s.]

thence easterly to the south-eastern corner of Lot 2401; thence southerly, westerly, and again southierly to and along the easterim boundary of Lot 2405 to and along

latter side of street to the eastern side of Lane street aforesaid and onwards for a distance of 30-3/10 links; thence southerly by a parallel line to the latter side of



2399; thence southerly to and along said boundary;

omiwards to a point in prolongation north-westem'ly of the north-eastern boundary of Lot 1547; tlmence south-

easterly to and along the latter boundary, onwards to

amid along boundaries of Lots 1553 and 1552 amid continuing onwards to the sonthm-eastern side of Hainauht road; themmce south-westerly along said side of road to the northernmost corner of Lot 2653; tlmence southerly and west-south-westerly along boundaries of tIme latter lot to its southern corner; thence southerly alommg the

eastemu side of Powell street to the south-eastern side of Road No. 829; thence east-north-easterly along said side of road to a point in prolongation uorthmcm-hy of the

eastern bousmdar1- of Lot 395; thence southerly to time northern corner of Reserve 7233; thence south-easterly audi south-westerly along boumidlaries of sai ci reserve. time south-eastern boundary of Lot 395 aforesaid and onwards to the southern cormmer of Lot 1726; tlmemice southerly along the easteru side of Powell street aforesaid to a ljOimit in prolongation north-westerly of the north-eastern boundary of


347 ;



easterly to and along said boundary to a north-eastern corner of the hatter lot; thence south-easterly to time north-eastern corner of Lot 2660; thence southerly along the western side of Shannon street to tIme north-eastern corner of Lot 2657 ; thence easterly to the north-eastern

corner of Lot 2517; thence southerly to the north-

western corner of Lot 1719; thence easterly and southerly to and along time nortliermi houndar1- asid time eastern boundary of Lot 1732; thence easterly to the south-

eastern corner of Lot 2675; thence

soimtimerly to


north-western corner of Lot F261; thiemsce easterly and southerly to the north-eastern corner of Lot F262;

thence easterly to the north-eastern corner of Lot 1891 thence southerly






corner of Lot 924; thence southerly to the south-western corner of Lot 925; thence gemseralhy south-south-easterly to and along the north-eastern boundary of Lot 803 and onwards to the intersection of the southern side of Leviathan street with tIme (astern side of Scott street;

thence southerly along the latter side of street to the northern side of Bendigo street; tlmence easterly along


.Jrrv iS, 1911.1

caid side to the western side of Kcnilworth street; thence northerly to the south-eastern corner of Lot P303 thence easterly to the eastern corner of Lot 807 thenec south-south-easterly passing through the north-eastern

corner of Lot 1884 and onwards to the eastern sjde of Deans street; thence southerly along said side of street and OliwardS t.o a point in the eastern prolongation of the southernmost boundary of Reserve 9597 for Park Lands; thence westerly to and along the said boundary thence northerly along pait of a western boundary of said reserve to the southern side of Lynch street thence wcstei'ly along said side of street, and onwards to a pomt in prolongation southerly of the western ljoundarv of Reserve 12935 (Sanitary Purposes) ; thence northerly

to and along said bouisdary and onwards to a point iii prolongation westerly of the northern side of Dwyer street; thence easterly along said prolongation to a point in prolongation southerly of the western boundary of PF151E; theisce northerly to and along said boun-

da cv and oniva rds to the northern side of Burt street; thence easterly along said side of street to the western side of Lcake street; thence northerly, easterly, again northerly, and easterly and northerly and north-northwesterly along boundaries of Hampton Location 40 and onwards in the last-inesitioned direction to the aorth,western side of Dixon street aforesaid, and thence eastnorth-easterly along said side of street to the starting point. The boundaries of Kalgoorlie Road Board District are hereby amended to conform with this deseriptioli

MIJNICTPALITY OF NARROGIN. NOTICE is hereby given that Gerald William Green has heeim appointed Traffic Inspector to time Mimicipality of Narrogin. W. L. H. ILLTNGWORTH, Acting Town Clerk.

MARKETING OF ONIONS ACT, 1938. Department of Agriculture, Perth, 10th July, 1941.

IllS Excellency the Lieutenant-Governor in Executive Council, acting pursuant the powers conferred by seetiosis 3 and 19 of the Marketing of Onions Act, 1938, has been pleased to amend the regulations made under the said Act antI published in the Government Gazette on the 9th day of June, 1939, as amended by notices published

in the Government Gazette on the 24th day of November, 1939; the 22nd day of December, 1939; the 5th day of April, 1940, and the 3rd day of May, 1940. (Sgd.) G. K. BARON HAY, Under Secretary for Agriculture. Schedule.

The abovementioned regulations arc anmeisded by rennmbering regulation 50, as published in the Government Gazette on the 3rd day of May, 1940, as regulation 51.

MARKETING OF ON[ONS ACT, i938. Department of Agriculture, Perth, 10th July, 1941. C.L. Dept. 53/41; Aric. Dept. 890/39. HIS Excellency time Lieutenant-Governor in Council has been pleased to approve of the regulations nuder and for the purposes of the said Act, set forth in time Schedule

hereunder, which have been in acic by the Western Australian Onion Marketing Board under the ps in that behalf eonferrcd by seetioms 19 of the said Act, and t declare that the eeid regulations shall be read iii conjunction with and as supplementary to the regulations heretofore made and hereafter to be made by the o:C the said A ct. Governor under and for the G. K. BARON HAY, Tinder Secretary for Agriculture. Schedule.

MARKETING OF ONIONS ACT, 1938. Regulations for the Management of the Western Australian Onion Marketing Board.

These regulations may be cited as the Marketing of Onions (Management of Board) Regulations, and shall he read in conjunction with and as supplementary to the regulations heretofore made and hereafter to be made by the Governor under

and for the purposes of the Act. In these regulations, unless the context shall otherwise require

''The Act'' means the Marketing of Onions Act, 1938, and any Act amendimsg the same.

''The Board'' means the Western Australian Marketing Board as contituted by the Act. ''Secretary'' meaas the secretary of time Board and includes any person appointed by the Board to net as secretary during the absence of the secretary. Alcetings.

(1) The Boa md shall meet on such dates, at such places, and at such times as the Board may from time c to time by resolution determine. (2) The chairman, if so requested at any time by any two members of the Board, shall forthwith call a special meeting of the Board.

The secretary shall cause to be given to each member of the Board, in

writing, either delivered Persoamalll or sent by post or by telegraph, notice of every

ordinary and every special meeting of tise Board at least two clear days before

the date fixed for the mcetiisg. Provided thnt, if in time opinion of the chair,aaem it is desirable in the ease of emergency s to do, shorter notice of a special meeting may be given to each member aforesaid.




[JuLY 18, 1941.

(1) If at the time appointed for a meeting of the Board a quorum is not presentone half hour after the time so appointed shall be allowed for the formation of a quorumand if at the expiration of that period no quorum is present, the meeting shall lapse. (2) When a meeting lapses through want of a quornm, the business set clown for such meeting shall be the business or be included in the business of the next ordinary meeting of the Board.

At the meetings of the Board at which the chairman is present, he shall

preside. In the absence of the chairman through any cause whatever, the ,iemhers

present at time meeting shall elect one of their number to be chiairnian for that meeting.

At all meetings of the Board, every member present shall vote on resolutions and matters submitted at such meetings. S. (1) The secretary shall keep proper minutes of all resolutions, business, and proceethmigs macic or transacted at each meeting of tIme Board. Such minutes shall he submitted to tIme mnemnhers for o,ilir,natio,i, either at the san,e or a subsequent meeting, a,id, when confirmed, shall be signed by the chairmnn. (2) Any entry in the minute book, which is signed by time chairman, that a resolution has been carried or lost at any mneetiimg shall be conclusive evidence of that fact. 9. The order of business at ni'dimiai'v meetings of tIme Board shall he as follows: Reading and confirmation of minutes of previous meeting.

Matters arising fron the minutes of the previous meeting. (C)


Statement of receipts cud payments since the o vious meeting. Aceounts.

Matters relating to officers, servants and agents of the Board. Motions.

Notices of motion. Such other matters as any member of the Board desires to bring before tIme Board.

At. special meetings of the Board, only time business for wimiel, the special meeting lma been called shall be dealt with. Ii. A resolution of the Board shall not be rcvolced or altered, unless notice of the intention to propose such evocation or alteration is given in writing to each of time n,emnbers of the Board two days at least before the meeting at which the revocation or alteration is to be proposed. Provided that:a member intending to propose such revocation or alteration aforesaid may, iii lieu of giving ,moticc to each member personally as required by this regulation, at any meeting of tIme Board give notice in writing 10.

of his intention to propose such revocation or alteration at the next following meeting of tIme Board; and where notice of motioji has been given as provided for in paragraph (i) hereof, the secretary, when giving notice of the next meeting to nmembers of the Board, shall annex thereto a copy of tIme said notice of motion.


All correspondence by the Board shall be signed by time ehairnman, or the secretary, or the manager, or other p'so11 as authorised by time Board. Accounts, etc.

(1) The secretary or any other person untlmorised in that behalf by the Board shall receive a m 0 account for ml] moneys paid to the Board, and each day shall bank all moneys received by 1mm, at a. ha,ik selected by the Board.

(2) Only the secretary, or such other person authorised by the Board for the

purpose, may indorse cheques for collection on behalf of the Board, and all cheques so indorsed simall be passed through the bank account of the Board. All accounts doe and payable by the Board shall be passed by the Board by a resolution duly carried at a mneetissg of the Board: Provided that time secretary, with tIme approval of a mcmnber of the Board may make payments, when necessary, in anticipation of and subject to the co,ifirmation of the Board at its meeting next following time date upon winch the payment to be confrmed was made. (1) All accounts due by the Board which exceed two pounds shall be paid by cheque drawn on the Bank account of the Board and signed by any member of the Board and countersigned by the secretary.

(2) All accou,mts not exceeding two pounds may be paid from a petty cash account in the ha,ids of the secretary, the standing balance of which shall not at any time exceed ten pounds. (1) At least every twelve mnontims the secretary shall cause to be displayed conspicuously in the public office of the Board a full and explicit statement of the Board's receipts and expenditure, and of its stock, transactions, and liabilities for the period since the last preceding statememit was displayed in accordance with time regulations; and a full and explicit balance sheet of the Board audited in accordance with the provisions of section 17 of the Act. The statement amid balance slmeet referred to in paragraphs (1) of this regulation shall remain displayed as aforesaid until they are replaced by a subsequent statement or balance slmect, as the case may be. Every such statement amid balance sheet, whilst displayed as aforesaid, slmall be available for perusal and copying by any person, during such times as the public office of the Board is open to the public for business.

JULY iS, lDiLj


(1) The secretary of the Board shall have the custody of the Common Seal of the Board. (2) The Common Seal shall be kept in such place as the Board may from time to time direct and, when not in use shall be kept in a place of safe custody secured by lock and key. 18. (1) The Common Seal shall not be affixed to any document, except by the authority of a resolution of the Boa id. 17.

(2) In every case where the Common Seal is anthorised to be affixed to a document, it shall be affixed only in the plesence of at least two members of the Board (one of whom shall be the chairman or the niember for thee time being acting as chairnian of the Board, who shall thereupon sign the document, which shall also be countersigned by the secretary. Appointment of Agents.

(1) Every person who desires to be appointed as an agent of time Board for the purposes of the Act shall make application to the Board, in writing, signed by him, in the Form No. 1 in the Appendix to these regulations. The appointment of every agent of the Board shall be at such remuneration for sneh period and upon and subject to such terms, covenants and conditions as the Board may from time to time determine. Every appointment of an agent. shall be evidenced by an agreement, in writing, signed by the agent and by time chairman of the Board on behalf of time Board setting forth time rate or manner of remuneration to be paid, time period of 19.

appointment and the terms, covenants, and conditions upon and subject to whelm the appointment is mad.. A certificate under time hand of time chairman of the Board that the person nanmed therein has been appointed as an agent of the Board, shall, until such certificate is revoked by writing under the hand of time chairman, be sufficient evidence that the said person is an authorised agent of the Board. Where the remuneration of an agent is fixed on the basis of a commisSion, the rate of such commission shall not exceed seven pounds ten shillings per centum

plus freight, cartage, and other expenses actually incurred and paid or payable by the agent.

Duties of Agents. 20.


Every anthorised akcnt of the Board shall

subject to the Act and these regulations, carry out the lawful directions of the Board; make tile returns required to be made by him nnder these regulations in accordance with these regniations; subject to regulation 21 hereof, promptly remit to tile secretary of the Board the proceeds of sales of onions sold by him on behalf of the Board after such proceeds have been received by him. Where an agent is remunerated on the basis of a cOmmiSSion on sales, such

agent may, prior to remitting tile proceeds of sales to tile secretary of the Board as required by regulation 20 hereof, deduct therefrom time commission and out of pocket and other expenses to which he is entitled under the terms of his appoumtmnent as agent aforesaid. Returns, etc. 22. (1) All growers of onions, or agents for growers holding onions for sale or otherwise, shall complete and forward to the Board at its office in Perth a return Ofl tile Form No. 2 in the Appendix to these regulations, within seven days after the date advertised by time Board as the date mipwi which in each year the Board acquires time onions then produced in Western Australia.

(2) Every such grower and agent for tile grower shall also complete amid forward to the Board a similar return as and whenever the Board, by a public notice, requires such return to be fnrnisimed, and shall forward such notice to the Board within the time specified in tIme public notice.

23. (1) Every grower of onions, which are intended for sale, shall complete and forward to the Board a return on the Form No. 3 in tile Appeisdix to these

regulations, showing therein the acreage, variety or varieties, expected date of maturity, and the estimated tonnage of each variety.

The said return shall be posted or delivered to the secretary of the Board on or before the 31st day of December iii each and every year. No payment for onions acquired by time Board from a grower shah be paid to such grower, unless and until the return required by thus regulation has heemm received by tile secretary of the Board. 24. Every authorised agent of the Board shall at the end of each and every week complete and forward to time secretary of time Board a return omm the Form No.

4 in the Appendix to these regulations, iii respect of his transactions as such authorised agent during time week then last past.

Growers' Identification Numbers, etc. (1) Every grower of onions shall be allotted by the Board, for the purpose of identification, a number, which shall be entered in a register, to be kept by time Board for the purpose. (2) Every grower shall quote his registered number on delivery of' onions by 25.

him to an anthorised agent of time Board, amid in all retmmrmms amid otimer correspondemice

forwarded by him to the Board.




iZJimv 18, 1941.

(1) All growers, carriers, and other persons, when making delivery of onions acqnirecl by the Board to its autliorised agents, shall make certain that the full name and address of the grower, and the grade, description, and weight of the onions delivered are distinctly shown on the cartnote, consignment note, os other documents evidencing the delivery of such onions. (2) The grower or other person obtaining any such cartnote, consignment note, or other documents aforesaid in connection with the delivery of onions as aforesaid shall obtain the same in duplicate, and shall cause the duplicate copy thereof to he forwarded forthwith to the secretary of the Board. Certificate of Onions Acquired.

The certificate to be issued to a grower by the Board after the receipt of any onions by nil authiorised agent of the Board as provided for in subsection (6) of section 11 of the Act shall be in the Form No. 5 in the Appendix to these regulatioiis.

Offences and Penalties. Where any matter or timing is by these regulations directed or forbidden to be done, or where any authority is given by these regulations to aiiv person to direct

or forbid any matter or thung to be done, and such matter or thing directed to be done is not done, or such matter or tlnng forbidden to be done is done, in every such case time person offending against such direction or prohibition ihall be guilty of an offence against these regulations. Every person guilty of an offence against these by-laws shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding twenty pounds. The secretary may, subject to tIme approval of the Board and for and on

behalf of the Board

sign complaints and institute proceedings for offences against these regulations;

sign complaints and institute proceedings for any offenees against or breaches of the regulations niade and in force n]ldcr tIme Agricultural Products Act, 1929, relating to the grading, branding, or marking and packing of onions;

engage a solicitor or counsel in connection with any proceedings instituted by him under time authority of this regulation. APPENDIX. Form No. 1. Western Anstrahia.


Application for Appointment as Anthoriseci Agent of the Western Australian Onion Marketing Board. (Regulation 19.)

I, (a) of (b)

in the State of Western Australia (c) hereby apply to be appointed as an authorised agent of the Western Australian

Onion Marketing Board under and for time purposes of the Marketing of Onions Act,

1938, and hereunder furnish particulars as follows:

due of

Dated this



(a) Name of Applicant; (1,) Address; (e) Occupation. Form No. 2. Western A ustralia.

MARKETING OF ONIONS ACT, 1938. Return of Onions by Growers and Agents. (Regulation 22.) Return of Onions cmi hand at

Name of Grower or Agent Address of Agent For whom field Weight amid (Iescriptiolm of onions held. Weigist. T.

Brown No. I Brown No. 2 Brown large White NO White No. 2 White large Pickling Total

I certify that the above is correct. Date






Jiais iS, 1941.]


Form No. 3. JJ7cstcrn Australia.

MARKETING OF ONIONS ACT, 1938. Return by Grower of Onions intended for Sale. (Regulation 23.)

Name of Grower Full Address

Estimated Crop.


Acres planted Acres planted

Estimated Yield. Estimated Yield.

Brown White

Expected date or dates of mnturity



Signature of grower


Form No. 4. MARKETING OF ONIONS ACT, 1938. Weekly Return by Authorised Agent. (Regulation 24.)

Name and Address of Agent Week ending Return of all onions received from growers, sales made, and onions carried over. Br. Br. No. 1


Br. Wh. Wh. Wh. L No. 1 No. 2 L

Picklers. Total.

Onions on hand previous week Onions received during week as per cartaotes attached Total

Sales during week as pc rue-

count sales attached Onions on hand end of week I certify thnt the above particulars are correct. .




No. 5.


Western A ustraha.

MARKETING OF ONIONS ACT, 1938. Growers Certificate (Regulation 27).

This is to certify that Onions, as detailed hereunder, have been received from by the Western Australian Onion Marketing Board, 3 Marquis street, Perth. Marks.

Bags. -

Grade and Description.


The Board has approved of an advance





per ton. T.

Brown No. 1











White No. 1 ,, No.2 Large



herewith please indorse and pay into Kindly use this your Bank without delay. Your Registered Number is on all consignments and correspondence in the future. Cheque No.






[JuLY 18, 1941.


Tender Board No.








. -.



Michelides Ltd.


F.O.R. Perth 5,000 only secondhand Sugar

delivered at Abattoirs, Midland Junction 120k, Tobacco and Cigarette Papers 1941 for Government Institutions for period ending 30th June,

2s. 6d. per doz.



Item 4Cut Tobacco, l'ipe Mixture "Western " Item 5Cut Tobacco, Fine Cut "Western "

W. D. & H. 0. Wills

5s. 4d. per doz.

Bags (70 lbs.), as per Item 2B,

1942, as follows




134i, 2,000 only Secondhand Cornsacks, Agricultural as per Item 1A, delivered 1941

J. Millman & Co......



H. Groom



dule No.


lOs. lid, per IL


less 21%.

lOs, lid, per lL less 21%. 20s. lOd. per bo less 24%.

Item 7Cigarette Papers, "Risla"

Cigarettes, Capstan Plain 10's,


22s. lId. per bo of 50 pkts.


as per Item 6

Variation of Contract. Fender Board No.

Date. 1941.






Dinsdale Bros.......

Motor Transport Service at Wooroloo. Tender Board Schedule 396A 1940

Item 1increased to 2s. ld. per trip

2a 2b 2c



4d. per consignment


4d. 7d.

,, ,,

As from 10th July, 1941

4s. Sd. per ton


Schedule No.

1941. 29 14

116A, 1941 l53A, 1941


l57A, 1941



158A, 1941

July July July


10 17

149A, 1941 151A, 1941 155A, 1941



156A, 1941


July July

Date of

Supplies required.

Cotton Waste for Engine Cleaning Purposes, 50 tons Electric Motors, Slip-ring, 74 11.1'., alternatively 1 or 4



Tea for Government Hospitals and Institutions and for Native Rations

during August .. .. .. ... Electrical Equipment for State Hotel, Wongan Hills, including Fans, Radiators, etc., for 220-volt D.C. current .. ... ... .. ... . -. Transformers, 300 K.V.A., 20,000/440-volt, 2 only ... ... Firewood for Nallan I'umping Station, 75 cords Firewood for Caves House, Yallingup, in l8in. x 3ft. lengths, for a period ... ... of 3 months Milk and Cream for Caves House, Yallingup, for a period of 3 months

.......... -.

1941. 24 24

July July July


July July July


Aug. Aug.

7 7



Tenders addressed to the Chairman, Tender Board, Perth, will be received for the above-mentioned supplies until 2 15 p.m. on the date of closing. Tenders must be properly indorsed on envelopes, otherwise they are liable to rejection. Tender forms and full particulars may be obtained on application at the Tender Board Office, Murray street, Perth. No tender necessarily accepted.

Dated the 17th July, 1941.

G. L. NEEDHAM, Chairman W.A. Government Tender Board.


JULY 18, 1941,]

Registrar General's Office,

Perth, 17th July, 1941. 1'I' is hereby published, for general information, that the undermentioned Minister has been duly registered in this office for the celebration of Marriages through-

out the State of Western Australia:-

E.G. No., Date, Denomination and Name, Rcsidene, Registry District. METHODIST CHURCH. 20/37; 16/7/41; Mr. Arthur William Hawkins, Mt.

Barker; Plantagenet.


Acting Registrar General. COAL MINES REGULATION ACT, 1902-1926. Department of Mines, 2955/36. Perth, 24th June, 1941. THE 1-losiourable the Minister for Mines has been

Garden Areas. 84-Hewitt, Holdsworth Joel; Coolgardie; non-payment of rent. 85-McCarthy, Dorothy Louise; Lakewood; non-payment of rent. Water Right.

570-li-es, Leonard; St. Ives; non-payment of rent. Kunanalling Disirict. Water Rights. 59S-West Australian Goldifelds Firewood Supply, Limited; Lakewood; non-payment of rent. 60S-West Australian Goldfields Firewood Supply, Limited; Lakewood; non-payment of rent.

74S-Hill, Alfred John; Kunanalling; non-payment of rent.

THE MINING ACT, 1904 (Regulation 180). Warden's Office, Wiluna, 17th June, 1941.

pleased to appoint Harold Patterson as a Member of the Committee of the Collie Coal Miners' Accident Relief Fund Trust, as from the 14th day of June, 1941. (Sgd.) A. 1-I. TELFER, Under Secretary for Mines.

TAKE notice that it is the intention of tile Warden of the Goldfield mentioned hereunder, on the date mentioned,

COAL MINES REGULATION ACT, 1902-1926. Department of Mines,

Perth, 9th July, 1941.


TI-IE Honourable the Minister for Mines has been

pleased to appoint John Macbreth (iriffiths as Miners' Representative on the Board of Trustees of the Collie Coal Miners' Accident Relief Fund Trust as from the 1st day of June, 1941.

(Sgd.) A. 1-I. TELFER, Under Secretary for Mines. 'PHE MINING ACT, 1904 (Regulation 180). Warden's Office, Coolgardie, 10th Jnne, 1941.

TAKE notice that it is the intention of the Warden of the Goldfield mentioned hereunder, on the date mentioned, to issue out of the Warden's Court an order authorising the cancellation of registration of the under. mentioned mining tenements, in accordance with regula-

tion 180 of the Mining Act, 1904. An order may issue in the absence of the registered holder, but should he desire to object to such order he must, before the date meutioned, lodge at the Warden's Office an objection containing the grounds of such objection, and on the date mentioned the Warden will proceed to hear aud determine the same, in accordance with the evidence then submitted.

(Sgd.) K. H. PARKER, Warden.

To be heard at the Warden's Court, Coolgardie, oil Tuesday, the 29th day of july, 1941. Nature of Holding, No. of Area, Name of Registered Holder, Address, Reason for Resumption. COOLGARDIE GOLDFIELD. Coolgardie District. Residence Areas.

509-Gibh, Stanley Racy; Spargoville; no Miner's Right in force.

511-Gray, Robert; Spargoville; no Miner's Right in force.

Business Areas.

505-Davey, Ellen; St. Ives; non-payment of rent. 508-0 'Callaghan, Patrick Anthony; Widgieniooltha; non-payment of rent. Machinery Areas.

97-Kingswood, Richard; Widgicmooltha; non-payment of rent. 102-I{awkins, James William; Kalgoorlie; non-payment of rent,.


to issue out of tile Warden's Court an order

authorisiug the cancellation of registration of the undermentioned aiming tenements, in accordance with regulation 180 of the Mining Act, 1904, An order may issue imi the absence of the registered holder, but should he desire to object to such order lie must, before the date mentioned, lodge at the Warden's Office an objection

containing the grounds of such objection, and on the date mentioned the Warden will proceed to heas- and determine the same, in accos-dance with the evidence then submitted.

W. 0. MANSBRIDGE, Warden.

To be hmcai-d at the Was-den's Court, Wiluna, on Wednes-

day, the 23rd day of July, 1941. Natui-e of Holding, No. of Area, Name of Registered Holder, Addi-ess, Reason for Resumption. EAST MURCHISON GOLDFIELD. Wiluna District. Residence Areas.

50J-J. B.

Liddelow; Mines road, Red Hill; noncompliance with conditions.

59J-F. Bonomi; Mines road, Red 1-lill; non-compliance with conditions.

S5J-L. Stazzonelhi; Mines i'oad, Red I-Iill;


plianee with conditions. 123J'-A.'. Bige:tti; Third street, Lakeside; lion-compliance with conditions. 169J-K. Yaksieh; Third street, Lakeside; non-compliance with conditions.

189J-P. .1. Norriss; Mines s-oad, Red Hill; non-eom

pliance with conditions. 212.1-P. R. Bartsch; Fourth street, Lakeside, noncompliance with conditions.

223J-W. G. Barnfather; McDermott street, Red Hill; non-compliance with conditions.

244J-A. Leitch; TJrquhart Street, Red Hill; non-compliance with conditions.

264J-W. J. Wallace; Sixth street, Lakeside; non-coinpliance with conditions.

270J-W. Southern; Fourth street, Lakeside; non-compliance with conditions.

296J-N. K. Ding; Fourth street, Lakeside; non-compliance with conditions.

302J-G. Baruffi; Second street, Lakeside;


pliance with conditions. 306J-G. Pribicevieh; Fourth street, Lakeside; noncompliance with conditions. 310J-N. Pollastrini; Fourth sti-eet', Lakeside; noncompliance with conditions. 314J-B. Nunzio; Fourth street, Lakeside; non-compliance with conditions. 323J-M. Treais; Sixth street, Lakeside; non-compliance with


335J-G. Gilbeit; Sixth sti-eet, Lakeside; non-compliance with conditions.




Residence Areas.-contins,ed. 337J-W. Quinn; Sixth street, Lakeside; non-compliance

(Regulation 180).

with conditions.

340J-E. K. Anderson; Seventh street, Lakeside; lion-

Wa i-den 's Office,

iVilnna, 17th June, 1941.

compliance with conditions.

351J-J. IRarnshaw; Sixth street, Lakeside; no Miner's Right.

357J-V. Vukobraticli; Fourth street, Lakeside; noncompliance with coisditious.

363J-L. D. Siminoncls; Seventh street, Lakeside; no Miner's Right.

367J-V. Borshoff; Fifth street, Lakeside;


pliance with conditions.

387J-A. Della Costa; Second street, Lakeside; noncompliance with conditions.

389J-N. Yelenieh; Fourth street, Lakeside; non-compliance with conditions.

393J-J. 0 'Hara; Fourth street, Lakeside; non-compliance with conditions.

403J-W. Eccies; Eighth street, Lakeside;

[JULY 18, 1911.

TA K Ii notice that it is the intention of the WT,rden of the Goldfleld mentioned hereunder, on the date menhoned, to issue out of tile Warden's Coui-t an order anthorising the cancellation of registration of the undermentioned miniilg tenenients, in ace orclanc e with Regulation 180 of the Mining Act, 1904. An order may issue

in the absence of the registered holder, but should lie desire to object to such order he must, before the date mentioned, lodge at the Warden's Office an objection containing the grounds of such objection, and, on the date mentioned, the Warden u-ill proceed to hear and determine the same, in accordance with the evidence then submitted.


(Sgd.) W. 0. MANSBRTDGE.

pliance with conditions.


416J-J. S. Cliesson; Ninth street, Lakeside; non-compliance with conditions.

419J-ll. W. Ncwing; Seventh street, Lakeside; non compliance with conditions.

422J-A. Olsen; Seventh street, Lakeside; no Miner's Right.

To be heard at the Warden's Court, Wiluna, on Friday, the 8th August, 1941. Nature of Holding, No. of Area, Name of Registemed Holder, Address, Reason for Resumption.

433J-H. Jarvins; Seventh street, Lakeside; iio Miner's Right.

436J-T. II. Whiteheaci; First avenue; non-compliance with conditions.

Garden Areas.

1J-W. P. Christensen; Wiluna; non-payment of rent. 3J-P. Christensen; Wiluna; non-payment of rent and no Miner's Right. 11J-D. E. Worth; Meekatharra; neil-payment of rent and no Miner's Right. 12J-F. Kononen; \\rih,,na. no Miner's Right. Water Rights.

1J-W. P. Christensen; Wiluna; non-payment of rent. 28J-Linden (W.A.) Gold, No Liability; Box 306, Wiluna ; no Miner's Right 29J-Linden (WA.) Gold, No Liability; Box 306, Wiluna; no Miner's Right. 30J-Linden (WA) Gold, No Liability; Box 306, Wiluna; no Mines' 's Right.

31J-Wiluna Water Board; Wiluna; no Miner's Right. Machinery Area.

4J-Waratah Gold Mine, No Liability; Mt. Vernon; no Miner's Right.

Tailings Area.

4J-Waratah Gold Mine, No Liability; Mt. Vernon; no Miner's Right.

Lawlers District. Machinery Area.

34- Australian Machinery and Investment Company, Limited; 321 Murray street, Perth; no Miner's Right.

Tailings As-en.

16-Australian Machinery and Investment Company, Limited; 321 Murray street, Perth; no Miner's

EAST MURCHISON GOLDFIELD. Lawless District. Water Rights.

36-Pinnacles Proprietary, Limited; Pinnacles Station, Leonora; non-payment of rent and no Miner's Right.

80-Australian Maclnnel-y and Investment Company,

Limited; 321 Murray street, Perth; no Miner's Right.

87-Australian Machinery and Investment Company, Limited; 321 Murray street, Perth; no Miner's Right.

THE MINING ACT, 1904 (Regulation 180). Warden's Office, Bridgetown, 25th June, 1941.

TAKE notice that it is the intention of the Warden of the Goldfield mentioned hereundem, on the date men-

tioned, to issue out 0f the Warden's Court an order

authorisiag the cancellation of registration of the undermentioned mining tenements, in accordance with rcgnlation 180 of the Mining Act, 1904. An order may issue

in the absence of the registered holder, but should he desire to object to such order he must, before the date mentioned, lodge at the Wnrdesm 's Office an objection containing the grounds of such objection, and, on the

date mentioned, the Warden will proceed to hear and

determine the same, in accordance with the evidence then submitted.

(Sgd.) K. J. DOUGALL,



17-Australian Machinery and Investment Company, Limited; 321 Murray stseet, Perth; no Miner's Right.

21-Australian Machinery and Investment Company, Limited; 321 Murray street, Perth; no Miner's Right.

25-Australian Machinesy and Investment Company, Limited; 321 Musray street, Perth; no Miner's

To be heard at the Warden's Court, Bridgetown, on 23rd August, 1941.

Nature of Holding, No. of Area, Name of Registered Holder, Addiess, Reason for Resumption.




3-Vulcan Minejals, Limited; Greenbushes and c/o P. Birchley, 12 Howard street, Perth; aon-paymeslt of rent and no Miner 's Right. 4-Vuleaa Minem-als, Limited; Gl-eenbushes and c/o P. Birchley, 12 Howard street, Perth; sian-payment of rent and no Miner's Righlt.

26-Australian Machinery and Investment Company, Limited; 321 Murray street, Perth; no Miner's 35-Australian Machinery and Investment Company, Limited; 321 Mus-ray street, Perth; no Miner's Right.

Water Rights. 5-Pinnacles Proprietary, Limited; Pinnacles Station, Leonora; non-payment of sent and no Miner's Right.

96-W. Hutchison; Agnew; non-payment of rent and no Miner's Right.

Mineral Claims.

6-Greenbushes Tin, Limited; Greenbushes and Occidental House, St. Gem-ge's terrace, Perth; non-payment of rent and n Miner's Right.

Jux 18, 1941.]



GREENBTJSHES MINERAL FIELDcontinncd. Mineral Claimscontinaed.


8Vnlcan Minerals, Limited; Greenbushes and c/o P.

Department of Mines, Perth, 30th June, 1941, IT is hereby notified that exemption from conditions of ivork, use, and occupatioli has been granted on all mill-

Birelilev, 12. Howard street, Perth; non-payment

of rent and no Miner's Right. 9Greenbushes Tin, Limited; Greenbushes and Occiden-

tal House, St. George's terrace, Perth, non-payment of rent and no Miner's Right. 15V clean Minerals, Limited ; Greenhuslics and c/o I'. Bhehley, 12 Howard street, Perth, nou-payul ciii of rent and no Miner's Right. 16\Tulcan Minerals, Limited; Greenbushes and c/o P. Birchlev, 12 Ho ward street, Perth, non-payment

General Exeinptiomi.


ing tenements situated in the vicimty of the Wilga Mining Centre for a further period of three months from the

1st day of July, 1941, subject to cancellation at

any time during such period by one month 's notice being given.

(Sgd.) A. H. TELFER,

Under Secretary f or Mines.

of rent and no Miner 's Right.

17Vulean Minerals, Limited; Greenbuslies and c/o P. Birchiley, 12 Howard street, Perth, non-payment

of rent and no Miner's Right.. 20Greenbushies Tin, Limited; Greenhushes and Occidental 1-louse, St. George's terrace, Perth, non-pay-

neat of rent and no Miner 's Right.

25Greenbushes Tin, Limited; Greenbuslies and Occideii-

tal House, St. George's terrace, Perth, non-paymelt of rent and no Miner's Right.

27 Greenbushes Tin, Liunted; Greenbushes and Occiden-

tal House, St.. George's terrace, Perth, nell-payment of rent and no Miner 's Eight.

32Greenbushes Tin, Limited; Greenbushes and Occidental House, St. George's terrace, Pem-th, non-pay-

meat of rent and no Miner 's Right. 33Vulcan Minerals, Limited; Greemibushes amid e/o P. Bimehley, 12 Howard street, Perth, liomi-payment of rent and no Miner's Right.

34Vulean Minerals, Limited; Grecubushes and c/a P. Birehiley, 12 1-loward street, Perth, noim-paymeimt

of runt and no Mijier 's Right. .55--Valeam, Miuccals, Limited; Greenbushes and 0/0 P. Birchley, 12 Howard street, Perth,, neil-payment of rent and 110 Mmmc's Right. 39Vulcan M ierals, Limited; Greemshuslmes and c/o P. Birchley, 12 Howard street, Perth; 11o11-paymliellt

of rent and no Miner's Right. 40Vulcan Minerals, Limited; Greenbushes amid c/o P.

Birchley, 12 1-loward stmeet, Perth; non-pavnment

of rent and no Miner's Right. 41Vulcan Minerals, Limited; Greenbushes and c/o P.

Birchley, 12 1-loward sti-cet, Perth; non-paynment of rent and no Miner 's Right. 42Greenbushes Tisi, Limited; Greenbushes and Occiden-

tal House, St. Goes-ge's terrace, Perth, non-payment of rent and no Miner's Right.

Water Rights. 286Vulcan M ierals, Limited; Greenbuslies and c/a P. Birehley, 12 Howard street, Perth; mion-payment of rent. 290Greemibuslmes Tin, Liniited; Greenbushes and Occi-

dental House, St. George's terrace, Perth; non-

paynient of rent. 291 Vulcan Minerals, Limited; Greenbushes and e/o I'. Birehley, 12 Howard street, Perth; non-payment of rent. 292Vulcan Minerals, Limited; Greenbuslies and c/o P. Bireliley, 12 Howard street, Perth; sion-paymnent of rent. Dredging Claims.

90Galt, Alexander Robert; Greenbushes; no Miner's Right.

95-1{uitson, Frank; Greenbushes; non-payment of rent and no Miner's Eight. Garden Areas.

27Millman, Martha; Greenbnshes; non-payment of rent and no Miner's Right. 42Millman, Martha; Greenbushes; non-payment of

rent and no Miner's Right. 52Lindsay, Bert; Greenbaslies; non-payment of rent and no Miner's Right. Alluvial Claim.

961Lindsay, Rose; Lindsay, Harold Oswald; Lindsay,

Ronald Theodore; Greenbushes; no Miner's Right.

LOST CASH ORDERS. Agricultural Bank, Perth, 16th July, 1941. THE undermentioneci Cash Orders drawn by the Agri. ealtural Bank have heemi lost and payment has been stopped; it is proposed to issue fresh Cash Orders in

lieu thereof :-

C/O. No. 31331; value £29 5s.; W. M. Collins 29/.5/41 Narrogin. .1.

C/O. No. 7870; value £8; W. Squires; in tmn'our ef F. Everett; Nnrrogia. C. L. CLARKE, General Manager.


NOTICE is hereby given that the Power of Attorney dated the 8th day of April, 1938, executed by John Rosen Bloxsonie, of Yornup, Farmer, in favour of

1-Iaswcll Rossa Bloxsomc, of Yornup aforesaid, Farmer, has beemi revoked.

Dated tins 8th day of July, 1941. PERCY A. EWING, Bridgetown, Solicitor for John Rosen Bloxsosne. IN THE MATTER OF THE COMPANIES ACT, 1893, amid in the matter of Evanston North Geld Mines, Limited (in liquidation). I, NORMAN SAMUEL STUCKEY, of 13 Richardson stm-eet, South Perthm, in the State of Western Australia,

the Chairman of an extraordinary general meeting of Evanston North Gold Mines, Limited (in liquidation), held at the office of A. J. McLaren & Co., English, Scottish, and Australian Bank Chambers, St. George's

terrace, Perth, on Wednesday, the 9th day of July, 1941, at 4 o'clock p.m., aud duly convened, do hereby certify thmat at such, ineetimig the following special resolution

was passed, namely :Thiat the resignation of Charles Walter Michael Court as Liquidator be accepted and that Alexnnder John McLnren, of English, Scottishi, and Australian Bank Chambers, St. George 's terrace, Perth, he and is hereby appointed in Ins stead. Dated this 9th day of July, 1941. N. S. STTJCKEY, Chairman.

IN THE MATTER OF THE COMPANIES ACT, 1893, and Nelson & Hahn, Limited (in liquidation). NOTICE is hereby givemi that a meeting of the creditom-s of Nelson & Hahn, Limnited (in liquidation), will

be held at the offices of the Liquidator, on Tuesday, the 29th July, 1941, at the hour of 4 o 'clock in the a ftermio on.

Businessi, To consider the Liquidator's report comicerning his examination of the records and accounts of time Company; 2, to have the Liquidator's Reahsation Aecoumit laid before them, with his report thereon; 3, to consider the matter of the Liquidator's remuneratiosi; 4, to comisider any other matters dealing with the liquidation and to carry amiy resolutions therewith, as niay be thought fit. Dated at Perth, this 18th day of July, 1941, FINN M. MELSOM, Liquidator, Clmnrtered Accountant (Aust.), 81 St. George 's terrace, Perth,.



IN TIlE MATTER OF THE COMPANIES ACT, 1893, and Fremantle Garage & Service Station, Limited (in liquidation).

NOTICE is hereby given that a meeting of all those persons who prhna fade appear to be creditors of the abovenanied Company will be held at the offices of tile Liquidator on Tuesday, the 29th day of July, 1941, at the hour of 2.30 o 'clock in tue afternoon for tile purpose

of having laid before it a statement of affairs of tile Company on the date of winding-up and of hearing a

report from the Liquidator and of considering certain matters relating to the winding-up. Dated at Perth, this 18th day of July, 1941. FINN M. MELSOM, Liquidator,

Chartered Accountant (Aust.), Si St. George 's terrace, Perth.

IN THE SUPREME COURT OF WESTERN AUSTRALIAPROBATE JURISDICTION. In tile Will of William .John Maui, late of 4 Palmcrstoll street, Mosman Park, in tile State of Westerim Australia, Carpenter, deceased. TAKE notice that all creditors amid other persomis having

claims or demands against the above Estate must seiiii particulars in lvriting to the Executor, Tile Perpetuai Executors, Trustees,

L. 0. STOREY, Sc cl-eta ry,

Warwick House, St. George's terrace, Pertil.

and Agency Company


Limited, St. George's terrace, Perth, oii or before the 18th day of August, 1941, after which date tile Executor

will distributc the Estate amongst tile persons elltitied thereto, without liability for claims or clemnauls of which

it shall not then have ilad notice. Dated this 8th day of July, 1941.


Sohcitoi' for the Executor.

THE COMPANIES ACT, 1893. Westralian Properties Limited.

Notice of Change of Situation of Registered Office. NOTiCE is hereby given that the Registered Office of the above Company has been changed and is 110W situated at 3rd Floor, i\rarviek House, St. George's terrace, Perth excepting public holidays, tile Office will be accessible to the public on all week days between the hours of 9 a.ui. and 5 p.m. and u Saturdays from 9 am, to 12 noon. Dated tlle l4til day of July, 1941.

[JULY iS, 1941.


ATJSTRALIAPIIOBATE JURISDICTION. the matter of the Will and two Codicils thereto of Janet Ellen Braid, late of Booralaining, in the State of Westcrml Australia, Widow, deceased.

NOTICE is hereby given that all creditors and othem-

pem'sons ilaVilIg claims or demands UOfl or against the Estate of tile abovenanied Janet Ellen Braid, deceased,

arc required to send particulars thereof in writing to

the Executors of 11cr Will, care of the undersigned, on oi- before the 18th day of August, 1941, after which date time Executors will distribute tile assets of the deceased itillolig tile person5 entitled thereto, having regai-d only to claims and clenmancis of which they shall then have ilad notice.


Airzone (W.A.), Liniited. Notice of Change of Registered Office.

NOTICE is hereby given that tile Registered 0111cc of tile abovonamcd Company has been changed and is

now situate at 106 Barrack street, Perth, and is open to the pubice week days from 9 a.nl. to 5 p.m. and on Saturdays from 9 am, to 12 iiooii, public holidays excepted.

Dated tilis 15th day of July, 1941. IJNMACK & UNMACK,

Withnell Chambers, Howard street, Perth, Solicitors for the abovenamed Company. THE COMPANIES ACT, 1893. In tile mattel of Yilgangie Queen Gold Mining Company,

No Liability (in liquidation). NOTICE is hereby given that an extraordinas-y general meeting of the Silaraholders of the abovenamed Cornpaiy will be held on Monday, the 25th day of August, 1941, at the hour of 11 o'clock in the forenoon, at Royal Insurance Buildings, St. George's terrace, Perth, to receive tile account by the Liquidatom- of the winding-up of the said Company. Dated the 16th day of July, 1941. HAYES, Liquidator.

John E. Roe, 19 Howard street, Perth, Solicitor for the Liquidator.

THE COMPANIES ACT, 1893. Notice of Situation of Registes-ed Office. The Swan Charcoal Company, Limited.

NOTICE is hereby given tllat, in accordance with section 39 of the Companies Act, 1893, the Registered Office

of the abovenanied Company is situate at Atlas Building, Esplanade, Perth, and is open to tile public between

the hours of 9 am, to 5 p.m. from Monday to Friday and from 9 am, to 12 noon on Saturday. H. H. STOWE,


THE COMPANIES ACT, 1893-1938. Commonwealth Steel Company, Limited.

NOTICE is hereby given that the office and place of

business of tile above Company is situate at Second Floor, Steamship Buildings, 168 St. George's terrace, Perth, Dated the 27th clay of June, 1941. H. C. WATSON,

Attorney in Western Austi-alia foi- the said Company.

Parker & Parker, 21 Howard street, Perth, Solicitors in Western Australia for the said Company.

Dated the Sthi day of July, 1941. ACKLAND & WATKINS, Perpetual Ts-ustee Buildings, St. George's terrace, Peithi, Solicitors for the Executors.

IN THE SUPREME COURT OF WESTERN AUSTRALIAPROBATE JURISDICTION. In tile matter of tile Will and Codicil of Cyril Phillips Bryan, iate of 545 William street, North Perth, ill the State of Western Australia, Medical Pinetitionei, deceased.

NOTICE is hereby given that all persons having claims or demands against the Estate of Cyril Phillips Bryan, late of 545 Wilham street, North Perth, in the State of Western Australia, Medical Practitioner, deceased, are requested to send particulars of time same imi writiig to the Executrix, care of Messrs. Jackson, McDonald, Con1101' & Ambrose, of 53 St. George's term-ace, Pci-ti, on or

before tile 18th day of August, 1941, after which date the Executrix will proceed to distribute the assets of tile said deceased numongst tile C501l5 entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims amid demands of which the Executrix shall then imavo had notice.

Dated tins 9th day of July, 1941. JACKSON, McDONALD, CONNOR, & AMBROSE, of C.M.L. Buildings, 53 St. George 's terrace, Perth, Solicitom's for time Executrix.


AUSTRALIAPROBATE JURISDICTION. In tile matter of the Will of HeidI Marie Maud Homan, late of 88 Cohn street, West Perth, in the State of Westermm Australia, Hospital Matson (Spinster), deceased.

TAKE notice that all creditors amid other persons isaving claims or demasids against the Estate of the abovenamed deceased al-c hereby required to send particulars in writ-

big of such claims and demands to The Perpetual Executors, Trustees, and Agency Company (W A ), Limited, of 93 St. George's terrace, Pes'th, the Executos' of the Will of the said deceased, on or before the 18th day of August, 1941, after which date tile Executor will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased amongst the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to time claims and demands of which it shall then have i-eceived notice,

Dated the 11th day of July, 1941. UNMACK & UNMACK, Solicitors for the Executor, The Perpetual Executom's,




and Agency Company Withnell

Howard street, Perth.



Jteir 18, 1941.1



AUSTRALIA JII0BATE JOB [SD1CTION. In the matter of the Will of Frances Margaret Morisoii,

late of 6 Fraser street, Sivaubourne, iii the State

of Western Australia, Married Woman, deceased. NOTiCE is hereby given that all persons having claims

or demands against the Estate of the aliovenaned deceased are requested to scud particulars of their claims or ddniands in writing to the Executor of thu Will of the said deceased, the West Australian Trustee, Execu-


and, further, tIed en the espirotiru of the last-

mentioned (late the Exci' utor

proceed tu list rihiute

ivil I

the assets of the said deceased inlong the l°°° titled thereto, having regard only to (lie claims UI' mands of wInch they shall then hai-e had notice. Dated tins 14th day of July, 1941.



MARGARET BATTYF, 7 Howard strect, Perth, Solicitor for the said West Austrahum Trustee, Executor, mid 1gcucy Coinpany, Limited.

Southern Cross (lmanibers,

tor, and Agency Company, Limited, of 135 St. George's

tel-race, Perth, on or before the 18th day of August,


NOTICE is hereby given that all persons having claims or demands against the Estates of the underinentioned deceased persons (orders to collect and administer whose Estates were granted tome by the said Court under the Curator of Intestate Estates Aet, 1918), are hereby required to send particulars of such claims or demands to me in writing on or before the 18th day of August, 1941, after which date I will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased persons among those entitled thereto, having regard only to those claims or demands of which I shall then have had notice.


Dated at Perth the 17th day of July, 1941.

Curator of Intestate Estates. Date of Death.


Kelly, Thomas (also known as Thomas .John Kelly) Worth, Catherine Marchioisi, Jack ...




. -,

Date of Order.







21-1-41 26-3-41





formerly of 2 Hardy street, North Fremantle, but late of 19 South terrace, Fre-

Itetired miner.



CONTEN'f Scourt tnuco'. 1-'age

. . Administration Act . Agricultural Bank Agriculture, Department of


Audit Act Bush Fires

Cash Orders Lost

.. .. ..



. .




965-6, 1020, 1025, 035, 1041

. .

. .




Commissioners for Declarations Companies




Crown La iv Dcpartuient

Curator of Intestate Estates Deceased Persons' Estates Electoral

. .













. .


Fas-iners' Debts Adjustment ActStay orders, etc.



1044-5 1043 1035-9


Harbour and Light Department

.. . Health Department HospitalsBoards of Slanageisic-nt, etc Justices of the Peace Lands Department

966 1025

966, 1043 1029 966 1043-4 966 1045 1044-5 966

Marketing of Onions ActRegulations Marriages

. .

. .

Midwives registered Mines Deparunent .. Municipalities . . . North-West Department. . Nurses registered .

966 9(17- 1021

1012-13 965 1021-31



1032-3 967-83






Powers of Attorney Act Premier's Department




. .

Public Service Conunissiomuer

Public Service Appeal Board Public Works Departuicut Registrar General .. Road Boards .. . , Tender Board fenders accepted .. TenSors invited . .










104 1-3 1033 -5 966

984-1011 101:t 965 9611 9611


1032-5 1011 1029-31 1040 1040


1022-3, 032,10(0








'Water Supply, etc., Department Workers' Homes Act

By Authority: I"ED. WM. S PawN, Government Printer, Perth.

i 1070/41.


Metropolitan Water Supply, etc.

Page 103 5-9 1041


103 2-3