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Westwood Foundation Rubric for Formative or Summative Assessments Student:



Student’s Inquiry / Task Transdisciplinary Theme:


⃝ Formative Title:

⃝ Summative

⃝ Other

Central Idea: (underline concepts)

Lines of Inquiry:

 Reflection throughout the process and product 




 Self  Peer  Teacher




Essential Elements

Demonstrates an extended understanding of the grade specific standards, concepts, skills and/or demonstrates their conceptual understanding of the central idea in a new content, and takes initiative to apply them in a variety of settings.

Demonstrates a proficient understanding of the grade specific standards, concepts, skills and/or demonstrates their conceptual understanding of the central idea in a new content, as well as the ability to apply them.

Demonstrates a developing understanding of the grade specific standards, concepts, skills and/or demonstrates their conceptual understanding of the central idea in a new content, as well as acquiring the ability to apply them.

Add specific components generated by student and teacher necessary for this assessment in columns below. Look on W: Drive for examples.

Knowledge What I want to know Concepts What I want to understand Transdisciplinary Skills What I want to use Attitudes What I want to show Action What I want to do Learner Profile What I strive to be Internationally Minded Connections Balance Essential PYP Elements, boxes expand, can use iPads, Chromebooks, computer, or paper copy Revised 1-15-16

Formative Assessment: Formative assessments are continuous assessment of a learner’s knowledge and understanding of grade specific standards, concepts, and skills which support the central idea and are used to further the inquiry the inquiry process. Formative assessments and learning engagements are directly linked; neither can function effectively or purposely without the other. Summative Assessment/ Evidence of Attainment/Indicator of Success: Summative Assessments are the culmination of the teaching and learning process and an opportunity for students to creatively demonstrate their conceptual understanding of the central idea through a student chosen topic, product, and presentation where the can apply a variety of learning styles, multiple intelligences, and abilities and express different perspectives and interpretation. The process and product of the summative assesses a range of several essential elements simultaneously and serves as a tool for feedback, dialogue, reflection, and action. The Foundation Rubric is used as the basis for the Formative or Summative assessment rubric. Teacher and students collaborate to determine the criteria necessary to complete the foundation rubric to fit the inquiry and expectations.

Westwood’s PYP Essential Elements Concepts


Skills What do we want students to be able to do?

What do we want students to understand? 8 Concepts important for design of Transdisciplinary Curriculum

What do we want students to know about?

 Thinking Skills  Social Skills  Communication Skills  Self-Management Skills  Research Skills

“Concept Driven Curriculum” Provide structure for exploration of significant and authentic content

Provide tools for inquiry Age appropriate as teacher provides opportunities

⃝ Thinker

⃝ Reflective ⃝ Quality


What do we want students to feel, value, demonstrate?

What kind of actions could students take?

 Who We Are  Where We Are in Place and Time  How We Express Ourselves  How the World Works  How We Organize Ourselves  Sharing the Planet Curriculum that is coherent, relevant, flexible, and interpretive. Importance of Significant knowledge (Global Significance)

Exit Outcomes ⃝ Inquirer


6 Transdisciplinary Themes (Human Commonality)

Gatekeeper Skills

 Form  Function  Causation  Change  Connection  Perspective  Responsibility  Reflection


 Appreciation  Commitment  Confidence  Cooperation  Creativity  Curiosity  Empathy  Enthusiasm  Independence  Integrity  Respect  Tolerance

Effective Action

 Choice  Can be small or large  Thoughtful &appropriate  Doing, Thinking, Feeling, Having, Saying, Being

“Student Empowerment”

“Habits of Mind”

Learner Profile Attributes

⃝ Principled ⃝ Community

12 Attitudes that should be encouraged


⃝ Open-Minded

⃝ Knowledgeable

⃝ Caring

⃝ Risk-Taker

⃝ Communicator

⃝ Balanced


Making Connections

Balance created between the essential elements =

Development of International Mindedness

Making Connections