What are Greenhouse Gases? - Bitly

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I have had limited education so the ideas I give to you are not as an expert but someone who really wants to help our en
Introduction ………………………………………………………………………


What are Greenhouse Gases? ................................................................ 4 How Do These Gases Affect Our Environment? ...................................... 6 How Individuals can Help the Environment ........................................... 8 Simple Changes You Can Make In Your Everyday Living ..................... 8 Recycling: How To Get Started ......................................................... 10 Alternative Energy: Learn How You Can Improve Your Home To Help The Environment ............................................................................. 11 Green Landscaping .......................................................................... 14 Learn How Composting Can Make A Difference ................................. 15 Helping The Environment Through Groceries: Buying Organic And Buying Locally.................................................................................. 16 What And How You Drive Can Affect The Environment ..................... 18 How Businesses And Factories Can Help The Environment .................. 20 How Businesses Can Benefit In The Long Term ................................. 21 How Today’s Businesses And Factories Are Starting To Convert ........ 22 Energy Alternatives For Today’s Businesses ...................................... 23 Recycling In The Office Can Make A Difference .................................. 25

Introduction Hello from our remote Thai village. As creators of CHEMICAL FREE handmade silk we are determined to do our bit for our environment. Every day we are exposed to the problems facing our planet and I wanted to share some easy ways for you to also help preserve our fragile environment. What does "Going Green" mean anyway? This popular phrase has been getting a lot of use lately. Essentially, "going green" is all about how you can help protect your environment. Topics such as conserving energy, environment friendly products, composting, organic goods, recycling and more all have to do with "going green". I have had limited education so the ideas I give to you are not as an expert but someone who really wants to help our environment. I also did lots of reading (see my sources at the end of this book) and this guide is my simple way of making sense of the world around me! The guide aims to educate others on the damages happening to our environment every day, and ways that individuals as well as businesses can help to reduce and even prevent those damaging effects. So enjoy and do you bit for our planet! Amnuai Beckenham Founder Thai Silk Magic

What are Greenhouse Gases?

To understand climate change, you first need to learn what greenhouse gases are. In general, natural greenhouse gases are a good and necessary thing to regulate the earth’s temperature. Humans and animals both release carbon dioxide as part of their metabolic processes. This is a natural process that is perfectly harmless to the planet. Other greenhouse gases are also naturally released by the earth. These gases act like a blanket for the earth, trapping heat in the atmosphere. This all sounds pretty good so far, right?

Not all gases are this friendly. Like chemicals some can be VERY TOXIC. Other greenhouse gases, such as fluorinated gases, are released solely as a result of industrial processes generated by people. These come from factories and are very dangerous. These gases, in addition to natural ones, can cause serious problems in the balance of greenhouse emissions. Without these manufactured industrial gases, the naturally emitted gases from humans and animals would likely not be a problem.

The principle greenhouse gases according to the Environmental Protection Agency are,  carbon dioxide—naturally occurring, but also increased by the burning of fossil fuels  methane—emitted from livestock, landfills and during production and transportation of fossil fuels

 nitrous oxide—emitted during agricultural and industrial processes and during the combustion of fossil fuels and solid waste  fluorinated gases—substitutes for ozone depleting gases; emitted in smaller quantities than other gases, but considered highly potent (high global warming potential gases) As you can see, the main source for these gases is the use of fossil fuels. Is this all your fault? Well, of course not, but it does not mean a blind eye should be turned. Until people can be weaned off of these limited energy sources, it will be difficult to make any headway in the fight against climate change. Politics, power and profit seem to be big challenges in this fight!

Let’s look at why we have our current greenhouse gas problem. Before the Industrial Revolution, there was not as much cause for concern. The most civilized areas of the world were agriculturally based societies. Although livestock waste releases methane gas, this was not a great threat to the global environment. Once oil and coal burning factories began emerging in the 19th century, with no thought of emission controls, the releasing of greenhouse gases began to skyrocket.

The 20th century brought the age of the automobile. Even with current emission standards on cars, and some standards on factories, it’s not enough. The widespread dependence upon cars means that greenhouse gas emissions continue to rise, despite increasing regulations. All you

need to do is look at the air in cities such as Los Angeles, and you can see the results of greenhouse gases. Did you know that biofuels were used in the very first cars by Henry Ford? We seem to have forgotten that with the discovery of oil! Developing countries such as China are creating an even bigger crisis. They are emitting pollutants at an even greater rate than the U.S. and Great Britain during the Industrial Revolution. As countries develop technologies, they want to use these advancements to further their economic development.

Why should they have to be regulated during development, when the United States and Europe were allowed to industrialize freely? Although this doesn’t seem fair, developed countries are being encouraged to reduce their emissions by even more than developing ones. Without emission controls, the climate change problem will only spiral even further out of control.

How Do These Gases Affect Our Environment? So what are the implications of these greenhouse gases? Specifically, why should you care? That blanket of greenhouse gases, previously discussed, is becoming too thick. Polar temperatures are on the rise causing glacial melting. This glacial melting means that sea levels are rising. This will eventually cause the polar ice caps to melt. In addition to

polar warming, the rest of the planet is going to be shaken up as well. This includes warming in certain areas, more rainfall in dry areas, and droughts in areas with typically high precipitation. Basically, the weather will change from the norm all over the globe.

Aside from gradual changes in weather patterns, extreme weather events will heighten. Stronger hurricanes and tsunamis will form due to warmer waters. Thanks to longer and hotter summers, the hurricane seasons will last much longer and be more active. Extreme droughts and flooding will become more frequent as the earth’s climate radically changes.

What does this change mean for animals? It means that migratory patterns of birds will be thrown off due to the change in weather, winds, and temperature. Some animals will be unable to cope. The species which cannot adapt and fall to extinction will have a domino effect on other animals, as well. It is possible that one of the largest mass extinctions will take place thanks to climate change.

So, this has nothing to do with the human race, right? Wrong. The changing of weather patterns is going to destroy food supplies around the world and create an overall mess. People will be forced to start over and learn how to survive in a whole new environment. Some animals will die, and some will adapt. Likewise, people will be forced to adapt and learn new methods of existence.

How Individuals can Help the Environment Instead of waiting around for this day to come, you can take a proactive approach to stop, or prolong the change of the earth. You have a responsibility to protect this earth for your own sake, and the sake of the planet itself. This isn’t such a bad thing to do. Changing the course of the planet is important for the health of the earth. It’s not bad for your own wallet either.

The solution is simple enough—reduce emissions to reduce the speed of climate change. So, how can you, as an individual, play a role in accomplishing this task? It is really as easy as flipping off a light switch. People really can make a difference by taking the climate change situation seriously.

Simple Changes You Can Make In Your Everyday Living Turning off the lights and television when leaving a room can make a big difference. Switching the air conditioner up a couple of degrees can also bring hefty savings. A fan uses much less electricity, so try to rely on those more than the air conditioner. Again, remember to turn the fan off when leaving. Computers and other electronics should be turned off when not in use – I still need to remind my husband about this!

These simple power conserving tips are the easiest and most cost effective methods to reducing your dependence upon energy. All that is required is the memory and mindset to turn off switches. The minimal effort required will yield great results in both helping the environment, and in decreasing your electric bill. There is no reason to leave lights, fans and televisions on when leaving a room. Turn them off regularly, and watch as your power bill shrinks.

All of these little changes can save tens of dollars on ones monthly electric bill, and in turn, add up to hundreds of dollars per year in savings. At the same time, you are reducing your dependence upon electricity/oil, and lowering emissions.

Buying and using fewer disposable goods is another great way to reduce your impact on the environment without drastically changing your life or power source. This could be as simple as using washable hand towels instead of paper towels. Bottling your own water from water machines is another way to reduce waste as well as save money. Instead of buying individual bottles of water, simply buy a few reusable hard plastic bottles that can be washed and refilled. Taking simple steps like these can greatly reduce the amount of waste which your household produces. Reducing waste lowers your overall footprint on the environment.

Many private households are choosing to go green. You can help your environment, while at the same time cut your energy costs. It really is a

win-win situation. So, how else can you save the environment? There are plenty of ways to help.  recycling  alternative energy  landscaping  composting  organic foods  fuel efficiency These are just a few of the ways that regular Americans can easily contribute toward the green movement.

Recycling: How To Get Started Recycling is a simple enough concept, and it has been practiced for decades. Many cities offer weekly recycling pickup just like garbage pickup. This is a great way to encourage citizens to recycle—make it easy. They will provide you with a bin. This makes it just as easy to recycle as it is to throw things away. Just toss it in the bin, and drag it out to the curb on pick-up day. To get a bin, or to find out about your town’s recycling policies, visit your area’s waste management website. The website will provide you with what day your pick-up is, and a phone number to call to get a bin. They are free, so there is no reason not to become involved. If you are from a

small town and there is no website, just look up the phone number, and stop searching for excuses. For those who do have this luxury, there is absolutely no excuse not to recycle. If all you need to do is drag a bin to the curb, than do it. Even if recycling requires you to load up your bottles and other items and drive them to a recycling center, it is worth it. It is also a great way to teach your family and kids about responsible habits. Having to drive your recyclables to a center is a minor inconvenience compared to the growing landfills monstrosities that are appearing in most countries.

Alternative Energy: Learn How You Can Improve Your Home to Help the Environment There are huge economic gains to be had in creating a self-powered home. You can eliminate or greatly reduce your monthly electric bill. A sustainable home also improves the value of the home for resale later. Although, there is an upfront cost, the price of alternative energy modifications has been drastically falling. You can usually pay off the initial cost with power savings in as little as a year or so, depending upon the scale of the endeavor.

As sunshine can be found in most regions of most countries, it is one of the easiest methods to energy independence. Some areas may experience a more overcast and rainy climate, and solar energy is not ideal, but can sometimes be workable. If you live in a sunny area of the country, solar power is a very effective and valuable form of home energy.

But, what if you live where there isn’t as much year round sunshine? A solar powered system could be made to store solar energy, but you would probably be better off with a different energy system, such as wind power.

A solar powered panel system is going to cost at least a thousand dollars. Who can really afford to make that much of an investment? There are companies now, however, that sell kits with instructions on how to build your own solar panels. These can be built for only a few hundred dollars or less. Although there are some scams to watch out for, many of the companies are offering a very real solution to your skyrocketing electric bills.

With a little research, you can find a convenient and affordable way to generate your own solar power. If that sounds good, just wait until the electricity bills start coming with only one or two digits.

Constructing a solar powered energy system is quite easy. Most kits come with detailed drawings and explanations that are simple enough for anyone to understand. Once the system has been built and hooked into the home’s power supply, the electricity meter for the home’s electric company power usage will begin ticking more slowly. Users of solar power will quickly see the results on their power bills. With the rising cost of electricity, now is a great time to invest in solar.

As with any power system, there are pros and cons to using solar energy. As previously stated, solar is not going to be a reliable method of constant power if cloud cover is a prevalent nuisance. The system will still help electric bills, but will not be able to function to its fullest potential without dependable sunshine. Perhaps another form of alternative home energy would be better suited for you if your home does not receive abundant sunshine.

On the upside, most of America has the sunshine needed to support a solar power system for one’s home. Solar power is a fantastic way to give back to the environment, while reaping the rewards of savings for yourself. Other than a small initial investment, there is no real downside to powering one’s home using self-constructed solar panels.

Wind energy is another clean and efficient at home option for many households. Now, obviously if you live in an area with very little breeze, a windmill may not be the best solution. Contrary to belief, however, you do not need a steady gale force wind to make use of a windmill.

When you think of wind energy, you might think about large scale wind farms which produce energy to power entire towns. You might also imagine old wooden windmills found on farms and used to draw water. Neither of these windmill designs would be practical for home use, although both serve their own purposes well.

Windmills for home use are not the typical giants that are taller than your house. Models can be affordably built to sit outside or on your porch that are no more than a few feet tall. These windmills are designed with practicality in mind for the single family home. They are small in scale, as well as very quiet. They do not stand out as an eyesore on your property either, but can blend right in.

Kits can be purchased, just as with solar panels, to build small windmills. Clear instructions will insure that anyone can put the kit together. Most of these wind energy kits sell for less than $100, and you can reap a profit in energy savings within a month or two. The turbine is simple enough to build, and once it is connected to one’s power, the windmill will begin to power your home, driving down your electric bill.

The only downfall to wind energy is how breezy your location is. Though they do not need excessive wind to function, they do require a decent amount. Therefore, if you live in an area with little wind, solar panels may be a better option. Other than wind availability, there is no other negative to wind energy. It is clean, efficient, and can work wonders for your energy savings.

Green Landscaping What comes to mind when you think landscaping? You probably didn’t think about sustainability or conservation. Landscaping can, however, be a powerful part of what kind of impact your home makes upon the environment. Typical lawns are notoriously water thirsty. Because of the

shallow root system, they require a great deal of water year round in order to thrive. They do not tolerate drought, and will turn brown and ugly quickly if they are not watered.

A great alternative to typical grass lawns is to utilize native plants. Instead of a plain green lawn, plant native shrubs and grasses that can tolerate your region’s typical climate. If drought is a yearly problem, choose vegetation that has a high tolerance for dry conditions. Native plants are usually the best option because they have a natural ability to tolerate your area’s unique conditions. With a little bit of research, you can create a beautiful landscape using native plants that require very little care and maintenance.

Learn How Composting Can Make A Difference Composting is also helpful to the environment. Not all areas can compost due to deed restrictions and other limitations, but for those who can, it is a great thing to do. This is obviously not a suitable option for apartment dwellers and others who do not have a yard. Composting involves piling up old vegetation—branches and things that one would normally take to the curb—and allowing the plant matter to break down naturally.

Food scraps such as apple cores, banana peels and other matter that breaks down are added to the pile. This helps to encourage the breaking down, or composting of the vegetative material. In time, the matter at the bottom of the pile will break down into nutrient rich soil that can be used

for gardening. This process helps to limit one’s food and plant waste while recycling useless material into fertile soil. The downside to composting is that the smell of rotting vegetation is not altogether pleasant, so care should be taken to place the compost heap at a good distance away from the residence. If these steps are taken, composting can be a great help to the environment that is easy for anyone to do.

Helping the Environment Through Groceries: Buying Organic And Buying Locally Another way that you can help the environment is through organic foods. Non-organic crops are grown using pesticides and herbicides to keep the foods from being consumed by insects. These chemicals coat the fruits and vegetables. Although you should always rinse these foods before consumption, even that does not guarantee that you are not ingesting any chemicals. Organic fruits and vegetables are grown without the use of these chemicals. Natural and harmless methods are used to discourage insects from harming the crop. An organic plum, for example, can be picked and immediately eaten, just as nature intended. Imagine the comfort in knowing that nothing dangerous was used on the food you eat and feed your children. You can rinse organic food, but it’s not necessary, as the only thing on the fruit might be a bit of dirt, which is harmless. Organic produce is expensive, isn’t it? Yes, it will cost a bit more than typical produce. A great way to eat healthier organic foods more affordably is to create your own little garden

patch. You can buy fruit and vegetable seeds at many stores. With a bit of effort, you can grow your foods that are inexpensive and healthy for your family.

Organic meat is also growing in popularity. Non-organic meat often comes from animals which have been injected or fed antibiotics and steroids. The steroids build excess muscle meat on the animal, sometimes to the point that inhibits its natural movement. The meat makes the animal worth more, and it is less expensive to maintain one bulked up cow than two regular ones.

Antibiotics in dairy cows translate into antibiotics in the milk which people drink. This is harmful and causes immunities to the antibiotics. Although the FDA does regulate the amount which can be found in milk and dairy products, many people are becoming uncomfortable with the idea in general.

Organic meat comes from animals which have not been drugged or otherwise tampered with. In many situations you can even find organic meat from free range animals. This means that the cow or chicken has lived a life outside of a cage or crate. It has built muscle naturally from movement instead of through steroids. The animal has been fed natural and healthy grains.

Aside from health aspects of the meat, the animal has lived a happy life, natural to his species. Organic meat costs a little bit more than regular meat, but you can be assured that drugs were not added to your food, and that the meat has passed inspection to be certified organic. This is the healthiest kind of meat for you and your family.

Buying locally is another way to support an eco-friendly lifestyle. Many foods are shipped from thousands of miles away to get to your supermarket. For example, you can probably find oranges in Florida supermarkets which were imported from California. Why does it make sense to import oranges to this citrus state? Consequently, it produces a lot of greenhouse gases. Buying food from other parts of the country/world is wasteful and harmful to the earth. This uses up a lot of fuel and resources.

Through buying food locally, you can help to curb this cycle. Try out the local farmer’s market or grocery store. You’ll find that the food is fresher as it is picked more recently and travels only a small distance. While buying better foods, you are also helping the environment.

What and How You Drive Can Affect the Environment A great way to reduce your carbon footprint is by driving fuel efficient vehicles. Many Americans for example still seem to be hooked on the luxury of enormous, “gas guzzling” sport utility vehicles. Are you one of these people who cling to the idea that they are somehow safer in such a vehicle? The reality is that you are much more likely to roll over in a

large SUV than in a car or minivan. Perhaps in a head to head collision, the larger car is the winner, but if the SUV attempted to swerve to avoid the head to head, they would lose control. Even the hybrid sport utility vehicles are lucky to get 20 miles per gallon.

Some people need to drive trucks or SUVs due to towing needs, but the vast majority of people in these mammoth automobiles have never once used their vehicle for towing anything. Do you need a giant SUV to tow the family jet ski or 4-wheeler? Absolutely not. A smaller sport activity vehicle or minivan could tow that weight with much better fuel efficiency.

A car or truck should be able to perform the tasks which an owner requires of it. If you need to tow horses, a compact car is not going to do it. But if you don’t need the extra size, torque and horsepower for towing anything, then drive a cheaper and more fuel efficient car. It will save you money on the car itself usually, as well as money at the pump in the long term.

If you have a “gas guzzler” and cannot replace it at the moment, or if you just want to up the efficiency of your current car, there are some driving tips which everyone can employ. First of all, don’t floor the pedal from the stoplight. This is a no-brainer. You are not in a race, so do not drive in that manner. Unfortunately we see this all the time in our part of Thailand and not only is it more expensive way to drive but it’s also dangerous!

Most cars can get out of their own ways quite easily without slamming down on the accelerator. Also, try to avoid frequent braking and accelerating. If a light is red, try to coast or slow down gradually to it instead of screeching to a halt then squealing to a start again.

These tips, in addition to driving a fuel efficient car, suitable to your lifestyle, will help you get the mileage which you never thought possible. If everyone drove the biggest and fanciest cars available, then where would the environment be? The earth cannot afford for humans to be so selfish. Fuel efficient cars of today are sporty and quick enough to satisfy the typical driver.

How Businesses and Factories Can Help the Environment For many their way of life seems to revolve around financial success. People gain financial success by cutting corners to reduce cost on their businesses and factories. Yes, everyone wants a piece of their “lifestyle dream”, and you should have the freedom to earn money, but, at what cost? The side effect of these shortcuts is a damaged environment. In order to create a lasting change in the country, its people must be convinced that there is something more important than money—our planet.

How Businesses Can Benefit In the Long Term They must also be shown that it is not necessarily financially draining to become a green business. There are a lot of perks to converting to green technologies. Once companies can see how beneficial it is to care for the environment, they will begin to employ such technologies.

Obviously, companies cannot be expected to make such drastic changes purely out of the goodness of their hearts. Let’s face it; most people won’t work to help the environment without some sort of reward for their sacrifices. Thankfully, there are great gains to be had in employing green technology.

The rewards of going green heavily outweigh the initial costs for companies. Factories will incur a heavy bill upon converting their technology to low emission standards. There are grants and other resources available, however, to help these businesses with their endeavors. The green business will soon see a great deal of gain following a conversion, including positive press coverage, and more interest in the company.

Often times, low emission technologies even save money for factories in the long term. How is this possible? Well, if a factory converts its power source from oil to gas, let’s say, it would no longer have to incur the frequent price fluctuations of oil.

It would still need to deal with natural gas prices, but these are cheaper and more stable. In this manner, it may take factories awhile to begin to see these savings, but they will most certainly come in the long term.

How Today’s Businesses and Factories Are Starting To Convert Big polluters need to be encouraged to convert to cleaner, low emission technologies. These conversions are more costly and difficult than replacing a light bulb with a fluorescent like you can do in your own home. Factories need to make enormous renovations to their plants to harness a new way of making their product and a new way of thinking.

So, what kinds of fixes are available for large, well established factories? It would seem impossible to change them without starting from scratch. Most of the time, this is not the case, and alterations can be made to an existing structure without destroying the whole thing.

Many factories are employing wind technology and methane gas to help to power their production of goods. This takes an initial investment, but the businesses which have done this have seen great rewards in customer interest as well as in direct economic savings.

Power plants across the nation are realizing that the rising cost of fuel is demanding that changes happen. They are choosing to convert, understanding that the long term benefits outweigh initial costs.

Energy Alternatives for Today’s Businesses Coal is one of the dirtiest forms of energy, but it is also readily available in many of our advanced nations like the United States. There are many coal powered plants throughout the country, especially in the northeast where coal mines are abundant. Should we forget coal and erect windmills on top of coal mines? That wouldn’t make sense at all.

Instead of abandoning coal, these plants can employ clean coal technology. Clean coal is the burning of coal with a drastic reduction in the typical emission levels. Coal is a great resource in America, and efforts should be made to further explore and promote clean coal technology.

Oil powered plants are another popular form of electricity in the U.S.A. These plants can be converted into natural gas powered ones with some changes. So, why should plants convert from one non-renewable fossil fuel to another? Although natural gas is also a finite fossil fuel resource, it is much cleaner burning than oil, and is found more readily in the United States than oil. Although it is not a permanent fix, oil to gas conversions can make a big impact upon reducing the nation’s carbon emissions.

Newly constructed power plants should definitely not be made to support dirty fuel. This is the fuel of the past, and clean energy is the future.

Wind and solar powered plants should be used when possible. Nuclear power is another undervalued resource. Nuclear is clean and cost efficient. When used in a safe manner, it is a highly effective way to provide clean, inexpensive power.

Dirty power plants need to be converted, and no new ones should be built. Builders of coal and oil plants will find that although they make good profits early on, soon they will be left behind in green technology and in cost efficiency. You can expect to see more restrictions and taxes placed upon dirty plants as the world progresses toward achieving an environmentally sustainable planet. Clean energy will someday be the only energy; plants need to realize this and work to convert to cleaner, greener technologies.

Sustainable energy should be used whenever possible. There are many different options, not limited to wind and solar.  hydropower—the use of dammed water running through rivers and streams to create power  biomass—the use of plant based material to be burned in order to create ethanol  geothermal—heat energy gathered from within the earth by means of deep wells in the ground  trash—it can be cleanly burned to produce electricity, or methane gas from landfills can be harnessed

With so many better options than fossil fuels, it is a wonder that the world still depends upon them.

Recycling In the Office Can Make a Difference Green businesses and offices can also employ energy saving, environmentally friendly policies. This can include recycling. It is easy enough to provide employees with a few recycling bins to dispose of their soda cans. Wouldn’t you toss your soda can or bottle into a recycling bin at the office if one was provided to you? True environmentalists would pack up their recyclable materials and bring them home to recycle. In order to really get an impact, however, we need to make recycling as easy as possible for normal people.

There is also often a lot of paper which is thrown away in an office setting. Used printer paper can be easily recycling, keeping it from contributing to landfills. Many offices are already recycling paper. They provide bins next to the office printer for people to discard of printer paper that is not going to be used. Maybe the wrong thing was printed, or it came out wrong in some other way. Printer cartridges should also be recycled. These can be collected from printers and taken to many office supply stores which will send them to be recycled properly.

All computers should be shut down at the end of every workday to reduce energy wasting. A great way to ensure that all office workers’ computers are powered down at night is to employ someone with the task of checking after hours.

Obviously, employees need to be warned that computers are going to be shut off at night so that their work is saved. As workers are going home, one of them can go around and shut off the computers. It’s simple enough, and soon employees will get the hang of it and put themselves in the habit of turning off their own computers.

Why should businesses care about going green? First of all, conserving energy cuts down electricity bills, which is something that everyone can enjoy. Another perk is that “green businesses” receive a great deal of positive media attention. A good reputation is something to be enjoyed. Green businesses are viewed very highly by communities. In today’s culture it is hip to be environmentally friendly, so green businesses will enjoy a boosted reputation.

A go green phenomenon is sweeping the world. With petrol prices dependent upon unstable foreign countries, and the threat of climate change, more and more factories, businesses and households are choosing to go green. Becoming more sustainable is a popular trend, not only due to fear, but also due to availability and cost efficiency.

More environmentally friendly products are hitting the market every day, it seems. Even large corporations are getting involved with this ecologically friendly campaign. Environmentally safe household cleaners are now offered from big name companies. Even environmentally friendly flooring is now advertised, including wood which has been selectively harvested.

The cost of these new to the market products is also attributing to the growing popularity. As better methods of going green are discovered, the cost will continue to decrease for the public. Eventually, it will become more cost efficient to buy green products and organic foods. As for now, one must still shell out a bit more, but isn’t it worth it to know you are helping the planet?

For as cost effective as the green lifestyle is becoming, there is truly no reason not to go green. Becoming environmentally sustainable is not difficult or costly. Why not jump on board when you can help the environment and simultaneously add some savings into your own wallet?

As a polluting factory, there is no way that you will be able to stay in business for much longer without taking measures to reduce emissions. As a business, you should work to improve your image while reducing your footprint by encouraging environmentally friendly policies in the office or workplace. At Thai Silk Magic we are proud to not only totally avoid the use of chemicals but also by only use natural ingredients for our dyes and sustainable resources for our silk we know we are providing safe creations for our customers in an eco-friendly way.. As an individual, the possibilities are limitless for how much you can do to help the environment. Going green has never been more appealing financially or more necessary environmentally.

I hope you enjoyed these ideas about how we can all help protect and preserve our environment. Amnuai Beckenham Founder Thai Silk Magic

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NOTE: Resources Used for this book: EPA http://www.epa.gov/climatechange/emissions/index.html#ggo U.S. Department of Energy http://fossil.energy.gov/programs/powersystems/cleancoal/ http://www.energy.gov/environment/climatechange.htm http://www.energy.gov/energysources/bioenergy.htm Home Made Energy http://www.homemadeenergy.org/