The attrition rate among women in computer science. (CS) in the U.S. is much higher than that of men [1, 2]. The lower persistence of women in computer ...
What Can Computer Science Learn from a Fine Arts Approach to Teaching? Lecia Jane Barker, Kathy Garvin-Doxas, And Diane Sieber University of Colorado Boulder, CO 80309 {Lecia.Barker, Ronda.Garvin-Doxas, Diane.Sieber} This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grants 0090026 and 0082915. ABSTRACT This paper compares two curricular information technology programs, one that graduates a much higher percentage of women than the other. Although the two programs center on IT, they are quite different in how they are structured and how students are assessed. This paper compares the programs on two dimensions, knowledge sharing and assessment techniques, then suggests ways that CS instruction might borrow from the other in order to increase retention of women in CS. These include • allow students to hear each other articulate what they are learning; • begin lectures by telling students about the practical application of what will later be described at the abstract level; and • require that students display their solutions to the class and require that their classmates give them feedback. 1
INTRODUCTION The attrition rate among women in computer science (CS) in the U.S. is much higher than that of men [1, 2]. The lower persistence of women in computer science is in contrast with women in science and engineering in general. For example, a recent study funded by the National Center for Education Statistics found that women in this broader category tend to complete their degrees in higher proportion than males [3]. Several explanations, both evidence-based and theoretical, are offered for the higher attrition of females in CS. Some women lose confidence in their ability to complete the tasks required for earning acceptable grades, despite evidence that they perform equally to men when lack of experience is factored out [4, 5]. Margolis and Fisher reported that this loss in confidence precipitates a student’s decision to leave the CS major [6]. Other explanations include the low number of female faculty role models in computer science, poor student-mentor relationships caused by large and impersonal computer science classes, classroom environments characterized by unchecked one-up-man-ship, and a “chilly” climate where woman experience difficulty in entering peer study groups and are faced with “pervasive stereotypes” that women cannot be technical or must use their feminine wiles to get good grades [7, 8, 9, 10]. No doubt many women experience the double bind described by Seymour, in which being feminine or attractive is interpreted as being
incompetent, while playing down one’s femininity is interpreted as unnatural and unattractive or as a sign of lesbianism [11]. Many interventions have been proposed and implemented to increase retention of women in computer science. These include offering introductory or immigration courses with a broader view of the IT industry or which accommodate different abilities at the early stages of the program; increasing student collaboration through pair programming; and including projects which are more meaningful to women [10, 12, 13, 14, 15]. Ensuring that visible role models are presented to students (e.g., guest speakers), faculty and student role models are available, and improving student-faculty and student-student relationships through mentoring programs are also recommended strategies [9, 14, 15, 16]. Additionally, professional development of faculty around gender issues may improve retention [10]. In this paper, we offer yet another method of increasing retention based on observations of courses offered in a six-course, multi-disciplinary, information technology certificate program in comparison with a traditional computer science major. First we present the background of the study, including brief description of each curricular program and our research methods. We then describe two differences across these two classroom settings: knowledge sharing and assessment techniques. We conclude with some ideas on how CS instructors might adapt some of the pedagogical techniques of the certificate program to improve retention. 2 BACKGROUND 2.1 University, Students, and Programs The two programs observed were a traditional Computer Science (CS) major and a multimedia-oriented IT certificate program (referred to as IT throughout the rest of the paper). Both curricular programs were observed in the same university, a public, doctoral-extensive university with 24,000 undergraduates enrolled in 2003. Students in both programs are high achievers: admissions requirements for engineering students are the highest in the university; the IT program has an unusually high number of students with double majors, double degrees, minors, and other certificates (e.g., teaching certification, international business) as well as unusually high grade point averages. The CS department, housed in a large school of engineering, had some 700 majors in 2000 when the study was begun, but like most CS departments across the country, these numbers have decreased over the past few years. The CS major is consistent with Computing
Curricula 2001’s “programming first” approach [17], in which early instruction concentrates on programming and syntax. Instruction tends to occur in a large lecture environment, with labs assigned where students more or less independently learn skills related to lecture. This CS program typically graduates fewer female undergraduate majors than the U.S. national average. Between 19942000, its attrition rate for women was 11.4%, slightly higher than men at 10.5%; however, because there were only 21 women in this group, it is hard to have great confidence in the statistical significance of the difference. There is likely a strong relationship between attracting and retaining students in an established program. When students are looking at a program of interest, they are likely to ask other students about their experiences or what they have heard. Word of mouth may be a powerful deterrent to entry into a major where the situation for certain types of students is substandard. In the IT certificate program, students acquire indepth skill with high-end, multimedia software packages (e.g., Photoshop, Flash) as well as some HTML programming. “Real” programming courses are optional (e.g., java, C). The program is open to all undergraduates and requires that students take six courses, of which only three are taught exclusively by the IT core faculty. The introductory course teaches basic HTML with course content centering on non-technical aspects of new media; three are project courses with both individual and group assignments; and the remaining two focus on social or theoretical implications of technology from the viewpoint of any of several departments. Therefore, it is rare for two students to have exactly the same courses beyond the three core courses. Its student enrollment is more than half women (56%) and 64% of those who have graduated are women (the program comprised more women when it was first offered). Males and females drop out at about the same rates as they enroll, though as with CS, the numbers are too small to give the statistical analysis much power. 2.2 Research Method Our data collection and analytical methods fall within ethnographic inquiry, the goal of which is to document and understand interactions and their meanings within a particular social context, such as a classroom or curricular program. Using this approach, social scientists hope to articulate what is often implicit and unarticulated in social settings: both typical behavior and the shared norms and beliefs prescribing what is appropriate. Ethnographic research leads to in-depth knowledge of particular situations, but should not be generalized. However, it can be used by analogy: when the reader believes their situation is similar in essential features, then ethnographic research can help to shine a light on the interactional details of their classroom. During two sequential academic years, we observed courses in the two programs. Table 1 shows the number of courses and the total time we spent in them.
For each class, we recorded: number of students attending, sex, and appearance; physical layout of classrooms and seating arrangements; and descriptions of interaction (student-student and student-instructor interaction) and interactants (male/female; major if known). Observation notes were typed and the resulting text bound into 21 sets of “books.” Table 1: Observation Details Term
Cours Hours 2 46.25 Fall 2000 3 50 2 70.34 Spring 2001 2 37.5 2 103.25 Fall 2001 2 47.5 3 95 1 20.83 Spring 2002 2 59.67 2 72.5 Total 21 602.84 *Cross-listed; attended by both CS majors and IT students.
3 KEY DIFFERENCES OBSERVED 3.1 Knowledge Sharing 3.1.1 Computer Science In all the computer science courses we observed (except for the cross-listed courses), lecture and lab were separate. In lecture, for the most part, students would sit and listen, looking forward at their professor. In this kind of environment, when a teacher stands at the front of the room, attention is focused on one person, object, or action, implying that the learning or knowledge will be imparted by that person and the contributions of others is of lesser value. Teachers have the right to move around the class, while students have no such right without permission from the teacher [18]. Further, the lectern is a signal to students that one-way transmission of information is going to predominate. Spatial arrangements have additional meaning for participants in a classroom; for example, “in a non-circular configuration . . . in which there is one member at the apex of a triangle, . . . the member at the apex typically has the right (and obligation) of sustained speech” [17, p. 184]. The subject matter of lectures was often taught inductively, with explanations of how to do something preceding why a person might need to know the theory or method. In fact, students sometimes raised their hands asking what they needed to know something for. For example, when a student asked why they needed to know a particular algorithm, the professor replied that he was proving its efficiency; thinking he had not been clear about his question, the student asked again. The professor seemed not to recognize what the student wanted to know and after probing, apologized for not understanding the question and moved forward. From the perspective of an outsider (the observer), it felt like an embarrassing
moment. About ten minutes later, the professor began to tell the class the situations when they might use that algorithm, reinforcing the belief that he simply could not understand that a student might want this information before the proof. Inductive instruction happened across many classes, where abstract principles and reasoning were described prior to the practical application of that knowledge. In addition, assignments were often abstract or lacked reference to students’ lives; for example, students might have to perform sorts, but without a context in which sorting is typically conducted. CS professors occasionally experimented in lecture. Once, for example, a professor worked through a little program to produce a graphic image, using trial and error and getting helpful suggestions from students. Though it was the end of the class period, when students typically noisily zip their notebooks into their backpacks as a signal to professors, on this occasion they were much too engaged to remember to behave like a typical student. Generally, however, professors came to class with working programs and complete lectures, giving the illusion to their less experienced students that they always had the right answer and that programming ran smoothly for them. If they were to teach in a lab, students would see them experience greater programming difficulties. Instead, CS professors were more likely to be perceived as experts and students novices. In lab, students were focused on their computers, doing their programming work. Most talk among students was subdued and brief. We learned from students that they often avoided talking to other students in labs and blocked their screens, afraid that someone else would see their code. This is because both students are punished if one is caught cheating. As documented elsewhere, when we began this research collaboration was equated with cheating, because most of the faculty sincerely believe collaboration is unacceptable [8]. That is, while faculty would sometimes discuss the possibility of students working together in faculty meetings and interviews (usually by defending their stance against it), those who wanted to use group or pair programming techniques had the burden of proof to show that students entering the next level would enter with the requisite skills. Although the tone of anti-collaboration statements has softened, syllabi typically continue to include statements like this: “Some of the homework that you do in this class may be done with other students. However, other work must be done on your own, with no help except from the instructors. (Paid tutors may contact the professor to receive approval to help with these assignments.) For your assignments, you will be asked to accept the student honor pledge: ‘On my honor, I have neither given nor received unauthorized assistance on this work.’ In your submission you should clearly indicate which students helped you in the assignment and on what
questions. Breaking this rule for homework or exams will result in an F for the entire course (not just for the assignment).” The fact that working with other students is specifically addressed, and in bold type, on a syllabus not only calls attention to it, but marks it as behavior seen as abnormal. Working with others could be perceived by students as unusual behavior for a computer scientist. Further, it is clear that students had trouble determining what kind of “working with other students” would land them an F and which was allowed. In interviews conducted by one of our graduate students studying an experimental, group-based introductory course, CS students said that in this course, they could do things that their friends had told them was considered cheating in their traditionally taught courses (i.e., discussing how to write an algorithm as a group). These kinds of messages are the beginning of students’ socialization into their chosen discipline, as shown by a comment from CS senior, who said, “you shouldn’t have to collaborate to get a job done.” As a result of the combination of teacher-as-locus-ofcontrol, fear that talking to another student might be construed as cheating, and subject matter abstracted from the world of human experience both in lecture and lab, we observed very little knowledge sharing among students. Professors were treated as experts and students as el ssthan-expert (to varying degrees); however, we did not observe students teaching their professors in a collaborative learning environment. 3.1.2 IT The introductory IT course is, like the CS courses, taught using lecture and lab, but with the additional requirement that students discuss what they are learning. In addition to the professor, this course includes a series of guest speakers who speak about their experience (e.g., in ecommerce or other domains). We observed students being encouraged to ask questions as part of lecture and to analyze what they had heard orally by means of a conceptual framework, defined early in the term and threaded through the semester. The nature of the material was meaningful in and of itself, since students can look around and see the subject matter, the increasing prominence of media among other topics, as part of their everyday lives. The project-based courses used both lecture and lab, but lecture occurred in the lab and directly preceded relevant hands-on experience. In other words, the professor would teach a concept, then students would put their hands directly on their keyboards and practice it. The professor was always in the lab with the students, walking around helping them learn. When he was satisfied that everyone in the class had learned, he would ask them to look away from their monitors to hear more lecture. In addition, the professor was not always the only expert in certain software packages or subject matter. As a multidisciplinary course, it should be expected that students bring a variety of skills with them. So, for example, we
observed some environmental design students whose skill with certain software, such as Form Z, far exceeded the instructor’s. In such a case, we sometimes heard students explaining certain concepts to the professor and to other students. In project courses, initial assignments were personalized. Students were asked to perform general tasks or produce web sites, but to do so by means of their own interests or experiences. To do in-class and after-class assignments, students were told early that there was no reason for them to re-invent the wheel; that is, professors explicitly told students that they should search for and find source code before creating it themselves. Instructors demonstrated web sites with HTML tips, samples of JavaScript and java code, etc., much like computer science professors refer to libraries. In contrast, however, students were truly encouraged to use existing code rather than to make it themselves since, unlike the CS major, the purpose of the program is not to produce programming experts but for students to produce multimedia materials. Student interaction was not forbidden in any way: assignments were personalized, so there was no real way to “cheat.” It was not uncommon in labs for a student to call out the professor’s name to ask for help. When the professor was busy, which was often the case, students came to expect help or information from anyone, calling out, for example, “does anyone know what the image needs to be saved as to open in Flash? A jpeg?” Anyone who already knew how to do something would guide the student to help, often standing up and looking over the lessexperienced student’s shoulder to look at the monitor and give very specific instructions. Page after page of observation notes taken from the IT project courses is filled with students helping each other in a variety of ways. Knowledge sharing was multi-directional and occurred at any time in the IT courses. Students showed their professors how to do things; professors asked students how to do things; and it was not uncommon for professors to say “well, I’ll have to figure that out later” or “I don’t know how to do that.” These kinds of comments did not undermine the professors’ authority; instead, it suggested the reality of using technology: weird things happen that can’t be solved immediately and it is okay to not know it all. The expert/non-expert divide we observed in CS did not hold in the IT classes we observed, revealing as myth the alignment of expert/non-expert roles corresponding with professor/student roles. 3.2 Assessment Techniques 3.2.1 CS Assessment of all programming assignments in the CS courses we observed used a computer program. This program, in addition to assessing whether a student’s program compiled, could tell if a student’s program was too much like another program and therefore identify cheaters. Undergraduate teaching assistants briefly reviewed comments to ensure that students had completed the assignment’s requirements. Though the grading
program had a name and was talked about as if it were a person, it did not take the place of human interaction, as a professor or a tutor or teacher might. Further, while professors frequently talked about the importance of the process of programming as well as of planning and design, in most cases grades depended almost exclusively on whether or not the program compiled. Even if a student’s mistake was in syntax, they got very little credit for their work if the program didn’t compile. This assessment policy undermines the message that computer science is about more than programming and, in spite of what we heard CS professors tell students in class about elegant programs, reinforces the notion that it doesn’t matter how you get there, the only thing that counts is getting it to work. In all but the senior project courses, in addition to programs for demonstrating their learning, CS students took exams. As with most exams in the world, these were paper and pencil tests where students chose answers from a set of foils or wrote bits of programming code. The tests were individually taken. 3.2.2 IT IT used assessment methods that one would typically find in a fine arts or performance arts setting. That is, students would produce something, then be required to demonstrate what they had produced in front of the entire class before submitting it to the professor for individualized assessment. In addition, rather than simply observe and clap their hands, other students were required to make comments aloud about what they liked or didn’t like. For example, one student presented her “e-motion” animation showing a woman getting ready to go out, drinking by herself, and partying with friends. After discussing the meaning of the animation, a male student evaluated its aesthetic aspects, saying one part was too long and another too short. The professor suggested that the student do more with music. Another student, this time a female, suggested that the animation be broken up into two different animations with different points. Clearly, this was a difficult situation for students, who had to become accustomed to public judgment. It is even more difficult for students who avoid public situations. It was not uncommon to observe a student turning red from the neck up to her forehead as more experienced students, either technically, in terms of design, or in terms of particular subject matter, evaluated her work. However, all students were required to articulate the choices they made in front of each other and all students listened to others making comments on their work. The effect was the leveling of the playing field, since everyone had to suffer the same fate. Yet rarely did we hear personal attacks. Instead, students used discourse that suggested they were concerned about each other’s integrity, such as using tentative language or hedges (“did you think about…?”) or giving each other more credit than was probably deserved (“you probably already know this, but…”). In short, we found students to be kind to one another.
The language students and professors used often suggested that the works displayed were works in progress and that therefore, students were in the process of learning. In other words, the presentations were not finished pieces, but were a way of practicing new skills and then reflecting publicly on them. Student criticism of each other’s work was taken seriously not only by students, but also by professors, implying that student feedback was valuable. Students became accustomed to asking each other for help and critique and were exposed to more examples of similar work. 4 CONCLUSIONS AND IDEAS In CS, the subject matter was taught in a very abstract way, separated from the human contexts in which computing is done. The locus of authority in terms of knowledge and control of learning lay with the professor. Student-student discussion of material and assignments was a confusing issue and to be avoided, given the very rational fear of code theft. The belief that knowledge transmission among students was a norm violation, the alignment of professor with expert and student with novice, the private and perhaps secretive nature of assignments and assessment, the limited access to hearing other students talk about their work (using words a student would use, rather than a professor), and the rather subdued nature of labs all combine to create an educational climate that must be tolerated, rather than enjoyed. The IT program is in stark contrast to CS. Because sharing knowledge is acceptable and encouraged, and because putting oneself on display, whether you like it or not, is required, students learned to engage one another as humans, using peer instruction to achieve learning. They became accustomed to hearing one another talk about their work – in students’, rather than only in professors’, terms. While these two programs are extremely different, both in their intended learning outcomes and in their methods of instruction and assessment, computer science professors might be able to adapt some of these methods or the underlying principles. Ideas we had include: • Find ways to allow students to hear each other articulate what they are learning; this does not have to be on graded assignments, but could be practice in constructing algorithms, for example, in groups or pairs in class. • Begin lectures by telling students about the practical application of what you will later describe at the abstract level. That is, what human contexts are made better, more efficient or secure, etc., by using a program or algorithm? Perhaps it is as simple as being the way a soda machine is programmed. • Require that students display their solutions to the class and require that their classmates give them feedback. In this way, students can gain experience with more and less elegant programming solutions. Allowing students to figure out what others really know and integrating knowledge sharing and other interaction among students in classes levels the playing
field. Women will be less likely to see themselves as performing below the men around them. Also, the interactions among students builds in an environment characterized by sharing and camaraderie that was minimally evident in many of the CS courses we observed. Thus, these changes have the potential to cause greater retention of women in CS. 5 REFERENCES [1] Cohoon, J. M. & Chen, L. (2003). Migrating out of computer science. Computing Research News, 15(2), 2-3. [2] Cohoon, J. M. (2001). Toward improving female retention in the computer science major. Communications of the ACM, 44(5), 108-114. [3] Huang, G., Taddese, N., Walter, E. (2000). Entry and persistence of women and minorities in college science and engineering education. National Center for Education Statistics: Research and Development Report. [4] Farenga, S. J., & Joyce, B. A. (1998). Science-Related Attitudes and Science Course Selection: A Study of High-Ability Boys and Girls. Roeper Review, 20(4), 247-251. [5] Fisher, A. J., Margolis, J., & Miller, F. (1997).Undergraduate women in computer science: experience, motivation and culture. Proceedings of the 28th SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, San Jose, CA. [6] Margolis, J. & Fisher, A. (2002). Unlocking the clubhouse: Women in computing, MIT Press. [7] Haller, S. M., & Fossum, T. V. (1998). Retaining women in CS with accessible role models. Proceedings of the ACM SIGSCE Conference. [8] Barker, L. J., Garvin-Doxas, K., & Jackson, M. J., (2002). Defensive climate in the computer science classroom. Proceedings of 33rd SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, Louisville, KY. [9] Borg, A. (1998). What draws women to and keeps women in computing? In C. C. Selby (Ed.) Women in science and engineering: Choices for success. New York: New York Academy of Sciences. [10] O'Leary, D. P. (1999, Version 1: June 1999). Accessibility of computer science: A reflection for faculty members. Dianne P. O'Leary. URL: [11] Seymour, E. (1995). The loss of women from science, mathematics, and engineering undergraduate majors: An explanatory account. Science Education, 79(4), 437-473. [12] McDowell, C., Werner, L., Bullock, H., & Fernald, J. (2002). The effects of pair-programming on performance in an introductory programming class, Proceedings of the 33rd SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, Northern Kentucky, KY. [13] Williams, L. A. (2000). Strengthening the case for pair programming. IEEE Software, 17(4), 17-25, [14] Gürer, D. (1999). Testimony to the Committee on Workforce Needs in Information Technology. ACM Committee on Women in Computing. URL: [15] Margolis, J., Fisher, A. J., & Miller, F. (1998). Living among the "programming gods": The nexus of confidence and interest for undergraduate women in computer science. URL: [16] Information Technology Association of America (1999). Building the 21st century information technology work force: Underrepresented groups in the information technology workforce. Arlington, VA. URL:
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