What do you think? - NHS Ayrshire and Arran.

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Visit our website: www.nhsaaa.net ... Help us to develop our local smoke-free grounds policy in ... have a completely sm
Moving toward smoke-free grounds

What do you think? Help us to develop our local smoke-free grounds policy in NHS Ayrshire and Arran

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The Scottish Government has asked all NHS Boards to have a completely smoke-free environment by March 2015. This means that, after this time, you will not be able to smoke anywhere on our grounds.

Why is this happening? Smoking is the biggest single preventable cause of ill health and early death in Scotland. And it’s not only smokers who are at risk - passive smoking kills, causes disease and leads to health problems. The Scottish Government recognises the important example that the NHS should set in this matter and has asked all NHS Boards to lead the way in providing a clean, healthy and smoke-free environment to all patients, staff and visitors.

What have we done so far? • We updated our Ayrshire and Arran Tobacco Control Strategy in 2012. This is a ten-year strategy which aims to protect and improve the health of people in Ayrshire and Arran by reducing the use of tobacco and exposure to second hand smoke.

• One part of the strategy is about encouraging workplaces and agencies to move to smoke-free grounds, including our own. It was timely that after we had made this decision locally, the Scottish Government’s national strategy asked that all NHS grounds be smoke-free by March 2015. • We have already taken a step towards being smoke-free - on 5 November 2012 we launched a policy which means anyone who wishes to smoke on our grounds can only do so in designated smoking shelters. • We now have to take the next step to go to completely smoke-free grounds and want your views on the best way to go about this.

For information on how to stop smoking, call free on 0800 783 9132, or email [email protected].


Tell us what you think Your views are important and we want your help to develop our smoke-free policy. We are currently taking part in an extensive period of engagement with the public, relevant groups and all our staff to consider the best way to achieve smoke-free grounds. To help you tell us what you think, we have attached a short questionnaire that you can fill in and send back to us. You don’t have to give us any personal information, but please supply your name and contact details if you would like us to keep you informed as the policy is developed. Please post your completed form back to:

Afton House, Ailsa Hospital Campus, Dalmellington Road, Ayr KA6 6AB.

If you prefer, you can complete the survey online at http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/LZJR826 or email [email protected]

1. Do you support the Scottish Government’s action to make all NHS grounds completely smokefree? Yes 

No 


2. How do you think we could get people to comply when they are on NHS Ayrshire & Arran grounds? Please tick all that apply.  Using smoking wardens  Information in newspapers  Information on radio  Clear signage  Tannoy systems  Information throughout hospitals  Other comments or suggestions


3. Do you have views on any of the following topics which will be included in the policy?  Staff smoking in uniform  Smoking in cars  E-cigarettes  Nicotine Replacement Therapy being made available to help people who want to stop smoking  Any other issues

4. Please provide your name and contact details if you would like us to keep you informed as the policy is developed or if you would like to comment further on similar issues.


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Tha gach sgrìobhainn againn rim faotainn ann an diofar chànanan, clò nas motha, Braille (Beurla a-mhàin), teip claistinn no riochd eile a tha sibh airson a thaghadh.

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