What does it take to see entanglement?

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Feb 5, 2016 - ios, i.e. with states, rotations and unitary amplifications that can be ... Upgrading the eye with displacement — Our proposal starts with an ...
What does it take to see entanglement? Valentina Caprara Vivoli,1 Pavel Sekatski,2 and Nicolas Sangouard3 2

1 Group of Applied Physics, University of Geneva, CH-1211 Geneva 4, Switzerland Institut for Theoretische Physik, Universitat of Innsbruck, Technikerstraße 25, A-6020 Innsbruck, Austria 3 Department of Physics, University of Basel, Klingelbergstrasse 82, 4056 Basel, Switzerland (Dated: February 8, 2016)

arXiv:1602.01907v1 [quant-ph] 5 Feb 2016

Tremendous progress has been realized in quantum optics for engineering and detecting the quantum properties of light. Today, photon pairs are routinely created in entangled states. Entanglement is revealed using single-photon detectors in which a single photon triggers an avalanche current. The resulting signal is then processed and stored in a computer. Here, we propose an approach to get rid of all the electronic devices between the photons and the experimentalist i.e. to use the experimentalist’s eye to detect entanglement. We show in particular, that the micro entanglement that is produced by sending a single photon into a beam-splitter can be detected with the eye using the magnifying glass of a displacement in phase space. The feasibility study convincingly demonstrates the possibility to realize the first experiment where entanglement is observed with the eye.

Introduction — The human eye has been widely characterized in the weak light regime. The data presented in Fig. 1 (circles) for example is the result of a well established experiment [1] where an observer was presented with a series of coherent light pulses and asked to report when the pulse is seen (the data have been taken from Ref. [2]). While rod cells are sensitive to single photons [3], these results show unambiguously that one needs to have coherent states with a few hundred photons on average, incident on the eye to systematically see light. As mentioned in Ref. [4], the results of this experiment are very well reproduced by a threshold detector preceded by loss. In particular, the red dashed line has been obtained with a threshold at 7 photons combined with a beamsplitter with 8% transmission efficiency. In the low photon number regime, the vision can thus be described by a positive-operator θ,η for valued measure (POVM) with two elements Pns “not seen”and Psθ,η for “seen”where θ = 7 stands for the threshold, η = 0.08 for the efficiency, see Appendix, part I. It is interesting to ask what it takes to detect entanglement with such a detector. Let us note first that such detection characteristics do not prevent the violation of a Bell inequality. In any Bell test, non-local correlations are ultimately revealed by the eye of the experimentalist, be it by analyzing numbers on the screen of a computer or laser light indicating the results of a photon detection. The subtle point is whether the amplification of the signal prior to the eye is reversible. Consider a gedanken experiment where a polarization-entangled two photon state √12 (|hiA |viB − |viA |hiB ) is shared by two protagonists – Alice and Bob – who easily rotate the polarization of their photons with wave plates. Assume that they can amplify the photon number with the help of some unitary transformation U mapping, say, a single photon to a thousand photons while leaving the vacuum unchanged. It is clear that in this case,

Alice and Bob can obtain a substantial violation of the Bell-CHSH inequality [5], as the human eye can almost perfectly distinguish a thousand photons from the vacuum. In practice, however, there is no way to properly implement U. Usually, the amplification is realized in an irreversible and entanglement-breaking manner, e.g. in a measure and prepare setting with a single photon detector triggering a laser [6]. In this case however the detection clearly happens before the eye. One may then wonder whether there is a feasible way to reveal entanglement with the eye in reversible scenarios, i.e. with states, rotations and unitary amplifications that can be accessed experimentally. The task is a priori challenging. For example, the proposal of Ref. [7] where many independent entangled photon pairs are observed does not allow one to violate a Bell inequality with the realistic model of the eye described before. A closer example is the proposal of Ref. [4] where entanglement of a photon pair is amplified through a phase covariant cloning. Entanglement can be revealed with the human eye in this scenario if strong assumptions are made on the source. For example, a separable model based on a measure and prepare scheme, has shown that it is necessary to assume that the source produces true single photons [6, 8]. Here, we go beyond such a proposal by showing that entanglement can be seen without assumption on the detected state. Inspired by a recent work [9], we show that it is possible to detect path entanglement, i.e. entanglement between two optical paths sharing a single photon, with a trusted model of the human eye upgraded by a displacement in phase space. The displacement operation which serves as a photon amplifier, can be implemented with an unbalanced beamsplitter and a coherent state [10]. Our proposal thus relies on simple ingredients. It does not need interferometric stabilization of optical paths and is very resistant to loss. It points towards the first experiment where entanglement is revealed with human

gle-photon detection by the the retina retina

Z 1.




% seen


0.6 0.4



40 20


0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8

X 1.

- 0.2

0 10

100 100

Incident photon photon number Incident phot on number

FIG. 1: Experimental results (circles) showing the probability to see coherent light pulsesof asseeing a function of the meanThe photon frequency of seeing experiment. The open FIG. 2. Analysis of frequency experiment. open (taken from Ref. [2]).aaThe blackhuman line is aobserver guide for of measurements from single human observer of symbols number are measurements from single the eye. of Theseeing dashedaared lineplotted is the response a threshold the probability seeing flash plotted againstofthe the logarithm flash against logarithm detector of with loss (threshold at 7on photons and 8% photons incident on the front front ofefficiency). the eye eye for for of the number photons incident the of the Such astrengths. detector can be used to distinguishmeasurements the states |0 + 1iare These experimental measurements are several flash These experimental andto|0 calculations − 1i when theyfrom are displaced phase space: The calculations from Eq. (2) (2)infor for thresholds ofdis2, 7, 7, compared Eq. thresholds of 2, placementEach operation not only increases the photon number and 12 photons. of the calculated curves has been shifted of the calculated curves has been shifted but also makes the axis photon distinguishable. bydistribution varying the the constant a a This which along the log intensity axis by varying constant which is shown through the two bumps which are the photon number fraction of of incident incident photons photons producing producing aa rereaccounts for the fraction distribution |D(α)(0 + 1)i and |D(α)(0 − 1)i respectively √ of In this way way the the observer’s observer’s threshold threshold for for sponse in the rods. this for α ∼ 100. The inset is a quarter of the xz plane of detection can be measured measured independently independently of of a (see (see text). text). the Bloch sphere having the vacuum and single a photon Fock Shlaer, and Pirenne (1942). Adaptedstates from{|0i, Hecht, Shlaer, and Pirenne (1942). |1i} as north and south poles respectively. A perfect qubit measurement corresponds to a projection along a vector with unit length (dotted line). The POVM element single photon was tested by by combining comparing the statistics statistics of tested comparing the “no click”of a measurement a single-photon detec- of the observed responses with expectations from Poisson from Poisson tor with 8% efficiencywith and a expectations displacement operation defines below. A dark-adapted human a non-unit vector on the sphere A for which the angle with the statistics, as described below. dark-adapted human z axis be changedwith by tuning the amplitude of the diswith series of dim dim flashes flashes and observer wascan presented aa series of and placement a displacement time aacurve). flash For was seen. The The with probasked to report(purple each dashed time flash was seen. proba zero amplitude (no displacement), this vector points out of flash was measured measured as aa function function of √ ability of seeing the flash was as 12.5, curve the in the z direction whereas for an amplitude ∼ producing aa ‘‘frequency ‘‘frequency of of seeing’’ seeing’’ flash strength, producing curve vector points out in the x direction. The POVM element Fig. 2, 2, where where the percent percent of of the the such as“not thatseen”of shown in Fig. a measurement combiningthe a human eye with a plotted against the logarithm of flashes that were seen is plotted against the logarithm displacement operation also defines a non-unit vector on the of the flash strength. The transition between flashes that transition between flashes that sphere. The angle between this vector and the z axis can also were seldom and those those that were nearlyInalways always nearly be variedseen by changing the size that of thewere displacement. par√ seen occurred over a considerable range of flash ticular, for an amplitudeconsiderable of the displacement of ∼ 100, range of this flash strengths. Shlaer, and Pirenne and van der vectorHecht, points out in the x direction and in this case, the meaShlaer, and Pirenne and van der withthis the eye is fairlytransition similar to the measurement gradual transition to Poisson Poisson flucflucVelden surement attributed gradual to detector with absorbed the same efficiency. Roof photons absorbed at aa nominomituationswith in the thesingle-photon number of photons at tation in the xy plane can be obtained by changing the phase nally fixed fixed flash flash strength; strength; thus thus dim dim lights lights occasionally occasionally nally of the displacement operation. to be seen, and bright produced enough absorptions

produced enough absorptions to be seen, and bright lights sometimes sometimes produced produced too too few. few. The The smooth smooth curves curves lights in Fig. Fig. 2 2 were were calculated calculated assuming assuming that that only only flashes flashes proproin eye-based detectors. ducing at least a threshold number of photon absorpducing at least a threshold number of photon absorpu ,, were were seen; seen; in in this this case case the the probability probability of of seeing, seeing, tions, u tions, Upgrading theprobability eye with displacement — Our proposal p , is simply the that u or more photon see , is simply the probability that u or more photon p see starts occur. with an This entangled state between two optical modes absorptions probability is given given by the the cumuabsorptions occur. This probability is by cumuA and B lative Poisson series lative Poisson series ` ` 1 exp 2a exp 2a |ψ~~+ i =!! √ (1)(1) an2n..(|0iA |1iB + |1iA |0iB ) . 5 p see see5 a (1) p n! n5u u n! n5


Herenumber |0i and |1i for absorbed number states with The mean mean number of stands photons absorbed perfilled flash, a, is is The of photons per flash, a, the vacuum and a single photon respectively. To detect related to the flash strength I by a5 a I, where the prorelated to the flash strength I by a5 a I, where the proportionality factor factor a a accounts accounts for for absorption absorption and and scatter scatter portionality prior to to the the rods. rods. Equation Equation (1) (1) can can then then be be rewritten rewritten as as prior

entanglement in state (1), a method using a photon detector – which does not resolve the photon number (θ = 1) – preceded by a displacement operation has been proposed in Ref. [11] and used later in various experiments [9, 12, 13]. In the {|0i, |1i} subspace, this 1,η measurement is a two outcome {Pns for “no click”, 1,η Ps for “click”} non-extremal POVM on the Bloch sphere whose direction depends on the amplitude and phase of the displacement [14]. In particular, pretty good measurements can be realized in the x direction. This can be understood by realizing that the photon number distribution of the two states |D(α)(0 + 1)i and |D(α)(0 − 1)i where D(α) is the displacement, slightly overlap in the photon number space and their mean photon numbers differ by 2|α|, see Fig. 1. This means that they can be distinguished, at least partially, with threshold detectors. It is thus interesting to analyze an eye upgraded by a displacement operation. In the {|0i, |1i} subspace, we found that the elements 7,η {Pns , Ps7,η } also constitute a non-extremal POVM, and as before, their direction in the Bloch sphere depends on the amplitude and phase of the displacement. For comparison, the elements “no click”and “not seen”are given in the inset of Fig. 1 considering real displacements and focusing on the case where the efficiency of the photon detector is equal to 8%. While the eye-based measurement cannot perform a measurement in the z direction, it is comparable to the single photon detector for performing measurements along the x direction. Identical results would be obtained in the yz plane for purely imaginary displacements. More generally, the measurement direction can be chosen in the xy plane by changing the phase of the displacement. We present in the next paragraph an entanglement witness suited for such measurements. Witnessing entanglement with the eye — We consider a scenario where path entanglement is revealed with displacement operations combined with a photon detector on mode A and with the eye on mode B, c.f. Fig. 2. We focus on the following witness Z 2π  dϕ † Uϕ ⊗ Uϕ† σ1α ⊗ σ7β Uϕ ⊗ Uϕ (2) W = 2π 0  θ,1 where σθα = D(α)† 2Pns − 1 D(α) is the observable obtained by attributing the value +1 to events corresponding to “no click”(“not seen”) and -1 to those associated to “click”(“seen”). Since we are interested in revealing entanglement at the level of the detection, the inefficiency of the detector can be seen as a loss operating on the state, i.e. the beamsplitter modeling the detector inefficiency acts before the displacement operation whose amplitude is changed accordingly [9]. This greatly simplifies the derivation of the entanglement witness as this allows us to deal with detectors with unit efficiencies (η = 1). The phase of both displacements α

3 1 2

 1 + h1|σβ70 |1i . β0 is the amplitude of the displace-

ment such that PB (+1|β0 , |0i) = PB (+1|β0 , |2i). p10 , p11 and p01 can be bounded in a similar way, the two latter requiring another displacement amplitude β1 , see Appendix, part III.

FIG. 2: Scheme of our proposal for detecting entanglement with the human eye. A photon pair source based on spontaneous parametric down conversion is used as a single photon source, the emission of a photon being heralded by the detection of its twin. The heralded photon is then sent into a beamsplitter to create path entanglement, i.e. entanglement between two optical modes sharing a delocalized single photon. The entangled state is subsequently detected using a photon counting detector preceded by a displacement operation on one mode, and using a human eye preceded by a displacement on the other mode. The correlations between the results (click and no click for the photon detector, seen and not seen for the human eye) allows one to conclude about the presence of entanglement, c.f. main text

and β is randomized through the unitary transformation † Uϕ = eiϕa a for A (where a, a† are the bosonic operators for the mode A) and similarly for B. The basic idea behind the witness can be understood by noting that R for ideal measurements Wideal = (cos ϕσx + sin ϕσy )⊗ (cos ϕσx + sin ϕσy ) dϕ 2π equals the sum of coherence terms |01ih10| + |10ih01|. Since two qubit separable states stay positive under partial transposition [15, 16], these coher√ ence terms are bounded by 2 p00 p11 for two qubit separable states where pij is the joint probability for having i photons  in A and j√ photons in B. Any state ρ such that tr ρWideal > 2 p00 p11 is thus necessarily entangled. Following a similar procedure, we find that for any  two qubit separable states, tr W ρqubit ≤ Wppt where sep

The recipe that we propose for testing the capability of the eye to see entanglement thus consists in four steps. i) Measure the probability that the photon detector in A does not click and of the event “not seen”for two different displacement amplitudes {0, β0 }, {0, β1 }. ii) Upper bound from i) the joint probabilities p00 , p11 p01 and p10 . iii) Deduce the maximum value that the witness W would take on separable states Wppt . iv) Measure hW i. If there are values of α and β such that hW i > Wppt , we can conclude that the state is entangled. Note that this conclusion holds if the measurement devices are well characterized, i.e. the models that are used for the detections well reproduce the behavior of single photon detectors and eyes, the displacements are well controlled operations and filtering processes ensure that a single mode of the electromagnetic wave is detected. We have also assumed hitherto that the measured state is well described by two qubits. In the Appendix part IV, we show how to relax this assumption by bounding the contribution from higher photon numbers. We end up with an entanglement witness that is state independent, i.e. valid independently of the dimension of the underlying Hilbert space.

Proposed setup — The experiment that we envision is represented in Fig. 2. A single photon is generated from a photon pair source and its creation is heralded through the detection of its twin photon. Single photons at 532 nm can be created in this way by means of spontaneous parametric down conversion [3]. They can be created in pure states by appropriate filtering of the heralding photon, see e.g. [9]. The heralded photon is then sent into a beamsplitter (with transmission 1 X efficiency T ) which leads to entanglement between the √ Wppt = hij|W |ijipij + 2|h10|W |01i| p00 p11 , (3) two output modes. As described before, displacement i,j=0 operations upgrade the photon detection in A and the experimentalist’s eye in B. In practice, the local see Appendix, part II. The pij s can be bounded by notoscillators needed for the displacement can be made ing that for well chosen displacement amplitudes, differindistinguishable from single photons by using a similar ent photon number states lead to different probabilities non-linear crystal pumped by the same laser but seeded “not seen”and “no click”. For example, we show in the by a coherent state, see e.g. [17]. The relative value Appendix, part III that ∆W = hW i − Wppt that would be obtained in such PAB (+1+1|0β0 , ρexp ) − PB (+1|β0 , |1i)PA (+1|0, ρexp ) an experiment is given in Fig. 3 as a function of T. . We have assumed a transmission efficiency from the p00 ≤ PB (+1|β0 , |0i) − PB (+1|β0 , |1i) source to the detectors ηt = 90%, a detector efficiency PB (+1|β0 , ρexp ) is the probability “not seen”when of 80% in A and an eye with the properties presented looking at the experimental state ρexp amplified by before (8% efficiency and a threshold at 7 photons). The the displacement β0 . This is a quantity that is mearesults are optimized over the squeezing parameter of the sured, unlike PB (+1|β0 , |1i), which is computed from pair source for suitable amplitudes of the displacement

4 incognita. This makes it an attractive challenge on its own. Acknowledgements — We thank C. Brukner, W. D¨ ur, F. Fr¨owis, N. Gisin, K. Hammerer, M. Ho, M. Munsch, R. Schmied, A. Sørensen, P. Treutlein, R. Warburton and P. Zoller for discussions and/or comments on the manuscript. This work was supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) through NCCR QSIT and Grant number PP00P2-150579, by the John Templeton Foundation, and by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF), Grant number J3462 and P24273-N16. FIG. 3: Value of the witness that would be measured in the setup shown in Fig. 2 relative to the value that would be obtained from state with a positive partial transpose ∆W = hW i − Wppt as a function of the beamsplitter transmission efficiency T under realistic assumption about efficiencies, c.f. main text.

operations, see Appendix, part V. We clearly see that despite low overall efficiencies and multi-photon events that are unavoidable in spontaneous parametric down conversion processes, our entanglement witness can be used to successfully detect entanglement with the eye. Importantly, there is no stabilization issue if the local oscillator that is necessary for the displacement operations is superposed to each mode using a polarization beamsplitter instead of a beamsplitter to create path entanglement, see e.g. [18]. The main challenge is likely the timescale of such an experiment, as the repetition time is inherently limited by the response of the experimentalist, but this might be overcome, at least partially by measuring directly the response of rod cells as in Ref. [3]. Conclusion — Our results help in clarifying the requirements to see entanglement. If entanglement breaking operations are used, as in the experiments performed so far, it is straightforward to see entanglement. In this case, however, the measurement happens before the eyes. In principle, the experimentalist can reveal non-locality directly with the eyes from reversible amplifications, but these unitaries cannot be implemented in practice. What we have shown is that entanglement can be realistically detected with human eyes upgraded by displacement operations in a state-independent way. From a conceptual point of view, it is interesting to wonder whether such experiments can be used to test collapse models in perceptual processes in the spirit of what has been proposed in Refs. [19, 20]. For more applied perpectives, our proposal shows how threshold detectors can be upgraded with a coherent amplification up to the point where they become useful for quantum optics experiments. Anyway, it is safe to say that probing the human vision with quantum light is a terra

Appendix I In this section, we provide a convenient expression for a threshold detector with non-unit efficiency (threshold θ and efficiency η). By modeling loss by a beamsplitter, Pθ−1the no-click event can be θ,η written as Pns = CL† m=0 |mi hm| CL where CL = † † etan γ ac eln(cos γ)a a |0ic stands for the beam splitter. a, a† are the bosonic operators for the detected mode and cos2 γ = η. After straightforward manipulations we can find that †

θ,η Pns

dθ−1 (1 − η)a a ηθ . = (θ − 1)! d(1 − η)θ−1 η


θ,η . The click event can be deduced from Psθ,η = 1 − Pns

Pn 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 0








FIG. 4: Probability for having no click on a threshold detector (θ = 7) with a number state |ni that is displaced in phase space as a function of the displacement amplitude β

Appendix II Here we give details on how the entanglement witness has been derived, assuming first that one has qubits. Let’s consider a general density matrix P in the subspace {|0i , |1i}. We look for the maximal value that hW i can take over the states staying positive under partial transposition, i.e. we want to optimize hW i over P such that i) P ≥ 0, ii) tr(P ) = 1 and iii) P Tb ≥ 0. Here P Tb stands for the partial transposition over one

5 party. As hW i is non-zero in blocks spanned by {|00i}, {|01i , |10i} and {|11i} only, it is straightforward to show that for any separable state Wppt =

1 X

√ hij| W |iji pij +2 | h01| W |10i | p00 p11 , (5)


where pij = hij| P |iji . Any state ρexp for which tr(ρexp W ) − Wppt > 0 has a negative partial transpose, i.e. is necessarily entangled. It is important to stress that Wppt depends on the photon number statistics p~ = pij . We show in the next section how they can

PAB (+1 + 1|0β0 , ρexp ) =

+∞ X

bounded. Appendix III Figure 4 shows the probability for having no click on a threshold detector (θ = 7) with a number state |ni that is displaced in phase space as a function of the displacement amplitude β, PB (+1|β, |ni) for n = 0, 1, 2, 3. We show how to bound p00 , p01 , p10 , and p11 from these results. In order to bound p00 and p01 , let’s consider the displacement amplitude β0 (∼ 2.71) such that PB (+1|β0 , |0i) = PB (+1|β0 , |2i). We have

p0n PB (+1|β0 , |ni)


≤ PB (+1|β0 , |1i)p0A + (PB (+1|β0 , |0i) − PB (+1|β0 , |1i))p00 . using PB (+1|β0 , |n ≥ 2i) < PB (+1|β0 , |1i). Note that p0n = h0n| ρexp |0ni and p0A = tr(ρexp |0iA h0|). This leads to the upperbound p00 ≤

PAB (+1 + 1|0β0 , ρexp ) − PB (+1|β0 , |1i)PA (+1|0, ρexp ) . PB (+1|β0 , |0i) − PB (+1|β0 , |1i)

p01 ≤

PAB (−1 + 1|0β0 , ρexp ) − PB (+1|β0 , |1i)PA (−1|0, ρexp ) . PB (+1|β0 , |0i) − PB (+1|β0 , |1i)

In the same way, we get

To bound p10 and p11 we consider the displacement amplitude β1 (∼ 2.09) such that PB (+1|β1 , |1i) = PB (+1|β1 , |2i) (and PB (+1|β1 , |n ≥ 3i) ≤ PB (+1|β1 , |1i).) We get p10 ≤

PAB (+1 + 1|0β1 , ρexp ) − PB (+1|β1 , |0i)PA (+1|0, ρexp ) . PB (+1|β1 , |1i) − PB (+1|β1 , |0i)

p11 ≤

PAB (−1 + 1|0β1 , ρexp ) − PB (+1|β1 , |0i)PA (−1|0, ρexp ) . PB (+1|β1 , |1i) − PB (+1|β1 , |0i)

Note also that for β2 (∼ 2.64) such that PB (+1|β2 , |0i) = PB (+1|β2 , |1i) (and PB (+1|β2 , |n ≥ 2i) < PB (+1|β2 , |0i)), we have pn≥2B =

X n≥2

tr(ρexp |ni hn|B ) ≤

PB (+1|β2 , ρexp ) − PB (+1|β2 , |0i) = p∗B . PB (+1|β2 , |3i) − PB (+1|β2 , |0i)

Note that pn≥2A can be bounded from an autocorrelation measurement (see Ref. [13] of the main text). The upperbound on pn≥2A is called p∗A . Importantly, the previous upperbounds hold in the qudit case, i.e. if the modes A and B are filled with more than one photon. Appendix IV Now consider the case where the state has an arbitrary dimension in the Fock space. We can

proceed as follows. A generic state P can be written as

 P =

Pna ≤1∩nb ≤1 Pcoh † Pcoh Pna ≥2∪nb ≥2



6 We focus on the detection of entanglement in the qubit subspace Pna ≤1∩nb ≤1 . By linearity of the trace, we have   † tr(W P ) = tr(Pna ≤1∩nb ≤1 W ) + tr (Pcoh + Pcoh )W + tr(Pna ≥2∪nb ≥2 W ).

satisfies tr(W P ) ≤ WPPT  p p  √ 20 02 | p∗A + |W11 | p∗B = Wppt (~ p) + 2 p11 |W11


+ p∗ .

Let us treat those terms one by one. The maximum algebraic value of W is equal to 1, in such a way that the third term is upperbounded by tr(Pna ≥2∪nb ≥2 W ) ≤ tr(Pna ≥2∪nb ≥2 ) ≤ p∗A + p∗B = p∗ . The first term is the subject of the second section, where we showed that tr(W Pna ≤1∩nb ≤1 ) ≤ Wppt (~ p) given in (5). To bound the second term, let us recall that W does not contain coherences between sectors of different total photon number, in such a way that   † 20 20 02 02 tr (Pcoh + Pcoh )W ≤ 2(|C11 W11 | + |C11 W11 |),

Any state ρexp such that tr(W ρexp ) − WPPT > 0 is necessary entangled. Appendix V The value of W that would be observed in the experiment represented in Fig. 2 of the main text can be calculated from   b 1,ηa hW i = tr σ7,η β σα ρh , where ηa and ηb are the efficiencies of the detector in mode A and B respectively. ρh is the density matrix after the beamsplitter (with transmission T ) that is conditioned on a click in the heralding detector. The ampliq tude of the displacements are chosen such that β = η7b ,

kl where Cij = hij| P |kli and Wijkl = hij| W |kli. The positivity of the state P restricted to the subspace √ kl {|20i , |02i , |11i} implies C11 ≤ p11 pkl . Since p20 ≤ p∗A and p02 ≤ p∗B , we have    p p  √ † 20 02 tr (Pcoh +Pcoh )W ≤ 2 p11 |W11 | p∗A + |W11 | p∗B ,

α = √1ηa . Given the efficiency of the heralding detector ηh = 1 − Rh and the squeezing parameter g of the SPDC source, the state that is announced by a click on the heralding detector can be expressed as a difference of two thermal states

Finally, any state P , such that its restriction Pna ≤1∩nb ≤1 remains positive under partial transpose,

" 1 − Rh2 Tg2 ρth Tg2 (1 − Rh2 ) where Tg = tanh g and ρth (¯ n) =

1 1+¯ n

P  k

Tg2 n ¯= 1 − Tg2 n ¯ 1+¯ n

" 1 − Rh2 Tg2 hW i = 2 W th Tg (1 − Rh2 )



1 − Tg2 − ρth 1 − Rh2 Tg2

Rh2 Tg2 n ¯= 1 − Rh2 Tg2

!# (7)

|ki hk| . We get

Tg2 n ¯= 1 − Tg2


1 − Tg2 − W th 1 − Rh2 Tg2

Rh2 Tg2 n ¯= 1 − Rh2 Tg2


where ηb7



d 1 e 1+4 W th (¯ n) = 6! d(1 − ηb )6 ηb

−ηa |α|2 −ηb |β|2 +

√ √ n ¯ |αηa R+βηb T |2 n ¯ (ηa R+T ηb )+1

n ¯ (ηa R + T ηb ) + 1

The previous expression can easily be obtained by writing the thermal state as a mixture of coherent states ρth (¯ n) = R − |α|2 1 2 e n¯ |αihα| d α, as the expectation value of W on πn ¯ a coherent state hα| W |αi is easily obtained through the † 2 formula (4) using hα| (1 − η)a a |αi = e−η|α| .

η |β|2 # ηa |α|2 − b e− ηa n¯ R+1 e ηb n¯ T +1 −2 −2 . ηa n ¯R + 1 ηb n ¯T + 1

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