What is a negative polarity item

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Apr 6, 2003 - Key words: Negative polarity items, game-theoretic semantics, NPI licensing, NPI-thesis. ... downward entailing item is an explicit negation operation: from “Someone did not watch TV” ...... In terms of semantic games, one additionally has .... categorial and semantic resources, not by trying to identify and list ...
What is a negative polarity item?* Ahti-Veikko Pietarinen April 6, 2003

Abstract Traditional approaches to polarity phenomena presuppose that the linguistic environment of a negative polarity item licenses the item, and that more often than not, the environment contains negation or some negative expression or implicature. Such theories aim at achieving licensing conditions by generalising empirically from data, which is a method undermined by too many counterexamples. In this paper, a different approach is proposed, which is based on game-theoretic semantics and game rules for polarity items. The NPI-thesis is formulated, which says that the grammaticality condition of polarity sentences turns on a meaning-comparison between sentences containing negative polarity items and sentences with suitably defined contrast terms. Consequently, it becomes possible to account descriptively for a wide range of polarity phenomenon and to produce exact licensing conditions for polarity items. This theory has significant repercussions to linguistic methodology as grammaticality becomes semantically constrained. Key words: Negative polarity items, game-theoretic semantics, NPI licensing, NPI-thesis.

1. Introduction The characteristic feature of the class of expressions known as negative polarity items (NPIs) has been claimed to be the negative polarity property: a negative or affective construction in the environment, usually a morphologically explicit negation, negative adverb, negative adjective, implicature, or some other ‘abrogate’ term. It has been claimed that the lack of such property runs the risk of making sentences ungrammatical, incorrect or ill formed. NPIs are said to be ‘sensitive’ to the material that gives rise to the negative polarity property. Thus, and this is the central problem with NPIs: to spell out the precise conditions under which NPIs become permitted has turned out to be elusive, because of the apparently diversified and heterogeneous behaviour of such cross-categorial items in a variety of contexts. This loose category of linguistic items, or some reasonable subset of it, seems to desist any proposed licensing conditions. Typical examples of NPIs include any, ever, at all, in the least, yet, the slightest and


This paper was written in spring 2000. The work has been supported by the Osk. Huttunen


budge (an inch), just to mention a few out of many hundreds. For example:


John hasn’t arrived yet.

It is obvious that licensing is not restricted to the negative polarity property:


Mary can solve any problem.

Accordingly, modal expressions may authorise them. In fact, one can find a number of ‘licensers’, such as interrogatives, conditionals, hypotheticals, comparatives, imperatives, directives, habituals, grading particles, equatives, adversatives, temporal conjunctions, restrictors of universal quantifiers, and several others. In this paper, I will propose necessary and sufficient conditions for NPI licensing by using the resources of game-theoretic semantics (GTS) [20,21,22,23,51]. Let it be said that such licensing conditions are nevertheless not entirely new. They have prevailed in the literature in the guise of Hintikka’s any-thesis [19], originally devised to provide grammaticality conditions for indefinite morphemes of any and even. The goal of this paper is thus to revitalise and generalise the any-thesis, so that it can be made also to apply to other NPIs in addition to the polarity sensitive any. What is seen to emerge is a new theory of the licensing of a set of negative polarity items that covers a reasonably large fragment of English. To do this, a number of new game rules are formulated. Together with ordering principles, these rules answer to the so-called ‘status question’ [38]: What is the theoretical status of a structure containing an unlicensed polarity item? Are such strings syntactically well formed but uninterpretable, or do they have a well-defined interpretation that renders them pragmatically available? The NPI-thesis invites one to compare ill-formed strings and grammatical sentences for synonymity. However, such ill-formedness is a consequence of game-theoretic









considerations. A spin-off is the question of the priority between semantics and the semantics/pragmatics interface in determining grammaticality. This paper proceeds by first presenting and evaluating some received theories of NPIs and their licensing. A fragment of GTS for a selection of English polarity items is outlined, the NPI-thesis presented, and supporting data put forward. Questions concerning the logical behaviour of polarity items as regards to contrapositions will also be discussed.

2. Some previous theories One of the most influential accounts of NPI phenomena has been given by Ladusaw [37],


who built on the earlier work on scalar predication [9,10,27]. Ladusaw suggested a semantic theory that appeals to downward entailment (monotone decreasingness). An NPI is downward entailing precisely when it approves inferences from sets to subsets. A typical example of downward entailing item is an explicit negation operation: from “Someone did not watch TV” one may infer that “Someone did not watch Channel 5,” for example. 1 Although downward entailingness agrees with the plausible observation that NPIs typically aim at strengthening negative contexts, and that it is not negative operators also that exhaust the NPI behaviour, numerous counterexamples remain a problem. There are items that trigger NPIs even though they are not downward entailing, such as the adversative surprised:


I was surprised that he budged an inch. 2

On the other hand, although Ladusaw’s original proposal was devised to give necessary conditions to NPI licensing, one can find downward entailing items that do not license NPIs, or non-downward entailing items that license NPIs. The former case occurs in simple conditional clauses:



?If you eat any vegetables, you’ll be fine. 3

The role and significance of this property is exaggerated in linguistic theories, especially if they seek

explanations. For instance, it is not obvious how to define downward entailment for interrogative, intensional or imperative contexts. 2

Two responses are possible. One is that the presupposition of (3), namely “I did not expect that he

budges”, is what does the licensing. The other is that a rational person who is surprised of some fact p is likely to be also surprised that p and q, where q bears some (typically causal) relation to p, that is, the conjunction is resultative. 3

According to some informants, this sentence is not marked, especially when of the is inserted between

any and vegetables. Similar sentences were discussed in [XX], where it was remarked that in minimal pairs such as (i) and (ii), the latter is bizarre because it rejects the presupposition that the conditional should remain true when the bare existential polarity item is replaced by stronger existential item. Since the presupposition is that one will like the soup no matter how much pepper is put into it, the sentence becomes absurd. (i)

If you put any pepper in this soup, you won’t like it.


*If you put any pepper in this soup, you will like it.

It may be possible to make the implicatures in (i) and (ii) to be that of logical implication, in which case Ladusaw’s downward-entailing analysis may be able to explain these examples.


An example of the latter is given by:


Only those who have ever eaten vegetables know their taste. 4

Similar counterexamples have been proposed by Linebarger [41,42,43]. She argues that Ladusaw’s theory of downward entailment is in some respects too strict and results in incorrect predictions, while too permissive in others. Her own account comes in two phases. First, there needs to be a condition according to which there will be a direct accreditation by means of a governing negation. Second, an additional immediate scope constraint for such government needs to be imposed. Any licensed NPI must, according to her, remain within the immediate scope of negation, which means that no operator may intervene the negation and the NPI, for otherwise the presence of such ‘harmful’ interveners may render the sentence unacceptable. 5 This immediate scope constraint is assumed to be a sufficient condition for NPI licensing. Furthermore, she presents another sufficient condition for residual cases in terms of negative implicature: since there are cases where an explicit negative construction is not available, yet such sentences seem acceptable, there must be some implicature of negative kind conveyed by the speaker, possibly by way of weak negative cues elsewhere in the sentence. An example is provided by only, which in (5) is taken to convey the message:


Anyone who hasn’t eaten vegetables cannot know their taste.

Such implicit or tacit licensing by negative implicature introduced an important step towards more general licensing conditions, since they put grammatical considerations under new, semantic and pragmatic light. However, Linebarger’s theory is not free from counterexamples, either. It does not explicitly define what makes something to count as permissible negative implicature. One would need conditions also for negative implicatures, for otherwise they may license something ungrammatical:



Exactly one person at the meeting budged an inch to dismiss the proposal.

Sentences such as (i) “Only A are B” may be interpreted as (ii) “If not A then not B”, assuming that

the A are in fact B. But can one then interpret e.g. “??Only those with any money need apply”? Alternatively, the meaning of (i) could be “There are no more Bs than there are As”, which amounts to a higher-order branching quantifier representation. 5

Giannakidou [12] tackles the issue of which interveners count as harmful and which non-harmful.


Without further reason to choose one negative implicature over another, one oscillates between the two readings: 6


Not more than one person at the meeting budged an inch to dismiss the proposal.


Not less than one person at the meeting budged an inch to dismiss the proposal.

Thus, licensing by means of negative implicature remains a mystery, lest it is agreed that implicature can remain underspecified and still count as a licenser, which disposes much of the explanatory virtues of the theory. One lacks an insight as to why many negative implicatures do not license NPIs, and why some contexts that do not have any kind of negative implicature, let alone negation, such as interrogative in “Do you know the answer yet?” do seem to license NPIs. Quite apart from Ladusaw and Linebarger, Zwarts [57] takes a lexical view of NPIs. He purports to distinguish between different types of NPIs in terms of the properties of the negative expression and the linguistic environment within which they can be found. He sets apart three conditions for three different cases, distinguished from each other in terms of the type of negation and the properties of linguistic environment. Only one of these conditions appeals to downward entailment, and hence the theory seeks to circumvent at least those counterexamples problematic for Ladusaw. Zwarts distinguishes between three types of negation: sub-minimal (only a few N, not all N, at most), minimal (none of the N, neither N, no one, not a single, not a), and classical negation (none of the N, no N, or a negative adverb not as in don’t). These negations act as licensing triggers for weak, strong and super-strong NPIs, respectively. Examples of weak NPIs include can abide and sleep a wink, and strong NPIs include a thing and lift a finger. An example of a superstrong NPI is one bit. These three types of negative expressions are distinguished from each other by their logical behaviour characterised by conditions imposed on the functional behaviour of the underlying hierarchy. The functional behaviour is argued to provide licensing conditions for these three classes of NPIs: the first is a downward entailing environment reflecting Ladusaw’s proposition, the second covers anti-additive expressions, and the third covers antimorphic expressions, corresponding to a classical negation. Formal characterisations of these notions can be found in [57]. Since only the first condition appeals to the property of downward entailment, the lexical theory seeks to circumvent at least those well-known counterexamples problematic for previous theories of NPI licensing, including [37]. 6

These readings are predicted by the generalised-quantifier analysis of the quantifier exactly.


All three conditions are sufficient, and so there can be expressions that are members of none of these three types (or do not contain any of the three negation types), but which nonetheless license some NPIs. This lexical theory also claims that the three licensing conditions are downwards applicable in the sense that they hold for NPIs that are members of a class with a weaker condition. That is, anti-morphic environment (classical negation) should license, in addition to superstrong NPIs, also strong NPIs, and anti-additive environment (minimal negation) should license, in addition to strong NPIs, also weak NPIs. This falls out from the algebraic definitions of these negations. The rules are not upward applicable, however, and this in fact raises the question of whether there are violations to these rules. It turns out that the following sentences can indeed be problematic for this theory:


At most two people lifted a finger to help.

This sentence has sub-minimal negation at most two creating a downward-entailing context while licensing the strong NPI lifted a finger. Likewise, in (11) the anti-additive minimal negation not a single licenses the superstrong NPI one bit.


Not a single guest liked the performance one bit.

If the licensing expression none of the N agrees with both the minimal and classical definitions of negation, as it does according to Zwarts’ theory, upwards applicable licensing should not be ruled out. Analogously with (11), then, surely the minimal (and classical) negation none of the N should be able to trigger superstrong NPIs:


None of the guests liked the performance one bit.

Krifka [34,35,36] refines the notion of downward entailment so that it applies only in environments of the same ‘sort’ as the original NPI contexts. For each NPI, these ‘sorts’ constitute a property lattice in which an NPI is the least element of the lattice (quantitatively it can be as little as ε ) and every other element covers it. Dually, PPIs (positive polarity items, such as some) constitute a lattice where the PPI is the greatest element in the lattice denoting the property, covering other properties of the same sort. 7 One can view Krifka’s proposal as a certain generic model subsuming scalar-based theories of NPI licensing. Israel [30,31] suggests that although it might be disputable whether 7

Ladusaw [38] speaks of minimum and maximum items, but there are no such elements in a lattice.


NPIs show different sorts of sensitivities, sensitivity reflects the underlying unifying phenomena of polarity items as scalar operators (cf. the original proposal in [9,10]). Their scalar nature means that NPIs refer to some quantificational notion such as amount, degree, or intensity. The scalar model, based on items acting as scalar operators, comprises an ordered set of elements preserving certain (often pragmatically constrained) inferences among propositions. Propositions are associated with alternative scales in a model, and NPIs (typically) denote the least element in the model, because they tend to relate to superlatives and similar minimal quantitative or informational values. He maintains, however, that all NPIs are scalar operators. For example, the aspectual adverbs such as the PPI already or the NPI yet do not endorse quantificational or informational scaling. Accordingly, Israel evaluates them on inceptive scales, while evaluating aspectual NPIs such as anymore on continuative scales. There is little reason to cast doubt on the scalar theory of NPIs, which seems to capture at least one fundamental property. But the question of the explanatory value of the scaling technique devoid of theoretical backing remains. In particular, it does not answer to the question of how the model would differentiate NPIs from other items also behaving as scalar operators. Progovac [45,46] has advanced a syntactic binding theory where NPIs are taken to behave anaphorically, bound to their governing category of negation, negative operator or conditional. According to her, there is a parallel between anaphora and polarity licensing, suggesting a reduction of polarity sensitivity to that of anaphoric sensitivity. The proposal is formulated in the spirit of binding theory, and so is calculated to cope with the non-presence of any explicit binders, in which case one posits an empty polarity operator. Whether there are such dummy operators in language is a moot point. A likely rejoinder is that items themselves may signal tacit operators, which nevertheless leaves something to be desired from the proposed theory. In the wake of these diverse opinions, Giannakidou [11] defends the claim that the licensing conditions have to depend on semantic properties of the linguistic environment. Since data can be found which are not explained by downward entailing contexts, and since many of the semantic properties of linguistic environment are vaguely identifiable, the answer to the licensor question that she proposes is the property of veridicality and nonveridicality of the linguistic environment. The licensing of NPIs results from semantic dependency of the items on nonveridical contexts. The negative or downward entailing contexts become special cases of nonveridical contexts. The semantic dependency is given by the relation R that must hold between the ‘dependant’ expression α and the ‘dependee’ β . A negated relation would also count,


whereby α depends semantically on β if ¬(α R β ) (‘antilicensing’). Nonveridicality means the property of the context operator O , which applied to α gives a true expression

Oα whenever the truth of α is contingent. In other words, Oα → α is not a logically valid rule. 8 If Oα → ¬α is logically valid then the operator O is antiveridical. For example, classical negation is a typical antiveridical operator: “John didn’t win the game” entails “It is not the case that John won the game,” that is, the truth of the negated sentence entails the falsity of the clause embedded in the sentence which is subordinate to negation. These notions may be slightly problematic since no logic or calculus is presented where the notion of logical validity or non-validity could be applied, and so the notion of nonveridicality has to be taken cum grano salis. In any case, Giannakidou succeeds in covering a wide range of data, in unifying earlier treatments, and in yielding largely correct predictions. For example, she argues that NPIs are a proper subclass of affective polarity items (APIs). Whereas APIs are licensed in nonveridical environments, antiveridicality suffices for NPIs (but in intensional contexts it has to cope with possible-world notion of truth for propositional attitudes). In a wider perspective, the general case is that syntactic aspects follow semantic sensitivity features of APIs themselves. One should also note some similarities with Zwarts’ classification of negation. Accordingly, the earlier remarks and counterexamples I made concerning his theory carry over to Giannakidou’s theory. There are other problems, such as long-distance licensing, where the problem is to find theories that would tell how one negation operator, for example, can affect two or more items elsewhere in the sentence, sometimes even across sentence boundaries. Furthermore, how can negation affect items despite the existence of some interveners, as happens with the intensional predicate want to in “I don’t want you to say anything” (see [13]). 9

3. Game-theoretic semantics for polarity items 1. Basic ideas Any sentence of English defines a game between two players, the verifier and the falsifier, the former aiming to show that the sentence is true and the latter aiming to show that the sentence is false. The game rules for the familiar quantificational expressions such as some, every, a(n), and any prompt a player to choose an individual from the relevant domain (choice set), 8 9

In case of O being a belief operator, it is clear that Oα should not entail

α , for instance.

Obviously, long-distance licensing poses problems to Linebarger’s immediateness constraints. More

theories and discussion on NPIs and their licensing can be found in [1–5,8,16,24– 26,28,29,32,33,39,40,48,49,52,55,56].


giving it a name, and the game continues with respect to an output sentence defined by the game rules. Analogously to the game-theoretic semantics for formal languages, the game terminates when such components (atomic formulas) are reached where further applications of game rules are not allowed. For instance:

(G.every) If the game has reached the sentence of the form X – every Y who Z – W, the falsifier chooses an individual, say b, from the choice set I, giving it a name. The game is then continued with respect to the sentence X – b – W, b is a Y, and b Z.

The game rule (G.any) is the same as (G.every) except that every is replaced by any. See [20] for further conditions that need to be imposed to the rules for connectives in certain cases. In general it is presupposed that any behaves like a universal quantifier, and that universal readings of the indefinite a(n) are ignored. These presuppositions are not unproblematic, since any has been argued to have existential manifestations [6,9,10,32,37,47].

(G.neg) If the game has reached a sentence of the form neg(X), the players exchange roles (also the winning conventions will change), and the game continues with respect to X.

The operation neg(X) is a sentential negation-forming functor. In addition to game rules for quantifiers, negation and other connectives, such rules can also be defined for lexical items. I use this possibility in addressing lexical polarity items. Since the notion of scope does not manifest itself in the syntactic structure of natural language sentences, ordering principles will tell the order of the application of game rules in sentences. In the syntactic structure of sentences, a node N1 is said to be in a higher clause than the node N 2 if the S-node immediately dominating N1 also dominates N 2 , but not vice versa. The following two general ordering principles are customary:

(O.LR) For any two phrases in the same clause a game rule must not be applied to the one on the right if a rule can be applied to the one on the left in the clause. (O.comm) A game rule must not be applied to a phrase in a lower clause if a rule can be applied to a phrase in a higher clause.

The special ordering principles may override general ones. In particular, the following special


ordering principles are needed:

(O.any) (G.any) has logical priority over (G.neg), (G.cond), (G.or), and some modal rules such as (G.can), (G.may), (G.must), (G.possible) and (G.likely) (but not over modalities that are propositional attitudes such as epistemic operators). (O.some) (G.some) has logical priority over (G.neg).

It can be checked that these principles give the right predictions for a suitable set of English sentences. For further discussion on GTS, including its notion of strategies and the relation to meaning and truth, see [17–23,51]. The notion of strategy is particularly appealing, because the notion of meaning that goes beyond the existence of strategies can be made to accommodate pragmatic and rhetoric effects, entropy measures, and the associated payoffs. The latter give content to Grice’s maxims of conversation, including the notions of relevance and discourse coherence. I will largely ignore these further refinements here.

2. Game rules for polarity items To formulate game rules for NPIs, it is useful to distinguish between lexical polarity items, regular NPIs, and aspectual adverbs. Aspectual adverbs can be either NPIs or PPIs (Positive Polarity Items, e.g. some, already, still, etc.). Lexical NPIs typically denote some minimal amount, degree, intensity, movement, intention, reaction, manner or similar scalar quantity, and they include idiomatic expressions such as lift a finger, have a hope in hell, the superlatives the slightest, the foggiest, and so on. Regular NPIs include any, ever, all that, long and at all, and aspectual adverbs operate on some quantitatively meaningful scales other than lexical items, such as inceptive or continuative scales. 10 These items can exhibit either negative of positive sensitivities, which will turn out to be useful at the further stages of our theory of NPI licensing. The game rule for lexical NPIs (G.l-NPI) actually covers a whole range of rule instances for various items, primarily distinguished by the ontological nature of the elements included into the choice set. It is in order to categorise these elements according to what they denote, the denotation being some amount, degree, intensity, intention, or movement, for instance, expressed by a special parameter C derived from the main verb of the sentence, and included into the rule associated with the lexical item in question.


Thus regular and aspectual NPIs do not need to denote minimality: “She is not very wise”, “It won’t

take long”.


(G.l-NPI) If the game has reached the sentence of the form X – l-NPI – Z, the player chooses a minimal amount from the choice set. Let this quantity be b . The game is then continued with respect to the sentence X – have (has) b , and b is a minimal Z/ C .

Sometimes instead of ‘X having b ’ it would be more natural to speak of ‘X doing b ’, for example. The ‘minimal amount’ can be taken to be an element picked from the choice set, the elements of which are in partially ordered relation. Various ways of dealing with tenses can also be incorporated into game rules. An example of an application of this rule for (13) produces (14):


John doesn’t have the slightest idea of the solution.


John doesn’t have b, and b is a minimal idea of the solution.

Likewise, (15) produces (16) and (17) produces (18):


Mary didn’t sleep a wink.


Mary didn’t have b, and b is a minimal amount of sleep.


Bill didn’t budge an inch.


Bill didn’t do b, and b is a minimal movement (action, reaction, manner etc.)

A negation or a negative construction is not necessary in the grammatical sentences that contain lexical NPIs. For consider the following example with adversative surprised:


John was surprised that Bill budged.

This naturally turns into (20):


John was surprised that Bill did b, and b is a minimal movement (action, reaction, manner etc.)


In addition, emphases replace the need for a negative element in the linguistic environment:


John does give a damn.


John has b, and b is a minimal amount of care (attention, concern, etc.)

The game rule (G.l-NPI) enjoys a special ordering principle:

(O.l-NPI) (G.l-NPI) has priority over (G.neg), (G.cond), as indeed over (G.can), (G.may) and similar modal operators, but not over modals that are propositional attitudes.

The game rule for (G.ever) is similar to the rule for (G.always), except that it has always replaced by ever. For these rules, one can safely assume a branching model of time.

(G.always) If the game has reached a sentence of the form X – always Y, and the time point t1 , the falsifier chooses a possible future time point t2 accessible from t1 , and the game continues with respect to the sentence X – Y at t2 . There is a special ordering principle for (G.ever):

(O.ever) (G.ever) has a priority over (G.neg) and (G.cond).

Thus future tenses such as always in the future can be treated as in tense logic, marking a universal quantification over all future moments in time. These tensed modalities illustrate how tenses in general can be treated in GTS, and how other modalities such as those pertaining to knowledge, belief, will, wish, permission and so on acquire a game-theoretic interpretation in terms of possible-worlds semantics. The next game rule is formulated for the quantitative PPI adverb totally.

(G.totally) If the game has reached the sentence X – Y – Z totally, the player chooses d , where d is the total quantity belonging to the category C , where C is extracted from the main verb Y, and the game continues with respect to the sentence


X – Y – Z, d is Y.

The later occurrences of Y in the output sentences are supposed to be infinitives. Game rules (G.wholly), (G.altogether), (G.completely), (G.entirely), (G.perfectly), (G.in full) and so on are obvious and unsurprising variations to (G.totally). Perhaps more surprisingly, however, this same game rule can be used for the regular NPI at all, with a minor modification of totally replaced by at all in the game rule. There is also a special ordering rule for (G.at all):

(O.at all) (G.at all) has priority over negation (G.not), conditional (G.cond), and adversatives such as (G.amazed), (G.surprised), but not over modals.

Turning now to aspectual adverbs, let us consider items that denote properties on inceptive scales.

(G.already) If the game has reached X – already Y – Z, the verifier chooses a time t1 , whereupon the falsifier chooses a time t2 from a reference interval I , t1 < t2 , and the game continues with respect to the sentence X – Y – Z at t1 , and X – was expected to Y – Z at t2 . Here t1 < t2 means that the time point t1 occurs earlier than t2 . An example of an application of this rule renders the sentence (23) as (24):


John already did the job.


John did the job on Monday, and John was expected to do the job on Friday.

The game rule for yet is of the following type.

(G.yet) If the game has reached X – Y – Z yet, the verifier chooses a time t1 , whereupon the falsifier chooses a time t2 from a reference interval I , t1 < t2 or t1 = t2 , and the game continues with respect to the sentence


X – Y – Z at t1 , and X – was expected to neg(Y – Z) at t2 .

In this rule the main verb is taken to be in past tense. This rule is seen to require minor qualifications when dealing with future tenses. An application of this rule to (25) can yield (26).


Alice hadn’t stopped talking yet.


By 9 pm, Alice hadn’t stopped talking, and Alice was expected not to talk at nine.

This sentence implies that the action denoted by the main verb Y eventually comes to finish. The game rule (G.now) is analogous to (G.yet). In interrogatives, similar scalar behaviour does not occur because they are nonmonotonic, and thus negative items are not needed. Turning next to continuative scales, the following rules can be formulated and further rules created similarly.

(G.still) If the game has reached a sentence of the form X – still Y – Z, the verifier chooses a time t1 , whereupon the falsifier chooses t2 from a reference interval I , where t1 > t2 or t1 = t2 , and the game continues with respect to the sentence At t1 , X – Y – Z, and X – was expected to neg(Y’ – Z) at t2 .

Here Y’ is otherwise like Y but the main verb is not progressive. It is presupposed that the action denoted by Y took place prior to falsifier’s selection of t2 , which implies that what is expected is that X actually has finished Y by t2 . An example:


Alice was still cooking chicken.


At midnight, Alice was cooking chicken, and Alice was expected to have finished the cooking at 10pm.

Some straightforward instances of this rule can also have the sentences of the form X – Y – still Z as input. The next rule is deals with the NPI anymore.


(G.anymore) If the game has reached a sentence of the form X – Y – Z anymore, the verifier chooses time points t1 and t2 , t2 < t1 , whereupon the falsifier chooses

t3 , t2 < t3 < t1 , and the game continues with respect to the sentence At t3 , X – neg(Y – Z), and at t1 , X – Y – Z.

An example:


Alice was not cooking anymore.


At noon, Alice was cooking chicken, and in the afternoon, Alice was not cooking chicken.

This sentence implies that the situation where Alice was cooking is over at the time of the utterance. Finally, the following special ordering rules are imposed:

(O.yet) (G.yet) has a priority over (G.neg), (G.cond), and the modalities (G.can) and (G.may).

(O.anymore) (G.anymore) has a priority over (G.neg).

The rule (G.yet) in fact seems to enjoy a considerably high logical priority as regard to a number of other rules. The fact that the polarity items listed here provide a true crossselection of linguistic categories is shown by recognising that yet and already are suppletives, yet and anymore are NPIs, and already and still are PPIs, for example. With these rules at hand, let us turn to the construction of the licensing conditions for NPIs.

4. A new theory 1. One, two, many? It has frequently been observed that the indefinite any plays a double-agent role: it can act as a polarity item (“I didn’t notice anything”), or as a free-choice item (common in mathematical


parlance, as in: “Take any x from X ”). Whether it has more (or less!) than these two roles has not been conclusively settled. It has also been claimed that in both roles any has a universal ‘wide scope’ representation over a licenser (typically a modal operator or a negation, see [40,47]). This analysis was criticised in [6,9,10,32,37,41]. It was proposed instead that any surfaces in existentially quantified expressions, presumably in the scope of negation. In its free-choice incarnation, it is customary to interpret any as a universal quantifier taking wide scope over other expressions. There are reasons to believe that this bipartite manifestation does not exhaust the behaviour of this item, and that the proposed licensing contexts are not immune against further criticism. For example, there are such methods as pre and post-nominal modifications that may license any in the environments but which do not create evidently polar sensitive or free-choice contexts. There even appear to be licensing methods where polarity sensitive any occurs but nevertheless connects with methods that typically license a free-choice any [7]. 11

2. Hintikka’s any-thesis It is nonetheless possible to devise techniques for capturing the behaviour of any in a unifying manner. One early theory is Hintikka’s any-thesis [19]: The word any is acceptable (grammatical) in a given context X – any Y – Z if and only if an exchange of any for every results in a grammatical expression which is not identical in meaning with X – any Y – Z. There are many problematic notions in this thesis, such as acceptability, grammaticality, identity and meaning. The content of these will unravel as we proceed. Instances in which any-thesis applies are:


a. Mary cannot solve any problem. b. Mary cannot solve every problem.

Because of (O.any), this pair of sentences is non-identical in meaning, and therefore the anythesis renders (31a) acceptable. An example of the identity of meaning is given by the following pair:


Modal theories of any are insufficient, because in them the difference between every and any reduces

to the difference between actual and possible existence of individuals (or eventualities), a view that turns a blind eye on the presuppositions of many any-sentences, namely ones that do not differ from the corresponding presuppositions of every-sentences, while the latter clearly assume the actual existence of elements within the domain.



a. *Mary has solved any problem. b. Mary has solved every problem.

Because logical priorities applying the otherwise identical game rules are the same in these two sentences, they do not receive a distinct interpretation, and thus (32a) is ruled unacceptable. How about the possibility of having ungrammatical every-sentence? Such examples are easy to find, for consider a definite NP inside partitive:


a. *John has any of the apples in the basket. b. *John has every of the apples in the basket.

Indeed, if the every-sentence is non-grammatical, the meanings do not have to be contrasted, since the respective any-sentence would be, according to the thesis, non-grammatical. Still, one might sense some non-synonymity in (33a,b), and thus there seems to be yet the fourth possibility: identity of meaning, non-grammatical any-sentence and non-grammatical everysentence:


a. *John has any apples in the basket. b. *John has every apples in the basket.

Synonymity becomes all the more vague when both sentences are ill formed. However, this last example actually suggests a counterexample to any-thesis:


a. John does not have any apples in the basket. b. *John does not have every apples in the basket. 12

Since the meaning is not identical, and (35a) is grammatical while (35b) is not, it may appear that this example constitutes the case where any-thesis does not hold. For simplicity, the range of the thesis as such ought to be limited to a manageable fragment of English, comprising quantifier phrases, connectives, and some modal elements, for instance, but not cover plural nouns, mass nouns or adverbial occurrences—or else one should apply additional independent criteria to rule some of the every-sentences as ungrammatical. It should be pointed out that the thesis can, however, be extended to cope with the previous 12

No singular noun for every is permitted, because the only change in the sentences takes place

between the NPI and its contrast.


counterexample, by assuming that the relevant contrast term for any in plural or mass noun context can be all, all of the or all the in place of every. Such amendments will be sidestepped. Furthermore, Hand [14] questions Hintikka’s explanations for the ungrammaticality of (36a):


a. *You must pick any apple. b. You must pick every apple.

This is because the any-thesis, contrasting with (36b), turns on the equality of these sentences, even though (G.any) has priority over (G.must); yet the same explanation does not work for the following pair:


a. You must pick any apple that squirrels have not damaged. b. You must pick every apple that squirrels have not damaged.

However, it seems that some light can be thrown on this by observing that the latter pair occurs within what is known as ‘subtrigging’, viz. context that has the effect of restricting the available domain and making the indefinite any ‘less indefinite’ by mimicking the force of a demonstrative (like in “You must pick this apple or that apple or that apple...”). What subtrigging logically does is, assuming a possible-worlds semantics, a perspectival crossworld identification of individuals across the alternative states of affairs in the possibleworlds structure introduced by the modal operator must. Since such subtrigging does not exist in (41), the sentences are equivalent even in the presence of the differing ordering principles. This provides an explanation for the phenomenon Hintikka presented in [18].

3. Some data for NPI grammaticality conditions This much said on the behaviour of any, let me put forward the first group of examples confirming the behaviour of the temporal suppletive NPI yet. Generally, this is captured in my yet-thesis:

(YET-THESIS): The word yet is licensed in a given context X – Y – Z yet (X nonempty) if and only if an exchange of yet for now results in a grammatical expression that is non-synonymous with X – Y – Z yet.

Here the meaning of yet relates to so far, thus far, until now, by now etc., but not to the


evaluative adverb still, which has a distinct meaning. 13 An example of the application of the yet-thesis is:


a. John doesn’t talk to Mary yet. b. John doesn’t talk to Mary now.

Because of logical priorities spelled out by (O.yet), this pair of sentences illustrates a nonidentity of meaning, and thus (38a) and (38b) are both grammatical. Furthermore, the following sentences are rendered synonymous by the associated game rules, and thus (39a) is not grammatical:


a. *It is evident yet that the proof works. b. It is evident now that the proof works.

The next three pairs of examples are easily seen to confirm the theory:


a. John doesn’t believe Mary yet. b. John doesn’t believe Mary now.


a. Mary will defeat John yet. b. Mary will defeat John now.


a. *John is talking to Mary yet. b. John is talking to Mary now.

The domain of the yet-thesis does not extend over interrogatives or past tenses. 14 Some other constraints are also inevitable. Suffice it to mention that, as in (43), yet can occur in a lower syntactic clause than must and should, as indeed in the lower syntactic clause than might (44), although (O.yet) renders yet logically prior to these operators:



John must / should yet talk to Mary.

Vernacular English may have no quarrel with sentences such as “John is at work yet”, where the

meaning of yet is comparable to that of still. 14

For instance, the questions in the pair “Has Mary defeated John already / yet?”, quite common-

sensibly, ask for different things and thus are both acceptable.



John might yet talk to Mary.

It can now be easily verified that these sentences are grammatical by contrasting them with the respective now-sentences. The prima facie inapplicability of yet-thesis to past tenses actually suggests that one can pick additional contrast terms. These qualifications do not diminish the importance of the theory, since there is no pre-theoretical reason to expect that contrast terms should be unique module target clauses. A candidate for past tenses is the positive polarity item already:


a. *Mary defeated John yet. b. Mary defeated John already.

A slight modification to the game rule (G.yet) is needed in the context of past tenses, involving the statement of expectation in the output sentence, to stay on par with (G.already). Such a modification is thoroughly unsurprising, however. The next examples provide evidence for the NPI at all, behaviour of which is captured be the at all-thesis:

(AT ALL-THESIS): The word at all is licensed in a given context X – Y – Z at all (X non-empty) if and only if an exchange of at all for totally results in a grammatical expression that is non-synonymous with X – Y – Z at all.

Among others, at all can acquire the meaning of, or be substituted with, the NPIs in any way or to any extent. Likewise, totally can be substituted with, say, altogether, wholly, fully, thoroughly, and possibly others, or even with the PPI in the first place. 15 Some data for the at all-thesis include the pairs (46)–(50):


a. John didn’t see the building at all. b. John didn’t see the building totally.



a. *Mary lost her control at all.

One should note that the thesis does not (and cannot) presuppose that the target and contrast terms

have ‘the same distribution’, as such presupposition would be extremely demanding for a descriptive generalisation. It is the thesis itself that aims to explain the distribution. Consequently, the thesis does not pretend to apply to all possible environments, and so reasonable conditions can be imposed on its range.


b. Mary lost her control totally.


a. *Suzy would like to understand the example at all. b. Suzy would like to understand the example wholly.


a. I am amazed that she came at all. b. I am amazed that she came in the first place.


a. No one will be interested at all. b. No one will be interested totally.

One might think that the appropriate contrast term for at all would be a PPI such as somewhat or slightly, which from the scalar point of view denotes some minimal quantity, amount or degree (possibly only slightly above the quantity denoted by the related NPI). The problem with at least these particular PPIs is that they do not naturally occur in negative contexts, and when they do, they would express denial or be used metalinguistically. Hence they either alter the meaning of the sentence and not count as reliable contrast terms or then the contrast sentence would be rendered ungrammatical, thereby prescribing the paired counterpart sentence ungrammatical. The third group of examples deals with the NPI the slightest, where its contrast term may be a slight:


a. *?John has the slightest idea about the proof. b. John has a slight idea about the proof.


a. Mary doesn’t have the slightest idea about the proof. b. Mary doesn’t have a slight idea about the proof.

A question mark is perhaps most that can be hoped for in (51a), since the sentence appears grammatical in a similar way as other weakly licensed NPIs (the faintest, the foggiest, and so on). These items may be acceptable (and even grammatical) in the contexts that usually do not license many other NPIs. They are often grammatical in the presence of focus or emphasis. It can now be checked that these sentences would confirm the the slightest-thesis, modelled on the previous ones. Confirming examples can be generated ad nauseam.


4. The NPI-thesis By this cumulative evidence, the NPI-thesis comes out thus:

(NPI-THESIS): An NPI is licensed (grammatical) in an environment X – NPI Y – Z (X non-empty) if and only if the replacement of the NPI for an appropriate contrast term results in a well-formed expression that is non-synonymous with the original sentence.

In this thesis, nothing is said about the negative constructions that the usual approaches to NPI licensing advocate. Thus, it may be viewed as a ‘negation-less’ account of NPIs. It may be suspected that such negative constructs have actually been misleading and destructive. To wit, a typical sufficient well-formedness condition for NPI sentences says that:

An expression is not well formed, if it contains an NPI that is not in the (immediate) scope of a negative construction.

Such conditions turning on syntactically characterised notions of scope do not throw much light on polarity phenomena, as they merely dictate that the occurrences and the scopes of negations can be fixed by some set of grammatical rules. And a sentence can be ungrammatical even when any is syntactically governed by negation, because the negation in question is constitutive, not game-theoretic:


*Not any child knows the rules. 16

To require licensing by a governing conditional would not help either, for an NPI in the consequent may be ungrammatical:


*If John has heard the results he has visited any relative.

Furthermore, what often happens is that the negation occurs in a lower clause than its alleged licensee. A better account of licensing is thus provided by a theory that invokes relevant comparisons for synonymity. It is an interesting further question how to find and characterise the appropriate


Another meaning, namely that not just any child knows the rules, with a suitable stress on just, will

not discussed here.


contrast terms for NPIs. I have observed that in many occasions there are options. A goodquality contrast term or a phrase is nevertheless not typically found among the PPIs such as most, few, some, even, several, or still. Rather, a good contrast term shares some of the semantic properties when contrasted with the negated or otherwise licensed NPIs, but which stands in opposition to unnegated ones. Some examples include any — every; ever — always; yet — now (always), already; the slightest — a minor, a slight; at all — totally, wholly; all that — very; lift a finger, budge an inch — barely bother; give a damn — care only a little. A question can thus be raised about the conditions for the selection and the use of appropriate contrast terms. To point out a partial answer to this question, consider the following pair:


a. *The painting is all that impressive. b. The painting is very impressive.

This prediction naturally arises from the following rules for the regular NPI (G.all that).

(G.all that) If the game has reached a sentence X – Y all that – Z, the verifier chooses d, d is a relatively large quantity of S extracted from Z, if Z is adjective, and the game continues with respect to the sentence X – Y – Z, d is S, X has d.

(O.all that) (G.all that) has priority over (G.not) and (G.cond).

The rules (G.very), (G.considerably) and so on, closely follow the rule (G.all that). They explain the behaviour of all that in (55) and in other similar cases. The clue that can be extracted from this and other examples as to the relationship between a NPI and its contrast term is that the pairs seem to combine informativeness with quantificational values, such that low informational value pairs with high quantificational value. Following this insight, the sentence “The painting is not all that impressive,” for example, would be roughly similar in meaning to the sentence “The painting is very unimpressive”. But the former can be argued to be less informative than the latter, whereas quantificational scale of the latter certainly scores higher than what would be accomplished with the phrases like not all that. Some of the game rules, as indeed the corresponding instances of the NPI-thesis, may introduce relatively surprising aspects of semantic behaviour. There does not seem to be any general uniformity in the semantics of NPIs in particular. Whereas lexical NPIs usually invoke selections of some minimal quantity from an ontological category, regular items


actually prompt maximal quantities. The irregularity of the latter is not that surprising, given that these items are typically adjoined with occurrences of the morpheme all, which can be implicit. In addition, since they have logical priority over negative expressions, their denotation has to complement the totality of some domain. Accordingly, they cannot denote any minimal quantity or degree in the relevant scale, but merely a zero measure. It is indicative of my theory that it can cope with such irregularities without changing its principles or fundamental assumptions, working by way of choosing and varying the contrasts. Ordinary ways of defining meaning assume that the terms in an underlying language are grammatical (well formed). Thus, no algebraic approach says anything interesting about the meaning of ill-formed expressions. However, inherent in the NPI-thesis is that sentences can be compared for synonymity, even though one of the sentences may be ungrammatical. It is to be seen what kind of extension principles, for example, could be used to extend the given semantics (as a meaning function for a restricted class of expressions) to the whole language, also covering ill-formed expressions. Those NPI sentences that are marked do not necessarily have to be entirely unacceptable. In a sense, they are to a small extent meaningful, although they sometimes receive obscure interpretations. In some restricted sense they are even informative. However, they are ill formed in the sense that they would not be pragmatically useful or effectively assertable. The weak or even almost zero informativeness does not provide reason to render sentences ungrammatical, as witnessed by tautological expressions, for example. The NPI-thesis appears to have the status of a descriptive generalisation. However, it is unclear, albeit unlikely, whether there is some mechanism of grammar that could derive the effect of the NPI-thesis. Whether there is an ‘isomorphic’ mapping from syntactic relations governing context and NPIs to their semantic interpretation “isomorphically” has to be left as an open question. The reason that this is unlikely is shown by the fact that NPIs interact across sentence boundaries, which violates the basic principles of generative grammar. GTS differs from other semantic theories in that it does not stop at the level of empirical generalisations. It does not, strictly speaking, even have a very healthy relation to such ‘honest-to-data’ methodologies. It provides theoretic backing to empirical issues other theories may lack. For example, in dynamic semantics, the treatment of anaphora is conducted so that components of universal quantification and negation do not ‘pass on bindings’ of variables, thus aiming at describing the conditions under which anaphoric antecedent is not available for coreference. In terms of semantic games, one additionally has an explanation why these sentences fail, and why certain components do not pass on bindings (see the discussion in [44,51). Another example of this methodological poverty is found in choice function theories


[15], which appeal to the concept of choice functions without answering to the question of what the choices there are to be choices for. From our perspectives, such choices are performed by players using strategy functions. Accordingly, GTS provides theoretic explanations not only for what is going on in various NPI theories such as in the scalar-based ones [9,10,34] and in the informational consistency theory of [33], but also for the theories of choice functions.

5. Further corroboration Sedivy [53] has argued against negative polarity licensing on the grounds that they falter on the vital separation between lexical and regular NPIs. Regular NPIs such as any, ever and at all cannot, according to Sedivy, be subsumed under the same licensing principles with idiomatic expressions such as lift a finger, give a damn or have a hope in hell. According to Sedivy, there are special contexts such as questions, emphases, modals, superordinate negations and adversatives in which the distinction between these two classes flouts treatments not taking the distinction in consideration, thus yielding incorrect predictions. The claim that these two would require different licensing conditions is false, which is shown by the GTS approach in which the game rules for either class of items is essentially the same. In contexts with explicit emphases, contrastive do can be used. For example, the following sentence is acceptable:


Jill does give a damn.

Observe also exclamative use:


Tell it to someone who gives a damn!

The emphasis creates an environment in which the lexical NPI give a damn becomes licensed. However, with the regular NPIs ever or at all, for instance, the emphasis does not function as a licenser:


*Mary does work at all / ever.

Thus, we have yet another reason to be suspicious of the kinds of explanations that resort to the idea that what properties there are in the environment is the key. Let us see how the NPI-thesis fares in these environments. By applying the NPI-


thesis to these or other similar examples, it is seen at once that the differentiation between lexical and regular NPIs does not pose those problems that are undermining Progovac’s syntactic binding, Ladusaw’s semantic downward entailment, or Linebarger’s negative implicatures, just to name a couple of alternatives. For instance, one can effectively assert:


Jill does care only a little.

This is not identical in meaning to (56), for the emphasis with respect to NPIs has a curious effect: it seems to almost reverse its usual meaning. In (56), it is legitimate to query about the actual quantity of Jill’s caring, for she is asserted to indulge at least in some minimal amount of empathy. In fact, this sentence implies that Jill’s caring is roughly comparable to quantity substantially above any minimal amount. The scalar model is a useful notion to be applied, since emphasis provides a thrust to the least element, sending it up in the scale. Similar things are seen to happen in theories based on polarity lattices. The following pair of sentences describes a similar situation:


a. I do lift a finger for examinations. b. I do barely bother for examinations.

These are non-identical, and thus the NPI-thesis predicts (60a) to be grammatical. 17 Turning then to (58), where the emphasis is not manifested by an explicit command, its markedness is due to the contrastive sentence:


Mary does work in the first place.

Are the meanings of (58) and (61) synonymous? A moment’s reflection on the game rules and ordering principles shows that they are, and although (58) is ungrammatical, it is informative. The emphative does corrects its meaning toward the intended direction, namely, in striving to convey the reading according to which Mary indeed is, more or less enthusiastically, involved in her daily routines. Precisely what her efforts are is not conveyed by (61), and such implications would in any case be irrelevant. These two examples purport to demonstrate that the distinction between lexical and regular NPIs is meaningful. Although the distinction does not affect the applicability of the 17

Without emphases, the prediction of course does not hold, and hence sentences such as “*Today, I

happened to lift a finger for examinations”, by virtue of their contrast with “Today, I happened to barely bother for examinations”, are marked.


NPI-thesis, it portrays a significant element of language, namely whenever there is emphasis in the sentence, it aims to lift the denotation of lexical NPIs upwards in the quantitative or informative scale of the given model. As far as regular NPIs are concerned, impact is not necessarily as effective as for lexical items. In adversative contexts, the distinction and the NPI-thesis continue in force. For consider the regular ever:


a. Mary doubts that John ever loved her. b. Mary doubts that John always loved her.

These are non-synonymous. For lexical gives a damn, matters are slightly more complicated:


a. ?John doubts that Mary gives a damn. b. John doubts that Mary cares only a little.

Why do these sentences differ in meaning? In (63b), John thinks that Mary cares more than a little, however much it ever is. In (63a), on the other hand, the direct phrase “Mary gives a damn” might well contribute to the ungrammaticality, but it surely is informative in the sense that it signifies, ceteris paribus, a small amount of caring, though quite enough to be contrasted with an appropriate contrast term or a phrase in another sentence. The adversative doubt applies to the direct phrase as it applies to the latter, grammatical sentence. In both cases the prediction of grammaticality arises from the respective game and ordering rules (G.give a damn), (O.give a damn), (G.ever) and (O.ever). The conditions in which question marks are attached should be studied separately, and I have tried to avoid clouding the issue with too many pragmatic phenomena. Such pragmatic considerations would not pose problems for the NPI-thesis but rather confirm it, given the intimacy GTS has with the field of pragmatics.

5. Contraposition in conditionals In addressing the NPI behaviour, one concern is the question of whether contrapositive statements can be formed, and what the grammaticality status of the resulting sentences would be. This is related to cases in which contrapositions preserve the meaning of original statements. For example, a downward entailing expression presupposes the existence of contrapositives. It is not difficult to find out that some expressions do not respect contraposition salva veritate, and so here one comes up with additional counterexamples to the proposed licensing conditions that turn on monotonicity properties.


In conditionals that license NPIs in the antecedent clause, the formation of contraposition appears unproblematic. The resulting sentences are both grammatical and meaning preserving, as in the following two pairs:


a. If he is in the least happy, he has taken some stimuli. b. If he hasn’t taken some stimuli, he is not in the least happy.


a. If the medicine is any good at all, she is going to have visible changes. b. If she is not going to have visible changes, the medicine is not any good at all.

The converse transformations preserve the meanings in precisely the same way. Contrapositions of ungrammatical conditionals are grammatical, however:


a. *If he has heard the results yet, he will spend the day working. b. If he won’t spend the day working, he hasn’t heard the results yet.

As predicted by GTS, (66a) and (66b) have the same meaning even though the former is ungrammatical. In contrast, an ungrammatical sentence mixing both PPIs and NPIs does not yield grammatical contraposition, since negation usually does not cancel PPIs:


a. *If she is going to do something at all, the test will be successful. b. *If the test won’t be successful, she is not going to do something at all.

Yet another interesting situation arises with mere PPIs:


a. If she is going to do something, the test will be successful. b. If the test won’t be successful, she is not going to do something.


a. If John told some secrets to his friend, the girl will be in trouble. b. If the girl won’t be in trouble, John didn’t tell some secrets to his friend.

The act of contrapositioning in (67)–(69) seems predictable insofar as grammaticality is concerned. However, one senses that (68b) and (69b) do not mean quite the same as (68a) and (69a), respectively. This is because negations in front of PPIs produce echo-effect (denial/meta-linguistic use, see [54]): they indicate points where something else is meant than attempting to cancel a PPI. In particular, by negating PPIs, although not cancelling the PPIs


themselves, one cancels presuppositions. Similar things happen when PPIs reside in the consequent of (70a):


a. If he considers attending the meeting, he has some ideas worth telling. b. If he doesn’t have some ideas worth telling, he doesn’t consider attending the meeting.

Although perfectly grammatical, the meanings of these two sentences are not the same. The sentence (70b) can be read as meaning that the person might indeed have ideas worth telling, but that they are not the ones that would inspire him to consider attending the meeting. Depending on stress, it can also be read as meaning that the person, having an excess of ideas, considers the meeting to be idle.

6. Conclusion The NPI-thesis states necessary and sufficient ‘licensing’ conditions for a set of NPIs, prescribing when the sentence containing NPIs is well formed. The thesis does not turn on the existence of explicit negation, negative construction, or any tacit such implicature. Instead, one is asked to fathom the meaning of NPI sentences and those where NPIs are replaced with proper contrast terms. It no longer refers to negative constructions in the environment. It is a ‘negation-less’ theory of NPIs. However, the NPI-thesis does not pretend to apply to every possible NPI in English. Such an attempt would be grossly extravagant. Accordingly, it is not known how many contrast terms there exists in language. Polar-sensitive items constitute a loose crosscategorial set from various linguistic domains, and NPIs in particular stand for a variety of linguistic categories. They do not form a natural class, despite the possibility that their alleged licensing environments may do so. Even the borderline between NPIs and PPIs is not demarcated in a clear-cut manner in natural language to allow a unified treatment of all NPIs. Hence any attempt that tries to spell out their licensing conditions ought to draw on crosscategorial explanations, which are unlikely to be based solely on empirical generalisations. Therefore it should not come as a surprise that attempts to capture their behaviour only syntactically is a lost cause, the reason being not that much the specific counterexamples as the unwarranted presupposition that well-formedness is prior to synonymity. In a sufficiently similar vein, there are other phenomena such as informational independence that influences items subsisting in remote linguistic categories [23,44]. Just as informational independence cannot be captured by syntactic rules (since it is not syntactically marked in language), the licensing conditions for NPIs need to be spelled out by using cross-


categorial and semantic resources, not by trying to identify and list the environments in which they occur.

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