What is an Entrepreneur? - Arrowhead Center

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Thomas Edison is famous for inventing a lightbulb that made electricity in people's homes inexpensive and easy to use. A
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jr What is an Entrepreneur?


What is an Entrepreneur?

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Entrepreneurs are the people who change the world! If it wasn’t for entrepreneurs we wouldn’t have things like: cars, lightbulbs, airplanes, a new flavor of ice cream or this computer you are working on.

List some other things you can think of that entrepreneurs have created for us:


Entrepreneurs are usually people who solve a problem.

What is another invention you can think of that made a big difference in people’s lives? What problems did it solve?

Thomas Edison is famous for inventing a lightbulb that made electricity in people’s homes inexpensive and easy to use. As a result more and more people were able to do things they had never been able to do before!


Sometimes people have problems that really don’t seem like problems, but entrepreneurs are there to solve them anyway. For example: Problem: Your hair keeps getting in your eyes and is bugging you!

Solution: Go to a barber or hairstylist to get your hair cut. The barber or hairstylist is an ENTREPRENEUR!


What is a problem you might have right now that an entrepreneur could solve for you?




Start looking around you and noticing other problems that are out there. They might be problems at school, at home or just when you are out and about.

Problems that need solutions are everywhere! All they need is an entrepreneur like you to start providing a solution!

What are some problems you have noticed that you might be able to solve?


What is an Entrepreneur

Just remember, any time you think of a solution to a problem and turn that idea into action, you become an entrepreneur!


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