What is an Industrial Automation System?

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The First International Workshop on Domain Engineering ... 2009, IAS. 4. Domain Engineering and Application Engineering. → How to .... Electrical Engineer.
Universität Stuttgart Institut für Automatisierungs- und Softwaretechnik Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr. h. c. P. Göhner

Concept of a Domain Repository for Industrial Automation

Dipl.-Ing. Camelia Maga, Dr.-Ing. Nasser Jazdi The First International Workshop on Domain Engineering DE@CAiSE'09 June 2009 Amsterdam

© 2009, IAS


• Industrial Automation Systems and Reusability

• Requirements on a Domain Repository for Industrial Automation Systems

• Structure of a Domain Repository for Industrial Automation Systems

• Summary and Outlook

© 2009, IAS


Industrial Automation Systems and Reusability What is an Industrial Automation System? An industrial automation system regards the

technical product or technical plant, in which a technical process takes place

technical system with the contained technical process, the computer and communication system, and the

process during which material, energy or information is altered in its state

process operators involved. people for managing and operating the technical process as well as intervening in exceptional situations

consisting of e.g., programmable logic controllers (PLC), industrials PCs (IPC),micro controllers (µC), bus systems

Development Trend develop industrial automation systems with the help of reusable artifacts

Reusable Artifacts for Industrial Automation Systems any reusable work products that are used to develop an industrial automation system: - parts of industrial automation systems (sensors, actuators, bus systems, etc.) - models of technical processes - automation solutions - development processes - auxiliary materials © 2009, IAS


Industrial Automation Systems and Reusability Challenges in Development of Industrial Automation Systems • complex automation functions • technical process with real-time requirements • many sensors and actuators

Principle to meet Challenges in Development of Industrial Automation Systems Reusability means first additional work and expenses, but at the same time: • complexity reduction, since industrial automation systems not completely newly developed • efficiency increase in automation of technical processes • quality increase through proven and tested parts of industrial automation systems [Pohl, K.; Böckle, G.; Van der Linden, F.; Software Product Line Engineering: Foundations, Principles and Techniques, Springer Verlag, 2005]

Method to Implement Reusability Domain Engineering and Application Engineering • promising reusability approach for software • unsuitable to be directly adopted for industrial automation systems

[Matinlassi, M.: Comparison of Software Product Line Architecture Design Methods:COPA, FAST, FORM, KobrA and QADA. 26th International Conference on Software Engineering ICSE’04, S.127, 2004]

 How to shift this reusability principle from software to industrial automation systems? © 2009, IAS


Industrial Automation Systems and Reusability Our Reusability Approach for Developing Industrial Automation Systems

domain knowledge Domain Engineering

existing industrial automation systems

Domain Repository

Application Engineering new industrial automation systems

experiences from engineering new industrial automation systems experiences from operation of the new industrial automation systems

Domain Engineering

Domain Repository

Application Engineering

contains analysis, design and realization of reusable artifacts within an industrial domain

storage area where the reusable artifacts are retained

allows the creation of customer-specific industrial automation systems within a concrete customer order

current topic © 2009, IAS



• Industrial Automation Systems and Reusability

• Requirements on a Domain Repository for Industrial Automation Systems

• Structure of a Domain Repository for Industrial Automation Systems

• Summary and Outlook

© 2009, IAS


Requirements on a Domain Repository for Industrial Automation Systems

Requirements from Domain Engineering and Application Engineering



INSERT Reusable artifact


 A) Domain repository should offer a controlled access to reusable artifacts like parts of industrial automation systems, models of technical processes, and automation solutions © 2009, IAS


Requirements on a Domain Repository for Industrial Automation Systems

Requirements from Characteristics of Industrial Automation Systems Characteristics of Industrial Automation Systems - consist of complex hardware and software - involve multiple disciplines - multiple relations between single parts

 B) Domain repository should consider all parts of an industrial automation system - capture interactions between sensors, actuators, computer, communication systems, and technical system - contain recommendations, incompatibilities, dependencies (energy, material, or information) between artifacts, as well as measurements of the physical ones  C) Domain repository should support the different technical disciplines involved - enable discipline-specific views upon domain repository contents - consider interactions between technical disciplines © 2009, IAS


Requirements on a Domain Repository for Industrial Automation Systems

Requirements from the Development Process

Development Process of Industrial Automation Systems - domain-specific project execution (best practices based on company know-how) - different persons with different roles involved - limited time and resources - require auxiliary materials during their development  D) Domain repository should contain the sequence of activities necessary to develop a new industrial automation system - who is supposed to do what at which moment in time, in order to obtain a new industrial automation system?  E) Domain repository should provide auxiliary materials required during development of a new industrial automation system - development tools, templates, lists of suppliers, devices, and tools for assembly and test an industrial automation system  How should be the domain repository structured, in order to meet the previous requirements? © 2009, IAS



• Industrial Automation Systems and Reusability

• Requirements on a Domain Repository for Industrial Automation Systems

• Structure of a Domain Repository for Industrial Automation Systems

• Summary and Outlook

© 2009, IAS


Structure of a Domain Repository for Industrial Automation Systems Requirement: A) Domain repository should offer a controlled access to reusable artifacts like parts of industrial automation systems, models of technical processes, and automation solutions

 Solution: Access control through Domain Repository Engine (DRE) Functionalities of Domain Repository Engine - enables the communication between DE, AE and DR

DRE Communication with Domain Engineering (DE)

Communication with Application Engineering (AE)

Communication with Domain Repository (DR) Contents

- realizes the change and the configuration management over the parts of industrial automation systems (sensors, actuators, bus systems, etc.) - provides functions like insert, search, modify, delete, extract, sort, or visualize over contained artifacts

Domain Repository for Industrial Automation Systems

© 2009, IAS


Structure of a Domain Repository for Industrial Automation Systems Requirement: B) Domain repository should consider all parts of an industrial automation system

 Solution: Two layered architecture of the domain repository Functionalities of the Connection Layer DRE

- connects reusable artifacts saved in the basic layer (sensors, actuators, computer and communication systems, technical systems, etc.) - defines and supervises types of possible connections between artifacts, so that hardware and software interdependencies are considered - supports different types of connections for energy, material, or information [Göhner, P.: Lecture Notes PA I. IAS, SS 08]

Connection Layer Basic Layer

Functionalities of the Basic Layer - contains reusable artifacts (parts of industrial automation systems, models of technical processes, automation solutions, etc.) - supposition, that reusable artifacts include information regarding internal structure, existing or required ports and types of possible interconnections with other artifacts

© 2009, IAS


Structure of a Domain Repository for Industrial Automation Systems Requirement: D) Domain repository should contain the sequence of activities necessary to develop a new industrial automation system

 Solution: Partition „Processes“ in the basic layer Def. Development process DRE

Connection Layer

„Development is the creative application of scientific principles to design or construct structures, machines, or apparatus, utilizing them singly or in combination, as respects an intended function, economics of operation and safety to life and property.“ [The American Engineers' Council for Professional Development, 2009]

Functionalities of the partition „Processes“


Reusable Parts of Industrial Automation Systems

- contains the sequence of activities necessary to develop a new industrial automation system - processes are connected over Connection Layer to concerned responsibilities, required and delivered models of the reusable parts of industrial automation systems

© 2009, IAS


Structure of a Domain Repository for Industrial Automation Systems Requirement: E) Domain repository should provide auxiliary materials required during development of a new industrial automation system

 Solution: Partition „Auxiliary Materials“ in the basic layer DRE

Connection Layer

Def. Auxiliary Material „Auxiliary materials are objects, which are used in order to reach a goal faster, better or with less effort. They are not mandatory for the fulfillment of a task, but merely support the employees in accomplishing it.“ [VDI 3695, Section 4]

Reusable Parts Processes of Industrial Auxiliary Automation Materials Systems

Functionalities of the partition „Auxiliary Materials“ - contains auxiliary materials necessary to develop new industrial automation systems (software tools, templates, devices for assembly and testing) - auxiliary materials are connected over the connection layer to the other reusable artifacts of the domain repository

© 2009, IAS


Structure of a Domain Repository for Industrial Automation Systems Requirement: C) Domain repository should support the different technical disciplines involved

 Solution: Technical discipline-specific views upon domain repository contents

Project Manager Electrical Engineer

Domain Repository

Process Engineer

© 2009, IAS


Structure of a Domain Repository for Industrial Automation Systems Requirement: C) Domain repository should support the different technical disciplines involved

 Solution: Technical discipline-specific views upon domain repository contents

Functionalities of discipline-specific views

- enable technical discipline-specific access on domain repository contents Project Manager Electrical Engineer

Process Engineer

© 2009, IAS

- each technical discipline can see only reusable artifacts (sensors, actuators, bus systems, etc.) and connections, which are relevant for it - consider repercussions between technical disciplines



• Industrial Automation Systems and Reusability

• Requirements on a Domain Repository for Industrial Automation Systems

• Structure of a Domain Repository for Industrial Automation Systems

• Summary and Outlook

© 2009, IAS


Summary and Outlook Summary: • Industrial automation systems present characteristics, which require a specialized structure of domain repository • Domain repository for industrial automation systems must fulfill requirements like controlled access, inclusion of hardware and software, processes, auxiliary materials and technical disciplines involved • These requirements can be met with a structure of domain repository, which contains following aspects: • Domain Repository Engine • Connection Layer • Basic Layer with Partitions (Reusable Parts of Industrial Automation Systems, Processes, and Auxiliary Materials) • Technical discipline-specific views upon domain repository contents

Outlook: • Investigation of adequate realization possibilities of the domain repository • Analysis, in which measure a chosen realization possibility impacts with the structure of domain repository

© 2009, IAS



Thank you!!

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www.ias.uni-stuttgart.de © 2009, IAS


Structure of a Domain Repository for Industrial Automation Systems Some possible technical realizations of the domain repository • Domain Repository Engine (DRE) • proprietary tool-chain:

individual functions of DRE featured from single, harmonized tools

• agents:

individual functions of DRE featured by agents

• semantic networks:

individual functions of DRE featured by models of semantic relations

• Connection Layer • UML/SysML models:

connections realized as aggregations, compositions, associations

• relational data bases:

connections realized as relational operators between artifacts

• formalized description: connections realized as links within Architecture Description Languages (ADLs)

• Basic Layer • UML/SysML models:

artifacts realized as UML/SysML entities

• formalized description: artifacts realized as entities of Architecture Description Languages © 2009, IAS