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May 13, 2017 - PO Box 852, Cleveland Qld, 4163 - m: 0459 389 511 - e: ... Did you know that Redlands Hockey was initiate
PO Box 852, Cleveland Qld, 4163 - m: 0459 389 511 - e: [email protected] www.redlandshockey.com.au

May 2017- 2017 Season - 22nd April to 2nd September Whats on in: MAY 13th - ROUND 3 14th - MOTHERS DAY 14th - U18 Team trials at HZP 20th - ROUND 4 21st - Women’s Masters trial 21st - Under 18s Turf Training 22nd - Board Meeting 24th - Coach Meeting #3 26th - School Cluster Day 27th - ROUND 5 (TEAM PHOTOS) 27th - HQ Members Forum 28th - Senior Turf Training 28th - Women’s masters 2nd trial 28th - Under 18s Turf Training JUNE 4th - Women’s Masters training 4th - Under 18s Turf Training 9th - School Cluster Day 10th - ROUND 7 (chocolate drive)

Thank you Under 10 GREEN team, you are on roster this Saturday. Please arrive early to help setup and help out in the canteen. See your team manager for details.

Welcome to Round 3.

Did you know that Redlands Hockey was initiated at a public meeting held on Wednesday 2nd May, 2007 at the Victoria Point Sharks Sporting Club. Feasibility for the formation of RHA was enhanced through successful delivery of two Hook In2 Hockey programs completed at Redlands College and the Victoria Point Sharks Sporting Club in February, 2007 involving almost 150 children, followed by a sixweek round robin competition at the Sharks Sporting Club on Friday 27 th April, 2007 and involved approximately 50 Prep to Year 7 children.

An interim committee was elected at a public meeting on May 2nd, 2007 and the inaugural meeting was held on Tuesday 8th May, 2007. The following people were elected as interim committee members: Melanie Woosnam (Chairperson); Sharon Collins (Deputy Chairperson), Alison Brennan (Secretary); Alice Meadows (Treasurer), Stacey Freeman, Alison Muller and Helen Davey (Elaine Wallace later took over). They were later elected officially at the inaugural RHA AGM held on December 18th, 2007. The primary purpose for the establishment of the RHA was to provide increased opportunities for people (initially juniors) to participate in localised hockey competitions, programs, events and activities. If you have any stories please pass them on to share.


You will have already been notified by email of your umpire

duties but if not sure Click here to check. (if not up please check back). Local Rules for RHA can also be viewed here. There is NO senior women’s training this Sunday, kick back and enjoy Mothers’s Day.

Q Grant vouchers, if you have received a voucher please give to Brian this week-end so he has time to finalise, this round closes very soon. Round 10 opens mid July, so if you missed out last time, it is your chance to try again. Thank you to Lesley Harris for donating a goal keeping kit to RHA.

Redlands Hockey is hosting a Cluster Carnival Day for a mix of our local Primary Schools with 24 teams of years 5 and 6 kids. Cluster Day #1 FRIDAY 26th May; Cluster Day #2 FRIDAY 9th June. Read page 5 to see how you can assist. Final attempt this Sunday to trial for Under 18s reps, from 8:00am at HZP, if you are wanting to go you MUST go on line to register. Under 18 Girls


Under 18 Boys

Women’s Masters nominations are now closed and the first trial day for selection is Sunday 21st followed by 28th May. The Master’s Southern Cross Carnival is in Toowoomba on the 11th June. We are still sourcing a coffee van to come each Saturday morning from 7:30am to about 12:00pm if anyone knows of anyone with a coffee van looking for some extra work, please contact [email protected].

Photo Day is fast approaching, unfortunately our usual photographer Chris West is unable to help us this year, if you know of anyone who, can please let me Juniors Playing in the Seniors also know, our scheduled team photo day is 27th May (TBC). Thank you Chris for taking the team photos for the past few years. register here.


Social and Fundraising RHA Junior Fun Day Head on down to AMF Capalaba for the Junior Fun Day on Sunday the 21st of May. Enjoy 2 games of Bowling (including shoe hire) for $20pp. Arrival from 10.00am for bowling to commence 10.30am sharp. There will be other fun activities happening throughout the morning. There is only enough spots for 120 people, so first in best dressed! All proceeds go to Redlands Hockey Association. RSVP Monday 15th May 2017. Book & pay at https://www.trybooking.com/274735

RAFFLE THIS WEEK With Mother's Day this week-end, we have a very special draw this Saturday. There will be 3 awesome prizes which means 3 lucky winners!!! Kerrie, from “Kerr For You Massage”, has kindly donated 2 x 30 minute sessions. Kerrie is fantastic and a favourite of our Women's Masters Teams. Please check her out on Facebook. We also have a double to the Bronco's home match on the 19th of May for all our footy fans! Amazing prizes this weekend!!

Canteen Thankyou for the u10 BLUE team who helped out this weekend!!! Paige the wonderful manager had a huge day with help from hubby on the BBQ, Kathryn making yummy fresh sandwiches/wraps & Jenni popped in and helped for a bit too! Huge thanks to Sue for filling in the gaps and putting in a few yours yet again!!! This Saturday our u10 GREEN team will be volunteering! So make sure you all come and do your bit for the association! Remember – its only 1 day in the season we ask for your help….come support the association.

Check out this weeks specials on Facebook Friday Night. Canteen is NOW pen from 8:00am – 2:15pm. See you in the Canteen, Stace



Canteen now has EFTPOS for your convenience. A few teams came in trying to order fruit on Saturday….please remember Team Fruit need be ordered ahead of time. It’s easy - just Text 0409 872 707 to place your order in by COB Thursday… I will then reply to confirm your request! Come along before your came to collect & pay. Then your team can be recharged and full of energy to play the second half of the game.


Don’t forget – you can come along any time and place an order for lunch to collect after you have played/coached or umpired!!!





GO Green



GO Gold



J3 Red



J3 Blue



J3 Green



J3 Gold




J2 Red



J2 Blue



J2 Green



J2 Gold



J1 Red



J1 Blue



J1 Green



J1 Gold



Under 13s Southern Cross and Coulter Shield Under 13 Boys. Our first game was against Brisbane 2, we made them work for there goals, our forwards weren't afraid of the big boys we were up there a fair bit, even got a few corners, we lost 5-nil. Second game against Ipswich was good game our boys worked really hard and together it was a really good game by all the boys, we lost 3 nil. Our cross over game was against Brisbane 3, boys played really well a few run aways from our forwards which is where we scored, good job by all the boys. Well done to all the boys they all played really good. I would to thank Scott our stand in goalie from the coast. Thank you to all the parents for bringing and supporting the boys on the day. Last shout out to Jodi Middleton for our stand in manager thank you. Kim Curnow Under 13 Girls

Back Row L to R: Petra, Ember Barakat, Taylor Bartlett, Abigail Doyle, Ocean Barakat, Sophie Beardmore, Olivia Woodall, Taylah Thomas, Jacinta Fisher, Phoebe Smirk, Jade Davey Front Row L to R: Chloe Snell, Zoe Carter, Sarah Systa, Sarah West, Lauren Mills, Lara Zambelli, Tia Grummitt, Sarah Swann, Aliyana Bromwich The results for the day were a draw 0-0, a win 3-2 and a loss 3-0. Congratulations ladies great results.

Team Write up Round 2 J1 6.5.17 field 2 vs red


Thanks to our J2 subs Holly, Jacinta, Thomas and Sophie. Great work kids. Strong defence from Reds, then Jay scored... woo hoo! Followed by a goal by red team, Sam. Rhys, then scored for blue before half time. 2- 1 half time.... Half way through second half , blue scored, Rhys... great team work. Great attacking and defence from our team. Awesome effort by all. Final score 2 - 1 to blue. Player of the week - Rhys Middleton Thanks, Jode Managers how did your teams fare…...


Half time






































Coaches and Umpires Needed Cluster Day – 8 Local schools send teams to play 30min games of modified Hockey. HZ Fields approx. 8.30am-2.30pm

Friday 26th May Friday 9th June 6 Adult Coaches are required for each of the days. As coaches, we just oversee the games to try & encourage players to spread out, pass & hold some basic positioning. (Minimal Payment will be given) 10 Student Officials are required for umpiring. Permission is also required from your School. You need to attend in full school uniform. Remember – you are not only representing RHA, but also your school!!! Basic rules (as per our RHA u10 Rules). Lunch will be provided for our helpers J

If you are available/interested for any of these programs please email [email protected] ASAP. The coaches for 2017 are in the following table training days are as follows

Monday - Blue Teams Wednesday - Red Teams

Tuesday - Green Teams Thursday - Gold Teams

Please speak to your coaches regarding the start times. And if you are unsure what team you are in please look here for Juniors and Seniors here.

Thank you for all that came along to our second Coaches meeting. Our coaches went over skills, structuring the season and how to structure training sessions. It was great to see everyone contributing to discussions and sharing their knowledge and experience

2017 SPONSORS Active8 Sports Solutions has been a proud sponsor of Redlands Hockey since 2010. They offer in-kind Sports administration services , Sponsorship and Grant Writing Support. If you would like more Information email Melanie Woosnam at [email protected] Sponsoring RHA’s Umpiring program since 2009. Sci-Blue Integrated Systems is a specialist at integration company to meet the Commercial, government and health sector’s demand for high end integrated electronic solutions. The company has the ability to provide state of the art unique systems based on inclusive customer consultation. Paul and Michael Sciberras are the proud owners. Their webpage is www.sciblue.com.au Mercer PR has been a sponsor of RHA since 2016 and is trusted by some of Australia’s most respected companies, organisations and industry groups to manage their public messages, achieve real outcomes and develop proactive media strategies. They assist their clients to minimise adverse publicity and are called upon to deal with issues and crises when company, executive or personal reputations are at risk. From their base in Brisbane and suboffices across Australia, they deal with clients and media nationally and internationally. For more information go to www.mercerpr.com. Quality Process Services has been another long serving sponsor to RHA (2010) and have been a great support building sets of Goals. Contact Quality Process Services for fabrication, installation and maintenance to process piping systems at www.qpspl.com.au.

A new sponsor to RHA in 2016 Residue Solutions Pty Ltd is an advanced environmental technology company that focuses on maximising the value from resources by minimising environmental impact. They provide advanced residue and process management solutions that protect human life, safeguard our fragile environment and reduce operational business risk for their clients . If you would like more information go to www.residuesolutions.biz

A SPORTFIRST store will always be first with friendly service, relevant ranges and competitive prices, so be first in! Each SPORTFIRST store is locally owned and operated, carrying the top brands and equipment that RHA requires. Paul and Mandy are the official sports retailer of Redlands Hockey since 2009 and offer all RHA members a 10% discount. See their webpage www.sportsfirst.com.au. Robins Accountants have been offering accounting and bookkeeping services to RHA members since 2014. With many years of experience among their team, their clients can be assured that they are in very safe and knowledgeable hands when it comes to their business's financial needs. Go to www.robinsaccountants.com.au if you need an accountant., “it is just what you do”. Best Hot Stone Restaurant in the Redlands, located at 381 Main Road, Wellington Point they have provided Player of the Match vouchers to senior teams since 2012. www.stonesrestaurants.com.au. A dining experience you will be talking about for a long time. With 20 lanes, 29 arcades, and some seriously scrummy food and drinks, AMF Capalaba is the perfect destination for some serious fun! AMF Capalaba have supplied RHA with team awards since 2012. Save time Go online at www.amfbowling.com.au.

2017 SPONSORS Sponsoring since 2009, they are an integral member of RHA. Bendigo Bank is a bank that works for the community and has supported RHA with funding and volunteer assistance on many occasions. Go to www.bendigobank.com.au to find how they can help you.

Hogs Breath Victoria Point have been on board since 2013 and another support or the weekly awards by providing certificates. They provide quality food and beverage services in an informal, comfortable environment with an overriding friendly, party atmosphere. For more information go to www.hogsbreath.com.au. Note their new Logo.

Snap Fitness is our brand new sponsor to RHA find out more by talking to Catherine McGill currently managing the Green Game On Team or go to their webpage www.shanpfitness.com.au

IGA Marketplace Cleveland is a full line supermarket offering a huge grocery range and fresh produce department, gourmet deli with fresh meal options and onsite butcher. So drop in when it suits you best and discover why Bayside locals love their award winning store. www.iga.com.au Another great supporter to RHA since 2010 and they offer a reward program that is beneficial to you and Redlands Hockey. Read more below.

If you know of anyone who would like to sponsor Redlands Hockey Association please email [email protected] or read Redlands Hockey sponsorship proposal here.

Reward Programs and Sponsors IGA Marketplace Cleveland has been an ongoing sponsor of Redlands Hockey for many years. They offer an IGA rewards card and Redlands Hockey is a beneficiary. Pick up a myIGA Card next time you are in the store and when you register it on line, tick Redlands Hockey as your community group you wish to support and for your points to accrue to. Every time you shop in the store and use your card, not only do you receive great discounts, you are also helping to raise funds for us. It's as easy as that! If you already have a card, you can go online and change your community group preference if you are currently supporting another group. Get behind this great program and we can all benefit! Redlands Hockey News is a periodical communication to all members to keep you up to date with everything that is going on across the association. If you have an item for our Weekly Update, please email - [email protected] E&OE