wheat production in stressed environments - Springer Link

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J.M. Nicol, N. Bolat, A. Bagci, R.T. Trethowan, M. William, H. Hekimhan, .... A.G. Condon, M.P. Reynolds, G.J. Rebetzke, M. van Ginkel, R.A. Richards, and G.D. ...

Developments in Plant Breeding VOLUME 12

The titles published in this series are listed at the end of this volume.

Wheat Production in Stressed Environments Proceedings of the 7th International Wheat Conference, 27 November–2 December 2005, Mar del Plata, Argentina Edited by

H. T. BUCK Buck Semillas S.A., La Dulce, Argentina

J. E. NISI National Institute for Agricultural Technology and Animal Husbandry, Marcos Juarez, Argentina and

N. SALOMÓN National Southern University, Buenos Aires, Argentina

A C.I.P. Catalogue record for this book is available from the Library of Congress.

ISBN 978-1-4020-5496-9 (HB) ISBN 978-1-4020-5497-6 (e-book) Published by Springer, P.O. Box 17, 3300 AA Dordrecht, The Netherlands. www.springer.com

Printed on acid-free paper

Cover picture: Bread wheat field in the Argentine pampas

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International and Local Committees


Benefactors of the Conference


Conference Sponsors

xxi Opening Session

The Global Need for a Sustainable Agricultural Model: Its adoption and some of the benefits derived from the process with special reference to the Argentinean case R.A. Peiretti The Economics of Wheat: Research challenges from field to fork J. Dixon



Breeding for Resistance to Biotic Stress The Fusarium Head Blight Pathosystem: Status and knowledge of its components P. Nicholson, N. Gosman, R. Draeger, M. Thomsett, E. Chandler and A. Steed The Status of Resistance to Bacterial Diseases of Wheat H. Maraite, C. Bragard and E. Duveiller Spread of a Highly Virulent Race of Puccinia graminis tritici in Eastern Africa: Challenges and opportunities R.P. Singh, M.G. Kinyua, R. Wanyera, P. Njau, Y. Jin and J. Huerta-Espino v





Table of Contents

Inheritance of Adult Plant Resistance Genes and Associated Markers from a Durable Resistant Cultivar to Leaf Rust L. Ingala, H. Saione, M. Helguera, M. Nisi and F. Sacco


Characterization of Genes for Durable Resistance to Leaf Rust and Yellow Rust in CIMMYT Spring Wheats H.M. William, R.P. Singh, J. Huerta-Espino and G. Rosewarne


Epidemiology of Puccinia triticina in Gangetic Plain and planned containment of crop losses S. Nagarajan and M.S. Saharan


Stripe Rust Resistance in Chinese Bread Wheat Cultivars and Lines X.C. Xia, Z.F. Li, G.Q. Li, Z.H. He and R.P. Singh


Introgression of Leaf Rust and Stripe Rust Resistance Genes from Aegilops umbellulata to Hexaploid Wheat Through Induced Homoeologous Pairing P. Chhuneja, S. Kaur, R.K. Goel, M. Aghaee-Sarbarzeh and H.S. Dhaliwal


Enhancement of Fusarium Head Blight Resistance in Bread Wheat and Durum by Means of Wide Crosses G. Fedak, W. Cao, A. Xue, M. Savard, J. Clarke and D.J. Somers


Leaf Rust Resistance Gene Lr34 is Involved in Powdery Mildew Resistance of CIMMYT Bread Wheat Line Saar M. Lillemo, R.P. Singh, J. Huerta-Espino, X.M. Chen, Z.H. He and J.K.M. Brown


Strategies of the European Initiative for Resistance Breeding Against Fusarium Head Blight P. Ruckenbauer, H. Buerstmayr and M. Lemmens


Genetic Analysis of Septoria tritici Blotch to Improve Resistance in European Wheat Breeding Programmes L.S. Arraiano and J.K.M. Brown


Inheritance and Allelic Relationship of Resistance Genes to Spot Blotch of Wheat Caused by Bipolaris sorokiniana S. Kumar, L.C. Prasad, U. Kumar, K. Tyagi, B. Arun and A.K. Joshi


Resistance to Magnaporthe grisea among Brazilian Wheat Genotypes A.M. Prestes, P.F. Arendt, J.M.C. Fernandes and P.L. Scheeren


Table of Contents


The International Breeding Strategy for the Incorporation of Resistance in Bread Wheat Against the Soil Borne Pathogens (Dryland Root Rot and Cyst and Lesion Cereal Nematodes) using Conventional and Molecular Tools J.M. Nicol, N. Bolat, A. Bagci, R.T. Trethowan, M. William, H. Hekimhan, A.F. Yildirim, E. Sahin, H. Elekcioglu, H. Toktay, B. Tunali, A. Hede, S. Taner, H.J. Braun, M. van Ginkel, M. Keser, Z. Arisoy, A. Yorgancilar, A. Tulek, D. Erdurmus, O. Buyuk and M. Aydogdu Genetic Resistance to Greenbug is Expressed with Higher Contents of Proteins and Non-Structural Carbohydrates in Wheat Substitution Lines A.M. Castro, A.A. Clúa, D.O. Gimenez, E. Tocho, M.S. Tacaliti, M. Collado, A. Worland, R. Bottini and J.W. Snape Utilization and Performance in Wheat of Yellow Dwarf Virus Resistance Transferred From Thinopyrum intermedium H. Ohm and J. Anderson A Systemic Approach to Germplasm Development Shows Promise A. Comeau, V.R. Caetano, F. Langevin and S. Haber Breeding Hard Red Spring Wheat for Fusarium Head Blight Resistance: Successes and Challenges M. Mergoum, R.C. Frohberg and R.W. Stack






Crop and Natural Resource Management Advances in Nitrogen Handling Strategies to Increase the Productivity of Wheat K.W. Freeman and W.R. Raun


Tillage intensity, Crop rotation, and Fertilizer Technology for Sustainable Wheat Production North American Experience T.L. Roberts and A.M. Johnston


Comparative Effectiveness of Urea and Calcium Ammonium Nitrate for Wheat Fertilization in South-Western Buenos Aires (Argentina) M.M. Ron and T. Loewy


Dynamics of Root Development of Spring Wheat Genotypes Varying in Nitrogen Use Efficiency J.M. Herrera, P. Stamp and M. Liedgens



Table of Contents

Site-specific Quality Management in Wheat Results from the 2003 Field Trials in Argentina R. Bongiovanni, A. Méndez, W. Robledo, M. Bragachini, F. Proietti, F. Scaramuzza and F. Speranza Corn and Soybean Residue Covers Effects on Wheat Productivity Under No-tillage Practices M. Barraco, M. Díaz-Zorita and G. Duarte



Genetic Assessment of the Role of Breeding Wheat for Organic Systems K. Murphy and S.S. Jones


A Novel Variety Management Strategy for Precision Farming A.A. Romanenko, L.A. Bespalova, I.N. Kudryashov and I.B. Ablova


Yield Performances of Cereal Varieties in Various Crop Rotations under Mediterranean Dryland Areas M. Avci , T. Akar, K. Meyveci, M. Karacam and D. Surek


Herbicide Tolerance in Imidazolinone-resistant Wheat for Weed Management in the Pacific Northwest U.S.A. D.A. Ball and C.J. Peterson


Investment Rate of Return in Wheat Research in Iran H. Asadi Web-Based System to True-Forecast Disease Epidemics: I. Fusarium head blight of wheat J.M.C. Fernandes, E.M. Del Ponte, W. Pavan and G.R. Cunha Impact of Crop Management Systems on Diseases of Spring Wheat on the Canadian Prairies M.R. Fernandez, D. Ulrich, L. Sproule, S.A. Brandt, A.G. Thomas, O. Olfert, R.P. Zentner and B.G. McConkey




Effect of Potash Deficiency on Host Susceptibility to Cochliobolus sativus causing Spot Blotch on Wheat D. Mercado Vergnes, M.E. Renard, E. Duveiller and H. Maraite


Implications for Fusarium Head Blight Control from Study of Factors Determining Pathogen and DON Content in Grain of Wheat Cultivars V. Sip, J. Chrpova, L. Leisova, S. Sykorova, L. Kucera and J. Ovesna


Table of Contents

ix Breeding for Resistance to Abiotic Stress

Drought Resistance: Genetic Approaches for Improving Productivity Under Stress R.M. Trethowan and M. Reynolds


Progress in Breeding Wheat with Tolerance to Low Temperature in Different Phenological Developmental Stages D.B. Fowler and A.E. Limin


Identification of Wheat Genotypes Adapted to Mediterranean Rainfed Condition with Responsiveness to Supplementary Irrigation M. Mosaad, M. Singh, M. Roustaii, H. Ketata and S. Rajaram


Genetic Achievements under Rainfed Conditions R. Maich, D. Ortega, A. Masgrau and G. Manera


Quantifying Potential Genetic Gains in Wheat Yield Using a Conceptual Model of Drought Adaptation M.P. Reynolds and A.G. Condon


Changes in the Abiotic Stress Tolerance of Wheat as a Result of an Increased Atmospheric CO2 Concentration O. Veisz, S. Bencze and G. Vida


Genetic Control of Water-Soluble Carbohydrate Reserves in Bread Wheat G.J. Rebetzke, A.F. van Herwaarden, C. Jenkins, S. Ruuska, L. Tabe, N. Fettell, D. Lewis, M. Weiss and R.A. Richards Variation for Staygreen Trait and its Association with Canopy Temperature Depression and Yield Traits under Terminal Heat Stress in Wheat M. Kumari, V.P. Singh, R. Tripathi and A.K. Joshi Influence of Heat Stress on Wheat Grain Characteristics and Protein Molecular Weight Distribution M. Castro, C.J. Peterson, M. Dalla Rizza, P. Díaz Dellavalle, D. Vázquez, V. Ibáñez and A. Ross Expression Quantitative Trait Loci Mapping Heat Tolerance During Reproductive Development in Wheat (Triticum aestivum) D. Hays, E. Mason, J. Hwa Do, M. Menz and M. Reynolds






Table of Contents

Molecular Breeding for Salt Tolerance, Pre-Harvest Sprouting Resistance and Disease Resistance Using Synthetic Hexaploid Wheats, Genetic Transformation, and Associated Molecular Markers M. Van Ginkel, F. Ogbonnaya, M. Imtiaz, C. Ramage, M.G. Borgognone, F. Dreccer, J. Eder, M. Emmerling, P. Hearnden, E. Lagudah, A. Pellegrineschi, R. Trethowan, J. Wilson and G. Spangenberg


Wheat Breeding for Soil Acidity and Aluminum Toxicity E. von Baer


Genetic Variation for Subsoil Toxicities in High pH Soils A.L. Millar, A.J. Rathjen and D.S. Cooper


Determining the Salt Tolerance of Triticale Disomic Addition (Thinopyrum additions) Lines W.C. Botes and G.F. Marais


Breeding for Improved Industrial and Nutritional Quality Current and Future Trends of Wheat Quality Needs R.J. Peña Mitigating the Damaging Effects of Growth and Storage Conditions on Grain Quality C.W. Wrigley Molecular and Biochemical Characterization of Puroindoline A and B Alleles in Chinese Improved Cultivars and Landraces Z.H. He, F. Chen, X.C. Xia, L.Q. Xia, X.Y. Zhang, M. Lillemo and C.F. Morris Introduction of D-Genome Related Gluten Proteins into Durum Wheat D. Lafiandra, C. Ceoloni, R. Carozza, B. Margiotta, M. Urbano, G. Colaprico and M.G. D’Egidio Natural Variation and Identification of Microelements Content in Seeds of Einkorn Wheat (Triticum monococcum) H. Ozkan, A. Brandolini, A. Torun, S. Altintas, S. Eker, B. Kilian, H.J. Braun, F. Salamini and I. Cakmak Molecular Weight Distribution of Gluten Proteins O.R. Larroque, P. Sharp and F. Bekes







Table of Contents


Glutenin and Gliadin Allelic Variation and their Relationship to Bread-Making Quality in Wheat Cultivars Grown in Germany F.J. Zeller, G. Wenzel and L.K. Sai Hsam


Breeding for Breadmaking Quality using Overexpressed HMW Glutenin Subunits in Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Z. Bedo˝ , M. Rakszegi, L. Lang, E. Keresztényi, I. Baracskai and F. Békés


Nutritional and Baking Quality of low Phytic Acid Wheat M.J. Guttieri, K.M. Peterson and E.J. Souza


Long-Term Breeding for Bread Making Quality in Wheat S. Dencic, B. Kobiljski, N. Mladenov, N. Hristov and M. Pavlovic


The Genetics of Soft Wheat Quality: Improving Breeding Efficiency E. Souza and M. Guttieri


Wheat Microevolution under Intensive Breeding Process in the Northern Caucasian Region L.A. Bespalova, Y.M. Puchkov and F.A. Kolesnikov


Genotypic Variability of Commercial Varieties of Bread Wheat for Parameters of Commercial and Industrial Quality J.G. Montaner and M. Di Napoli


NIR Spectroscopy as a Tool for Quality Screening D. Vázquez, P.C. Williams and B. Watts Change in Grain Protein Composition of Winter Wheat Cultivars under Different Levels of N and Water Stress C. Saint Pierre, C.J. Peterson, A.S. Ross, J. Ohm, M.C. Verhoeven, M. Larson and B. Hoefer The Influence of Dough Mixing Time on Wheat Protein Composition and Gluten Quality for Four Commercial Flour Mixtures R. Kuktaite, H. Larsson and E. Johansson Nitrogen-Sulphur Fertiliser Induced Changes in Storage Protein Composition in Durum Wheat S.E Lerner, M. Cogliatti, N.R. Ponzio, M.L. Seghezzo, E.R. Molfese and W.J. Rogers






Table of Contents Physiology of Wheat Production

Physiology of Determination of Major Wheat Yield Components G.A. Slafer Influence of Foliar Diseases and their Control by Fungicides on Grain Yield and Quality in Wheat M.J. Gooding Genetic Improvement of Wheat Yield Potential in North China Y. Zhou, Z.H. He, X.M. Chen, D.S. Wang, J. Yan, X.C. Xia and Y. Zhang




Physiological Processes Associated with Winter Wheat Yield Potential Progress M.J. Foulkes, J.W. Snape, V.J. Shearman and R. Sylvester-Bradley


Variability on Photoperiod Responses in Argentinean Wheat Cultivars Differing in Length of Crop Cycle D.J Miralles, M.V Spinedi, L.G. Abeledo and D. Abelleyra


Acclimation of Photosynthesis and Stomatal Conductance to Elevated CO2 in Canopy Leaves of Wheat at Two Nitrogen Supplies A. del Pozo, P. Pérez, R. Morcuende, D. Gutiérrez, A. Alonso and R. Martínez Carrasco Using Stomatal Aperture-Related Traits to Select for High Yield Potential in Bread Wheat A.G. Condon, M.P. Reynolds, G.J. Rebetzke, M. van Ginkel, R.A. Richards, and G.D. Farquhar



Strategic Research to Enhance the Yield Potential Through Redesigning of Wheat Plant Architecture S.S. Singh, J.B. Sharma, D.N. Sharma and Nanak Chand


Effects of Abiotic Stress on Sink and Source Affecting Grain Yield and Quality of Durum Wheat: A model evaluation T.C. Ponsioen, X. Yin, J.H.J. Spiertz and C. Royo


Effects of Some Management Practices and Weather Conditions on Triticum aestivum Farinographic Stability in Miramar, Argentina F. Gutheim


Grain Weight and Grain Quality of Wheat in Response to Enhanced Ultra-Violet (UV-B) Radiation at Latter Stages of Crop Development D.F. Calderini, S. Hess, C.R. Jobet and J.A. Zúñiga


Table of Contents


Effect of Water Stress and Potassium Chloride on Biological and Grain Yield of Different Wheat Cultivars M. Moussavi-Nik, H.R. Mobasser and A. Mheraban


Biotechnology and Cytogenetics Regulation of Flowering Time in Wheat J. Dubcovsky, A. Loukoianov and M.D. Bonafede


Molecular Breeding for Multiple Pest Resistance in Wheat D.J Somers, C. McCartney, R. DePauw, J. Thomas, S. Fox, G. Fedak, G. Humphreys, J. Gilbert, B. McCallum and T. Banks


Reflections and Opportunities: Gene discovery in the complex wheat genome J.W. Snape and G. Moore


In Vitro Starch Binding Experiments: Study of the Proteins Related to Grain Hardness of Wheat A. Bakó, M. Gárdonyi and L. Tamás


High Throughput Agrobacterium Transformation of Wheat: A tool for Functional Genomics H.D. Jones, M. Wilkinson, A. Doherty and H. Wu


Accelerating the Transfer of Resistance to Fusarium Head Blight in Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) J. Thomas, C. Hiebert, D. Somers, R. DePauw, S. Fox and C. McCartney


Production and Molecular Cytogenetic Identification of New Winter Wheat/Winter Barley Disomic Addition Lines M. Molnár-Láng, É. Szakács, G. Linc and E.D. Nagy


Genetic Engineering of Russian Wheat Genotypes for Abiotic Stress Resistance D. Miroshnichenko, M. Filippov, A. Babakov and S. Dolgov


Molecular Mapping of Durable Rust Resistance in Wheat and its Implication in Breeding H.S. Bariana, H. Miah, G.N. Brown, N. Willey and A. Lehmensiek


Potential Uses of Microsatellites in Marker-Assisted Selection for Improved Grain Yield in Wheat B. Kobiljski, S. Dencˇ ic´ , N. Hristov, N. Mladenov, S. Quarrie, P. Stephenson and J. Kirby



Table of Contents

Marker Implementation in the Department of Agriculture, Western Australia Wheat Breeding Program R. McLean, I. Barclay, R. Wilson, R. Appels, M. Cakir, G. Devlin and D. Li


Efficient Integration of Molecular and Conventional Breeding Methodologies D. Bonnett, J. Hyles and G. Rebetzke


Conservation and Management of Genetic Resources Genetic Diversity in Turkish Durum Wheat Landraces T. Akar and M. Ozgen


Historical Cross-Site Association Based on Cultivar Performance in the Southern Cone M.M. Kohli, J. Crossa and J. Franco


Microsatellites as a Tool to Evaluate and Characterise Bread Wheat Core Collection L. Leišová, L. Kucˇ era and L. Dotlacˇ il


Molecular Mapping of Leaf and Stripe Rust Resistance Genes In T. monococcum and Their Transfer to Hexaploid Wheat K. Singh, P. Chhuneja, M. Ghai, S. Kaur, R.K. Goel, N.S. Bains, B. Keller and H.S. Dhaliwal Borlaug, Strampelli and the Worldwide Distribution of RHT8 M.H. Ellis, D.G. Bonnett and G.J. Rebetzke



Closing Remarks Wheat Breeding in Global Context S. Rajaram



Wheat researchers have made unique contributions and excellent progress to the production increase over the past several decades, mainly in the less developed countries; however, there are many challenges that still lie ahead to make food more accessible than ever before in a sustainable manner and to meet the needs of a global growing population. Numerous biotic and abiotic stresses affect wheat in major production areas and its future growth will most likely come from marginal environments where such stresses play even more important role. Developing countries are becoming increasingly urbanized. As urban populations grow, productive land disappears and this implies the need for more intensive cropping to keep pace. Water utilization for agriculture is also facing more competition from uses in urban areas. Focused efforts to improve wheat water-use efficiency are crucial to ensure sustainability of food production in water-constrained regions. Current crop management systems such as reduced or zero tillage, stubble retention and precision agriculture are vital to satisfy the increasing needs of food and maintain at the same time the sustainability of natural resources. The widespread adoption of conservation farming techniques requires the introduction of changes to wheat varieties in disease resistance, particularly stubble-born diseases. Global climate change will impact on agriculture due to temperature, precipitation and length of growing season alterations, and might also modify the impact of pests, diseases and weeds, increasing the risk of crop failure in certain wheat producing areas. Stresses represent a challenge for wheat researchers and impact the world food production; stabilization of production in all environments remains an important aim in the future. We believe that the future challenge to wheat production will find solutions much faster today than in the past: today the wheat community is more united to understand and handle problems in a collaborative way. The program of the Seventh International Wheat Conference (7 IWC) held at Mar del Plata, Argentina, between November 27 and December 2, 2005, included, besides two opening lectures, oral and poster presentations grouped in seven sessions according to main topics. Each session was opened by two keynote talks delivered by invited speakers. A guided half day tour to Balcarce Experimental Station of the National Institute of Technology for Agriculture and Animal Husbandry located 60 Km W from Mar del Plata showed participants the Station wheat breeding program as well as wheat fields on different crop rotations and under several agricultural xv



systems. The 7 IWC Conference was preceded by a workshop on International Wheat Improvement at the CGIAR Centers and Global Initiatives on Rust sponsored by the US AID, the USDA-ARS and the National Wheat Improvement Committee. In addition, the Conference was an excellent opportunity for an open workshop organized by the International Wheat Genome Sequencing Consortium. Feeding the world does not only mean addressing the need for total energy requirements but also the need of micronutrients. Wheat biofortification may be one way to reach this goal. In the post-Conference mini-symposium HarvestPlus: Breeding for Public Health, current researches and achievements of CGIAR HarvestPlus Challenge Program on this topic were presented. The Conference was distinguished by the presence of Dr. Norman Borlaug, 1970 Nobel Peace Prize Laureate, who was in charge of the Dinner Conference, and Dr. Evangelina Villegas, 2000 World Food Prize Laureate. These Proceedings compile the 7 IWC oral presentations and hopefully will be useful to wheat researchers, breeders, agronomists and students. We are indebted to Dr. S. Rajaram, Integrated Gene Management Director at ICARDA, and Chair of the International Scientific Committee of the Conference, for his guide in the outline of the scientific program and his overall support. We extend our appreciation to each of the International and Local Organizing Committees members and to the Session Chairs. Special thanks are due to the scientists who collaborated with valuable suggestions to improve this publication: P. Abbate, Z. Bedö, D. Calderini, F. García, S. Germán, M. M. Kohli, D. Lafiandra, S. Nagarajan, J. Rogers, P. Ruckenbauer, N. Saulescu, M.L. Seghezzo, E. Souza and R. Trethowan. We thank M. Pérez for the technical edition of the manuscripts and would like to express our special gratitude to Nelly Salomón for her permanent dedication, and our tribute, on behalf of the Local Organizing Committee, to Enrique Suárez, who joined us in this endeavour up to May 2005. H. Buck and J. Nisi Co-chairs of the Local Organizing Committee


INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE Chairman S. Rajaram Members R. Appels S. Baenziger Z. Bedö L. Besopalova A. Bonjean H-J. Braun G. R. Cunha

R. DePauw W. Erskine M. R. Jalal Kamali Z. Kertesz M. Keser A. Kurishbayev C. Le Roux

N. Litvinenko S. Nagarajan J. Nisi P. Ruckenbauer N. Saulescu R. Sears J. Snape

Local Organizing Committee Co-Chairs H. Buck J. Nisi Members J. Annone M. Cuniberti M. Formica M. García L. González

M. Helguera O. Klein M. Kohli N. Machado R. Miranda


O. Rubiolo N. Salomón E. Satorre E. Suárez† G. Tranquilli


The Secretariat of Agriculture, Animal Husbandry, Fisheries and Food (SAGPyA) National Institute of Technology for Agriculture and Animal Husbandry (INTA) CONFERENCE SPONSORS Financial support from the following organizations is gratefully acknowledged DIAMOD SPONSORS International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT) International Center for Agricultural Research in Dry Areas (ICARDA) GOLD SPONSORS BASF Argentina Buck Semillas S.A. Nidera S.A. SILVER SPONSORS Criadero Klein S.A. Dow AgroSciences Argentina S.A. MegaSeed Relmo S.A. BRONZE SPONSORS Asociación Cooperativas Argentinas, Coop. Ltda. Bayer CropScience Bioceres S.A. Buenos Aires Grain Exchange Buenos Aires Grain Exchange Arbitration Chamber xix

xx Federation of Country Elevators Associations Intertek – Caleb Brett Profertil S.A. Syngenta Agro S.A. Wintersteiger - Seedmech Latinamerica SPONSORS Universidad Empresarial Siglo 21 Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias – Universidad Nacional de Córdoba