When the Brain does not Mind

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Oct 25, 2015 - 'No-Mind' -- No duality. No-Thing. “Only in confusion, for a brief moment before we fight back, we are open to something new”. Zakhariy. “Diet to ...
When the Brain does not Mind Quantified Self-Importance Engineered Non-duality Fedor (Teo) Ilkov Founder and CSO

The Body You Wear

“Science is a fear reaction of humanity in front of unknown” Zakhariy

Science & Nonduality Conference San Jose, CA October 25, 2015 1

Outline - Brain, Mind, Consciousness

- ‘No-Mind’ -- No duality

Is anyone home?


- The Quantified Self (QS) movement When did it all begin? How is it done? What is quantified?

Why? Who needs it? Where do we go from here?

- Engineered non-duality

Really? How?

“Only in confusion, for a brief moment before we fight back, we are open to something new” Zakhariy

tBYW www.bodyuwear.com

“Diet to live-Diet to Die/The Zen of Eating” 2


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Brain an organ of soft nervous tissue in the skull of vertebrates -controlling autonomic function, and directing correlated motor responses -integrating sensory information from inside and outside the body

3 lb of soft blobs of fat tBYW www.bodyuwear.com


Mind -a set of cognitive faculties that enables consciousness, perception, thinking, judgement, and memory -the part of a person that knows, understands, desires, imagines and especially reasons

Marvin Minsky, “The Society of Mind”

"Minds are what Brains do"

A society of Mindless agents -the fundamental thinking entities from which minds are built.

Conscious Mind – Awareness at the present moment Subconscious Mind – An accumulation of accessible information Unconscious Mind – Memories that drive our behavior, instinctual wishes, beliefs, patterns, subjective maps of reality

“No-Mind” – No access to personalized cognitive perspectives; the world no longer has a personalized meaning and instead one is the passive recipient of incoming sensory information. 5

So let’s agree- you can’t have a mind without a brain, but you can have a brain without a mind. “No-Mind”

a world stripped of all personalized cognitive perspectives tBYW www.bodyuwear.com


Quantified Self What is it? a movement to incorporate technology into data acquisition on a person's daily life, states, and performance. a collaboration of users and tool makers who share an interest in Self knowledge through Selftracking. When did it all begin? 1970 (sousveillance) -2002 (Quantimetric selfsensing) -2007 (QS)- 2010 (QS movement)2015 (explosion into obsession) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quantified_Self

How is it done? Signal—processing---Data ---processing—Information--processing --- Knowledge----processing—Understanding

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Signal—processing---Data ---processing—Information--processing --- Knowledge----processing—Understanding We can and do want to measure everything! The technology is up to the task!

-What is the task? -So much data!

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With so much Scientific data, there are not enough scientists in the world to look at the data!! …we should start recruiting citizens to do science! Dr. Atul Butte

Now, we have to worry about Where do we store all the data? How do we make sense of all the data? Who is going to clean up this mess?

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What is quantified?

A person’s daily life - air quality, UV index, food consumed, and such psycho-physiological states - e.g. mood, arousal, emotion, performance (mental and physical) health states - blood OX, HR, HRV, temperature, insulin and cortisol levels, sequence DNA, microbial cells inhabiting the body, etc. ECG EEG fMRI

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Quantified Consciousness Michio Kaku equates consciousness to the number of feedback loops required to create a model of your position in space with relation to other organisms and time. Thermostat 1 unit of consciousness (it senses the temperature)

Index of Consciousness University of São Paulo

Science Translational Medicine 2013 Vol5, Issue 198, pp. 198ra105

how to detect when a person is not aware in Anesthesia, or is aware in Locked-in syndrome?

Flower 10 units of consciousness (understands temperature, weather, humidity, gravity, etc.) Reptiles Level 1 Consciousness (Understand position in space) Mammal Level 2 Consciousness (Understand relation to other organisms – emotions, social hierarchy) Humans Level 3 Consciousness (Understand relation to time, ability to imagine the future- brain as a prediction machine)

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Perturbational Complexity Index (PCI) PCI>0.44 indicates consciousness –aware; PCI