Whidbey Island 2018 2018 - Whidbey Island Conservation District

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5442 Shore Meadow Road. Open daily April-November, dawn til dusk. Certified organic vegetables, herbs, berries, cut flow


variety of produce




cheese & other dairy products


flowers pumpkins milk CSA Community Supported Agriculture Shares

strawberries raspberries blueberries herbs


Many farm stands are unstaffed and run on the honor system. Having cash and small change on hand will help! Farm stands are often located at private homes. Please respect privacy, don’t litter, and wait until you’re at home or at a public area to enjoy your bounty. The following farms offer CSAs but do not have farm stands: 12 Birches Farm, Deep Harvest, Organic Farm School, and SkyRoot Farm. For more on our local agricultural resources, visit whidbeycd.org. If we missed a stand or you would like brochures to distribute, contact [email protected]. Download brochures at www.goosefoot.org. Thanks for supporting our local farmers, ranchers, and producers here on Whidbey Island! For more information on our local food system, like us on FB: Whidbey Island Friends of Food & Farming, Slow Food Whidbey Island,Whidbey Island Conservation District,Whidbey Island Grown, and Goosefoot.




Bayview Farmers Market Saturdays, April – October, 10 am – 2 pm On the corner of Hwy 525 and Bayview Road, between Freeland and Langley. www.bayviewfarmersmarket.com

Whidbey Island Roadside Farm Stand Farm Store & Farmers Market Directory


Coupeville Farmers Market Saturdays, April 7 – October 13, 10 am – 2 pm On the community green; next to the Coupeville Library off Alexander St. www.coupevillemarket.com


South Whidbey Tilth Farmers Market Sundays, April 29 – October 7, 11 am – 2 pm 2812 Thompson Road, on the corner of Hwy 525. www.southwhidbeytilth.org

Every day local food! Grown and raised right in your own neighborhood.


Lang ley

Second Street Market Fridays, May 4 – September 28, 1 – 5 pm On the corner of 6th St and Cascade Ave. www.mainstreetlangley.org

Oak Harbor

Oak Harbor Farmers Market Thursdays, May – Sept, 4 – 7 pm On SR 20, next to North Whidbey Middle School. [email protected] This directory is brought to you by:

working for a thriving South Whidbey

[email protected] • www.goosefoot.org

Vegetables Eggs Cheese/Dairy Flowers Meat You-Pick Berries Pumpkin Patches


Cedar Hill Farmstand 5754 Bob Galbreath Rd Weekdays 11am – dusk, weekends later to dusk.Veggies, fruit, eggs & berries. [email protected] Featherstone Farm 7672 Bailey Rd Dawn til dusk, mid-June–end of October. U-pick vegetables, fruit, flowers. [email protected] Full Cycle Farm CSA Corner of Maxwelton and Quade Rd Weekdays, some wknds, March–Dec. Vegetables, fruits, flowers, holiday wreaths. www.fullcyclefarm.com Glendale Shepherd 7616 Glendale Heights Rd Saturday – Sunday, 11 am – 4 pm. Aged & fresh sheep’s milk cheeses and yogurt year-round. Lamb & pork available seasonally. www.glendaleshepherd.com Maha Farm 4328 Glendale Rd Wednesday through Sunday, 11 am – 6 pm Seasonal produce, raspberries, eggs, herbs, flower & vegetable starts. www.mahafarm.com Shipki Farm Organics 7331 Holst Rd Open every day. Seasonal vegetables, greens, flowers, berries, planting starts and eggs. Our farmstand at 5023 Langley Rd is open in late May. www.shipkifarm.com


Kettle’s Edge Farm 60 N. Willard Way Tuesday through Saturday from 10 am – 6 pm. Seasonal produce & flowers. [email protected] www.facebook.com/Kettles Edge Farm/ Lavender Wind Farm 2350 Darst Rd Daily 10 am – 4 pm, Farm stand open beginning of June to mid-August. Lavender baked goods, herbal blends, more. Coupeville store open year-round. www.lavenderwind.com Prairie Bottom Farm CSA 293 Engle Rd June-Oct: Wed-Sat, 9 am – 6 pm. Nov-May: Wed-Sat, 11 am – 5 pm. Eggs, seasonal produce, dry beans, and herbs. [email protected] Rosehip Farm & Garden CSA 338 Fort Casey Rd Daily 9am – 6pm. Eggs and seasonal produce, plant starts and flowers. [email protected] Sherman’s Pioneer Farm 46 S Ebey Rd Wednesday - Sunday, 10 am – 4 pm, opening Memorial weekend. Seasonal fresh local vegetables and fruits, organically grown. www.shermanspioneerfarm.com


Mutiny Bay Blues 5486 Cameron Road Wednesday – Sunday, 9 am – 5 pm from July through August. Certified organic blueberries, blueberry honey, and a variety of blueberry products. www.mutinybayblues.com

3 Sisters Market 779 Holbrook Rd Open 7 days a week, 9 am – 6 pm. Open all year. 3 Sisters beef, pork, lamb, chicken, and eggs along with other local products. www.3sistersbeef.com

Forget Me Not Farms 5700 Double Bluff Rd Open 7 days a week, Mar 1–Dec, 9am to dusk. Eggs, flowers, veggies, strawberries, raspberries and marionberries. [email protected]

Bell’s Farm 892 West Beach Rd Open daily, year-round from 7am – 7pm, weather dependent. Fresh veggies, strawberries, flowers, jams, baked goods, eggs, and sheep. www.bells-farm.com

Foxtail Farm 5442 Shore Meadow Road Open daily April-November, dawn til dusk. Certified organic vegetables, herbs, berries, cut flowers. www.foxtailfarmorganics.com



Bur Oak Acres 2990 Andreason Rd (corner of Bayview and Andreason) Open daily starting in May, from dawn til dusk. Credit/ Debit cards only. Organically grown produce and herbs. Orchard Kitchen Farm Stand 5574 Bayview Road Daily, from dawn til dusk. Seasonal produce picked daily.


Case Farm 98 Case Road Open daily in Oct., 10 am – 5 pm. Pumpkins, squash, onions, fall veggies, & decorations. facebook.com/ casefarmonwhidbey Crescent Harbor Blueberry Farm 2726 Laurel Lane Open July through mid-August; u-pick by appointment. 360-679-4210. Available at Oak Harbor & Coupeville farmers markets. [email protected] Hunters Moon Farm 935 Bunch Lane August – October. U-pick certified organic blueberry farm, fruit, blueberry honey, jam, syrups & more. 360-279-2804 www.huntersmoonorganics.com North Whidbey Farm 231 E. Frostad Rd April–December. Licensed Grade A Raw Goat Milk for human consumption and goat milk soap by appointment. Call 425-503-4246. www.northwhidbeyfarm.com

Local food and products are an important part of what makes Whidbey Island such a special place to visit and live. Learn more at whidbeyislandgrown.com