White Lake Trail Map & Brochure.pdf - Google Drive

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White White Lake Lake Park, Park, aa preserve preserve owned owned by by Warren County, supports sensitive Warren County, supports sensitive limestone limestone fen fen and and shoreline shoreline communities. communities. The Ridge and Valley Conservancy, The Ridge and Valley Conservancy, aa local local land land trust, trust, has has been been entrusted entrusted with with managing the property. RVC works managing the property. RVC works to to maintain the balance between preserving maintain the balance between preserving these these habitats habitats and and providing providing recreation recreation opportunities for the public. opportunities for the public.

Learn Learn more more about about RVC RVC at at

Please Please Follow Follow These These Rules Rules::  Park Park Motor Motor Vehicles Vehicles in in Parking Parking Lot, NOT at Lakefront Lot, NOT at Lakefront  Leash Leash Dogs; Dogs; Pick Pick Up Up Pet Pet Waste Waste  Electric Boat Motors Only Electric Boat Motors Only  Wear Wear aa Life Life Jacket Jacket on on Lake Lake  Hunting by Special County Hunting by Special County Permit Permit Only Only

Prohibited Prohibited::    

Boat Boat Trailers Trailers and and Horse Horse Trailers Trailers Swimming Swimming Fishing Fishing from from the the Lakeshore Lakeshore Collecting or Disturbing Collecting or Disturbing Plants, Plants, Animals or Artifacts Animals or Artifacts  Camping, Camping, Fires Fires and and Excessive Excessive Noise Noise  Alcohol Alcohol and and Glass Glass Containers Containers

Thank Thank you you for for your your Cooperation! Cooperation!

www.ridgeandvalleyconservancy.org www.ridgeandvalleyconservancy.org

If If you you have have any any questions questions or or concerns, concerns, please please contact contact aa Ridge Ridge and and Valley Valley Conservancy Conservancy Preserve Preserve Manager Manager at at (973) (973) 937-8748 937-8748 or or [email protected] [email protected] Call Call 911 911 to to report report an an emergency emergency Ridge Ridge and and Valley Valley Conservancy Conservancy 16 16 Main Main St. St. Blairstown, Blairstown, NJ NJ 07825 07825