WHO Global Network of Age-friendly Cities

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Identify indicators to monitor progress over time. 2. Implementation. - Implement action plan. - Monitor indicators. - R
WHO Global Network of Age-friendly Cities and Communities©


Department of Ageing and Life Course

Proportion of Population Over Age 60, 2012


Department of Ageing and Life Course

Proportion of Population Over Age 60, 2050


Department of Ageing and Life Course

A Life Course Approach to the Health of Ageing Populations z Health Promotion across the life course z Primary Health Care and Long Term Care z Age-friendly Environments z Rethinking ageing


Department of Ageing and Life Course

What is an age-friendly city or community? "An age-friendly environment fosters active ageing by optimizing opportunities for health, participation and security in order to enhance quality of life as people age"


Department of Ageing and Life Course

Different domains of city life

Lifelong learning, sustainability, intergenerational cohesion, cultural contribution….


Department of Ageing and Life Course

WHO Global Network of Age-friendly Cities and Communities© External Review Years 1- 2

External Review Years 3- 5

1. Joining the network - Develop a mechanism to involve older people - Conduct baseline assessment of age-friendliness - Develop action plan - Identify indicators to monitor progress over time


Department of Ageing and Life Course

2. Implementation

3. Evaluate progress & continual improvement

- Implement action plan

- Measure progress

- Monitor indicators

- Identify successes and remaining gaps

- Report on progress

- Develop new action plan

WHO Global Network of Age-friendly Cities and Communities z WHO Network launched in June 2010 z Currently 105 individual members spread across 19 countries z 9 affiliated programmes at national/regional level z Platform for mutual support, discussion and learning


Department of Ageing and Life Course

Affiliated Programmes Country

Programme Name


Pan Canadian AFC Recognition Initiative

Canada - Québec

Muncipalité Amie des Aînés (MADA)


Bien vieillir – vivre ensemble


Ageing Well Network


Portuguese Platform

Russian Federation



Slovene Network of Age-friendly Cities


Spanish National AFC Programme

United States

AARP Network of Age-friendly Communities

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Department of Ageing and Life Course

The example of New York z Assessment z Commission z 4 responses – – – –

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Ageing improvement districts AF businesses AF colleges Technology

Department of Ageing and Life Course

Age Friendly Cities and the EIP z Build on existing base z Integrate with existing success – AFCC/Healthy Cities z Guidelines on best practice z Acknowledgement of achievement z Dynamic communities of practice – Regional – Issue based z Sustainability 13 |

Department of Ageing and Life Course