spiritual maturity, resulting in life-defining, long-lasting impact. This is more than just a hope or a dream; it's a re
HICKORY GROVE BAPTIST CHURCH 6050 Hickory Grove Road Charlotte, NC 28215
3 Ye a r s O l d – 5 t h G r a d e
Wednesdays - 6:15–7:45 PM
What is AWANA?
Awana comes from 2 Timothy 2:15 “Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who
AWANA will meet on Wednesdays from August 27 to May 20 at our Main and North Campus.
January 7: AWANA starts back / Tacky Night
August 13: General Training
April 1: No AWANA - Spring Break (NORTH CAMPUS)
August 20: Specific Training August 27: AWANA Kickoff September 3: Crazy Sock Night October 1: Crazy Hair Night November 5: Pantry and PJ’s December 24: No AWANA December 31: No AWANA
Kids represent the greatest opportunity to make a long-term impact on our world for Christ. Awana reaches kids where they’re at and walks alongside them in their faith journey. Kids who come to faith at an early age will discover God’s purpose for their lives and hope for the future. Ministry leaders and parents witness the profound impact Awana has in reaching
ashamed, rightly handling
kids with the gospel and watching them grow as long-term disciples. That’s why so many families and leaders have returned, week after week, year after year, for more than three generations.
March 4: Stack a T-Shirt Night
April 8: No AWANA - Spring Break (MAIN CAMPUS) April 15: Luau Night May 13: AWANA Celebration (NORTH CAMPUS) May 20: AWANA Celebration (MAIN CAMPUS)
Learn more and register online:
wana reaches kids for Jesus Christ through fun, Scripture-rich experiences that lead them to know, love, and serve Him.
has no need to be the word of truth.”
February 4: Sports Team Night
When parents and churches come together to intentionally teach
Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed
God’s Word throughout childhood, they can move kids toward
spiritual maturity, resulting in life-defining, long-lasting impact.
This is more than just a hope or a dream; it’s a reality. Awana volunteers and Hickory Grove Baptist Church are working to create a strong parent-church partnership that, along with the gospel and Scripture memory, helps kids to know, love, and serve Jesus Christ.
Awana is divided into three age-based groups:
Developing Respect for God and His Word
very church needs a strong teaching format for preschool. Kids this age can embrace important concepts through fun, clear curriculum, and Awana provides it all for you. Here, Cubbies learn about the greatness of God, His Word, and His love.
Lessons continue to teach respect for God and His sovereignty. Curriculum also explains Jesus as the Servant, Teacher, Savior, and God’s Son. Awana Cubbies curriculum encourages early parent participation in Awana, helping to establish the practice of parent discipleship.
Each club night is broken up into three different sessions:
Handbook Time
Children are encouraged to excel individually in their Bible verse studies. They receive recognition and rewards as they reach different milestones.
Game Time
Game Time is a period of fun and fellowship. These games are fun and competitive but are of a nature that allows almost all children to participate regardless of their athletic skills.
Discipleship Time
Discipleship Time provides an opportunity to present the Gospel as well as teach biblical truth to the children. Awana leaders and special guest speakers present these messages at a level that children can understand.
REGISTRATION & COST Register your child online at HickoryGrove.org/AWANA. GRADES K–2
Awana will cost $25 per child which includes a handbook that your child will use all year long and a vest (Cubbies and Sparks) or a t-shirt (Truth & Training).
Exploring God’s Word from Cover to Cover
his modern, kid-friendly club is a major hit! Sparks teaches basic truths about God, His Son, salvation, and the Bible, and builds an enduring foundation of biblical wisdom through Scripture memory.
Kindergarteners through second graders are often more receptive to the gospel than any other age group, making Sparks a particularly important setting for evangelism.
PARENTS Parents are the primary spiritual influencers of their household, appointed to raise young people to love God with all their hearts, their souls, and their strength. When parents and churches work together to teach God’s Word across kids’ formative years, they produce young adults marked by steadfast biblical faith and character.
AWANA NEEDS YOU! We need volunteers to pass the torch of the gospel to the next generation.
Growing in the Grace and Knowledge of God’s Word
hird through fifth graders present a unique challenge to ministry. They face increasing obligations, both positive and negative, that can divide their attention and might even lead some kids, especially older ones, away from Truth and Training.
At an age when kids are being pulled in every direction, T&T provides a solid spiritual foundation. Help keep Bible study and evangelism high priorities in their lives with T&T.
• Captains • Coaches • Secretaries • Game Time • Greeters/Check-In R eg i ster to volu n teer tod a y :