networks I am involved in, including those cul?vated during my ... Marke?ng via Social Media Pla orms,. Featured Lis?ng
Why Choose Me? There are very specific characteris/cs that most home owners look for when hiring a REALTOR® to sell their home. Below is a summary of what sets me apart!
My Business Background
My Client CommunicaFon
As a successful Vice President for a Fortune 500 company, I managed over 1000 employees and over $35M in monthly revenue. My team was #1 consistently. I know h o w t o n e g o F a t e , I k n o w h o w t o communicate, and most importantly, I know how to get the job done with great results.
My goal is to make each of my clients feel like they are my only one. In my post-transacFon survey to my clients, 100% of them have ranked my level of communicaFon as “SubstanFally Higher” in comparison to other agents they have worked with. You will ALWAYS know what is going on!
My Real Estate Results
My Network of Buyers
I am an Arizona Top REALTOR® nominee for 2016 based off my past results. I have doubled my total gross sales each year since starFng and am on pace to do the same again in 2016!
A good agent is a good networker. I don’t just put up a sign and hope for the best, I am proacFvely trying to find your buyer myself! I’ve done it mulFple Fmes (found the buyer for my seller and managed both sides of the transacFon) because I uFlize the various networks I am involved in, including those culFvated during my years as a senior leader in Corporate America. I am a member of the Board of Directors of SoluFons Real Estate meaning I have the privilege of rubbing shoulders consistently with the best of the best within the industry. Lastly, SoluFons Real Estate is the fastest growing brokerage in Arizona, with offices also in California. As a brokerage, we leverage a robust InternaFonal Buyer Network to provide greater exposure for our clients from beyond Arizona and the USA!
My MarkeFng Plan With an undergrad in MarkeFng, as well as an MBA, business and markeFng are both passions of mine! Coincidentally, these are two of the most important strengths a great REALTOR® must have! I use cufng edge technology and methods to set my sellers apart from an ogen crowded home market, including 24-Hour Open Houses, 4K Aerial Tours and HD Photos from my Drone, Custom Built Website devoted to YOUR home, Professional HD LisFng Photos, Target MarkeFng via Social Media Plajorms, Featured LisFng on Trulia and Zillow, High ResoluFon Property Fliers, Text For Info Riders, QR Code Technology, Professionally Produced Virtual Walk-Thru, and the use of my Branded Moving Trailer! These all require an up front investment by me, but I’m willing to make it because I know it will yield the results that my clients and myself are expecFng!
My S.M.A.R.T. Seller Plan I constantly look for unique ways to help my clients differenFate themselves. One way I do that is through my S.M.A.R.T. Seller Plan. It has proven results and removes tradiFonal road blocks and red tape that most sellers deal with when trying to sell their home!
[email protected] * 623-256-1222 *