Why is programming so easy

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•You've learned Loops/procedures/recursion/classes/whatnot in a week. ... •Now, make me a Photoshop please[a little bit exaggerated for example purposes].
Why is programming so easy ? Of course it is easy. •You’ve learned Loops/procedures/recursion/classes/whatnot in a week. •You are a great programmer •Now, make me a Photoshop please[a little bit exaggerated for example purposes] •Ah, you can’t? But why? It is so easy •Well, you need to learn: •A way to fight with technical debt because: •You will soon find out that the more you add code to the Giant Pile Of Code the more difficult it becomes to navigate this pile of, hmm. “great code” •So, you will have to understand the cost and benefits of abstraction •You will start to understand that static typing is a thing •You will start to understand that referential transparency is not a fancy concept for the college professors •You will start to understand the benifits of thorough testing •You will become a little more humble •Your domain •Libraries/frameworks •Math behind the scenes •Your language(to the point that you can commit changes to the compiler) and fight virtually untraceable bugs within the language itself •UX and UI stuff to understand how the user will interact with your system[not required in a team, though] After that you can claim that programming is easy. Not a little bit earlier. 02.03.2017