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Why Should You Support Meagan’s Walk? The health and well-being of our children is everyone’s business. By becoming a corporate sponsor of Meagan’s Walk, you will be making a critical and direct impact on groundbreaking, global research into the #1 cancerous killer of children, paediatric brain tumours. You will be recognized as a social leader in the improved prognosis and quality of life for these young people, not only in your own community but around the globe.
Have Your Brand Showcased at Our Signature Event, Meagan’s Walk and Hug In 2015, at our 14th Annual Meagan’s Walk, over 4000 people from across Canada gathered together to walk from Fort York to SickKids then joined hands to encircle the hospital creating one of the World’s Largest Human Hugs.
Have a Profound Impact on Your Employees
Develop an Association With an Important Cause and Respected Organization The Michael Pinball Clemons Foundation has chosen Meagan’s Walk as one of their charitable partners. In 2015, Meagan’s Walk, The Micheal Pinball Clemons Foundation and Mayor John Tory joined forces to create the 1st Annual Toronto City Hall Hug.
“Colliers employees really look forward to the Annual Meagan’s Walk and have participated for many years. It’s a great opportunity for our staff to come together to participate in a very special day. The best part is the huge hug around SickKids and being so inspired by those brave kids on stage and inside the hospital. It’s an incredible moment that Team Colliers experiences together.” –Jodi Boltuc, Senior Manager, Colliers International
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Online Meagan’s Walk has a large social media following all over Canada and can help you reach your target audience.
Associate With a Brand That Reaches Over 4.5 Million People Through Canadian Media Coverage Check out our news stories here:
Have Direct Impact Where it's Needed Most
The Meagan’s Walk
From administration to executives making strategic decisions, volunteers including our founder, Denise Bebenek, are at the heart of Meagan’s Walk ensuring that sponsorship funds are going where they are needed most. n 2001 and was so inspired by her dedication that I have been involved with Meagan’s Walk ever since. What started as a one day walk, is now a 365 day initiative.” –Alicia Markson, Media Consultant, Meagan's Walk Ambassador and Former CTV Broadcaster
For each $1 you provide in sponsorship, $4.50 is raised in donations for much needed research.
Be Part of an Organization that Encourages Kids to Recognize the Need to Help Others Within Their Own Community
Every year throughout Ontario, over 50 elementary, secondary and post-secondary schools create their own Meagan’s Hug circle of hope in their school yard.
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Brain Tumours are the #1 Cause of Cancer Related Death in Children With Your Help, We Can Continue to Support Much Needed Research Meagan Bebenek was just four years old when she was diagnosed with brain stem glioma, a cancerous brain tumour. Two weeks after her fifth birthday, she passed away. Meagan’s Legacy is Meagan’s Walk and Hug. Meagan’s Walk: Creating a Circle of Hope is dedicated to raising hope, awareness and funds for paediatric brain tumour research. Since its inception in 2001, Meagan’s Walk has raised over $4 million for the Brain Tumour Research Centre (BTRC) inside SickKids.
Funds Raised Through Meagan’s Walk Result in Breakthrough at SickKids “There is no question that without the support of Meagan’s Walk over the last decade we would not be considered the top paediatric brain tumour research centre in the world.” Dr. Christian Smith, Operations Manager, the Brain Tumour Research Centre. Several years ago, Meagan’s Walk was instrumental in providing seed funding for a project from the lab of Dr. Michael Taylor, who proposed to analyze the genetics of over 1000 medulloblastoma samples (the most common type of brain tumour in children — pictured here in the brain of a four year old), an extremely ambitious and expensive study at the time.
“Without grassroots funding, the researchers would have to frame their research according to government funding levels. There would be no funding to support other new project ideas.”
After three years of chemotherapy, followed by 17 months free of treatments, Evie (centre) has recently started treatments again to slow her tumour's growth. “I have hope that the research being done will help treat my precious little one and that I will have the honour to continue to watch her grow" says Mom, Kristine
The impact of this work is now widely accepted, published in numerous high impact journals, has been leveraged to acquire major government funding and is poised to change the treatment paradigm for all patients diagnosed with medulloblastoma.
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Together, we can create a unique opportunity for you to be part of the next breakthrough With Your Support we are closer than ever... because Meagan’s Walk funds research into new, less toxic treatments for children with brain tumours, helping them live healthier lives.
Meagan’s Walk Ambassador, Jack
Brain tumour survivor Julian
Contact Us to be Part of the Global Change in Children’s Health Care Meagan’s Walk 3273 Boor Street West, Suite 201 Toronto, Ontario M8X 1E2 416.239.7843 I
[email protected] Learn more about us via our website and social media. Bereaved sibling Kayla
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