JavaScript Math Library (2014) A library made in JavaScript for vector,. matrix, and calculus manipulation. It includes
William Oliver
Programming Languages: C++, C, Java, and ObjectiveC Scripting Languages: JavaScript, ActionScript, Python, Bash API’s and Frameworks: OpenGL, SDL, and QT Familiarity with Unixlike operating systems such as Mac OSX and Linux Familiarity with intel Assembly Familiarity with advanced mathematics such as Linear Algebra, Graph Theory, Group Theory, Topology, and Calculus. Familiarity with Physics, both classical and quantum. HTML5/HTML Experience in 2D Animation Visual Art and Graphic Design Film Directing, Cinematography, and Editing Writing
11648 College Park Trail Apt. 24O Orlando, FL 32826 (904) 5286454
[email protected]
A software developer, artist, and filmmaker with strong artistic, problem solving, and leadership skills.
EDUCATION Douglas Anderson School of the Arts in Jacksonville, FL (2009 2013) Valencia College in Orlando, FL (2013 Present) Majoring in Computer Science.
EXPERIENCE Software Internships ● HeadCode (2014) A software company making mobile and web applications, such as the OurGroceries app and Personal Software Projects ● Bixel (2015) A tile editor for a game I am making using C++, Qt, and OpenGL ● OpenGL Mandelbrot set (2014) A mandelbrot set made in OpenGL ● C++ Ray Tracer (2014) A ray tracer made using c++.
Arduino Capacitive Proximity Sensor (2014) A capacitive proximity sensor made out of aluminum foil and paper clips.
Arduino Graphite on paper based Flex Sensor (2014) A flex sensor made out of pencil and paper.
JavaScript Sound Visualizer (2014) A visualizer and synthesizer made in JavaScript using the HTML5 canvas and the webaudio API. JavaScript Math Library (2014) A library made in JavaScript for vector, matrix, and calculus manipulation. It includes Gaussian Elimination, Gradient Descent, and Linear Regression.
JavaScript Tetris Clone (2014) A simple tetris clone in JavaScript.
JavaScript Graphics API (2013 2014) A graphics API in JavaScript with Rasterization and a Ray Tracer.
Philosophus (2012 Present) A website meant to be a modern day library of Alexandria. Uses PHP, HTML5, and JavaScript.
Mandelbrot Set Fractal (2012) A Java application for viewing and exploring the Mandelbrot Set Fractal and its corresponding Julia Sets.
Pythagoras Tree (2012) A web application in HTML5 and JavaScript that creates a Pythagoras tree.
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Lollipop (2011) A drawing application made in ActionScript.
Work Experience ● BreadBoyz (2006) Animator I worked for a local rap group to create a myspace banner for their page. ● Lavilla Summer Camp (2008 – 2013) Film Counselor I worked with middle school kids to assist in teaching them the art of filmmaking. ● Heirloom (2010) Temporary Production Assistant I helped with lighting, sound, and cinematography on the set of Heirloom, a film about two sisters who come together for the first time since childhood after their mother’s death. ● Oprah Entries (2010) Production Assistant I helped on the set of several videos submitted as show ideas to Oprah’s channel OWN.
Ugly (2011) Animator Lead Animator on a documentary about the effect of media on a woman’s body image.
Commitment to Honor (2012) Lead Editor Lead Editor on the documentary Commitment to Honor, a 25 minute documentary about posttraumatic stress disorder .