Journal of Computational and. Nonlinear Dynamics. Special Issue on Wind
Turbine Modeling and Simulation. The exploitation of both on-shore and off-
shore ...
Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics Special Issue on Wind Turbine Modeling and Simulation The exploitation of both on-shore and off-shore wind resources and the need to reduce the cost of energy produced by wind, is spurring a tremendous effort towards technological innovations that will enable the design of the next generation wind turbines. Future machines are expected to be in the 10-20MW range, employing large rotors with highly flexible slender blades, and featuring sophisticated aerodynamics and a variety of solutions for the active and passive alleviation of loads. These machines will be subjected to complex excitations that include turbulent and gusty winds, wakes developed by other machines within a wind farm, and large rigid body motions due to flotation, waves and currents. These formidable technical challenges are being met with multi-physics simulation models of ever increasing sophistication. This special issue aims at providing an update on the state-of-the-art on multibody dynamics applied to the modeling and simulation of wind turbines. Original research and review articles are solicited in all aspects dealing with models, methods and tools for the analysis and design of wind energy systems. All submitted papers will be peer-reviewed and selected on the basis of originality, quality and their relevance to the theme of this special issue.
Submission Guidelines This special issue calls for original papers describing the latest developments in the modeling and simulation of wind turbines. Topics of interests include, but are not limited to: Formulations and methods for flexible multibody dynamics Fluid-structure interaction and aerohydroservoelastic models Modeling and simulation of off-shore wind energy systems Model reduction from detailed FEM models Modeling of drive-trains and gear boxes Modeling of composite blades, including sectional analysis Stability analysis Multi-disciplinary design and optimization Validation and calibration of models from experimental data Review of modeling and simulation technologies applicable to wind turbines All papers should address problems and applications specific to wind energy systems. Contributions from industry are particularly encouraged, as well as contributions with a strong interdisciplinary component. Papers can be submitted until the deadline via the Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics online submission system available on the journal web page: In the journal web tool, please direct your submission to the special issue on “Wind Turbine Modeling and Simulation”. All submitted papers will be peer-reviewed according to the usual standards of the journal, and will be evaluated on the basis of originality, quality and relevance to this special issue and the journal. The submitted papers should be formatted according to the journal style as described on the journal homepage. Submitted papers should not have been published previously, nor be under consideration for publication elsewhere. If you wish to contribute to the special issue, please send at your earliest convenience a proposed title and short abstract to the guest editor (
[email protected]).
Important Dates Paper submission: from now to the deadline Paper submission deadline: November 15, 2013 Publication (tentative): 3rd or 4th quarter, 2014
Guest Editor Prof. Carlo L. Bottasso Politecnico di Milano