Windows Mobile Client (Release 7.2)

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Supported OS version is Windows Mobile 6.5. 1. Download, Install, and ... 3. 2. Navigation Bar. From the Windows start menu, select the Push-to-Talk icon.
Windows Mobile PTT Client Quick Reference Guide

Please note the following before using push-to-talk (PTT) •P  ush-to-talk contacts reside within the PTT application. You will need to launch the application first. •C  ontacts and groups set up by a corporate administrator cannot be deleted or edited by the user from the phone. A corpo-rate administrator will need to delete or edit those contacts remotely. • Supported OS version is Windows Mobile 6.5.

1. Download, Install, and Activate the PTT Client a. F rom the handset’s Home screen, find the Browser. Click the Browser, type in the URL address bar (where you enter the address of a Web site), and then press the enter key of the keypad or the arrow next to the URL address bar. b. A  n AT&T EPTT download center page will appear on the screen. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click “Download Now”. c. A  new download page will appear, asking you to confirm whether you want to open file after download. Click Yes to confirm. d. T he download process will start. Upon completion, you will be asked to choose where you want to install the PTT application. With the “Device” option selected, click Install. Upon installation completion, you will see a confirmation message. Click OK. e. F rom the handset’s Home screen, find the AT&T EPTT application icon. Click the EPTT icon. You will then be prompted to accept the license agreement, Click Accept. Then click OK to activate the EPTT service. f. O  nce the PTT service is activated, you will be prompted to view a tutorial or go straight to the EPTT application. It is recommended that you view the tutorial first. Click the arrow on the right-hand side of the tutorial screen. When you finish, click the OK or End button on your handset. Now you can go to the handset’s Home screen and launch the EPTT application.



2. Navigation Bar From the Windows start menu, select the Push-to-Talk icon and launch the application. You will see the following menu icons for PTT:





a. H  ome – Displays your call and conversation history. You can also change your presence status here. b. C  ontacts – Displays your contacts and allows you to start a PPT call, send an alert, or add/search for a contact. c. G  roups – Displays your groups and allows you to create/ edit a group or initiate a group call. d. F avorites – Displays your favorite contacts and groups. You can easily start a PPT call to your favorites.

3. Remapping the Hard key to PTT Note: When the hard key (the programmable button located on the left of a Windows Mobile phone) is already mapped to a different application (such as Voice Recorder/ Voice Commander), then you will need to go through the steps below to remap the hard key to PTT. To see if the hard key has been mapped to a different application, press the hard key and see what application (if any) is launched. Note: You can also skip the hard key remapping process if you just want to use the on-screen PTT call button (soft button) for PTT calls. How to remap the hard key to PTT manually: a. F rom the native screen (idle screen), click the Windows icon.


b. Click the Settings icon.

c. Click the Personal icon.

d. Click the KeyRemap icon.

e. P  ress the hard key once. You will see one programmable button icon on the screen.

f. P  ress the hard key again. Now you will see two programmable button icons. g. Click Save and then OK. Log out and log in again to the PTT application. Now the hard key can function as a PTT call button.


4. Creating PTT Contacts The PTT contacts directory is separate from the phone’s native contacts directory. There are two ways to add PTT contacts: Manual Entry – Contacts can be imported from the phone’s native contact list or manually entered into the Enhanced PTT application. Some phones may not have this ability if the corporate administrator has restricted manual contact entry. Administrator-Managed Contacts – A corporate administrator can add PTT contacts directly into all of a corporation’s PTT phones. Contacts added by a corporate administrator cannot be deleted or changed. The following instructions illustrate how to add contacts manually. a. F rom the Contacts screen, click Menu and select New Contact. b. Select either Native Phonebook or Manual Input.


• If  you choose Native Phonebook, you can select an existing contact you wish to add to your PTT contact list and then click Save. • Manual  Input lets you manually enter contact information. After giving a contact name and phone number, click Save.

5. Creating PTT Groups Groups can be created manually or pushed to the phone by the corporate administrator. Groups added by a corporate administrator cannot be deleted or changed. The following steps illustrate how to create a group manually. a. G  o to the Groups screen, click Menu, and select New Group. b. E  nter the group name, click Add Members, and select the members to be added to the group.

c. Click Menu again, and select Add. d. When done, click Save to create the group.


6. Making PTT Calls to an Individual, a Pre-defined Group, or a Quick Group (Ad Hoc Group) a. G  o to the Contacts screen (to call an individual or an ad hoc group) or the Groups screen (to call a pre-defined group). b. C  lick the check box to select the individual or group you want to call. You can also select multiple contacts for an ad-hoc group call. c. P  ress and hold the PTT key, which is the hard key on the left of the handset (the remapped hard key functions as a PTT call button). You can also press a contact or the name of a pre-defined group and then select PTT Call from a pop-up menu. A PTT call button will appear on the screen. d. W  hile pressing AND holding the PTT call button (the on-screen soft button or the hard key), start speaking AFTER you hear a chirp. When you finish speaking, release the PTT call button.


e. If the PTT call button turns red or if you hear an “error” tone while holding the PTT call button, it means someone else has the floor. Wait for the other person to stop talking (you will hear a “chirp” tone). f. C  lick End Call if you want to end the call. The call will also end automatically after a few seconds of inactivity. To make PTT Calls from the History Section of the Home screen, go to the Home screen to see a list of the contacts and groups you communicated with most recently. You can call any of them using the same PTT call initiation steps described above. Note: if your handset is set to silent mode and the Silent Mode box of PTT settings is checked (see more details in the Settings section), you will not hear any incoming PTT calls. However, increasing the phone’s audio volume will allow you to hear the on-going call. If the speaker is off, you can hear the PTT call audio through the earpiece. If you want to continue to use the silent mode feature, you will need to reset the handset to silent mode after a call is completed.


7. Receiving Incoming PTT Calls a. W  hen you receive a PTT call, you will hear a “chirp” followed by the caller’s voice. b. T o respond, click and hold the PTT call button while speaking. When you finish speaking, release the PTT call button.

8. Receiving Incoming PTT Calls while on a Regular Phone Call If a PTT call comes in while you are on a regular phone call, you will receive a missed call alert. From that alert, you will be able to PTT back to the originating party directly from the missed call alert.

Receiving Incoming Regular Phone Calls while on a PTT Call I f you receive an incoming phone call while on a PTT call, you will be able to answer that call and put the PTT call on hold.

10. Setting Your Presence Status a. Go to the Home screen. b. C  lick the availability status bar above the call history. A menu will be displayed. Select the availability status you would like to set (e.g., Available or Do Not Disturb). c. T he Presence Status icon and text will be updated on the home screen status bar. Your current availability is also always visible in the status bar at the top of the screen.


11. Sending an Alert (Call Me Alert) a. G  o to the Contacts or History section of the Home screen and press the contact you would like to send the alert to (The purpose of the alert is to request someone to call you). Please note that you can send an alert only if your presence state is Available. The recipient’s presence can be Available or DND. b. From a pop-up menu, select Send Alert. c. A  confirmation will appear on the screen that the alert has been sent.


12. Editing/Deleting PTT Contacts
 Please note that PTT contacts set up by an administrator cannot be deleted or edited. a. S  elect a contact from the PTT contact list by clicking the check box next to the contact. b. C  lick Menu and choose the delete option. The contact will be deleted after you confirm the deletion. Note: You can edit a contact name but not the phone number. If you need to change the phone number, please delete the existing contact and create a new one with an updated phone number.

13. Editing/Deleting PTT Groups Please note that PTT groups set up by an administrator cannot be deleted or edited. a. G  o to the Groups screen and select the group to edit or delete. b. Click Menu and select your option.


14. Setting Favorites Go to the Favorites screen. The default option is for you to set contacts as favorites. If you click Groups at the bottom of the screen, you can then set groups as favorites. When the screen shows Favorite Groups, you can click Contacts at the bottom of the screen to switch to Favorite Contacts. a. T o set a contact as a favorite: click Menu and select New Favorite/Contact. Then use the check box to select one or multiple contacts you want to include in your favorite list. Click the Menu key again and select Add. b. T o set a group as a favorite: click Menu and select New Favorite/Group. Then use the check box to select one or multiple groups you want to include in your favorite list. Click the Menu key again and select Add.

15. Supervisory Override The Supervisory Override feature allows a designated supervisor to take the floor (and start speaking) any time during a group call, even when someone else is speaking. A supervisor can be assigned only by an administrator through the Corporate Administration Tool (CAT). A special supervisor symbol is displayed next to the name of a group with a supervisor and next to the supervisor’s name as well. If you are designated as a supervisor, you can simply use the PTT call button to take the floor any time and start speaking. Likewise, if you are not a supervisor, your control of the floor can be overridden any time by a supervisor.

Group memeber’s view of the symbol of the supervisor

Supervisor’s view of the supervisor symbol


16. Settings You can customize the PTT application through the Settings tab. Below are an overview of commonly used settings options. a. T o find the Settings tab, go to the Home screen, click the Menu, and select “Settings”. b. V  ibrate Alert and Audible Alert allow alert notifications to be adjusted to vibrate or play a tone when received. c. A  lert Repeat allows you to choose how often the alert is played (once or more than once). d. V  olume control allows adjustment of audio volume. Note that the volume adjustment made to the PTT application also affects the phone’s system volume and vice versa. e Instant  Personal Alerts and Missed Call Alerts can be disabled. f. S  ilent Mode: you must check the Silent Mode box in order for the Silent Mode feature to work. See additional information in the last paragraph of Section 6. Note: make sure that you click Save after you make a settings change.


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