Windscoop_nov_dec_20.. - Macatawa Bay Yacht Club

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Dec 13, 2012 ... Congratulations! 2013 Slip Contracts: I can't encourage you strongly enough ... Jim Ruehle: As you probably know Executive Chef Jim Ruehle.
November - December 2012



CO M M O D O R E ’S REPORT Change of Watch: As the setting sun illuminated the last of colorful fall foliage across Lake Macatawa I couldn’t help but feel honor and pride that in a few hours I would assume responsibility as Commodore of the Macatawa Bay Yacht Club. It is indeed an honor to follow in the footsteps of the many Past Commodores whose tireless efforts throughout the years has made MBYC the great yacht club it is. I particularly want to thank Commodore Jack Knoblauch for all the dedication and hard work he put forth during his watch overseeing major directional changes to our Club; the new Junior Sailing Center and the transition to a new General Manager. These are milestones in our Club’s history and we certainly had the right person at the helm to facilitate these events. I will do my best to keep us sailing on the lifted tack in 2013. It is also with pride that I look forward to working with new Rear Commodore Jeff Elhart, Vice Commodore Bob Malone, new Treasurer Tom Sligh, and the rest of the board with new members Alun Wilson and Scott Brooks and of course Julie Vanderveer our G.M. Running our Club successfully is a team effort and I know I have a great team in place for 2013. AWARDS: Awards for the 2012 sailing season were also presented the evening of October 20. You can find a list of the recipients in this issue. I have to offer special congratulations to Sufficient Reason and her crew who won a total of four major trophies this season. I also want to congratulate Michael Kiss and the crew of Bacio for winning their third consecutive Melges 20 National Championship out on blustery San Francisco Bay. Everyone on the Awards Michael Kiss repeated as Audi Melges M20 National Champion this fall. Pictured is Michael and crew in SanFrancisco with the trophy and his boat ‘Bacio’ under sail. Photos submitted by ‘Joy’ of the Melges PR organization.


List is a winner and does our Club proud both locally and nationally. Congratulations! 2013 Slip Contracts: I can’t encourage you strongly enough to return your 2013 slip contract and deposit by November 16, 2012. We have an extensive waiting list for slips and want to notify potential slip holders early on so they don’t commit non-refundable deposits elsewhere. Basically respond by the due date or risk losing your slip. Jim Ruehle: As you probably know Executive Chef Jim Ruehle will be leaving MBYC at the end of this year to pursue other opportunities. I want to thank Jim for all that he has done for MBYC over the years. Not only did Jim run the kitchen at the Club, but also pitched in wherever and whenever he was needed. You could find Jim shoveling snow off the walks, fixing broken kitchen equipment, helping with computer issues, raising and lowering the east patio tent and the list goes on. I know I will certainly miss Jim and wish him and his family all the best. Events: The Sailing Committee and the Social Committee have already held meetings planning for 2013. I can tell you we will once again be hosting major regattas at MBYC next summer and some exciting social events. Details will follow in the upcoming months. Here, however are some social events to put on your calendar now: Holiday Cocktail Party: Thursday, December 13 at 6:00pm Aloha Hawaii Party: Friday, January 18, 2013 In future months I will share with you some of the goals and objectives I have for 2013. Right now I want to thank all of you for your support, encourage you to forward ideas and concerns and if I don’t see you at the Holiday Cocktail Party wish you and your families a great Holiday Season. Let the fun begin!

Tom Slanec

Macatawa Bay

Ya c h t C l u b MBYC Flag Officers Commodore Tom Slanec Vice Commodore Bob Malone Rear Commodore Jeff Elhart

Board of Directors Immediate Past Commodore Jack Knoblauch Treasurer Tom Sligh Secretary Shae Kobs Director Kathy Day Director Alun Wilson Director MaryJane Schoenherr Director Dave Keegin Director Chris Krimendahl Director Gregg VandenBosch Director Scott Brooks Judge Advocate JD Stone

Management General Manager Executive Chef Outside Manager Restaurant Manager Wind Scoop Editor Web Scoop

Julie VanderVeer Jim Ruehle Douglas Knapp Irena Miller Jon Bontekoe Bob Standish Our cover photos were taken at the Junior Olympics Regatta held the club in October. It was chilly, blustery and everyone wore coats. The Junior Sailing Center was used to the utmost. JO Regatta photos by Doug Slade and Marcy Beyer. Jon Bontekoe, your Wind Scoop and Logbook editor is always looking to add another photographer to the list. You can email photos to Jon at: [email protected] or drop your photo CDs off at the club office to be forwarded in the mail. Reminder: It’s time to send in a new photo for the Logbook member photo section. Email photos to: [email protected]



Change of Watch and Sailing Awards dinner featured the 2013 flag officers pictured above, Tom Slanec and wife Coreen, Bob Malone and wife Mary (Mike), and Jeff Elhart and wife Cherie. Awards are listed on page 7. Photos by Marcy Beyer and Scott Slanec.


VICE CO M M O D O R E ’S REPORT The year in review and what big thank you to all of our new memeber sponsors. This is happens now! how our membership goals are achieved, one new member at a time. As I have said many times, membership is the life For the Bridge this has been blood of our club. It was exciting that we could welcome 30+ an interesting year. There new members last year, and we are confident we can reach have been many positive our 2013 membership goals. Marketing/Membership Chair changes for our club. So Gregg Vanden Bosch will explain in more detail the 2013 let’s take a look at what has goals of his committee in the next Wind Scoop. changed. Yes, we have a new Have a story to tell? dynamic General Manager, As mentioned it has been fun hearing the stories on why new Julie, who has been a joy to members became part of the fun at MBYC. But are there work with and who will current members with an MBYC story to tell? Would you continue to move our club forward with great enthusiasm. and/or your family like to share your story on why you joined, From discussions between our Finance Committee, Bridge or how much you enjoy your club? All you have to do is send and our outside accounting firm, we have found the need to us your article with an individual or family picture, and we upgrade our computers and software systems which will allow will be happy to share your story in a future Wind Scoop. All us to produce timely and accurate reports. These changes will such articles can be sent to [email protected]. improve our efficiency, cost-effectiveness and our accounting checks and balances. The Bridge and the Board are confident Thank you, and I am honored to be your Vice Commodore that this transition will move the club accounting operations for 2013 in a positive direction. Bob Malone Marketing and Membership Yes, even with the change to Vice-Commodore I will be involved in Membership and Marketing for another year. A



Out of curiosity I wanted to find out when I became a member of our great club MBYC. So, I decided to call my father who I thought would say something like, “gosh, I’m not really sure…it was so long ago.” But no, he said, “I know exactly when you became a member.” He continued on, “it was a short time after your mom and I mortgaged the house to start up our business Elhart Pontiac GMC in March 1965 that Mr. Jim Brooks stopped by to see me. He said, “Ken, you know your boys are young and are starting to enjoy the Junior Yacht Club and sailing. You should join MBYC.” My dad replied, “Jim, I just started this business and I don’t believe that I would be a good steward of my limited capital to join the club at this time. However, if things go well I promise to join next year.” Then dad told me the answer to my question, “So we joined in 1966.” He stayed as a member until 1986 while my wife Cherie and I joined on our own as junior members in 1983. Forty-six years later we still continue to enjoy the club.

Our family has always boated for as long as I can remember and still do today. We enjoy our power boating trips north each summer. When we’re not supporting the fuel docks with Wide Track we enjoy a little Hobie Cat sailing on the big lake. From a racing perspective, well I do have 3 coveted trophies from 1968 and 1970 from the July 4th Series, the July Series and the Kollen Park race skippering our Nipper. Add in a little JY-15 Friday night racing a few years ago and I’m a seasoned MBYC sailor. So I guess that my long time membership, my love for boating and my limited trophy case makes me qualified as your new Rear Commodore. As your Rear Commodore my role this year shall be to lead the Docks and Grounds Committee and House Committee. I of course welcome any and all comments and input from each of you. Thank you. I look forward to working with the Board, the staff, the members and the Flag over the next few years to continue our great tradition of family fun on and around the lake and the club.

Jeff Elhart

MBYC Sailing Awards 2012 Event/Trophy Section A: Junior Awards Commodore’s Award for Good Sportsmanship Travis Aiken Trophy (Junior Sailor) Clark Weersing Trophy (Opti Champ) 2012 West Michigan Youth Sailing Assoc Championship

Charlie Sligh Zac Beyer Caroline Sisson Team Macatawa

1st Place/Winner 2nd place 3rd place Section B: MBYC Sponsored Racing Kollen Park Race Melges 17 Mitchell Kiss Tony Tabb Michael Kiss JY 15 Cheney Phillip Norris Eric Ash PHRF Jean Bergman Graham Post Travis Sale MBYC Saturday Offshore Series (5 Sats) S2 7.9 Jack Smith (First) Padnos: K2 S2 7.9 Slade Family (Second) Bergman: Second Wind S2 7.9 Slade Family (Third) Schwarz: Ol’ Blue Eyes PHRF Saturday Offshore Series (3 Sats) (Peke Moore) Spinnaker Padnos: Sufficient Reason Knoblauch: Capricious Petter: Willie J JY-15 Friday Night Series David Sligh Jr Darren Lance Josie Cheney 110 (Sears Trophy ) Dan Nolan Womens Thursday JY15 Lois Sligh and Caddie Bradford Trophy (skipper) Josie Cheney Stacy Van Howe Rachel Sligh (crew) Julie Fredrickson Maggie Stone Karen Padnos Commodore’s Cup PHRF 1 McCain: Spirit Walker (MYC) Padnos: Sufficient Reason Knoblauch: Capricious Overall (Commodore’s Cup) McCain: Spirit Walker (MYC) Overall Second Place (Hollis Baker Trophy) Padnos: Sufficient Reason VanderLeek-Hospice Regatta (VanderLeek Cup) Spin 1 Padnos: Sufficient Reason Leonard: Quiet Refuge English: Tenacity Jib & Main Bremer: Watermark Malone: Shillelagh Van Tol: Tomfoolery Comfort Cruiser DeJong: Serenata Weston: Rerun Van Tol: Relentless Section C: Other Lake Michigan Racing Offshore: Mitena Cup (Best corrected finish in Queen’s Cup) Wilson: Shek O (20th Overall) Vigilant Trophy (Best corrected finish in Chi-Mac race) Padnos/Brand: Sufficient Reason (7th Overall) Section D: Other awards The Vedovell and Hillebrands Blue Water Cruising Award John and Linda Stephenson Nathan Bryant Service Award Jack and Linda Knoblauch

Social Committee News for 2013 by Coreen Slanec In conjunction with Changinge of the Watch, new committees are being formed with both new and former committee members, such as the Social Committee. This committee will be building on the social events that have been in place and are a tradition at our club, as well as trying new things. As I look back on the years past, you can see how we have grown as a social club as well as a boating club. Thank you Linda Knoblauch and your Social Committee for all the hard work you did this year. We will continue this tradition in the coming year.

I would like to also thank the ladies who have agreed to be on my Social Committee for the upcoming year. We have had one meeting already to brainstorm some new ideas and will be having another meeting to fine tune these ideas. Please read your Wind Scoop and check out our website at for more information regarding future social events. Please mark your calendars for the upcoming events: Thursday, December 13, 2012 Holiday Cocktail/Dinner Party 6PM Friday, January 18, 2013 Aloha! Hawaii

Queens Cup First boat to finish, Slivie Trophy DeVos: Windquest 3rd Division 6 Wilson: Sheko 2nd Division 7 R.VanTol: Relentless Chicago Mac 3rd Section 2 Thinschmidt: Tyrant 1st Section 3 Padnos: Sufficient Reason 3rd Farr 40 Huges: Heart breaker Anchorage Cup 1st Spin 1 Padnos: Sufficient Reason 3rd Spin 1 Bremer: True 2nd Spin 4 Slanec: Talaria 3rd Spin 4 Holt: Tailwind Clipper Cup Cancelled


Macatawa Bay Yacht Club 2157 South Shore Drive Macatawa, Michigan 49434

Social Events November-December Saturday November 24 Rivalry Saturday: Mich v Ohio St Thursday December 13 Holiday Cocktail Party Early Preview: Friday January 18, 2013 Aloha Hawaii Party








November - December 2012 Race Events Social Events Private Parties







































Windscoop 18 Copy Due





24 30









Rivalry Saturday Mich v Ohio St

1 Hanukkah Begins










Holiday Cocktail Party