Winter Activity Challenge - Children's University Scotland

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Write a paragraph answering these questions;. 1. What is ... MAKE YOUR OWN COMPUTER. GAME. Head to: ... own computer gam

Winter Activity Challenge 1. GET CREATIVE

DESIGN AN ESCAPE ROOM SAVE THE PLANET AT CHRISTMAS Make an escape room game for your CHRISTMAS BAKE-OFF Make an advent calendar full of mini friends and family. The players must Make a time-lapse OR act out a Christmas gifts which are made of solve riddles, clues and puzzles to cookery show of yourself baking recycled materials. Collect plastic, ‘escape’ the room. Make some fun some Christmas treats. Make your paper and cardboard that would but challenging puzzles or clues to performance or video fun and easy normally go in the recycling bin and solve. Remember to give your room to follow, so others can learn how to decorate them to make them into a fun name and decorate it with a make the recipe by watching. fun games or toys. theme. Thanks to Eliza Alksne age 11 from QMU CU for suggesting this activity!

Thanks to Maia Solomon age 11 from QMU CU for suggesting this activity!

Thanks to Isla Smith age 9 from QMU CU for suggesting this activity!

2. GET SCIENTIFIC BE A CITIZEN SCIENTIST BLUE PLANET Fancy helping to conduct some realPerform a talk to your friends or life science? Pick one or more family OR make a mini-documentary Zooniverse project(s) at: about one of our oceans and the to take part amazing animal and plant life that in. Write a paragraph answering lives there. What are the main these questions; problems facing our ocean life, and 1. What is citizen science? what can we do to help protect 2. What do scientists want to find them? You can order a free poster out about from your chosen from Blue Planet 2 here: project? Why is your chosen project OpenLearn-Open-University.html important?

LEGO ICE EXCAVATION Freeze a Lego figure in water. You’ll need to do this in a safe plastic container (like a plastic bottle, ice tray or box). Once the figure is frozen, pretend you’re an archaeologist trying to excavate the Lego ‘fossil’ from the ice. Try different ways to get the figure out of the ice without damaging it. Which of the ways you’ve tried do you think would work best if you were trying to excavate a real fossil from ice?

3. GET ONLINE GRATITUDE WITH ATTITUDE Complete the Gratitude with Attitude meditation from Do-Be CREATIVE CODING Mindful at least 4 times this winter, Make a birthday card using HTML & using this Do-Be Mindful Soundcloud CSS coding! Go to: track:



make your very the Keep a diary in the Christmas own computer game! project instructions step-by-step. holidays where you write about Show the finished birthday card to something or someone your grateful Write a short summary of your game your teacher to collect your credit. for every day. that will make other children your age want to play!

GB/webdev/happy-birthday/ and follow

Do-Be Mindful provide schools, teachers and parents with the tools to practice mindfulness in a fun, engaging way.

maker, and learn to

4. DISCOVER THE PAST HORRIBLE HISTORIES Go to your local library and pick up a Horrible Histories book. Write down three gruesome facts that you learn, and another two false (yet, believable) ‘facts’ that are made up. Play a game of historical truth or lie with your family, and see if they can guess which facts are real.

OH, CHRISTMAS TREE! LEARN ABOUT WORLD WAR I When we think of Christmas, we Did you know 2018 will mark 100 think of a beautiful green tree with years since the end of World War I? lots of bright lights and colourful Complete one of these decorations, but do you know the downloadable poster templates and history of the Christmas tree? Do learn about WWI. Submit your some research to find out why we poster to the Inspiring Purpose bring a tree into our house and awards for a chance to win! Click decorate it. Why not ask an older the link to get started: relative how they decorated their tree when they were your news/item/187-childrens-university-activity age?

5. GET OUTDOORs WINTER OLYMPICS WINTER INTO SPRING Host your very own winter Olympics Pick a small area in your garden, in your garden or local park. Make local park or woodland. Visit this up fun winter games for your area regularly over the winter, friends and family to play outdoors. keeping a journal of the changes How about a sledge pulling race, you see. You could write, sketch or Christmas bauble bowling or paint the changes, or create a timesnowman decorating contest (if lapse or video blog to share with there’s no snow, nominate a friend others. What changes do you notice to be the snowman)? Write down the most as winter turns into the rules of your games so you can spring? play again next year.

GET CRAFTY WITH NATURE Collect branches, pine cones, holly, twigs and leaves to make your own mini Christmas tree or wreath. Use string to tie together your beautiful Christmas creation. Make sure you ask an adult before collecting your materials and wear sensible clothing (including gardening gloves).

Why not get in touch? Children’s University Scotland, 21 Castle St (2nd Floor), Edinburgh EH2 3DN. Email: [email protected] Children’s University Scotland (also known as CU Trust Scotland) is a registered Scottish charity (No. SC043974) and is a company limited by guarantee.