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Gates Recreation & Parks Activities
Winter-Spring 2016 Registration begins January 4th for residents
Creating Community Through People, Programs and Parks
Department Information REGISTRATION BEGINS on Monday, January 4th for residents unless otherwise noted. Non-residents may register beginning on Friday, January 15th unless otherwise noted.
OFFICE HOURS Monday – Friday, 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM Thursday evening until 7:00 PM
Programs conducted in school facilities are cancelled when Gates Chili Schools are closed. Recreation program status is updated on the 24-hour Program Information Service at 426-1670. Programs cancelled due to poor weather conditions will be reported on WHAM 13 & CW TV, and Clear Channel Rochester radio stations. Also please check our Facebook page as well.
PHONE (585) 247-6100, ext. 235 FAX (585) 247-1220 24-HOUR INFORMATION PHONE (585) 426-1670 E-MAIL ADDRESS
[email protected]
Follow us on Facebook at Gates-Recreation-and-Parks-Department
And Twitter at
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GATES RECREATION & PARKS STAFF....... PHONE EXT. Linda T. Fowler, CPRP, Director ....................................... 237 Cindy L. Briggs, APRP, Recreation Supervisor................ 236 Stacie M. Paris, Recreation Supervisor............................ 234 Kim Vogler, APRP, Adult Services Coordinator............... 232 Dawn Steffenilla, Senior Services Assistant.................... 287 Linda Saraceni, Recreation & Parks Secretary................ 235 GATES RECREATION & PARKS COMMISSION Rhoda E. Ride, Chairperson Gregory Westbrook, Vice Chairperson Eileen Andrews Abramo Bianchi Rob Keister Steve Murphy John Unson GATES TOWN BOARD Mark W. Assini, Supervisor Frank Allkofer, Deputy Supervisor Lee Cordero, Councilman Christopher DiPonzio, Councilman Richard Warner, Councilman 247-6100 ext. 235
Mission Sta
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Department Information...................1 Special Events.............................. 2-4
As we begin a new season and a new year, I encourage you to stay active during the cold winter months. To help you accomplish this, our staff has planned a great variety of programs and events for all ages to enjoy. There is no better time than now to pledge for a healthy lifestyle for the New Year and beyond. With this in mind, I would like to ask you to take a few moments to fill out and return our short survey on pages 18-19 so we can help you in maintaining a healthy lifestyle. The department, with the help of the Gates Recreation & Parks Commission, is updating our 5-year Master Plan and we want to hear from you as to what activities and amenities are most important to you and your family. I look forward to seeing you at one or many of our upcoming programs.
Linda Fowler
Pre-school Activities......................5-6 Youth Activities..............................6-8 Adult Activities............................8-14 Adults 50+ Activities.................15-16 Recreation Center Information........17 Town Parks......................................17 Master Plan Survey....................18-19 Shelter & Pavilion Rental Information..........................20 Community Contacts......................20 Registration Information.................21 Registration Form...........................22
Linda T. Fowler, CPRP Director of Recreation & Parks
Community Information.................23
Winter FUN Fest Bring the whole family and get out of the house to enjoy our great Winter Wonderland filled with activities for all. Try out some cross country skis, build a snowman, go for a snowmobile ride, courtesy of Hilton Sno-Flyers Snowmobile Club, try our snow games or enjoy our toasty bonfire complete with complimentary hot chocolate and S’mores! The Westgate shelter will be open for warming up too! All activities are FREE. No registration is required. Children under 13 years of age must be accompanied by a responsible adult. For: All ages, youth must be accompanied by an adult Date: Sunday, January 31 Time: 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM Location: Westgate Park, 1489 Howard Road 247-6100 ext. 235
Special Events Gates Popular Pizza Party
Family Movie Nights
Who makes the best pizza in Gates? Come to our 2nd Annual Gates Popular Pizza Party and you can decide! Local Gates pizza parlors will be presenting samples for you to taste and to vote on. Space is limited. GATES RESIDENTS ONLY. All children must be accompanied by a responsible adult.
Come to the Gates Community Center with your family and enjoy an indoor movie! There will be mats spread out in front for children to sit on and you may bring blankets and/or chairs. Refreshments will be available for a small fee. Please no outside food or beverages. Check our Facebook page for movie title announcements. For: All ages, youth must be accompanied by an adult Date: Friday, January 29 & April 8 Time: 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM Location: Recreation Center Common Area @ Gates Community Center
Family Fun Bowling Day
Course #11175A For: Ages 4 years and over Date: Monday, February 29 Time: 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM Fee: $5.00 Location: Gates Community Center Annex
This is a great event for all ages. Bring your family and friends and join Gates Recreation & Parks for a special afternoon of recreational bowling fun. Fee includes 2 games and shoe rental. Door prizes will be given. Bumpers will be available. Children must be accompanied by a responsible adult. Please register in advance for this event and list your lane mates so that we can put the groups together.
Easter Egg Hunt
Course #11730A For: Ages 5 years and over Date: Sunday, March 13 Time: 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM Fee: $6.00 per person Location: AMF Gates Lanes, 645 Spencerport Road
Kenneth R. Kemp 48th Annual Come join the Easter Bunny at the 48th Annual Easter Egg Hunt! Children will be divided into age groups and sent out onto the indoor fields in a hunt for candy and prize tokens. Enjoy entertainment for the whole family following the hunt. Then take a few minutes to visit with some furry friends from the Humane Society at Lollypop Farm. This event is for GATES RESIDENTS ONLY! Please note our location is indoors at Unity Health Total Sports Experience. Bring a basket or bag to collect your goodies! No pre-registration is required. For: Date: Time: Location:
247-6100 ext. 235
Ages 3 - 8 years, accompanied by a responsible adult. Saturday, March 26 10:00 AM (Please arrive by 9:50 AM) Unity Health Total Sports Experience, 880 Elmgrove Road
Special Events Friends’ Euchre Tournaments
Sponsored by the Friends of Gates Recreation and Parks Department.
Join us for an evening of FUN Euchre! and “friendly” Euchre at one or both of our tournaments this winter. Register early so you don’t miss out as space is limited. These are singles progressive tour naments where partners change every 20 minutes. The fee includes your first beverage and snacks. ADVANCED REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED and will be taken at the Recreation & Parks Office or by mail, with checks payable to “Friends of Gates Recreation and Parks”. Call Gates Recreation & Parks Department at 2476100, ext. 234 for more information.
Community Garage Sale We all know that one person’s trash is another person’s treasure, right? So register now and begin clearing your home of unwanted items. Participants will have their own space and will be responsible for the sale of their own merchandise. You may choose to purchase up to two spaces. Those who choose to sell outside are required to bring their own tables or stands, and it is suggested that you bring a 10 x 10 tent. In addition to our usual refreshments, we will be cooking hot dogs outside for sale!
For: Dates: Time: Fee: Location:
For: Ages 18 years and over Date: Saturday, May 14 Time: 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM Resident Fee: Course # 11460A Indoor Space $15 Non-Res Fee: $21 Course # 11460B Outdoor Space $10 Non-Res Fee: $16 Location: Gates Community Center, 1605 Buffalo Rd
Age 21 years and over Course #11911A Saturday, January 16 Course #11911B Saturday, March 19 6:00 PM - 10:00 PM $15 Hidden Valley Club House, 199 Hidden Valley Rd
Boating Safety Course for All Boaters All Personal Watercraft Operators, born on or after 5/1/96, are required to successfully complete an approved course in boater education in order to operate a motorboat. This course will be beneficial for any boater wishing to learn more about the rules of the “road”, reading buoys, boat handling, and other boating safety related topics. Attendance at all 4 classes is mandatory. Course instruction is provided by the United States Coast Guard Auxiliary, Flotilla 04-08.
Community Garage Sale Fundraiser Do you have a lot of unwanted items but don’t have the time to polish them up, sort and price them? Let us do the work. Donate your items to the Friends of Gates Recreation & Parks to help them raise funds. Donations can be brought in after April 18th. Items will be cleaned and put out for sale on Saturday, May 14th. Tax receipts will be given for donated items.
Course # 12005A For: Ages 10 years and over, under age 14 must be accompanied by an adult Dates: Tuesdays & Thursdays, April 26 – May 5 (4 Classes) Time: 6:30 PM – 9:00 PM Fee: $35 Location: Recreation Center Room B
“Best Offer” Left Over Garage Sale Any items that do not sell at our Community Garage Sale and are donated to us will be put out for a one-time left over sale on Monday, May 16th. Come in and see what treasures you can find. Bargains are sure to be found and proceeds go to the Friends of Gates Recreation & Parks. For: All Date: Monday, May 16 Time: 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM Location: Gates Recreation Center – Room A
247-6100 ext. 235
Preschool Activities Munchkin Madness Does your child enjoy hands-on activities? Then come and enjoy a number of weekly themed activities and crafts. Once the children are done with their craft, there will be time for them to play with the many toys and games around the room. Please bring a shirt to get messy in. Children must be accompanied by a responsible adult. Each session is 8 classes and all classes are held in the Recreation Center Craft Area. MORNING CLASSES Dates: Session A - Wednesdays, Jan. 20 - March 16 (No class Feb. 17) Session B - Wednesdays, April 6 - May 25 For: Ages 1 to 2 years - Course #13147 Time: 9:30 AM - 10:30 AM
Winter Wonderland Join Miss Stacie as we celebrate winter. We will have a craft and a story that will be themed around the winter season! Children must be accompanied by a responsible adult.
For: Ages 3 to 5 years - Course #13148 Time: 10:45 AM - 11:45 AM Fee:
$16 each session
EVENING CLASS For: Ages 1 to 5 years Dates: Course # 13149A Thursdays, Jan. 21 - March 17 (No class Feb.18) Course # 13149B Thursdays, April 7 - May 26 Time: 6:15 PM - 7:15PM Fee: $16 each session
Hearts & Stars Join Miss Stacie as we celebrate Valentine’s Day. We will have a craft and a story that will be themed around the different shapes used around the holiday! Children must be accompanied by a responsible adult.
Preschool Play A large room filled with toys, mats, scooters, slides, tunnels, puzzles, blocks and other play equipment; what more could you ask for? This is a wonderful opportunity for your children to get out of the house, get exercise and interact with other children their age. Parent/Guardian supervision is required. GATES RESIDENTS ONLY. REGISTRATION REQUIRED AND PLEASE REGISTER FOR 1 DAY ONLY. Children must be accompanied by a responsible adult.
Course # 13714B For: Ages 2 – 4 Date: Friday, February 12 Time: 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM Fee: $5 Location: Recreation Center Craft Area
For Ages 1 to 5 years Fee: Free Location: Rec. Center Pre-School Area
Shamrock Fest Join Miss Stacie as we celebrate St. Patrick’s Day. We will be preparing snacks, including our favorite Shamrock Shake, just in time for the holiday. Please note any food allergies upon registration. Children must be accompanied by a responsible adult.
Mornings: 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM Course # 13266A - Tuesdays, January 19 - March 15 (No class on Feb 16) Course # 13266B - Thursdays, January 21 – March 17 (No class on Feb. 18) Course # 13266D - Tuesdays, April 5 - May 24 Course # 13266E - Thursdays, April 7 – May 26
Course # 13714C For: Ages 2 – 4 Date: Friday, March 11 Time: 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM Fee: $5 Location: Recreation Center Craft Area
Evenings: 5:30 PM – 7:30 PM Course # 13266C - Tuesdays, January 19 - March 15 (No class on Feb 16) Course # 13266F - Tuesdays, April 5 - May 24 247-6100 ext. 235
Course # 13714A For: Ages 2 – 4 Date: Friday, January 22 Time: 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM Fee: $5 Location: Recreation Center Craft Area
Preschool Activities Flower Power
Melody Kids
Join Miss Stacie as we celebrate the season of spring. We will have a craft and story based on spring season and flowers! Children must be accompanied by a responsible adult.
Wouldn’t your child or children enjoy singing, dancing, exploring simple instruments (egg shakers, jingle bells & rhythm sticks) and creating fun songs? This class is created for young children and parents to learn musical skills. Come join Miss Brenda for a fun musical time. Miss Brenda, of Melody Kids who has a MA degree in Education and many years of experience teaching young children, as well as many years of studying cello and voice, will be your instructor for this fun class. Children must be accompanied by a responsible adult.
Course # 13714D For: Ages 2 – 4 Date: Friday, April 15 Time: 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM Fee: $5 Location: Recreation Center Craft Area
Course # 13841A Course # 13841B For: Time: Fee: Location:
Summer Treats Join Miss Stacie as we get ready for summer break! We will be preparing snacks that you can enjoy throughout the summertime! Please note any food allergies upon registration. Children must be accompanied by a responsible adult.
Dates: Mondays, Jan. 25 – Feb. 29 (5 Classes – No Class on Feb. 15) Dates: Mondays, March 7 – April 11 (5 Classes – No Class on March 28) Ages 6 to 48 months 10:00 AM - 10:45 AM $26 Recreation Center Room B
Course # 13714E For: Ages 2 – 4 Date: Friday, May 20 Time: 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM Fee: $5 Location: Recreation Center Craft Area
Youth Activities Babysitting Class
Looking for a Qualified Babysitter?
Do you have what it takes to be a responsible babysitter? You will after taking this course. Learn what you need to know and what every parent wants in a responsible babysitter. You will learn childcare, safety and first aid topics through fun activities, exciting videos, guest speakers, lively discussions and real-life problem-solving situations. Please bring a pen or pencil to take notes and a bag lunch. Gates Police Officer, Lance Duffy, is your instructor.
Gates Recreation and Parks Department is offering a Babysitting Instruction Course Saturday, February 6. This is an extensive course providing youth ages 11 years and over instruction in being a qualified babysitter. One portion of the course is the opportunity to obtain some experience dealing with real infants and toddlers. We are in need of four or five parents with a child 18 months or under, who would be willing to bring the child (and any siblings) to this class for an hour to provide information on what they look for in a babysitter. This also provides the class members an opportunity to experience a real baby. Instructions will be given beforehand to anyone interested. Please contact the Recreation & Parks Department at 247-6100, ext. 236 or e-mail
[email protected], for further information on this great opportunity to meet some of the babysitters in our area.
Course # 14000A: For: Age 11 years and over Date: Saturday, February 6 Time: 9:00 AM - 3:30 PM Fee: $22 Location: Training Center @ Gates Ambulance Headquarters, 1001 Elmgrove Road
Jelly Bean Guessing Contest A small jar of jellybeans will be placed in the Gates Recreation Center beginning on February 22nd. Guess the number of jellybeans in the jar; fill out the form and place it in the box. Winner will receive the jelly beans in the jar and a gift certificate. Stop by and take a guess! This contest is for children 12 years and younger and ends on March 24th.
247-6100 ext. 235
Youth Activities Youth Dance Instruction
Hip Hop - Beginner
Our Winter/Spring Dance season runs from January to May and lessons are progressive. These classes will allow new students to join in Session A only in the winter season. There will be a Dance Recital to showcase all of our students on Saturday, May 28. New dancers with previous experience wishing to join, please call to set up an audition for class placement prior to registering. Instruction is provided by the American Dance Academy.
Get moving! Hip Hop is a combination of street dance and jazz funk. The class requires high energy. Each class begins with warm ups. Participants will be taught a hip hop routine for performance at our May Dance Recital. Class attire: comfortable clothes. No class on February 20, April 2. For: Ages 8 to 13 years Dates: #14811A Saturday, January 9 – February 27 (No class on: Feb 20 -7 Classes) Fee: $48 #14811B Saturday, March 5 – April 16 (No class on: April 2 - 6 Classes) Fee: $42 #14811C Saturday, April 23 – May 28 Fee: $42 Time: 2:15 PM - 2:44 PM Location: Gates Community Center Large Meeting Room
Tap, Ballet & Gymnastics Beginner/Level 1 These enjoyable non-competitive yet structured classes will follow a graded syllabus of dance. Each class will begin with warm up exercises. All classes are progressive. Please sign up for Session A if you plan on attending later sessions. Class attire: light pink leotard, pink tights, pink leather ballet shoes, tap shoes. No class on February 20, April 2. For:
Ages: 4 to 7 years
Dates: #14810A Saturday, January 9 – February 27 Fee: $55 (No class on: Feb 20 -7 Classes)
#14810B Saturday, March 5 – April 16 Fee: $48 (No class on: April 2 - 6 Classes)
#14810C Saturday, April 23 – May 28 Fee: $48
Kids Night Out This monthly program gives kids the chance to enjoy a special evening away from their parents in a fun and safe environment! We will have games, crafts, movies, snacks and many different activities. Please register early to assure these programs run. Each month will showcase a different theme or activity. For: Time: Fee: Location:
Time: 10:30 AM - 11:10 AM Location: Recreation Center Room A Tap, Ballet & Gymnastics Level 2
Course # 14260A Gaga Ball Tournament on Friday, January 22
These enjoyable non-competitive yet structured classes will follow a graded syllabus of dance. Each class will begin with warm up exercises. All classes are progressive. 2 plus years of previous instruction required to attend. You must sign up for Session A to be eligible for participation in further classes. Class attire: light pink leotard, pink tights, pink leather ballet shoes, tap shoes. No class on February 20, April 2. For:
Ages 5 to 14 years 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM $6 (per person) Gates Recreation Center Common Area
Course # 14260B Winter Wonderland on Friday, February 26 Course # 14260C Lucky Charms on Friday, March 18 Course # 14260D Life size Board Games on Friday, April 29
Ages 5 to 7 years
Dates: #14820A Saturday, January 9 – February 27 Fee: $55 (No class on: Feb 20 -7 Classes) #14820B Saturday, March 5 – April 16 Fee: $48 (No class on: April 2 - 6 Classes)
#14820C Saturday, April 23 – May 28 Fee: $48
Time: 9:45 AM- 10:25 AM Location: Recreation Center Room A 247-6100 ext. 235
Youth Activities February Recess Camp
Spring Recess Camp
Join some of our Gates Activity Program staff as we engage kids in trips, visits and fun activities during the February School Recess. Each day will include a snack, lunch time (please bring a bag lunch daily unless notified otherwise), group activities, outside time, and crafts. Upon registration, detailed daily schedules and any authorization or informational forms will be mailed out. In order to assure that we provide this camp, we encourage that you register as soon as possible. The theme for this week is Pixar Movies! Tentative trips include Adventure Landing, Strong Museum and Total Sports Experience.
Join some of our Gates Activity Program staff as we engage kids in trips, visits and fun activities during the Spring School Recess. Each day will include a snack, lunch time (please bring a bag lunch daily unless notified otherwise), group activities, outside time, and crafts. Upon registration, detailed daily schedules and any authorization or informational forms will be mailed out. In order to assure that we provide this camp, we encourage that you register as soon as possible. The theme for this week is Around the World! Tentative trips include Rochester Museum and Science Center, Corning Museum of Glass and Total Sports Experience.
Course # 14461A For: Ages 5 to 14 years Dates: Monday – Friday, February 15 - 19 Time: 7:30 AM - 5:30 PM Fee: $100 Resident, $125 non-resident Location: Gates Recreation Center Common Area
Course # 14461B For: Ages 5 to 14 years Dates: Monday – Friday, March 28 – April 1 Time: 7:30 AM - 5:30 PM Fee: $100 Resident, $125 non-resident Location: Gates Recreation Center Common Area
Adult Activities Beginner’s Crocheting and Knitting Class
Adult Traveling Golf League- 9 & 18 Hole
This beginner class will be tailored to the class participants. Projects will include, dish clothes, pot holders, hats, scarves, mittens, Amigurumi animals and Christmas ornaments. Bring a friend and accept a challenge. Do not be afraid if you are left handed. Patterns and some supplies will be furnished.
This pay-as-you-go golf league will begin in May and play a different local golf course each month through the end of August. Our four golf courses will be announced when confirmed. Tee times will be on Wednesday mornings. Interested persons should register by April 20th so that groups can be organized. Please indicate your level of play and any requests to be placed with another player. Once the tee times are set they will be emailed to you. The league fee is $15 and greens fees will vary dependent on chosen courses. Price includes end-of-season luncheon. Late registrations are accepted in person only at the Recreation & Parks Office if space allows.
Course # 15717A For: Adults and Home Schooled students in grade 6 or older Dates: Tuesdays, January 26 - March 22 (No class February 16 - 8 weeks) Time: 9:30 AM - 11:30 AM Fee: $10 Location: Recreation Center Room B
For: Ages 18 years and over Dates: Wednesdays, May 4 – August 24 Fee: $15 Course # 15626A 9 Hole League Time: 8:00 AM - 11:00 AM Course # 15626B 18 Hole League Time: 7:30 AM - 11:30 AM
247-6100 ext. 235
Adult Activities Qi Gong (Chinese Yoga) for Optimum Health
Qi Gong is over 5000 years old and has its roots in Chinese medicine. It explores the connection between the mind, body, and spirit. The gentle movements stretch and strengthen muscles, improve balance and flexibility, and reduce inflammation in joints. It greatly improves the circulation of blood and oxygen throughout the body and helps to remove toxins. The sessions will include slow, controlled, gentle movements that are easy to learn with emphasis on awareness and deep breathing. Your instructor for this program is Usah Shah.
Gentle Yoga Balance and harmony in the body, mind and spirit are facilitated through the experience of Kripalu Yoga. Conscience awareness of the body, both without and within, is enhanced through Hatha Yoga postures, breathing techniques and meditation. Combined in a form that is gentle enough for almost everyone, these practices promote stress reduction, increase self-awareness, and invite deep relaxation. Wear loose comfortable clothing and bring a blanket or mat to class. Your instructor, Noreen Lambert, is a Certified Kripalu Yoga instructor.
Course # 15697A For: Ages 18 years and over Dates: Mondays, March 7 – April 4 Time: 6:30 PM - 7:45 PM Fee: $45 Location: Recreation Center Room A
Tai Chi Tai Chi originates from ancient China. It was originally designed as an effective means of selfdefense and combat. As this martial art has evolved, practitioners have learned to use slower and “softer” movements to enhance the health benefits derived from Tai Chi practice. The slow movements are often described as “meditation in movement”. Mental focus, balance, flexibility, relaxation and confidence can all be improved and enhanced by training in this amazing martial art. Tai Chi can be learned by the young and old alike. This class will provide you the opportunity to learn a centuries old form of exercise to gain greater relaxation and improved health. Come meet our instructors, Sensei Mark Glover and Sensei David Root.
Course # 156958 For: Ages 18 years and over Dates: Thursdays, February 25 – April 28 Time: 11:00 AM - 12:15 PM Fee: $86 Location: Recreation Center Room A
Healing & Transformative Power of Meditation
Meditation is not just about being quiet nor is it about the absence of challenges. It is about being the witness or observer of one’s life experiences. Through increasing awareness, we learn to transcend the ego that thrives on drama, pain and suffering. Meditation develops concentration and promotes deep relaxation, with the brain emitting alpha and theta waves. These waves have the power to calm the mind, relax the body and balance and harmonize the discordant energies within us. When we allow meditation to become a part of our lives, we are in reality reconnecting to the sacred silence that resides in us and allows the inner peace to permeate in our outer life. The sessions will include the use of the crystal singing bowls and how these sounds can expedite one’s healing and transformation. Your instructor is Usah Shah.
Course # 15663A For: Ages 18 years and over Dates: Fridays, January 29 – March 18 Time: 10:00 AM- 11:30 AM Fee: $25 Location: Recreation Center Room A
Course # 15696A Wednesdays, March 2 – March 30 Course # 15696B Wednesdays, April 5 – May 4 For: Time: Fee: Location:
Ages 18 years and over 6:30 PM - 7:45 PM $45 Recreation Center Room A
247-6100 ext. 235
Adult Activities Aromatherapy/Essential Oils Nature provides us with an abundance of wonderful healing scents from flowers, fruits, leaves, barks, stems, seeds, and roots. Aromatherapy is the art and science of distilling and combining their essences to create blends that help bring the body, mind, and spirit into balance. Our instructors Bonnie O’Neill, RN and Sandra Vatter RN are offering a series of classes for you to explore Essential Oils. Register for one class or all five. All classes include a slide presentation, handouts, a personal wellness consultation appointment - and free sample of an essential oil per attendee. For: Ages 18 and over Time: 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM Fee: $13 each class Location: Recreation Center Room B Moods and Emotions
Research shows that aromas can have great effects on reducing stress levels, depression and anxiety. They will help with increasing energy, improving sleep and mood. Essential oils can also help with Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) during winter months. This class includes a slide presentation, handouts and a free sample of an uplifting essential oil per attendee. Participants may also sign-up for a free personal wellness consult.
Essential oils are a natural, safe alternative to conventional cleaning solutions. They have anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-fungal properties for a wide variety of every day cleaning tasks. Essential oils can help combat household odors, mold, bacteria and viruses. Fill your home with real scents from nature. You may even feel more energetic and healthy breathing in your own custom scented cleansers after a day of cleaning! Reduce the toxins in your home environment and make it much safer for children too! This class includes a slide presentation, handouts, recipes and free sample of an essential oil that can be used in cleaning.
Course # 15003A Date: Wednesday, January 27 Using Essential Oils in Cooking
Course # 15003D Date: Wednesday, April 6
Essential oils can provide amazing flavor to any dish. Many essential oils can be used in recipes and may replace fresh herbs and spices. In this class you will learn which oils can be used safely in food; when to add them and how much; and which utensils and containers should be used with them. You will have an opportunity to taste different types of foods enhanced with essential oils. Learn cooking tips and get answers to frequently asked questions about using essential oils in recipes. This class includes a slide presentation, handouts, recipes and free sample of an essential oil that can be used in cooking.
Allergies Spring will soon be here and that means many fabulous things. The outdoor world comes alive with beautiful green foliage, blooming flowers, and grass. It is a beautiful timeunless you suffer from seasonal allergies! Spring is also known for bringing on sneezing, watery eyes, swollen sinuses and discomfort for many allergy sufferers. Essential oils with anti-histamine, anti-inflammatory and anti-allergen properties can help reduce uncomfortable symptoms. This class includes a slide presentation, handouts and free sample of an essential oil blend that is specifically for allergies. Participants may also sign-up for a personal wellness consult.
Course # 15003B Date: Wednesday, February 24 Balancing Body Systems
Course # 15003E Date: Wednesday, April 27
Learn about the complex systems of our body, how they relate to each other and how you can support each one to attain greater comfort, function and health. Essential oils provide the healing properties of plants in a very concentrated form to help the body heal itself. They help by supporting body, mind, and spirit. Use of essential oils may also help relieve pain and improve overall immune function. This class includes a slide presentation, handouts, plus hand and foot reflexology charts. Participants may also sign-up for a personal wellness consult. Course # 15003C Date: Wednesday, March 16 247-6100 ext. 235
Adult Activities National Scrapbooking Day & Crafting Weekend
Do you enjoy scrapbooking? Come join us for a full weekend of scrapbooking. You can set up Friday evening scrap, go home and then return both Saturday and Sunday to work on your projects. No need to pack up. The room will be kept set up and locked at night. Saturday you can scrap from 9:00 am until 11:00 pm and Sunday 9:00 am to 5:00 pm. Cost is for full week end. If you can only attend one day cost is $25 for the day. Cost includes coffee break both Saturday and Sunday, Lunch Saturday and goodie bag from our Scrapbooking consultant, Barb Natalie. Course # 15771A For: Ages 16 and over Date: Friday, April 22 Time: 5:00 PM – 11:00 PM Date: Saturday, April 23 Time: 9:00 AM – 11:00 PM Date: Sunday, April 24 Time: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM Fee: $50 Location: Recreation Center
Bob Ross Painting Have you ever wanted to try your hand at painting a picture? Have you painted before and want to get back into it? Here is your chance! Join us as we learn the techniques of painter Bob Ross. We will have step-by-step instruction to paint a 16 x 20 landscape picture. Our instructor is Kathryn Lynda Nuss, a certified Bob Ross and Donna Dewberry instructor. She has taught at Hobby Lobby and AC Moore. All supplies will be included. A sample of the painting is on display at the Gates Community Center.
Beginner Ballroom Dancing for Weddings
Course # 15761A Monday, April 4 – “In the Stillness of Morning” Course # 15761B Monday, May 9 – “First Snow”
Learn the basics of some popular social ballroom dances. Foxtrot, Waltz, Rumba, Swing and Hustle will be introduced. No experience is necessary. Couples and singles welcome. Your instructor is Christy Burda.
For: Time: Fee: Location:
Course # 15810A Course # 15810B
Ages 18 years and over 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM $50 Recreation Center Room A
Jar Candles
For: Time: Fee: Location:
Come learn how to make jar candles with beautiful color and scent. In this class you will learn how to melt the wax safely, how to get the perfect color, how much scent is needed per lb. of wax, and how to wick your candle. Students will have a choice of 2 different scents, fruit or floral. Each person will take home two 8 oz. jar candles with lids. Your instructor will be Renee Cassidy. She has been making candles for family and friends for many years.
Ages 18 years and over 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM $36 Gates Community Center Large Meeting Room
Gates Ballroom Club Join us for a fun-filled class. Expand on your social dance knowledge. Brush up on steps and techniques. Prior experience is necessary. Possible dances covered: Foxtrot, Waltz, Rumba, Swing, Hustle, Tango, Mambo, Cha-cha and Merengue. Couples and singles welcome. Your instructor is Christy Burda. No class 2/19
Course # 15720A For: Ages 18 and over Date: Friday, April 15 Time: 6:30 PM – 9:00 PM Fee: $18 Location: Recreation Center Craft Area
247-6100 ext. 235
Fridays, January 22 – March 4 (No class 2/19) Fridays, March 11 – April 22 (No class 3/25)
Course # 15810C Course # 15810D For: Time: Fee: Location: 11
Fridays, January 22 – March 4 (No class 2/19) Fridays, March 11 – April 22 (No class 3/25)
Ages 18 years and over 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM $36 Gates Community Center Large Meeting Room
Adult Activities Euchre Club
Project Night
If you are looking for a time and place to play Euchre in Gates, then come out every Monday to the Gates Community Center. You can come and go as you please with our drop-in format. Pre-registration is required.
Do you like to do crafts, knitting, sewing, etc.? Do you find it hard to find time at home to work on it? Come join us at the Recreation Center on the 3rd Tuesday of the month to work on your projects and socialize with others without the distractions of home or TV. Bring whatever you want to work on and even bring something to snack on if you want. Maybe you are doing something that others would love to learn. We will have time for sharing skills if interested or sometimes we’ll bring in instructors to teach us something new. This is a free program; but, we ask you to sign up so we know who might be coming.
Course # 45020A For: Ages 18 years and over Dates: Mondays, January 4 – May 2 (No class on Jan 18, Feb 15) Time: 11:00 AM - 2:30 PM Fee: Free Location: Gates Community Center Large Meeting Room
Course # 45750A For: Ages 16 years and over Dates: Third Tuesday, January 19 – April 19 Time: 6:30 PM - 9:00 PM Fee: Free Location: Recreation Center Common Area
Non Competitive Euchre Club If you are looking for a time and place to play a relaxed game of Euchre in Gates, then come out every Wednesday to the Gates Community Center. You can come and go as you please with our drop-in format. Pre-registration is required. Course # 45020B For: Ages 18 years and over Dates: Wednesdays, January 13 – May 4 Time: 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM Fee: Free Location: Gates Community Center Annex Room
Line Dancing Instructor Jerry Carmen will be here to get you moving and swinging. It’s a fun way to exercise. Beginners are always welcome. All participants must initially register with the Recreation and Parks Department each session. An initial program fee of $5.00 will be collected at the beginning of each session at the time of registration. A $2 fee per week will be paid to the instructor at each class. Course # 16243A For: Ages 50 and over Dates: Tuesdays, January 12– May 31 Time: 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM Location: Gates Community Center Large meeting Room Fee: $5
Mah Jongg Mah Jongg players are welcome to join our group that meets weekly. We play with the standard hands and rules of the National Mah Jongg League. Please bring your card with you. Please pre-register online ahead or in-person on your first day. Course # 45145A For: Ages 18 years and over Dates: Mondays, January 4 – May 2 (No class on Jan 18, Feb 15, Mar 28) Time: 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM Fee: Free Location: Recreation Center Craft Area
Line Dancing Advanced Instructor Jerry Carmen will be here to get you moving and swinging. It’s a fun way to exercise. All participants must initially register with the Recreation and Parks Department each session. An initial program fee of $5.00 will be collected at the beginning of each session at the time of registration. A $2 fee per week will be paid to the instructor at each class. If you are registered for Line Dancing and wish to stay for the Advanced Line Dancing you may do so at no additional registration fee.
Crochet and Knitting Group Do you enjoy crocheting or knitting? Join our ladies as they gather on Wednesday mornings to work on projects, help each other with problem projects, and just visit together. No pre-registration required; just come and join in and complete a registration waiver. Come every week or just some weeks.
Course # 16243B For: Ages 50 and over Dates: Tuesdays, January 12– May 31 Time: 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM Location: Gates Community Center Large meeting Room Fee: $5
Course # 45716A For: Ages 18 years and over Dates: Wednesdays, January 6 – May 4 (No class on Feb 17, March 30) Time: 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM Fee: Free Location: Recreation Center Room B 247-6100 ext. 235
Adult Activities Trips for Adults Trips that require a ticket purchase are non-refundable unless a waiting list exists or the participant is able to find someone to take their place.
“Mary Poppins”
Roberts Wesleyan College Community Theatre presents the magical Disney musical, “Mary Poppins.” Based on the books by P.L. Travers and the classic Disney movie, with lyrics by the award winning Sherman Brothers, this family friendly show is “practically perfect in every way!” The jack-of-all trades, Bert, introduces us to England in 1910 and the troubled Banks family. Young Jane and Michael have sent many a nanny packing before Mary Poppins arrives on their doorstep. Using a combination of magic and common sense, she must teach the family how to value each other again. Mary Poppins takes the children on many magical and memorable adventures, but Jane and Michael aren’t the only ones she has a profound effect upon. Even grown-ups can learn a lesson or two from the nanny who advises that “Anything can happen if you let it.” Registration deadline is Friday, January 8. Course # 15900A For: Ages 18 years and over Date: Sunday, January 17 Time: 1:00 PM - 6:00 PM Fee: $18 Location: Roberts Cultural Life Center, Van departs from Gates Community Center
“Beautiful, The Carole King Musical”
Long before she was Carole King, chart-topping music legend, she was Carol Klein, Brooklyn girl with passion and chutzpah. She fought her way into the record business as a teenager and, by the time she reached her twenties, had the husband of her dreams and a flourishing career writing hits for the biggest acts in rock ‘n’ roll. But it wasn’t until her personal life began to crack that she finally managed to find her true voice. BEAUTIFUL- The Carole King Musical tells the inspiring true story of King’s remarkable rise to stardom, from being part of a hit songwriting team with her husband Gerry Goffin, to her relationship with fellow writers and best friends Cynthia Weil and Barry Mann, to becoming one of the most successful solo acts in popular music history. Along the way, she made more than beautiful music, she wrote the soundtrack to a generation. Featuring a stunning array of beloved songs written by Gerry Goffin/Carole King and Barry Mann/Cynthia Weil, including “I Feel The Earth Move,” “One Fine Day,” “(You Make Me Feel Like) A Natural Woman,” “You’ve Got A Friend” and the title song, BEAUTIFUL. BEAUTIFUL is a book by Tony® Award-nominee and Academy® Award-nominated writer Douglas McGrath, direction by Marc Bruni, choreography by Josh Prince and took home two 2014 Tony® Awards and the 2015 Grammy® for Best Musical Theater Album. Registration deadline is Friday, February 12. Course # 15900B For: Ages 18 years and over Date: Wednesday, March 9 Time: 6:30 PM - 10:00 PM Resident Fee: $60 resident, non-resident $70 Location: RBTL, Vans depart from Gates Community Center
Broadway Market and Seneca Niagara Casino
The day will begin with a stop at the Broadway Market in downtown Buffalo where you will be able to purchase seasonal and holiday treats. Then it is on to the casino for five hours of gaming fun. Each person will receive a $35.00 gaming voucher. In order to receive your voucher, you must present a valid driver’s license. Registration deadline is Friday, March 4. Course # 15900C For: Ages 18 years and over Date: Monday, March 21 Time: 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM Fee: $38 Location: Via Motor coach from Gates Community Center 247-6100 ext. 235
Adult Activities Rochester Music Hall of Fame 5th Annual Induction
...Trips for Adults Continued
“The Hit Men”
Enjoy an evening of music at beautiful Kodak Hall at Eastman Theatre while celebrating the great music legacy of Rochester. Each year the Rochester Music Hall of Fame (RMHF) selects new nominees for induction from all walks of musical life across the wide spectrum of musical styles and disciplines. Past inductee’s include Town of Gates own Lou Gramm, Chuck and Gap Mangione, Gene Cornish, Cab Calloway, George Eastman, Mitch Miller, Bat McGrath, House of Guitars, WDKX and many more. This year’s nominees will not be revealed until after the first of the year. Join us as we congratulate the newest inductee’s and celebrate the musical legacy of Rochester’s own. Registration deadline is Friday, April 15.
Featuring former stars of FRANKIE VALLI & THE FOUR SEASONS and TOMMY JAMES & THE SHONDELLS. This is a group of amazing performers, superb musicians, superior vocalists, and creative composers, The Hit Men is a blend of some of the greatest artists involved in the success of many popular songs of the 60’s, 70’s and 80’s. This brotherhood of musicians has a friendship that dates back over 50 years. When The Hit Men take the stage today, it is easy to see why their music has transcended generations. The vocals are spot-on, the energy is high, and the guys have the time of their lives sharing their musical legacy with audiences at theatres, performing arts centers, fairs and festivals across the country! Registration deadline is Friday, March 25.
Course # 15900F For: Ages 18 years and over Date: Sunday, April 24 Time: 6:00 PM - 10:30 PM Fee: $35 resident, non-resident $45 Location: Van departs from the Gates Community Center
Course # 15900D For: Ages 18 years and over Date: Saturday, April 9 Time: 6:45 PM - 9:30 PM Fee: $35 resident, non-resident $45 Location: Roberts Cultural Life Center, Vans depart from Gates Community Center
“Matilda, The Musical”
“Samson” in Lancaster, Pa.
Gates Recreation and Parks Department will journey to Lancaster to see two amazing shows. Our first day will begin with an “on your own lunch” on route to the American Music Theatre to see The Crooners. During the show our luggage will be delivered to the hotel. Following the show we pick up our guide who will escort us to an Amish home for dinner. Following dinner we will check in to the Best Western Hotel in Intercourse, Pa. Day two will begin with a continental breakfast before we depart for our first stop, Eli Stoltzfus Country Store. We will then make our way to the Sights and Sounds Theatre for the performance of Samson. Following the show we will have a 2 hour drive to the Country Cupboard for an early “on-your-own dinner” and time to browse. We will make a final rest stop on our way home. Tour price is $369 Single, $319 Double or $309 Triple. Full payment is due with registration. Registration deadline is Friday, April 22.
“REJOICE. It is even more glorious than promised.” New York Times. “WELCOME TO THE DELIRIOUSLY AMUSING, HEARTWARMING, HEADSPINNING WORLD OF MATILDA THE MUSICAL. YOU WON’T WANT TO LEAVE.” – Bloomberg News. TIME Magazine’s #1 Show of the Year! Winner of 50 international awards, including four Tony Awards®, MATILDA THE MUSICAL is the story of an extraordinary girl who, armed with a vivid imagination and a sharp mind, dares to take a stand and change her own destiny. Based on the beloved novel by Roald Dahl, MATILDA continues to thrill sold-out audiences of all ages on Broadway and in London’s West End. The Wall Street Journal says, “The makers of MATILDA have done the impossible – triumphantly! It is smart, sweet, zany and stupendous fun.” Registration deadline is Friday, March 25.
Course # 15900G For: Ages 18 years and over Dates: Tuesday, May 24 – Wednesday, May 25 Time: 7:15 AM Departure, Return at 10:00 PM Fee: $369 Single, $319 Double or $309 Triple Location: Via Motor coach from the Gates Community Center
Course # 15900E For: Ages 18 years and over Date: Tuesday, April 12 Time: 6:30 PM – 10:00 PM Location: RBTL, Van departs Gates Community Center Fee: $55 resident, non-resident $65
247-6100 ext. 235
Adults 50+ Activities MAAP NEW (Mature Adult Activities Program)
AARP Tax Counseling Free tax preparation for senior adults 50 years and older. Volunteers will be available on Mondays and Fridays from 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM beginning Monday, February 1. You must have an appointment to receive tax counseling. NO WALK-INS will be taken! Our first day for CALL IN REGISTRATION ONLY will be Saturday, January 9 from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM. Calls will be taken at 429-8287. Registrations will continue beginning Monday, January 11 from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM and will be taken Monday through Friday until all appointments are filled. First preference is given to those 50 years and over.
This is a new program that will offer small group activities, speakers and trips throughout the year that are geared to more active mature older adults. Course # 16300A Cabin Fever/ Soup and Salad Potluck Join us for this sharing supper and an activity. Please bring either a soup or a dessert to share. We are looking for a minimum of 4 people willing to make soup. Pre-registration is required for this event. Please include the recipe for your soup or dessert at time of registration so that we may know ahead of time what you will be making and be able to share it with your new friends that evening. Bread, dessert, salad and beverages will be included. Registration deadline is Friday, January 29. For: Ages 50 and over Date: Friday, February 5 Time: 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM Fee: $5 Location: Recreation Center
AARP Mature Driving The American Association for Retired Persons offers a retraining program designed to meet the needs of motorists over 50 years of age. No tests are given. Participants are eligible to receive up to a 10% discount on their car insurance. You must attend both classes and the program will start promptly and no one will be allowed in the room once it starts. You do not need to be a member of AARP to attend the class. Pre-registration required. Fee: $20 (AARP member); $25 (AARP non-members). Bring check, payable to AARP, to 1st class.
Course # 16300B Strong Museum of Play The Strong Museum houses the world’s largest and most comprehensive collection of historical materials related to play and is home to the International Center for the History of Electronic Games, the National Toy Hall of Fame, the World Video Game Hall of Fame, the Brian Sutton-Smith Library and Archives of Play, the Woodbury School and the American Journal of Play. Fee includes a visit to the butterfly garden. For: Ages 50 and over Date: Saturday, March 12 Time: 2:00 PM – 5:00 PM Location: Van departs Gates Community Center Fee: $16
Course # Dates: 16220A Wednesday, January 13 and Friday, January 15 16220B
Wednesday, February 10 and Friday, February 12
Wednesday, March 9 and Friday, March 11
Wednesday, April 13 and
Friday, April 15
Senior Fitness Class
For: Ages 50 years and over Time: 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM Location: Gates Community Center Large Meeting Room
This class, provided by Agape Physical Therapy, will be led by a licensed therapist, who will lead the class in generalized exercises to build strength and endurance for the upper body, trunk and legs. Generalized stretching exercises, as well as resistant exercises (using Therabands) will be included in this class. The class will include both seated and standing components. This class provides a great way for older adults to exercise with professional supervision and consultation. Course # 16227A For: Ages 50 years and over Dates: Wednesdays, January 20 – May 25 Time: 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM Fee: Free Location: Recreation Center Room A
247-6100 ext. 235
Adults 50+ Activities Gates Showcase
Medical Transportation Program
The Gates Showcase is a senior adult drama group specializing in the adaptations of children’s stories and fables. Their audiences include children and senior adults throughout Monroe and adjoining counties. October 2012 marked the beginning of the 25th Anniversary for this special group, the Town of Gates first national award winners. They are the proud recipients of the 2005 Dorothy Mullen Arts and Humanities Award, in addition to being the proud winners of the 2003 NYS Recreation and Parks Arts and Humanities Award. Please join us in congratulating them for a job well done. Director Anne Gunn is always looking for new members to join the cast or crew. Experience is not necessary but your enthusiasm is.
Transportation is available for medical appointments only for Gates senior residents. Due to the demand for this service, not more than 2 rides may be scheduled per person per month. Call Dawn Steffenilla, Senior Services Assistant, at 247-6100, ext. 287 between 9:00 AM and 2:00 PM for guidelines and to arrange for a ride.
Volunteer Opportunities Medical Transport Drivers Do you have a few hours per month to provide a vital service? Persons are needed to transport older adults to doctor and therapy appointments on short notice, in a town vehicle. Those interested in providing this vital community service, can contact our Senior Services Assistant at 2476100, ext. 287.
Course # 16272A For: Ages 50 years and over Dates: Mondays, February 22 – May 23 Time: 12:30 PM - 3:00 PM Location: Gates Community Center Annex Room
Senior Angels Join our special group of Senior Angel Volunteers. Help us coordinate parties and special events for our community and senior clubs. For more information on volunteer opportunities, please contact Kim Vogler, Adult Services Coordinator at 247-6100, ext. 232.
Eldersource Care An Eldersource Care Manager can provide information, consultation, and guidance on a wide range of elder issues. Issues including: accessing benefits, assistance with health insurance claims, analysis of health insurance policies, and arrangements for help with cleaning, laundry, meals and transportation. Help is also available to explore housing options, assist with budgeting, and discuss long term care. Caregivers are encouraged to seek guidance as well. Call Eldersource at 325-2800 to make an appointment. Eldersource is at the Gates Community Center on the 2nd Thursday of the month by appointment only. For: Dates: Time: Location:
Bridge for the Experienced Player Come and enjoy a relaxing afternoon of Bridge. Preregistration is required. Experience is necessary to play with this group. $1 paid each visit to the program supervisor. Course # 46206A For: Ages 50 years and over Dates: Wednesdays, January 6 – May 4 Times: 12:30 PM - 3:00 PM Fee: $1 fee paid each visit to the program supervisor Location: Gates Community Center Annex Room
Ages 50 years and over Second Thursday beginning January 14 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM Supervisor’s Conference Room @ Gates Community Center
Social Clubs For 50 +
The Health Insurance Information, Counseling and Assistance Program (HICAP)
Join us today for weekly fun! The Gates Recreation and Parks Department sponsors two daytime clubs for residents of Gates, ages 50 years and over. Group activities are varied but include picnics, local excursions, educational programs, board games and more.
(Sponsored by the Monroe County Medical Society, A.A.R.P., and the Monroe County Office for the Aging) This program offers assistance with Medicare and other health insurance claims, help with appeals, billing clarification and counseling for other health insurance programs such as EPIC, a NYS prescription plan. All services are confidential and free. Call 325-2800 between 8:00 AM and 3:00 PM for assistance.
247-6100 ext. 235
Gates Seniors #3 – Tuesdays, beginning on January 5th Time: 10:30 AM - 3:00 PM Location: Gates Community Center Annex Room Westgate Seniors – Thursdays, beginning on January 7th Time: 10:30 AM - 3:00 PM Location: Gates Community Center Annex Room 16
Recreation Center Information Our Recreation Center is open for community use. Come play pool, shuffleboard, ping pong, air hockey, foosball, table games of all kinds and enjoy the Wii on our large screen TV. Children under 5 can tumble and play in our Pre-School Area. The Recreation & Parks Department reserves the right to limit participation of those who do not adhere to the rules set forth. For: All ages (youth under 16 years must be accompanied by a responsible adult) Dates: Monday- Friday, beginning on January 14 (Please note that there may be times that pre- registered paid programs will cancel open center hours) Time: 12:00 PM- 5:00 PM Fee: FREE
Recreation Center Rules: 1. Participants must sign in upon entering the center and sign out when leaving. 2. Individuals will be courteous to other participants and limit their play to allow others to participate. 3.
There is no swearing, fighting or disruptive behavior allowed.
No food or drink may be consumed or brought onto the carpeted areasof the community center.
5. Participants will take care of the equipment and take responsibility for any broken items that are damaged due to misuse while they are using them. 6. Toys and games must be put away and the area left as found.
Children’s Party at the Center Reserve the Recreation Center for an age appropriate birthday party for your child. A twohour party package allows you to enjoy games and activities in the Recreation Center including basketball throw, ping pong, pool, air hockey and foosball. Also included is the use of our Pre-school Area with mats and age appropriate toys, as well as use of the Craft Area for refreshments. Price is for a group of ten children, including the birthday boy or girl. Additional children are extra. Please call 247-6100, ext. 235 for availability. For: Dates: Time: Fee:
GATES RESIDENTS ONLY ages 3 - 16 Saturday or Sunday, January 9 – April 30 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM or 2:30 PM – 4:30 PM $50 ($5 for each additional child)
Town Parks The Gates Recreation and Parks Department owns and maintains 130 acres of parkland. Each park has recreation areas to serve various needs. Memorial, Westgate and Lions each have an enclosed shelter with a covered patio, and a small kitchen euqipped with a stove, microwave, refrigerator and freezer.
The park features 3 lighted tennis courts, lighted basketball court, sand volleyball, ball field, soccer/football field. The park also has a bocce court, a shuffleboard court, accessible fishing pier and a children’s play area.
Memorial Park is a 30-acre park located at 160 Spencerport Road. The park features 3 ball diamonds, 2 football/soccer fields, natural pond, paved walking trail, playground, and rest rooms. Seating capacity is approximately 125. ADA restroom facilities are located inside the building for shelter patrons.
This 2-acre recreation area is located at 510 Wegman Road. The park features an open pavilion to accommodate approx. 24, 2 play structures, a climbing wall, and a swing set. The park also has a paved walking trail and accessible restroom. The park is open dawn to dusk.
Westgate Park is a 16.5-acre park located at 1489 Howard Road, next to the post office. Seating capacity is 125. The park features an open pavilion with seating up to 90, grills, 2 lighted tennis courts, 2 basketball courts, 2 baseball fields, 3 children’s play structures, and a nature trail.
This 68-acre park has 4 soccer fields, restroom facilities, and a 90-foot baseball field, 2 play structures, swing set, climbers, tire swing and accessible fishing pier. The park is located at 4310 Lyell Road and is open dawn to dusk From April 1st to November 1st.
Lions Park is a 14-acre park located at 100 Kentucky Avenue off of Long Pond Road. Seating capacity in the shelter is 95. 247-6100 ext. 235
Please return this survey to: Gates Recreation & Parks, 1605 Buffalo Road, Rochester, NY 14624
Gates Recreation & Parks Master Plan Survey - 2017 - 2021 1.
How many individuals reside in your home? How many with a disability or special needs?
Has anyone in your household participated in any programs offered through the Gates Recreation & Parks Department in the past 3 years? Yes If yes, which ones? No
Do you feel there are adequate activities and recreational facilities through the Gates Recreation & Parks Department for people in each of the following age groups? Check your response. Yes
If no, what is missing?
Preschool Elementary School Middle School High School Adults Seniors
Which of the following parks and recreational facilities do you, or members of your household feel there is a need for in the community? Please check all that apply. Walking and biking trails
Picnic shelters/areas
Children’s playgrounds
Soccer fields
Baseball/softball fields
Pickle Ball courts
All-purpose fields
Ice rink
Dog Park
Band shell/outdoor performance area
Outdoor fitness course
Spray Park
247-6100 ext. 235
Looking into the future, do you expect your participation in the programs offered through the Gates Recreation & Parks Department to change (in terms of how often you use them)? Increase participation Decrease participation Neutral (remain the same) Why?
What would encourage you to use Town parks and facilities more frequently? Check all that apply. More information on parks, facilities, and programs More frequent lawn mowing or other basic maintenance New or different special events Better sense of security/safety at parks Better parking Availability of rest rooms Other
How can the parks, trails, and facilities be improved? Please check all that apply. Acquiring more land for future development Upgrading existing parks Increase current indoor activity space Improve maintenance Add new outdoor facilities More programs and special events Making more parking available
Are you part of a group which is interested in using the Community Center or park shelters for private use? Yes If yes, name of group No
How would you prefer to learn about Recreation and Parks opportunities provided by Gates Recreation & Parks? Mail Messenger Post Phone Internet Newsletter Facebook E-mail Twitter
Overall, what more can the Gates Recreation & Parks Dept. do to make Gates a better place to live, work and play?
For more information please leave your: Name: 247-6100 ext. 235
E-mail: 19
Shelter & Pavilion Rental Information Persons wishing to reserve the shelters at Lions, Memorial, Wegman Road or Westgate Parks may do so up to 365 days in advance by obtaining a permit at the Gates Recreation and Parks Office or on-line at To finalize your on-line reservation, you will be asked to come into the Recreation and Parks Office within 5 business days with proof of residency and payment. Please read carefully the park guidelines, refund policy and the acceptance of responsibility. Shelters are available to rent from 9:00 a.m. to 9:45 p.m. daily.
Enclosed Picnic Shelters at Lions, Memorial & Westgate Parks Residents: Non-residents:
$150 per day $300 per day
Open Picnic Pavilions (Mid-April to Mid-October) Westgate Park
Residents: $60 per day Non-residents: $100 per day
Wegman Road Park $35 per day $70 per day
Ball Diamonds and Football/Soccer Fields
Our town facilities are monitored during the day by the Park Supervisor and staff and in the evening by a Park Attendant. If you have a park problem or emergency, they can be reached at 746-0191. The park ordinance is strictly enforced. Please do not park on grass or in emergency or fire lanes. Dogs must be leashed. Help keep Gates Parks safe and clean.
Athletic fields can be reserved by residents or groups made up primarily of residents. Permits will be issued after Gates Youth Sports Organizations schedules are set. Field use must be compatible with other activities, programs, and picnics within the parks, and the Recreation & Parks Department reserves the right to decline requests that they feel detrimental to the turf or in conflict with other programs. Fields at times may be closed for scheduled maintenance. Field fees are based on 2 hours of use: Baseball/Softball $50 for 2 hours Soccer/Football/Lacrosse $50 for 2 hours
Enclosed Park Shelter Security Deposit
There will be a fee of $50 for Gates residents and $100 for non-residents required before a park key is issued to any individual in addition to the rental fee (Cash or check only). The Recreation and Parks Department reserves the right to hold all or any portion of this deposit if the shelter is left in poor condition. This deposit will be returned to you upon return of the key and satisfactory inspection of the facility.
Park Shelter Reservation Refund/Change of Date Fee Policy
No refunds will be made unless notification of cancellation is given 30 calendar days in advance. The processing fee for all reservation refunds is $25. There is a $20 charge for changes of date or location. Any date change must also be received 30 calendar days in advance.
FRIENDS OF GATES RECREATION & PARKS ‘Friends’ is a group of individuals who support the Town of Gates Recreation and Parks Department. As a not-forprofit organization, we are comprised of volunteers who work towards two complementary purposes. First, we provide grant development and procurement efforts to support development of recreation opportunities and park development in the Town of Gates. Second, as a group of volunteers, we are a support group for Gates Recreation and Parks events.
GATES PUBLIC LIBRARY................................................ 247-6446 GATES CHILI CONTINUING EDUCATION & SWIMMING LESSONS................................................ 247-5345 WESTSIDE FAMILY YMCA.............................................. 247-3501 GATES SOCCER............................................................. 520-2437 GATES CHILI LITTLE LEAGUE BASEBALL & GIRLS’ SOFTBALL........................................................ 370-1435 GATES JR. SPARTANS FOOTBALL & CHEERLEADING: Rickey Ellis, President...................... 234-3556 GATES HISTORICAL SOCIETY & HINCHEY HISTORICAL HOUSE................................... 464-9740 GATES GARDEN CLUB.................................................. 869-5062 SPORTSNET: Inclusive Opportunities for Persons with physical disabilities.................. 271-1894 ext. 1794 ROCHESTER REGIONAL HEALTH SYSTEM TOTAL SPORTS EXPERIENCE...................................... 458-4263 GENESEE WATERWAYS CENTER, CANOEING, KAYAKING & ROWING............................................... 328-3960 ITALIAN AMERICAN COMMUNITY CENTER................ 594-8882 GATES AMITA CLUB: Quintino DiCesare, Pres.............. 247-6601 WESTSIDE EXPRESS (Gates/Chili Sr. Transport Service).889-6104
Joining our group is an excellent opportunity to volunteer a little time for something that can have a lasting impact. For more information, call Linda Fowler at 247-6100, ext. 237.
BOARD MEMBERS President, Dennis Laba
Secretary, Virginia Paddock
Vice President, Greg Westbrook
Trustee, Mike Ciaccia
Treasurer, James Gray
Trustee, Ann Paddock
247-6100 ext. 235
Registration Information Registration for programs (unless otherwise stated) begins at 10:00 AM on Monday, January 4th for Town of GATES RESIDENTS only. Non-residents may register, as space permits, beginning Friday, January 15th.
On-Line: Follow the instructions and links on our web-site to complete your registration. Payment will need to be made by MasterCard, Visa or Discover. Registrations will be processed through a secure server. Mail-in: Please use the registration form on page 26 or print it from our website. In Person: Registrations will be accepted at the Recreation and Parks Office during regular business hours 9:00 AM to 5 PM Monday thru Friday and 5:00 – 7:00 PM on Thursday evenings. Drop Off: The Drop box is located along the outside wall of entrance to the Recreation Center, 1605 Buffalo Road. The drop box is accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Beginning on Friday, January 15th non-residents are welcome to register for our programs (unless otherwise noted). Anyone not residing in the Town of Gates and/or paying town taxes to the Town of Gates is considered a non-resident. For most programs there will be a $6 non-resident fee (unless otherwise stated in the program description) for each class. All fees are due at time of registration.
We accept Credit or Debit Cards (MASTERCARD, VISA or DISCOVER), check, cash or money order. Please do not send cash through the mail or place in the drop box. Registration confirmations/receipts will be sent via e-mail or mail. Please note there is a $25.00 processing fee for returned checks due to insufficient funds.
Once the program is full, a waiting list will be generated. You will receive a call only if a space becomes available.
Upon advance request, provisions will be made for any individual with disabilities as defined in the American Disabilities Act. Scholarships are available based on need for Gates residents. Call the Recreation and Parks Office for information.
Refund request must be made at least 3 days prior to the start of an activity, unless the class is canceled, modified, or a medical condition prevents participation (doctor’s written excuse required). NO refunds once a program has begun. Refunds are processed on a monthly basis and must be approved by the Gates Town Board. The Town Board meets on the first Monday of each month. Refund checks will be mailed approximately ten days after this meeting. Depending on date of refund request or notification, refunds can take up to six weeks. A processing fee of 20% of the cost of the program registration fee will be retained unless the class is canceled or modified. Refunds for under $10 will be made via a household account credit or cash, which you will need to pick up at the Recreation and Parks Office. The Gates Recreation and Parks Department reserves the right to modify or change programs and fees as necessary. Participation by any person in a Recreation and Parks program may be terminated at any time by the department at its discretion. In order to further publicize Gates Recreation and Parks programs, participants may be photographed or videotaped during a program. If you do NOT want photos of those listed on the registration form, please contact the Recreation & Parks Office. Please contact the Recreation & Parks Office by phone at 247-6100, ext. 235 Monday through Friday from 9:00 AM5:00 PM, by e-mail at
[email protected], or via internet at for more information about department programs. Call our Activities Line at 426-1670 for updated recorded information. Upcoming Program Registration Dates Upcoming Program Registration Dates: Spring & Summer 2016: Mailed to Gates homes around March 25, 2016; registration begins Monday, April 11, 2016; most programs begin the week of May 2, 2016. 247-6100 ext. 235
Head of Household Last Name: Head of Household Dat e of Birt h: Household Address St reet Email Address: Emergency Cont act :
First Name:
Gender: M F
Town of Gat es Resident : YES NO
Gat es Chili School Dist rict Resident : YES NO
Cit y Primary Phone:
Zip Secondary Phone:
Relat ionship:
Act ivit y Inf ormat ion (Please complet e all request ed inf ormat ion, including t he appropriat e T-Shirt Size ~ YS, YM, YL, AS, AM, AL, XL, XXL ~ if a t -shirt is provided and $6 or specif ied f ee per program, if you are a non-resident ): T ot al Dat e of Shirt Ge nde r Grade Siz e Program Class # Fe e Due Part icipant ’ s Name Birt h /
Non- re side nt f e e ( $ 6 pe r pe rson pe r program) T ot al Amount Enclose d: Mark Met hod of Payment : Check: _ _ _ _ _ Cash: _ _ _ _ _ Charge Card: _ _ _ _ _ Debit Card: _ _ _ _ _ ( see below f or aut horizat ion) Payme nt ( Ple ase comple t e all payme nt inf ormat ion) :
I aut horiz e y ou t o charge my Mast e rCard: _ _ _ _ _ Credit Card No.:
V isa: _ _ _ _ _
Expirat ion Dat e:
$ $
Discove r: _ _ _ _ _ Amount :
Signat ure of Card Holder SPECIAL NEEDS/ LIMITATIONS/ CONCERNS: ( include name & spe cial ne e ds)
Liabilit y Waive r ( Ple ase re ad t he f ollowing st at e me nt and sign and dat e whe re indicat e d) :
I assume all risks and hazards incidental to the conduct of the activities listed above and do hereby further release and hold harmless the Town of Gates and the Town of Gates Recreation and Parks Department staff and volunteers. I give permission to a licensed physician or hospital staff to administer emergency medical care deemed necessary for those listed above when normal permission is unavailable. I certify that those listed above are in good physical health and have no limitations other than those I have listed in SPECIAL NEEDS/LIMITATIONS/CONCERNS section above, which may predispose those listed above to risk during the programs listed above. I also fully realize that I must provide proper hospitalization. The Town of Gates does not provide accident insurance coverage. I have also read and understand the department’s registration information, including it’s refund policy and procedure. I also understand the department is not responsible for participants’ personal items if lost or stolen. I give permission for the Town of Gates to photograph or video tape those listed above during the indicted activity. By checking here, I authorize Gates Recreation and Parks Department to e-mail receipts instead of mailing via USPS
Signat ure:
( if under 1 8 parent or guardian signat ure required)
247-6100 ext. 235
Dat e:
Community Information Everyone is Welcome
The Town of Gates and the Recreation and Parks Department welcomes persons with special needs in our programs. The Department is committed to providing quality recreation and leisure opportunities for everyone. We encourage those with special needs to participate in our programs and to make your experience with us the best it can be.
The Gates Recreation and Parks Department depends on volunteers to assist with a variety of seasonal special events and park clean ups. Please contact the Recreation and Parks Department by phone at 247-6100, ext. 235 or go to www. gatesrecparks. org for an application and to find out more about how you can serve your community.
Share Your Photos!
Gates Recreation & Parks is looking for some great photos of you and your family taken while participating in our programs or events! Just email them to us at
[email protected]. Identify the program and the participants. By e-mailing your photos, you consent to Gates Recreation & Parks Department the right to use your photo as it deems appropriate.
Thank You! The Gates Recreation and Parks Department Staff would like to extend our thanks to the New York State Office of Children and Family Services through the Rochester-Monroe County Youth Bureau for partial funding. Special thanks are given to the Gates Chili School District for their continual support and cooperation in use of their facilities, equipment, and athletic instructors. Also thanks to Unity Health System Total Sports Experience and Rochester Tech Park for use of their facilities. Special thanks are also extended to the Gates Town Board, Gates Recreation and Parks Commission and Friends of Gates Recreation & Parks for their continued support and to the numerous staff and volunteers who serve our programs. Special thanks are also given to our support services, including Gates Highway, Public Works and Building and Grounds, Gates Ambulance, Gates Police and Special Police, and Gates Fire District. Your assistance is greatly appreciated.
The Gates Recreation and Parks Department staff are members of the National Recreation & Park Association, New York State Recreation and Park Society, and Genesee Valley Recreation and Park Society.
Do most of your Recreation & Parks Business On-line Go to and select: “Home” to set up your account “Program/Registration Information” to register for programs “Facility Information” to request a hold on a park shelter rental Wish to receive your seasonal brochure electronically only? Give us a call at 247-6100 Ext. 235 and we will remove you from our mailing list. This will save the environment and cut down on mailing costs. 247-6100 ext. 235
Child Development Sports Programs Starting at age 2 Sessions offered year-round 880 Elmgrove Rd. Rochester, NY 14624 435 West Commerical St. East Rochester, NY 14445
(585) 458 - 4263
Storm water runoff is rain or snow melt that flows over the ground. As it flows, it can pick up debris, dirt, chemicals and other pollutants and deposit them into a storm drain. Anything that enters a storm drain is discharged, untreated into the water bodies we use for swimming, fishing, and drinking water. To keep storm water leaving your home or workplace clean, follow these simple guidelines: • • • • • • •
Apply pesticides & fertilizers properly, sweep excess off paved surfaces. Repair auto fluid leaks. Dispose of household waste (old paint, auto fluids, unused pesticides, pool chemicals) at the Monroe County Household Hazardous Waste Facility. Call 753-7600 option 3, for an appointment. Clean up after your pet & dispose of the waste properly, not into storm drains. Sweep up & dispose of construction debris like concrete and mortar. Use a commercial car wash or wash your vehicle on the lawn or an unpaved surface. Sweep up yard debris, compost or dispose with your weekly trash pickup.
Remember: Only Rain......Down the Drain
For information and/or comments see: or call 247-6100 to report a drainage problem
247-6100 ext. 235
902 Elmgrove Road • Rochester, NY 14624 (585) 247-6446 • Free registration online, by phone, or in person. Children’s Programs Take Your Child to the Library Saturday, February 6th Chocolate Tournament Saturday, February 6th 2:00-3:00pm, All Ages February Fun with Defiant Monkey Improv Friday, February 19th 2:00-2:45pm, All Ages Dr. Seuss Party Saturday, March 5th 2:00-3:00pm, All Ages Teen Programs Junior Friends Second Tuesday of each month, 4:00pm-5:30pm, Ages 9-16 Tween Craft Programs 1st, 3rd, 4th Tuesday each month, 6:30pm-7:30pm, Ages 8-13 Beaded Earrings Tuesday, December 8th 6:30pm-7:30pm, Ages 9-18 Beaded Snowflakes Tuesday, January 12th 6:30pm-7:30pm, Agess 9-18 Take & Make Crafts new craft kit each month in Teen area Adult Programs 101 Ways to Deal With Your Clutter (Besides Burning It) Saturday, January 9th, 10:30am Epic Trainings: Basic First Aid for Adults Tuesday, January 19, 1:00pm Live 'n' Learners Travelogue: Erie, PA Monday, February 8, 2:00pm Edward Jones: Social Security Wednesday ,February 24, 6:00pm Colored Pencils Art Program Wednesdays, April 6-May 4, 1:30pm (5 class session) Edward Jones: Preparing for the Unexpected Wednesday, April 27, 6:00pm Edward Jones: Retirement - Making Your Money Last Wednesday, May 11, 6:00pm Sit, Knit and Stitch First Thursday of each month, 6:30pm-8:30pm Creative Writing Third Monday of each month, 6:00pm-8:00pm Winter Scrapbook Pages - Thursday January 21, 12:30pm Photo Blocks - Thursday February 18, 12:30pm Paper Quilt Cards - Thursday March 17, 12:30pm Mason Jar Lid Magnets - Thursday April 21, 12:30pm Paper Piecing Workshop - Thursday May 19, 12:30pm Barn Stars - June 23, 12:30pm Alzheimer's Association Classes Financial and Legal Issues - Thursday February 18, 6:30pm Managing Grief and Guilt - Thursday March 17, 6:30pm Being a Healthy Caregiver - Thursday April 21, 6:30pm
247-6100 ext. 235
Upcoming Events for Spring & Summer Community Garage Sale................................ Saturday, May 14 Left Over Garage Sale.................................... Monday, May 16 Memorial Day Service..................................... Monday, May 30 Gates Summer Celebration.......................... Saturday, June 25 Gates Summer Camps................................. July 5 – August 11 Gates STAR Camp............................................. July 5 – July 30 Gates Summer Concert Series........Sundays beginning July 10 Ice Cream Social............................................. Thursday, July 28 Family Concert & Drive in Movie............... Friday, August 26th Nature Camp...................................................... August 15 - 26
Award Winners! Congratulations to Kim Vogler for being awarded the Genesee Valley Recreation & Parks Society Arts & Humanities Award for our youth summer STAR Theater Camp and to Stacie Paris for being awarded the GVRPS Young Professional for the Genesee Valley region!
Share Your Talent The Gates Recreation and Parks Department is always looking for new and innovative talent. If you possess a skill and the ability to lead an activity, please call the Recreation and Parks office at 247-6100, ext. 235 to discuss your idea.
Thank You Gregg Goodman! For your 17 years of dedicated service as the Assistant Recreation & Parks Director. Best wishes to you in your future endeavors.
Lead an Activ ity!
Town of Gates Recreation and Parks Department 1605 Buffalo Road Rochester, NY 14624 (585) 247- 6100 ext. 235
Snowman Contest! W
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