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ABSTRACT. High rural concentrations of ozone (O3) are thought to be stratospheric in origin, advected from upwind urban sources, or photochemically ...



Wintertime Ozone Fluxes and Profiles above a Subalpine Spruce–Fir Forest KARL ZELLER USDA Forest Service, Fort Collins, Colorado (Manuscript received 1 August 1998, in final form 23 March 1999) ABSTRACT High rural concentrations of ozone (O 3 ) are thought to be stratospheric in origin, advected from upwind urban sources, or photochemically generated locally by natural trace gas emissions. Ozone is known to be transported vertically downward from the above-canopy atmospheric surface layer and destroyed within stomata or on other biological and mineral surfaces. However, here the authors report midwinter eddy correlation measurements of upward vertical O 3 flux of 0.2 mg m22 s21 (5.6 kg km22 day21 ) above a subalpine canopy of Picea engelmannii and Abies lasiocarpa in the Snowy Range Mountains of Wyoming. Simultaneous below-canopy upward fluxes reached 0.1 mg m22 s21 . These results corroborate similar late winter (presnowmelt) upward O 3 fluxes of 0.5 mg m22 s21 (19 kg km22 day21 ) taken at the same site in 1992. Profile results show sustained ‘‘countergradient’’ fluxes below the canopy and sustained ‘‘with gradient’’ fluxes above the canopy. Ozone concentrations that decrease for several hours to several days correspond to simultaneously increasing positive (upward) O 3 fluxes and vice versa. These phenomena, in addition to above- and below-canopy reversed gradient patterns, suggest that O 3 may be stored temporarily in either the snow base or the tree stand itself.

1. Introduction Forest ecosystems play a role in the uptake and destruction of tropospheric O 3 . This role and the tropospheric O 3 budget in remote forested ecosystems are uncertain (Chameides and Lodge 1992). Ozone deposition, which is rapid during the growing season and slower during winter months (Wesely 1983), is retarded further by surface snow cover (Stocker et al. 1995; Zeller and Hehn 1995, 1996). Zeller and Hehn (1996) showed an apparent but unexpected effect of snow cover on O 3 fluxes above a subalpine spruce–fir forest. In the presence of below-canopy surface snow, O 3 fluxes reverse direction from negative (downward) to positive (upward) (Zeller and Hehn 1994, 1996). Positive O 3 fluxes attributed to vertical entrainment of clean air from aloft have been measured by aircraft (Lenschow et al. 1982) and modeled (Gao and Wesely 1994) in the upperatmospheric boundary layer. Measurements of negative vertical O 3 profiles above forested canopies have led to ‘‘countergradient’’ O 3 flux claims, with the assumption that O 3 only deposits toward the earth’s surface (Fontan et al. 1992; Enders 1992; Denmead and Bradley 1985; Kelly and McTaggart-Cowen 1968). Galbally and Allison (1972) reported wintertime upward ozone fluxes (1.6 mg m22 s21 ) over fresh snow based on gradient

Corresponding author address: Karl Zeller, USDA Forest Service, 240 W. Prospect, Ft. Collins, CO 80526-2098. E-mail: [email protected]

measurements at 1807 m in southeast Australia. The observation of positive O 3 flux above forests is also not unique. Table 1 gives a summary of O 3 flux measurements taken above forest canopies. Two grass sites are included in Table 1 because those data were collected above snow near the site studied here. In Table 1 both positive flux or negative deposition velocity V d indicate upward O 3 flux. a. Ozone profiles and fluxes An inverse trend (with time) between above-canopy, ambient O 3 concentrations and O 3 fluxes was observed by Zeller and Hehn (1996) during the presence of snow cover. These observations, and laboratory-determined ozone-to-ice adsorption sticking coefficients, led to a hypothesis that the positive O 3 fluxes discussed above were caused by the snow base acting as a leaky capacitor (Zeller and Hehn 1996). The ‘‘capacitor’’ snow base might store and release O 3 modulated by turbulent air interactions with the porous snow surface (Massman et al. 1997). Zeller and Hehn (1996) calculated that a 1-mdeep snow base could sustain the apparent O 3 emission of 0.5 mg m22 s21 for 0.5–45 days. Ozone profile and flux measurements were made below and above the canopy to explore further the positive O 3 phenomena. This paper presents the results of O 3 profile (vertical gradient) and O 3 flux measurements taken during January 1993 at the same Snowy Range Mountains site in Wyoming.



ZELLER TABLE 1. Summary of representative forest ozone flux measurements.



Forest type

Flux [mg m22 s21 ; up (1); down (2)]

Mean ozone (ppb)

Vd [cm s21 ; up (2); down (1)]

Enders (1992)




21.0 to 1.8

Enders et al. (1989)




28.9 to 1.8

Fontan et al. (1992)



20.11 max


0.04 to 0.8

Matt and Womak (1989)




0.1 to 0.8

Lopez et al. (1993)




0.2 to 0.5

Padro (1993)




0.3 to 1.0 0.1 to 0.3

Rondon et al. (1993)




0 to 0.5

Wesely (1983)



Zeller and Hehn (1994) Zeller and Hehn (1995)


Spruce–fir Subalpine meadow

Stocker et al. (1995)


Dry grassland

Zeller and Hehn (1996)



0 to 20.4

0 to 20.2 —

0.01 to 0.37

1.0 to 20.6 20.01 to 20.35

23–70 29–48

21.5 to 0.4 0.01 to 0.07

0.09 to 20.35


0.6 to 20.6


Time/location Jun 1989 Germany Jun 1987 Germany Sep 1985 France Sep 1987 Maine Sep 1984 France Aug 1988 Apr 1990 Canada Jun 1990 Sweden Jan 1981 N. Carolina Jan 1992 May 1994 Wyoming Feb 1989 Colorado Apr–May 1992 Wyoming

* Eddy correlation: EC, gradient profile: PR, chamber: CH; — is no report.

b. Ozone description Snowy Range hourly O 3 concentrations average 45– 60 ppb all year (Wooldridge et al. 1997) and are typical of clean, high-altitude rural sites (Wunderli and Gehrig 1990). The above-canopy diurnal O 3 concentration at this location does not exhibit the large day/night maximum/minimum pattern typical of urban, photochemically dominated air masses at any time during the year (Wooldridge et al. 1997). The wintertime, 3-m (near surface) below-canopy diurnal O 3 concentration also does not exhibit a day/night maximum/minimum pattern (Wooldridge et al. 1997). However, the 3-m, belowcanopy summertime O 3 concentrations have a predominant day/night pattern in which minimum values can drop to 10 ppb at night because of deposition (Wooldridge et al. 1997). 2. Methods a. Site Data were collected at the Brooklyn Lake tower site situated in an Engelmann spruce–subalpine fir forest opening approximately 30 m in diameter. The site is within the USDA Forest Service’s Glacier Lakes Ecosystem Experiment Site (GLEES) area in the Snowy Range of the Medicine Bow National Forest, Wyoming. The GLEES complex is described by Musselman (1994). The 29-m Brooklyn Lake tower (base elevation 3186 m, 418229N, 106814.59W) is approximately 3 km

southeast of the Snowy Range ridge (3460-m average elevation). The average forest stand height H is 17 m with representative displacement height d of 11.7 m and roughness length z 0 of 1.7 m. The terrain within 1 km of the tower slopes 12.5% from west to east and 29.7% from north to south. This site is relatively complex for eddy flux experiments; however, concurrent measurements of momentum and sensible heat fluxes provided reasonable values. Fitzjarrald and Moore (1992) found that scalar flux measurements in nonhomogeneous regions were robust and representative of the upwind footprint. Upwind terrain in the predominant wind direction, southwest–northwest, is forested with a flat 12.2% slope for at least 1 km. The tower itself is about 12-m distance downwind of the upwind edge. The GLEES forest is not dense and Brooklyn site clearing is 1.8H. A dense forest clearing, diameter 2.5H, might cause a negative vertical wind above 0.5H, a reverse-flow eddy below 0.5H, and an overall wind measurement error of 10% (Miller et al. 1991). The first two affects were not observed: vertical winds were positive; at 9 m (0.53H), wind directions were always identical to those at 23 and 29 m and wind speeds averaged a third lighter. Based on these measurements, on previous transseasonal O 3 flux magnitude and direction results (Zeller and Hehn 1996), and on the energy balance results that included sensible heat determined by eddy correlation, the O 3 fluxes reported here are taken as representative of those within and above the canopy.



b. Flux and profile measurements Meteorological, O 3 concentration, profile, and flux data presented here were collected 15–26 January 1993 with a 1.3-m snow cover. The eddy correlation system (Zeller et al. 1993; Massman et al. 1990; Zeller and Hehn 1996) was employed to measure O 3 , sensible heat, and momentum fluxes; O 3 concentrations; temperature; and wind speed at 9 m (8 m below canopy top) and 23 m (6 m above canopy) on the Brooklyn tower. Standard meteorological sensors are permanently mounted at 10 and 29 m for routine GLEES measurements (Musselman 1994). The essential sensors for O 3 flux measurements are the Gill UVW anemometer and the chemiluminesence ambient air monitor (CAAM) (Ray et al. 1986). The CAAMs were continuously calibrated using TECO49 commercial UV adsorption instruments. Ambient air was sampled from heights of 9, 23, and 29 m through 1.6-cm-diameter Teflon tubes using high-volume (155 lpm) pumps. The intake system lag time t l was typically 2.4 s. Gill UVW anemometers were used in place of sonic anemometers for their greater durability in harsh alpine weather. The 17-Hz O 3 eddy deviations, c9 5 c 2 c (c: 200-s recursive filter average concentration); temperature T9; and turbulent wind components u9, y 9, and w9 were multiplied and then averaged over half-hour sampling periods (McMillen 1988) to obtain the vertical flux F c [mg m22 s21 , Eq. (1)] after a vector coordinate rotation for the w 5 y 5 0 streamline FC 5 w9(t 2 t l )c9(t).


Here, negative F c indicates downward flux. Sensible heat and momentum flux were obtained likewise. Coordinate rotations do not affect scalar flux sign and have a very small effect on measured flux magnitudes. The optimal choice for the recursive filter (mean removal time) period is a function of sampling height and atmospheric stability. The 200-s mean removal time used in this study to determine the running means (c, w, etc.) is shorter than some might recommend for forest eddy flux applications. It was chosen to maximize capture of turbulent eddies while minimizing nonstationarity effects. As an example, tests using a longer mean removal time at the same site and elevation during the summer season indicate that O 3 flux magnitudes do not change much for filters greater than 150 s but can be as high as 5% larger using 600 s (versus 200 s). Average wind streamline tilt (6) at the Brooklyn tower tends to follow the terrain and is wind direction sensitive (Zeller and Hehn 1996). Fluxes with associated streamlines within 698 (9 m) and 658 (23 m) of horizontal account for 98% of the data presented here. Wind directions during this study were consistently southwest to northwest, hence the streamline tilt was almost always positive due to the 12.5% slope east of the tower. Gill UVW anemometer data were corrected in real time for the inherent cosine response problem (Massman and Zeller 1988). The fast-response temperature sensor was


routinely damaged by harsh weather, so sensible (and latent) heat fluxes were calculated using the gradient method (Table 2) to provide for the 23-m directional and intensity comparisons with the measured sensible heat and O 3 fluxes. Latent heat fluxes were also calculated for the energy balance. The energy fluxes were calculated as rC p K(]T/]z) [and rLK(]q/]z)] using measured eddy diffusivities (K) for momentum assuming similarity with heat (and vapor) diffusivities. Given the known inaccuracies of using the gradient method for forest applications (Raupach 1989), the calculated 23-m latent heat values in Table 2 are larger than expected for a wintertime scenario. These high values are a result of using the measured momentum diffusivity. Figure 1 demonstrates the daytime energy balance result without accounting for forest heat storage. The energy balance was accomplished using measured sensible heat and soil heat flux (,12 W m22 ), modeled latent heat, and estimated net radiation. Net radiation was calculated based on a regression analysis of simultaneous R n and total solar radiation R T December 1997 measurements: [R n 5 a(R T 2 11) 2 1 0.58, where a 5 20.03 from 0900 to 1100 MST, and a 5 20.01 from 1130 to 1500 MST]. Businger’s (1986) list of eddy correlation measurement concerns were used for data evaluation and editing. Ozone flux corrections [Eq. (11), Luening and Judd 1996] for vapor effects were on the order of 10.007 mg m22 s21 (about 10% of the daytime measurement). The O 3 flux data were not corrected for vapor effects. Data below the scale height (h t , |w9c¯9/(]c/]t)|) of 9 and 23 m were culled. A significant percentage of the 23-m O 3 flux (w9c¯9) data were culled as a result of this procedure. Nonetheless, the culled data mostly followed the daily positive flux pattern. A digital Butterworth filter was applied in real time to account for aliasing. Instrument response and instrument separation corrections would typically increase flux magnitudes by 20%– 80% (Zeller et al. 1993). The latter do not affect the main result (O 3 flux direction), hence the flux data are presented here without those corrections as they would typically increase the magnitude of the upward O 3 fluxes slightly more than the downward. Order of magnitude and flux direction are not affected by the lack of these corrections and make the reported upward flux values conservative. Neutral stability micrometeorological statistics for wind, temperature, and O 3 were fairly consistent during this study and equivalent to results from other field studies. For example s w /u* at 23 m was consistently 1.5 6 0.5 compared to 1.3 for flat terrain. Dimensionless wind shear, f m 5 kz/u* (]u/]z), was consistently 1.5 6 0.3 where u* 5 (2w9u9)1/2 was calculated from the measured momentum flux. There are no aberrant values in Table 2 to indicate a sampling problem with either the sensors, the sampling system, or the tower configuration. Ozone profile (dc/dz) measurements were made from 9 to 23 m with two O 3 analyzers using the half-hour

6 10 4 2 6 5 12 26 4 8 — 280 280 269 230 295 305 283 265 305 295 386 0.55/0.28 0.45/0.24 0.18/0.05 0.28/0.03 0.05/0.08 0.29/0.26 0.46/0.24 0.35/0.16 0.00/0.17 0.37/0.23 —/0.25 23.1 21.5 20.4 20.3 21.4 24.1 22.7 21.9 20.2 21.8 —

* Estimated by gradient method, g; regression estimate, r; variable, v; midday average, †; —, missing data or no measurement taken.

9.5 7.5 3.3 3.0 3.7 11.2 8.0 8.9 9.1 10.4 10.8 400/230r 420/240r 490/282r 430/245r 285/163r 485/278r 190/113r 225/132r 435/252r 515/293r 475/272r 137 g 152 g 217 g 148 g 125 g — 58 g — 125 g 205 g 141 g 290 g 160 g 450 g 350 g 220 g 275 g 120 g 90 g 75 g 150 g 20 g —/90 —/75 —/120 —/65 95/70 —/160 —/— —/— —/— —/— —/— —/87 95/90 95/70 95/73 94/46 94/73 94/89 92/62 89/36 86/30 92/70 —/29 25/28 24/27 23/27 23/210 24/211 24/28 24/212 212/217 211/215 22/211 —/0.07 —/0.05 0.09/0.03 —/— —/0.08 0.19/0.10 0.22/0.06 0.13/0.06 0.17/0.05 —/0.07 0.08/0.09 —/— 4.1/1.5 —/— —/— 3.0/1.8 5.6/3.5 3.0/— 1.7/1.6 —/1.2 —/2.6 —/3.5 45/— 41/47 43/40 43/38 48/40 46/41 47/40 47/39 36/36 46/32 43/38 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25


1.8 1.2 0.6 0.5 1.2 2.0 1.6 1.4 0.4 1.3 —

w (m s21 ) 23/10 m † u u9w9 u* (m s21 ) (m 2 s22 ) (m s21 ) 23 m 23 m 23 m † † † Radiation max (W m22 ) R t /R n Heat flux max Heat flux ½h est. Latent (W m22) (W m22 ) heat flux 23/10 m 23 m (W m22 ) RH max/ min (%) 29 m Temperature max/min (8C) 29 m O 3 flux max O 3 max/ O 3 flux total ½h min (mg m-2 d-1) (mg m22 s21) (ppb) 23/10 m 23/10 m

TABLE 2. Daily ozone, ozone flux, and meteorological values.*


— 128 — — — — — — — — 123e


u Precip(deg) itation Snow 23 m (mm) cover † daily (cm)


FIG. 1. Energy balance at Brooklyn tower. Measured sensible heat (H) and modeled latent heat (LE) plotted against estimated net radiation (R n ) and measured soil heat flux (G ) for the period 15–20 Jan 1993.

switching intake system described by Zeller et al. (1993). Measurements for 23–29 m employed a third, frequently intercalibrated O 3 analyzer on a separate intake system. Accuracy for dc/dz values for 9–23 m is 60.005 ppb m21 and for 23–29 m is 60.15 ppb m21 . Temperature profiles between 9 and 23 m were made with a copper–constantan thermocouple, between 10 and 29 m with standard temperature sensors, and between 23 and 29 m derived from the difference. Hence, dT/dz values for 9–23 m (60.038C m21 ) are more accurate than those for 23–29 m (60.18C m21 ). 3. Results The eddy correlation measurements show consistent upward daytime O 3 fluxes at 9 and 23 m during the January 1993 snow-covered measurement period. The 23-m flux was about one-third of the rate measured in April 1992 (Zeller and Hehn 1996). The upward flux at 9 m is again about half of that simultaneously measured at 23 m. These results are in contrast to the expected downward fluxes measured at the same site during the growing season in the absence of snow cover (Zeller and Hehn 1996). Peak upward 9- and 23-m O 3 fluxes (i.e., half-hour values) reached 0.1 and 0.2 mg m22 s21 (integrated over 24 hr: 3.5 and 5.6 kg km22 day21 ) on 20–21 January 1993. Sometimes nighttime O 3 flux did not cease at either level as observed in most O 3 flux experiments. Nighttime positive fluxes above snow cover were previously observed at this site in 1992 (Zeller and Hehn 1996). Figures 2 and 3 show O 3 concentra-



FIG. 2. Half-hour average O 3 concentration at 23 m (dashed) and at NDDN site 169 (dots) in parts per billion (ppb), O 3 flux (open circle–solid lines) and vertically integrated time rate of O 3 change (1) in mg m22 s21 at 23 m for the period 15–26 Jan 1993.

FIG. 3. Half-hour average O 3 concentration (dashed) in parts per billion (ppb), O 3 flux (open circle–solid lines) and vertically integrated time rate of O 3 change (1) in mg m22 s21 at 9 m for the period 15–26 Jan 1993.





FIG. 4. Wind speed (m s21 ) and Reynolds stress (m 2 s22 ) at 23 (solid lines) and 9 m (dashed) for the period 15–26 Jan 1993.

FIG. 5. Ozone gradient (ppb m21 ) for 9–23 m (solid line) and 23– 29 m (dashed) for the period 15–26 Jan 1993.

tions, O 3 fluxes, and vertically integrated time rate of O 3 change for the 11-day measurement period listed in Table 2. Table 2 summarizes the meteorological and O 3 data. Midday meteorological values are representative averages between 1000 and 1500 MST, the diurnal hours of greatest O 3 flux activity. The maximum half-hour values for O 3 concentration, O 3 flux, and heat fluxes are the maximum values measured (or estimated) for the 24-h period from midnight to midnight. Total daily O 3 flux was obtained by integrating half-hour values commencing midnight each day. The maximum daily flux value of 15.6 mg m22 on yearday (JD) 20 compares in magnitude to 223 mg m22 on JD 190 in 1992 during a growing season. This JD 20 maximum flux also compares to the maximum upward flux, 119 mg m22 , on JD 113 in 1992 above the 1.1-m snow cover (Zeller and Hehn 1996). In addition to the presence of snow, Zeller and Hehn (1996) noted that ambient temperature appeared to affect O 3 flux direction. The maximum daytime temperatures reported in Table 2 never exceeded 08C as they did during the 1992 measurements. Ozone flux direction is neither affected by vertical wind speed or direction nor horizontal wind direction; both would indicate a terrain-induced bias. During the study, two weather systems associated with wind shifts and pressure drops passed through the site area at JD 18.6 and JD 22.5. Wind directions veered from northwest to southwest on JDs 15–18.6, abruptly backed to the northwest on JD 18.6, then again veered from southwest to northwest on JDs 18.6–22.5 when they backed sharply to northwest again. Wind directions remained northwest from JD 22.5 through JD 25. The stronger multihour surges of upward O 3 flux are usually associated with simultaneous drops of several

parts per billion in ambient O 3 concentrations (Zeller and Hehn 1996). These phenomena are easy to see in Fig. 3 on JDs 20, 24, and 25. Wind speeds and Reynolds stresses for 9 and 23 m shown in Fig. 4 were also strong during these periods. The 23-m vertical wind sensor malfunctioned on JD 25, so no flux data are reported at 23 m for that day. Note the period JDs 23.5–24.5: wind speeds remained high during the night while O 3 concentrations rose 11 ppb, and the O 3 fluxes remained positive but slowly dropped in magnitude. The above-canopy daytime O 3 gradient from 23 to 29 m was consistently negative (fluxes were with the gradient), as predicted by Zeller and Hehn (1996). This result, as seen in Fig. 5 (average 20.3 ppb m21 ), is not typical of surface-layer O 3 gradients and would have been unexpected prior to the observed positive fluxes at the same site. The through-canopy gradient (8 m below to 6 m above the 17-m canopy) was consistently positive (average 0.05 ppb m21 ) and counter to the gradient. This magnitude is about four times smaller when compared with surface-layer values above an active growing season canopy (Zeller et al. 1993). Note the gradients peak sharply in opposite directions at midnight on JD 19. Ozone concentrations at 23 m were about 7 ppb higher (see Figs. 2 and 3) at this time. Wind speeds and vertical mixing (Fig. 4) were very low at the same time. In contrast to the midnight JD 19 observations, the midday, JD 22, O 3 gradients above and below canopy were close to 0.0, while wind speeds and vertical mixing were strong. Surface layer temperature gradients are typically adiabatic (negative) during daylight when turbulent mixing is occurring and stable (positive) at night when abovesurface air decouples from air adjacent to the surface, causing reduced turbulence and little mixing. Ozone



FIG. 6. Temperature gradient (8C m21 ) for 9–23 m (solid line) and 23–29 m (dashed) for the period 15–26 Jan 1993.

concentrations are also known to be somewhat temperature sensitive. Note that, in Fig. 6, the above- and below-canopy temperature gradients followed the O 3 gradient on JD 19 (during minimum mixing) but did not on the night of JD 24 when wind speeds were higher. 4. Discussion This study extends the observed phenomenon of upward O 3 flux above a subalpine spruce–fir forest during early (October) and late (April–May) winter to midwinter (January). The new observations of consistent negative O 3 gradients above the canopy and consistent countergradient flux below the canopy suggest that the forest–snow system may be producing or somehow modulating large amounts of O 3 . In addition to surface or canopy emissions of O 3 , upward fluxes in complex terrain suggest the possibility of horizontal and/or vertical advection of O 3 . The potential contributions of local O 3 production or destruction (R) and advection below 29 m can be roughly estimated from the measured data by vertically integrating the equation for O 3 conservation from the surface to measurement height. Using the average wind streamline (w 5 y 5 0), assuming w9c90 5 0, and neglecting molecular diffusion gives Eq. 2:

E 0

29 m

]c dz 1 ]t



29 m






29 m


29 m

]w9c9 dz ]z

]c dz 2 ]x


]y 9c9 dz 1 ]y

29 m



]u9c9 dz ]x

29 m

R d z.



As seen in Figs. 2–3, the vertical flux [second term, Eq. (2)] is at least an order of magnitude greater than the local time rate of change (first term). Therefore, the local time rate of change does not significantly contribute to the vertical flux. If horizontal advection and turbulent transport (third–fifth terms) were insignificant, the positive vertical fluxes would be due either to locally generated O 3 (last term) or to the vertical advection term, which was canceled to obtain Eq. (2). Vertical advection does not seem a likely explanation given the lack of correlation between the vertical flux movement and 6w noted by Zeller and Hehn (1996). However, based on the current study results, typical magnitudes for w(]c/]z) are 20.13 mg m23 s21 above 23 m and 10.02 mg m23 s21 from 9 to 23 m. If the snow surface O 3 concentration were at or near 0.0 ppb, then w(]c/ ]z) could be as high as 10.6 mg m23 s21 below 9 m. Without knowing the O 3 gradient below 9 m, it is difficult to complete this assessment. It is clear that vertical advection is negative above 23 m and positive below. It is also likely that some of the observed positive O 3 flux is a result of ‘‘cleaner’’ air with lower O 3 concentrations mixing downward from above. However, this does not account for the observations of sustained positive flux and of above-canopy sustained negative gradient. Atmospheric boundary layer O 3 usually requires nitric oxide (NO), nonmethane hydrocarbons, and ultraviolet energy to drive its photochemical production (Olszyna et al. 1994). Forests are sources of natural biogenic nonmethane hydrocarbons, which are known precursors for O 3 production and a possible cause of higher rural O 3 concentrations. Concentrations of nitrous oxide (N 2O) above typical ambient levels have been measured under and above the snow cover at GLEES (Sommerfeld et al. 1993). Since the same microorganisms that generate N 2O also generate NO (Hutchinson and Davidson 1993), the possibility of an NO source during winter months exists, but the likely concentration is very low. Unfortunately, the chemical precursors of ozone associated with forest trace gas emissions, NO x [i.e., nitrogen dioxide (NO2) 1 NO] and biogenic nonmethane hydrocarbons were not measured for this study. At a remote Swedish site, Rondon et al. (1993) found that during June and July (growing season) NO 2 was emitted from conifers only when concentrations fell below 0.5– 0.7 ppb. There are no corresponding wintertime measurements. At Niwot Ridge, Colorado, which is a similar forested site at 3050 m elevation and located in the same Rocky Mountain range 140 km south-southeast of Snowy Range, Wyoming, Parrish et al. (1986) reported typical NO x concentrations of 0.25–1.0 ppb during summer and 0.05–0.4 ppb during winter. Urban air from the Denver metropolitan area occasionally reaches the Niwot site. For this discussion, we assume NO x concentrations at the Brooklyn tower would have been similar or lower than those measured at Niwot. Given the presumed lack of high O 3 precursor concentrations in this



wintertime scenario, it is unlikely O 3 is generated locally. A horizontal O 3 gradient is necessary to produce either horizontal advection [Eq. (2) third term] or horizontal turbulent flux [Eq. (2) fourth and fifth terms]. Ozone concentrations appear to be horizontally uniform in the surrounding area: simultaneously daytime O 3 concentrations near Centennial, Wyoming, 8 km southeast, during 1990 were within 1–2 ppb of those measured at 3-m height and values measured at the open meadow U.S. EPA National Dry Deposition Site (NDDN No. 169) 10-m height, 100 m southwest of the Brooklyn Lake tower site during 1993 were typically within 1 ppb (Wooldridge et al. 1997). Figure 3 shows that the independently measured 1-h NDDN No. 169 O 3 concentrations during this study are congruent with those at 23 m on the tower up to JD 18.6 when the first weather system passed through. After JD 18.6 the NDDN No. 169 O 3 values drop 2 ppb below those at 23 m but are congruent with those measured at 29 m (not shown). The area surrounding NDDN No. 169 was also snow covered. Based on the measurement comparisons among the Brooklyn site, the NDDN site, and the Centennial, Wyoming, site that suggest the horizontal O 3 gradients are very small, horizontal advection is an unlikely contributor. The last term in Eq. (2), R, remains a possible contributor indicating either w9c90 is not zero as assumed (indicating a snow source) and/or the tree canopy is contributing O 3 in some way. Galbally and Allison (1972) speculated O 3 might be absorbed on fresh snow without total destruction; however, Zeller and Hehn (1996) showed that adsorption was more likely and could account for the storage of 2.4 3 10 20 O 3 molecules m23 of snow base and upon release during turbulent conditions provide for the observed positive fluxes. The observed O 3 profile, positive below and negative above canopy, now leads to the added speculation that the trees may also be storing O 3 . Ambient temperatures are below zero, so chemical reactions between biological surfaces and O 3 may be either significantly retarded or nonexistent. Using 40 ppb O 3 (7.2 3 1011 molecules cm23 ), an O 3-to-tree sticking coefficient of 0.001 (unknown for conifers, therefore the value for ice was used), and 3 3 10 4 cm s21 for O 3 molecular velocity, the estimated rate of O 3 adsorption to trees would be 2.2 3 1013 molecules cm22 s21 . Given an estimated 2.8 m 2 m22 one-sided leaf area index (LAI) (8.4 two-sided LAI for conifers) of the surrounding 17-m forest, plus 1.0 m 2 m22 for trunks and branches, gives 5.5 3 10 3 cm 2 m23 as the withinforest specific surface. Assuming O 3 saturation within 1 s, there might be 2 3 1018 O 3 molecules m23 in the surrounding 17-m forest. This highly speculative value, about 1% of the estimate for snow (Zeller and Hehn 1996), seems inconsequential, but it is worth further investigation given the rough assumptions made and the observed O 3 profile. Conifers are known to respire during winter (Prentice et al. 1992). Again, because of the


below-freezing air temperatures involved, it is possible that O 3 is also stored within leaf stomata chambers. If this were the case, it would increase the above estimated potential for canopy O 3 storage. During summer, growth season scenarios, larger downward O 3 fluxes are typically associated with higher O 3 concentrations (Zeller and Hehn 1996; Zeller et al. 1993). However, this study and the 1992 study (Zeller and Hehn 1996) showed wintertime O 3 concentrations decreasing with increasing positive flux and vice versa. In the current study the longest sustained period was from JD 24 to 26 (see Fig. 3) when 9-m O 3 dropped 9 ppb and O 3 flux peaked at 0.7 and 0.9 mg m22 s21 on JD 24 and JD 25, respectively. In 1992 this phenomenon was observed over several days of decreasing concentrations and increasing flux followed by several days of increasing concentrations and decreasing positive flux. Sudden drops in O 3 concentrations were also associated with sharp increases in upward O 3 flux. This short-term burst behavior is less discernible in the current data. Given an equilibrium between ambient O 3 concentrations and ice surface saturation and possibly tree surface saturation, this inverse behavior adds credence to the possibility that O 3 is temporarily stored by snow and trees and released by turbulent air interactions. Zeller and Hehn (1996) showed that the delineating factor for upward versus downward O 3 fluxes appeared to be snow cover and (to a lesser extent) ambient temperature. Both are environmental factors that potentially affect stomatal function. The measured fluxes are usually diurnal in nature, reflecting higher daytime turbulent O 3 mass transfer. Some measurements show continued but weaker upward O 3 fluxes during nights with strong winds. If snow storage were the only source of O 3 , the only explanation for daytime peak fluxes might be sublimation of ice resulting in O 3 release. However, given the shape of the current-study O 3 profile, tree physiology also appears to play a role. The minimum ambient temperature for conifer growth is 58C (Prentice et al. 1992). Ozone fluxes are always negative during daylight hours when tree canopies are actively growing. 5. Conclusions The O 3 data results measured by eddy correlation during January 1993 at a subalpine spruce–fir forest site, Snowy Range, Wyoming, show positive (upward) wintertime fluxes below canopy (peak 0.1 mg m22 s21 ) that are counter to the gradient (average 10.05 ppb m21 ) and positive fluxes above canopy (peak 0.2 mg m22 s21 ) that are with the gradient (20.3 ppb m21 ). The upward flux magnitudes are one-third lower than measured during late winter 1992 but equivalent to those measured in October 1992. The shape of the 9–23–29-m O 3 profile suggests there is more ozone available between 9 and 29 m than below 9 or above 29 m. The source of the extra O 3 is unknown and the explanation for the upward O 3 fluxes at 9 m is unknown, but the negative 23–29-m



above-canopy O 3 gradient does explain the observed upward flux at 23 m. The rapid increase in opposite directions of the above- and below-canopy O 3 gradient at midnight JD 19 during the cessation of wind demonstrated a significant build up in O 3 concentration near the 23-m height that implies an O 3 storage (or emission) at or near that elevation. The January 1993 measurements presented here do not disprove the snow storage hypothesis, but they demonstrate a sustained countergradient flux. The forest canopy itself is implicated as an additional, though lesser, O 3 storage location. Possible future studies include (i) laboratory experiments with various snow types and ages to study the quantities and sticking ratios of O 3 to ice; (ii) laboratory experiments with living conifers under wintertime conditions to study O 3 uptake, storage, and release (if any); (iii) field experiments at an alternative, flatter subalpine site having a similar forest; (iv) the addition of at least two (total four) more sampling heights for O 3 and NO x at the current study site: 1 m above the snow surface, 96 m, 17 m (tree height), and 296 m; and (v) the addition of horizontally spaced O 3 and NO x concentration measurements surrounding the current study site. Acknowledgments. The micrometeorological data analyzed in this paper could not have been collected without the daily in-field technical support of Ted Hehn, electronic and atmospheric science specialist, USDA Forest Service, Ft. Collins, Colorado, currently with the University of Wyoming Department of Renewable Resources. REFERENCES Businger, J. A., 1986: Evaluation of the accuracy with which dry deposition can be measured with current micrometeorological techniques. J. Climate Appl. Meteor., 25, 1100–1124. Chameides, W. L., and J. P. Lodge, 1992: Tropospheric ozone: Formation and fate. Surface Level Ozone Exposures and their Effects on Vegetation, A. S. Lefohn, Ed., Lewis Publishers, 5–30. Denmead, O. T., and E. F. Bradley, 1985: Flux–gradient relationships in a forest canopy. The Forest–Atmosphere Interaction, B. A. Hutchison and B. B. Hicks, Eds., D. Reidel, 421–442. Enders, G., 1992: Deposition of ozone to a mature spruce forest: Measurements and comparison to models. Environ. Pollut., 75, 61–67. , U. Teichmann, and G. Kramm, 1989: Profiles of ozone and surface layer parameters over a mature spruce stand. Mechanism and Effects of Pollutant-Transfer into Forests, H. W. Georgii, Ed., Kluwer Academic Publishers, 21–35. Fitzjarrald, D. R., and K. E. Moore, 1992: Turbulent transports over tundra. J. Geophys. Res., 97 (D15), 16 717–16 729. Fontan, J., A. Minga, A. Lopez, and A. Druilhet, 1992: Vertical ozone profiles in a pine forest. Atmos. Environ., 26A, 863–869. Galbally, I., and I. Allison, 1972: Ozone fluxes over snow surfaces. J. Geophys. Res., 77, 3946–3949. Gao, W., and M. L. Wesely, 1994: Numerical modeling of turbulent fluxes of chemically reactive trace gases in the atmospheric boundary layer. J. Appl. Meteor., 33, 835–847. Hutchinson, G. L., and E. A. Davidson, 1993: Processes for production and consumption of gaseous nitrogen oxides in soil. Agricultural Ecosystem Effects on Trace Gases and Global Climate


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