Athena Research & Innovation Centre in Information, Communication and Knowledge Technologies, CETI Institute, Computational Systems Lab, 58 Tsimiski, St. Xanthi, 67100, Greece,
[email protected]
Prisma Electronics SA, 85 Demokratias Ave , 681 00 Alexandroupolis, Greece
Wireless technologies are increasingly employed in industrial maintenance engineering practice. They have the potential to reshape operational level applications, as well as to provide ubiquitous services to maintenance personnel at the shop floor. In this context, ubiquitous maintenance management refers to the convergence of maintenance technology and services to ensure that maintenance-related information is made available anywhere, anytime and to anyone authorised to access it, thus greatly facilitating maintenance decision making. We review current enabling technologies with respect to implementing ubiquitous maintenance solutions. Finally we present the development of a new platform to support wireless sensing, based on the ZigBee protocol and making usage of RFIDs and portable computing devices. The new platform is supported by a dedicated operating system and appropriate application programming interfaces. An outline of the platform’s architecture is provided. Keywords: Condition Monitoring, Wireless Sensor Networks, RFID, ZigBee, PDA
1. INTRODUCTION Condition monitoring and maintenance management are increasingly exploiting technological innovations in wireless communications, sensing, computing and smart identification devices. Recent advances in short range radio communications coupled with the technology push to miniaturise sensing devices and port computing capabilities to an ever decreasing form factor, have lead to the development of a new generation of distributed sensing technology, that of wireless sensor networks (WSN). Portable and handheld computing devices with wireless communications capabilities in the form of Portable Digital Assistants (PDAs) are increasingly making their presence felt in industrial settings. Component and asset tracking benefit from the availability of low cost Radio Frequency IDentification (RFID) technology. Computing applications are themselves increasingly being made ubiquitously available in the form of web services, increasing the flexibility of data acquisition, storage, processing, thus facilitating consequent decision support in modern organisations. This advancement of technological solutions is rapidly transforming the shape of Asset and Maintenance Management practice. In this context, ubiquitous maintenance management refers to the convergence of maintenance technology and services to ensure that maintenance-related information is made available anywhere, anytime and to anyone authorised to access it. Current advances in mobile, wireless and miniature devices, internet and agent technology are now making a significant impact on factory automation and maintenance engineering practice [1-3]. Such enabling technologies have great potential to radically change the way maintenance activities are managed and scheduled, as well as to greatly simplify the tasks of personnel involved in industrial maintenance activities [4-7]. Arguably, these technologies can open up a huge potential to reshape the nature of maintenance services industry, enabling maintenance services to become more flexible, more reliable and highly customisable to varying industrial needs [8, 9]. A maintenance service provider in the near future will not always be required to employ complex wired instrumentation and software situated on an isolated computer to gain access to machinery
information and data acquired from the shop floor. Data relevant to condition monitoring and equipment maintenance can become ubiquitously available to technical personnel, via mobile and handheld devices, or remotely via the internet, thus implementing the concept of Ubiquitous eMaintenance, pervasive Maintenance or more generally termed e-Maintenance [4, 7]. In the medium to long term, this opens up the potential for the creation of a new market niche, wherein condition monitoring and maintenance service providers will be able to offer highly efficient services with increased flexibility, lower costs and reduced man effort, while wireless condition monitoring implementations in remote, harsh or difficult to access environments will not be considered impractical [10-14]. Key to this long-term innovation is the ability to perform reliable condition monitoring tasks, based on flexible, portable and easily deployable systems, making extensive use of wireless and miniature-devices. We review current enabling technologies focusing on WSNs and their applications on condition monitoring (section 2-3). Then we present the architecture of a new platform to support wireless sensing, based on the ZigBee protocol and making usage of RFIDs and portable computing devices (PDAs) (section 4). The new platform is supported by a dedicated operating system and appropriate middleware providing application programming interfaces for further development. In the conclusion, we summarise the main contributions of this paper.
2. WIRELESS TECHNOLOGIES IN INDUSTRIAL ENVIRONMENTS Wireless networks have already started to make an impact on industrial maintenance engineering practice. The increasing penetration of wireless technology in modern industrial and consumer devices is based on the availability and growing maturity of wireless networking protocols. The family of common wireless protocols applicable to various forms of e-Maintenance solutions include wireless PAN (WPAN) protocols (mostly 802.15.x), the established WiFi (802.11x), the growing in pace WiMax (802.16x), the emerging MobileFi (802.20x), and the post-3G protocols related to mobile telephony. Such protocols are designed to serve different (but overlapping on some occasions) application needs, and each family of wireless protocols appears to have certain characteristics and strengths. They vary for instance in bandwidth, range of coverage, mobility support, quality of service, interference and also in costs. Among the above protocols, the combination of offerings provided by WPAN and WiFi make then suitable for industrial applications. Having said that, much concern exists and care should be taken to engineer solutions that take into account the specific wireless signal attenuation phenomena which occur in a complex industrial environment, while interference between signals following the two protocols may also an important factor. Table 1 summarises the main characteristics of Bluetooth, ZigBee and WiFi technologies.
2.1 Wireless Sensor Networks A typical wireless sensor network comprises several sensing nodes deployed to cover an area of interest. Each sensing node is typically a miniature device comprising a board with sensing/actuating elements, a power unit, local CPU, memory, and an RF communication component comprising an antenna and a transceiver, while it may also incorporate other application specific modules (Figure 1). A wireless sensor network is much more than a group of sensing nodes. It is a system largely characterised by [15]: • its topology, mesh, star or hybrid, with mesh networks being more applicable to large scale outdoor deployments and star or hybrid being preferable choices for more controlled flow of information in short range areas, including industrial sites • its communication protocols, such as 802.15.x; for example the IEEE 802.15.4 covers the physical and MAC layers, while higher layer protocols can be handled by the ZigBee protocol stack, which is placed on top of the lower two OSI layers of the 802.15.4. • the type and physical characteristics of the employed sensors (e.g. temperature, vibration, light) • the operating environment (indoor/outdoor, harsh, hostile, office/industrial, etc.). • the energy availability (limited/unlimited, rechargable) • the nature of the sensing nodes operation (cooperative / non-cooperative) • the sensor network operating system and middleware
Sensing Unit
RF Unit
Processing Unit
Sensor 2
Sensor 1
Memory Sensor n
Power Unit / Battery
Additional Units Power Generation
Figure 1. A Wireless Sensing Node Wireless sensor network applications are pretty diverse. WSNs, are now employed in commercial building and control, process control, home automation, automated measuring systems and load management, as well as in metropolitan operations (e.g. traffic, road tolls, fire detection, etc.), security & military operations, environmental monitoring etc. Of particular interest here is industrial condition monitoring and control. The successful implementation of sensor network solutions very much depend on the maturity, functionality and expandability of offered corresponding sensor network middleware and operating systems. These may deal with the way sensed data is aggregated or disseminated, as well as with the way the routing of information is implemented. The latter can be done in a number of ways, such as data-centric, hierarchical, hybrid or by placing emphasis on sensor location or on Quality of Service (QoS) and performance issues. Sensor management (naming, localisation, maintenance, fault tolerance), authentication, registration, tracking and session establishment issues are largely dealt with by the WSN operating system and middleware. Therefore, our focus here is not on the sensor technology itself, but on issues related largely to the WSN operating system and middleware, to the extend they impact on the practicalities of implementing wireless condition monitoring. WSNs offer diverse characteristics, based on the adopted technology and protocol (see Table 1). They can be based on various protocols, such as Bluetooth (www.bluetooth.org), WiFi (www.wifi.org) and even proprietary ones, yet it is the ZigBee (www.zigbee.org) protocol that is rapidly becoming the de facto industry standard for employing WSNs in industrial automation and conversely in wireless condition monitoring [1, 3, 16]. Indeed, the market forecast for ZigBee nodes is to reach 100 million by the end of 2008 and half a billion by 2010, exceeding a market value of $7 billion [15]. This market increase is fuelled by a technology push leading to lowering the cost and size of wireless sensing units, while increasing their capabilities, as well as by a market pull, encouraged by the growing maturity of the offered solutions and a real demand across application domains. The main reasons for the increasing adoption of ZigBee in industrial automation is its low cost and energy consumption, its small memory footprint, its relatively long range and the support for a large number of connected nodes. The initial application markets for ZigBee are energy management, industrial, home and building automation, supported by the development of public ZigBee profiles offering standardisation of interfaces between ZigBee compliant devices.
Table 1 Mobile technologies characteristics Protocol Features Maximum Bandwidth (lower in practice) Operations
Operating Band Range
Battery life Size / Cost
up to 3Mbps for Bluetooth 2.1.
up to 250Kbps for 802.15.4
up to 54 Mbs for 802.11g, over 100Mbps for 802.11.n
Data transfer between devices, cellular phone peripherals ISM 2.4 GHz unlicensed 10m maximum in best conditions (100m for high powered devices) Hours to days Small / Low cost
wireless sensor networks, industrial and home automation ISM 868 MHz, 915 MHz and 2.4 GHz Typically up to 10 m
individuals, wireless internet service providers (WISPs), wireless intranets ISM 2.4 GHz or 5 GHz for 802.11.a and 802.11.n 100m maximum in best conditions
Days to years Very small / very low cost
Minutes to hours Medium to large / medium
In many WSN cases, sensor nodes are expected to exhibit some form of smart behaviour. For example, a sensing node may enter a sleep mode to save energy power, until something of interest is observed (event detection, novelty detection). Sensing nodes may perform limited smart sensing and determine for themselves when to transmit data, thus reducing energy consumption. A smart wireless sensing agent can be considered as a case of a smart transducer. Such a transducer is a “hardware or software device consisting of a small, compact unit containing a sensor or actuator element, a microcontroller, a communication controller and the associated software from signal conditioning, calibration, diagnostics, and communication” [17]. Smart transducers have been standardised to follow the IEEE 1451 family of standards. These define a set of protocols for wired and wireless distributed monitoring and control applications. IEEE 1451 smart transducers are then expected to have capabilities for self-identification, self-description, self-diagnosis, self-calibration, location-awareness, time-awareness, data processing, reasoning, data fusion, alert notification (report signal), standardbased data formats, and communication protocols, supported by the so called TEDS (Transducer Electronic Data Sheets) [18]. The smart transducer family of standards define HTML data transmission via web services, and a series of interfaces, including interfaces for wireless communications (WiFi, Bluetooth, ZigBee, RFID and CANopen). It follows that a sensor node in a WSN is expected to have features of a smart transducer, exhibiting some form of intelligent behaviour. However, although the smart transducer interface standard has been discussed and worked upon for a number of years now, not all of its constituents have been published yet and there are no commercial products that fully conform to the complete IEEE 1451 family.
2.2 WSN operating systems and middleware There are still several areas of ongoing research issues for WSNs. These are related to the need to efficiently use their limited functional capabilities, to further reduce energy consumption, lower WSN unit costs and to produce sensing nodes capable of operating in diverse conditions, including harsh and hostile environments. Whereas steady progress is being made against all of the above, there is still a gap between WSN protocols and applications. This gap should be filled by the development of adequate middleware to support the development of various applications. WSN middleware sits on top of the WSN operating system and its main functionality is to hide lower layer details from application development. In this way the WSN middleware exploits the network hardware, the operating system and the network protocol stacks in order to provide Programming Interfaces for applications. Ultimately, WSN middleware should offer runtime components for running several applications, and define services for data collection, as well as the means to optimise system resources to extend the working life of sensor networks (Figure 2).
WSN Middleware
Middleware Services
Middleware Components
Network Protocol Stacks Operating System Hardware
Figure 2. WSN Middleware
• • •
Thus, the main functional requirements for WSN middleware are [15]: Provide standardised system services to deploy WSN applications Offer a unified platform to support diverse application development activities Balance or optimise efficient utilisation of system resources
Currently available middleware solutions include MiLAN, IrisNet, DSWare, AMF, MSM, CLMF , Impala and Dfuse SensorWare, FDSand and Em*. The various middleware platforms have different priorities. Depending on their priorities, they can be characterised as data-centric, Quality of Service (QoS) driven, agent-based, web-based, while some can be considered as event-based, others as agentbased and some of them are known to employ a more conventional centralised approach [15] [19] The overall functionality of a WSN is similar to that of a distributed system. However the form factor of the sensing nodes and the constrained resources require different treatment compared to a network of desktop computers. In particular, a sensing node requires an operating system that takes care of hardware control while abstracting the hardware from the higher level network layers and offer adequate services to the applications, much the same way as a typical operating system does. Nonetheless, due to the limited resources available to a sensor operating system, the management of resources by such a system has considerably different requirements, compared to standard operating systems. In particular a sensor operating system must [15]: • have a very small memory footprint and low CPU requirements • provide some (though not full) real time support, as WSN are expected to be deployed at the operational level of an enterprise • employ efficient and reliable code distribution among sensing nodes, occupying as little bandwidth as possible • support efficient energy management, switching of nodes between sleep, awake and receive/transmit modes • provide application interfaces to the sensor middleware and application levels, making hardware accessible for system performance optimisation The limited size of a sensor operating system may appear to draw similarities from that of an embedded operating system. However, issues related to the coordination and information flow between the nodes, as well as energy management, are not equally prevalent in embedded OS. Besides, an embedded operating system often has hard real time requirements which are better served by a real time operating system (RTOS). Although real-time performance can become an issue in WSNs as well, it is often not considered to be a defining one and conversely it is common for sensor operating systems not to have real time support. Most WSN operating systems include services for sensor platform handling, sensor management, I/Os, management of RF components, task scheduling, energy management, networking and some support for building applications. Various operating systems have been developed for WSNs, including TinyOS , MANTIS, Contiki and SOS. The most widespread in its use is TinyOS, which has been designed with two prime aims, namely to guarantee simultaneous data flows among hardware devices, while providing as little
processing and storage overhead to sensor nodes as possible (http://www.tinyos.net). TinyOS is a compact operating system that does not employ stack-based threading but employs an event-driven model of operation. Both TinyOS and Mantis employ static memory and can be ported in a small size ROM. Contiki switches between static and dynamic memory and has large ROM requirements, while SOS entirely employs dynamic memory allocation and has the highest memory requirements. TinyOS execution is entirely event-based, while MantisOS is threaded. Contiki employs both event-driven and threaded programming and SOS employ, while SOS executes in modules, which are independent binaries that implement certain tasks or functions. Although popular, TinyOS has its drawbacks, namely the lack of support for priority scheduling, multitasking, fault tolerance, real-time guarantees, while it involves work with a C-like but non-standard programming language, nesC. Recent effort in WSN operating systems are focusing on making them handle a larger set of real application requirements, while providing expanded toolsets for application development.
2.3 RFID Technologies RFID technology offers many advantages for industrial settings. It is used for identification purposes in a similar but more flexible way compared to barcodes. Reading is done via RF readers rather than direct and close optical scanning required by barcode readers. At the same time RFID tags can locally store limited information, for example history data readings and can facilitate structured and decentralised data keeping. The business case for RFID technology is strong, particularly in SupplyChain Management [20]. Using RFID technology, asset tracking and handling can easily become computerised, facilitating the integration of maintenance and asset management with the ERP and the overall O&M activities of the enterprise. RFID adoption has to overcome certain challenges both of financial as well as technical nature. The key technical challenge is how to achieve reliable operation in a wide range of operating environments, as RFID operation can be hampered by the presence of metal surfaces or liquids [21]. Other issues are related to the larger effort needed to establish the infrastructure required to support the RFID tracking, as well as to customise the solution to the specific industry needs [22]. However these concerns can be alleviated if the expected return of investment is shown to justify the extra cost and effort. The combination of WSNs with RFID technology brings in functionalities of rapid asset, equipment and component tracking. This in turn enables linking collected information to the data collection point. This link provides the right context for the measured signals. The integration of WSNs, portable computing devices and RFID technology makes the shop floor machinery information available to the networked enterprise authorised users, irrespective of location and time. In order to maximise the advantage of combining several wireless technologies together (WPAN, WiFi, RFID), a system architecture must be in place to integrate sensors, RFIDs, specialized embedded system units for equipment data collection, processing and transmission tools, handheld computing devices, display and touch screen panels and storage devices, as well as a central or distributed server system, accessible via wired or wireless connections. A typical application scenario in such a system is that of ubiquitous information mediation, which may be contextualized too, i.e. relevant to specific user profiles, locations or asset [23]. Mobile technologies can also be used to offer Location Based Services (LBS). For example, RFID technology can be employed for the identification of components or assets. A system that is aware of the location of its monitoring assets can exploit this information to indirectly identify the user location.
3. WIRELESS CONDITION MONITORING Wireless condition monitoring is a natural application niche for WSNs and related technologies. Whether indoors or outdoors, condition monitoring applications typically have requirements for reliable data transfer to be initiated when necessary (e.g. following the detection of an ‘interesting’ event) [24]. Such Novelty Detection functionality needs to be embedded at the sensor level and expanded to offer prognostics capabilities [25]. Similarly, in a wireless condition monitoring setting, a WSN node has to embed novelty detection, diagnostic and prognostic features. Such a local-level decision making at the sensor node may have clear benefits, in terms of self-indentifying the sensing node state and determining whether to collect and transmit measurement data, thus leading to energy savings and increased operating autonomy. In the broader picture, WSNs must be placed in the context of a larger architecture to enable the implementation of wireless condition monitoring and maintenance management solutions [8, 9, 26, 27].
Wireless condition monitoring is first and foremost based on the availability of wireless sensing units. The rapid advancement of related technologies have enabled the development of several such units, in most cases equipped with local CPU, memory, energy and communication modules. These units are the nodes in a WSN that is deployed for wireless condition monitoring. Several examples of deploying WSN solutions at different condition monitoring settings already exist, such as in [10-14]. In all cases, wireless condition monitoring based on WSN should offer smooth data acquisition, processing and transmission. To achieve this aim, WSNs must be supported by the availability of adequate WSN operating systems and middleware. Based on the availability of such operating systems and middleware, several different application modules and services can be built and integrated within a mobile maintenance management architecture [28]. The flexibility and versatility offered by wireless technologies enable an increased level of selfawareness about the state of individual machines to be attained. In doing so, they pave the way to more widespread implementation of condition-based maintenance (CBM) policies. CBM itself has been defined to be implemented at different layers by the Open System Architecture (OSA) for CBM [29], adopted under the ISO-13374 standard for Condition Monitoring and Diagnostics of Machines and the MIMOSA Open Systems architecture for CBM (www.mimosa.org). Although much development effort has been devoted to the definition of related standards and to the development of appropriate operating systems and middleware for WSNs, much more research effort is needed in this area to reach a maturity level that will enable rapid application development and engineering solutions for industrial condition monitoring. Next, we describe steps taken in this direction, by the development of a WSN platform, inclusive of a dedicated sensor operating system and appropriate middleware for wireless condition monitoring. This development was partially supported by the Pervasive Maintenance (pMaint) project, a national R&D project funded by the Greek General Secretariat for Research and Technology and has been further tested within EU’s Dynamite IP project.
4. A NOVEL PLATFORM FOR PERVASIVE MAINTENANCE We now report on a research effort to design and develop an innovative architecture to support ubiquitous on-site, as well as remote maintenance management, partially funded by the pMaint project. The pMaint architecture takes advantage of latest developments in low cost wireless devices, sensors and RFID technology in order to offer practical and easily deployable monitoring and maintenance management solutions. An illustration of the pMaint architecture is shown in Figure 3. A typical user of the pMaint system can be equipped with a PDA device while operating at the shop floor. The PDA device carries a RFID reader so when the user approaches a tagged component or machine, the pMaint system recognises the user position in the operating environment and identifies the ‘active’ monitored component. The monitored machinery may have attached to it one or more sensing nodes. The user can wirelessly communicate with these nodes via the PDA or via the central computer system. In this way he can retrieve contextually relevant information, initiate or execute relevant work orders or receive visual or acoustic aid for his task at hand. The sensing nodes themselves are acting as sensor agents and can send and receive data back and forth to the central computer system via dedicated wireless gateways. The back office comprises a central database and a series of web services for communicating with the wireless sensor network, or for managing work orders and other maintenance related activities. The pMaint architecture comprises the following set of hardware and software tools (Figure 3): • Generic monitoring agents (pM Sensor Agents, or pMSA) with embedded local sensing, signal processing, condition monitoring and diagnostics. • Generic mobile technical assistants (pM Technical Assistants, pMTA), which will bring to the shop floor instant support for engineering personnel (currently under development) • Maintenance Mobile Advisors (pM Mobile Advisor, pMMA) , providing services such as access to equipment information, shop floor monitoring data, service history and spare parts data
Supply Chain Management (SCM)
Con dition Mon ito ring sensors
IH W IH W T E H R W P 0A 0C A O K A /C T 1 /C T 1 O L Monitoring Agent Equipment 1
RFID tag
Technical Assistant Agent
Condition-Based Mai nt enanc e Management (DSS)
IP / Wireless
RFID tag
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)
Equipment Data
sensors Server
W P R W I01A W I01C A Monitoring H T E O K T C A /H T C /H L O Agent
C ontext Sens it iv e T ec hni cal e-Doc ument Provi der
Equipment N
Technical Document Reposit ory eDoc Server
W eb
Ac ce
Remote Access Server
Figure 3. The pMaint Architecture pMSAs are coordinated by a Gateway node, which acts as the ZigBee coordinating node. The Gateway also acts as the hardware interface between the WSN and the computer network, converting the ZigBee protocol to WiFi and thus enabling data transfer from a central computer to the pMSAs and vice versa (Figure 4-5-6).
Figure 4. pMSA hardware implementation
Figure 5. The PrismaSense gateway
Figure 6. ZigBee WSN with pMSAs
Figure 7. pMSA software architecture
Figure 8. pMSA and pMMA in pMaint architecture
The final prototypes of the above tools are now integrated under a commercial platform, named PrismaSense©. The PrismaSense is based on the ZigBee protocol and is adequately supported by dedicated sensor operating system and middleware, offering (Figure 7-8): • Sensors embedded in a pMSA sensing board (vibration, light, temperature, humidity, while other sensors can also be incorporated) • Intelligent Sensor Operating System (ISOS©) dedicated to the WSN management, with energy management features (Figure 9) • Wireless data transmission and retrieval between small size powered sensing units and support for ZigBee, WiFi b/g or wired Ethernet 10/100 • Middleware based on .NET framework 3.0 with WCF for handling and processing data and storing them in a database that can be parametrised according to specific application needs, while offering APIs for rapid application development. • Server side and PDA-side pMMA software
• • • • • • • • •
The final pMSA prototype is packaged under the PrismaSpike© name with the following general features: low power consumption RISC processor digital I/Os & serial port A/D and D/A converter usage of simple ΑΑ batteries mesh networking architecture usage of PrismaWave© software for dynamic channel selection complete sensor power control synchronization via real time clock transmission power adaptation to achieve for longer transmission range when needed
The pMaint platform includes a novel operating system, called Intelligent Sensor Operating System (ISOS©). It comprises the following (Figure 7): • Task Scheduler; assigning task priorities and controlling their execution timing • Event Handler; receives events and issues responses • Frequency Agility; an important feature, enabling automated frequency band and channel change when ‘sniffing’ the radio waves indicates that certain frequency bands and channels are occupied. • Package Buffer, taking care of intermediate buffering of packages prior to execution • Real Time Clock and Synchronization; enabling synchronisation of nodes and tasks • Measurement Simulation; allowing for the simulation of sensing nodes operation • Safe Power Down Modes, controlling power operation
Figure 9. Intelligent Sensor Operating System (ISOS) architecture In a WSN condition monitoring application deployment, a typical setup is that of several sensor nodes deployed to cover an area of interest, with one Gateway acting as the coordinator of the ZigBee nodes. It is through the Gateway that information is passed from the server to the nodes and vice versa. At the server side, there are a number of services available which receive all packets sent by the gateway to a specific server port, producing an event. Any adequately customised application can then receive the events and process the received packets. The reverse information flow from the server to the gateway is also handled through services (Figures 10-11). Finally, the pMMA architecture comprises a number of independent components which offer practical help to the maintenance engineering operating with a PDA at the shop floor and in particular (Figure 12): Server Side Data Transmit Component
Package Constructor
TCP Transmitter
Service Send Pkg Function
WCF Services Server Side Applications Change Smart Sensor Parameters
Change Gateway Parameters
Service Send Pkg Function
Select 1st Channel
Energy Detection Scan
Energy < an accepted Level ?
Select next channel
Start a network inthe new channel
Service Send Pkg Function
Figure 10. Packet transmission from server to Gateway Server Side Package Receiver C omp o n en t
C o mp o ne nt
TCP Listener
Package Handler
C o mp on e nt C o m p o nen t C ompo n en t
WCF Services Server Side Applications C o mp o ne nt
C o m p o nen t C ompo n en t
Publishing Application1 DB
Event Handler
Storage Ini ti al ize
M anipu lation
Sel ect 1st C hannel
E ner gy Det ecti on Scan
Ene rg y < an accept ed Lev el ?
C o mp o ne nt
C ompo n en t
Sel ect nex t channel
Event Handler
St art a net wo rk in th en ew channel
Figure 11. Packet reception from Gateway
Figure 10. pMMA software components architecture • • •
• •
• •
• •
RFID Reader – this component is the driver software for the RFID reader card placed on the PDA. It supports reading the RFID label, as well as storing new data in it. Locator – this component guides the RFID tags registration procedure, their linking with monitored machinery and components and their positioning on the deployment area map. Device_Status – this component records the status of each PDA device and any additional instructions issued by the user operating the device. It is through this component that any device that has stopped to respond for any reason, including battery depletion, can revert to its previous status, so that the user can continue executing his schedule from the same point as earlier. Tech_Instructions – issuing of work orders, handling personnel data, linking a device with personnel and turning a PDA device in ‘working’ status so that personnel can start using it. Trace_Route – a component of considerable usefulness, recording step by step the procedures and operations executed by the personnel operating the device, based on the recorded user-PDA interactions and the sequence of RFID tag readings. Map Creator – it draws a map showing the user position on it and offering visual localisation help during PDA usage. Technician Behavior – Another useful component, recording the operation and RFID reading sequences, and the time between them, so that they can be later user as historical data for statistical processing or visualization via appropriate graphs. Step Creator – the system administrator using this component can create operation or work order sequences for execution. Announcements – via this component, automated messages can be sent to the PDA user.
The novel application development platform has a number of important features, innovatively combined in a single integrated environment. These include: 1. Hardware support and software components and services for decentralised data processing at the node level and programming interfaces for application development. 2. Each node can play both the role of a simple and a coordinating node, enabling a mesh topology. 3. The developed Gateway offers data interfaces for serial and wired/wireless Ethernet communications. 4. The ISOS operating systems and its accompanying middleware offer support for controlling node transition between sleep and awake modes, thus facilitating lowering energy consumption. 5. A Frequency agility feature is included as a service running at background, regularly checking packet receipt and transmission, enabling a shift to different frequency, in order to avoid congestion. 6. The platform is accompanied by dedicated APIs for application developers. The platform has been developed in the context of the pMaint National research project and is being customised and tested for the Dynamite EU FP7 Integrated research project, which includes a number of application case studies and demos. The PrismaSense© platform is being further tested and refined, following results from the testing case studies and plans are in place for making it commercially available in the very near future.
5. CONCLUSION We have reviewed current wireless technologies which are increasingly employed in industrial condition monitoring tasks. Such technologies are becoming the enabling factors to a new generation of maintenance services, significantly aiding the implementation of condition – based maintenance policies. This new breed of maintenance technological developments, often termed interchangeably as e-maintenance, pervasive maintenance or ubiquitous maintenance, require new developments in hardware and software architectures. Wireless sensor networks in particular are becoming widespread in their use and they are increasingly deployed in industrial settings. It is via the use of wireless sensor networks, portable computing devices, RFID and web-based architectures that the concept of ubiquitous maintenance emerges, wherein maintenance-related information is made available anywhere, anytime and to anyone authorised to access it, thus greatly facilitating decision maintenance practice and decision making. We presented the development of a new platform to support wireless sensing, based on ZigBee and making usage of RFIDs and portable computing devices. The platform is equipped with a range of hardware and software tools, enabling rapid application development for diverse condition monitoring tasks and easy customisation of solutions to the specific needs of different applications. The platform is currently under testing in laboratory and industrial settings. 6. REFERENCES 1. Moyne, J.R., Tilbury, D.M. (2007) The emergence of industrial control networks for manufacturing control, diagnostics and safety data. Proceedings of the IEEE 95, 29-47. 2. Monostori, L., Vancza, J., and Kumara, S.R.T. (2006) Agent-based systems for manufacturing. Annals of the CIRP 55, 697-720. 3. Wheeler, A. (2007) Commercial applications of wireless sensor networks using ZigBee. IEEE Communications Magazine 45, 70-77. 4. Iung, B., and Marquez, A.C. (2006) Editorial, special issue on e-Maintenance. 57, 473-475. 5. Marquez, A.C., and Guptab, J.N.D. (2006) Contemporary maintenance management: process, framework and supporting pillars. Omega, The International Journal of Management Science 34, 313326. 6. Garg, A., and Deshmukh, S.G. (2006) Maintenance management: literature review and directions. Journal of Quality in Maintenance Engineering 12, 205-238. 7. Muller, A., Marquez, A.-C., and Iung, B. (2008) On the concept of e-maintenance: Review and current research. Reliability Engineering and System Safety 93, 1165–1187. 8. Arnaiz, A., Emmanouilidis, C., Iung, B., and Jantunen, E. (2006) Mobile Maintenance Management. Journal of International Technology and Information Management 15, 11-22. 9. Jantunen, E., Arnaiz, A., Adgar, A., and Iung, B. (2007) Mobile technologies for dynamic maintenance. In: Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Maintenance and Facility Management Rome, Italy, pp. 167-173. 10. Zhang, S., Kang, R., He, X., and Pecht, M.G. (2008) China’s Efforts in Prognostics and Health Management. IEEE Transactions on components and packaging technologies 31, 509-518. 11. Tan, K.K., Huang, S.N., Zhang, Y., and Lee, T.H. (2008) Distributed fault detection in industrial system based on sensor wireless network. Computer Standards & Interfaces Article In Press. 12. Neander, J., Nolin, M., Bjorkman, M., Svensson, S., and Lennvall, T. (2007) Wireless Vibration Monitoring (WiVib) - An industrial case study. In: IEEE Conference on Emerging Technologies & Factory Automation, ETFA 2007 Patras, Greece: IEEE, pp. 920-923. 13. Paik, B.-G., Cho, S.-R., Park, B.-J., Lee, D., Yun, J.-H., and Bae, B.-D. (2007) Employment of Wireless Sensor Networks for Full-Scale Ship Application. In: Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing International Conference, EUC 2007. (Eds.):, T.-W.K.e.a. ed. Taipei, Taiwan: Springer. 14. Glaser, S.D., and Tolman, A. (2008) Sense of Sensing: From Data to Informed Decisions for the Built Environment. Journal of infrastructure systems 14, 4-14. 15. Sohraby, K., Minoli, D., and Znati, T. (2007) Wireless Sensor Networks: technology, protocols and applications. John Wiley & Sons. 16. Baronti, P., Pillai, P., Chook, V.W.C., Chessa, S., Gotta, A., and Hu, Y.F. (2007) Wireless sensor networks: a survey on the state of the art and the 802.15.4 and ZigBee standards. Computer communications 30, 1655-1695. 17. Smart Transducer Interface Specification, (2007, June 30). 18. Song, E.Y., and Lee, K. (2008) Understanding IEEE 1451—Networked Smart Transducer Interface Standard. IEEE Instrumentation & Measurement Magazine 11, 11-17.
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