Wireless Multifunctional Robot for Military Applications - IEEE Xplore

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Dec 22, 2015 - Temperature Sensor LM35 integra sensor R2 686 used to detect ha. ECS UIET Panjab University Chandigarh 21-22nd Dec watt as renewable.
Proceedings of 2015 RAECS UIET Panjab University Chandigarh 21-22nd December 2015

Wireless Multifunctional Robot for Military Applications Tarunpreet Kaur

Dilip Kumar

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering SLIET, LONGOWAL Sangrur, India [email protected]

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering SLIET, LONGOWAL Sangrur, India [email protected]

Abstract—This paper presents a modern approach for surveillance at remote and border areas using multifunctional robot based on current 3G technology used in defence and military applications. This robotic vehicle has ability to substitute the solider at border areas to provide surveillance. The robotic vehicle works both as autonomous and manually controlled vehicle using internet as communication medium. This multisensory robot used to detect human, bombs, harmful gases and fire at remote and war field areas. Conventionally, wireless security robot obsoletes due to limited frequency range and limited manual control. These limitations are surmounted by using 3G technology which has limitless range. This system also enhances the use of renewable resource of energy by equipping with solar panel. An autonomous operation is controlled by ultrasonic sensor and infrared sensors. Manual operation is controlled by DTMF decoder and cell phones used as video camera by initializing 3G video call and change the path of robot according to real time information of surrounding. This paper also illustrates the experimental results of tilt angle selection of solar panel and power consumption in automatic and manual mode. This robotic vehicle is designed for reconnaissance as well as surveillance under certain circumstances.

automation field by incorporating Military Robots as Soldiers in war field to reduce grievance and demise in war fields [2]. DTMF is known as Dual Tone Multi Frequency which is generated by cell phone when any key is pressed. When any key is pressed then it made connection between the tones of Row and Column which generate dual tone frequency. This dual tone is used to determine which key is pressed [4]. In defense areas, Robot are usually miniature in size so they are enough capable to enter in tunnels, mines and small holes in building and also have capability to survive in harsh and difficult climatic conditions for life long time without causing any harm [2]. Military robots were designed from last few decades. But still there are some problems in earlier developed military robots. A. Comparison with Existing Robotic Vehicles •

Currently existing robots have limited range of coverage as they are based on RF Technology, Zigbee and Wi-Fi.

Most of the earlier robot used charged batteries as source of power. Thus it becomes inconvenient to use this robot for long period.

Earlier surveillance robots sense only one or two physical quantities.

Existing robots use expensive video camera for live video streaming for manual control.

Keywords — Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN); DTMF; Sensors; PIR; GSM; GPS; Internet of Things

I. INTRODUCTION The robot is basically electro-mechanical machine or device that is controlled either by computer program or with electronic circuit to perform variety of physical tasks. With the gradual development in technology scientists come up with new ideas and inventions of robots. In the today’s life robot are becoming indispensible part of human life [1]. The robotic technology also provides automation in hospital, office and factory. Besides automation this technology also used in Defense forces, Entertainment, Space exploration, Security systems and many dangerous mission execution[3]. As the terror is always remains India’s first enemy so, the robots are going to use for saving human life. Countries like India are still facing and confronting with regular threats from terrors. Both Kashmir and Mumbai terror attacks have consummated that as far as possible the future of warfare will be handle by robot and unmanned machines to to protect human life [3]. Currently, the Indian Army has Daksh Military robot to combat in battle field. As the technology proliferate rapidly in

978-1-4673-8253-3/15/$31.00 ©2015 IEEE

B. Need For Development •

Use of 3G Technology will provide wide range of operation and manual control.

Cost effective by using cell phone as video camera

Energy efficient by using renewable resource for power supply.

Used to explore hazardous areas and used for espionage purposes. II. PROPOSED CIRCUIT DESIGN OF ROBOTIC VEHICLE

This multifunctional robot has disseminated into modules which have their own functionality. Due to advancement in technology, these surveillance robots are advent to use in remote and defense areas.

Proceedings of 2015 RAE ECS UIET Panjab University Chandigarh 21-22nd Deccember 2015 conditions and fire at reestricted areas. C. Obstacle Detection Module M The autonomous robot is able to find the path by using obstacle detection module. Thhe ultrasonic sensor integrated with infrared sensor used to deetect obstacles, as the ability of ultrasonic sensor to detect nearrby objects is scarce as compare to infrared sensor. Ultrasonic sensor s detects object by sensing the Echo signal which are recceived back after striking with object and also determine disttance of obstacle by evaluating the time between transmission and reception of object [7]. Fig. 1. Block Diagram of Robotic Vehicle

A. Power Supply Module w as renewable This robot uses Solar panel of 10 watt resource of power supply. As the solar paanel is not able to provide continuous power to robot, a rechaargeable battery is used to provide consistent power to vehicle v which is connected to solar panel through charge controller. c Charge Controller is required to prevent over chargging of battery in order to increase life span [5].The reducttion in battery is indicated by low battery indicator in order o to provide consistent output to user.

D. PIC18F452 Controller The whole robot functionallity is controlled by this module. As the temperature sensor and Gas sensor provides the analog output, so due to inbuilt 10 bit ADC PIC microcontroller does not require additional ADC for digital data output. It controls the vehicle in both automatic annd manual mode effectively.

Fig. 2. Solar Panel Charge Controller

B. Sensor Module The Sensor module comprises of variouus sensors used to detect intruder, harmful gases, fire and bom mbs at rescue and remote areas [6]. •

PIR Sensor is used to detect movem ment of human in ZOR (Zone of Region) by sensinng heat radiation emitted by human.

Metal Detector based on thee principal of electromagnetic induction to detect metallic m objects in its surrounding.

Gas Sensor detects various harmfull gases like LPG, Propane and iso- butane when the gases g exceed their voltage level.

Temperature Sensor LM35 integraated with Flame sensor R2 686 used to detect haazardous weather

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Fig. 3. Circuit Diagram of Robotic veehicle

E. Communication Module This module enables both data and video transmission by 3G video calling. GSM module is used to send alert messages to user when sense any hazaardous condition or when any

Proceedings of 2015 RAECS UIET Panjab University Chandigarh 21-22nd December 2015 sensor becomes active. DTMF Decoder MT8870 IC is used to control the robot in manual mode. The decoder converts the dual tone frequencies into their binary equivalent and controller perform operation corresponding to these binary equivalents [8]. In order to change the path of robot during manual mode, the user initiates the 3G video call to the mobile phone equipped to robot. The smart phone is equipped on the robot to monitor the surrounding and kept on auto receive mode to provide live view of surrounding of robot in order to change its path [1]. F. Driving Module The speed of robotic vehicle depends upon the Size and RPM (Rotation per Minute) of DC motor. In order to drive the motors a driving module L293D is used to provide supply to motors. A single L293D contains Two H Bridge to rotate the motor in both clockwise and anticlockwise direction.

In manual mode to change the path of robot, user initiates 3G video call to cell phone equipped on the robot.

The 3G video call provides the live view of surrounding in order to change the path an direction of robot. V. PATH PLANNING ALGORITHM

This section describes path planning algorithm to search collision free path. The main issue to design an autonomous robot is navigation, in which path planning is an essential aspect of autonomous robot. So, path planning techniques are used to minimize the distance, chance of collision and fuel consumption [10].

III. SOFTWARE DESIGN We implement the security robot by programmed it in mikroC PRO which is a complete featured ANSI C compiler for PIC components. . It provides various features such as instinctive IDE, prevailing compiler with complex optimizations, plenty of hardware and software libraries, and extra tools that provide help to the user [3]. TABLE I.





Intel style hex records. Use this file to program PIC MCU. Mikro compiled Library. Binary distribution of application that can be included in other projects Overview of PIC memory allotment instruction addresses, registers, routines and labels. Human readable assembly with symbolic names, extracted from the List File.

Binary List file Assembler File

File Type .hex .mcl ,lst .asm

IV. CONTROL ALGORITHM The following steps to taken to control the movement and functionality of robot shown in Fig. 4. •

The military robot initiates in automatic mode by default.

Key’1’ uses to switch from automatic to manual mode.

During autonomous operation if ultrasonic sensor and infrared sensor detects any obstacle, it rotates left or right according to algorithm.

The alert messages send to user via GSM Module after the activation of any sensor.

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Fig. 4. Flowchart of Entire Design

GPS (Global Positioning System) is satellite based navigation system which provides global coordinates of current location of autonomous robot. The user gets current coordinates of robot using GPS and provides the coordinates of final location where robot has to reach with minimum distance coverage and collision with nearby objects [9]. The steps involved in navigation algorithm for path planning of robot are:1. Initialize the robot and boot up GPS equipped in

Proceedings of 2015 RAE ECS UIET Panjab University Chandigarh 21-22nd Deccember 2015 robot, which provides the coordiinates of current location of autonomous robot. Provides the coordinates of waypoinnts toward the final location. The angle of rotation of robot is deciided by

2. 3.

(1) dAngle = gLOC – cLOC where, ween current and dAngle is difference of angle betw final location. gLOC, is coordinates of waypoiint or destination location cLOC, is coordinates of current locaation [10] Robot moves toward the waypoint by b determining the angle between the distance andd with minimum collision with obstacles. After reaching the waypoint, movves towards next waypoint by making this waypoint location l as current location and continue this process unntil reach the final location. VI. RESULTS

4. 5.

Fig. 6. Robot Equiped with solar Paneel

B. Power Consumption of Robbotic Vehicle The power consumption of o Robotic Vehicle in manual mode is slightly more than auttomatic mode, as the cell phone is used as Video Camera while calling to DTMF decoder. 600

This section indicates the experimental results r carried out during designing of prototype of robotic vehhicle and examine the functionality of each module.



Winter Summer Spring and Fall

Tilt Angle Calculation

Automatic Mo ode Manual Modee

400 300 200 100

Table Column Head Season

Power in mW

A. Angle selection for Solar Panel The tilt angle of solar panel is entirely depending on the latitude of selected area. This robotic vehiccle is designed for operated in Punjab where latitude is 300.


Resultant Angle



(30*0.9) + 29


(30*0.9) – 23.5


(30 – 2.5)


Fig. 7. Power Consumption by Robottic Vehicle

C. Speed of Robotic Vehicle Average Sun hour per day


The speed of robot depends upon u Wheel Diameter and RPM (Rotation per Minute) of selectted DC Motor.


Distance travelled per rotation


3 = Wheel Diameter X 3.14


= 8 X 3.14 = 25.12cm m


Speed of Robot per Sec =


(Distance travelled per rotationn * RPM of motor) /60 sec


= 25.12 * 100)/60 = 41.86cm/sec Tilt 0 Tilt 3.5 Tilt 15 Tilt 30 Tilt 45 4 Tilt 56 Tilt 60

Fig. 5. Average Sun Hours per day for Solar Panel Tiltt Angle

978-1-4673-8253-3/15/$31.00 ©2015 IEEE

Speed of Robot in m/sec = 0.411m/sec


Proceedings of 2015 RAE ECS UIET Panjab University Chandigarh 21-22nd Deccember 2015

Acknow wledgment

Variation in speed with Solaar Panel

We are thankful to the ACS SD Department, CDAC Mohali, for all support it has provided us. We are grateful to Ms. Vemu Sulochana for her valuable inputs in development of paper.

Speed in cm/sec

50 40 30




10 0 Without Solar With 10 Watt With 18 Watt W With 20 Watt Panel Solar Panel Solar Pan nel Solar Panel

Fig. 8. Variation in speed of robotic vehicle

VII. FUTURE SCOPE Irrespective of certain advantages of thhis system require certain amendments which requires wide coverage range, monitor and control through internet and morre user friendly. A. Wireless Sensor Network WSN is collection of nodes deployed either e statically or dynamically into cooperative network and provides wireless connectivity between these autonomous nodes n with IEEE 802.11.4. Using WSN would enhance the coverage c range of surveillance areas by deploying mobile noddes equipped with sensors. The primary objectives to designn the WSN is to maximize the network lifetime of nodes, minniature sized nodes and minimize energy consumption by choosing c specific routing schemes and algorithms to get enhhanced throughput [11]. B. Internet of Things(IOT) As the technology proliferates rapidly, IO OT would add new dimension to world of Information, technology and communication. Currently, the use of Internnet exaggerates in our daily life and it would lead to developmeent of technique in which machines, RFID tags, Sensors and Thhings communicate with each other through Internet of Things (IIOT) [12]. As IOT is emerging technology has certain challengge which includes providing unique address to each thing, so it has ubiquitous access over the internet. VIII. CONCLUSION The type of communication technique ennhance its range of operation, where the user can control the movement m of robot from any part of world by getting live video of surrounding as feedback, compared to earlier robots work on local networks like wifi with constraints have limited operaational range. Use of renewable source of energy, DTMF and smart cell phone as mpared to existing video camera makes it cost effectives com robot. This robotic vehicle with different sub modules can widely be used as surveillance robot for seccurity purpose and emergency rescue operations where humann cannot footpace and user will be able to alert prior to intruderr in his premises.

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