2013 IEEE 16th International Conference on Computational Science and Engineering
Wireless Sensor Network Prototype for Solid Waste Bin Monitoring with Energy Efficient Sensing Algorithm
Md. Abdulla Al Mamun, M. A. Hannan, Aini Hussain
Hassan Basri Dept. of Civil and Structural Engineering Faculty of Engineering & Built Environment Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Bangi, Selangor DE, Malaysia Email:
[email protected]
Dept. of Electrical, Electronic and Systems Engineering Faculty of Engineering & Built Environment Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Bangi, Selangor DE, Malaysia Email:
[email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected]
and transport of the solid waste [6]. Solid waste monitoring and management authorities are trying to find alternative solutions that can control SWM costs through a variety of new methods and structure implemented by modern technologies. Till now, several researches have been done in the field of solid waste and its management. Some researchers found the factors like economical, technical and administrative that affect the municipal solid waste management challenges in developing countries [3, 7]. Some works have been done to find different areas that generate solid waste like households, industries, construction sites and many more [8, 9]. Many scientists discussed about the potentials of different information and communication technologies like Radio Frequency Identification (RFID), Geographic Information Systems (GIS), Geographic Positioning System (GPS), various transportation model to apply in bin monitoring and waste collection [10-12]. Some researches have been done on real time bin status monitoring [13, 14] but have some limitations. In these works, the researchers collected the data on real time bin status through GSM/GPRS communication from bin to server. It needs a design with GSM/GPRS connectivity in each bin producing a huge increase of functioning cost. In [15], the researchers implement a bin monitoring system using wireless sensor network. But, the architecture have used Argos mote whose theoretical coverage is only up to 430m [16]. And the scheme is measure only one parameter for the bin status. Wireless sensor networks with ZigBee-PRO and GSM/GPRS technologies have been used in the suggested architecture to monitor the solid waste bin status in real time. An energy efficient procedure is implemented in the sensor nodes to measure the bin variables. The system can transmit the bin data as soon as waste has been thrown inside the bin. The goal of this research is to design and implement an architecture with energy efficient bin parameter measurement process which can helps to improve waste collection route and decrease operation costs and GhG emission. The paper is organized into six sections. After this introduction, the second section describes the system architecture. The third one addresses to the operational
Abstract— This paper presents a novel prototype of solid waste bin monitoring system using wireless sensor network which can respond as soon as someone throw waste insight the bins. The system architecture uses ZigBee and GSM/GPRS communication technologies and a set of carefully chosen sensors to monitor the status of solid waste bins in real time. The system is composed of three tier structure such as lower, middle and upper tier. The lower tier contains bin with sensor node installed in it to measure and transmit bin status to the next tier, the middle tier contains the gateway that stores and transmits bin data to control station and control station resides in the upper tier that stores and analyze the data for further using. An energy efficient sensing algorithm is also used in the first tier to collect the bin parameters. In this way, the system can help to minimize the operation costs and emissions by feeding the collected data to a decision support system for route optimization. Keywords-municipal solid waste; wireless sensor network; ZigBee; GSM/GPRS
With the rapid growth rate of population and urbanization, the residential and industrial area increases concurrently. Due to this reason, the generation rate of Municipal Solid Waste is (MSW) is up surging day by day and it is becoming more and more complex to manage the MSW. To protect the urban environment and to ensure a clean and healthy globe, MSW management is now a priority. Now a days in many developing countries MSW is highly responsible for major public health and environmental concern and has gained augmented political consciousness [1]. It becomes a key subject and difficult task to the authorities responsible for MSW management [2, 3]. They are now finding solutions to monitor and manage the MSW efficiently. Though solid waste management is not an attractive job, but it is extremely significant for the continued existence of the communities [4]. The operational costs for the management of municipal solid waste have increased gradually over the last few years [5]. Among the overall budget of solid waste management, 80-95% of expenditure is needed for the collection, transfer
978-0-7695-5096-1/13 $31.00 © 2013 IEEE DOI 10.1109/CSE.2013.65
A. Sensor Node In this research, Libelium’s Waspmote [17] which is shown in Fig. 2, have been used as sensor nodes to configure the lower tier. The sensor nodes communicate with the gateway through ZigBee-PRO technology. The gateway provide communication between the ZigBee network in the lower tier and GSM/GPRS network in the upper tier. XBee-ZB-PRO RF transceivers from Digi shows in Fig. 3 has been used as radio modules that is comply with the ZigBee-PRO v2007standard [18]. ATmega1281 chips [19] have been employed as sensor node’s MCUs. The ultrasonic XL-MaxSonar-WRA1 (MB7070), the resistance AMS Load Cell, PLA41201 hall effect, MCP9700A and 808H5V5 IC’s have been used as sensors. The Smart Metering v2.0 board from libelium is used to integrate the sensors with the mote.
principle of the proposed system. The fourth section mentions the bin parameters measurement algorithm. The fifth section addressed the result and discussion. The paper ends with the conclusion section. SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE
The proposed system is composed of a three tier architecture as shown in Fig. 1. The lower tier consists of the smart bins, the middle tier contains the gateways and the upper tier comprises with control station. In particular, a smart bin can sense and collect the parameters on bin status and then instantly send the data to the control station via the gateway. Based on this architecture, the system is physically composed by sensor nodes, which resides in the lower tier. A set of carefully selected sensors are used to measure the waste filling level, weight of waste, temperature and humidity inside the bin. After collecting the data, the node transmits it to the next tier through RF technology. gateways are located in the middle tier, which consists of ZigBee and GSM/GPRS modules that can receive data form the sensor node and can forward the data to the control station. servers, that resides in the upper tier. It consists of the main storage and a set of application programs for data storing and monitoring purpose.
Database Server
B. Gateway The gateways are acting as a bridge between the senor nodes in the lower tier and the servers in the upper tier. It receives ZigBee data from the sensor nodes and transmit the data to the servers through GSM/GPRS. Meshlium [20] from libelium as shown in Fig. 4 is used as the gateway. It provides embedded solutions based on Linux OS that offers a commanding support setting to facilitate the development of cost-effective wireless machine-to-machine applications and support different communication technologies. In this work, XBee-ZB-PRO RF transceivers module is used in the gateway to receive the ZigBee data from the sensor nodes and sim900 GSM/GPRS module from simcom [21] is used to provide the long range communication between the gateways and the control station. C. Server Servers are resides into the control station. After receiving the sensor node data, the gateway needs to send it to the control station. It comprises with database server and web server. The received data will store in the central database. The database management system and a set of cautiously designed applications will analyze the data and update the specific bin information. Another set of application and web based programs run in the server to facilitate the management of data on the database and bin status monitoring purpose. The user can monitor the bin status using a web browser.
Web Server
Control Station
Upper Tier
GSM/ GPRS Middle Tier
ZigBeePRO Sensor Nodes
ZigBeePRO Lower Tier
Figure 1. Real time bin monitoring system architecture Figure 2. Waspmote with battery connected
of all the variables, the mote sends the data to the gateway through the ZigBee radio module. The data contains information about the bin and its status. To acquire, manage and transmit sensors data and Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) communication, a custom application has been built using the Waspmote Integrated Development Environment (IDE) which is based on open source Arduino platform compiler. Using the XBee-ZB-PRO RF module, the gateway receives the data sent by the mote and store it in its local database. Concurrently, the gateway send the data to the control station through the GSM/GPRS communication module. A multi-threaded background process called daemon tools is always running on the server which receives the connections requests and listens for incoming data from the gateways. The gateways make connection request and opens the transmission channel using TCP/IP through the GPRS connection. Thus, the control station store the received data to the database. Using these data and web application, the user can monitor the status of the bins. First, confirm that you have the correct template for your paper size. This template has been tailored for output on the US-letter paper size. If you are using A4-sized paper, please close this template and download the file for A4 paper format called “CPS_A4_format”.
Figure 3. ZigBee-PRO RF module with 2dBi SMA antenna connected
The justification of the selection of different technologies in different tier is that, at the lower tier, the use of ISM bands benefits by avoiding additional cost of telephone operator subscription and by allowing lower power transmission. A total of 50% cost reduction can be achieved by using this technology [15]. The middle tier, that consists of GSM/GPRS technology which is available almost everywhere while supports long range communication to ensure remote monitoring. Lastly, the top most tier consists of servers that contains the central database to store and manage the data. These data can be used further in applications like data parsing programs, scheduling, routing algorithm, optimization engines etc. III.
The sensor nodes contain several sensors that measure the bin variables like waste filling level inside the bin, weight of waste, temperature and humidity inside the bin. The sensor nodes also need to measure the acceleration of the bin cover and hall voltage between the bin and the cover. In this research, a model is implemented to measure these sensor values while spending minimum power. When idle, the sensor nodes remain in sleep mode which costs the lowest power. When an interrupt is generated by throwing waste inside the bin, the sensor nodes wake up and perform the necessary measurement. Table I shows the pseudo code of this algorithm.
The operational principle of the system is such that, normally it remains in idle mode and the sensor nodes are consuming the least power. It responds as soon as someone throw waste inside the bin. When waste has been thrown inside a bin, the sensor node installed within it will wake up and measure the parameters that give enough information about the bin status when garbage is added to the bin. After collecting the values
In this work, three bin has been installed with sensor nodes for the experiment purpose without detailed manufacturing issues. One gateway has been used for the lab test. The application program for interfacing and communication of different devices has been developed for the sensor nodes and the gateway. Also a simple web application has been developed to monitor the output i.e. the status of the bin. In the experiment, three sample have been taken form three different sensor nodes. The information such as bin ID, date and time, secret ID of the sensor node, type of frame, frame number, filling level, weight, temperature, humidity and existing battery power has been collected. Fig. 5 shows the waste filling level inside the bin. Fig. 6 shows the weight of the waste inside the bin. Fig. 7 represents the temperature value and Fig. 8 shows the humidity value inside the bin.
Figure 4. Meshlium with ZigBee, Wifi and GSM/GPRS antenna connected
Pseudocode acc_INT= FALSE; bat= 0; l_val=0; w_val= 0; t_val= 0; h_val= 0; for ( ; ; ) setIWU (ACC) PWR (sleep) If acc_INT= = TRUE unsetIWU (ACC) S_B = ON H_E = ON h_val = SENS (H_E) If h_val = = 1 U_S = ON l_val = SENS (U_S) U_S = OFF L_C = ON w_val = SENS (L_C) L_C = OFF TEM = ON t_val = SENS (TEM) TEM = OFF HUM = ON h_value = SENS (HUM) HUM = OFF else if h_val < 1 l_val = overloaded L_C = ON w_val = SENS (L_C) L_C = OFF TEM = ON t_val = SENS (TEM) TEM = OFF HUM = ON h_value = SENS (HUM) HUM = OFF end if end if end for
Description Bin variable initialization For each measurement Accelerometer is set to Inertial Wake Up mode though it can identify interrupt The mote, radio, sensor board including all the sensors are OFF Checks if the accelerometer interrupt occurs Accelerometer set to normal mode and the mote wake up Activate the sensor board Activate the hall effect sensor Measure the hall effect value Verify if the bin cover closed properly Activate the ultrasonic sensor Measure the level value Disconnect the ultrasonic sensor Activate the load cell sensor Measure the weight value Disconnect the load cell sensor Activate the temperature sensor Measure the temperature value Disconnect the temperature sensor Activate the humidity sensor Measure the humidity value Disconnect the humidity sensor If the bin cover do not shut properly The bin is overloaded Activate the load cell sensor Measure the weight value Disconnect the load cell sensor Activate the temperature sensor Measure the temperature value Disconnect the temperature sensor Activate the humidity sensor Measure the humidity value Disconnect the humidity sensor
As shown in Fig. 5 and Fig. 6, the filling level as well as the weight is increased with the addition of waste in every sample. In Fig. 7 and Fig. 8, the temperature and humidity value shows a rising trend with the addition of waste though
the temperature value of the first bin decreased after the second sample. So, in the control station, the servers will get the updated status of each bin in real time and all the collected data will be stored in the database.
Figure 5. Filling of waste inside the bin
Figure 6. Weight of waste inside the bin
Filling Level Detection
Weight Measure
[11, 12] [13] [14] Proposed
Yes Yes Yes Yes
No Yes No Yes
Effect of Temperature & Humidity Consideration No Yes No Yes
Real Time Response No Yes Yes Yes
In this work, a novel architecture of real time solid waste bin monitoring system has been designed. The system uses wireless sensor network and different communication technologies to monitor the solid waste bin status in real time. The system is implemented in such a way that the measurement of bin variables can be done by the sensor nodes which consumes the minimal energy. The web based application provides real time data about the bin status to the user. It is necessary to get accurate data on real time for the efficient working of a solid waste management system. The system can collect accurate real time data that can be used further as an input to a management system. Thus the system help to reduce operation costs and GhG emission by feeding the real time bin information to an efficient route optimization algorithm as well as helps to measure the actual waste generation amount of the used area.
Figure 7. Temperature inside the bin
Table II presents a comparison of the proposed system with other developed system. The developed system in [11, 12] detect the filling level by capturing and processing bin’s image. The system used GPRS as the data communication technology from bin location and the control station get the bin data when collection truck arrives near the bin. In [13], the developed system gives real time response but GPRS in every bin cause an increasing operating cost. In case of [14], the system considers only one bin parameter and the distance from bin to gateway is limited to 430m. But the proposed system provides a working solution for real time bin status monitoring. It is able to measure necessary bin parameters to estimate the bin condition consuming minimal energy and less operation cost by avoiding GPRS in every bin.
ACKNOWLEDGMENT The authors acknowledge the financial support from grants LRGS/TD/2011/UKM/ICT/04/01 and PRGS/1/12/TK02/UKM/02/2. REFERENCES [1]
Figure 8. Humidity inside the bin
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