Without you there is no way... Because of you - there is a WAY!

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Because of you - there is a WAY! Community Report 2010. United Way of Greater Hazleton, Inc. URS. Employment. CEO. Calls for Help. Answered. EveryDay.
Without you there is no way...

Community United W

Report 2010

ay of Gr e



The Salva


tion Army

105 Free




ater Haz let

CEO Calls for H elp Answered EveryDay

Because of you - there is a WAY!

on, Inc.





Helping H ands Socie

25,530 ho urs of Special N eeds Training


Without you there is no way... From Our Presi


Each year, y our United Way release summation s this annua of the past l report to t twelve mon the money he commun ths of our a raised to su ity. It is a ctivities, an pport the p paring to w d it often c rograms of rite this me enters on our membe ssage, it occ the campaig r agencies. urred to me n, there are But, in prethat for eve two unique first story is r y d o ll h a uman storie r raised dur the tale of t ing s attached to he sacrifice United Way in dividuals ch that dollar. . That doll oose each y The ar may com from particip ear to dona e from pay ating in a sp te to the roll deductio ecial event ior citizen m n in s u t c h h e workplace aking an in as a “dress d back side of dividual con , own” day, o each person t that dollar is r ib r u c s a im t io n p n te ly . On the fr ll their own a senthe story of has a uniqu ont side of story of why where it goe e story. Ma t h t hey choose at dollar, s to help pe ybe it helpe scouting or United Way ople here in d a family, h provided sh . A nd, on the the Hazleto urt by layoff elter to hom sands. In th n Area. Eac , with food eless person is report, yo h and clothing dollar again , or a victim u receive ou one’s life. O , sponsored of domestic r snapshot ur campaign a boy or girl in abuse. The of how you slogan rings stories num r dollar is u true: “Witho ber in the th sed to truly ut you there oumake a diffe is no way.” B rence in som ut because o ef you there is a way.

Because of you - there is a WAY!


Arroyo -

El Mens

Terry M

oran Ba uder Vic


ajero Me d

e Chair -

Brennan , Esq. - B


Rev. Tho mas Cva mmen E Church m Catherin e Michael

Golden -

Christin e Rev. M. Dwayne


ndrews -

Gr. Haz.

Gresh - F

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Jane He ss - Fait Hilton, P

Our Board o


Luz. Cou

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Legal Se

eritus - W Hazleto

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Catherin e


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h.D. - Pe nn State U

Mhley -

of Chris

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& Assoc



n Fire D

epartme nt

resh Sta rt Baker


ity Bank


- Landm ark Ban k

etti - AR CIL & Ev a

Brian Pa ltjon - F


Commu n

oy, Chair

McGove rn, Esq.-



niversity hnston Cargill M eat Solu tions Cheryl K rieger T reas. - P NC Bank James J o

Terranc Lawrenc

inity Luth

n Area S

f Directors



. Haz. Tr

Without you there is no way...

Because of you - there is a WAY!



- PPL . - Secre tary Kin g's Colle ge Barry Sp anial - S panial& Associat es Nancy S tasko - C AN Do, I nc. Eugene Tanler The Her shey Com pany Timothy Trently - Servic e Electric Cablevis ion David So

sar, D.A

Without you there is no way...


Our Top T

2.PPL 3.Fabri-K al 4.HASD

5.Hershey 6.Dial He



Because of you - there is a WAY!

en 7.GHHA 8.Bemis


l Penn Ba nk 10.Servic e Electric Cablevisio n

Top Ten C ompanies represent Employee 63% of ov s represen erall Cam paign t 29% of o verall cam Corporate p a ig n contributi Gifts repre ons sent 34% of Campa Top Corp ig n T o ta l orate Cam paign - C argill Top Emp loyee Cam paign - PP L Top Camp aign - Carg ill

Without you there is no way... Financia

l Position

Because of you - there is a WAY!

Without you there is no way... 1st Prize – Through

2 year lea

the gener

se on a N

Special In

centive Partn


ew Vehicle osity of B arber For or $6,000 d, Berger toward th Family D e purchas ealership 2nd Prize s, Fairway e of a New – Pair of C Tunnesse hevrolet/ or Pre-Ow 3 / S n 4 u ’s b , Carat Dia aru, Inde Inc. 3rd Prize p e n m dence Toy ned Vehicle: ond and P – Vacatio ota, Kress n Package latinum E Auto & arrings – – 2 Bedro courtesy o om/2 Bat f Howard h Condo ’s Jewelry 4th Prize 8 D S u a & Gifts, In n y d s ance Vaca /7 Nights – $500 “D c ti o n My s in rtle Beach ing Aroun , SC – cou d the Tow rtesy of n” 20 -$2 5th Prize 5 Gift Car - $250 Gi ds from Lo ft Card – cal Eaterie courtesy o s f Gould’s 6th Prize ShurSave - $250 Ga soline – c 7th Prize ourtesy o - $250 Ga f PNC Ban soline – c k 8th Prize o u rtesy of F 2 0 ir 0 s t S National 9th Prize avings Bo Bank - One Yea nd – courte r of Famo sy of Firs t Nationa us Victoria l Commu 10th Prize ’s nity Bank C a n d y – courtesy - One Yea r Supply J of Victoria ’s and the immy’s H 11th Prize Esposito ot Dogs – - Flat Scr Family courtesy o een – HD f Jimmy’s TV – courte Quick L s y of Gran d Central

Because of you - there is a WAY!

TV & App



Without you there is no way... United W MEETING

Our Numbe

ay Fund i




ng Prov


NEEDS ~ United Ch arities ma terial assi DEVELOP stance - 2 ING HU 512 famil MAN PO ies TENTIA L~ CEO tran slation se rvices - 10 HEALTH 0 families & HEALI NG ~ Commun ity Servic e For Sigh YOUTH & t services FAMILY D to the blin EVELOP d - 950 fa MENT ~ milies YMCA/YW CA youth programs - 630 chil dren

Because of you - there is a WAY!

Without you there is no way... Campaign C oordinato rs

A.D.M. ~ Katie C ARC Elec oup tric ~Bob & E ARCIL laine Jud d ~Denise C Bemis orcoran ~ Geoff S Bimbo Ba virbely, C keries athy Eury ~ Dave R Bradley C , Cindy Sa obinson aldwell bol ~Gladys S Best West tewart, K ern Inn & elly Sopko Suites ~ S Boscov’s onnie Petr a c honis ~Karen H CANDO ischar ~Nancy S Cargill tasko ~Wendy B Greater H oock, Marc azleton C hamber o io Pinett City of Ha f Commerc zleton e ~ D onna Pale ~ Citterio U Lisa Whit rmo eley SA ~ Dial Corp Lisa Duba tto ~Leann W Dryfoos A illis gency ~ Exopack Lew Dryfo os III, Na ncy Gerla ~Angelo M Fabri-Kal ch atz, Mary Gambone ~Hury Go Federal D chez-Kerr irect ~Sandy W First Qua olchko lity Non-W ovens ~T Forbo erry Smit h ~Donna R Fresh Sta eimold rt Bakerie s (Pennan t Foods, O tis Spunk ~ Jody Ga Giant Foo meyer) llagher d Stores ~Mary Ell en Savage

G.H.H.A. ~Elaine C H.A.S.D. urry, Mary Malone, J ~Cathy F Hershey ack Vozar, anelli-An Marfy Yan drews, Ge ~Barbara Internatio rtie Keck ac Gyurko nal Paper & Sam M ~Nadine arolo J.C. Penn Veet ey ~Felecia M Johns Ma nville anganelli ~Mary Bu KNBT/Na liano, Sno tional Pen w Paris n Bank~ J The Laure ennifer H ls e rm any ~Kathryn Leader D Waschko ata Proce ss in g MMI Prep ~Aida Min or ~Christin PPL a Spencer ~Judy Ph Penn State illips & Pa Universit m Yale y ~Dwayn PNC Ban e Hilton k ~Cheryl K Quebecor rieger World Co lor ~Dawna A Schumac ntolick her Engin eering, In c. ~Mary Lo Silgan Clo u Combell sures ack ~ Standard Nancy Tro Speaker vitch ~ Temple In Helen Bra land skey ~Rose Bz WEIR Min dil erals ~Catherin Special M e Gasewic ention z US Cold S torage ~ Ryan Horv ath & Em ployees

Because of you - there is a WAY!

Without you there is no way...

Allocatio ns ~

Mary T. A limecco ~ Haz. He Ctr. alth & We llness Amilcar A rroyo ~ E l Mensaje Terry Ba ro Media uder ~ Lu z . Commun Bob Bau Marcio P ity Colleg der ~ De inett ~ Ca e pt of PA A rgill Marsha B Lonnie P uditor Ge ell ~ Pen olli ~ Earl neral n State H e Theresa y Polli Ag Fred Poll azleton Brennan ency i ~ Comm , E s q unity Volu . ~ Brenn Elliott Bu Judy Prib an Law O n rlett ~ Lo teer ula ~ Hers ffice we's Barbara hey Cindy Sa Cassise bol ~ Bem ~M&TB Colleen C is Compa Kelly Sop ank ny hamness k o ~ B ~ ra KNBT dley Cald Lorrie De Nancy Sta w e ffley ~ Ha ll, Inc. sko ~ CA z. Health Lew Dryfo N DO, Inc C & o n W n e ie llness Ctr os III ~ D Teter ~ K . ryfoos Ins NBT Cathy Eu Annie W urance ry ~ Bem aschko ~ is C ompany Jr. Leade Mike Fen Margaret rship ner ~ Ca Yost ~ P rgill P Barbara L Dolores Gennaro Zellner ~ ~ Gr. Haz Commun Christine . Senior C ity Volunte Gresh ~ it iz e n er F s ir st Nationa Cathy Ku D l Com. Ba rtz ~ Pro a y o f C n k vidence P aring ~ Bill Magn lace otta ~ Fir s t N a Andy Mh tional Ban Blue Cros ley ~ Ha k of PA sN zleton Fir Mary Beth e Odette As EPA Departme Nenstiel h n by t ~ Attick's Al Onusc Diane Biss Inc. hak ~ PP o l L AJ Onus Justine Ch chak ~ P ic k PL Sonnie P etrachon is ~ Gene Hershey Nick J. P tti's etrole ~ P Barbara G P L Nick A. P yurko etrole, ~ Commun ity Volunte er


PNC Ban k Cheryl Kri eg Sylvia Go er ughenour Renee Fin neran Butterfly Lif Alyson DiS e abella WYLN Kenny Ca ra Volunteer C Anne Frey enter of Gr. Hazleto n Brennan L eg Theresa B al Services rennan Greater H az Melanie K leton Health Allian ali ce LeaAnn D nowski udinyak Jane Danis h Jack Voza r Stephanie Za Margie Bo lutko gash Attick's In c. Mary Beth Nenstiel McNees W a Liz Magus llace & Nurick chak

Because of you - there is a WAY!

Our Missio

Without you there is no way... n & Staff

The missi on primary v of the United Wa y of Great ehicle for e financial agent for support t r Hazleton, Inc. is communi o to serve a ty educat s ion in the human service pri orities an this community's se service d to serve s. as the key United W ay of G

Pat Ward President & CUERO S

reater Ha zleton, In c. ~ 134 S outh Wyo Tel: 570.4 ming Stre 55.9515; F et ~ Hazle ax: 570.4 ton, Penn 55.9571; w sylvania 1 eb: united 8201 wayhazle ton.org

Mary Jane

Ricco Associate Employmen t Director A gency “You can’ & t be Allocation good at s everything “ L ook out, !” here we co me!”

Donna Jean

Yannuzzi Administr ator of Finance “Two old fogeys!”


Saullo Director o f Resource & Developm ent “This is w h want to do at I when I RE-TIRE! ”

Because of you - there is a WAY!

Ron Schell Finance “Go PSU!”


DiSabella Marketing Coordinato r

“Drinks $ feeling coo 18 ~ l in a rooftop NYC N ightc PRICELE lub ~ SS!”

Cam Dugan Reception


“Let’s play


Without you there is no way...


HAZLETON A HAZLETON REA CAREER CENT ER AREA HIG H Joshua (Jo sh) Bayzick SCHOOL Deanna Go ach Alexandra (A li) Jackeline (J Petsuck ackie) Torre s IMMANUEL CHRISTIAN SCHOOL MARIAN C AT Alexa Nem HOLIC HIGH SCHOO eth L MMI PREP AR Courtney B ATORY SCHOOL ogansky WEATHER LY Eliza Bushe AREA HIGH SCHOO L r Brittany Hin kle

Youth Alloc




Alvaro Espin


Justin Cain Brandon Ka ntner Kristina Ro skos Ann (Annie ) Waschko Laura (Midg e) Vinatieri Maria (Mim i) Ryan Fort Daniel (Dan e ny) Y

Thomas (T om Hussam Ma my) Delahantyhm Elizabeth (B ood etsy) Seige ndall Sylvia Wite k

Oberto Christine V


Susan Funk Alyssa Kep hart Dominic Pa lermo

Because of you - there is a WAY!

ASS OF 20 09-2010


Jacob Slus


Rachel Heis te Savannah M r artin

Without you there is no way...

Agencies- Ou

r Team

American Cancer So ciety 132 S. Wyo ming St. Hazleton, PA 18201 T: 459-12 12 F: 454 -2544 www.cance r.or g

American Red Cross 165 Susqu ehanna Blv d West Haz leton, PA 18202 T: 455-95 17 F:455-3 743 http://haz le ton.redcro ss.org

Big Broth ers/Big Sis ters 214 W Wal nut St. Hazleton, PA 18201 T: 455-674 2 F: 455-2 707 www.bbb swb. org

Boy Scouts -Anthraci te District 21 N. Chu rch St. Hazleton, PA 18201 T: 578-89 27

www.min sitrails.com

Catholic S ocial Servi ces 214 W Wal nut St. Hazleton, PA 18201 T: 455-15 21 F: 4552707 www.cssha zl eton.org

Child Dev elopment Council 1059 N Lo cust St. Hazleton, PA 18201 T: 454-66 47

www.child developm entcounci Commis l.com

sion on Eco nomic Op portunity 100 W Bro ad St. Ste 11-13 Hazleton, PA 18201 T: 455-49 94 F: 4555631 www.ceope op

Freeland Y MCA 600 Fron t St. Meals on Freeland, Wheels PA 18224 7 T: 636-36 80 N. Chu 40 F: 636 rch St. -3640 Hazleton, Girl Scouts P A 18201 in the Hea rt of PA T: 501-1700 242 Airpo F: 501-170 rt Road 1 Hazleton, North Pen PA 18202 n Legal Se T: 501-26 rvices 04 F: 5012 E. Broad 2325 www St. .gshpa.org

Help Line 31 W Mar ket St. Wilkes Bar re, PA 1870 1 T: 888-82 9-1341 F: 829-5055 www.helpl ine-ne

Ste 210 Hazleton, PA 18201 T: 455-95 12 ext 102 w

ww.north pen


Serento G ardens/Alc ohol Drug Svcs 145 W Bro ad St. 2nd flr Hazleton, PA 18201 T: 455-99 02 F:455-9 452 www.seren to

Victims R esource Center 71 N. Fran klin St. Wilkes Ba rre, PA 18 701 T: 866-20 6-9050 F: 823-911 5

www.vrcn epa.org

Volunteer Center of Greater H azleton c/o 134 S. Wyoming St. Hazleton, PA 18201 T: 453-04 26

Operation Overcome -More Mobility gardens.o lehelpingp rg eople.org 3 3 3 W H . e B lp laine St. ing Hands Communit Society y Services McAdoo, United Ch 301 Rocky for Sight 1201B N C PA 18237 www.vcgh arities Rd. hurch St 4 .org T 10 : 929-1456 09 7 Madison Hazleton, Hazle Twp F : A 4 P . PA 1820 v 5 A e 5 -1 18201 7 3 w 1 w 2 w W .anthracite est Hazleto T: 455-04 T: 455-49 cil.org 21 F: 455-0 n, PA 182 58 F: 455 485 02 YMCA/YWCA of -4959 : 455-1529 www.help F inghandss : Domestic 4 5 Hazleton 5 -0 77 2 ociety.org Violence C enter PO Box 217 (D ia 7 k 5 S Churc o n ) Hospice The Salva 7 United Re h St. St. John tion Army habilitatio Wilkes Bar 1201-B N.C H azleton, P n re, PA 1870 3 S 5 e 6 h rv u W ic rc A 18201 B e h 3 s road St. Ste403 T: 800-42 Hazle Twp 4-5600 F: T: 455-20 Hazleton, 489 W. Bro . PA 1820 821-0475 www.dom 4 6 PA 18201 2 esticviolen ad St. T: 459-67 F:455-935 ceservice. T: 454-16 Hazleton, 78 F: 453-5 org 7 31 F:454-7 P 202 A www.diak 18201 825 on.org/ho T : 459-978 spice 4 F: 4590 728 w pa.info

ww.ursweb .org

Because of you - there is a WAY!