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a variable exponent version of the Hedberg–Wolff theorem on the .... functions in terms of the Wolff potential (1.2). ...... C0(θ1/κ + (λp− Rp− + max(λp−−p+. , 1))θ.
WOLFF POTENTIAL ESTIMATES FOR ELLIPTIC EQUATIONS WITH NONSTANDARD GROWTH AND APPLICATIONS TEEMU LUKKARI, FUMI-YUKI MAEDA, AND NIKO MAROLA Abstract. We study superharmonic functions related to elliptic equations with structural conditions involving a variable growth exponent. We establish pointwise estimates for such functions in terms of a Wolff type potential. We apply these estimates to prove a variable exponent version of the Hedberg–Wolff theorem on the dual of Sobolev spaces with zero boundary values.

1. Introduction We study pointwise behaviour of superharmonic functions defined relative to quasilinear elliptic equations − div A(x, ∇u) = 0,


where A satisfies structural conditions involving a variable exponent p(x). We shall call such functions Ap(·) -superharmonic. By definition, Ap(·) -superharmonic functions obey the comparison principle with respect to solutions of (1.1); see Section 2 for the details. The model example is given by the variable exponent p-Laplace equation − div(|∇u|p(x)−2 ∇u) = 0. Roughly speaking, superharmonic functions related to a partial differential equation can be characterised as solutions of a nonhomogeneous equation involving a positive measure µ on the right hand side. It is possible to study the pointwise behaviour of superharmonic functions in terms of an appropriate nonlinear potential of this right hand side measure, see for example [25, 26, 28, 32, 33, 35, 38]. Nonlinear potentials also have an interesting theory in their own right and other applications, see for instance [4, 5, 6, 19]. 2000 Mathematics Subject Classification. 35J60, 46E35, 31C45. Key words and phrases. p(x)-Laplace equation, Nonstandard growth, variable exponent, Wolff potential, superharmonic functions. First author supported in part by the Academy of Finland. Third author supported by the Academy of Finland and the Emil Aaltonen foundation. 1



We establish potential estimates similar to those given by Kilpeläinen and Malý [25, 26]. The appropriate potential for controlling Ap(·) superharmonic functions turns out to be 1/(p(x)−1) Z R µ(B(x, r)) dr µ Wp(·) (x, R) = , (1.2) n−p(x) r r 0 which is the constant exponent Wolff potential taken pointwise. As an application of these estimates, we prove a variable exponent version of a theorem due to Hedberg and Wolff [20] on the dual of Sobolev spaces with zero boundary values. A characterization of the points of continuity of an Ap(·) -superharmonic funtion can also be given in terms of this potential. In addition, we prove a Harnack inequality and local Hölder continuity under an extra assumption on the measure µ. The last two results readily follow as in [26] once the pointwise estimates are available. The structural conditions we consider here are a particular class of socalled nonstandard growth conditions. There is an extensive literature on the calculus of variations and partial differential equations with various types of such conditions, see, e.g., [1, 2, 3, 8, 12, 16, 34, 40]. In particular, potential estimates sufficient for boundary regularity of solutions of the variable exponent p-Laplace equation in terms of a Wiener criterion have been given by Alkhutov and Krashenninikova [7]. However, their estimates rely on boundedness of the functions under consideration. We are able to relax such restrictions. In the case of solutions to (1.1), our potential estimates reduce to Harnack’s inequality. It is well-known that Harnack estimates and other regularity results for (1.1) do not hold without additional assumptions on the function p(x); see the counterexamples in [23, 40]. Even the variable exponent Lebesgue and Sobolev spaces have few good properties for general, for instance just measurable, exponents. However, there is a condition, called logarithmic Hölder continuity, which seems to be the right one for our purposes. This condition was originally introduced by Zhikov [39] in the context of the Lavrentiev phenomenon, and it has turned out to be very useful in regularity and other applications, see, e.g., [2, 3, 9, 10, 12, 16, 37, 40]. For our potential estimates, a lack of homogeneity is a major source of difficulties. We need to use the logarithmic Hölder continuity and other techniques extensively to deal with these difficulties, and the final estimates become intrinsic in the sense that the constants depend on the function under consideration. This feature is already present in the Harnack estimates of [7, 17]. The paper is organised as follows. Section 2 discusses the relevant background material, including variable exponent Sobolev spaces, logarithmic Hölder continuity and its implications, and the basic properties of Ap(·)-superharmonic functions. In Sections 3 and 4 we establish lower



and upper pointwise estimates, respectively, for Ap(·) -superharmonic functions in terms of the Wolff potential (1.2). In Section 5, we prove the variable exponent version of the Hedberg–Wolff theorem. Finally, Section 6 closes the paper with some simple consequences of the pointwise estimates. 2. Preliminaries We call a measurable function p : Rn → (1, ∞), n ≥ 2, a variable exponent. We denote + p− E = inf p(x) and pE = sup p(x), x∈E


+ where E is a measurable subset of R . We assume that 1 < p− Ω ≤ pΩ < ∞, where Ω is an open, bounded subset of Rn . The variable exponent Lebesgue space Lp(·) (Ω) consists of all measurable functions f defined on Ω for which Z |f |p(x) dx < ∞. n

The Luxemburg norm on this space is defined as   Z f (x) p(x) kf kp(·) = inf λ > 0 : dx ≤ 1 . λ Ω

Equipped with this norm Lp(·) (Ω) is a Banach space, see Kováčik and Rákosník [27]. The variable exponent Lebesgue space is a special case of a more general Orlicz–Musielak space studied in [36]. For a constant function p(·) the variable exponent Lebesgue space coincides with the standard Lebesgue space. The variable exponent Sobolev space W 1,p(·)(Ω) consists of functions f ∈ Lp(·) (Ω) whose distributional gradient ∇f exists and satisfies |∇f | ∈ Lp(·) (Ω). This space is a Banach space with the norm kf k1,p(·) = kf kp(·) + k∇f kp(·). For basic properties of the spaces Lp(·) and W 1,p(·) , we refer to [27]. In particular, we will use the fact that if E is an open (or, measurable) subset of Ω and p and q are variable exponents satisfying q(x) ≤ p(x) for almost every x ∈ E, then Lp(·) (Ω) embeds continuously into Lq(·) (E). This implies that every function f ∈ W 1,p(·) (Ω) also be− − longs to W 1,pΩ (Ω) and to W 1,pB (B), where B is a ball contained in Ω. Smooth functions are not dense in W 1,p(·) (Ω) without additional assumptions on the exponent p(·). This was observed by Zhikov [39, 40] in the context of the Lavrentiev phenomenon, which means that minimal values of variational integrals may differ depending on whether one minimises over smooth functions or Sobolev functions. Zhikov has



also introduced the logarithmic Hölder continuity condition to rectify this. The condition is C (2.1) |p(x) − p(y)| ≤ − log (|x − y|) for all x, y ∈ Ω such that |x − y| ≤ 1/2. If the exponent is bounded and satisfies (2.1), smooth functions are dense in variable exponent Sobolev spaces and we can define the Sobolev space with zero boundary 1,p(·) values, W0 (Ω), as the completion of C0∞ (Ω) with respect to the norm k · k1,p(·) . We refer to [10, 13, 24, 37] for density results in variable exponent Sobolev spaces. Higher integrability [40], Hölder regularity results [2, 12], Harnack estimates [7, 17] and gradient estimates [3] for variational integrals and partial differential equations with p(·)-growth use condition (2.1). Furthermore, examples show that if the logarithmic Hölder continuity condition is violated even slightly, higher integrability [40] and continuity of minimisers [23] may fail and the Lavrentiev phenomenon described above may occur [39]. Thus it is no surprise that logarithmic Hölder continuity plays a crucial role also in this paper. We will use logarithmic Hölder continuity in the form +

R−(pB −pB ) ≤ C,


where B = B(x0 , 2R) ⋐ Ω. It is well-known that requiring (2.2) to hold for all such balls is equivalent with condition (2.1); a proof of this is given in [10, Lemma 3.2]. An elementary consequence of (2.2) is the inequality C −1 R−p(y) ≤ R−p(x) ≤ CR−p(y) , (2.3) which holds for any points x, y ∈ B(x0 , 2R) with a constant depending only on the constant of (2.2). We use phrases like “by log-Hölder continuity” when applying either (2.2) or (2.3). We need the following assumptions to hold for the operator A : Ω × Rn → Rn . (1) x 7→ A(x, ξ) is measurable for all ξ ∈ Rn , (2) ξ 7→ A(x, ξ) is continuous for all x ∈ Ω, (3) A(x, ξ) · ξ ≥ α|ξ|p(x), where α > 0 is a constant, for all x ∈ Ω and ξ ∈ Rn , (4) |A(x, ξ)| ≤ β|ξ|p(x)−1, where β ≥ α > 0 is a constant, for all x ∈ Ω and ξ ∈ Rn , (5) (A(x, η) − A(x, ξ)) · (η − ξ) > 0 for all x ∈ Ω and η 6= ξ ∈ Rn . These are called the structure conditions of A. Assume from now on that p(·) is log-Hölder continuous. We say that 1,p(·) a function u ∈ Wloc (Ω) is a supersolution of the equation (1.1) if Z A(x, ∇u) · ∇ϕ dx ≥ 0 Ω



for all nonnegative test functions ϕ ∈ C0∞ (Ω). Further, u is a solution ′ if equality holds. The dual of Lp(·) (Ω) is the space Lp (·) (Ω) obtained by conjugating the exponent pointwise, see [27]. Combining this with 1,p(·) the definition of W0 (Ω) as the completion of C0∞ (Ω) allows us to 1,p(·) employ test functions ϕ ∈ W0 (Ω) with compact support in Ω by the usual approximation argument. Definition 2.1. We say that a function u : Ω → (−∞, ∞] is Ap(·) superharmonic in Ω if (1) u is lower semicontinuous, (2) u belongs to Ltloc (Ω) for some t > 0, and (3) The comparison principle holds: Let U ⋐ Ω be an open set. If h is a solution in U, continuous in U and u ≥ h on ∂U, then u ≥ h in U. Note that our definition is stronger than the one given in [14, 18, 31]. More specifically, we require that u belongs to Ltloc (Ω) for some t > 0, instead of just assuming that u is finite almost everywhere. This way, we avoid constant repetition of the Ltloc assumption. We emphasise the fact that in the definition, any exponent t > 0 will do; having a small integrability exponent t to begin with allows us to conclude the integrability of u to certain natural exponents, see Theorem 2.2 below. It is not known whether assumption (2) can be weakened without losing the conclusion of Theorem 2.2. However, for Ap(·) -superharmonic solutions of Dirichlet problems involving measures, property (2) can be verified by using a priori estimates, see [31, proof of Theorem 4.7]. For the basic properties of Ap(·)-superharmonic functions, we refer to [14]. Most of these properties are similar to the case of p-superharmonic or A-superharmonic functions considered in, e.g., [21, 22, 29]. One of these properties is the fact that if u is Ap(·) -superharmonic, then min(u, k) is a supersolution for any constant k. Indeed, it is easy to see that min(u, k) is Ap(·) -superharmonic, and bounded Ap(·)-superharmonic functions are supersolutions, see [14, Corollary 6.6]. In particular, the truncations are weakly differentiable, hence, we can follow [25] and define a generalised gradient Du of u in a standard fashion as the pointwise limit Du = lim ∇ min(u, k). k→∞

Note that Du is not necessarily the gradient of u in the distributional sense, since Du might not belong to L1loc (Ω). We adopt the following convention: ∇ denotes the usual weak gradient, and D refers to the above definition. The integrability lemma of Kilpeläinen and Malý [25, Lemma 1.11] is used to prove the following result. See [14, Theorem 7.5] and [30, Theorem 4.4].



Theorem 2.2. Let u be a Ap(·)-superharmonic function in Ω. Then there is a number q > 1 such that |u|q(p(x)−1) and |Du|q(p(x)−1) are locally integrable. The basis of this paper is the following theorem, which is a simple consequence of Theorem 2.2 and the Riesz representation theorem, see the proof of Theorem 4.2 in [31]. Theorem 2.3. Let u be a Ap(·)-superharmonic function in Ω. Then there is a positive Radon measure µ such that − div A(x, Du) = µ in the sense of distributions. Further, if uk = min(u, k) and the measures µk are given by − div A(x, ∇uk ) = µk , then µk → µ weakly as k → ∞. We use the following lemma in order to pass to the limit in our estimates. See [11, Theorem 1, pp. 54 – 55] for the proof. Lemma 2.4. Let µ and µk , k = 1, 2, . . ., be positive Radon measures such that µk → µ weakly in Ω. Then lim sup µk (K) ≤µ(K) for all compact sets K ⊂ Ω, and k→∞

lim inf µk (U) ≥µ(U) for all open sets U ⊂ Ω. k→∞

We deal with integrals involving measures that are not necessarily absolutely continuous with respect to the Lebesgue measure. The following lemma takes care of this. It can be proved in the same way as [35, Lemma 2.5]. The notion of p(·)-quasicontinuity is very similar to that of p-quasicontinuity, see [15, Section 5] for the details. 1,p(·)

Lemma 2.5. Let µ be a Radon measure in Ω that belongs to (W0 Then Z (µ, u) =


for all u ∈ W0 of u.

(Ω))∗ .

u e dµ

(Ω), where u e is a p(·)-quasicontinuous representative

If u is Ap(·)-superharmonic, then the measures µk associated to the 1,p(·) truncations min(u, k) are in (W0 (U))∗ for open sets U such that U ⋐ Ω. Hence, the above lemma allows us to write integrals of Sobolev functions with respect to µk fairly freely, with the implicit understanding that we always work with p(·)-quasicontinuous representatives. In the estimates below, we will use C to denote various constants, whose exact value is not important. We will not explicitly indicate the dependencies of such constants on the dimension n, the structural



− constants α and β of the operator A, p+ Ω and pΩ , and the log-Hölder constant of p(·). Any other dependencies will be indicated; in particular, we will indicate how the constants depend on the Ap(·) -superharmonic function u under consideration. The following Caccioppoli type estimates follow by standard choices of test functions; the proofs are written out in [17, Lemma 4.3] and [31, Lemma 3.1].

Lemma 2.6. Let u be a nonnegative supersolution of (1.1) in a ball B = B(x0 , 2R) ⋐ Ω, η ∈ C0∞ (B) be such that 0 ≤ η ≤ 1, and let ε > 0. Then one has Z Z −1−ε p(x) p+ u |∇u| η B dx ≤ C u−1−ε+p(x)|∇η|p(x) dx, B


where the constant C depends on ε.

Lemma 2.7. Let u be a nonpositive supersolution of (1.1) in a ball B = B(x0 , 2R) ⋐ Ω, η ∈ C0∞ (B) be such that 0 ≤ η ≤ 1. Then one has Z Z p(x) p+ |∇u| η B dx ≤ C (−u)p(x) |∇η|p(x) dx. B


We also need the sharp form of the weak Harnack inequality (2.4) for Ap(·) -superharmonic functions.

Lemma 2.8. Let u be a nonnegative Ap(·) -superharmonic function in a ball B = B(x0 , 2R) ⋐ Ω, let t > 0 be such that u ∈ Lt (B). If − p+ B − pB < t/n, then !1/s Z − us dx ≤ C( inf u(x) + R) (2.4) B(x0 , 23 R)

for any 0 < s
n is a Here C − constant such that p+ B − pB < t/q.

We can establish (2.4) for nonnegative supersolutions as follows. We modify the argument of the proof of [7, Lemma 6.3] in a fashion similar to [17, Lemma 3.5]. This gives the estimate of [7, Lemma 6.3] with the supremum replaced by the Lt -norm in the constant, provided that − p+ B − pB < t/n. Then (2.4) follows by an application of [17, Theorem 3.7]. The case of general Ap(·) -superharmonic functions then follows by considering the truncations min(u, k) and letting k tend to infinity. Both [7] and [17] are concerned only with the p(·)-Laplacean case, but it is straightforward to modify the arguments to cover our case, too. − Note that the condition p+ B −pB < t/q restricts the size of the balls B in which the lemma can be applied. However, once the exponents q and



t are fixed, this restriction depends only on the continuity properties of p(·), not on u. Further, in view of Theorem 2.2, the admissible choices of t are the same for all Ap(·) -superharmonic functions. The interested reader can consult [17, Section 3] for the technical details. 3. Lower pointwise estimate In this section, we prove a lower bound for Ap(·) -superharmonic functions in terms of the Wolff potential (1.2). We do this along the lines of Kilpeläinen and Malý [25]. Hereafter, let x0 be an arbitrary but fixed point of Ω, and denote p0 = p(x0 ) and BR = B(x0 , R). By the continuity of p(·), we can find a radius 0 < R0 ≤ 1 such that BR0 ⋐ Ω, and n p+ (p− − 1), 0 −1 < n−1 0 + − − where we denoted p+ 0 = pBR0 and p0 = pBR0 . Fix a number γ such − − that n(p+ 0 − p0 ) < γ < n(p0 − 1)/(n − 1). We may also assume that + − q(p0 − p0 ) < γ, where q is the technical exponent in the weak Harnack inequality, Lemma 2.8. Indeed, q is not a priori given, so we may choose a suitable value of q once γ is fixed. We denote +

M(u, B) = (1 + kukLγ (B) )pB −pB

for balls B ⊂ BR0 and functions u ∈ Lγ (B). Note that M(u, B) < ∞ by Lemma 2.8 for Ap(·) -superharmonic functions u due to the choice of γ. Let us begin with the following estimate which combines the Caccioppoli type estimate (Lemma 2.6) and the weak Harnack inequality (Lemma 2.8). Lemma 3.1. Let u be a nonnegative supersolution of (1.1) in a ball B = B2R , where 0 < R ≤ R20 , and let η ∈ C0∞ (B3R/2 ) be such that 0 ≤ η ≤ 1 and |∇η| ≤ 4/R. Assume that M(u, B) ≤ L < ∞. Then p0 −1  Z p(x)−1 p+ −1 n−p0 B ess inf u(x) + R , |∇u| η |∇η| dx ≤ CR x∈BR


where the constant C depends on γ and L. − − Proof. Let p+ = p+ B and p = pB for simplicity, and b = ess inf x∈BR u(x). We note that for x ∈ B Z (p+ −p(x))/γ p+ −p(x) γ b ≤ C − u dx ≤ CM(u, B) (3.1) B

by the log-Hölder continuity of p(·). Set   n p− 1 0 −1 − 1, p0 − 1 . ε = min 2 n − 1 p+ 0 −1



Then 0 < ε < 1, and n (p− − 1). n−1 In particular, this means that the exponents p+ −1−ε and (p+ −1)(1+ε) are admissible in the weak Harnack inequality. We use Young’s inequality and obtain Z + |∇u|p(x)−1η p −1 |∇η| dx 0 < p+ − 1 − ε < (p+ − 1)(1 + ε)
0 depends on M(u, B2R ). µ Wp(·) (x0 , R)


Proof. Let Rj = 21−j R and aj = inf x∈BRj u(x). Lemma 3.2 and the lower semicontinuity of u imply that 1/(p0 −1) X ∞  ∞ X p0 −n j(n−p0 ) C R 2 µ(BRj ) ≤ (aj − aj−1 + Rj ) j=1


= lim (ak − a0 ) + k→∞

∞ X



=u(x0 ) − inf u(x) + 2R. x∈B2R

The theorem follows from the inequality 1/(p0 −1) Z R ∞ X 1/(p0 −1) dr µ(Br ) p0 −n j(n−p0 ) ≤ C R 2 µ(B ) . R j r n−p0 r 0 j=1

4. Upper pointwise estimate In this section, we prove a pointwise upper bound for Ap(·) -superharmonic functions in terms of the Wolff potential (1.2). Our approach is an adaptation of the method in Kilpeläinen and Malý [26]. In our setting, a similar estimate has been proved by Alkhutov and Krasheninnikova (see [7, Theorem 8.1 and (8.34)]). However, they consider only capacitary potentials u, in which case 0 ≤ u ≤ 1, and their arguments rely on this boundedness of u. Our goal is to give an estimate for general, i.e., not necessarily bounded, Ap(·) -superharmonic functions.



Throughout this section, let x0 be an arbitrary but fixed point of Ω and denote p0 = p(x0 ) and BR = B(x0 , R). By the continuity of p(·), + there is a radius 0 < R0 ≤ 1 such that BR0 ⋐ Ω, and for p+ 0 = pBR0 − and p− 0 = pBR , one has 0

p+ 0 −1
1, λ > 0 and let η ∈ C0∞ (BR ) be such that 0 ≤ η ≤ 1. Then there exists a constant C, depending on p+ 0 and σ0 , such that Z + |∇u|p(x)(1 + λu)−σ η p dx BR ∩{u>0}  Z + −p+ −p− ≤ C max(λ , λ ) (1 + λu)σ(p −1) |∇η|p(x) dx B ∩{u>0}  R 1 + µ(supp η) λ for σ ≥ σ0 . Proof. For σ ≥ σ0 , let Z τ Ψ(τ ) = (1 + λs)−σ ds = 0

 1 1 − (1 + λτ )1−σ λ(σ − 1) 1,p(·)


for τ ≥ 0. Set v = (Ψ ◦ u+ )η p . Then v ∈ W0

(BR ) and


∇v = (1 + λu)−σ χ{u>0} η p ∇u + p+ (Ψ ◦ u+ )η p Note that 0 ≤ Ψ(τ ) ≤

1 1 ≤ . λ(σ − 1) λ(σ0 − 1)

+ −1




Hence, using v as a test function in (4.3), we have Z + α |∇u|p(x)(1 + λu)−σ η p dx (4.4) BR ∩{u>0} Z  + ≤ A(x, ∇u) · ∇u (1 + λu)−σ η p dx BR ∩{u>0} Z Z  + p+ −1 = −p A(x, ∇u) · ∇η (Ψ ◦ u+ )η dx + v dµ BR BR   Z 1 + p(x)−1 p+ −1 p β |∇u| |∇η|η dx + µ(supp η) . ≤ λ(σ0 − 1) 0 BR ∩{u>0} By Young’s inequality, for δ > 0 we have

|∇u|p(x)−1|∇η|η p

+ −1

≤δ|∇u|p(x)(1 + λu+ )−σ η p


+ δ 1−p(x) (1 + λu+ )σ(p(x)−1) |∇η|p(x) ≤δ|∇u|p(x)(1 + λu+ )−σ η p



+ δ max(δ −p , δ −p )(1 + λu+ )σ(p

+ −1)


Choose δ = λ(σ0 − 1)α/(2p+ 0 β). Then α p+ + + 0β |∇u|p(x)−1|∇η|η p ≤ |∇u|p(x)(1 + λu)−σ η p λ(σ0 − 1) 2 +

+ C max(λ−p , λ−p )(1 + λu)σ(p

+ −1)

|∇η|p(x) (4.5)

on BR ∩ {u > 0} with C > 0 depending on p+ 0 and σ0 . Thus we obtain the required estimate by absorbing the first term in (4.5) to the left hand side of (4.4).  Recall our notation from the previous section +

M(u, B) = (1 + kukLγ (B) )pB −pB , where γ is introduced in the following lemma. Lemma 4.2. Let u be an Ap(·)-superharmonic function in B2R , where 0 < R ≤ R20 , and let µ = − div A(x, Du). Assume that M(u+ , B2R ) ≤ L < ∞, and let γ satisfy p+ 0 −1 < γ
0, j = 1, 2, 3, depending on p0 , p+ 0 , p0 , and γ, such that Z 1/γ  Z 1/γ ρ1 ρ2 γ γ − u+ dx ≤ C θR R + θR − u+ dx BR

+ θR




p0 µ(B2R )

|B2R |

1/(p0 −1)  , (4.7)



where θR = |B2R ∩ {u > 0}|/|B2R |. − − Proof. Let 0 < R ≤ R0 /2 and write p+ = p+ B2R , p = pB2R and θ = θR for simplicity. First, assume that u is bounded. Then u is a supersolution of (1.1) in B2R . Let σ = γ/(p+ − 1). Then σ ≥ σ0 := γ/(p+ 0 − 1) > 1, and furthermore,

κp− γ 0 < < p− . σ≤ p0 − 1 p0 − 1 + κ −

Consider w = (1 + λu+ )1−σ/p − 1 for λ > 0. Then, 0 ≤ w ≤ − 1,p(·) (λu+ )1−σ/p and w ∈ Wloc (B2R ). If η ∈ C0∞ (B2R ) is such that 0 ≤ + − η ≤ 1, η = 1 on BR , and |∇η| ≤ 2/R, then the function η p /p w 1,p(·) belongs to W0 (B2R ) and + − − − − − + |∇(η p /p w)|p ≤ C |∇η|p w p + |∇w|p η p − − − − + ≤C R−p (λu+ )p −σ + λp |∇u|p (1 + λu)−σ χ{u>0} η p   − ≤C R−p χ{u>0} + (λu+ )γ  − + + λp 1 + |∇u|p(x)(1 + λu)−σ η p χ{u>0} . By Sobolev’s inequality, we have Z 1/κ Z + − − p+ /p− κp− p− − (η w) dx ≤ CR − |∇(η p /p w)|p dx B2R B2R  Z ≤C θ + λγ − uγ+ dx B   2R Z 1 p(x) −σ p+ p− p− |∇u| (1 + λu) η dx . +λ R θ+ |B2R | B2R ∩{u>0}

Hence, by Lemma 4.1, Z 1/κ  Z p+ /p− κp− p− p− γ − (η w) dx ≤ C (1 + λ R )θ + λ − B2R


uγ+ dx

Z  R p− p− −p+ + max λ ,1 (1 + λu)γ |∇η|p(x) dx |B2R | B2R ∩{u>0}  p− −1 p− µ(supp η) (4.8) +λ R |B2R |   − − − + ≤ C λp Rp + max λp −p , 1 θ  Z  γ γ p− −p+ p− −1 p− µ(supp η) , + max λ , 1 λ − u+ dx + λ R |B2R | B2R


15 −

where we used log-Hölder continuity to estimate |∇η|p(x) ≤ CR−p . − We have w ≥ C(λu+ )1−σ/p for some C > 0 in case λu+ ≥ 1. By (4.6),   κγ σ − ≥ γ. κp 1 − − ≥ κp− 0 − p p0 − 1 Thus, since η = 1 on BR ,  Z 1/κ  Z γ γ 1/κ λ − u+ dx ≤C θ + − BR

p+ /p−




1/κ  dx .

Hence, by (4.8)  Z 1/κ   − −  − + γ γ λ − u+ dx ≤ C0 θ1/κ + λp Rp + max λp −p , 1 θ BR  Z  γ γ p− −p+ p− −1 p− µ(supp η) + max λ , 1 λ − u+ dx + λ . (4.9) R |B2R | B2R −

By log-Hölder continuity, Rp can be replaced by Rp0 . Note that C0 depends on γ, but does not depend on R, u, or λ. Hereafter, let Z 1/γ γ AR := − u+ dx . BR

Then by log-Hölder continuity one has + −p−

p AR



≤ C1 M(u+ , B2R ) ≤ C1 L


≤ C1 M(u+ , B2R ) ≤ C1 L,


where the constant C1 ≥ 1 depends on γ. Next, we set


f = 1 + C0 + C0 C1 L ≥ 1 M fκ/γ θ1/γ A−1 . λ=M R

fθ1/κ and 0 ≤ θ ≤ 1, (4.9) and (4.10) imply Since (λγ AγR )1/κ = M  − − p0 1/κ 1−(p+ 0 f 0 −p0 )/γ (M − C0 )θ ≤ C0 C2′ θp0 /γ A−p R R + C1 Lθ

+ − γ 1−p0 p0 µ(supp η) ′ (p− 0 −1)/γ A + C3′ θ1−(p0 −p0 )/γ A−γ R R A2R + C4 θ R |B2R |

with the primed constants Cj′ depending on γ and L. Since γ > n(p+ 0 − − p0 ) by (4.2) and 0 ≤ θ ≤ 1, +

θ1−(p0 −p0 )/γ ≤ θ1/κ .



Hence, the above estimate yields  − p0 1/κ ′ 0 3θ ≤ C θp0 /γ A−p R R +θ

− 1−(p+ 0 −p0 )/γ

γ A−γ R A2R

(p− 0 −1)/γ

µ(supp η) 0 A1−p R p0 R |B2R |

with a constant C ′ > 0 depending on γ and L. Therefore we have either − 0 θ1/κ ≤ C ′ θp0 /γ Rp0 A−p R or + − γ θ1/κ ≤ C ′ θ1−(p0 −p0 )/γ A−γ R A2R or − µ(supp η) 0 θ1/κ ≤ C ′ θ(p0 −1)/γ A1−p R p0 . R |B2R | This means that we have three possibilities: either  p− 1 0 −1 γ κ p0 AR ≤ Cθ R or

AR ≤ Cθ or


p+ −p− 0 0 γ

1 1 − κγ γ


1/(p0 −1) µ(supp η) , R AR ≤ Cθ |B2R | where the constant C > 0 depends on γ and L. Let us now define  −  p0 1 p+ − p− 1 1 1 ρ1 := , ρ2 := − 0 2 0 − − , γ κ p0 γ γ κγ and   − 1 p0 − 1 1 − . ρ3 := γ κ p0 − 1 By (4.6) and (4.2), we see that ρj > 0, j = 1, 2, 3. By the above three inequalities for AR , we have 1/(p0 −1) !  µ(supp η) . (4.11) AR ≤ C θρ1 R + θρ2 A2R + θρ3 Rp0 |B2R | p− −1 0 − κ1 γ

1 p0 −1

p0 /(p0 −1)

This completes the proof in the bounded case. For an unbounded Ap(·) -superharmonic function u on B2R , apply (4.11) to um = min(u, m), m = 1, 2, . . . and let m → ∞. If µm = −divA(x, ∇um )


µ = −divA(x, Du),

then lim sup µm (supp η) ≤ µ(supp η) ≤ µ(B2R ) m→∞

by Lemma 2.4. Hence, we obtain the required estimate (4.7) for u.  Finally, we are ready to prove the upper estimate.



Theorem 4.3. Let u be an Ap(·)-superharmonic function in B2R , where 0 < R ≤ R20 , and µ = − div A(x, Du). Let γ satisfy (4.6). Then there exists a positive constant C depending on γ and M(u+ , B2R ) such that  Z 1/γ  γ µ u(x0 ) ≤ C R + − u+ dx + Wp(·) (x0 , 2R) . (4.12) BR

Proof. Let B0 = BR , Rj = 2−j R, Bj = BRj and set 1/(p0 −1)  p0 µ(Bj−1 ) , Mj = Rj |Bj−1 | j = 1, 2, . . .. For 0 < δ < 1, let l0 = 0, and !1/γ Z 1 γ lj+1 = lj + − (u − lj )+ dx , δ Bj

j = 0, 1, . . . .

Set θj = |Bj−1 ∩ {u > lj }|/|Bj−1|, j = 1, 2, . . .. Since Z −γ (u − lj )γ+ dx |Bj ∩ {u > lj+1 }| ≤ (lj+1 − lj ) Bj ∩{u>lj+1 }

≤ δγ

!−1 Z Z − (u − lj )γ+ dx (u − lj )γ+ dx = δ γ |Bj |, (4.13) Bj


θj ≤ δ γ for all j = 1, 2, . . . . Now, applying Lemma 4.2 to (u − lj )+ and R = Rj , j ≥ 1, we obtain !1/γ Z 1 γ − (u − lj )+ dx lj+1 − lj = δ Bj !1/γ Z  C ρ1 ρ2 γ ρ3 θj Rj + θj − (u − lj )+ dx + θj Mj ≤ δ Bj−1   ≤ C δ γρ1 −1 Rj + δ γρ2 (lj − lj−1) + δ γρ3 −1 Mj

with C depending on γ and M(u+ , B2R ). Note above that M((u − lj )+ , B2R ) ≤ M(u+ , B2R )

for all j, so we can take L = M(u+ , B2R ) in Lemma 4.2 to ensure that the constant is independent of j. Hence, for k ≥ 2 we have lk − l1 =

k−1 X j=1

(lj+1 − lj ) ≤ C δ

γρ1 −1



lk + δ

γρ3 −1

k−1 X j=1

 Mj .



Thus, taking δ so small that Cδ γρ2 ≤ 1/2, we have ! 1/γ X   Z ∞ ∞ X lk ≤ l1 + C R + Mj ≤ C R + − uγ+ dx + Mj . B0



By (4.13), |Bj ∩ {u ≤ lj+1 }| ≥ (1 − δ γ )|Bj | > 0, so that inf x∈Bj u(x) ≤ lj+1 . Hence by the lower semicontinuity of u, we have  Z 1/γ X  ∞ γ u(x0 ) ≤ lim lj ≤ C R + − u+ dx + Mj . j→∞



j=1 Mj



µ ≤ CWp(·) (x0 , 2R), we obtain (4.12).

Observe that if we combine Theorem 4.3 and Lemma 2.8, we readily obtain the following corollary. Corollary 4.4. Let u be a nonnegative Ap(·) -superharmonic function in B2R , where 0 < R ≤ R0 /2, and µ = − div A(x, Du). Then there exists a positive constant C depending on M(u, B2R ) such that   µ u(x0 ) ≤ C R + inf u(x) + Wp(·) (x0 , 2R) . x∈BR

5. The Hedberg–Wolff theorem In this section we prove a variable exponent version of the Hedberg– Wolff theorem, see [20], by applying the pointwise estimates in sections 3 and 4. The constant exponent case can also be found in [41, Theorem 4.7.5]. Let µ be a nonnegative Radon measure on Rn with compact support and let Ω be a bounded open set containing supp µ. Let p+ = p+ Ω and p− = p− in this section. We first prove a version of the maximum Ω principle for the variable exponent Wolff potential. Proposition 5.1. Let 0 < R < min(dist(∂Ω, supp µ), 1). Then there + − exist constants A1 ≥ 1, depending on µ(Ω)p −p , and A2 ≥ 0, depending on µ(Ω) and R, such that µ Wp(·) (x, R) ≤ A1

sup x′ ∈supp


µ Wp(·) (x′ , R) + A2

for all x ∈ Ω. Proof. We may assume M :=

sup x′ ∈supp µ

µ Wp(·) (x′ , R) < ∞.



µ Let x 6∈ supp µ and let δ = dist(x, supp µ). If δ ≥ R, then Wp(·) (x, R) = ′ 0. So we consider the case δ < R. Choose x ∈ supp µ such that |x − x′ | = δ. Then 1/(p(x)−1) Z R dr µ(B(x, r)) µ Wp(·) (x, R) = n−p(x) r r δ  Z R 1/(p(x)−1) µ(B(x′ , 2r)) dr ≤ n−p(x) r r δ  Z 2R  1/(p(x)−1) µ(B(x′ , r)) dr ≤C . n−p(x) r r 2δ

We note that



r (p(x)−n)/(p(x)−1)−1 dr ≤ C,


with a constant depending on R. Hence we obtain 1/(p(x)−1) Z R dr µ(B(x′ , r)) µ + C2 , Wp(·) (x, R) ≤ C1 n−p(x) r r δ


where C2 depends on R and µ(Ω). At this point we need to distinguish two cases. If p(x) ≥ p(x′ ), then  1/(p(x)−1) 1/(p(x)−1)  µ(B(x′ , r)) 1 µ(B(x′ , r)) = r n−p(x) r r n−1  1/(p(x′ )−1) µ(B(x′ , r)) ≤1+ r n−1  1/(p(x′ )−1) µ(B(x′ , r)) 1 =1+ , ′) n−p(x r r

so that Z R δ

µ(B(x′ , r)) r n−p(x)


dr µ ≤ R + Wp(·) (x′ , R) ≤ 1 + M. r

On the other hand, if p(x) < p(x′ ), then 1/(p(x′ )−1)  µ(B(x′ , r)) ′ 1/(p(x)−1) 1/(p(x)−1) µ(B(x , r)) ≤ µ(Ω) µ(Ω)  ′ p+ −p− 1/(p− −1)2 ≤ 1 + (µ(Ω) ) )µ(B(x′ , r))1/(p(x )−1) .

We note that the function f (t) = (t − n)/(t − 1) is L-Lipschitz on the interval [p− , p+ ] with L = (n − 1)/(p− − 1)2 , and obtain ′

r (p(x)−n)/(p(x)−1) = r (p(x )−n)/(p(x )−1) r (p(x)−n)/(p(x)−1)−(p(x )−n)/(p(x )−1) ≤ r (p(x )−n)/(p(x )−1) r −(n−1)C/((p ≤ e(n−1)C/(p

− −1)2

− −1)2

r (p(x )−n)/(p(x )−1) ,




for δ ≤ r ≤ 1, where the constant C is from inequality (2.1), i.e. depends only on the log-Hölder constant of p(·). Hence in this case one has 1/(p(x)−1) Z R µ(B(x′ , r)) dr µ ≤ C3 Wp(·) (x′ , R) ≤ C3 M, n−p(x) r r δ where C3 depends on µ(Ω)p the required result.

+ −p−

. Therefore, in view of (5.1), we obtain 

Before proving the next theorem, we note the following comparison principle which can be proved in the same way as [22, Lemma 3.18]. We omit the proof. Lemma 5.2. Let u1 , u2 ∈ W 1,p(·) (Ω). If Z Z A(x, ∇u1) · ∇ϕ dx ≤ A(x, ∇u2) · ∇ϕ dx Ω


for all nonnegative ϕ ∈ C0∞ (Ω) and max(u1 − u2 , 0) ∈ W0 u1 ≤ u2 a.e. in Ω.

(Ω), then

As an application of the pointwise estimates, Theorem 3.3 and Theorem 4.3, we prove the following version of the Hedberg–Wolff theorem. Note that the theorem is trivial for p− Ω > n since in this case functions 1,p(·) in W0 (Ω) are continuous by Sobolev embedding theorem. Thus 1,p(·) µ ∈ (W0 (Ω))∗ as well as (5.2) hold for every compactly supported µ. Theorem 5.3. Let Ω be bounded and µ a compactly supported Radon 1,p(·) measure in Ω. Then µ ∈ (W0 (Ω))∗ if and only if Z µ Wp(·) (x, R) dµ(x) < ∞ (5.2) Ω

for some R > 0.

Proof. In this proof let A(x, ξ) = |ξ|p(x)−2ξ and Ap(·)-superharmonic functions will be called p(·)-superharmonic. Suppose first that (5.2) holds true. Choose 0 < R0 < 1 for which (4.1) holds for all x0 ∈ supp µ and R0 < dist(∂Ω, supp µ). First, consider the case supp µ ⊂ B(x0 , R0 /5) for some x0 ∈ supp µ. We may assume R < R0 /5. Let B = B(x0 , R0 /5). For j = 1, 2, . . ., let µ Kj = {x ∈ supp µ : Wp(·) (x, R) ≤ j} µ and µj = µχKj . Note that Kj is a compact set since Wp(·) (x, R) is lower semicontinuous in x. By [31, Theorem 4.7], there exists a nonnegative p(·)-superharmonic function uj on 5B = B(x0 , R0 ) such that


min(uj , k) ∈ W0


(5B) for all k > 0 and − div A(x, Duj ) = µj

on 5B. Further, we can see that uj is a continuous solution of − div A(x, ∇u) = 0 in 5B \ supp µj (cf. the arguments given in the proof of Theorem 5.1 in [31], or Proposition 6.2 below), so that it is locally bounded there. In particular, uj (y) ≤ Mj < ∞ for y ∈ ∂B. For k > 0, we have Z Z A(x, ∇uj ) · ∇ min(uj , k) dx = min(uj , k) dµj . 5B




|∇ min(uj , k)|p(x) dx ≤ kµ(Ω),


which in turn implies that Z − |∇ min(uj , k)|p dx ≤ |5B| + kµ(Ω) 5B

for all k > 0. Then, as in the proof of [25, Lemma 1.11], also found in [22, Lemma 7.43], we see that Z usj dx ≤ C (5.3) 5B

κ(p− 0

for some 0 < s < − 1) with a constant C independent of j by the choice of R0 . In view of (4.2) and (4.6) we can take s = γ. Thus M(uj , 5B) is uniformly bounded, and therefore the constant in Corollary 4.4 can be taken to be independent of j. Let x ∈ B. By Corollary 4.4,   µj uj (x) ≤ C R0 + inf uj (y) + Wp(·) (x, R0 /2) , (5.4) y∈B(x,R0 /4)

where the constant C can be chosen independent of j by (5.3). Since B(x, R0 /4) ∩ ∂B 6= ∅, we have that inf

y∈B(x,R0 /4)

uj (y) ≤ Mj .

On the other hand, thanks to Proposition 5.1, one has µ

j Wp(·) (x, R) ≤ A1 j + A2 .

As in the proof of the Proposition 5.1, we obtain µ


j j Wp(·) (x, R0 /2) ≤ Wp(·) (x, R) + C ′


for all x ∈ B with a constant C ′ depending on R, R0 , and µ(Ω), but independent of j. Hence, uj is bounded on B, so that it is locally 1,p(·) bounded in 5B. Therefore, uj ∈ Wloc (5B), which in turn implies that 1,p(·) 1,p(·) µj ∈ (W0 (5B))∗ . Thus, we could choose uj so that uj ∈ W0 (5B).



Note that {uj }j is non-decreasing by the comparison principle and each uj is a continuous solution of − div A(x, ∇u) = 0 in 5B \ supp µ. Thus, in view of (5.3), the Harnack principle [14, Theorem 5.6] implies that the sequence {uj } is uniformly bounded on ∂B, and hence the sequence {Mj } is bounded. Let Mj ≤ M0 for all j. Using (5.4) and (5.5) we have Z Z Z p(x) |∇uj | dx = uj dµj ≤ uj dµ 5B 5B B Z   µj ≤C R0 + inf uj (y) + Wp(·) (x, R) + C ′ dµ y∈B(x,R0 /4) ZB   µ ≤C R0 + M0 + Wp(·) (x, R) + C ′ dµ B Z   µ ≤C 1+ Wp(·) (x, R) dµ < ∞, Ω

with a constant C independent of j. Let Z I = sup |∇uj |p(x) dx < ∞. j


Choose ψ ∈ C0∞ (Ω) such that ψ = 1 on B and ψ = 0 on Ω \ 4B. For every ϕ ∈ C0∞ (Ω), Z Z ϕ dµ = lim ϕψ dµj j→∞ 5B Ω Z = lim A(x, ∇uj ) · ∇(ϕψ) dx j→∞ 5B Z ≤ lim sup |∇uj |p(x)−1 |∇(ϕψ)| dx j→∞ 5B   Z p(x) ≤ lim sup 1 + |∇uj | dx k∇(ϕψ)kp(·) j→∞ 5B   ≤ (1 + I) kψk∞ k∇ϕkp(·) + k|∇ψ|k∞ kϕkp(·) . 1,p(·)

This shows that µ ∈ (W0 (Ω))∗ in the case when supp µ ⊂ B. In P the general case, by using a partition of unity, we can express 0 µ(i) with a finite number of nonnegative measures µ(i) such µ = ii=1 that supp µ(i) is contained in some ball B(xi , R0 /5) for each i. Since Z Z µ(i) µ (i) Wp(·) (x, R) dµ ≤ Wp(·) (x, R) dµ < ∞, Ω


the above result shows that µ(i) ∈ (W0 (Ω))∗ for each i, and hence 1,p(·) µ ∈ (W0 (Ω))∗ . This proves the first part of the theorem. 1,p(·) Suppose now that µ ∈ (W0 (Ω))∗ is compactly supported positive Radon measure in Ω. Then by Theorem 4.5 in [31] there exists a


23 1,p(·)

unique nonnegative p(·)-superharmonic function u ∈ W0 (Ω) such that − div A(x, ∇u) = µ in Ω. Moreover, we have Z Z Z u dµ = A(x, ∇u) · ∇u dx ≤ |∇u|p(x) dx < ∞. Ω

Ω µ Observe now that the Wolff potential Wp(·) (x, R) is uous, and thus µ-measurable. Let R < min( R20 , 12 where R0 is chosen to satisfy

lower semicontindist(∂Ω, supp µ)),

n (p− − 1) n − 1 B(x,R0 ) for all x ∈ supp µ. Then we have by Theorem 3.3 that p+ B(x,R0 ) − 1
0 there is a number R > 0 such that µ Wp(·) (x, R) < ε

for all x ∈ B(x0 , R). Proof. Suppose first that u(x0 ) < ∞ and that u is continuous at x0 . Let R0 be chosen as in Section 3. Since u is locally bounded from below, we can assume that u ≥ 0 in B(x0 , R0 ). If x ∈ B(x0 , R0 /3), then B(x, 2R0 /3) ⊂ B(x0 , R0 ). Thus by Theorem 3.3 µ CWp(·) (x, R) ≤ u(x) −



u(y) + 2R


for 0 < R < R0 /3, with a constant C > 0 independent of x. Given ε > 0, choose 0 < Rε < min(R0 /3, Cε/6) such that |u(x) − u(x0 )| < Cε/3 for every x ∈ B(x0 , 3Rε ). Now if x ∈ B(x0 , Rε ), (6.1) gives µ Wp(·) (x, Rε ) < 2ε/3 + 2Rε /C < ε,

since B(x, 2Rε ) ⊂ B(x, 3Rε ). For the converse, observe first that Theorem 4.3 implies that u(x0 ) < ∞. Fix ε > 0, let R0 be chosen as in Section 4, and pick 0 < Rε ≤ µ R0 /3 such that Wp(·) (x, 2Rε ) < ε for all x ∈ B(x0 , 3Rε ). Since u is lower semicontinuous, we may also assume that u(x) ≥ u(x0 ) − ε in B(x0 , 3Rε ). Let x ∈ B(x0 , Rε ). Since B(x, 2Rε ) ⊂ B(x0 , 3Rε ) ⊂



B(x0 , R0 ), an application of Corollary 4.4 to the function u − u(x0) + ε on B(x, 2Rε ) gives 0 ≤u(x) − u(x0 ) + ε   µ ≤C Rε + inf u(y) − u(x0 ) + ε + Wp(·) (x, 2Rε ) y∈B(x,Rε )

0 and H > 0 such that µ(B(x, r)) ≤ Hr n−p(x)+ε whenever x ∈ B(x0 , R) and 0 < r < 4R, then sup

u(x) ≤ C1 (

x∈B(x0 ,R)


x∈B(x0 ,R)

u(x) + R) + C2 Rε/(p(x0 )−1) ,

where the constant C1 depends on M(u, B(x0 , 5R)), and C2 on M(u, B(x0 , 5R)), H, and ε. Proof. If x ∈ B(x0 , R), µ Wp(·) (x, 4R)

1/(p(x)−1) dr µ(B(x, r)) = n−p(x) r r 0 Z 4R r (ε−p(x)+1)/(p(x)−1) dr ≤ H 1/(p(x)−1) Z




(p(x) − 1) (4R)ε/(p(x)−1) ε e2 Rε/(p(x0 )−1) , ≤C





where we used the log-Hölder continuity of p(·) in the last inequality. Hence by Corollary 4.4 u(x) ≤ C1 (



e2 Rε/(p(x0 )−1) ), u(y) + R + C

with a constant C1 depending on M(u, B(x0 , 5R)) since B(x0 , 4R) ⊂ e2 , since B(x0 , 5R). Now the claim follows readily with C2 = C1 C inf


u(y) ≤


x∈B(x0 ,R)


Local Hölder continuity of Ap(·) -superharmonic functions follows from Theorem 6.3 by a standard iteration argument, see, e.g., [22, Proof of Theorem 6.6, pp. 111-112]. Corollary 6.4. Let u and µ satisfy the assumptions of Theorem 6.3. Then u is Hölder continuous in B(x0 , R/2) with an exponent depending on ε, C1 , and C2 . Here C1 and C2 are the constants of Theorem 6.3. Acknowledgement Part of this paper was written while the third author was visiting Purdue University in 2007–2008. He wishes to thank the Department of Mathematics for the hospitality and several of its faculty for fruitful conversations. The authors also wish to thank the referee for carefully reading the manuscript and for very useful suggestions. References [1] E. Acerbi and N. Fusco. A transmission problem in the calculus of variations. Calc. Var. Partial Differential Equations, 2:1–16, 1994. [2] E. Acerbi and G. Mingione. Regularity results for a class of functionals with nonstandard growth. Arch. Rational Mech. Anal., 156:121–140, 2001. [3] E. Acerbi and G. Mingione. Gradient estimates for the p(x)-Laplacean system. J. Reine Angew. Math., 584:117–148, 2005. [4] D. R. Adams. Weighted nonlinear potential theory. Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 297(1):73–94, 1986. [5] D. R. Adams and L. I. Hedberg. Function spaces and potential theory, volume 314 of Grundlehren der Mathematischen Wissenschaften [Fundamental Principles of Mathematical Sciences]. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1996. [6] D. R. Adams and N. G. Meyers. Thinness and Wiener criteria for non-linear potentials. Indiana Univ. Math. J., 22:169–197, 1972/73. [7] Yu. A. Alkhutov and O. V. Krasheninnikova. Continuity at boundary points of solutions of quasilinear elliptic equations with nonstandard growth. Izv. Ross. Akad. Nauk. Ser. Mat., 68(6):3–60, 2004. Translation in Izv. Math. 68 (2004), no. 6, 1063-1117. [8] S. Antontsev and V. Zhikov. Higher integrability for parabolic equations of p(x, t)-Laplacian type. Adv. Differential Equations, 10:1053–1080, 2005. [9] D. Cruz-Uribe, A. Fiorenza, and C. J. Neugebauer. The maximal function on variable Lp spaces. Ann. Acad. Sci. Fenn. Math., 28(1):223–238, 2003. [10] L. Diening. Maximal function on generalized Lebesgue spaces Lp(·) . Math. Inequal. Appl., 7(2):245–253, 2004.



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