Win the game of catch-up: ⢠Managing you and your team's priorities. ⢠- Identifying solutions to stop being time-po
The 9th National Public Sector
Women in Leadership Summit 2017
Strategies, skills and insightful leadership advice for current and emerging female leaders in the Australian Public Sector
FEATURED SPEAKERS Her Excellency Erica Schouten The Ambassador of The Kingdom of the Netherlands in Australia Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands Her Excellency Unni Klovstad Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Norway Royal Norwegian Embassy David Parker Chief Executive Officer and Chair Clean Energy Regulator Air Vice Marshal Margaret Staib, AM, CSC Director, Former Chief Executive Officer Commonwealth Superannuation Corporation, ASPI, Airservices Australia Brigadier Jennifer Woodward CSC Director of Military Prosecutions Department of Defence Dr Maxine Cooper Auditor-General ACT Audit Office Neil Gaughan Assistant Commissioner, National Manager Counter Terrorism Australian Federal Police Ross MacDiarmid Chief Executive Officer Royal Australian Mint Vicki Middleton Executive Director, Local Government and Territories Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development Squadron Leader Kim Whitney Chief Instructor Air Warfare School Royal Australian Air Force Emma Thomas Director-General Transport Canberra and City Services Commander David McLean Manager Cyber Crime Operations Australian Federal Police Katrina Fanning PSM Director, 2017 ACT Australian of the Year Finalist, 2014 ACT Woman of the Year Coolamon Advisors Amanda Lewry General Manager Asset Management Icon Water Catherine Rule First Assistant Secretary, Ageing and Aged Care Services Department of Health Benedikte Jensen Group Manager, Labour Market Strategy Department of Employment Michael Pahlow Assistant Secretary, AusCheck Attorney-General’s Department Rachel Houghton Commander, Regional Command Central Australian Border Force Jo Chivers Assistant Director, President and Deputy Chairperson Department of Education and Training, ACT Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Elected Body Jane Madden Executive Director, Tourism, Investment, International Education and Programmes Group Austrade Jancye Winter Senior Manager, Industry Relationship & Reform Community Services Directorate
2017 Theme: ‘Leading Towards Tomorrow’ Pre-Summit Workshop 24 July 2017 Summit 25 & 26 July 2017 Post-Summit Workshop 27 July 2017 Hyatt Hotel, Canberra Inspirational leadership stories from senior leaders in the Public Sector Developing courage and resilience to lead your team with confidence Hone and transform your skillset to step up and succeed Network with like-minded leaders in the Public Sector
Book & Pay by 30 June 2017 to receive an additional Value Plus Discount!
Phone: +61 2 8239 9711 Booking Code - A1
Pre-Summit Workshops 21 August 2017
Workshop A
Sold out
Workshop C
9.00 - 4.30
9.00 - 4.30
Unleashing your Potential and become the Leader of Tomorrow
Breaking the ‘busyness’ cycle – Becoming more efficient and organised
In order to be a successful leader, confidence in your abilities and communication styles is essential. Finding your confidence, however, is challenging for many leading their team through constant transformation and change. They must instil confidence and radiate capability, even when faced with challenges they have no fool-proof solution for.
Many leaders are time-poor and feel overwhelmed with an increasing pile of work to complete. This pressure increases when moving up to more senior leadership positions, where delegation and managing your team’s efficiency becomes crucial to all-round success. Without this ability, the ever-growing workpile multiplies and the fear that things are falling through the cracks grows. Before you realise it, Friday rolls around along with a disturbing sense that you’re no further ahead on your main project than you were five days ago. Or worse — you’ve slipped backwards.
Leveraging your uniqueness and expanding influence through finding your focus is essential on your pathway to becoming an invaluable and impactful leader. Not only must you develop your authentic leadership brand, but also be confident and command respect through presence. Emotional Intelligence, harnessing a variety of communication styles and leading with integrity is essential when faced with challenges, from confidently leading teams through crises to negotiating your way up the career ladder. This interactive workshop will focus on developing awareness in leaders to identify and acknowledge their abilities, in order to maximise their leadership potential and become the leaders of tomorrow. It will provide practical tools and focus on developing essential communication skills and the courage needed to overcome difficulties when rising to reach your leadership potential. As well as unlocking your capabilities, Sally will cover: Understand yourself to understand others: • Recognise your strengths and weaknesses • Identifying qualities and abilities in your team • Managing others through managing yourself Develop your authentic leadership brand: • Leading with integrity • Discover and nurture your uniqueness and influence • Utilising Emotional Intelligence to motivate and influence Communicate with impact: • Building and managing robust relationships • Communicating with impact to different audiences • Structuring difficult conversations
Overcoming the sense of feeling overwhelmed, overworked and juggling too many priorities is crucial for success as a leader. Unexpected meetings, urgent tasks and inevitable hiccups of life outside work are a given, making you feel trapped in this game of catch-up. Procrastination kicks in, the inner perfectionist is never appeased and you worry the people who matter will notice. The clock won’t slow down, so more efficient use of the ‘offcuts’ of your time in the day (time between meetings, for example) must be utilised. This workshop aims to tackle the problems every time-poor leader faces. From calmly managing stressful and unexpected situations, to more efficient planning and increasing your productivity, this workshop provides the toolkit to start making the real change in your day-to-day. The hands-on approach will also take the lessons learnt from the conference and place it into a practicle structure for you to implement. Slash your inbox, priotise your workload and learn the tricks efficient, calm leaders master. As well as tailoring your own action plan, Louise will cover: Keep calm and carry on: • Strategies to calmly manage stress • - Acting vs reacting in stressful situations • - Preventing burnout Confidently keeping up: • Building confidence in you and your team’s abilities • - Eradicating self-doubt and control the inner perfectionist • - The courage to say ‘no’
Resilient and confident leadership • Reframing adversity, failure and fear • Finding your courage to take risks • Developing resilience for different challenges
Time waits for no team: • A toolkit to minimise procrastination and increase productivity • - More efficient use of the ‘offcuts’ of your time in the day • - Strategies to effectively managing your team’s time
Expert Facilitator: Sally Dooley Leadership Coach, Facilitator and Speaker
Win the game of catch-up: • Managing you and your team’s priorities • - Identifying solutions to stop being time-poor • - Practical application of mindset /approach in the workplace.
Expert Facilitator: Louise Carter Chief Executive Officer and Founder Performance Partnership
8.30 - 9.00
11.00 - 12.30
Session Two
3.00 - 3.20
Afternoon Tea
9.00 - 10.40
Session One
12.30 - 1.30
3.20 - 4.30
Session Four
10.40 - 11.00
Morning Tea
1.30 - 3.00
Session Three
Close of Workshop
Receive a 22% discount when booking a team of 15+ to attend, please call: +61 2 8239 9711 or email:
[email protected]
Limited sponsorship and exhibition opportunities available. For your chance to brand yourself as a market leader, please call: +61 2 8239 9711 or email:
[email protected]
Evolve into the confident leader of tomorrow
Day One
25 July 2017
remain resilient and level-headed when facing adversity. Understanding how stress affects them and noticing the triggers of emotional fatigue is crucial, so they can adapt the way they respond under stress. An expert in the field, Sally will discuss: • The psychology of stress and how to outsmart it • Identifying emotional burn-out • Strategies to build and remain resilient in adversity
2017 Theme: Leading Towards Tomorrow The Public Sector is continually shifting and evolving, presenting unexpected challenges and exciting opportunities. This requires leaders of tomorrow – Those who are both strong in their leadership, but also adaptable to move with the tides of change and pioneer new pathways. We have invited some of the most influential and inspirational leaders from a diverse range of roles and backgrounds to share their key insights and advice on becoming the leader of tomorrow. 8.30 - 8.55
Registration and Morning Coffee
8.55 - 9.00
Official Welcome and Opening Remarks from the Chair
9.00 - 9.35
Sally Dooley Leadership Coach, Facilitator and Speaker 11.20 - 11.30 Questions and Discussion 11.30 - 12.05 CASE STUDY
Leading your team through adversity and change Every leader faces unexpected challenges or changes, particularly in an organisation that responds to not only national, but also international events, and effect policy changes accordingly. Tight deadlines and tighter budgets when implementing strategy, and effectively leading your team through change increases the pressure leaders face. Reflecting on his experience, Michael will discuss: • Leading and engaging your team successfully • Identifying key issues and avoiding pitfalls • Building resilience and effecting positive change
Leading in the Australian Public Sector
The Australian Public Sector is a transformational and complex environment that needs adaptable, values-driven leaders. Successful leaders step out of their comfort zone to take risks, whilst enabling their employees to achieve and succeed in a demanding and shifting environment. With a wealth of experience leading in this space, This session will discuss what it is to be a leader in government. • What does it mean to be a leader in government? • Understanding the challenges of your working environment • Mentors and sponsors - Building your support networ
Michael Pahlow Assistant Secretary, AusCheck Attorney-General’s Department 12.05 - 12.15 Questions and Discussion 12.15 - 1.15 Networking Lunch 1.15 - 2.05
Vicki Middleton Executive Director, Local Government and Territories Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development 9.35 - 9.45
9.45 - 10.20 CASE STUDY
Embracing an innovation mindset through courage and conviction
In order to stand out and step up in a changing Australian Public Sector, it is vital to embrace new ways of thinking, new forms and frameworks for success, and understand the value of innovation. In this session Jane will reflect on her career journey, and the value of championing leadership through innovation, and being ready to take on new challenges with courage. • The real challenges, obstacles and opportunities on the long road to success • Sharing practical and personal advice for career progression • The importance of putting your hand up and developing lateral career pathways
Katrina Fanning PSM Director Coolamon Advisors 2017 ACT Australian of the Year Finalist, 2014 ACT Woman of the Year Her Excellency Erica Schouten The Ambassador of The Kingdom of the Netherlands in Australia Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands Ross MacDiarmid Chief Executive Officer Royal Australian Mint Neil Gaughan Assistant Commissioner, National Manager Counter Terrorism Australian Federal Police Squadron Leader Kim Whitney Chief Instructor Air Warfare School Royal Australian Air Force Dr Maxine Cooper Auditor-General ACT Audit Office Commander David McLean Manager Cyber Crime Operations Australian Federal Police
Jane Madden Executive Director, Tourism, Investment, International Education and Programmes Group Austrade 10.20 - 10.30 Questions and Discussion 10.30 - 10.45 Morning Tea 10.45 - 11.20 EXPERT COMMENTARY
Every leader faces high stress situations, but a succession of stressors can lead to exhaustion and burnout, physically, mentally and emotionally. In order to thrive, leaders must
PLUS TWO WORKSHOPS! Plus Two Separately Bookable Full-Day Workshops on 24 & 27 July 2017
Seizing opportunities for progression
In a traditional and complex organisational body like the Public Sector, taking the leap to a more senior leadership position can seem daunting and difficult. Even with a sharpened skillset and the confidence to take on a more challenging role, leaders must build their network and seek mentors to up their chances of career opportunities. This panel will explore: • Building leadership confidence and resilience • Utilising mentors and sponsors • Recognising and seizing career opportunities
Questions and Discussion
The psychology of stress - Avoiding emotional burnout
2.05 - 2.45
Celebrating your success as an Aboriginal leader
Indigenous women play key roles within their communities, and often lead innovative initiatives that have a huge impact
VALUE PLUS DISCOUNT Receive up to $500 off registration if you register and pay by 31 March 2017
on the Australian society, but too often these go by unnoticed by the majority of Australians. Furthermore, combining cultural and Public Sector responsibilities can present additional challenges when also balancing a home life. As the first ACT Labor’s Aboriginal Party President, Jo is also on several boards for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities. She will discuss: • Overcoming setbacks and embracing your identity • Integrating work, life and culture as a leader • Supporting each other and celebrating success
Day Two 26 July 2017 8.30 - 8.55
Morning Coffee
8.55 - 9.00
Opening Remarks from the Chair
9.00 - 9.40
Ambassador Kløvstad will share her remarkable leadership journey, and reflect on the Public Sector women’s leadership from an international perspective. Her Excellency, Ambassador Kløvstad brings over 20 years’ experience as a leader serving in the Norwegian Foreign Service, progressing her career through a variety of diplomatic and leadership roles, from Minister Counsellor to the Norwegian Mission to the EU in Brussells, and most recently as Director, Head of Section for Security Policy and North America, where she oversaw NATO cooperation, UN peacekeeping and bilateral relations to the USA and Canada. • Personal reflections and lessons learnt • Utilise your strengths as a female leader • Inspiration and advice for aspiring women leaders
Jo Chivers Assistant Director, President and Deputy Chairperson Department of Education and Training, ACT Branch Australian Labor Party, ACT Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Elected Body (ATSIEB) 2.45 - 2.55
Questions and Discussion
2.55 - 3.10
Afternoon Tea
3.10 - 3.45
Preparing for and making the transition to a leader
Advancing into senior leadership requires a clear commitment to organisational objectives and a focus on leadership development. Understanding and preparing for a new position is critical, whether it is a different role, organisation or department. With a wealth of experience in moving to several different APS agencies, particularly moving departments as a FAS at 20 weeks pregnant, Catherine understands the skills needed for making a transition to a leader. She will discuss: • Practical strategies for career progression in high-pressure environments • Preparing to effectively transition into another role • Overcoming hurdles and seizing leadership opportunities
Catherine Rule First Assistant Secretary, Ageing and Aged Care Services Department of Health 3.45 - 3.55 3.55 - 4.30
Questions and Discussion CASE STUDY
Collaboratively leading to a better future
Successful collaboration among teams and between departments delivers stronger results. Whether it is collaborating with external stakeholders or within governmental agencies, leaders should focus on creating a collaborative work environment that fosters innovation, shared responsibilities and team engagement. Benedikte will share her wealth of experience in collaborating authentically and successfully with a variety of stakeholders. She will discuss: • The benefits of collaborative leadership • Different kinds of collaborative leadership • Building and encourgaing collaboration in the workplace • Authentically leading a collaborative team
An international perspective - Harnessing your strengths as a female leader
Her Excellency Unni Klovstad Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Norway Royal Norwegian Embassy 9.40 - 9.50
Questions and Discussion
9.50 - 10.30 CASE STUDY
Inclusive and agile leadership to solve tomorrow’s challenges
When preparing for the challenges of tomorrow, leaders rely on their past experiences, skill and insight to prepare for them. However, in an increasingly complex and shifting environment, past experience cannot dictate the answer to future problems. Leaders must become more comfortable in dealing with the unknown. Through inclusive leadership, navigating traditional systems and becoming more agile and innovative when finding solutions, Amanda leads enterprise-wide transformation. She will discuss: • Inclusive leadership • Fostering agility in your organisation • Becoming comfortable with the unknown
Amanda Lewry General Manager Asset Management Icon Water 10.30 - 10.40 Questions and Discussion
Benedikte Jensen Group Manager, Labour Market Strategy Department of Employment
10.40 - 10.55 Morning Tea
4.30 - 4.40
Questions and Discussion
Leaders in the Australian Public Sector, including:
Concluding Remarks from the Chair
• General Managers / Group Managers • Business Managers / Division / Line Managers • Executive Directors / Directors / Assistant Directors • Branch / Section Managers • Human Resources Leaders • Leadership Development • Learning / Organisation Development • Programs / Trainers / Coaches
NETWORKING RECEPTION 4:40 - 5:40PM Make the most of your experience, join us to network over complimentary canapés and drinks
VPS EO Banded Officers Chief Executives Director-Generals Secretaries / Deputy Secretaries / Assistant Secretaries • Commissioners / Deputy Commissioners / Assistant Commissioners
Receive up to $300 off registration if you register and pay by 12 May 2017
Receive up to $200 off registration if you register and pay by 23 June 2017
Navigate challenges with confidence 10.55 - 11.35 CASE STUDY
Living up to public perceptions and expectations
2.25 - 3.05
A life in public service involves not only stakeholder management and meeting internal expectations, but also those of the public. Managing these expectations can become complex when delivering transformational agendas. Having held senior leadership roles across multiple departments, David brings decades of expertise when it comes to leading in the Australian Public Sector. He will discuss: • The responsibility of a public servant • Understanding and managing public expectations • Leading your workforce successfully to deliver a transformational agenda
David Parker Chief Executive Officer and Chair Clean Energy Regulator 11.35 - 11.45 Questions and Discussion 11.45 - 12.25 EXPERT COMMENTARY
The leader as coach - Empowering your team to take ownership of their success
Squadron Leader Kim Whitney Chief Instructor Air Warfare School Royal Australian Air Force 3.05 - 3.15
Questions and Discussion
3.15 - 3.30
Afternoon Tea
3.30 - 4.20
1.35 - 2.25
Driving positive change in the Public Sector
The challenges women face when working in a traditional environment continue to persist even though much progress has been made. In order to affect lasting change, the conversation must look to constructively challenging unconscious bias, tackling Imposter Syndrome and drive towards positive organisational change. Leaders must be visible champions of change and pioneer the way. This panel will discuss: • Building confidence and resilience as a leader • Leading as a woman in a male-dominated industry • Addressing unconscious bias • Driving positive change
Brigadier Jennifer Woodward CSC Director of Military Prosecutions Department of Defence Margaret Staib Director, Former Chief Executive Officer Commonwealth Superannuation Corporation, Australian Strategic Policy Institute, Airservices Australia Emma Thomas Director-General Transport Canberra and City Services Rachel Houghton Commander, Regional Command Central Australian Border Force Jancye Winter Senior Manager, Industry Relationship & Reform Community Services Directorate
Phone: +61 2 8239 9711
Become the leader of tomorrow in the Australian Public Sector
In times of change there is opportunity for growth and development. The Australian Public Sector in particular recognises the need for a variety of strong leaders to pioneer progress and advocate positive change in the sphere. Removing traditional barriers and changing structures to allow for a more diverse workforce and leadership team is fundamental for future success. This interactive session allows attendees to discuss and collaborate in providing practical solutions in response to the insights and advice gleaned from the conference. Discuss: • Key insights and advice from the conference • Implementing new strategies and goals in the workplace • Collaborate to find solutions
Jane Boardman Executive Coach, Trainer and Facilitator Focusworks 12.35 - 1.35 Networking Lunch
Developing an innovative and empowered workforce - A look inside organisational tribes
When looking to improve your organisation’s culture and drive innovation, there are a number of factors to consider. In this session, SQNLDR Kim Whitney will discuss her research around tribal identities within the Air Force and the major themes that emerged regarding the development of innovation and empowered behaviour. • Background on the research • Key findings • How this can be applied to your organisation
A successful leader not only knows the skills of their team, but how to engage them on a deeper level. Encouraging the team to take ownership of their success, whilst building more trust and team effort is crucial for organisation-wide success. Understanding how to conduct effective coaching conversations is proven to gain trust and rapport as a leader, as well as a self-driven workforce. An expert in the field and having run numerous workshops for leaders in the Public Sector, Jane will explore: • Encouraging your team to take ownership of their success • Building trust within your team • Skills and strategies to coach effectively
12.25 - 12.35 Questions and Discussion
Louise Carter Chief Executive Officer and Founder Performance Partnership 4.20 - 4.30
Concluding Remarks from the Chair and Summit Close
ABOUT THE EVENT The Australian Public Sector is undergoing much transformation, creating a dynamic and complex environment that needs strong, courageous leaders who pioneer new pathways. Although it is becoming increasingly complex, it also presents opportunities for existing and emerging leaders to grow and innovate. This is essential when revamping traditional structures and systems to remain relevant and push towards a more public-centric service. In order to become the leader of tomorrow, established and emerging leaders in the Public Sector must discover and hone their skills in order to redefine their futures and seize opportunities to grow and progress. They must find effective strategies to manage disruptions, drive transformation, performance manage a diverse workforce, navigate disruptions and push towards a quality citizen-centric service. As the premier learning and networking event, The 9th National Public Sector Women in Leadership Summit 2017 brings together a variety of leaders to share their inspirational journeys, practical advice and insights. We are proud to present a speaker line-up showcasing the Australian Public Sector’s diversity of thought, experience, gender and culture. Aspiring female leaders will gain valuable insights and advice through interactive workshops, case studies, expert commentary sessions and two interactive panel discussions. Discover strategies and skill-sets to navigate complex challenges, drive successful change, and achieve career excellence in the Public Sector.
Post-Summit Workshop 27 July 2017
Workshop B
Sold out
Workshop D
9.00 - 4.30
9.00 - 4.30
Breaking the ‘busyness’ cycle – Becoming more efficient and organised
Unleashing your Potential and become the Leader of Tomorrow
Many leaders are time-poor and feel overwhelmed with an increasing pile of work to complete. This pressure increases when moving up to more senior leadership positions, where delegation and managing your team’s efficiency becomes crucial to all-round success. Without this ability, the ever-growing workpile multiplies and the fear that things are falling through the cracks grows. Before you realise it, Friday rolls around along with a disturbing sense that you’re no further ahead on your main project than you were five days ago. Or worse — you’ve slipped backwards.
In order to be a successful leader, confidence in your abilities and communication styles is essential. Finding your confidence, however, is challenging for many leading their team through constant transformation and change. They must instil confidence and radiate capability, even when faced with challenges they have no fool-proof solution for.
Overcoming the sense of feeling overwhelmed, overworked and juggling too many priorities is crucial for success as a leader. Unexpected meetings, urgent tasks and inevitable hiccups of life outside work are a given, making you feel trapped in this game of catch-up. Procrastination kicks in, the inner perfectionist is never appeased and you worry the people who matter will notice. The clock won’t slow down, so more efficient use of the ‘offcuts’ of your time in the day (time between meetings, for example) must be utilised. This workshop aims to tackle the problems every time-poor leader faces. From calmly managing stressful and unexpected situations, to more efficient planning and increasing your productivity, this workshop provides the toolkit to start making the real change in your day-to-day. The hands-on approach will also take the lessons learnt from the conference and place it into a practicle structure for you to implement. Slash your inbox, priotise your workload and learn the tricks efficient, calm leaders master. As well as tailoring your own action plan, Louise will cover:
Leveraging your uniqueness and expanding influence through finding your focus is essential on your pathway to becoming an invaluable and impactful leader. Not only must you develop your authentic leadership brand, but also be confident and command respect through presence. Emotional Intelligence, harnessing a variety of communication styles and leading with integrity is essential when faced with challenges, from confidently leading teams through crises to negotiating your way up the career ladder. This interactive workshop will focus on developing awareness in leaders to identify and acknowledge their abilities, in order to maximise their leadership potential and become the leaders of tomorrow. It will provide practical tools and focus on developing essential communication skills and the courage needed to overcome difficulties when rising to reach your leadership potential. As well as unlocking your capabilities, Sally will cover: Understand yourself to understand others: • Recognise your strengths and weaknesses • Identifying qualities and abilities in your team • Managing others through managing yourself Develop your authentic leadership brand: • Leading with integrity • Discover and nurture your uniqueness and influence • Utilising Emotional Intelligence to motivate and influence
Keep calm and carry on: • Strategies to calmly manage stress • Acting vs reacting in stressful situations • Preventing burnout Confidently keeping up: • Building confidence in you and your team’s abilities • Eradicating self-doubt and control the inner perfectionist • The courage to say ‘no’
Communicate with impact: • Building and managing robust relationships • Communicating with impact to different audiences • Structuring difficult conversations
Time waits for no team: • A toolkit to minimise procrastination and increase productivity • More efficient use of the ‘offcuts’ of your time in the day • Strategies to effectively managing your team’s time
Resilient and confident leadership: • Reframing adversity, failure and fear • Finding your courage to take risks • Developing resilience for different challenges
Win the game of catch-up: • Managing you and your team’s priorities • Identifying solutions to stop being time-poor • Practical application of mindset /approach in the workplace
Expert Facilitator: Catherine Nolan Director and Principal Coach Gender Gap Gone
Expert Facilitator: Louise Carter Chief Executive Officer and Founder Performance Partnership
8.30 - 9.00
11.00 - 12.30
Session Two
3.00 - 3.20
Afternoon Tea
9.00 - 10.40
Session One
12.30 - 1.30
3.20 - 4.30
Session Four
10.40 - 11.00
Morning Tea
1.30 - 3.00
Session Three
Close of Workshop
Receive a 22% discount when booking a team of 15+ to attend, please call: +61 2 8239 9711 or email:
[email protected]
Limited sponsorship and exhibition opportunities available. For your chance to brand yourself as a market leader, please call: +61 2 8239 9711 or email:
[email protected]
Booking Form
Hyatt Hotel, Canberra 120 Commonwealth Ave, Yarralumla, ACT, 2600 Ph: +61 2 6270 1234
The 9th National Public Sector Women in Leadership Summit 2017 24, 25, 26 & 27 July 2017
PSWL0717A - A1
Organisation Name
Registration Information
Booking Contact Information Title
Delegate Information
Full Name
Full Name or TBA
Attendance Date/s
c 24 c 25 & 26 c 27
c 24 c 25 & 26 c 27
c 24 c 25 & 26 c 27
c 24 c 25 & 26 c 27
c 24 c 25 & 26 c 27
c 24 c 25 & 26 c 27
c 24 c 25 & 26 c 27
c 24 c 25 & 26 c 27
c 24 c 25 & 26 c 27
c 24 c 25 & 26 c 27
Your Investment
No. #
Standard Rate
Early Bird Rate*
Super Saver Rate**
Value Plus Rate***
4 Days
Options (per person)
$4595 + GST = ($5054.50)
$4395 + GST = ($4834.50)
$4295 + GST = ($4724.50)
$4095 + GST = ($4504.50)
3 Days
$3695 + GST = ($4064.50)
$3495 + GST = ($3844.50)
$3395 + GST = ($3734.50)
$3195 + GST = ($3514.50)
2 Days
$2695 + GST = ($2964.50)
$2495 + GST = ($2744.50)
$2395 + GST = ($2634.50)
$2195 + GST = ($2414.50)
1 Day Workshop
$1395 + GST = ($1534.50)
$1345 + GST = ($1479.50)
$1295 + GST = ($1424.50)
$1245 + GST = ($1369.50)
** Receive up to $300 off registration if you register and pay by 12 May 2017 *** Receive up to $500 off registration if you register and pay by 31 March 2017 10% off Standard Rate Team of 3 - 4
15% off Standard Rate Team of 5 - 9
20% off Standard Rate Team of 10-14
All Prices listed in Australian Dollars
Conditions: Group Discounts apply for bookings made simultaneously. Only one discount applies. Group discounts apply to standard rates only. Group discounts are not applicable to Value Plus, Super Saver and Early Bird rates. Discounts cannot be applied retrospectively and must be claimed at the time of booking. Liquid Learning Group reserves the right to have sole discretion on an organisation’s eligibility for discounts. Note: Course materials, refreshments & lunches are included. Travel and accommodation are NOT included. Registration Options are per person only.
* Receive up to $200 off registration if you register and pay by 23 June 2017
Group Discounts Available:
22% off Standard Rate Team of 15 +
Please Note: Payment is required prior to attending this event. Credit Card Details - Please charge my credit card for this registration:
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Registration Policy: If you are unable to attend this event, you may send a substitute delegate in your place at no additional cost. Please advise us of any substitutions as soon as possible. Alternatively, you may transfer your registration to another event run by Liquid Learning Group Pty Ltd. A 10% service fee may apply. Should you wish to cancel your registration, please notify us in writing as soon as possible and a credit note will be issued valid for use towards any future event held by Liquid Learning Group Pty Ltd in the twelve months following date of issuance. Cancellation notifications received less than 14 days from the event running will receive a credit note to the value of the registration fee less a service fee of $400 plus GST. Liquid Learning Group Pty Ltd does not provide refunds for cancellation. The prices above are based on one person per registration. It is not possible for multiple people to attend within any day of the event on a single registration. Split tickets, i.e. a different person attending each day of the event, can be arranged. A fee will apply. Please call us for details. Liquid Learning Group Pty Ltd takes all care to produce high quality events that deliver as promised. All advertised details are correct at time of publishing.
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However, when circumstances beyond our control prevail, we reserve the right to change program content, facilitators or venues. We also reserve the right to cancel or reschedule events if circumstances arise whereby performance of the event is no longer feasible, possible or legal. Liquid Learning Group Pty Ltd will not be responsible for any loss or damage arising from any changes to or cancelling or rescheduling of an event. If an event is cancelled or rescheduled, Liquid Learning Group Pty Ltd will make every effort to contact every registered delegate; if an event is cancelled or you are unable to attend the rescheduled event you will be issued with a credit note valid for use towards any future Liquid Learning Group Pty Ltd event held in the twelve months following date of issuance. Disclaimer: Liquid Learning Group Pty Ltd has taken due care in selecting qualified professionals as its authors and course facilitators. The information provided by course facilitators is not produced by Liquid Learning Group Pty Ltd and should not be regarded as advice. Liquid Learning Group Pty Ltd accepts no responsibility for reliance on such information and recommends that its clients seek
+61 2 8239 9711
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