To pay by credit card please call us: 563-359-1099. Course Information. Session Dates: September 21, October 19, Novembe
Course Information Session Dates: September 21, October 19, November 16 Future Sessions: Future dates to be determined by participants once the program begins. Meeting Times: Noon – 2 p.m. Location: Hilton Garden Inn 8600 Northpark Drive Johnston, IA 50131 Fees Option 1 $1250 for one year program Option 2 $1550 for one year program PLUS 4 one-hour one-on-one coaching sessions with Ginny Wilson-Peters
Program Registration Complete the following information and mail or email to Integrity Integrated offices: Name: ________________________________ Title: _________________________________ Organization: ___________________________ Address: _______________________________ ______________________________________ Phone: ________________________________ Email: ________________________________
Integrity Integrated, Inc. DM WLD Program Registration 1019 Mound Street, Suite 304 Davenport, IA 52803 For further information contact Shari at
[email protected] or Amy @
[email protected] To pay by credit card please call us: 563-359-1099
Questions? Contact: Shari Baker Director of Marketing & Communications 563-359-1099
[email protected] Amy Kolner Marketing Assistant 563-359-1099
[email protected]
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Women’s Leadership Development Des Moines 2017
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2015 Small Business of the Year Impact Award Winner Iowa Targeted Small Business Women owned Proud Member of the Johnston Chamber of Commerce
A program for women seeking to build stronger leadership skills.
Integrity Integrated, Inc. 1019 Mound Street, Ste. 203 Davenport, IA 52803
Prepare for the next level with... Inspiration Who should attend? Mid- to senior-level professional women who want to take the next step in their journey to becoming a stronger leader.
Logistics Program will meet once a month for 12 months from noon – 2 p.m.
Program Intention
Evaluate strengths, benefits and differences in leadership regarding the effects of gender to provide clarity within an organization.
“The phrase, “once in a blue moon” describes the day I was introduced to Ginny Wilson-Peters. I am reminded of those chance encounters I have had in my life that profoundly impact me and leave me with a higher sense of purpose. Ginny’s Leadership Development program is for those business professionals on their journey to discover their own unique leadership style. Ginny will show you how to develop an action plan so your “star” will shine above a silvery moon.”
Whether your goal is to reach the CEO level or simply to sharpen the skills necessary to rise in your organization, this program can help.
- Deb Burt MRC Laboratory Shift Supervisor Bridgestone Americas Tire Operations
Designed to create a stimulating and unique environment for you to grow through personal reflection, exercises and group interactions, this program provides the inspiration you need to excel.
Support Meet your coach… Ginny Wilson-Peters
Guidance Participants benefit from: Enhanced self-awareness of personal strengths
and developmental needs. Tools and philosophy for leading with authenticity. Tools and philosophy for making effective work/life balance choices. Skills for the art of giving and receiving constructive feedback. Strategies for using your power and influence more effectively. A network of women who will be supportive for years to come.
As President and Owner of Integrity Integrated, Ginny Wilson-Peters shares her passion and leadership expertise with others by coaching, teaching, and consulting with businesses leaders locally, regionally, and around the world. Ginny is also a lecturer for the University of Iowa Evening MBA Program and teaches in the Quad Cities and Cedar Rapids in addition to other sites in Iowa and several international locations. She has taught courses on leadership & personal development and organizational management for more than 17 years. In 2011, Ginny was named an ATHENA honoree by The Women’s Connection and the Quad Cities Chamber of Commerce. This award recognizes women who excel in their careers, make a significant difference in their community, and assist other women in realizing their full leadership potential.
“The Women’s Leadership Development program was just the impetus I needed to get my day to day activities aligned with my bigger life priorities. The reading and classes were always informative and thought provoking. Ginny’s life story is a great leadership testimony, combined with her expertise and research, this program provides the building blocks to focus on the immediate actions you can take in order to improve your personal leadership skills. I am privileged to have had the opportunity to participate.” - Kristie Oliver Executive Director Coalition for Family & Children’s Services in Iowa
Professional coaching brings many benefits: fresh perspectives on personal challenges, enhanced decision-making skills, greater interpersonal effectiveness, and increased confidence. One-on-one coaching sessions may begin at any time!